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目的对比老年持续性心房颤动(AF)的患者,控制房颤的心室率(频率控制)与恢复并维持窦性心律(节律控制)两种方法的治疗效果。方法频率控制组使用阿替洛尔和地高辛控制AF的心室率;节律控制组用胺碘酮或直流电转复并用胺碘酮维持窦性心律,比较3年后两组患者的病死率、致残率、生活质量及住院率。结果两组病人的病死率、生活质量相比较无统计学意义(P>0.05),频率控制组的致残率、住院率低于节律控制组(P<0.05)。结论控制AF心室率应列为持续性AF的首选治疗措施。  相似文献   

甲状腺机能亢进(甲亢)时大量甲状腺素使儿茶酚胺作用增强,交感神经处于高敏状态与自主神经系统(ANS)功能调节关系密切。心率变异对甲亢患者ANS功能的评价已见报道[1]。心率变异作为检测ANS对窦房结调节功能的方法那么ANS对房室结区调节作用如何,目前...  相似文献   

正心率增快作为交感神经激活的标志,是高血压患者心血管事件的重要预测因素和预后不良的标志。欧洲一项对4682例单纯收缩压增高老年患者的研究结果显示,心率79次/分的患者,  相似文献   

冠心病是由于冠状动脉粥样硬化引起管腔狭窄或闭塞导致心肌缺血、缺氧或坏死而引发.其并发心绞痛、心肌梗死以及心衰等严重疾病的风险更高.而心率的变化会影响心肌缺血的严重程度,对于冠心病患者而言,控制好心率就显得尤为重要.  相似文献   

正中国中医科学院西苑医院的研究人员发现袁介入治疗后袁急性冠状动脉综合征患者的静息心率袁与一年后发生心源性死亡尧再发非致命性心肌梗死等主要不良心血管事件的风险密切相关遥其中袁静息心率大于等于61bpm渊每分钟心脏搏动数冤袁患者心率每分钟增加10次袁一年后发生主要不良心血管事件的风险增加38%遥相关研究论文近日在叶实验生物学  相似文献   

介绍了通过小波包能量和近似熵方法,研究了意识控制心率过程中头皮脑电活动和心率变异性的变化规律。实验结果表明,心率的减慢和加快可以通过意识活动对自主神经的主动调节进行控制,并且脑电活动的变化先于心率的变化。但是,这种控制与运动神经系统不同,因为不同的皮层位置分别与心率的减慢和加快相关联。中央前区与副交感神经活动相关,控制心率减慢,而中央后区与交感神经活动相关.控制心率加快。  相似文献   

本文介绍了一种用单片微机组成的心率检测系统,给出了它的传感器和放大器电路的结构,讨论了单片微机接口电路的设计原理。此仪器可用作简易的携带式智能心率监护仪。  相似文献   

你有过这种感觉吗? 有时体力充沛,心情愉快,头脑灵敏,记忆力强。有时却浑身疲乏,精神萎靡,头昏脑胀,容易忘事。这是怎么回事呢? 原来在自然界里,从微生物到人类,一切有生命的物质,都受一定的节律——“生物种”的支配。这是地球上昼夜更替,潮汐涨落和四季循环的“烙印”。人体通过与“太阳钟”的不断校对,使体内形成了“日钟”、“月钟”、“季钟”和“年钟”的周期性节  相似文献   

目的比较阵发性心房颤动经射频导管消融恢复窦性心律与药物控制心室率对患者生活质量影响。方法 60例阵发性房颤患者,平均年龄(45.6±15.1)岁,其中30例经肺静脉导管消融治疗恢复窦性心律,其余30例给予β受体拮抗剂和/或钙离子通道拮抗剂和/或洋地黄类药物控制患者的心室率在静息状态下≤80次/min,平均随访时间(10±20)个月,根据SF-36生活质量评价方案对两组患者的生活质量进行评价。结果导管消融恢复窦性心律治疗组患者的生活质量评价积分高于药物控制心室率治疗组(P<0.05)。结论经肺静脉导管消融治疗阵发性心房颤动较药物控制心室率能显著改善患者的生活质量。  相似文献   

目的对风湿性心脏病(风心病)心房颤动患者术后自动恢复窦性心律与不能恢复窦性心律患者的心脏超声指标进行对比分析,探讨自动恢复窦性心律的可能因素。方法选择风心病二尖瓣置换术患者515例,术前心电图检查均示有房颤,按照术后自动恢复窦性心律情况分为非自动恢复窦律对照组及自动恢复窦律组,对左房直径(LAD)、右房直径(RAD)、心脏射血分数(EF)、左室缩短率(FS)等超声指标进行比较分析。结果术后维持窦律时间较长组LAD、左房容积(LAV)明显低于非自动复律组(P<0.01),而EF、FS则明显高于非自动复律组(P<0.01)。结论从心脏超声指标分析,风心病瓣膜置换术后房颤自动恢复窦性心律及窦性心律维持时间与左房大小及心功能有密切关系。  相似文献   

目的 通过观察血管紧张素Ⅱ受体拮抗剂(ARB)缬沙坦在持续性心房颤动患者复律后对窦性心律的维持作用及对左心房收缩功能的影响,探讨ARB是否能够逆转心房重构,从而消除心房颤动的复发.方法 选择72例持续性心房颤动患者,按随机数字表法分为对照组和缬沙坦组,每组36例.两组复律当日均给予胺碘酮200 mg口服,每8 h 1次,5 d后减量为200mg,每12 h 1次,5 d后再次减量为200 mg,每日1次,持续至1个月,之后以100 mg每日1次维持至8个月,两组患者复律前后均给予正规抗凝治疗,缬沙坦组同时给予缬沙坦80 mg每日1次维持至8个月.复律后当日及复律后8个月时分别行超声心动图检查,比较两组左心房内径(LAD)、舒张末期面积(EDA)、舒张末期容量(EDV)、收缩末期面积(ESA)及收缩末期容量(ESV)的变化.结果 72例患者中,59例经胺碘酮复律成功,时间(18±6)h,3例72 h未成功,经电复律1次成功,10例直接电复律1次成功.72例中3例未完成随访,2例意外死亡被剔除,共67例完成随访,其中对照组33例,缬沙坦组34例,均无发生显著心动过缓而退出试验.随访8个月,对照组12例(36.4%,12/33)复发,缬沙坦组6例(17.6%,6/34)复发,两组心房颤动复发率比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).缬沙坦组复律后8个月LAD、EDA、ESA、EDV、ESV与复律后当日比较均显著下降,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05或<0.01),而对照组各项指标比较差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05).复律后8个月,两组收缩压、舒张压均较复律前有所下降,但差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).结论 缬沙坦联合胺碘酮用于持续性心房颤动复律后,对维持窦性心律、改善心功能较单用胺碘酮更有效.
Objective To observe the influences of valsartan on maintenance of sinus rhythm and left atrial contraction function after cardioversion of permanent atrial fibrillation, and discuss if angiotensin Ⅱ (AT-Ⅱ)receptor blockade could reverse atrial remodeling and remove the basis of permanent atrial fibrillation relapse. Methods Seventy-two patients with permanent atrial fibrillation were divided into control group (36 patients)and valsartan group(36 patients)by random digits table. The two groups were given amiodarone of 200 mg oral once every 8 hours on the eardioversion day. Five days later, the dose was decreased to 200 mg once every 12 hours. And another 5 days later, the dose was again decreased to 200 mg once a day. And 1 month later, the dose was decreased to 100 mg once a day which would be kept for 8 months. On the electrical conversion day and after 8 months, the patients of the two groups were performed echocardiography, and the left atrial dimension(LAD), end diastolic area(EDA), end diastolic volume (EDV), end systolic area(ESA)and end systolic volume(ESV)were compared. Results In 72 patients,59 patients were successful in recovering from sinus rhythm, and duration time was(18±6)h,3 patients were given electrical conversion after 72 h, and 10 patients were directly given electrical conversion and successful. Three patients didn't finish follow-up,and 2 patients died. Sixty-seven patients finished follow-up,among whom 33 patients were in control group and 34 patients were in valsartan group. After followed up for 8 months, 36.4%(12/33)patients recurred in control group, and 17.6%(6/34)patients recurred in valsartan group(P<0.05).The levels of LAD, EDA, ESA, EDV and ESV in valsartan group were significantly decreased(P<0.05 or<0.01), but they showed no significantly difference in control group(P > 0.05). The systolic pressure and diastolic pressure decreased in two groups, but there were no significant difference (P>0.05). Conclusion Valsartan combines with amiodarone is superior to amiodarone in maintaining sinus rhythm and improving left atrial contraction function after cardioversion of permanent atrial fibrillation.  相似文献   

Atrial fibrillation (AF) occurs in 0.9% of the population, in 6% of persons over 65 and in 10% of persons over 80. It is an important independent risk factor for thromboembolism, especially cerebral infarctions. The functions of the atrioventricular (AV) node are: (a) optimal adjustment of the time between the contractions of atria and ventricles; (b) protection of the ventricles against excessively high frequencies of atrial tachycardia; (c) a pacemaker function in case of atrial arrest. AF is an irregular, disorganized electrical activity of the atria. On the ECG, P waves are absent and the baseline shows wavelets constantly changing in shape, duration, amplitude and direction. Development and existence of AF are correlated with a sufficiently large number of myocardial cells and a sufficient degree of difference between the electrical properties of the myocardial cells. In the absence of an AV conduction block, the resulting ventricular rhythm is completely irregular. The constant irregularity of the ventricular rhythm is independent of ventricular frequency and independent of cardiac and other characteristics of the patient. Electrical stimulation of the right ventricle leads to complete AV block.  相似文献   

To study cardioversion modalities of atrial fibrillation, we had a look to 100 cases hospitalized in Mongi slim cardiologic department during the period lasting from January 1993 to July 2001. Medical cardioversion (with amiodarone) was performed in 47 patients and electrical cardioversion in 53 patients. Atrial fibrillation was 17 months old. Vavular heart disease was the main etiology (65%). The primary success rate of medical cardioversion (73%) was equivalent to electrical cardioversion (70%). Oldness of atrial fibrillation was the only predictive factor of failure of cardioversion.  相似文献   

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