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患者男,53岁,2002年11月因被重物砸伤双侧大腿致畸形而人院.查体:神志清楚,生命体征平稳,双侧大腿肿胀畸形,无开放性伤口,皮肤及软组织轻微挫伤,双侧足背动脉可及搏动,双下肢感觉正常.急诊X线片示:双侧股骨干骨折.  相似文献   

患者 ,女 ,16岁 ,学生。近 3年来 ,无明显诱因逐渐发生左手腕部畸形 ,无明显疼痛 ,仅有轻度不适。因仍能参加正常学习和日常生活 ,没有引起重视 ,未行任何处理。随生长发育 ,畸形进行性加重 ,逐渐出现明显双侧腕部不对称 ,故来院求治。平时无低热、盗汗及关节疼痛史 ,无腕部外伤史 ,否认传染病接触史 ,其父有类似腕部畸形改变。查体 :营养及发育中等 ,左手腕背侧明显隆起 ,尺骨小头异常增大、突出。局部无软组织肿胀与压痛 ,皮肤温度正常。手部肌力及感觉无异常 ,腕关节活动范围比右侧略有减小 ,活动时无弹响及疼痛。右手腕及肢体其他关节无…  相似文献   

<正>1病例资料病例1:患儿,男,11岁。因不慎跌倒致右膝关节肿胀、疼痛及畸形20 h入院。患儿入院前20 h不慎跌倒,出现右膝关节肿胀、疼痛、畸形、活动受限。门诊摄X线片示:右股骨髁上骨折。出生2岁时诊断为血友病甲型,间断使用凝血因子Ⅷ替代治疗,但无家族血友病史。专科检查:全身皮肤无出血点。右膝关节肿胀明显、畸形、压痛明显,局部皮温正常。皮肤颜色青紫,浮髌试验阳性。右膝关节处于屈膝30°  相似文献   

患者资料女性患者,50岁,因"摔伤致左侧大腿疼痛、肿胀伴活动受限1 d"于2020年2月7日入院。患者于2020年2月6日因摔伤致左大腿疼痛、肿胀伴活动受限,不能行走,受伤1 d后被送往我院就诊。期间患者无发热,稍有咳嗽,无明显咳痰,无乏力、肌痛等不适。我院急诊科以"新型冠状病毒肺炎(COVID-19)疑似病例,左侧股骨转子下合并小转子骨折"收入我科隔离病房治疗。患者否认传染病史、外伤史、食物及药物过敏史,3年前因"腰椎间盘突出症"行髓核摘除术治疗。起病以来食欲及睡眠一般,大小便正常。查体:体温36.5℃,脉搏80次/min,呼吸18次/min,血压130/80 mmHg(1 mmHg=0.133 kPa)。咽无充血,扁桃体无肿大。双肺呼吸音粗,未闻及明显干湿罗音。心脏各瓣膜听诊区未闻及明显病理性杂音。腹部平坦,无压痛及反跳痛,肝脾肋下未触及,移动性浊音阴性。双上肢及右下肢感觉、运动正常、反射存在。左侧髋部肿胀、压痛,左下肢外旋内收缩短畸形,活动明显受限,传导叩痛(+);双下肢皮肤浅静脉无怒张,皮温可,末梢血运可,感觉可;双侧病理征(-)阴性。  相似文献   

夏拥军  樊天祥 《中国骨伤》2000,13(5):310-310
例1,男,30岁。因右小腿被机器绞伤后疼痛、肿胀、不能活动2小时入院。查体:右大腿皮肤挫伤,右大腿髋部至膝关节处明显肿胀、压痛,大腿中下段畸形并可扪及骨擦音,右下肢不能活动,足背动脉搏动正常,末梢感觉良好,足趾背伸肌力下降约Ⅲ—Ⅳ级。入院后摄片提示右股骨中下段骨折,给予持续右胫骨结节牵引、脱水、利尿、防止挤压综合症及对症治疗。10天后,右大腿肿胀稍消退后,行右股骨切开复位加钢板内固定术,手术顺利,复位满意。术后第二次换药时,病人自觉右髋部疼痛,并沿大腿后侧向下放射。查体:发现大粗隆上移,髋关节活动受限,电视X光透视示:右…  相似文献   

患者 女,18岁,因左大腿远端后侧及腘窝疼痛4年,加重伴局部肿胀3个月,在当地医院行腘窝肿瘤局部切除术后半年,自觉局部再次出现疼痛并伴有结节、肿胀入院.查体:大腿肤色无明显改变,其远端后侧及腘窝明显肿胀,无静脉曲张,未发现紫蓝色结节及出血点,皮温稍高;局部有-4cm×5 cm大小肿块,质韧无活动,有轻压痛;股四头肌肌力正常;左膝关节活动范围:伸-10°,屈100°;髌骨上极水平患侧较健侧周径粗约4.5 cm.实验室检查均未见异常.  相似文献   

患者 女,18岁,因左大腿远端后侧及腘窝疼痛4年,加重伴局部肿胀3个月,在当地医院行腘窝肿瘤局部切除术后半年,自觉局部再次出现疼痛并伴有结节、肿胀入院.查体:大腿肤色无明显改变,其远端后侧及腘窝明显肿胀,无静脉曲张,未发现紫蓝色结节及出血点,皮温稍高;局部有-4cm×5 cm大小肿块,质韧无活动,有轻压痛;股四头肌肌力正常;左膝关节活动范围:伸-10°,屈100°;髌骨上极水平患侧较健侧周径粗约4.5 cm.实验室检查均未见异常.  相似文献   

患者 女,18岁,因左大腿远端后侧及腘窝疼痛4年,加重伴局部肿胀3个月,在当地医院行腘窝肿瘤局部切除术后半年,自觉局部再次出现疼痛并伴有结节、肿胀入院.查体:大腿肤色无明显改变,其远端后侧及腘窝明显肿胀,无静脉曲张,未发现紫蓝色结节及出血点,皮温稍高;局部有-4cm×5 cm大小肿块,质韧无活动,有轻压痛;股四头肌肌力正常;左膝关节活动范围:伸-10°,屈100°;髌骨上极水平患侧较健侧周径粗约4.5 cm.实验室检查均未见异常.  相似文献   

1病例资料患者男,13岁,学生。自幼有轻度右腕桡偏畸形,因无症状,仍能参加正常学习和日常生活,没有引起重视,未行任何处理,也没有进行过检查。近三年来,无明显诱因逐渐发生右腕部疼痛,腕部活动多时疼痛加重。平时无低热、盗汗与关节疼痛史,无腕部外伤史,否认传染病接触史,其父有类似腕部畸形改变。查体:营养及发育中等,右手腕轻度桡偏畸形。局部无软组织肿胀与压痛,皮肤温度正常。手部肌力及感觉无异常,腕关节活动范围比左侧略有减小,活动时无弹响及疼痛。左手腕及肢体其他关节无异常改变。X线正位片:患侧手桡偏畸形,舟状骨缺如,其余腕骨无…  相似文献   

1 临床资料 患者,女性,50岁,发现左臀部肿胀3个月入院.3个月前无明显诱因发现左侧臀部肿胀,无明显疼痛及不适感,不发热,局部无发红、无破溃,无外伤史,左下肢无放射性疼痛及麻木,活动无明显异常.既往身体健康. 体格检查:全身皮肤黏膜无黄染,浅表淋巴结未触及;心肺未见明显异常;腹平软,未及包块,肝脾未及,全腹无压痛、反跳痛,脊柱、四肢无畸形;神经系统检查生理反射存在,病理反射未引出.专科情况:左侧臀部明显肿胀,深部可扪及一肿块,表面尚光滑,质软,活动差,无压痛,大小约15 cm×10 cm×9 cm,边界欠清,肿胀处可见皮肤浅表静脉扩张;右侧臀部无肿胀,双下肢活动正常,无水肿及静脉曲张,双侧腹股沟淋巴结未扪及明显肿大.  相似文献   

Background : We investigated the vasopressor hormone response following mesenteric traction (MT) with hypotension due to prostacyclin (PGI2) release in patients undergoing abdominal surgery with a combined general and epidural anesthesia. Methods : In a prospective, randomized, placebo-controlled study we administered 400 mg ibuprofen (i.v.) in 42 patients scheduled for abdominal surgery. General anesthesia was combined with epidural anesthesia (T4-L1). Before as well as 5, 15, 30, 45, and 90 min after MT we recorded plasma osmolality, hemodynamics and measured 6-keto-PGFlα (stabile metabolite of PGI2), TXB2 (stabile metabolite of thromboxane A2) active renin, and arginine vasopressin (AVP) plasma concentrations by radioimmunoassay. Catecholamine levels were assessed by high-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) with electrochemical detection. Results : Following MT, arterial hypotension occurred along with a substantial PGI2 release. This was completely abolished by ibuprofen administration. Although plasma levels of 6-keto-PGF (1133 (708) vs. 60 (3) ng/L, median (median absolute deviation), P=0.0001, placebo vs. ibuprofen) remained significantly elevated, blood pressure was restored within 30 min after MT in the placebo group. At the same point in time plasma concentrations of TXB2 (164 (87) vs. 58 (1) ng/L, P=0.0001), epinephrine (46 (33) vs. 14 (6) ng/L, P=0.001), AVP (41 ± (18) vs. 12 (7) ng/L, P=0.0004), and active renin (27 (12) vs. 12 (4) ng/L, P = 0.001) were significantly higher in placebo-treated patients. Conclusion : Under combined general and epidural anesthesia arterial hypotension following MT due to endogenous PGI2 release is associated with enhanced release of AVP, active renin, epinephrine and thromboxane A2, presumably contributing to hemodynamic stability within 30 min after MT.  相似文献   

Don Dame 《Artificial organs》1996,20(5):613-617
Abstract: Virtually all blood pumps contain some kind of rubbing, sliding, closely moving machinery surfaces that are exposed to the blood being pumped. These valves, internal bearings, magnetic bearing position sensors, and shaft seals cause most of the problems with blood pumps. The original teaspoon pump design prevented the rubbing, sliding machinery surfaces from contacting the blood. However, the hydraulic efficiency was low because the blood was able to "slip around" the rotating impeller so that the blood itself never rotated fast enough to develop adequate pressure. An improved teaspoon blood pump has been designed and tested and has shown acceptable hydraulic performance and low hemolysis potential. The new pump uses a nonrotating "swinging" hose as the pump impeller. The fluid enters the pump through the center of the swinging hose; therefore, there can be no fluid slip between the revolving blood and the revolving impeller. The new pump uses an impeller that is comparable to a flexible garden hose. If the free end of the hose were swung around in a circle like half of a jump rope, the fluid inside the hose would rotate and develop pressure even though the hose impeller itself did not "rotate"; therefore, no rotating shaft seal or internal bearings are required.  相似文献   

Abstract: A variety of protein-bound or hydrophobic substances, accumulating as a result of pathologic conditions such as exogenous or endogenous intoxications, are removed poorly by conventional detoxification methods because of low accessibility (hemodialysis), insufficient adsorption capabilities (hemosorption), low efficiency (peritoneal dialysis), or economic limitations (high-volume plasmapheresis). Combining advantages of existing methods with microspheric technology, a module-based system was designed. Major operating parameters of the latter can be modified to allow for adjustment to individual clinical situations. An extracorporeal blood circuit including a plasmafilter is combined with a secondary high-velocity plasma circuit driven by a centrifugal pump. Different microspheric adsorbers can be combined in one circuit or applied in sequence. Thus, a prolonged treatment can be tailored using specially designed selective adsorber materials. Comparing this system with existing methods (high-flux hemodialysis, molecular adsorbent recycling system), results from our in vitro studies and animal experiments demonstrate the superior efficiency of substance removal.  相似文献   

Background : Our objective was to determine whether administration of propranolol or verapamil modifies the hemodynamic adaptation to continuous positive-pressure ventilation (CPPV), in particular the regional distribution of cardiac output (CO).
Methods : General hemodynamics and regional blood flows assessed by microsphere technique (15 (μm) were recorded in 16 anesthetized pigs during spontaneous breathing (SB) and CPPV with 8 cm H2O end-expiratory pressure (CPPV8) before and after intravenous administration of propranolol (0.3 mg · kg−1 followed by 0.15 mg · kg−1 · h−1, n=8) or verapamil (0.1 mg · kg−1 followed by 0.3 mg · kg−1 · h−1, n=8).
Results : CPPV8 depressed CO by 25% without shifts in its relative distribution with the exception of a noteworthy increase in adrenal perfusion. Propranolol increased arterial blood pressure, and due to a fall in heart rate, CO dropped by 25%. The kidneys and, to a lesser extent, the splanchic region and central nervous system received increased fractions of the remaining CO at the expense of skeletal muscle flow. Similar patterns were seen during SB and CPPV8 such that the combination of propranolol and CPPV8 depressed CO by 50%. The circulatory effects of verapamil were less evident but myocardial perfusion tended to increase.
Conclusions : The combination of propranolol or verapamil with CPPV does not result in any specific hemodynamic interaction in anesthetized pigs, except that the combined effect of propranolol and CPPV may severely reduce CO.  相似文献   

Background: Obesity is increasing globallly, including in the formerly "Eastern Bloc" countries. Methods: A survey was made of obesity and bariatric surgery. Results: In the 8 East and Central European countries studied, with total population 300 million, roughly 43% of the population was overweight (BMI 25-30), 23% obese (BMI > 30), with about 15 million people morbidly obese (BMI > 40). From 0-10 morbidly obese individuals/100,000/year undergo bariatric surgery. Conclusion: Most countries were found to provide inadequate treatment for obesity.The majority of the morbidly obese are not treated effectively. However, health-care awareness of obesity and bariatric surgeons are slowly increasing.  相似文献   

Background : Inhibitory effects of volatile anaesthetics on platelet aggregation have been demonstrated in several studies. However, the influence of volatile anaesthetics on intracoronary platelet adhesion has not been elucidated so far.
Methods : Isolated hearts of guinea pigs were perfused with buffer in the absence or presence of volatile anaesthetics (0.5 and 1 MAC) at constant coronary flow rates of 5 ml/min for 25 min, then 1 ml/min for 30 min and again 5 ml/min for 10 min. Before, during and after low-flow perfusion, a bolus of human platelets was applied into the coronary system. To simulate thrombogenic conditions, 0.3 U/ml human thrombin was infused during low-flow perfusion and reperfusion. The number of platelets sequestered to the endothelium was calculated from the difference between coronary in- and output of platelets. The myocardial production of lactate and consumption of pyruvate and coronary perfusion pressure were also determined.
Results : At a flow rate of 5 ml/min only about 3% of the applied platelets did not emerge from the coronary system, in any group. In contrast, 13.1±1.2% (mean±SEM) of infused platelets became adherent in low-flow perfusion in the control group without anaesthetic. The adherence was reduced with each 1 MAC isoflurane (to 6.2±1.2%), sevoflurane (to 4.4±0.9%) or halothane (to 3.2±1.5%) (each P <0.05 vs. control). Volatile anaesthetic, 0.5 MAC, did not inhibit platelet adhesion to a statistically significant extent in any case. Perfusion pressure and metabolic parameters were not statistically different between the control and the hearts exposed to anaesthetics.
Conclusion : Volatile anaesthetics in a concentration of 1 MAC can reduce the adhesion of platelets in the coronary system under reduced flow conditions. This action does not arise from vasodilation or inhibition of ischaemic stress.  相似文献   

Background: It has been shown that the depressive effects of both propofol and midazolam on consciousness are synergistic with opioids, but the nature of their interactions on other physiological systems, e. g. respiration, has not been fully investigated. The present study examined the effect of propofol and midazolam alone and in combination with fentanyl on phrenic nerve activity (PNA) and whether such interactions are additive or synergistic. Methods: PNA was recorded in 27 anaesthetised and artificially ventilated rabbits. In three groups, propofol, fentanyl and midazolam were administered intravenously in incremental doses to construct dose-response curves for the depressant effects of each one on PNA. In another two groups, the effect of pretreatment with either fentanyl 1 μg · kg?1 i. v. or midazolam 0.05 mg · kg?1 i. v. on the effects of propofol and fentanyl respectively on PNA were studied. Results: Propofol and fentanyl caused a dose-dependent depression of PNA with complete abolition at the highest total doses of 16 mg · kg?1 i. v. and 32 μg · kg?1 i. v., respectively. In contrast, midazolam in incremental doses to a total of 0.8 mg · kg?1 reduced mean PNA by 63%, but approximately 12% of PNA remained at a total dose as high as 6.4 mg · kg?1. The mean ED50s, calculated from dose-response curves, were 5.4 mg · kg?1, 3.9 μg · kg?1 and 0.4 mg · kg?1 for propofol, fentanyl and midazolam, respectively. Initial doses of either fentanyl 1 μg · kg?1 i. v. or midazolam 0.05 mg · kg?1 i. v. acted synergistically with subsequent doses of either propofol or fentanyl to abolish PNA at total doses of 8 mg · kg?1 and 8 μg · kg?1, respectively. Conclusion: Fentanyl has a synergistic interaction with both propofol and midazolam on PNA and hence potentially on respiration.  相似文献   

Background: Catecholaminergic support is often used to improve haemodynamics in patients undergoing major abdominal surgery. Dopexamine is a synthetic vasoactive catecholamine with beneficial microcirculatory properties. Methods: The influence of perioperative administration of dopexamine on cardiorespiratory data and important regulators of macro- and microcirculation were studied in 30 patients undergoing Whipple pancreaticduodenectomy. The patients received randomized and blinded either 2 μg · kg?1 · min?1 of dopexamine (n=15) or placebo (n=15, control group). The infusion was started after induction of anaesthesia and continued until the morning of the first postoperative day. Endothelin-1 (ET-1), vasopressin, atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP), and catecholamine plasma levels were measured from arterial blood samples. Measurements were carried out after induction of anaesthesia, 2 h after onset of surgery, at the end of surgery, 2 h after surgery, and on the morning of the first postoperative day. Results: Cardiac index (CI) increased significantly in the dopexamine group (from 2.61±0.41 to 4.57±0.78 1 · min?1 · m?2) and remained elevated until the morning of the first postoperative day. Oxygen delivery index (DO2I) and oxygen consumption index (VO2I) were also significantly increased in the dopexamine group (DO2I: from 416±91 to 717±110 ml/m2 · m2; VO2I: from 98±25 to 157±22 ml/m2 · m2), being significantly higher than in the control group. pHi remained stable only in the dopexamine patients, indicating adequate splanchnic perfusion. Vasopressive regulators of circulation increased significantly only in the untreated control patients (vasopressin: from 4.37±1.1 to 35.9±12.1 pg/ml; ET-1: from 2.88±0.91 to 6.91±1.20 pg/ml). Conclusion: Patients undergoing major abdominal surgery may profit from prophylactic perioperative administration of dopexamine hydrochloride in the form of improved haemodynamics and oxygenation as well as beneficial influence on important regulators of organ blood flow.  相似文献   

A concept of balanced analgesia using nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), paracetamol (acetaminophen), opioids, and corticosteroids can also be used in patients with pre-existing illnesses. NSAIDs are the most effective treatment for acute pain of moderate intensity in children; however, these drugs should be avoided in patients at increased risk for serious side effects, e.g. patients with renal impairment, bleeding tendency, or extreme prematurity. NSAIDs can be given with minimal risks to the younger child with mild to moderate asthma, and, in these patients, the use of steroids can be encouraged; in addition to their antiemetic and analgesic action, a beneficial effect on asthma symptoms can be expected. In the non-intubated child with cerebral trauma, exaggerated sedation caused by opioids and increased bleeding tendency caused by NSAIDs must be avoided. In neonates and small infants, the oral administration of sucrose or glucose is helpful to minimize pain reaction during short uncomfortable interventions.  相似文献   

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