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OBJECTIVE: Histamine N-methyltransferase (HNMT) catalyzes the Ntau-methylation of histamine. We set out to clone a mouse liver HNMT cDNA and the mouse HNMT gene as steps toward characterizing molecular genetic mechanisms involved in the regulation of this important histamine-metabolizing enzyme. DESIGN: A PCR-based strategy was used to clone both the mouse HNMT cDNA and the gene encoding that cDNA, Hnmt. The cDNA was used both to express recombinant mouse HNMT and to determine the chromosomal localization of Hnmt. RESULTS: The mouse liver HNMT cDNA was 1657 bp in length with an 888 bp open reading frame (ORF) that encoded a 296 amino acid protein with a predicted Mr value of approximately 32.5 kDa. The amino acid sequence of the encoded protein was 84% identical to that of human kidney HNMT. Mouse HNMT was expressed in COS-1 cells, and its apparent Km values for histamine and S-adenosyl-L-methionine (Ado-Met), the two cosubstrates for the reaction, were 5.3 and 5.8 microM, respectively. The mouse HNMT gene, Hnmt, spanned approximately 25 kb and had 7 exons. Its structure differed from that of the human gene primarily by the presence of an additional exon at the 5'-terminus. Hnmt mapped to mouse chromosome 2 in an area of conserved synteny to human chromosome 2q, the location of the human gene (2q22) on the basis of fluorescence in situ hybridization. CONCLUSIONS: Cloning and functional characterization of the mouse HNMT cDNA and gene will now make it possible to study in the mouse molecular genetic mechanisms involved the regulation of this important histamine-metabolizing enzyme.  相似文献   

The internal structures of the tail of male Caenorhabditis elegans nematodes are made by the descendants of four cells (B, Y, F, and U) which divide only in males. These cells are also present in hermaphrodites, where they have minor structural roles in the rectum. Here we show that the gene mab-9 is required for the correct development of two of these male-specific blast cells, B and F. In mutant males, the lineages of B and F resemble those of Y and U, respectively. These abnormal lineages lead to grossly defective male tails. We suggest that in mab-9 males the identities of B and F are transformed into Y and U, their respective anterior neighbors. The case for the F-to-U transformation is less strong than for the B-to-Y transformation because the wild-type lineages of F and U are very similar. Some mab-9 hermaphrodites are constipated as a result of abnormal rectal structure. This may be the result of an analogous fate transformation. mab-9 worms of both sexes are slightly uncoordinated. We propose that the fates of the four rectal cells are initially specified as two pairs (B and Y, F and U) and that the function of mab-9 in both sexes is to differentiate the posterior member of each pair from its anterior neighbor.  相似文献   

The human gene for the catalytic subunit of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) polymerase (POLG) contains a trinucleotide CAG repeat encoding a polyglutamine tract near the amino-terminus of the protein. Expansions of similar polyglutamine-encoding CAG microsatellite repeats in other genes are known to cause neurodegenerative disorders. As mitochondrial dysfunction has been implicated in the aetiology of Parkinson's disease, we determined the POLG CAG repeat length in DNA samples extracted from 22 idiopathic Parkinson's disease patients and 31 control subjects. The distribution of the POLG CAG repeat length in the control samples matched the distribution reported for control samples by others. Comparison between the CAG repeat length distribution of control and Parkinson's disease samples revealed no evidence of either germ line or somatic POLG CAG repeat instability in Parkinson's disease patients. Our results rule out POLG CAG repeat instability as a common pathogenic mechanism in idiopathic Parkinson's disease.  相似文献   

A human cardiac myosin heavy-chain (MHC) gene, cloned in a charon 4A phage, was isolated using two rat cardiac pCMHC DNA clones (pCMHC26: alpha-MHC type; and pCMHC5: beta-MHC type) as probes and shown to correspond to cardiac myosin heavy-chain of the alpha-type. The 4.3-KB cardiac genomic DNA clone was used as a probe in the Southern analysis of human genomic DNA from human-Chinese hamster or human-mouse somatic cell hybrids. The results show that the human cardiac MHC gene is assigned to chromosome 14 and the human cardiac and skeletal MHC genes do not cosegregate as do the mouse cardiac and skeletal MHC genes.  相似文献   

MAB21L1, originally termed CAGR1, is the human homologue of the C elegans cell fate determining gene mab21. MAB21L1, mapped to 13q13, contains a highly polymorphic 5' untranslated CAG repeat that normally ranges from six to 31 triplets in length. A pedigree has been previously reported in which the repeat length is expanded to 45-50 triplets and is transmitted unstably between generations; the expansion did not correlate to a clinical phenotype but did exhibit somatic mosaicism. We now report a second pedigree with an expanded and unstably transmitted MAB21L1 CAG repeat of similar length. The expansion is not clearly associated with a clinical phenotype, though the complexity of the pedigree renders any conclusion concerning phenotype-genotype relationships speculative. The expansion did not result in decreased expression of MAB21L1 protein. The length, C-G rich composition, somatic mosaicism, and unstable transmission of the expanded CAG repeat in MAB21L1 resemble the premutations observed in other genes, such as FMR1 and MDPK, in which longer expanded repeats are associated with a clinical phenotype. This raises the possibility that longer expansions in the MAB21L1 repeat may also be associated with a clinical phenotype.

Keywords: trinucleotide; repeat; expansion; MAB21L1  相似文献   

亨廷顿病 (Huntington’sdisease,HD)是一种常染色体显性遗传的基底节和大脑皮层变性疾病 ,临床特征为慢性进行性的舞蹈样动作和痴呆。 1993年 ,分离获得HD相关基因IT15 ,并确定其开放阅读框架 5’端多态性CAG三核苷酸重复序列的过度扩展为致病的突变[1] ,正常人群 (CAG)n拷贝数为 11- 34个。通过检测CAG拷贝数 ,可从基因水平确诊HD。基于此 ,我们对一个家族性HD家系两个病例进行了基因分析。资料与方法1 临床资料 :先证者男性 ,6 6岁。以“四肢不自主运动14年 ,饮水呛咳 1个月”为主诉入院。来诊 14年前曾诊为“HD”。 4年前出现…  相似文献   

Rat ENH (Enigma homolog) is a LIM domain protein that associates with protein kinase C in an isoform-specific manner. We have identified a human cDNA which shares a significant sequence homology with rat ENH. The isolated cDNA clone, designated human ENH (hENH), was 3287 bp in length and encoded a predicted protein of 596 amino acids which had 88% overall identity to rat ENH protein. Northern blot analysis revealed that 1.9 kb of the hENH messenger RNA was predominantly expressed in heart and skeletal muscle, while 5.6 kb of the hENH messenger RNA was ubiquitously expressed in various human tissues. The chromosomal location of the gene was determined on chromosome 4q22 region, between markers WI-2900 and WI-3273, by polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based analyses using both a human/rodent monochromosomal hybrid cell panel and a radiation hybrid mapping panel. Received: February 25, 1999 / Accepted: April 3, 1999  相似文献   

An increase in the number of (CAG)n repeats in the first coding exon of the androgen receptor (AR) gene has been strongly associated with Kennedy disease (KD) (spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy). This is an X-linked hereditary disorder characterized by motoneuron degeneration occurring in adults together with gynecomastia and hyperestrogenemia. We have performed AR gene molecular analysis in several members of a large family with KD as well as in 25 sporadic patients suffering from heterogeneous motoneuron disease (MND). An increase in the length of the (CAG)n repeats was detected, as expected, in all the affected males and in obligatory carrier females, some of which had minor signs of lower motoneuron involvement. There was only one possible exception, one young male with initial signs of the disease, who had an apparent normal length allele. An increased pathological allele was also found in 3 patients with MND. This indicates that the analysis of (CAG)n repeats of the AR gene plays a role in the differential diagnosis of this heterogeneous group of neurological diseases. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We have isolated the complete cDNA of a human SEL-1L gene, termed TSA305, that is abundantly expressed only in the pancreas. The cDNA contained an open reading frame of 2382 nucleotides, encoding a deduced protein of 794 amino acids whose predicted sequence showed 46% identity and 64% similarity with SEL-1 of Caenorhabditis elegans. SEL-1 is thought to be a negative regulator of the NOTCH, LIN-12, and GLP-1 receptors, which are required for differentiation and maturation of cells as well as cell–cell interactions during development in C. elegans. The degree of homology among these proteins suggests that the TSA305 gene product may be a member of the SEL-1 family and therefore involved in downregulation of mammalian Notch signaling. Direct sequencing revealed at least 20 coding exons in TSA305. We localized the gene to chromosome bands 14q24.3–q31 by radiation hybrid (RH) mapping and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). The IDDM11 locus has been mapped in this region, and TSA305 may represent a candidate gene for predisposition in some families whose insulin-dependent diabetes is not linked to the HLA locus. Received: March 29, 1999 / Accepted: May 11, 1999  相似文献   

The gene causing Huntingtons's disease, an autosomal dominantlyInherited, neurodegenerative disorder, has been Identified recently.The corresponding mutation Is Involving an expansion In thenumber of (CAG)n repeats In the coding region of the Huntington'sdisease gene on chromosome 4. In this report, we demonstratethe length variation of the repeat In 513 non-HD chromosomesfrom normal Individuals and HD patlents showing 23 alleles with11 to 33 repeats. Analyzing the Inherltance of the (CAG)n stretchwe found melotic instability for HD alleles ([CAG]40 to [CAG]75)with a mutation frequency of approximately 0.7, while In 431meloses of normal alleles only two expanslons were Identified.The risk of expansion during spermatogenesis is enhanced comparedto oogenesls explaining juvenile onset by transmission fromaffected fathers. Further, the number of (CAG)n copies In anaffected individual In relation to the sex of the transmittingparent was evaluated and no significant differences were found.No mosalcism or differences In the repeat lengths were observedIn the DNA from different tissues Including brain and lymphocytesof two HD patients indicating mltotic stability of the mutation.Therefore, the determination of the repeat number In the DNAof blood lymphocytes Is probably representative of all tissuesIn a patient.  相似文献   

Human and rat cDNAs to Clara Cell 10 kDa protein (CC10) have been previously isolated. Comparison of the amino acid sequences showed that CC10 is homologous to rabbit uteroglobin. Here we present further evidence that human CC10 is the human counterpart of rabbit uteroglobin. We have isolated the gene and have mapped its genomic localization to chromosome 11q11-qter. Sequence analysis of the 5'-flanking region reveals that the homology between the human and the rabbit gene starts at the first exon/intron boundary and extends up to -1.4 kb. A second region of 0.74 kb from -1.77 to -2.51 kb in the human 5'-flanking gene region is homologous to rabbit sequences that include four progesterone receptor binding sites which have been implicated in progesterone regulation of rabbit uteroglobin gene expression in endometrium. Sequence alignment of this region on the nucleotide level shows that only two weak progesterone receptor binding sites are partially conserved. In addition, close inspection of the human and rabbit promoters reveals that the estrogen responsive element and two recently identified cis elements of the rabbit promoter located between -177 and -258 bp are also absent in the human uteroglobin promoter. Despite these differences in the 5'-flanking regions of the genes, we report that the human uteroglobin mRNA is expressed in a human cell line of endometrial origin indicating that human uteroglobin is expressed in the uterus like its rabbit homologue. Thus, it appears that human uteroglobin is not only a marker for lung Clara cells but also an endometrial differentiation marker.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

We investigated the allele distribution of the polymorphic (CAG)n repeat in the IT15 gene in 96 normal subjects from the Mexican population and 83 unrelated patients with Huntington's disease. Our results show that the size distributions of normal and affected alleles do not overlap. Normal alleles range from 13 to 32 triplets, with 18 being the most frequent allele, while HD alleles contain 37 to 76 repeats with 42 being the most frequent. One allele in the range of intermediate alleles was found (32 repeats) in a normal subject. The juvenile onset cases in this study are associated with an expansion greater than 49 repeats. In the available parent-offspring pairs, paternal alleles show instability with an expansion of 28 repeats in one case.  相似文献   

Using a NotI linking clone NR-025 as a probe, we isolated a novel putative member of the RB binding protein family, namely a human retinoblastoma binding protein 2 homologue (RBBP2H1A). The maximal open reading frame encodes a protein of 1681 amino acids. Homology analysis indicated that the predicted product has an overall 56% amino acid identity to RBBP2, which plays an important role in RB tumor suppressor regulation. Many extended regions are 100% identical in amino acids sequences. The degree of nucleotide identity is lower. The structure prediction analysis identified three DNA-binding zinc finger domains and two bipartite nuclear localization signals. Northern expression analysis revealed expression in all tissues; however, the level of expression significantly varied between tissues. The highest level of expression was detected in testis and the lowest in skeletal muscle. The mRNA sizes corresponding to two major products are around 6kb and 7kb. Using fluorescence in situ hybridization, we mapped the gene to chromosomal band 1q32.1.  相似文献   

Human cancers derived from breast, esophageal, or ovarian tissues frequently show allelic losses on chromosome band 17q25. Moreover, a locus responsible for hereditary focal nonepidermolytic palmoplantar keratoderma, a condition associated with esophageal cancer (TOC; tylosis with oesophageal cancer), has been mapped to the same band. During efforts to sequence, by shotgun methods, a 1-Mb target region that we had defined as the DNA segment harboring the putative tumor suppressor gene(s) involved in these events, we identified a novel cDNA. The full-length cDNA is 2495 bp long and is expressed predominantly in skeletal muscle, heart, kidney, and placenta. The predicted product, a 627-amino-acid protein, exhibited significant sequence homology to the canine 68-kd subunit of the signal recognition particle that has been implicated in the transport of secreted and membrane proteins to the endoplasmic reticulum for proper processing. We confirmed the location of this gene at chromosome 17q25.1 by radiation-hybrid mapping and by fluorescence in situ hybridization. Received: September 18, 2000 / Accepted: November 10, 2000  相似文献   

By using DNA transfecting and molecular cloning techniques, a 2.3 kb DNA fragment was isolated and subcloned into pUC-18 to generate pLC-2. Chromosome in situ hybridization was conducted between biotin-labelled pLC-2 and PG cell's chromosomes and the cloned gene fragment of 2.3 kb was preliminarily localized.  相似文献   

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