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Nerve invasion is one of the biological features of pancreatic cancer, and its mechanism remains to be determined. In this paper, we report on 37 pancreatic cancer specimens observed by immunohistochemical and electron microscopical techniques. The results showed that pancreatic cancer directly invaded and destroyed the perineurium. At the early stage of disease, the peripheral nerve and synaptic membrane were easily destroyed by cancer cells, and invasion and metastasis continuously advanced along the perineural space and central side of nerves. These results suggest that the soft tissue and nerve plexus on the dorsal region of the pancreas may contribute to the recurrence of pancreatic cancer after duodenopancreatectomy.  相似文献   

Summary The ultrastructural morphology of developing chorionic villi in the marmoset monkey (Callithrix jacchus) placenta was studied in pregnant monkeys at known time intervals after ovulation. In samples obtained at 45 days after ovulation the mesoderm, which consists of primitive foetal blood vessels, is seen to extend down into cytotrophoblast columns. Syncytiotrophoblast completely surrounds maternal blood vessels and both basal laminae and endothelial cells of maternal origin show signs of disorganisation and degradation. Syncytiotrophoblast is first observed to breach the maternal circulation in samples collected from animals at 60 days after ovulation; this results in discrete haemochorial villi randomly distributed throughout the placental bed. Samples obtained at 80 days after ovulation and term placental samples (145 days after ovulation) exhibit tertiary haemochorial villi throughout the placenta, similar to those seen randomly distributed at 60 days after ovulation.  相似文献   

Summary An electronoptical study has been made of eleven placentae from cases of materno-fetal rhesus incompatibility. The characteristic findings are focal, but sometimes quite extensive, syncytial necrosis, retention of normal pinocytotic and secretory activity in the non-necrotic syncytiotrophoblast, cytotrophoblastic hyperplasia, thickening of the trophoblastic basement membrane, immature-type endothelial cells in the fetal villous vessels and thickening or lamination of the capillary basement membranes. The pathogenesis of many of these changes is not clear but there is no evidence that they are immunologically mediated. It is suggested that the syncytial necrosis may be due to narrowing of the intervillous space as a result of increased villous size, that the cytotrophoblastic hyperplasia is a response to the syncytial damage and is responsible for the changes in the trophoblastic basement membrane and that the fetal capillary changes are indicative of endothelial cell damage due, possibly, to fetal anaemia. Despite the damage suffered by the placenta in materno-fetal rhesus incompatibility there is little evidence of impaired functional efficiency.  相似文献   

Summary This study examined developmental changes in fetal membranes and placenta of Cercopithecus aethiops from a Carnegie developmental stage 12 embryo to nearterm fetuses. Ultrastructurally, yolk sac cells (endoderm and mesothelium) were similar to comparable stages in other primates. Endodermal cells had few apical microvilli, abundant rough-endoplasmic reticulum, electron dense mitochondria and dense bodies. In contrast, mesothelial cells were squamous with numerous microvilli, small mitochondria and a few short strands of rough endoplasmic reticulum. Amnion cells early in gestation were squamous with few microvilli, large glycogen deposits and poorly developed cytoplasmic components. Tight junctions and desmosomes held adjacent cells together. The basal surface was smooth and the basal lamina was distinct. As development proceeded the amniotic cells became cuboidal and possessed numerous microvilli. Cytoplasmic organelles were better developed and glycogen deposits increased by mid-gestation. A thick layer of microfibrils and collagen fibers was prominent below the basal lamina. Near-term, the glycogen had virtually disappeared and the amount of lipid droplets increased. Basal infoldings and podocytic processes and the extracellular matrix had increased. The smooth chorion consisted of pseudostratified columnar cells. Cells had short microvilli, numerous granules and vesicles of variable size and electron density in early gestation. With increasing age, amounts of granules and vesicles decreased, as the endoplasmic reticulum became prominent. The chorionic trophoblast was a continuous layer in mid-pregnancy and its cells had well-developed organelles and inclusions. Late in gestation, the trophoblastic layer became discontinuous and wide intercellular spaces and channels were present. In the placenta, the trophoblastic elements showed features characteristic of primate placenta.  相似文献   

Summary The digestive tract of Testudo graeca (Chelonia) was investigated by means of electron microscopy using both conventional and immunocytochemical techniques. EC-, L-, D-, G-, B-, N- and EC-L-cells were detected. These cells share several common ultrastructural characteristics with the endocrine cells of mammals (i.e. clear cytoplasm, prominent Golgi apparatus, secretory granules etc.). EC and D1 cells have so far not been described in the esophagus of any animal species; in the present study these cells have been observed in the esophagus of T. graeca. Of special interest was the presence of B-cells in the intestine, suggesting that the migration of B-cells from the gut to the pancreas to constitute pancreatic islets is not concluded in T. graeca. The present study demonstrates that the gut endocrine system of T. graeca is a complex structure containing a large variety of endocrine cell types similar in morphology to those found in higher vertebrates.  相似文献   

A single subcutaneous injection of monosodium-L-glutamate induces severe ultrastructural alterations in certain AChE positive parenchymal cells of the Area postrema of the adult rat. Signs of cellular degeneration include massive intracellular edema, swelling of mitochondria, vacuolization of the cisternae of the rough endoplasmic reticulum and marked alterations in the chromatin pattern of the nucleus. Identification of these cells as neurons is based on the presence of axosomatic synapses.  相似文献   

Erythema ab igne (EI) is an uncommon skin lesion caused by mild and repeated exposure to infrared sources. The aim of this study was to investigate the ultrastructural alterations in this condition. The ultrastructural study was carried out on 5-outpatients who presented typical EI of their exposed sites. Skin punch biopsies were processed for standard electron microscopy. The epidermis was hyperpigmented, with focal regressive changes of basal keratinocytes. An apparent functional activation of melanocytes with numerical increase of dendritic processes was also observed. The dermis showed abundant melanophages and occasional elastic fiber alterations similar to actinic elastosis. No alterations consistent with preneoplastic skin conditions were observed. The ultrastructural findings associated with EI seem to be nonspecific and consistent with moderate regressive changes of keratinocytes as well as a consensual melanocytic activation and elastic fiber modifications. Similar alterations can be observed in chronic actinic skin damage. This condition is presumably more benign than the ultraviolet exposure.The association of EI and premalignant skin lesions, though occasionally described, seems relatively infrequent.  相似文献   

 An ultrastructural study of the development of the sinus venosus has been carried out on seven embryos of the dogfish (Scyliorhinus canicula L.) between 10.5 and 69 mm of total length (TL). The sinus venosus appears at the end of the looping process of the cardiac tube, namely in the 10.5 mm embryo, when the heart reaches its adult tetracameral S-form. The endocardium of the smallest embryo is constituted of a single layer of cubic cells. In larger embryo, these cells progressively acquire a squamous appearance as well as electron-dense cytoplasmic inclusions. The subendocardium is progressively populated by ganglion cells, Schwann cells and bundles of amyelinic fibers that can first be recognised in the embryo of 34 mm TL. Some subendocardial mesenchymal cells located in earlier embryos close to the entrance of the ducts of Cuvier might be their ectomesenchymal progenitors. The myocardium is initially constituted of a single layer of cubic cells. In the embryos of 19, 27 and 34 mm TL, the myocardium becomes multilayered, and the myocardiocytes develop myofibrils randomly arranged throughout the sarcoplasm. In later embryos, the myocardiocytes are innervated and arranged in oval bundles surrounded by a basal lamina. The epicardium covers the sinus venosus by the retrograde migration of the epithelium already established around the atrioventricular groove and, in a lesser degree, by the adhesion of mesothelial cells that are floating free in the pericardial cavity. This process has finished in the embryo of 34 mm TL. The differentiation of the sinus venosus (including the endocardial and myocardial differentiation as well as the epicardial covering) progresses in an anteroventral-posterodorsal direction. Accepted: 12 June 1998  相似文献   

Summary The cat dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) was examined at the light- and electron-microscopic level after immunocytochemistry for GAD (the synthesizing enzyme of the inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA), to identify cells and processes with GAD-like immunoreactivity. GAD-positive perikarya were distributed throughout the A and C laminae, constituting a moderate proportion of cells in the LGN. Labeled cells were characterized by small size, scant cytoplasm, relatively large nuclei with common indentations, small mitochondria, few organelles and few strands of rough endoplasmic reticulum. Unlabeled cells were of large, medium and small size. GAD-positive terminals were identified as F1 and F2 types (Guillery's nomenclature) on the basis of their synaptic relations and ultrastructure. Labeled F2 terminals were postsynaptic to retinal (RLP) boutons and presynaptic to unlabeled dendrites in synaptic glomeruli. Labeled F1 terminals made synapses on unlabeled somata and dendrites, and on labeled dendrites and F2 terminals. Presumably, most labeled F1 terminals originate from GABAergic perigeniculate axons. Retinal (RLP) and cortico-geniculate (RSD) boutons remained unlabeled in the reative zone. These terminals made synapses with labeled and unlabeled dendrites and with labeled F2 boutons. In conjunction with previous studies on GAD-positive cells in the perigeniculate nucleus, these results provide immunocytochemical and morphological evidence suggesting that the GABAergic intrinsic and extrinsic (perigeniculate) interneurons mediate the different inhibitory phenomena which occur in relay cells of the cat LGN. The ultrastructural features and synaptic relations of GABAergic cells and processes in the cat LGN are similar to those of equivalent neural elements in the LGN of rat and monkey, suggesting general principles of organization and morphology for GABAergic neurons in the thalamus of different mammals.Supported in part by grants EY 02877 and HD 03352 from the National Institutes of Health  相似文献   

Summary An ultrastructural study of spleens from patients with a heterogeneous group of haemolytic anaemias was undertaken in order to determine whether sinus endothelial cells have erythrophagocytic ability. In most cases, sinus endothelial cells contained erythrocytes and various stages of intracellular degradation of engulfed erythrocytes were noted. Though the frequency of erythrophagocytosis varied from case to case, phagocytosis of erythrocytes by the endothelial cell was more frequent in cases in which cordal macrophages showed active erythrophagocytosis. These results suggest that the sinus endothelial cells have erythrophagocytic ability in certain pathological states, especially when the demands for the removal of defective erythrocytes are increased. However, the bulk of erythrophagocytosis is carried out by cordal macrophages, and endothelial phagocytosis has a minor significance in the development of haemolytic anaemia. Two possible processes by which erythrocytes come into contact with sinus endothelial cells are suggested.  相似文献   

The ciliary ganglia of eight healthy adult cats were studied by light and electron microscopy. The ganglion, measuring about 2 mm in length, was consistently found to be attached to the branch from the oculomotor nerve supplying the inferior oblique muscle. The number of neurons varied from 2773 to 3794 after applying Abercrombie's correction. The mean of average somal diameter of the neurons was 36.5 m (SD = 5.0 m) and the mean of somal cross-sectional area was 904.2 m2 (SD = 262.8 m2). The mean of average nuclear diameter was 13.9 urn (SD = 1.8 m) and the mean of nuclear cross-sectional area was 142.2 m2 (SD = 37.1 m2). The mean of the aspect ratios of the soma and nucleus were 1.2 (SD = 0.1) and 1.1 (SD = 0.1) respectively. The frequency distributions of these parameters were all unimodal. Under the light microscope, the Nissl granules in the neurons were prominent and were distributed peripherally, perinuclearly or randomly in the cytoplasm. Under the electron microscope, the rough endoplasmic reticulum showed a similar pattern of distribution in the cytoplasm. In some neurons, glycogen-like granules were present; these were either distributed randomly throughout the cell, or aligned in single rows in relation to sub-surface cisterns and between the cisterns of smooth and rough endoplasmic reticulum. Most of the dendrites were short protrusions from the cell body; some contained glycogen-like granules. Occasionally, the dendritic protrusions were electron-dense. All the synapses encountered were axodendritic. In most axon terminals, the synaptic vesicles were spherical and measured 30–50 nm in diameter; in some, they were flattened, measuring 50 nm by 20 nm. Some axon terminals containing either spherical or flattened synaptic vesicles also contained large dense-cored vesicles that measured 80–100 nm, while their dense core measured 40–60 nm.  相似文献   

洪伟  刘庆淮  谢平 《解剖学研究》2006,28(2):138-140
目的探讨年龄相关性白内障晶状体上皮细胞的超微结构变化。方法10例年龄相关性皮质性白内障的晶状体上皮细胞分为膨胀期组(8例)和成熟期组(2例),用日本产AEM-1200型透射电镜对其超微结构进行观察、对比。结果成熟期组晶状体上皮细胞与膨胀期组相比出现大量异型核、染色质凝缩、内质网扩张明显、线粒体肿胀、变空严重,嵴变形扭曲且大量减少或消失,呈现空泡化,且呈现明显的凋亡表现。结论晶状体上皮细胞不同时期的超微结构改变与白内障的发生发展密切相关。  相似文献   

Summary Five cases of sporadic medullary carcinoma of the thyroid (MTC) with rapidly progressive disease were studied ultrastructurally. The tumour cells had poorly differentiated C cell characteristics. They exhibited smaller secretory granules in their narrow cytoplasm. Morphometric analysis disclosed that the average diameter of the secretory granules of the cases with a poor prognosis was 173.0 nm in comparison with 254.2 nm of well differentiated cases. The granules were fewer in the poor prognostic group (1.31/µ2) than the well differentiated group (2.75/µ2). Increased free ribosomes and polysomes were noted in the cytoplasm and dispersed chromatin in the nuclei. These cases should be therefore classified as poorly differentiated MTC rather than atypical or anaplastic MTC.  相似文献   

Summary A study has been made of the ultrastructure of the lateral vestibular nucleus of the normal cat. The study includes light microscopical observations made in Golgi material. The internal structure of the various types of cells is described. The soma of the larger nerve cells is surrounded by a protoplasmic layer, constituted by astroglial sheets, dendrites and boutons; glial cell bodies are usually located outside the layer. The smaller nerve cells display few axosomatic synapses and may be in direct contact with myelinated fibres and glial perikarya. Spines are present on the soma of large and small nerve cells and on all parts of the dendrites. The proximal dendrites are usually the part of the neurons which is most amply supplied with boutons.Various types of boutons and cell junctions are described and an attempt is made to correlate the findings in electron micrographs with those made in Golgi sections.The study serves as a basis for observations made in experimental material where afferent fibres to the nucleus have been damaged.This investigation has been supported in part by Grant NB 02215-07 from the National Institute of Neurological Diseases and Blindness, US-Public Health Service. This aid is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

Summary Five localized fibrous tumours of the pleura (benign mesothelioma) were studied ultrastructurally in order to elucidate their histogenesis. The histological subtypes of this benign fibrous lesion of the visceral pleura, i.e. the cellular, the collagenous, and the hyaline, were separately analysed.The tumours are composed of undifferentiated mesenchymal cells, intermediate and differentiated fibroblasts as well as collagenous interstitial tissue. The varying distribution of these cell elements account for the various histological subtypes. Morphological similarities between the mesenchymal tumour cells and the superficial mesothelial cells, which are always separated from the true tumour tissue by an intact basement membrane, were not observed.The different cellular elements can be regarded as parts of a continuous spectrum of cytodifferentiation, in which the mature fibroblasts are derived via intermediate forms from the undifferentiated cells. It is concluded that the localized fibrous tumours of the pleura arise from immature mesenchymal stem cells, which seems to be normally found in the submesothelial layer of the visceral pleura.  相似文献   

Summary An ultrastructural study of chondrodystrophia calcificans congenita is reported. Foci of initial calcification of cartilage are characterized by coexistence of three different types of crystals, probably due to abnormal proteoglycan composition of cartilage matrix. The calcification process in chondrodystrophia calcificans congenita is apparently not related to matrix vesicles as it is in normal cartilage.  相似文献   

Summary Is the presence of germinal cells necessary for the Sertoli cells to acquire normal features? To respond to this question we have studied the development of the Sertoli cells in rats irradiated at the end of the foetal life.In the prenatal irradiated rats, the lumen of the seminiferous tubules appears later than in the control rats. The Sertoli cells show numerous flexuous apical processes, with central microtubule bundles. These processes regress progressively after the 40th day of life when the tubular lumen appears; numerous junctional complexes differentiate with the same structure as those of control animals. There are important dilatations of the intercellular spaces. The cytoplasmic organelles show a normal development up to the 40th day of life. After this period, the rough endoplasmic reticulum and the Golgi apparatus clearly regress while important dilatations appear in the smooth endoplasmic reticulum and persist in the adult animal. From the 35th day on, the basal lamina of the seminiferous tubules is irregular and multilayered.The differentiation of the Sertoli cells seems to be independent of the presence of germinal cells until the 40th day of life and presents several particularities; thereafter the Sertoli cells show signs of regression.  相似文献   

All stages of development of Palavascia sphaeromae parasite of the proctodeum of Sphaeroma serratum, are studied for the first time under the electron microscope. The formation of the holdfast, cell walls and septa is followed. In the coiled apex of the mature thalli, the septa form two catogeries of unisporates sporangia leading to two types of spores. Type 1, a multinucleate spore giving birth in situ to several microthalli. Type 2, a uninucleate at first and then quadrinucleate spore, representing the only propagative elements of the species. This study proves that the Palavasciae are well integrated among the Eccrinales order. It also opens a new discussion concerning the phyletic affinities that can exist between the Eccrinales and the other three orders of Trichomycetes.  相似文献   

Summary The ultrastructure, of the somatic efferent portion of the nucleus of the oculomotor nerve was studied in four adult cats. The neuronal population is composed of neurons of variable size. A continuous pattern of morphological aspects is evident between the large neurons, which show abundant cytoplasm with well developed organelles and the small neurons which have a reduced amount of cytoplasm. The dendrites are generally smooth, with few short spines. Axo-somatic and axo-dendritic synapses are numerous. Synaptic boutons are also present on the axon hillock.The neuropil is characterized by the occurrence of small groups of dendrites which may be in direct touch with their membranes. Direct membrane appositions may also occur between neighbouring neurons and between the cell somata and tangentially running dendrites. Generally beneath the site of apposition there is accumulation of mitochondria, multivesicular bodies, coated vesicles and moderately dense amorphous material. The morphological features suggest the possibility of cellular interchanges at the sites of direct membrane apposition.Five types of synaptic boutons were recognized on the basis of their vesicular content, the presence of abundant filaments in the pre-synaptic bag, the occurrence of post-synaptic specializations. The, different synaptic types and their distribution are similar to those reported in the spinal motor nuclei. Many of the synapses make synaptic contacts with two or more post-synaptic elements. Axo-axonic synapses were also observed.  相似文献   

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