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目的深入了解三级甲等医院临床护士参与循证护理实践障碍因素的主观体验,为发展循证护理实践提供参考依据。方法 2013年5-8月,采用目的抽样法选取广西医科大学附属口腔医院15名护理人员为研究对象,运用诠释现象学的理论和方法,对其进行半结构式、面对面的深度访谈,采用Colaizzi资料分析原则对资料进行整理分析,提炼主题。结果临床护士参与循证护理实践障碍因素主要有:护士对循证护理认识不够;缺乏循证护理相关知识及获取信息的能力;医院开展循证护理实践的资源不足;尚没有上级指令性文件要求改变常规的护理操作。结论护士循证护理实践状况不容乐观,影响因素众多,解决护士循证护理实践中存在的问题是今后循证护理实践的重点之一,医院应采取相应的对策促进循证护理实践。  相似文献   

目的了解临床护士对承担生活护理的态度体验,为提高临床护理质量提供科学依据。方法运用质性研究中的现象学研究方法 ,通过深入访谈和观察分析12名护士对生活护理承担者态度体验的真实体会。结果提炼出2个主题,即护士不应该承担患者全部的生活护理,但护士应该在任何状况下优先满足患者最基本的需求;影响护士承担患者生活护理的因素有患者情感需要、患者长期护理的需求、从事专业性护理的渴求、价值感缺失、工作量大,人力不足、收费低。结论护理管理者应重视临床护士对承担患者生活护理的真实感受和体验,从临床实际出发,探讨实施生活护理的新模式,为患者提供优质的护理服务。  相似文献   

[目的]了解临床护士对科内业务学习的真实评价,为临床继续教育提供参考。[方法]以深度访谈的形式访问7名临床一线护理人员,访谈内容围绕“你对业务学习的感受”“对今后业务学习的期望”展开,通过对访谈资料的分析译码,提炼主题。[结果]临床护士参加科内业务学习的真实体验主要包括正性和负性两个方面,正性方面包括:增加知识储备,提高授课技巧,增强科室的学习氛围及促进团结;负性方面包括:收获少且占用休息时间,敷衍了事且学习意识不强。[结论]应全面提高护士的教学水平,合理利用课堂,增强学习意识,完善课堂后工作。  相似文献   

孙庆珠  李顺玉  卢秀英 《护理研究》2012,26(25):2343-2345
[目的]了解临床护士对科内业务学习的真实评价,为临床继续教育提供参考.[方法]以深度访谈的形式访问7名临床一线护理人员,访谈内容围绕“你对业务学习的感受”“对今后业务学习的期望”展开,通过对访谈资料的分析译码,提炼主题.[结果]临床护士参加科内业务学习的真实体验主要包括正性和负性两个方面,正性方面包括:增加知识储备,提高授课技巧,增强科室的学习氛围及促进团结;负性方面包括:收获少且占用休息时间,敷衍了事且学习意识不强.[结论]应全面提高护士的教学水平,合理利用课堂,增强学习意识,完善课堂后工作.  相似文献   

目的探索三级甲等医院临床护士对继续教育的具体需求,为临床护理继续教育的研究和实践提供参考。方法运用诠释现象学的理论和方法,对14名临床护士进行半结构式、面对面深度访谈,运用Claizzi资料分析原则进行资料的整理分析。结果护士对护理继续教育存在需求,对继续教育内容的需求希望突出很强的实用性,护士期待电子化、网络化等继续教育形式。结论临床护士需要护理继续教育,不同层次的临床护士希望护理继续教育能提供有针对性的全面、具体、实用的知识,并以数字化的形式为临床护士提供良好的教育平台。  相似文献   

目的深入了解三级甲等医院临床护士对循证护理信息网络的具体需求,为发展循证护理实践提供参考依据。方法运用诠释现象学的理论和方法,对15名临床护士进行半结构式、面对面的深度访谈,采用Colaizzi资料分析原则对资料进行整理分析。结果归纳出护士对循证护理信息网络需求的四大主题:循证护理信息网络产生的必要性;循证护理信息网络所包含的内容;循证护理信息网络的表现形式;循证护理信息网络的展望。结论临床护士需要循证护理信息网络资源,希望循证护理能提供全面、具体、实用的知识,并以中文的形式给用户提供良好的界面,设计标准也应与国际接轨。  相似文献   

目的 深入了解临床护士在进行护理科研过程中的工作体验与需求.方法 采用现象学研究方法,对12名护士进行深度访谈,收集并分析访谈资料.结果 经过对访谈内容的剖析和归类,提炼出3个主题,即面临的难题,成长与收获,建议与期望.结论护理人员的科研意识在逐步提高,但存在着一定的障碍,亟待完善护理科研管理,成立护理科研团队,从而提高临床护士的科研能力.  相似文献   

目的:挖掘本科护理专业学生(护生)对课程思政元素融入康复护理学教学的真实体验,为不断提高该课程的思政教学质量提供借鉴。方法:2023年2月—2023年3月采用目的抽样法选取13名已完成康复护理学思政课程学习的本科护生进行半结构式访谈,运用内容分析法对访谈资料进行分析,归纳主题。结果:归纳出职业素养、社会主义核心价值观、课程思政教学反馈3个主题及9个亚主题。结论:将课程思政元素融入康复护理学教学可提高护生的职业素养,帮助其树立正确的价值观;针对不足仍需进行改进与完善,以进一步优化教学方案,提高教学质量。  相似文献   

宋红霞  高巍  刘峰 《护理研究》2014,(17):2085-2087
[目的]探讨扁平化责任制护理模式下临床护理人员的工作感受。[方法]应用非结构式访谈方法对16名临床护理人员进行访谈,采用Colaizzi现象学研究法分析资料。[结果]扁平化责任制护理模式下临床护理人员的感受归纳为两个方面:正性感受与负性感受。正性感受包含4个主题:护患关系更加融洽,工作积极性得到提高,服务质量得到提高,护士综合素质得到提升;负性感受包含3个主题:工作负荷过重,护理管理严格,支持力量不足。[结论]了解扁平化责任制护理工作模式下临床护理人员的心理感受,帮助护理管理者采取针对性干预措施,减轻护理人员的压力,提高护理质量。  相似文献   

宋红霞  高巍  刘峰 《护理研究》2014,(6):2085-2087
[目的]探讨扁平化责任制护理模式下临床护理人员的工作感受。[方法]应用非结构式访谈方法对16名临床护理人员进行访谈,采用Colaizzi现象学研究法分析资料。[结果]扁平化责任制护理模式下临床护理人员的感受归纳为两个方面:正性感受与负性感受。正性感受包含4个主题:护患关系更加融洽,工作积极性得到提高,服务质量得到提高,护士综合素质得到提升;负性感受包含3个主题:工作负荷过重,护理管理严格,支持力量不足。[结论]了解扁平化责任制护理工作模式下临床护理人员的心理感受,帮助护理管理者采取针对性干预措施,减轻护理人员的压力,提高护理质量。  相似文献   

Aims and objectives. This study explores the scope and potential contribution of the Clinical Research Nurse (CRN) role to clinical trials of a nursing‐specific topic. Background. Over the past two decades, there have been increases in the numbers of nurses working as CRNs because of the increasing global demand for clinical trials. CRNs can influence the quality of clinical trials but the scope and contribution of the role to clinical trials is not known. Design. Qualitative focus group study. Methods. A focus group interview was carried out with CRNs (n = 9) employed on a large, multi‐centre (six NHS Trusts) randomized controlled trial of pressure area care. The focus group interview was recorded, alongside field notes of participant interactions and behaviours, and transcribed verbatim. Data were analysed for thematic content and process. Findings. CRNs described their transition to a clinical research role. They reported a lack of confidence, role conflict as researcher and nurse, the challenges of gaining cooperation of clinical nursing staff to comply with trial protocols and difficulties maintaining their own motivation. CRNs provided their perceptions and observations of pressure area care and prevention. They identified areas of inadequate treatment, management and care, influenced by organizational and clinical aspects of care delivery. Conclusions. The study reveals challenges associated with training and management of CRNs. CRNs are usually associated with trial recruitment and data collection. This study highlights the additional contributions of CRNs for the study of topics specific to nursing as the result of their unique placement in the research centres as informal ‘participant observers.’ Such observations enhance understanding of the contexts being studied. Relevance to clinical practice. These findings are relevant to the design and conduct of research studies of nursing care and practice and present ways for investigators to optimize the skills and knowledge of nurses working as CRNs.  相似文献   

目的了解护理人员对报告护理异常事件的真实想法和感受,识别阻碍护理人员顺利报告的因素。方法运用质性研究的方法 ,对上海市2所三级甲等医院的12名护理人员进行个别深入访谈。结果通过分析,提炼出3个主题:护理人员的认知、管理人员的负向态度和医院的组织文化因素是阻碍护理人员报告的主要原因。结论应加强护理人员的护理异常事件报告的培训,改变护理管理人员对护理异常事件报告的负向态度,建立健全护理异常事件监测体系,以提高护理人员对护理异常事件的发现能力和报告能力。  相似文献   

It has been well documented that newly qualified nurses require support in developing confidence and professional competence. Although preceptorship models have gone some way in addressing this need, innovative and flexible models of facilitation and development are also required to respond to local demands. In the project reported here a number of supernumerary clinical practice facilitators (CPFs) were appointed to support both healthcare assistants and newly qualified registered nurses to enhance their competence and clinical skills. It was anticipated that they might also encourage awareness of other professional issues, such as evidence-based practice, as well as having a positive influence on the clinical learning environment and staff morale. This article describes how an action research approach was used to establish the CPF role in a variety of clinical areas across a large inner-city National Health Service Trust. It outlines the evaluation undertaken and the further contribution that such roles could provide.  相似文献   

目的:深入了解同事离职对在职护士的影响,为护理管理者提供参考。方法:采用质性研究中的现象学研究方法,在同事离职后1个月、5 个月对在职护士进行非结构式访谈,用现象学分析法进行资料分析。结果:采用类属分析法升华出几方面的结果,同事离职会使在职护士的工作压力增大、工作积极性降低、离职意向增加、科室凝聚力降低等;向同事、亲属、朋友倾诉,患者及家属对护士工作的认可等能够减轻同事离职对在职护士的不良影响。结论:同事离职对在职护士的工作情绪会产生不良影响,管理者应采取有效方法来提高在职护士的工作积极性,保证护理质量。  相似文献   

This paper reports the findings of a study which sought to gain insights about the role of clinical nursing staff in the planned clinical experience of undergraduate nursing students. This study differs from others in that the perspectives of students of nursing in their first year of the undergraduate programme are sought, and the role of clinical nurses rather than clinical teachers is of particular interest. Using a story-telling approach, an exploration of students' perspectives on the role of clinical nursing staff in their clinical learning was undertaken. Analysis allowed findings to be grouped into helpful and unhelpful behaviours, Helpful behaviours included understanding and being friendly, showing interest and explaining. Behaviours that students found unhelpful to their learning were often passive rather than active, but they made students feel acutely aware of being unwelcome in the clinical area. Several students described feeling intrusive, uncomfortable and even unwelcome in clinical areas because o the attitudes and behaviour of clinicians. Findings of this study highlight the importance of clinicians and academic nurses working together to ensure that students of nursing, who represent the future of the profession, are provided with the best possible opportunities for clinical learning.  相似文献   

夏玉香  吕娇云  姜贺 《天津护理》2021,29(3):283-287
目的: 在《护理研究》课程中融入思政元素,评价其教学效果。方法: 以2016级121名护理本科生为研究对象,进行课程思政教学改革,课后采用自行编制的“《护理研究》课程思政学习效果问卷”进行评价。结果: 授课效果最佳的3个思政元素是:大学生诚信道德、科研诚信和医学伦理问题;94.3%的学生表示通过学习树立了良好的科研诚信意识,90.9%的学生则认为通过学习培养了自己的团队合作能力;教师可以从社会主义核心价值观目标、情感态度目标和职业素养目标等方面筛选确定专业课程的思政元素,并结合案例等多种方法实施课程思政教学。结论: 《护理研究》课程思政教学有助于学生树立良好的科研诚信意识、重视医学研究的伦理问题和培养团队合作能力。但需进一步提升专业课教师的育德能力与意识,并充分考虑课程内容、学生认知规律和心理特征,优化教学设计,选择恰当的思政元素融入相应的授课章节,并结合案例分析法、任务驱动式等多种教学方法,将“立德树人”恰如其分地浸入专业课教学中。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In the Western tradition, drawing attention to the linguistic significance of analogy and metaphor can be traced back to the writings of the early Greek philosophers Plato and Aristotle. More recently, philosophers of science have drawn attention to the role of analogy and metaphor in the development of scientific theory. Also, linguists and psychologists now suggest that, in addition to being distinctive uses of language with various rhetorical functions, metaphors constitute fundamental processes of thought with basic epistemological functions. AIM: Drawing on numerous sources from outside the nursing literature, this paper seeks to show the implications of current theory relating to analogy and metaphor for nursing and educational practice. It also seeks to demonstrate, using a practical example, how this theory can be applied to the teaching of qualitative research. METHOD: Using reflection on our experiences of using analogy and metaphor in teaching the qualitative research process on a Master's degree programme, we assess the potential for using analogy and metaphor as a teaching strategy. This experience is also used to explore and discuss the wider implications of the use of analogy and metaphor in health and educational practices. DISCUSSION: While analogies and metaphors can help students make creative and imaginative links between existing conceptual frameworks and those associated with new knowledge, thereby facilitating its assimilation, the use of analogy and metaphor remains an under-researched area of nursing and educational practice. The cultural specificity of a metaphor does not necessarily prevent its usefulness cross culturally. The use of metaphor and analogy can also facilitate the injection of humour to a subject students frequently find 'dry' and intimidating. CONCLUSION: Analogies and metaphors are potentially powerful teaching and learning strategies. However, much is still not known about how they work at the cognitive level. Consequently, there is considerable scope for further research in this area in nurse education and clinical practice.  相似文献   

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