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The human natural killer cell immune synapse   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16       下载免费PDF全文
Inhibitory killer Ig-like receptors (KIR) at the surface of natural killer (NK) cells induced clustering of HLA-C at the contacting surface of target cells. In this manner, inhibitory immune synapses were formed as human NK cells surveyed target cells. At target/NK cell synapses, HLA-C/KIR distributed into rings around central patches of intercellular adhesion molecule-1/lymphocyte function-associated antigen-1, the opposite orientation to mature murine T cell-activating synapses. This organization of protein was stable for at least 20 min. Cells could support multiple synapses simultaneously, and clusters of HLA-C moved as NK cells crawled over target cells. Clustering required a divalent metal cation, explaining how metal chelators inhibit KIR function. Surprisingly, however, formation of inhibitory synapses was unaffected by ATP depletion and the cytoskeletal inhibitors, colchicine and cytochalsins B and D. Clearly, supramolecular organization within plasma membranes is critical for NK cell immunosurveillance.  相似文献   

肝癌是最常见的恶性肿瘤之一,预后差,复发率高。免疫治疗已成为继手术、放疗、化疗后的第四种治疗模式,其中自然杀伤细胞可以在细胞、分子及基因水平抑制肿瘤转移及复发,在肝癌的免疫治疗中起关键性作用,在开展新的治疗模式以及提高肝癌患者生活质量方面具有很广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

Ultrastructural analysis of human natural killer cell activation   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In this study we describe characteristic ultrastructural changes of CD3- large granular lymphocytes (LGL), ie, natural killer (NK) cells, following stimulation with recombinant (r) interleukin 2 (IL 2) or r- gamma interferon (r-gamma IFN) and after interaction with K562 target cells (TC) or Sepharose-bound anti-Fc gamma receptor (FcR) monoclonal antibody (MoAb). When compared to resting cells the cytolytic activity of r-IL 2- and r-gamma IFN-stimulated cells against K562 TC was enhanced. The r-IL 2-stimulated LGL were larger and consistently displayed the shape and cytoskeletal rearrangement characteristic of activated cells. The Golgi apparatus was expanded, and the number of electron-dense granules and vesicles was increased. The ultrastructural changes in r-gamma IFN-stimulated LGL were markedly different from those observed following r-IL 2 activation. Cells did not exhibit changes in size, shape, cytoskeletal organization, or in the structure of the Golgi apparatus. However, r-gamma IFN-stimulated cells exhibited distinctive changes in the structure and content of electron-dense granules with deaggregation of the matrix and parallel tubular arrays (PTAs). Within organelles apparently derived from the electron-dense granules, vesicular and tubular structures were noted that may be the morphological equivalent of cytotoxic factors produced by cytolytic effector cells. These ultrastructural observations indicate that r-IL 2 and r-gamma IFN enhance the lytic ability of NK cells by acting on distinct cell machineries. The cytolytic ability was decreased when LGL were pretreated with K562 TC or immobilized anti-FcR antibody. In both experimental conditions cells displayed ultrastructural features indicating activation as well as loss of cytoplasmic granules and other Golgi-derived organelles. Stimulation of r-gamma IFN- or r-IL 2- activated LGL with K562 TC or Sepharose-bound anti-FcR antibody decreased their cytolytic ability, with cells depleted of granules at the ultrastructural level. Intracytoplasmic fusion of granules and a massive release of the granule content were found in r-IL 2-stimulated cells, reminiscent of the mechanism of basophil degranulation. These observations suggest that multiple activation signals involving distinct surface membrane molecules induce release of cytolytic factors by both resting and activated NK cells.  相似文献   

The risk of disease associated with persistent virus infections such as HIV-I, hepatitis B and C, and human T-lymphotropic virus-I (HTLV-I) is strongly determined by the virus load. However, it is not known whether a persistent class I HLA-restricted antiviral cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) response reduces viral load and is therefore beneficial or causes tissue damage and contributes to disease pathogenesis. HTLV-I-associated myelopathy (HAM/TSP) patients have a high virus load compared with asymptomatic HTLV-I carriers. We hypothesized that HLA alleles control HTLV-I provirus load and thus influence susceptibility to HAM/TSP. Here we show that, after infection with HTLV-I, the class I allele HLA-A*02 halves the odds of HAM/TSP (P < 0.0001), preventing 28% of potential cases of HAM/TSP. Furthermore, HLA-A*02(+) healthy HTLV-I carriers have a proviral load one-third that (P = 0.014) of HLA-A*02(-) HTLV-I carriers. An association of HLA-DRB1*0101 with disease susceptibility also was identified, which doubled the odds of HAM/TSP in the absence of the protective effect of HLA-A*02. These data have implications for other persistent virus infections in which virus load is associated with prognosis and imply that an efficient antiviral CTL response can reduce virus load and so prevent disease in persistent virus infections.  相似文献   

Anti-RhD antibodies are widely used in clinical practice to prevent immunization against RhD, principally in hemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn. Intriguingly, this disease is induced by production of the very same antibodies when an RhD negative woman is pregnant with an RhD positive fetus. Despite over five decades of use, the mechanism of this treatment is, surprisingly, still unclear. Here we show that anti-RhD antibodies induce human natural killer (NK) cell degranulation. Mechanistically, we demonstrate that NK cell degranulation is mediated by binding of the Fc segment of anti-RhD antibodies to CD16, the main Fcγ receptor expressed on NK cells. We found that this CD16 activation is dependent upon glycosylation of the anti-RhD antibodies. Furthermore, we show that anti-RhD antibodies induce NK cell degranulation in vivo in patients who receive this treatment prophylactically. Finally, we demonstrate that the anti-RhD drug KamRho enhances the killing of dendritic cells. We suggest that this killing leads to reduced activation of adaptive immunity and may therefore affect the production of anti-RhD antibodies  相似文献   

The discovery that killer cell immunoglobulin-like receptors (KIR) interact with genetically polymorphic epitopes on class I human leucocyte antigen (HLA) molecules and that the KIR receptor repertoire itself is genetically variable has led to investigation of the relevance of the KIR system to stem cell transplantation. A number of retrospective studies of transplant outcome have now demonstrated either beneficial or deleterious effects of mismatching for class I natural killer (NK) epitopes. A smaller number of studies have shown effects of the donor and/or patient KIR repertoire on outcome, irrespective of the patient and donor HLA type. The most parsimonious interpretation of the data, which are often conflicting, is that the effect of NK epitope matching is very much dependent on transplant protocols, with the extent of donor T-cell depletion possibly being the most important variable. A clearer picture of the role of matching for NK epitopes and the KIR-receptor repertoire of the donor is needed.  相似文献   

Objective. To determine the ability of T lymphocytes and natural killer (NK) cells from patients with systemic sclerosis (SSc) to respond to cytokines and to generate immune effector cells. Methods. The numbers and percentages of peripheral blood T and NK cells were examined by 2-color flow cytometry, and NK and lymphokine-activated killer (LAK) cell function were measured in 4-hour 51Cr-release assays, in 34 patients with SSc. The patients were categorized into 3 subgroups: 10 had diffuse cutaneous disease of ≤3 years disease duration, 11 had diffuse cutaneous SSc of >3 years duration, and 13 had limited cutaneous disease. Results. Baseline and activated NK and T cell numbers and NK activity were normal in SSc patients. However, mean LAK activity was significantly depressed in all SSc subgroups. Conclusion. Decreased LAK cell function, despite normal numbers of circulating T and NK cells, indicates that SSc patients have poor ability to produce effector cells in response to interleukin-2.  相似文献   

Natural killer (NK) cells form three functionally distinct populations of effectors: competent cytolytic effectors able to bind and kill target cells and two subsets of nonlytic effectors, one able and the other unable to bind target cells. A flow cytometric method was developed, based on size and two-color fluorescence of NK cell-target conjugates, for the characterization and sorting of highly purified subpopulations--killer cells, nonkiller binder cells, and free cells. Ultrastructural examination revealed that granule content was reduced in the killer cells and absent in most of the binder cells. Quantitative differences in the expression level of HLA class I, CD11b (C3bi receptor), and CD16 (receptor for the Fc portion of IgG) antigens could differentiate the subsets. The killer phenotype was HLAlo, CD11bvery hi, and CD16very lo; the binder phenotype was CD11bhi and CD16lo; and the free-cell phenotype was CD11blo and CD16hi. Cell activation was not requisite for lytic function because no difference in either expression of activation markers or cell cycle could be established among the sorted subpopulations. Although recycling function was inhibited, retention of lytic activity was enriched 4-fold in the sorted killer cell population. These results represent characterization of a successful bulk isolation of competent killer, nonkiller binder, and free cells in human NK-cell populations and should aid our understanding of NK-cell development, lineage, and function.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE. To determine the ability of T lymphocytes and natural killer (NK) cells from patients with systemic sclerosis (SSc) to respond to cytokines and to generate immune effector cells. METHODS. The numbers and percentages of peripheral blood T and NK cells were examined by 2-color flow cytometry, and NK and lymphokine-activated killer (LAK) cell function were measured in 4-hour 51Cr-release assays, in 34 patients with SSc. The patients were categorized into 3 subgroups: 10 had diffuse cutaneous disease of less than or equal to 3 years disease duration, 11 had diffuse cutaneous SSc of greater than 3 years duration, and 13 had limited cutaneous disease. RESULTS. Baseline and activated NK and T cell numbers and NK activity were normal in SSc patients. However, mean LAK activity was significantly depressed in all SSc subgroups. CONCLUSION. Decreased LAK cell function, despite normal numbers of circulating T and NK cells, indicates that SSc patients have poor ability to produce effector cells in response to interleukin-2.  相似文献   

AIM: To determine if natural killer T cell (NKT) populations are affected in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). METHODS: Patients undergoing bariatric surgery underwent liver biopsy and blood sampling during surgery. The biopsy was assessed for steatosis and immunocyte infiltration. Intrahepatic lymphocytes (IHLs) were isolated from the remainder of the liver biopsy, and peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) were isolated from the blood. Expression of surface proteins on both IHLs and PBMCs were...  相似文献   

Studies of natural killer (NK) cell function in vivo have been challenging primarily due to the lack of animal models in which NK cells are genetically and selectively deficient. Here, we describe a transgenic mouse with defective natural killing and selective deficiency in NK1.1(+) CD3(-) cells. Despite functionally normal B, T, and NK/T cells, transgenic mice displayed impaired acute in vivo rejection of tumor cells. Adoptive transfer experiments confirmed that NK1.1(+) CD3(-) cells were responsible for acute tumor rejection, establishing the relationship of NK1.1(+) CD3(-) cells to NK cells. Additional studies provided evidence that (i) NK cells play an important role in suppressing tumor metastasis and outgrowth; (ii) NK cells are major producers of IFNgamma in response to bacterial endotoxin but not to interleukin-12, and; (iii) NK cells are not essential for humoral responses to T cell-independent type 2 antigen or the generalized Shwartzman reaction, both of which were previously proposed to involve NK cells.  相似文献   

Natural killer (NK) cells are innate lymphocytes that play an important role against viral infections and cancer. This effect is achieved through a complex mosaic of inhibitory and activating receptors expressed by NK cells that ultimately determine the magnitude of the NK-cell response. The T-cell immunoglobulin- and mucin domain-containing (Tim)-3 receptor was initially identified as a T-helper 1-specific type I membrane protein involved in regulating T-cell responses. Human NK cells transcribe the highest amounts of Tim-3 among lymphocytes. Tim-3 protein is expressed on essentially all mature CD56(dim)CD16(+) NK cells and is expressed heterogeneously in the immature CD56(bright)CD16(-) NK-cell subset in blood from healthy adults and in cord blood. Tim-3 expression was induced on CD56(bright)CD16(-) NK cells after stimulation with IL-15 or IL-12 and IL-18 in vitro, suggesting that Tim-3 is a maturation marker on NK cells. Whereas Tim-3 has been used to identify dysfunctional T cells, NK cells expressing high amounts of Tim-3 are fully responsive with respect to cytokine production and cytotoxicity. However, when Tim-3 was cross-linked with antibodies it suppressed NK cell-mediated cytotoxicity. These findings suggest that NK-cell responses may be negatively regulated when NK cells encounter target cells expressing cognate ligands of Tim-3.  相似文献   

Invariant natural killer T (iNKT) cells are a subset of nonconventional T cells recognizing endogenous and/or exogenous glycolipid antigens in the context of CD1d molecules. It remains unclear whether innate stimuli can modify the profile of endogenous lipids recognized by iNKT cells on the surface of antigen-presenting cells (APCs). We report that activation of human APCs by Toll-like receptor ligands (TLR-L) modulates the lipid biosynthetic pathway, resulting in enhanced recognition of CD1d-associated lipids by iNKT cells, as defined by IFN-gamma secretion. APC-derived soluble factors further increase CD1d-restricted iNKT cell activation. Finally, using soluble tetrameric iNKT T cell receptors (TCR) as a staining reagent, we demonstrate specific up-regulation of CD1d-bound ligand(s) on TLR-mediated APC maturation. The ability of innate stimuli to modulate the lipid profile of APCs resulting in iNKT cell activation and APC maturation underscores the role of iNKT cells in assisting priming of antigen-specific immune responses.  相似文献   

Human natural killer cell development and biology   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Natural killer cells are important innate immune effector cells with potentially broad applications in the treatment of human malignancy due to their ability to lyse neoplastic cells without the need for tumor-specific antigen recognition. Human NK cells can be divided into two functional subsets based on their surface expression of CD56; CD56(bright) immunoregulatory cells and CD56(dim) cytotoxic cells. In addition to functional differences, these NK cell subsets can be modulated differently by interleukin (IL)-2, which has permitted the development of lower dose, better tolerated IL-2 regimens for the in vivo expansion and activation of NK cells. The importance of early hematopoietic growth factors, such as c-kit ligand and flt-3 ligand, and their synergy with IL-15 in the development of human NK cells in the bone marrow has permitted the investigation of novel cytokine combinations for optimizing in vivo expansion of NK cell in the clinic. The importance of lymph nodes as a site for NK cell development has recently been elucidated. Furthermore, progress in the field of how NK cell recognize target cells via activating and inhibitory receptors, and how the balance of signals from these receptors can modulate NK cell activity has revolutionized our understanding of the selective killing of tumor cells by NK cells while sparing normal cells. In this review, we summarize current understanding of NK cell biology, and highlight how such knowledge may be translated to optimize the efficacy of using autologous or allogeneic NK cell for the immunotherapy of cancer.  相似文献   

The role of natural killer (NK) cells in multiple myeloma is not fully understood. Here, NK susceptibility of myeloma cells derived from distinct disease stages was evaluated in relation to major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I, MHC class I chain-related protein A (MICA), MHC class I chain-related protein B (MICB), and UL16 binding protein (ULBP) expression. MHC class I molecules were hardly detectable on bone marrow cells of early-stage myeloma, while late-stage pleural effusion-derived cell lines showed a strong MHC class I expression. Conversely, a high MICA level was found on bone marrow myeloma cells, while it was low or not measurable on pleural effusion myeloma cells. The reciprocal surface expression of these molecules on bone marrow- and pleural effusion-derived cell was confirmed at mRNA levels. While bone marrow-derived myeloma cells were readily recognized by NK cells, pleural effusion-derived lines were resistant. NK protection of pleural effusion cells was MHC class I dependent. Receptor blocking experiments demonstrated that natural cytotoxicity receptor (NCR) and NK receptor member D of the lectin-like receptor family (NKG2D) were the key NK activating receptors for bone marrow-derived myeloma cell recognition. In ex vivo experiments patient's autologous fresh NK cells recognized bone marrow-derived myeloma cells. Our data support the hypothesis that NK cell cytotoxicity could sculpture myeloma and represents an important immune effector mechanism in controlling its intramedullary stages.  相似文献   

Variable manifestation in natural killer cell leukaemia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Natural killer (NK) cell leukaemias are a relatively rare group of haematological disorders, now entitled in the T/NK lymphoproliferative disorders in the new WHO classification. Recent studies have clarified their biological and clinical manifestation gradually. However, some cases with NK malignancies still remain difficult to diagnose and differentiate into their subtypes in the absence of a distinct diagnostic hallmark, especially at initial presentation. We describe herein five patients with NK leukaemias with respect to the clinical, cytological, immunological and cytogenetic characteristics, varied among each case. Cytologically, two aggressive NK cell leukaemia/lymphoma (ANKL/L) cases were a morphologically hypogranular variant form. Clinically, one with ANKL/L was presented as haemophagocytic syndrome without leukaemic infiltration. Systemic chemotherapy resulted in complete remission in one ANKL/L and two blastic NK cell leukaemia/lymphoma (BNKL/L) patients; however, a good long-term outcome was achieved in only one CD4-positive BNKL/L patient with allogenic bone marrow transplantation. Cytogenetic analysis revealed that recurrent chromosomal aberration was rare; however, two had aberrations at 10p11 and 11q13. From these findings, we conclude that comprehensive individual studies should be carried out in these patients to obtain a correct diagnosis and to design an optimal therapeutic approach.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Patients with systemic autoimmune diseases have been reported to have reduced numbers of peripheral blood natural killer (NK) cells compared with healthy subjects. The ability of selected cytokines to trigger NK cell death prompted us to compare the levels of peripheral blood cytokines with the numbers of NK cells in patients with various systemic autoimmune diseases. METHODS: We used enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays to measure the concentration of selected cytokines (interleukin-18 [IL-18], IL-15, IL-12, IL-2, interferon-gamma [IFNgamma], and tumor necrosis factor alpha [TNFalpha]) in sera from 58 patients with systemic autoimmune diseases and 33 healthy controls. The absolute number of T cells and NK cells in the peripheral blood was measured in parallel using flow cytometry. The ability of selected cytokines to induce NK cell death was then measured using 3,3'-dihexyloxacarbocyanine iodide dye, propidium iodide staining, and caspase 3 activity. RESULTS: Levels of IL-18, IL-15, IFNgamma, and TNFalpha were elevated in sera from patients with systemic autoimmune diseases compared with normal controls. The percentage of NK cells and natural killer T cells were significantly decreased in the peripheral blood of patients with systemic autoimmune diseases compared with normal controls. Serum concentrations of IL-18, IL-15, and TNFalpha were inversely related to the number of NK cells in both patients and healthy controls. The combination of IL-18 and IL-15 or IL-18 and IL-12 induced NK cell death in vitro. The combination of IL-18 and IL-15 or IL-18 and IL-12 enhanced IFNgamma and TNFalpha production by NK cells in vitro. Cytokine-induced NK cell death is caspase-dependent and is partially blocked by neutralizing antibodies against TNFalpha. CONCLUSION: High levels of IL-18 and IL-15 are associated with the decreased number of NK cells that is observed in patients with systemic autoimmune diseases.  相似文献   

Natural killer (NK) cell lymphomas and leukemias are aggressive neoplasms. Clinically, they can be classified into nasal, non-nasal and lymphoma/leukemia subtypes. Treatment results are unfavorable. High-dose chemotherapy and hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) may improve patient outcome. For autologous HSCT, a critical review of the literature shows that most patients with nasal NK cell lymphoma in complete remission (CR) appear to do well without HSCT. However, patients with refractory diseases and untreated relapses have poor outcome with HSCT. Therefore, identification of patients with nasal NK cell lymphoma in CR who are at high risk of relapse may be necessary before autologous HSCT can be recommended. Patients with disseminated nasal NK cell lymphoma, non-nasal NK cell lymphoma and NK cell leukemia have poor outcome with autologous HSCT. Allogeneic HSCT may be beneficial to these patients. Most of the reported cases have been performed from HLA-identical sibling donors, and data on alternative HSC sources including matched unrelated donors and umbilical cord blood are very limited. Continuous efforts should be devoted to risk stratification for identifying high-risk individuals for HSCT, and defining the optimal conditioning regimen for NK cell lymphomas.  相似文献   

Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) infections are commonly associated with immunosuppression. A direct effect of this virus on lymphocyte functions in vitro, however, has not been shown. We have been investigating the effects of low-passage, fresh isolates of HCMV (cell-free and cell-associated) on natural killer cell (NK) activity and T cell proliferation. Cell-associated, low-passage isolates of HCMV markedly depressed NK activity. Suppression of NK activity was clearly manifested only after seven days of culture and could not be correlated with titer of virus or cell viability. Addition of interferon-alpha (IFN-alpha) but not interleukin-2 (IL-2) partially reconstituted the response, whereas depletion of infected monocytes prevented inhibition of NK-mediated lysis. The effects of cell-free and cell-associated isolates of HCMV on T cell proliferation differed in several respects from suppression of NK activity. Both cell-associated and cell-free isolates of HCMV completely abrogated antigen-specific and mitogen responses. This effect was apparent after only three days of culture with virus and was not reversed by either IFN or IL-2. Cell-associated strain AD169 also induced suppression but to a lesser extent. From observations reported here and other data, we suggest that HCMV can cause direct suppression of lymphocyte functions.  相似文献   

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