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Background: The regenerative surgical treatment of intrabony defects caused by periodontal disease has been examined in several systematic reviews and meta‐analyses. The use of bioactive glass (BG) as a graft material to treat intrabony defects has been reported, but all data have not been synthesized and compiled. Our objective was to systematically review the literature on the use of BG for the treatment of intrabony defects and to perform a meta‐analysis of its efficacy. Methods: A search of PubMed, EMBASE, and Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, as well as a manual search of recently published periodontology journals, were conducted to identify randomized controlled trials of the use of BG in the treatment of intrabony and furcation defects. Criteria included publication in English, follow‐up duration of ≥6 months, baseline and follow‐up measures of probing depth (PD) and clinical attachment levels (CAL) with 95% confidence intervals (CIs), and an appropriate control arm. Twenty‐five citations were identified, 15 of which were included in the final analysis. Data, including study methods and results, as well as CONSORT (Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials) criteria, were extracted from eligible studies and cross‐checked by at least two reviewers. Results: Meta‐analyses of eligible studies were performed to ascertain summary effects for changes in PD and CAL among experimental and control groups, using the mean change plus standard deviation for each study. Pooled analyses showed that BG was superior to control for both measures: the mean (95% CIs) difference from baseline to follow‐up between BG and controls was 0.52 mm (0.27, 0.78, P <0.0001) in reduction for PD and 0.60 mm (0.18, 1.01, P = 0.005) in gain for CAL. Analyses of CAL revealed heterogeneity across studies (I2 = 60.5%), although studies reporting PD measures were homogeneous (I2 = 0.00%). CAL heterogeneity appeared secondary to active controls versus open flap debridement (OFD) alone and to defect‐type modifying BG treatment success. Per subgroup analyses, the benefit of BG over control treatment was highly significant only in studies comparing BG to OFD (P <0.0001), with mean difference change in CAL being 1.18 mm (95% CI = 0.74, 1.62 mm) between the BG and OFD group. Conclusion: Treatment of intrabony defects with BG imparts a significant improvement in both PD and CAL compared to both active controls and OFD.  相似文献   

Aim: This randomized clinical study was designed to evaluate the effect of probiotic intervention using lactobacilli on the periodontal condition of volunteers without severe periodontitis. Material and Methods: Freeze‐dried Lactobacillus salivarius WB21 (WB21)‐containing tablets or a placebo were given to volunteers in a double‐blind randomized study. A total of 66 volunteers were finally enrolled and randomly assigned to receive tablets containing WB21 (6.7 × 108 CFU) with xylitol or xylitol alone (placebo) three times a day for 8 weeks. Periodontal clinical parameters and whole saliva samples were obtained at baseline (BL), 4 weeks, and the end of the interventional period (8 weeks). Salivary lactoferrin (Lf) levels were measured by enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay. Lactobacilli in saliva and plaque samples was detected by semi‐quantitative RT‐PCR using 16S rRNA primers. Results: Periodontal clinical parameters were improved in both groups after an 8‐week intervention. Current smokers in the test group showed a significantly greater improvement of plaque index and probing pocket depth from BL when compared with those in the placebo group. Salivary Lf level was also significantly decreased in the test group smokers. Conclusion: Our results indicate that probiotics could be useful in the improvement/maintenance of oral health in subjects at a high risk of periodontal disease.  相似文献   


1 Background

To assess the nutraceutical effects of twice/daily intake of kiwifruit on periodontal parameters and systemic health before and after initial periodontal treatment (IPT).

2 Methods

At baseline, participants were randomly assigned to test and control group, and either consumed two kiwifruits/day for 5 months or no kiwifruit. In the first 2 months, no periodontal treatment was delivered (2 M). Subsequently, a session of full‐mouth IPT within 24 hours was performed. Participants were then re‐assessed after 3 months (5 M). Blood samples, evaluating systemic biomarkers and vital signs, were also collected atbaseline, 2 M, and 5 M.

3 Results

Groups were balanced at baseline. At 2 M no within‐groups differences could be detected for any parameter but the bleeding score, which decreased significantly in the kiwifruit group by 6.67% ± 11.90% (P < 0.01). Comparison of test and control group showed that 2 months of kiwifruit consumption resulted in significant lower values of bleeding, plaque, and attachment loss. After IPT both groups demonstrated substantial significant clinical benefits however the control group showed significant greater reductions of bleeding, plaque and attachment loss than the test group. Systemic biomarkers and vital signs did not show clinically relevant differences between test and control group.

4 Conclusions

Kiwifruit consumption reduces gingival inflammation despite the lack of any periodontal instrumentation or patient's behavioral changes. No adjunctive effect to periodontal treatment of dietary intake of kiwifruit was noted. (NCT NCT03084484)  相似文献   

Graça MA, Watts TLP. Wilson RF, Palmer RM: A randomized controlled trial of a 2% minocycline gel as an adjunct to non-surgical periodontal treatment, using a design with multiple matching criteria.   Abstract .
Topical locally delivered minocycline is an adjunctive to non-surgical periodontal treatment, but there are few reported trials. Previous trials have reported differences between changes in probing depth in treatment and control groups, but no differences in probing attachment level. In the present study, 30 subjects were paired according to gender, age, ethnic group, smoking habits, and probing depths. Both groups received intensive oral hygiene education and root planing with local anaesthesia. Active or placebo gel was placed subgingivally at planed sites in each subject according to a double-blind protocol, immediately after instrumentation, and 2 and 4 weeks later. A periodontal examination was made with a constant force probe before instrumentation, and 6 and 12 weeks later. 2 subjects failed to complete the study, and their pairs were therefore not included in the analysis. Results were tested with analysis of covariance. Differences between groups in mean probing depth did not reach statistical significance at any visit (baseline: test (T)=5.93 mm, control (C)=5.74 mm; 6 weeks: T=3.53 mm, C = 3.63 mm; 12 weeks: T = 3.29 mm. C = 3.44 mm), but mean probing attachment levels were different (p<0.05) at both reassessments (baseline: T=6.86 mm, C=6.83 mm; 6 weeks: T=4.93 mm, C=5.30 mm; 12 weeks T=4.91 mm, C=5.27 mm). There was also a difference in the number of sites with bleeding on deep probing at 12 weeks (p<0.05). This trial showed that adjunctive minocycline gel provided a more advantageous outcome for nonsurgical periodontal treatment in terms of probing attachment level and bleeding on deep probing. This trial was a good example of experimental, as opposed to community, design, and used limited resources to show a clear result.  相似文献   

Taylor B, Tofler G, Morel‐Kopp M‐C, Carey H, Carter T, Elliott M, Dailey C, Villata L, Ward C, Woodward M, Schenck K. The effect of initial treatment of periodontitis on systemic markers of inflammation and cardiovascular risk: a randomized controlled trial. Eur J Oral Sci 2010; 118: 350–356. © 2010 The Authors. Journal compilation © 2010 Eur J Oral Sci Observational studies indicate that chronic periodontal disease is associated with adverse cardiovascular outcomes. The aim of this study was to determine whether initial periodontal treatment has a beneficial effect on systemic markers of inflammation and cardiovascular risk. One hundred and thirty‐six adults with chronic periodontitis were allocated to either intervention or control groups in a 3‐month randomized controlled intervention study. The intervention group received initial periodontal treatment, whereas the control group did not receive that treatment until after the study. Blood levels of cardiovascular risk factors, and of hematological, inflammatory, and metabolic markers, were measured at the beginning and the end of the study, and differences were calculated. Fibrinogen level was the primary outcome measure. Data for 61 persons in the intervention group and for 64 persons in the control group were available for statistical analysis. Compared with the control group, the intervention group showed a non‐significant trend for a lower fibrinogen level. Significant increases in hemoglobin and hematocrit were seen after treatment, showing that initial periodontal treatment, a relatively simple and cost‐effective intervention, has systemic effects.  相似文献   

Selective outcome reporting (SOR) is a type of bias that can compromise the validity of results and affect evidence-based practice. SOR can overestimate the effect of an intervention and lead to conclusions that a treatment is effective when it is not. This study aimed to investigate the prevalence of SOR in publications of RCTs on nonsurgical periodontal therapy (NSPT) and to verify associated factors. The protocols were searched and selected on the www.clinicaltrials.gov platform up to January 16, 2022. Corresponding publications were identified, and data extraction and discrepancy analysis were performed. The risk of bias was assessed according to the RoB2 tool. One hundred forty-five studies (174 publications) were included. The prevalence of SOR was 49.7% and was unclear in nearly one third of studies (27.6%). Only 31.7% of the primary outcomes were completely described in the publications. The overall risk of bias was high in 60% of the included studies. SOR was associated with statistical significance (p < .001), and multiple publications of the same study (p = .005). Our study demonstrated the high prevalence of SOR, highlighting the need to improve the quality of reporting of RCTs on NSPT studies.  相似文献   

In order to make effective use of the statistical theory of design of clinical trials for chronic diseases such as periodontal disease, certain issues must be considered. Any clinical trial requires that the disease definition be well-specified; that patient eligibility be explicit; that the observation times be explicit; that the duration and endpoint of therapy be specified; that the duration of subsequent followup observation be specified; and that the unit of observation (e.g., tooth, set of teeth, patient) be defined. In a chronic disease, the potential biases that can readily be introduced by self-selection of patients who enter the trial and/or who return for subsequent observation become more important, because subjects are required to remain on treatment and/or observation for prolonged periods. Further, the cyclical nature of some chronic diseases may require special attention to baseline definitions of active disease and disease outcome. These issues are illustrated with examples from clinical trials of hypertension, breast cancer screening, and Polycythemia Vera. Implications for periodontal disease are discussed.  相似文献   

AIM: Evaluation of the clinical effect of topical application of doxycycline adjunctive to non-surgical periodontal therapy. METHODS: A total of 111 patients suffering from untreated or recurrent moderate to severe periodontitis at 3 different centers (Heidelberg, Frankfurt, Nijmegen) were treated in this double-blind split-mouth study. In each patient, 3 different treatment modalities were assigned randomly to 3 test teeth: scaling and root planing alone (SRP), SRP with subgingival vehicle control (VEH), and SRP with subgingival application of a newly developed biodegradable 15% doxycycline gel (DOXI). At baseline, clinical parameters were measured at all single rooted teeth using a reference splint: PlI, PPD, relative attachment level (RAL-V), GI. 3 strata were generated according to baseline PPD: (i) 5-6 mm, (ii) 7-8 mm, (iii) > or =9 mm. Not more than 50% active smokers were allowed to each stratum. 3 and 6 months after therapy re-examination was performed by examiners blinded to baseline data and test sites. The statistical comparison of RAL-V gain and PPD reduction between the treatments was based on a repeated measures ANOVA with correction according to Huynh & Feldt. The comparison of SRP versus DOXI was considered as the main study question. RESULTS: 110 patients finished the 3 months and 108 the 6 months examination. The study did not show adverse effects of VEH or DOXI except for one singular inflammation that occurred 2 months after application of the doxycycline gel. DOXI provided statistically significantly more favorable PPD reduction (SRP: -2.4+/-1.4 mm, VEH: -2.7+/-1.6 mm, DOXI: -3.1+/-1.2 mm; SRP versus DOXI p=0.0001, VEH versus DOXI p=0.0066) and RAL-V gain (SRP: 1.6+/-1.9 mm, VEH: 1.6+/-2.2 mm, DOXI: 2.0+/-1.7 mm; SRP versus DOXI p=0.027, VEH versus DOXI p=0.038) than SRP and VEH after 6 months. CONCLUSIONS: Adjunctive topical subgingival application of a biodegradable 15% doxycycline gel was safe and provided more favorable RAL-V gain and PPD reduction than SRP alone and VEH. Thus, by use of topical doxycycline the threshold for surgical periodontal therapy might be moved toward deeper pockets.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the reproducibility of the Periodontal Treatment Need System (PTNS), when plaque retentions were examined separately. A sample of 8000 persons was drawn to represent the Finnish population aged 30 yr and over. The first clinical examination (total sample) was made by a specially trained expanded-duty dental auxiliary (EDDA). During the second examination (2-6 months later), 20% of the total sample was reexamined by a dentist, and of those, every 6th patient was examined by the EDDA. Reproducibility of the PTNS was assessed as intra- and interexaminer agreement and was calculated using Cohen's kappa and weighted kappa. The intraexaminer weighted kappa values were 0.67 +/- 0.05 for the PTNS and 0.48 +/- 0.15 for plaque retentions. The interexaminer weighted kappa values between the PTNS registrations were 0.77 +/- 0.05 and 0.74 +/- 0.12 in plaque retentions when examinations were made within 1 day, and 0.53 +/- 0.05 and 0.37 +/- 0.07, respectively, when the interexaminer registrations were made with an interval of 2-6 months between them. The kappa values for intra- and interexaminer reliability reflect quite high reproducibility.  相似文献   

Objective. To analyse how general dental practitioners (GDPs) and dental hygienists judge and plan to treat patients with different periodontal conditions. Materials and methods. Seventy-seven GDPs and 50 dental hygienists in a Swedish county, Halland, participated in a questionnaire study. The response rate was 94%. The questionnaire consisted of four simulated patient cases and an attached answer sheet. The patient cases had different periodontal status, ranging from healthy to moderate bone loss with general inflammation. The clinicians judged the periodontal status as healthy or diseased. If judged as diseased the clinicians suggested a diagnosis, selected treatment options and estimated the number of treatment sessions for each patient case. The clinicians were compared to each other regarding their judgement, as healthy or diseased, diagnostics and treatment. Results. Three out of four patients were judged both as healthy and diseased by different clinicians. If judged as diseased the patients were diagnosed as having gingivitis or periodontitis. Regardless of the clinicians' former judgement and diagnostics there were no differences (p > 0.05) in the selected treatment options but there was a difference (p < 0.05) in the suggested number of treatment sessions. Conclusions. Clinicians' judgement of the same periodontal condition, as healthy or diseased, varies, which partly results in different treatment decisions considering the number of treatment sessions. The suggested number of treatment sessions varied also between clinicians even if they judged and diagnosed the condition likewise. The willingness to treat and suggested treatment options were not influenced by the variation in judgement and diagnostics.  相似文献   

It is known that mouthwashes can influence gingivitis; however, their role in the three different kinds of periodontitis is unclear. Some solutions have demonstrated some effect on necrotising periodontitis, yet none have been shown to influence early onset periodontitis. The literature provides us with a wide range of in vitro concentrations of substances used pure or in various mixtures in mouthwashes. Although only a few solutions can be used in a curative approach, most mouthwashes represent an essential tool in prophylaxis and thus also in post-periodontal treatment (maintenance phase). However, severe qualitative differences exist between the diverse families of mouthwashes. Many studies have shown that the use of a mouthwash associated with regular tooth cleaning was more beneficial than the utilisation of mouthrinse alone.  相似文献   

Aims: The aims of this study were to evaluate the effect of mechanical periodontal treatment with local application of minocycline (APT) on serum adiponectin as a marker of insulin resistance improvement in type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) patients and to investigate if effect of APT on serum adiponectin level was sustained by periodontal maintenance (PM).
Material and Methods: Twenty-seven T2DM patients were randomly assigned into test or control groups. Test received scaling with ultrasonic devices at baseline and APT biweekly for 2 months while control received scaling at baseline and mechanical tooth cleaning (MPT) at the same interval. At 6 months, all patients received mechanical tooth cleaning as PM. Periodontal examination and blood measurements were performed at baseline, 4 and 9 months.
Results: Adiponectin concentrations in test had significantly increased by 31.4% after APT ( p =0.024) and by 30.4% after PM ( p =0.002) compared with baseline. The percentage of 4 mm probing depths (PD) had shown 8.3% and 9.3% reduction after APT and PM ( p =0.046, 0.02) in test while 5.0% reduction after MPT in control group ( p =0.031).
Conclusions: Our results suggested that APT and PM not only improve periodontal disease but also increase serum adiponectin in T2DM patients.  相似文献   

Abstract Individuals in Tanzania who have limited access to medical and dental treatment provide an opportunity to study the natural association between periodontal condition and HIV infection and the stage of infection. 119 HIV infected adult individuals and 73 individuals with AIDS from the AIDS Clinical Trial Clinic at Muhimbili Medical Centre (MMC) in DaresSalaam participated as cases. Mean age was 35.3 and 35.1 years, respectively. 156 individuals with a mean age of 28.3 years, confirmed as HIV seronegative, served as controls. There were no significant differences in bleeding on probing, pocket formation or attachment loss among the HIV seronegative individuals. HIV seropositive and AIDS patients. We applied multiple logistic regression to calculate odds ratios for presence of periodontal conditions adjusting for age, gender and DMFT. Our odds ratios did not reveal any significant associations between bleeding on probing, pocket formation or attachment loss with regard to lymphocyte and CD4+ T cell counts among the HIV infected individuals and AIDS patients. When associations were investigated with regard to HIV serostatus (HIV seronegative. HIV seropositive or AIDS), our adjusted odds ratios were insignificant, too. In fact, most odds ratios were close to 1. Thus, our study supports recent views that the presence, extent and severity of periodontal disease among HIV infected individuals, may be less that hitherto thought.  相似文献   

PG Robinson 《Oral diseases》1997,3(Z1):S238-S240
Three presentations of periodontal disease are associated with HIV infection: necrotising periodontal disease; forms of atypical gingivitis and exacerbated attachment loss. Necrotising disease resembling aggressive acute necrotising ulcerative gingivitis and is the most acute and painful of these. Response to treatment by debridement of lesions, irrigation with aqueous chlorhexidine solution and oral metronidazole 200 mg, tds is almost diagnostic of the condition. Affected individuals are prone to relapse. Prevention by meticulous home care and frequent hygiene recalls is advised. The forms of atypical gingivitis are classically not plaque related. This means that persistence of gingivitis in the absence of plaque is required to establish the diagnosis. There is a consensus that these diseases are related to candidiasis. Treatment with antifungals may be contraindicated due to the emergence of resistant strains of Candida spp. Exacerbated attachment loss may be the legacy of repeated episodes of necrotic disease or may be due to accelerated periodontitis. In either event the principles of treatment are to encourage and facilitate plaque removal.  相似文献   

Aim: To assess the effect of systemic azithromycin as a supplement to scaling and root planing (SRP) in the treatment of aggressive periodontitis (AgP).
Material and Methods: Twenty-four individuals (13–26 years old) underwent a plaque control program, and then were treated with SRP. Subjects were assigned randomly into two groups; the test group used 500 mg azithromycin once a day for 3 days, whereas the control group used a placebo. Clinical variables were assessed at baseline, 3, 6, 9, and 12 months. The periodontal status at baseline and 12 months was compared using the Wald test, and adjusting for the effect of clustering of teeth within subjects.
Results: There were no significant differences in visible plaque, gingival bleeding, and supragingival calculus between groups throughout the study. Periodontal probing depth (PPD) and clinical attachment level improved significantly from baseline to 12 months in both groups, with the test group showing significantly more reduction in mean PPD compared with controls (2.88 mm versus 1.85 mm, respectively, p =0.025). Subjects administering azithromycin showed a higher percentage of teeth with attachment gain 1 mm (81.34 versus 63.63, p =0.037), whereas the controls had higher percentage of teeth with attachment loss 1 mm (11.57 versus 2.24, p =0.015).
Conclusions: The adjunctive use of azithromycin has the potential to improve periodontal health of young patients with AgP.  相似文献   

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