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沈树梅 《吉林医学》2004,25(1):9-10
目的 :了解治疗护士手的污染程度 ,探讨有效的消毒方法及预防措施。方法 :在输液前后 ,对治疗护士的手进行微生物监测。结果 :治疗护士用流动水认真洗手或用快速消毒剂消毒手均能达标。结论 :加强对护士手的监测是控制医院感染的重要措施之一。  相似文献   

社会主义国家共产党执政呈现出一种带有共性的现象 ,中国共产党应从其执政兴衰成败中吸取经验及教训 :树立旗帜 ,确立纲领 ,与时俱进 ;加快经济建设 ,着力富民强国 ;密切联系群众 ,铲除特权腐败 ;发扬民主 ,健全机制 ;完善执政方式 ,提高执政水平。中国共产党应以“三个代表”重要思想为指导 ,着力执政党建设 ,藉以实现党兴旺、国兴旺、人民富裕  相似文献   

目的明确常规高压氧治疗是选用阶段停留加、减压法还是采用均匀变速加、减压法.方法理论分析两种方法的气体脱饱和梯度面积,比较两种方法动物出舱时的组织间液氧分压及动物对两种方法的反应.结果阶段停留减压法的体内气体脱饱和梯度面积明显大于均匀变速减压法,出舱时腹水的氧分压、均匀变速法明显高于阶段停留法,均匀变速法动物反应较轻.结论常规高压氧治疗宜采用均匀变速及治疗压较高的其他治疗法,阶段停留减压法适宜于潜水减压若减压病及治疗压较高的其他治疗.  相似文献   

直径相异的神经连接方法对神经再生的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
探索直径相异神经的连接方法与神经再生的关系。方法以大鼠臂丛根性撕脱伤为模型,将膈神经移位于外侧束,采用干干、干束,包埋和端侧缝合及无间隙和小间隙脉接六种连接方法,术后用电生理学、组织学和功能的测定评估神经再生和功能恢复情况。  相似文献   

西南地区慢性荨麻疹皮肤点刺试验变应原检测分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
杨斌  刁庆春  钟白玉  林琳 《重庆医学》2002,31(12):1193-1194
目的:了解西南地区慢性荨麻疹患者的过敏情况,为预防和治疗慢性荨麻疹提供依据。方法:采用国际标准方法的皮肤点刺试验,对225例慢性荨麻疹患者做20种过敏原测定,并设阳性(组胺)及阴性(生理盐水)对照;以阳性为对照判断标准。结果:慢性荨麻疹患者蟑螂阳性率为42.6%,粉尘螨41.7%,户尘螨37.3%,律草花粉26.6%,大蚂蚁19.5%,法国梧桐18.6%,芝麻12.8%,狗毛10.2%,酵母菌9.7%,艾蒿花粉8.0%,烟曲霉菌7.1%,玉米花粉7.1%,猫毛6.6%,松花粉5.3%,家鼠5.3%,黄鳝4.4%,香烟4.0%,花生3.5%,鸡蛋清3.1%,牛奶3.1%。结论:重庆地区慢性荨麻疹患者主要过敏原为尘螨(包括粉尘螨和户尘螨),其次为樟螂和律草花粉。在可检测到过敏原的患者中大多数同时对多种过敏原过敏。  相似文献   

Mold Sensitivity in the Allergic Respiratory Diseases   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
A study to determine the role of mold allergens in the allergic respiratory diseases was made by reviewing the skin sensitivity reactions to molds of 257 consecutive cases of asthma and/or rhinitis in southwestern British Columbia. Failure to adequately seek out and to treat even minor mold allergy was noted to be a frequent cause of therapeutic failure or of only limited success. Apparently bearing a consistent relation to age and being most prevalent in the mature adult, allergy to fungi appeared to develop slowly and insidiously. The incidence of mold sensitivity was 78.5% and exceeded that of house dust sensitivity by 3.1%. Evidence of clinical sensitivity was present in excess of 52.4% of mold-sensitive patients. Asthmatic patients showed a greater incidence of sensitivity to molds and to multiplicity of species than did patients with rhinitis only. The hypothesized evolution of rhinitis to asthma appeared to be paralleled by the acquisition of sensitivity to increasing numbers of species of fungi. This suggests that the development of sensitivity to multiple mold species may be an etiologic factor in the production of the asthmatic state.  相似文献   

Clinical geneticists are increasingly confronted with ethical tensions between their responsibilities to individual patients and to other family members. This paper considers the ethical implications of a "familial" conception of the clinical genetics role. It argues that dogmatic adherence to either the familial or to the individualistic conception of clinical genetics has the potential to lead to significant harms and to fail to take important obligations seriously. Geneticists are likely to continue to be required to make moral judgments in the resolution of such tensions and may find it useful to have access to ethics training and support.  相似文献   

自1987年收治烧伤后手部残缺畸形46例。分类为手指残缺畸形、拳状粘连、僵直挛缩畸形,多数丧失手的功能。入院后通过进行瘢痕切除,松解挛缩组织,加深虎口,创面移植皮片或皮瓣等外科整复治疗,基本上使手获得相应功能,但一次进行手术综合修复,往往不能达到理想地功能恢复。必须在整形治疗基础上。患者、家属和医生密切合作,以便使综合治疗彻底进行。  相似文献   

医院融资方法的探讨   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
笔者就现代化医院经济管理的一个重要内容,即资本金的筹措与运用进行了探讨。为了顺利地筹措运营资本,最大限度地提高资本金的使用价值和效率,医院管理者必须学习研究现代企业管理的方法,特别是在解决医院运行资金不足的问题上,需要运用现代金融管理的理论与相应的融资方法筹资,投资医院的建设与发展,使医院处于有利的竞争地位。  相似文献   

改革开放以来我国进入了快速社会转型时期,初步实现了从农村社会到城市社会的历史性跨越。在快速城市化过程中,由于旧体制下存在的城乡公民权利不平等,从而导致了在社会转型期身份转变之后郊区农民和常住人口的农民工这两个"新市民"群体市民化难以顺利完成。在加强和创新社会管理的新形势下,政府需要提高服务水平,努力维护"新市民"平等权利,增强"新市民"政治参与和社会参与能力,提升城市身份认同感,有效完成其角色转变,从而形成城市社会融合的良好状态,促进社会和谐与有序发展。  相似文献   

What makes the best medical ethics journal? A North American perspective   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
BACKGROUND: There currently exist no data on the factors that contribute to determining why medical ethicists choose to review for and submit articles to medical ethics journals. OBJECTIVE: To establish which factors contribute to medical ethicists reviewing articles for or submitting them to medical ethics journals by consulting those who are active in this capacity. METHODS: Medical ethicists were surveyed to determine their incentives and disincentives for reviewing articles for or submitting them to medical ethics journals. Survey participants were chosen based on a review of the academic and research record of medical ethicists working in North America in higher education institutions. RESULTS: The most frequent incentives to reviewing journal articles were: an opportunity to contribute to the field/profession, the good reputation of the journal, the high impact factor of the journal, and to keep up to date on current research. The most frequent disincentives to reviewing journal articles were: time constraints due to academic commitments, the poor reputation of the journal, and time constraints caused by other editorial commitments (for example, reviewing for other journals/publishers). The most important incentives to submitting journal articles were: the good reputation of the journal, the quality of scholarship previously published in the journal, the impact factor of the journal, and a fast turn-around from acceptance to publication. The most important disincentives to submitting journal articles were: the poor reputation of the journal, the poor quality of work previously published in the journal, and a slow turn-around from acceptance to publication. CONCLUSION: A series of factors that medical ethics journals should strive to employ to encourage reviewing and submission of articles are recommended.  相似文献   

以李杨爱情故事为题材作品的主题矛盾是指一方面揭露唐玄宗荒淫腐败、招致动乱;一方面歌颂唐玄宗对爱情的忠贞专一、生死不渝.同样,杨贵妃亦既是淫乱内官、酿乱祸国的罪魁,又是被迫自缢、矢志钟情的"情痴".造成上述主题矛盾与形象割裂的原因乃在于事理逻辑的背谬与生活真实的失真.而作为马嵬坡事件的真相,唐玄宗并非无力保护,乃在于主动赐死,以阻止安禄山的追击.  相似文献   

王鹏远  梁桂仙  杨淑芳 《医学综述》2008,14(9):1437-1439
随着科技的发展,医疗卫生事业已进入了一个新的时代,必须改变传统的供应室管理模式,才能适应新时期医院发展的要求。强化制度管理的同时,突出人性化管理;提高职工综合素质,适应科技发展的需求;转换观念,变被动服务为主动服务;紧跟科技发展,开拓新业务;调整工作重心,强化质量管理的措施可以激发职工的工作热情,增强管理者的责任心及积极性,减少供应室与临床医技科室的纠纷,提高工作效率及服务质量;供应室布局、流程及质量管理规范化,有效的保证了供应物品的达标率。  相似文献   

高原低氧习服是指进入高原后机体产生一系列生理改变以确保能在低氧环境中更好地生活,其对高原人群身心健康至关重要。然而如何快速习服高原低氧环境、减少高原低氧对机体损伤至今仍不清楚。了解高原低氧损伤发生、发展机制,寻找精准预测高原低氧损伤发生的靶点,研发高效预防和治疗高原低氧损伤的措施迫在眉睫。该文就高原低氧损伤发生机制、高原低氧损伤易感性靶点、促进高原低氧习服措施进行综述,旨在为高原医学快速发展提供参考,为构建对高原低氧损伤的充分认识、早期预警、有效预防和快速治疗于一体的诊防治新策略提供新思路。  相似文献   

以护理本科人才综合素质培养为核心,遵循思政工作规律,遵循教书育人规律,遵循学生成长规律;因事而化,因时而进,因势而新,构建护理专业“课程思政建设体系”;实现第一课堂思政教育的多途径多方法,第二课堂思政教育的三平台三融合,思政课程教育效果评价体系的多维度、多时段、多方式,从而推进护理专业人才素养的高阶提升。  相似文献   

As the body of medical literature continues to expand, physicians must develop the necessary skills to keep up with the vast amount of information available. The journal club provides a forum to allow residents to remain current with the literature while also teaching them the methods to evaluate it critically. Those readers wishing to start a journal club or revive an existing one should begin by designating a leader and defining the conference goals. Emphasizing the importance of this conference in the educational process while allowing it to be structured to optimise resident interest and attendance will help to ensure its success. Periodic evaluation of this conference will allow the organisers to assess the concordance of the resident''s goals with those of the faculty. Formal evaluation will also provide an objective assessment of the knowledge gained by the house-staff through participation in journal club.  相似文献   

21世纪高级医学人才素质教育及实施的基本途径   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:11  
(1)目的 探讨21世纪高级医学人才的素质教育及实施的途径。(2)方法 根据21世纪医学和社会发展的需要,分析了21世纪高级医学人才的素质及实施素质教育的基本途径。(3)结果 21世纪高级医学人才要掌握高新技术,拥有广博的知识和坚实的医学基础,具有创新精神和开拓能力,对具体工作具有较强的适应性。转变教育思想,调整新的医学教育课程结构和优化课程内容体系,建立一支适应素质教育需要的师资队伍,创建校园精神文明和营造素质教育氛围是实施素质教育的基本途径。(4)结论 21世纪需要高素质医学人才,转变教育思想和观念,优化课程体系和教学内容、构建新的人才培养模式是实施素质教育的基本途径。  相似文献   

马戛尔尼使华期间 ,中英双方存在的冲突侧映出中英双方不同的心态。清廷的闭关政策虽对外国势力的对华扩张起到了一定的阻挡作用 ,但对中国的损害远大于对外国造成的不便。面对马戛尔尼使团的挑战 ,清廷以一种保守的心态回应 ,没有处理好稳定与发展的关系 ,而此时英人的心态却是积极主动的 ,决意打开中国市场的大门 ,并展开了咄咄逼人的攻势  相似文献   

The use of antibiotic prophylaxis has long been established to prevent the development of invasive infections. In many settings, it is currently considered to be the standard of care to administer antibiotics prior to surgical procedures. The aim is to decrease the load of organisms at the site of manipulation and therefore minimize the appearance of local as well as distant infection. With the increasing number of antimicrobial agents available on the market, physicians are often faced with a dilemma when trying to decide which agent to use. This review addresses the current recommendations of antimicrobial prophylaxis in surgical procedures, in the prevention of infective endocarditis, as well as the prophylaxis required following exposure to highly infective bacteria.  相似文献   

To get an optimal product of orthopaedic implant or regenerative medicine needs to follow trial-and-error analyses to investigate suitable product's material,structure,mechanical properites etc.The whole process from in vivo tests to clinical trials is expensive and time-consuming.Computational model is seen as a useful analysis tool to make the product development.A series of models for simulating tissue engineering process from cell attachment to tissue regeneration are reviewed.The challenging is that models for simulating tissue engineering processes are developed separately.From cell to tissue regeneration,it would go through blood injection after moving out the defect;to cell disperse and attach on the scaffold;to proliferation,migration and differentiation;and to the final part—becoming mature tissues.This paper reviewed models that related to tissue engineering process,aiming to provide an opporttmity for researchers to develop a mature model for whole tissue engineering process.This article focuses on the model analysis methods of cell adhesion,nutrient transport and cell proliferation,differentiation and migration in tissue engineering.In cell adhesion model,one of the most accurate method is to use discrete phase model to govern cell movement and use Stanton-Rutland model for simulating cell attachment.As for nutrient transport model,numerical model coupling with volume of fluid model and species transport model together is suitable for predicting nutrient transport process.For cell proliferation,differentiation and migration,finite element method with random-walk algorithm is one the most advanced way to simulate these processes.Most of the model analysis methods require further experiments to verify the accuracy and effectiveness.Due to the lack of technology to detect the rate of nutrient diffusion,there are especially few researches on model analysis methods in the area of blood coagulation.Therefore,there is still a lot of work to be done in the research of the whole process model method of tissue engineering.In the future,the numerical model would be seen as an optimal way to investigate tissue engineering products bioperformance and also enable to optimize the parameters and material types of the tissue engineering products.  相似文献   

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