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目的:探讨山楂胃石的形成机制。方法:将新鲜的胃液、稀盐酸、蒸馏水及碳酸氢钠溶液加入经咀嚼或人工捏碎揉合的成熟或不成熟山楂团,进行11组不同的体外实验。笔者3次空腹食入鲜山楂行体内实验,并行X线追踪观察。结果:山楂团在酸性甚至中性实验液中,15 min内即可凝结成块,而在碱性实验液中有崩解现象。体内实验见胃内多发性活动性充盈缺损,十二指肠壶腹部及空肠亦可出现充盈缺损征象。结论:山楂酸的凝聚性是形成山楂胃石的内在因素;酸性胃液是形成山楂胃石的生化内环境;空腹食入不成熟的鲜山楂、胃排空减慢的各种因素是其形成的重要外因;饮酒和浓茶可刺激胃酸分泌,对胃石的形成有促进作用。  相似文献   

目的:初步探索在高原现场进行体外动物细胞培养的可行性。方法:采用成年家兔肝细胞进行体外原代培养,观察细胞形态及培养上清中ALB和AFP水平变化。结果:细胞接种4h开始贴壁,8h开始增殖,胞内核数目增多,6d已生长满瓶;培养上清中ALB及AFP水平均呈现显著升高,其达峰值时间分别为8d和6d。结论:体外培养肝细胞生长、增殖及其生物学功能良好,提示在本驻地海拔高度条件下能够进行体外动物细胞培养。  相似文献   

aFGF重组腺病毒体外诱导血管新生的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
顾俊彦  黄盛东  梅举  张宝仁 《解放军医学杂志》2002,27(12):1053-1054,F003
促血管生长因子可以刺激内皮细胞分裂、分化,诱导血管新生。为探讨其基因转染是否具有相同的作用,作者用构建好的携带人酸性成纤维细胞生长因子(aFGF)DNA的重组腺病毒载体(Ad.aFGF)转染人脐静脉内皮细胞(HUVECs)。免疫荧光染色表明,转染了Ad.aFGF的HUVECs有明显的aFGF表达;ELISA检测显示aFGF能分泌至细胞外;MTT实验显示Ad.aFGF转染后HUVECs显著增生,并且当它们种植于Matrigel基质时可分化形成毛细血管样结构,对照组则无此现象。这些结果说明Ad.aFGF在体外具有促进血管新生的作用,这为其应用于体内刺激侧支血管的生长提供了实验依据。  相似文献   

目的 建立培养肝细胞牵张损伤模型,探讨肝细胞损伤、细胞骨架和粘弹性的改变及其发生机制。方法:用BioFlex培养皿培养原代肝细胞贴壁生长后,通过小型生物撞击机分别以驱动压力150kPa、250kPa牵张损伤细胞。然后对正常肝细胞及牵张损伤后肝细胞骨架Factin微丝排列及分布变化在激光共聚焦显微镜下进行形态学观察,同时测定肝细胞的粘弹性。结果 牵张损伤后肝细胞微丝大部分断裂,网状结构消失,收缩呈絮状,或遗留粗大的微丝束,粘弹性显著降低。结论 肝细胞粘弹性显著降低与细胞骨架的损伤断裂,可能是细胞损伤力学特性变化的分子生物学机制。  相似文献   

乙型肝炎体外实验模型的方法学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 本研究拟在原有体外模型,如体外鸭原代肝细胞培养模型、大鼠原代肝细胞培养和HBV基因转染人肝癌细胞系-2215细胞培养模型的基础上,对相关实验方法和内容进行改进,以便为防治乙肝药物的应用研究提供比较理想的实验方法.方法 根据乙型肝炎的病症和乙肝病毒感染的特点,分别以嗜肝DNA病毒感染鸭的原代肝细胞、HBV基因转染人肝癌细胞系-2215细胞和CCl4熏染大鼠原代肝细胞体外培养试验,观察肝原代细胞培养后的存活状态、DHBV-DNA和ALT的水平.结果 受染后的鸭、2215细胞和鼠原代肝细胞存活时间较未染细胞明显缩短,DHBV-DNA和ALT的水平显著升高.结论 改进后的乙肝鸭原代肝细胞培养、CCl4熏染大鼠原代肝细胞培养和人肝癌2215细胞体外培养模型稳定,重复性好,适用于防治乙型肝炎有效药物的筛选和研究.  相似文献   

食蟹猴骨髓基质干细胞体外诱导分化的实验研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
为观察食蟹猴骨髓基质干细胞(BMSC)体外培养及诱导分化情况,分离食蟹猴的BMSC,以神经干细胞培养液和分化诱导因子进行体外培养和诱导分化。结果发现,分离得到的食蟹猴BMSC能在体外培养中增殖,分化,这些具有克隆能力的BMSC能表达神经干细胞特异性抗原Nestin,并能进一步诱导分化出胶质细胞样细胞和神经元样细胞,免疫细胞化学检测可见有GFAP和NSE抗原表达。提示灵长类BMSC是多分化潜能细胞,具有较强的自我更新和多分化能力,在适当的诱导分化条件下可形成具有神经系细胞(神经元和神经胶质细胞)特征的细胞;BMSC可作为神经干细胞的种子细胞。  相似文献   

体外冲击波治疗骨不连及其X线分析的实验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 应用体外冲击波治疗骨不连 ,了解其对骨不连愈合的影响及其在X线方面的表现。材料与方法 选用日本大耳白兔制作肥大型骨不连模型 ,分治疗组和对照组。利用体外冲击波行治疗组骨不连断端治疗 ,定期摄片观察。通过计算机扫描和处理 ,测量骨不连间隙变化 ,并行统计学t检验。结果 冲击波治疗前、后 2 4小时内治疗组骨不连间隙较对照组变窄 0 .66±0 .2 4mm ,统计学上有非常显著性差异 (P <0 .0 0 1) ;治疗 12周 ,治疗组骨不连愈合较对照组好 ,有非常显著性差异 (P <0 .0 1)。结论 体外冲击波治疗肥大型骨不连具有较好的疗效 ,其有望成为一种较好的骨不连非手术治疗方法。  相似文献   

田小军  姜燕 《武警医学》1997,8(2):96-96
山楂冲剂中以甜菊甙代糖的研究武警山东总队医院药剂科田小军姜燕(济南250101)关键词山楂冲剂甜菊甙白砂糖制剂革新山楂冲剂是由山楂、陈皮水煎浓缩成膏后加适量糊精、白砂糖粉加工制作而成,具有理气、健脾、助消化的功能,可用于防暑、解渴、食欲不振、消化不良...  相似文献   

运动和山楂对大鼠高脂血症的治疗作用及其机理的研究   总被引:30,自引:3,他引:27  
对于已经形成高脂血症的大鼠 ,有氧运动和山楂有一定的治疗作用 ,以有氧运动结合降脂食品山楂的作用效果最好。山楂组大鼠的TC和ApoB水平显著低于高脂对照组 ,有氧运动组大鼠的TG和ApoB水平显著低于高脂饲料组 ,ApoAI水平显著升高。山楂组大鼠肝细胞SOD水平显著升高 ,而MDA水平显著下降。山楂和运动两者都可以下调主动脉壁LDLRmRNA的表达 ,同时上调肝脏LDLR的基因转录和蛋白表达 ,减少脂质在血管壁的沉积 ,促进清除。山楂和运动联合作用组大鼠血浆的TC ,TG ,LDL ,ApoAI和ApoB水平都比高脂组有显著改善 ,抗氧化能力增强 ,脂质沉积减少 ,清除增强 ,提示对高脂血症的治疗应采取多因素协同的方法增强疗效。  相似文献   

颅脑火器伤的实验研究现状   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
颅脑火器伤具有死亡率,致残率高和救治难度大等特点,历来是战,创伤研究的重点之一,新技术的应用为颅脑火器伤的研究提供了有效的手段,随着研究的不断深入,人们对脑火器伤致机理有新的认识,本语文就有关颅脑火器伤的实验研究做了概要介绍。  相似文献   

Objective To study whether there was a common pattern of clinical symptoms, signs and radiographic features for the dissociation of the polyethylene liner from an acetabular component and to postulate reasons for these features.Design and patients Retrospective study of notes and radiographs of cases of revision hip arthroplasty for polyethylene liner dissociation of the cementless Harris–Galante I porous-coated acetabular component (Zimmer Inc, Warsaw, IN) at the Avon Orthopaedic Centre, Bristol, UK and St. Marys Hospital, Bristol, UK between 1995 and 2004. Patients were contacted to confirm preoperative symptoms.Results Nine cases of late polyethylene liner dissociation of this prosthesis have been revised in these institutions. All patients presented with a reduction in mobility, groin pain and limp. Eight patients reported an audible noise on hip movement. In all cases, radiographs showed radiolucency medial to the femoral neck in association with an eccentrically placed femoral head showing contact with the acetabular metal shell, which we have termed the crescent sign.Conclusions There is a typical clinical presentation in this study. The diagnosis can be made from a single anteroposterior pelvic radiograph without the need for previous films for comparison, or the need for arthrography. Clinicians should look specifically for the crescent sign when an eccentrically placed femoral head has been noted, in order to differentiate the more unusual diagnosis of dissociation from that of polyethylene wear. Early revision surgery can prevent damage to the femoral head and metal acetabular shell, thus reducing the complexity of revision surgery.  相似文献   

本实验应用X线——病理对照的方法,研究了75例胃癌界面X线表现同胃癌生物学行为的关系。实验表明:不同界面类型同胃癌的大体类型,生长方式和组织学类型有明显的关系,根据界面的X线表现可在一定程度上推测胃癌的生物学行为。  相似文献   

彩色多普勒超声对胎鼠小肠上皮细胞凋亡影响的实验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的 :探讨彩色多普勒超声对胎鼠小肠粘膜上皮细胞是否构成影响。方法 :2 4只孕 14天SD大鼠按彩超辐照时间不同随机等分为四组 :Ⅰ组 (对照组 ) ,Ⅱ组 (照射 10min组 ) ,Ⅲ组 (照射 2 0min组 ) ,Ⅳ组 (照射 30min组 )。仪器采用Accuson公司Sequeoia 5 12型彩色电脑声像仪 ,照射条件 :4V1探头 ,二维频率H3.0MHz ,彩色频率 3.0MHz,Tis=1.8,Micd =1.6。照射后 2 4h取胎鼠小肠标本 ,HE染色光镜观察 ,TUNEL法检测凋亡细胞 ,透射电镜观察超微结构的变化。结果 :各组光镜下观察均未见异常 ,TUNEL法检测结果 ,Ⅰ组及Ⅱ组胎鼠小肠上皮可见散在凋亡细胞 ,Ⅲ组及Ⅳ组凋亡细胞明显增多。Ⅲ组及Ⅳ组荧光强度与Ⅰ组有显著差异 (ⅢvsIP <0 .0 5 ,IVvsIP <0 .0 1) ,荧光强度与照射时间呈正相关 (P <0 0 1) ,(r=0 .5 71)。Ⅳ组标本电镜检查发现核染色质浓缩边集 ,内质网及线粒体肿胀等超微结构变化。结论 :彩色多普勒超声照射孕鼠 2 0min以上可引起胎鼠小肠粘膜上皮细胞凋亡。  相似文献   

消癌平对SGC—7901胃癌细胞的作用及机制的实验研究   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33  
目的:探讨消癌平治疗胃癌的肿瘤细胞抑制作用的机制。方法:1.观察不同浓度消癌平对SGC-7901胃癌细胞的抑制率并进行体外抑制试验;2.以取对数生长期的SGC-7901细胞,浓缩体积到1ml,先后加入纤维蛋白原和凝血酶工作液使之细胞凝块,并将其切成等体积小块,将瘤体置于昆明种水鼠肾囊下。移植后次日开始采用消癌平0.4,0.6,0.8ml/kg浓度腹腔内注射,连续7d。注射后第8天处死小鼠,于显微镜下测量肿瘤的各径,以计算肿瘤体积和肿瘤抑制率,探讨对人胃癌SGC-7901细胞生长的抑制作用;3.采用流质细胞仪观察消癌平对人体胃癌SGC-7901细胞株的抑制机制。结果:1.体外抑制试验:消癌平50,40,30,20,10mg/ml浓度时对SGC-7901胃癌细胞的抑制率为100%,50%,29%,19%和15%,与空白对照组差异明显。其高浓度的抑制率与HCPT(98%)相仿,药物作用7d后的IC50为21mg/ml。2.昆明种水鼠胃癌细胞株移植后,采用的消癌平为0.4,0.6,0.8ml/kg,腹腔内注射的肿瘤抑制率为50%,53%,71%。Logit法计算消癌平对荷瘤小鼠的ED50为0.44/kg,t检验表明各用药剂量组的抑瘤率与空白对照组比较有显著差异,高剂量时消癌平的抑瘤率(71%)与阳性对照组5-Fu的抑瘤率(76%)相似。消癌平各组给药后体重和毛色均无明显改变;3.消癌平治疗后胃癌细胞株的各期分布为G0-G1期:65.70%,G2-M期为16.22%,S期18.09%,G2/G1=1.86;形态学检查显示,消癌平作用7d后核浆比例缩小。结论:消癌平对胃癌细胞有较好的抑制作用,不适一种治疗胃肿瘤的较好中药。  相似文献   

Purpose We have been using radiofrequency ablation for the percutaneous treatment of osteoid osteoma since 2001. Frequently, lesions are located near the joint surface, involve the vertebral body or are close to major nerves. We seek to determine whether radiofrequency ablation (RFA) can be used safely in these cases. Materials and methods A total of 65 lesions were induced in 4 dogs. Each dog underwent RFA on the diaphysis of long bones, as well as femoral and humeral heads. Four different sessions were carried out by using 1- and 2-cm probes with or without a cool-tip system and by varying the timing of the procedure. Plain film, CT, and MRI were obtained. All bone samples were examined histologically. Results The dogs’ activity after the procedure was normal. No pathologic fractures occurred despite unrestricted activity of the animals. Cortical bone was always respected; therefore, articular cartilage has not been damaged. Radiological findings were characteristic. There were no significant differences in lesion size, probe type, and the duration of the procedure. The mean lesion diameter perpendicular to the electrode was 18.5 mm. Conclusions Our study confirms the insulative effect of cortical bone. RFA can be safely performed close to the joint surface without damaging the cartilage.  相似文献   

股骨头缺血坏死磁共振成像诊断的实验与临床研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
磁共振成像(MRI)已成为早期诊断股骨头缺血坏死(ANFH)最敏感、最特异的影像学方法。为探讨早期ANFH的MRI表现及其组织病理基础,国内外已有多位学者利用动物模型进行了研究。MRI在ANFH的分期、关节积液的显示及股骨头塌陷的预测等方面具有很高的价值。增强MRI能够无创伤评估股骨颈骨折后股骨头的灌注状况,从而较准确地预测由其引起的ANFH。本文就ANFH MRI诊断的实验研究与临床应用作一综述。  相似文献   



The purposes of this study are to evaluate the ex vivo and in vivo efficacy of radiofrequency ablation (RFA) on different porcine tissues by the ablation of three different sites simultaneously.

Materials and methods

A multichannel RFA system, enables three separate tumors to be ablated simultaneously, was used. RFA procedures were applied to normal porcine liver, kidney, and muscle together ex vivo (n = 12) and in vivo (n = 17). Pre-impedances, defined as baseline systemic impedances of tissues before beginning RFA, and the areas of ablation zones were measured and compared.


The areas of ablation zones among three organs had a significant difference in decreasing order as follows: liver, muscle, and kidney in the ex vivo study (p = 0.001); muscle, liver, and kidney in the in vivo study (p < 0.0001). The areas of ablation zones between ex vivo and in vivo had a significant difference in the liver and muscle (each p < 0.05). There was no significant correlation between the areas of ablation zones and pre-impedances in both studies.


Renal RFA produced the smallest ablation zone in both in vivo and ex vivo studies. Muscular RFA demonstrated the largest ablation zone in the in vivo study, and hepatic RFA showed the largest ablation zone in the ex vivo study. This variability in the tissues should be considered for performing an optimized RFA for each organ site.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to test the efficacy of four different radio-frequency ablation (RFA) systems in normal hepatic parenchyma in large animals. The RFA was applied to pig livers in vivo and to calf livers ex vivo using the Radionics cluster needle, RITA starburst XL needle, Radiotherapeutics Le Veen 4.0 needle, and the Berchtold 14-G saline-perfused 15-mm active-tip needle based on constructor specifications. The volume of tissue coagulation from RF was calculated from measurements of the vertical diameter (Dv) and transverse diameter (Dt). Lesion shape was characterized using the ratio between Dt/Dv. Radiotherapeutics and RITA produced in vivo lesion volume of 42±10, 39±4 cm3 with a reproducible spherical shape (Dt/Dv of 1.01±0.16 and 0.97±0.1, respectively). Radionics produced in vivo RF lesions volume of 29±11 cm3 with an ovoid shape (Dt/Dv 0.88±0.09). The RF lesions with the Berchtold device could not be assessed in vivo as 5 of 8 animals died during treatment. Ex vivo RF lesions had similar volumes with each system; however, the Radiotherapeutics device produced more reproducible shaped lesions than the other systems. In our experimental study, we found no difference between expandable needle systems in vivo. Cooled needles produced slightly smaller and ovoid shape in vivo lesions.  相似文献   

槐耳清膏体外抑制肝癌细胞生长的实验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 探讨槐耳清膏体外抑制肝癌细胞生长的机制. 材料与方法取对数生长期的肝癌Hep-G2细胞,分别与DMEM和含槐耳清膏不同浓度(1 mg/ml,2 mg/ml,4 mg/ml,8 mg/ml)的DMEM培养液作用24、48、72 h后,应用四甲基偶氮唑蓝(MTT)比色法检测肝癌细胞的增殖情况,用流式细胞仪检测肝癌细胞的凋亡情况. 结果 MTT比色法检测结果 显示槐耳清膏作用Hep-G2细胞后,随着槐耳清膏药物浓度的增加,肝癌细胞生长抑制率增加,呈量效关系.流式细胞仪检测结果 显示槐耳清膏诱导Hep-G2细胞的凋亡率随着槐耳清膏药物浓度的增加,作用时间的延长,其诱导Hep-G2细胞的凋亡率逐步增加. 结论 槐耳清膏体外能抑制Hep-G2细胞增殖,诱导Hep-G2细胞凋亡.槐耳清膏对肝癌有治疗作用.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess the effects of simultaneous instillation of NaCl solutions during radio-frequency ablation (RFA) on the dimension of the ablated lesion in ex vivo bovine lung tissue and in vivo rabbit lung tissue. The RFA was induced in ex vivo bovine lung tissue which was inflated with room air and in vivo rabbit lung tissue by a 500-kHz RF generator and a 17-G cooled-tip electrode. In in vivo experiments, RFA was performed using CT guidance. The RF energy was applied for 5 min with or without instillation of 0.9 or 36% NaCl solutions. The changes in tissue impedance, current, power output, and temperature of the electrode tip were automatically measured. The maximum diameter of all thermal lesions was measured perpendicular to the electrode axis by two observers. In an ex vivo study, the mean lesion diameters using 36 and 0.9% NaCl solutions were larger than those of the control group: 51±8, 34±6, and 5±2 mm (p<0. 05). In in vivo rabbit lung tissue, the mean lesion diameter with NaCl solution (15.3±3.1 mm) was larger than that of the lesion without NaCl solution (8.5±1.4 mm; p<0.05). With instillation of NaCl solutions, a marked decrease of tissue impedance (>100 Ω) and corresponding increase of current flow occurred in both ex vivo and in vivo studies. This experimental study demonstrates that RF ablation with simultaneous NaCl solution infusion of the lung is more effective in achieving coagulation necrosis than conventional RFA procedure.  相似文献   

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