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目的 分析卵巢颗粒细胞瘤(granulosa cell tumor,GCT)的CT、MRI表现及误诊原因,提高对该肿瘤的认识.方法 回顾性分析经手术病理证实的10例GCT的CT、MRI表现.结果 10例GCT位于右侧4例,左侧6例.肿瘤最大径平均6.1 cm.全部肿瘤边界清楚,包膜完整呈圆形或卵圆形7例,不完整呈分叶状3例;肿瘤呈囊实性8例,实性2例.7例CT检查,平扫肿瘤实性成分平均CT值为35HU.3例行MRI检查,实性成分T1WI呈等信号,T2 WI呈稍高信号;囊性成分T1WI呈低信号,T2WI呈高信号.所有肿瘤实性成分增强后均呈中等程度强化.合并子宫内膜增生5例,腹水6例,同时合并子宫内膜癌及肌瘤1例.10例GCT术前均未能作出正确诊断.结论 典型的GCT多呈囊实性,包膜完整,边界清楚,增强后肿瘤实性成分中等程度强化;易合并子宫内膜增生及少量腹水.因对该肿瘤缺乏足够的认识、部分肿瘤缺乏典型的影像表现、阅片不够仔细等是导致误诊的主要原因.  相似文献   

目的 探讨子宫淋巴瘤CT及MRI的影像特点.资料与方法 1例患者行MRI平扫及增强扫描;3例行CT平扫及增强扫描,其中1例行PET-CT扫描;结合文献分析子宫淋巴瘤患者病理、临床及CT、MRI资料.结果 4例患者子宫体积明显增大,CT表现为子宫内软组织肿块影,增强扫描呈中等度均匀强化;MRI表现为子宫肌层明显增厚而宫颈黏膜完整,病灶信号均匀,T1WI呈等信号,T2WI呈稍高信号,增强扫描呈中等度较均匀强化.结论 子宫淋巴瘤在CT及MRI上具有相对特征性的表现,对于该病的诊断具有一定的价值.  相似文献   

目的 探讨卵泡膜细胞瘤-纤维瘤组肿瘤CT和MRI表现.方法 回顾分析21例经临床及病理证实的卵泡膜细胞瘤-纤维瘤组肿瘤患者的影像资料,分析其CT和MRI影像特点并与病理对照分析.结果 21例肿瘤均单发,11例位于右侧,10例位于左侧卵巢;肿瘤体积大小不等,最大径平均值为(12.58 ±4.71)cm;肿瘤边界均较清晰,呈椭圆形(12例)或分叶状(9例).14例行MRI,T1WI呈等信号(3例)、低信号(8例)或混杂信号(3例),T2WI呈低信号(2例)或高低混杂信号(12例);CT示1例密度较均匀,6例不均匀.继发的囊变、出血、黏液变性、钙化或骨化是导致信号或密度多样的主要原因.15例行CT或MRI增强扫描,强化方式均为渐进性.21例仅2例术前确诊.结论 卵泡膜细胞瘤-纤维瘤组肿瘤的影像表现具有一定特征性,MRI和CT在一定程度上可反映其病理变化,可提供更多诊断信息.  相似文献   

目的:探讨低度恶性子宫内膜间质肉瘤(LGESS)的 MRI特点,提高对其诊断的准确性。方法回顾性分析经手术病理证实的4例LGESS病例的临床及MRI资料。全部病例均行MRI平扫。结果4例均表现为子宫不同程度的增大。病变直径5~12.1 cm,平均9 cm。3例位于宫腔内并累及子宫肌层,呈实性,结合带中断或消失,其中1例侵及膀胱、右侧输尿管、右侧输卵管及右侧卵巢;1例位于子宫肌层内,呈囊性,可见分隔和清晰的边界。3例实性肿瘤 MRI平扫表现为 T1 WI等信号,T2 WI稍高信号,1例信号欠均匀,其内及边缘可见增粗流空血管影;1例囊性肿瘤 MRI平扫表现为 T1 WI低信号,T2 WI高信号,内分隔呈低信号。3例合并子宫肌瘤,1例伴盆腔淋巴结转移。结论子宫内膜间质肉瘤好发于宫腔内,少数发生于子宫肌层,肿瘤多呈实性,也可呈囊性,多向子宫肌层浸润生长,肿瘤于T1 WI呈等或低信号,T2 WI呈高信号,信号可不均匀,其在 MRI 上有一定的特点,能为该病的正确诊断提供帮助。  相似文献   

目的探讨阴道斜隔综合征(Herlyn-Werner-Wunderlich综合征)的MR影像特征及鉴别诊断。方法回顾性分析经宫腔镜、腹腔镜及手术证实的14例先天性阴道斜隔病人的MRI影像和临床资料,依据美国生育学会(AFS)阴道发育异常分类对阴道斜隔综合征进行影像学诊断及分型。结果本研究确诊阴道斜隔综合征14例,其中2例为阴道斜隔Ⅱ型,其他均为阴道斜隔Ⅰ型。MRI均表现为双子宫、双宫颈畸形,且同时合并有患侧肾脏缺如,患侧宫颈与其相通的阴道积血、扩张,T_1WI呈高信号,T_2WI呈低或混杂信号。结论阴道斜隔综合征的MRI影像表现有一定特征,MRI能更准确地评估其类型及相关并发症并做出客观诊断,可作为术前影像评估的最佳有效的检查方法。  相似文献   

子宫腺肌症的MRI表现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨子宫腺肌症的磁共振(MRI)征象,为临床诊断提供依据.方法 对43例经手术和病理证实的子宫腺肌症病例的MRI成像检查进行回顾性分析.结果 在43例患者中,弥漫型子宫腺肌症26例,局限型子宫腺肌症17例;其中21例患者合并有子宫肌瘤,17例合并盆腔内巧克力囊肿,15例合并卵巢囊肿.弥漫型子宫腺肌症的MRI成像表现为子宫体积增大,子宫壁结合带弥漫性增厚,结合带与肌层分界不清;在T1WI上表现为等信号,在T2WI上表现为等或略低信号,混杂有散在多发点状高信号灶,宫腔受压变小.增强扫描病灶轻度强化.局限型子宫腺肌症的MRI成像表现为子宫体部或底部局限性增大,相应部位见结合带增厚,与肌层分界不清,呈类圆形或椭圆形,在T1WI上呈等信号,在T2WI上呈略低信号,病灶信号可不均匀,中央部可有多发点状高信号.增强扫描增厚的结合带轻度强化,与强化的子宫肌相比信号略低.MRI同时很好地显示了子宫肌瘤、盆腔内巧克力囊肿和卵巢囊肿等并发症.结论 子宫腺肌症以子宫结合带增厚为特征,MRI能全面显示腺肌症的类型,病变范围和并发症,是评价子宫腺肌症的有效无创伤性影像学手段.  相似文献   

目的 探讨子宫恶性中胚叶混合瘤(MMMT)的MRI表现.方法 回顾性分析9例病理确诊为MMMT患者的临床及影像资料,分析MRI表现.结果 9例肿瘤中6例位于宫体,3例位于宫颈;宫体和宫颈肿瘤形态不同,位于宫体的肿瘤呈膨胀性生长或浸润性生长,伴宫腔不同程度扩张;位于宫颈的肿瘤向阴道外生性生长,不伴肌层浸润;在T1WI肿瘤均表现为等或稍低信号,在T2WI二者信号存在一定差异,位于宫体的肿瘤T2WI以混杂高信号为主(5例),肿瘤内部可见出血(1例)及囊变、坏死信号(5例);而位于宫颈的肿瘤T2WI为稍高信号,内可见条索样或树枝样低信号,病变内部未见明显出血及坏死;以子宫肌层的强化程度作为参照,位于宫体的肿瘤强化较位于宫颈肿瘤强化明显且不均匀.结论 宫颈和宫体MMMT生长方式、MRI信号及增强特点存在一定差异,MRI对术前准确诊断有帮助.  相似文献   

子宫阔韧带平滑肌瘤的CT与MRI诊断   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨阔韧带肌瘤的CT与MRI诊断与鉴别诊断。方法收集15例女性患者阔韧带平滑肌瘤CT与MRI资料,进行回顾性分析,所有病例均经手术病理证实。15例中6例接受增强平扫及CT检查,9例接受增强平扫及MRI检查。结果在CT与MRI上,15例均在盆腔内、子宫外显示肿块,实质性肿块9例,实性肿块内有不规则囊变区6例。肿块边界清楚光整,与周围组织间分界清楚10例,病灶与子宫分界不清5例。病灶实性成分CT平扫与子宫呈等密度;MRI平扫T1WI呈等信号、稍低信号,T2WI呈低、等信号。囊变区CT平扫呈稍低密度,MRI平扫呈长T1、长T2信号。增强扫描病灶明显强化,与子宫肌层强化程度基本一致。瘤内变性、坏死或液化区不强化。结论 CT、MRI发现盆腔内、子宫外边界清楚的实性或以实性为主的肿块,肿块实性成分CT平扫密度与子宫相近或相等,MRI平扫T2WI呈低信号,增强扫描强化程度与子宫肌层相当,是阔韧带平滑肌瘤较具特征的征象。当肿瘤囊变区较大,甚至病灶以囊变为主时鉴别诊断较为困难,但肿瘤实性成分的影像表现仍保持以上特点,对鉴别诊断有重要意义。  相似文献   

目的:研究输卵管积水的 MSCT 及 MRI 影像学特点。方法回顾性分析28例经手术及病理证实的输卵管积水的 CT及 MRI 检查资料,术前25例行 CT 平扫及增强扫描,3例行 MRI 平扫及增强扫描。结果19例输卵管积水为单侧(左侧12例,右侧7例),9例为双侧,CT 及 MRI 均表现为附件区囊性包块,形态多样,病变呈腊肠状改变16例,串珠状9例,多囊型8例,曲颈瓶型4例。CT 平扫病变为水样低密度,MRI 表现为 T1 WI 呈低信号,T2 WI 呈高信号,增强扫描后可见囊壁明显均匀强化,无强化壁结节,有分隔病灶者见分隔轻度强化。14例伴有慢性输卵管炎,2例合并输卵管周围筋膜增厚,3例合并子宫肌瘤,17例合并盆腔积液。结论输卵管积水的 MSCT 和 MRI 表现具有一定特征性。  相似文献   

恶性血液系统疾病并发肝脏真菌感染的CT和MRI诊断   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨恶性血液系统疾病并发肝脏真菌感染的CT和MRI表现.方法 回顾性分析11例经临床和活检病理证实的肝脏真菌感染的临床和影像资料,着重分析其CT和MRI影像表现.结果 肝内病灶一般呈多发,圆形或类圆形,直径<2 cm.CT平扫病灶呈低密度;7例增强后动脉期呈外周环形强化或病灶周围异常高灌注,1例病灶中心强化呈"靶样"改变,2例无明显强化;门脉和延时期病灶多逐渐呈相对等密度;MRI上病灶T1WI呈低信号,T2WI呈等或高信号,2例T1WI上可见病灶外周低信号环.结论 肝脏真菌感染的CT和MRI表现有一定特异性,动态CT增强和MRI检查有助于该病的鉴别诊断.  相似文献   

The Knee injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score (KOOS) is a self-administered instrument measuring outcome after knee injury at impairment, disability, and handicap level in five subscales. Reliability, validity, and responsiveness of a Swedish version was assessed in 142 patients who underwent arthroscopy because of injury to the menisci, anterior cruciate ligament, or cartilage of the knee. The clinimetric properties were found to be good and comparable to the American version of the KOOS. Comparison to the Short Form-36 and the Lysholm knee scoring scale revealed expected correlations and construct validity. Item by item, symptoms and functional limitations were compared between diagnostic groups. High responsiveness was found three months after arthroscopic partial meniscectomy for all subscales but Activities of Daily Living.  相似文献   

Acute limping may be the result of multiple pathologies in children. The differential diagnosis varies based on the age of the child. Irrespective of age, the initial imaging work-up includes AP and frog leg radiographs of the pelvis and ultrasound; MRI may sometimes be helpful. In children less than 3 years, infections and trauma are most frequent. MRI is the imaging modality of choice when osteomyelitis is clinically suspected. Between the ages of 3 and 10 years, transient synovitis of the hip and Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease are main considerations but infection, inflammation and focal bony lesions are also considered. In children over 10 years, slipped capital femoral epiphysis also is considered.  相似文献   

Introduction Ankle sprains are the most common musculo-skeletal injury that occurs in athletes,particularly in sports that require jumping and landing on one foot such as soccer,and basketball(1-4).These injuries often result in significant time loss from participation,long-term disability,and have a major impact on health care costs and resources(5-8).  相似文献   

KEY POINTS ·High-intensity interval training(HIT)is characterized by repeated sessions of relatively brief,intermittent exercise.often performed with an“a11 out”effort or at an intensity close to that which elicits peak oxygen uptake(i.e.,≥90%of VO2 peak).  相似文献   

Objective To investigate endovascular treatment of traumatic direct carotid-cavernous fistulas (CCF) and their complications such as pseudoaneurysms. Methods: Over a five-year period, 22 patients with traumatic direct CCFs were treated endovascularly in our institution. Thirteen patients were treated once with the result of CCF occluded, 8 twice and 1 three times. Treatment modalities included balloon occlusion of the CCF, sacrifice of the ipsilateral internal carotid artery with detachable balloon, coll embolization of the cavernous sinus and secondary pseudoaneurysms, and covered-stem management of the pseudoaneurysms. Results All the direct CCFs were successfully managed endovascularly. Four patients developed a pseudoaneurysm after the occlusion of the CCF with an incidence of pseudoaneurysm formation of 18.2% (4/22). A total number of 8 patients experienced permanent occlusion of the ICA with a rate of ICA occlusion reaching 36.4% (8/22). Followed up through telephone consultation from 6 months to 5 years, all did well with no recurrence of CCF symptoms and signs. Conclusion Traumatic direct CCFs can be successfully managed with endovascular means. The pseudoaneurysms secondary to the occlusion of the CCFs can be occluded with stent-assisted coiling and implantation of covered stents.  相似文献   

In response to the ENFSI and EDNAP groups’ call for new STR multiplexes for Europe, Promega® developed a suite of four new DNA profiling kits. This paper describes the developmental validation study performed on the PowerPlex® ESI 16 (European Standard Investigator 16) and the PowerPlex® ESI 17 Systems. The PowerPlex® ESI 16 System combines the 11 loci compatible with the UK National DNA Database®, contained within the AmpFlSTR® SGM Plus® PCR Amplification Kit, with five additional loci: D2S441, D10S1248, D22S1045, D1S1656 and D12S391. The multiplex was designed to reduce the amplicon size of the loci found in the AmpFlSTR® SGM Plus® kit. This design facilitates increased robustness and amplification success for the loci used in the national DNA databases created in many countries, when analyzing degraded DNA samples. The PowerPlex® ESI 17 System amplifies the same loci as the PowerPlex® ESI 16 System, but with the addition of a primer pair for the SE33 locus. Tests were designed to address the developmental validation guidelines issued by the Scientific Working Group on DNA Analysis Methods (SWGDAM), and those of the DNA Advisory Board (DAB). Samples processed include DNA mixtures, PCR reactions spiked with inhibitors, a sensitivity series, and 306 United Kingdom donor samples to determine concordance with data generated with the AmpFlSTR® SGM Plus® kit. Allele frequencies from 242 white Caucasian samples collected in the United Kingdom are also presented. The PowerPlex® ESI 16 and ESI 17 Systems are robust and sensitive tools, suitable for the analysis of forensic DNA samples. Full profiles were routinely observed with 62.5 pg of a fully heterozygous single source DNA template. This high level of sensitivity was found to impact on mixture analyses, where 54–86% of unique minor contributor alleles were routinely observed in a 1:19 mixture ratio. Improved sensitivity combined with the robustness afforded by smaller amplicons has substantially improved the quantity of data obtained from degraded samples, and the improved chemistry confers exceptional tolerance to high levels of laboratory prepared inhibitors.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was twofold: (a) to investigate the prevalence of hip and groin pain in sub‐elite male adult football in Denmark and (b) to explore the association between prevalence and duration of hip and groin pain in the previous season with the Copenhagen Hip and Groin Outcome Score (HAGOS) in the beginning of the new season. In total 695 respondents from 40 teams (Division 1–4) were included. Players completed in the beginning of the new season (July–Sept 2011) a self‐reported paper questionnaire on hip and/or groin pain during the previous season and HAGOS. In total 49% (95% CI: 45–52%) reported hip and/or groin pain during the previous season. Of these, 31% (95% CI: 26–36%) reported pain for >6 weeks. Players with the longest duration of pain during the previous season had the lowest HAGOS scores, when assessed at the beginning of the new season, P < 0.001. This study documents that half of sub‐elite male adult football players report pain in the hip and/or groin during a football season. The football players with the longest duration of pain in previous season displayed the lowest HAGOS scores in the beginning of the new season.  相似文献   

Objective To evaluate the preliminaily clinical efficacy and retrievability of a retrievable hinged covered metallic stent in the treatment of the bronchial stump fistula (BSF). Methods Between April 2003 and March 2005, 8 patients with bronchial stump fistula after pneumonectomy or lobectomy were treated with two types (A and B) of retrievable hinged covered metallic stents. Type A stent was placed in 6 patients and type B in 2 under fluoroscopic guidance. The stent was removed with a retrieval set when BSF was healed or complications occurred. Results Stent placement in the bronchial tree was technically successful in all patients, without procedure-related complications. Immediate closure of the BSF was achieved in all patients after the procedure. Stents were removed from all patients but one. Removal of the stents was difficult in two patients due to tissue hyperplasia. Patients were followed up for 6 - 21 months. Placement of the stents remained stable in all patients except one due to severe cough. Permanent closure of BSF was achieved in 7 (87.5%) of 8 patients. Conclusion Use of a retrievable hinged covered expandable metallic stent is a simple, safe, and effective procedure for closure of the BSF. Retrieval of the stent seems to be feasible. (J Intervent Radiol, 2007, 16: 253-257)  相似文献   

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