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二十二碳六烯酸(DHA)参与机体的多种生理功能,对生命早期大脑发育、机体的认知功能发育、视觉发育以及机体免疫功能具有重要作用。本文从DHA的来源及其对认知功能的作用进行综述,发现DHA对婴幼儿,特别是早产儿的大脑发育、认知功能发育、精神运动发育有积极作用。但随着年龄增加,对学龄儿童智力上的影响差异并无统计学意义。孕乳母及婴幼儿适量DHA的摄入对生命周期内大脑DHA水平的维持至关重要。  相似文献   

大量科学证实大脑和神经系统的发育会受到遗传、环境、教育、营养与疾病等许多因素的影响.人每日摄入的营养素量,80%用于神经系统的发展和大脑活动.妊娠期母亲的营养摄入和婴儿出牛后早期的营养对婴幼儿神经系统的发育具有极其苇要的意义.许多研究结果显示,DHA在婴幼儿脑发育和视觉功能发育当中具有重要的作用.近年来,关于DHA对婴幼儿神经发育的影响已成为儿童保健学与营养学界关注的热点.  相似文献   

ω-3多不饱和脂肪酸,包括α-亚麻酸、二十碳五烯酸(EPA)和二十二碳六稀酸(DHA),均为必需脂肪酸。必需脂肪酸作为生物细胞膜的重要成分,在机体中对生理功能和保健功能方面发挥着积极的作用,近年来引起学术界和社会的广泛关注。由此,市场上出现了相关的标以促进婴幼儿大脑发  相似文献   

肠道菌群是生命各个阶段健康和疾病的重要决定因素。了解肠道菌群如何塑造婴幼儿大脑结构、功能并影响神经认知行为发育是当前重要的研究前沿。作为特殊婴幼儿群体,早产儿面临脑发育异常及不良神经行为发育的风险较高。本文总结早产儿肠道菌群定植特点,探讨肠道菌群与大脑发育和神经认知行为的潜在关联,为优化早产儿神经行为发育结局,制定相关干预策略提供理论支撑。  相似文献   

目的了解0-3岁婴幼儿神经心理发育情况,找出婴幼儿发育落后的原因,指导家长如何合理、科学地在生活中纠正、改善和提高。方法收集2012年儿保门诊0-3岁儿童1033例采用0-6岁儿童心理发育量表进行筛查。结果加强婴幼儿语言、运动功能训练,提高认知和社会的交往能力培养,才能提高婴幼儿的大脑发育。  相似文献   

目的综述婴幼儿配方食品中添加长链多不饱和脂肪酸(long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids, LCPUFA)对婴幼儿生长发育及长期健康的影响,并探讨在婴幼儿配方食品中强制添加长链多不饱和脂肪酸的必要性及适宜含量。方法计算机检索CochraneLibrary、PubMed、Ovid和SinoMed2005~2016年间发表的与婴幼儿配方食品LCPUFA含量或摄入量相关的系统综述和meta分析、随机对照试验。结果从检索到的2828篇文献中共筛选出36篇(足月儿8篇,早产儿11篇,足月儿和早产儿6篇,较大婴儿和幼儿6篇)符合纳入标准的文献。出生后补充二十二碳六烯酸(docosahexaenoic acid, DHA)和花生四烯酸(arachidonic acid, ARA)能够促进足月儿和早产儿的早期认知功能和视觉发育,但对神经发育的长期影响有限。补充DHA和ARA能够改善婴幼儿的免疫功能,减少过敏性疾病相关症状,但对婴幼儿的生长没有明显的促进作用。尽管补充DHA和ARA能够提高婴幼儿血浆和红细胞LCPUFA水平,但LCPUFA营养状况的改善是否会产生临床效益还有待进一步研究。结论尽管补充DHA和ARA对婴幼儿有一定益处,但目前尚缺乏在婴幼儿配方食品中强制添加DHA和ARA的可靠证据,建议仍作为可选择性成分。其上、下限值的设定可参考国际标准、母乳含量水平并结合有关科学证据等因素综合考虑。  相似文献   

"养育出一个聪明健康的宝宝"是每个妈妈的心愿。俗称"脑黄金"的DHA,究竟和宝宝的智力发育有什么关系呢?妈妈又该如何科学的选择?先天的基因DNA,明天的智力DHA"大脑"是人体最重要的器官,这句话一点也不夸张!大脑的能量消耗高达20%,占全身器官的首位。而人类大脑重量占自身体重的比例,远远超出其他动物。大脑的运作,决定人聪明与智慧;由大脑所产生对事物的反应和决定,则会影响人的一生。虽说大脑结构已由先天的基因DNA决定,但婴幼儿时期的大脑成长、发展和脑细胞的活跃程度,却与后天所摄取的营养素—DHA密不可分!  相似文献   

随着长链多不饱和脂肪酸(long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids,LCPUFAs)营养作用的明确,其在婴幼儿营养方面的重要性日益受到重视,n-3和n-6系LCPIJFAs中的二十二碳六烯酸(docosahexaneoic acid,DHA)和花生四烯酸(arachidonic acid,AA)在脑和视网膜中浓度很高,已成为近年来视网膜和大脑发育相关临床试验关注的热点,本文就近年来关于LCPUFAs对婴幼儿视力影响的研究作简要回顾.  相似文献   

<正>贝类中脂类成分含量大约在2%左右,但是在脂肪酸组成中,n-3多不饱和脂肪酸(主要是EPA和DHA)含量相当丰富。EPA(二十碳五烯酸)具有明显降低血浆中的三酰甘油和胆固醇,改善机体脂质代谢,抗炎抗癌和提高免疫力作用[1];DHA(二十二碳六烯酸)则促进大脑发育,预防老年  相似文献   

目的 探索DHA临床应用,探讨DHA营养干预对优生的作用.方法 2008年、2009年,浙江某省级医院历时2年(近730 d)对60名育龄妇女分为两个组别进行跟踪对比调查,对一个组别的调查对象在怀孕期间内进行DHA营养干预,另一个组别不进行干预,对比结果在下一代当中进行调查比较后获取,调查内容涉及智力、视力、行为、语言、认知、交往、情感等方面,以6、12、24个月为阶段分别获取统计数据,基于科学统计数据的显示结果,对DHA营养干预对优生的作用进行综合分析.结果 从母亲孕期开始进行DHA营养干预的儿童,其智力、视力发育,以及行为、语言、认知等一系列表现,均优于未进行DHA营养干预的组别,附带调查成果表明,孕期开始进行DHA营养干预的妇女,孕期身体状况亦得到较大改观(相对于未进行干预的妇女).结论 DHA营养干预对优生优育,以及婴幼儿健康成长可起到至关重要的作用,母亲孕期即开始合理的进行DHA营养干预,更利于优生.  相似文献   

Childhood is a period of brain growth and maturation. The long chain omega-3 fatty acid, docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), is a major lipid in the brain recognized as essential for normal brain function. In animals, low brain DHA results in impaired learning and behavior. In infants, DHA is important for optimal visual and cognitive development. The usual intake of DHA among toddlers and children is low and some studies show improvements in cognition and behavior as the result of supplementation with polyunsaturated fatty acids including DHA. The purpose of this review was to identify and evaluate current knowledge regarding the relationship of DHA with measures of learning and behavior in healthy school-age children. A systematic search of the literature identified 15 relevant publications for review. The search found studies which were diverse in purpose and design and without consistent conclusions regarding the treatment effect of DHA intake or biomarker status on specific cognitive tests. However, studies of brain activity reported benefits of DHA supplementation and over half of the studies reported a favorable role for DHA or long chain omega-3 fatty acids in at least one area of cognition or behavior. Studies also suggested an important role for DHA in school performance.  相似文献   

The (n-3) fatty acids are essential dietary nutrients, and one of their important roles is providing docosahexaenoic acid [22:6(n-3)] (DHA) for growth and function of nervous tissue. Reduced DHA is associated with impairments in cognitive and behavioral performance, effects which are particularly important during brain development. Recent studies suggest that DHA functions in neurogenesis, neurotransmission, and protection against oxidative stress. These functions relate to the roles of DHA within the hydrophobic core of neural membranes and effects of unesterified DHA. Reviewed here are some of the recent studies that have begun to elucidate the role of DHA in brain development and function. A better understanding of development and age-specific changes in DHA transfer and function in the developing brain may provide important insight into the role of DHA in developmental disorders in infants and children, as well as at other stages of the lifespan.  相似文献   

Nutrition in Brain Development and Aging: Role of Essential Fatty Acids   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
The essential fatty acids (EFAs), particularly the n-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LCPs), are important for brain development during both the fetal and postnatal period. They are also increasingly seen to be of value in limiting the cognitive decline during aging. EFA deficiency was first shown over 75 years ago, but the more subtle effects of the n-3 fatty acids in terms of skin changes, a poor response to linoleic acid supplementation, abnormal visual function, and peripheral neuropathy were only discovered later. Both n-3 and n-6 LCPs play important roles in neuronal growth, development of synaptic processing of neural cell interaction, and expression of genes regulating cell differentiation and growth. The fetus and placenta are dependent on maternal EFA supply for their growth and development, with docosahexaenomic acid (DHA)-supplemented infants showing significantly greater mental and psychomotor development scores (breast-fed children do even better). Dietary DHA is needed for the optimum functional maturation of the retina and visual cortex, with visual acuity and mental development seemingly improved by extra DHA. Aging is also associated with decreased brain levels of DHA: fish consumption is associated with decreased risk of dementia and Alzheimer's disease, and the reported daily use of fish-oil supplements has been linked to improved cognitive function scores, but confirmation of these effects is needed.  相似文献   

孟丽萍  张坚  赵文华 《卫生研究》2005,34(2):231-233
二十二碳六烯酸 (DHA)对胎儿、婴儿发育的重要生理作用已经引起了营养学界的广泛关注。孕妇和乳母作为胎儿、婴儿营养的主要提供者 ,其DHA营养状况对胎、婴儿DHA营养和发育具有重要影响。在孕期和 (或 )哺乳期补充DHA的母亲 ,其婴儿具有较高的血DHA水平和较好的体格、视力和智力发育水平。本文对国内外有关母亲DHA摄入与胎儿、婴儿DHA营养状况及发育关系的近期研究资料进行了综述。  相似文献   

The immune system is complex: it involves many cell types and numerous chemical mediators. An immature immune response increases susceptibility to infection, whilst imbalances amongst immune components leading to loss of tolerance can result in immune-mediated diseases including food allergies. Babies are born with an immature immune response. The immune system develops in early life and breast feeding promotes immune maturation and protects against infections and may protect against allergies. The long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LCPUFAs) arachidonic acid (AA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) are considered to be important components of breast milk. AA, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and DHA are also present in the membranes of cells of the immune system and act through multiple interacting mechanisms to influence immune function. The effects of AA and of mediators derived from AA are often different from the effects of the n-3 LCPUFAs (i.e., EPA and DHA) and of mediators derived from them. Studies of supplemental n-3 LCPUFAs in pregnant women show some effects on cord blood immune cells and their responses. These studies also demonstrate reduced sensitisation of infants to egg, reduced risk and severity of atopic dermatitis in the first year of life, and reduced persistent wheeze and asthma at ages 3 to 5 years, especially in children of mothers with low habitual intake of n-3 LCPUFAs. Immune markers in preterm and term infants fed formula with AA and DHA were similar to those in infants fed human milk, whereas those in infants fed formula without LCPUFAs were not. Infants who received formula plus LCPUFAs (both AA and DHA) showed a reduced risk of allergic disease and respiratory illness than infants who received standard formula. Studies in which infants received n-3 LCPUFAs report immune differences from controls that suggest better immune maturation and they show lower risk of allergic disease and respiratory illness over the first years of life. Taken together, these findings suggest that LCPUFAs play a role in immune development that is of clinical significance, particularly with regard to allergic sensitisation and allergic manifestations including wheeze and asthma.  相似文献   

Welma Stonehouse 《Nutrients》2014,6(7):2730-2758
Long-chain (LC) omega-3 PUFA derived from marine sources may play an important role in cognitive performance throughout all life stages. Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), the dominant omega-3 in the brain, is a major component of neuronal cell membranes and affects various neurological pathways and processess. Despite its critical role in brain function, human’s capacity to synthesize DHA de novo is limited and its consumption through the diet is important. However, many individuals do not or rarely consume seafood. The aim of this review is to critically evaluate the current evidence from randomised controlled trials (RCT) in healthy school-aged children, younger and older adults to determine whether consumption of LC omega-3 PUFA improves cognitive performance and to make recommendations for future research. Current evidence suggests that consumption of LC omega-3 PUFA, particularly DHA, may enhance cognitive performance relating to learning, cognitive development, memory and speed of performing cognitive tasks. Those who habitually consume diets low in DHA, children with low literacy ability and malnourished and older adults with age-related cognitive decline and mild cognitive impairment seem to benefit most. However, study design limitations in many RCTs hamper firm conclusions. The measurement of a uniform biomarker, e.g., % DHA in red blood cells, is essential to establish baseline DHA-status, to determine targets for cognitive performance and to facilitate dosage recommendations. It is recommended that future studies be at least 16 weeks in duration, account for potential interaction effects of gender, age and apolipoprotein E genotype, include vegan/vegetarian populations, include measures of speed of cognitive performance and include brain imaging technologies as supportive information on working mechanisms of LC omega-3 PUFA.  相似文献   

Recent research indicates that n-3 fatty acids (FAs) are essential nutrients in early human development. In human infants, nonhuman primates, and animal models, the n-3 FA, docosahexaenoic acid (DHA, 22:6n-3) is highly concentrated in brain and retinal tissues and accumulates during late fetal and early neonatal life. Diets deficient in n-3 FAs are associated with reduced levels of DHA in erythrocytes and brain and retinal tissues and with abnormalities in retinal function that may be irreversible. The precursor of DHA, α-linolenic acid (LNA, 18:3n-3), may be an inadequate substitute for DHA because LNA may not be converted to DHA in sufficient amounts to meet an infant's needs. Premature infants lose DHA from their tissues unless they are fed human milk or formula supplemented with DHA. fish and shellfish are the main food sources of DHA. Women who consume fish have more DHA in their breast milk than do those who do not eat seafood. Infant formulas contain only LNA as a source of n-3 FAs. Pregnant and nursing women should be encouraged to consume seafood on a regular basis during pregnancy and lactation to furnish DHA for their infants.  相似文献   

Long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LCPUFA) namely arachidonic acid (ARA, 20:4n-6) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA, 22:6n-3) are highly concentrated in the phospholipid bilayer of biologically active brain and retinal neural membranes and are important in phototransduction and neuronal function. The rationale for adding these LCPUFA to infant formula (IF) was primarily because of their presence in large quantities in the retina and brain and in human milk. In addition, infants fed IF containing LCPUFA and breastfed infants have comparable ARA and DHA levels in red cell and plasma, in contrast to the lower ARA and DHA levels in those fed IF containing only the essential fatty acids: linoleic (LA, 18:2n-6) and linolenic (LNA, 18:3n-3), the precursors to ARA and DHA, respectively. However, functional benefits in particular visual or neural development from IF containing LCPUFA remains controversial. Potential for excessive and/or imbalanced intake of n-6 and n-3 fatty acids exists with increasing fortification of LCPUFA to infant foods other than IF.  相似文献   

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