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Sixty-four patients with electrical burns were admitted to the Department of Plastic Surgery, Ibn Sina Hospital, Kuwait during the past 6 years. There were 1202 admissions during this period, the incidence of electrical burns being 5.3 per cent. Sixty-nine per cent of the patients sustained injury from direct contact with live electrical wire, the remaining 31 per cent sustained flash burns. The incidence of low voltage injury was much higher as compared to high voltage. Forty-four per cent of these injuries were not work related. Less than 10 per cent of the body surface area was involved in about 80 per cent of the patients. A total of 65 operations was carried out in 39 patients. Twenty of these patients had repeated debridements until the wound was ready for coverage. All 64 patients survived.  相似文献   

This is a retrospective study analysing 5264 patients treated in the burn centre at Gülhane Military Medical Academy from 1 January 1986 to 31 December 1995. Our burn centre is not only the firs, but one of the best established and supported in Turkey. Our present study has the largest patient group of other previously published studies from Turkey. Of the total patients studied, 4464 patients had minor burns and were treated on an outpatient basis and 800 patients had moderate to major burns. Although our centre is in a military area in Ankara, only 1047 (20 per cent) patients were military personnel and the military-related burn causes comprised only 6 per cent of the total. The remaining 4217 (80 per cent of the total patients) were civilians. Flame injuries were also more frequent in military patients than civilians. Minor burns were most common in the age group 0–10 years old (40 per cent) and moderate to major burns in the age group 21–30 years (54 per cent). Scalds were the main cause of paediatric burns. Male patients were dominant. The overall mortality among inpatients was 18.2 per cent and mean total body surface area (TBSA) was 57.6 per cent in patients who died. 134 patients demonstrated inhalation injury and 82 per cent of these patients died. The epidemiological pattern of our patients is similar to that in other studies from developed countries, although some ethnic causative factors could be found. Our study indicates that emergency measures should be taken to prevent flame injuries at military barracks and industrial workplaces and scalding accidents to children at home and throughout the country.  相似文献   

In order to evaluate the epidemiology and functional results of hand burns in young children, 92 consecutive patients (126 hand burns) under age 5 years admitted to a Burn Center were reviewed. Scald burns (49 per cent) were most common, followed by flame (34 per cent), contact (14 per cent) and electrical burns (3 per cent). The child was left unattended by an adult in 53 per cent of cases and documented abuse was present in 6 per cent. The mean total body surface area (TBSA) burned was 17 per cent, and 77 patients (85 per cent) had additional burns in other areas (arms 34 per cent, legs 31 per cent, chest 29 per cent and face 27 per cent).

Palmar burns occurred in 24 hands (19 per cent), dorsal in 41 (33 per cent), while both surfaces were burned in 61 (48 per cent). Joints involved included the MP in 96 (76 per cent). PIP in 87 (69 per cent) and DIP in 80 (63 per cent). The depth was superficial partial thickness in 53 (47 per cent), deep partial in 55 (44 per cent), and full thickness in 18 hands (14 per cent); a total of 29 hands were grafted (15 deep partial and 14 full thickness). Escharotomies were required in 12 hands (9 per cent) (9 flame and 3 scald) and partial amputation of digits was required in 3 (2 per cent).

Follow-up was available in 46 hands from 7 to 120 months (mean 39 months). Partial thickness burns (34) healed with normal (32) or near-normal (2) hand function and developmental delay occurred in one patient. Hand function in 12 full thickness burns was normal in 9, decreased in 3 with developmental delay in 2 patients. The number of reoperations required per hand burned after hospital discharge varied with age (2 years and under 1.2 vs. over 2 years 0.6), depth (deep partial 0.4 vs. full thickness 1·6) and surface involved (palmar 1.3 vs. dorsal 0.1 vs. both 1.5), indicating that children under 2 years with full thickness palmar burns are at increased risk of developing burn scar deformities requiring surgical correction. Although 24 total reoperations were required in 25 deep partial and full thickness hand burns, residual burn scar deformities were present in only 2 hands at follow-up (1 boutonniere and I web space contacture).

It is concluded that the overall outcome of hand burns in this age-group is good and developmental delay is rare with proper acute management and prompt surgical correction of burn scar deformities.  相似文献   

Epidemiology of industrial burns in Brisbane   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A retrospective epidemiological study of industrial burns admitted to the Royal Brisbane Hospital was conducted over a period of 7 years. A total of 182 patients were included in this survey--173 males (95 per cent) and 9 females (5 per cent). The proportion of industrial burns has decreased from 31.5 per cent to 18.5 per cent of total admissions to the burns unit over the past 10 years. Fifty per cent of the burns occurred in males less than 30 years old. The average age was 31 years. Two-thirds of the burns covered less than 10 per cent of the body and 84 per cent covered less than 20 per cent. While scalds were the commonest cause of industrial burns in our study (19.4 per cent), flame burns with clothing ignited caused the most extensive burns. Face and hands were the most common sites involved. Burns to these regions were mainly caused by flame and electrical burns. Eye burns comprised 5.5 per cent of the sample and were due to chemicals, gas explosions and electric flash. Twenty-six patients (14 per cent) suffered respiratory injury. Only one patient out of our series of 182 died. Progress has been made in industrial safety in the past few years but carelessness and human error still take their toll.  相似文献   

This retrospective study involved analysis of the data of the inpatients discharged with a diagnosis of burns, from various hospitals in Scotland, during the period 1970–1992. There were 51350 such inpatients all over Scotland, with an average annual rate of 2233 cases. Overall burn incidence in actual numbers was 43.7 per cent in < 15 year olds, 41.2 per cent in 15–64 year olds and 15.1 per cent in ≥ 65 year olds. Burn rates per 100 000 population were highest in < 15 year olds and lowest in 16–64 year olds.

The pattern of burn admissions has changed. Since 1987 the highest numbers of burn inpatients were the 16–64 year olds, followed by children, then the elderly. There has been a gradual but sustained fall in burns admissions in all age categories. The downward trend was statistically significant (t = 8.48, 21 d.f., P < 0.001). Though the population of the elderly (≥ 65 year olds) increased by about 13 per cent, the burn admissions and all deaths due to burns did not reveal an upward trend. The population of the old (81 + year olds) increased by 60 per cent during the same period. The incidence of burns was above average when > 80 year olds were considered separately, approaching the levels found in children. However the rate and incidence of burns in the 65–80 year olds resembled that of the younger age group (16–64 year olds).

The total number of deaths due to burns and/or smoke inhalation has declined in all age groups and the decline has been statistically significant (chi-squared = 19.62, 1 d.f., P < 0.001). Maximum number of deaths occurred in ≥ 65 year olds (44 per cent), followed closely by 16–64 year olds (43.5 per cent), and 12.5 per cent of deaths in adolescents and children. The decline was due to improved management of burns and a decrease in the number of patients having large body surface area burns.  相似文献   

An epidemiological survey of 411 patients over a period of five and a half years is analysed. There were no yearly trends but there was a slight increase in the number of female burns during the survey. There were 293 males, 71.3 per cent and 118 females, 28.7 per cent. The majority of the burns occurred in the younger age groups and reflect the cause of the injury. Approximately one-half of the injuries were burns of less than 10 per cent and three-quarters were of less than 20 per cent. The most extensive burns were caused by petrol and clothes fires. Predisposing conditions were present in 23.8 per cent of the patients, with alcohol abuse figuring prominently. Epilepsy was present in 2.7 per cent of the patients. The major predisposing conditions, causes and complications of the burn injuries are discussed. Burn infection occurred in 18.2 per cent of the patients and septicaemia in 3.5 per cent. There was a mortality rate of 8.3 per cent and the average length of hospital stay was 22.9 days. While these burns are mainly preventable it is difficult to see how this can be fully achieved.  相似文献   

This survey analyses data from nine Chinese burn units with respect to age, causes, severity of burn injury, and survival or death of patients admitted to hospital during the past 10 years (from January 1980 to December 1989). Of 12,606 burned patients treated, 3391 were children (26.9 per cent) and over half the children (52.3 per cent) were up to 4 years old. Almost 60 per cent of the 12,606 patients treated were in the young adult group (15-44 years), and 86.9 per cent of 12,606 patients sustained thermal injuries mainly from fire flames followed by scald injuries (40.7 per cent). About 93 per cent of the patients had burns covering less than 50 per cent of the body surface area. The overall mortality rate was 1.24 per cent. The LD50 for the 12,112 patients less than 60 years old was a burned surface area exceeding 80 per cent of the total body surface area.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to review our experience with a mass casualty incident resulting from a boiler room steam explosion aboard a cruise ship. Experience with major, moderate, and minor burns, steam inhalation, mass casualty response systems, and psychological sequelae will be discussed. Fifteen cruise ship employees were brought to the burn center after a boiler room explosion on a cruise ship. Eleven were triaged to the trauma resuscitation area and four to the surgical emergency room. Seven patients were intubated for respiratory distress or airway protection. Six patients had >80 per cent burns with steam inhalation, and all of these died. One of the 6 patients had 99 per cent burns with steam inhalation and died after withdrawal of support within the first several hours. All patients with major burns required escharotomy on arrival to trauma resuscitation. One patient died in the operating room, despite decompression by laparotomy for abdominal compartment syndrome and pericardiotomy via thoracotomy for cardiac tamponade. Four patients required crystalloid, 20,000 mls/m2-27,000 ml/m2 body surface area (BSA) in the first 48 hours to maintain blood pressure and urine output. Three of these four patients subsequently developed abdominal compartment syndrome and died in the first few days. The fourth patient of this group died after 26 days due to sepsis. Five patients had 13-20 per cent bums and four patients had less than 10 per cent burns. Two of the patients with 20 per cent burns developed edema of the vocal cords with mild hoarseness. They improved and recovered without intubation. The facility was prepared for the mass casualty event; having just completed a mass casualty drill several days earlier. Twenty-six beds were made available in 50 minutes for anticipated casualties. Fifteen physicians reported immediately to the trauma resuscitation area to assist in initial stabilization. The event occurred at shift change; thus, adequate support personnel were instantaneously to hand. Our mass casualty preparation proved useful in managing this event. Most of the patients who survived showed signs of post-traumatic stress syndrome, which was diagnosed and treated by the burn center psychology team. Despite our efforts at treating large burns (>80%) with steam inhalation, mortality was 100 per cent. Fluid requirements far exceeded those predicted by the Parkland (Baxter) formula. Abdominal compartment syndrome proved to be a significant complication of this fluid resuscitation. A coordinated effort by the facility and preparation for mass casualty events are needed to respond to such events.  相似文献   

Staphylococcal anatoxin which has a systemic therapeutic effect, improving burn wound condition and increasing humoral and cellular immunity was used for the prevention of staphylococcal infection among patients with deep burns of up to 15 per cent of body surface area as a component of their therapy. The patients with burns of over 15 per cent of their body surface were treated with hyperimmune antistaphylococcal plasma which had a clinical effect and decreased mortality in the group of severely burned patients by more than two fold. On our model of general wound infection from 5 most frequently observed serotypes of Pseudomonas aeruginosa we have got multicomponent cellfree vaccine pyoimmunogen with marked protective effect in experiments. This vaccine protected 80–85 per cent of animals in comparison with 90–95 per cent mortality in experiment. Preliminary clinical data speak for the high preventive and medical effect of pyoimmunogen and anti-Ps. aeruginosa hyperimmune plasma.  相似文献   

From 1 January 1979 to 31 December 1993, 1109 patients were admitted to our burn unit located at Hacettepe University. Of the patients, 638 (57.5 per cent) were children (under the age of 16 years). The male to female ratio was 1.4: 1 in children, and was approximately 2.6: 1 for patients over 16 years of age. Of the 638 paediatric patients, 67 (10.5 per cent) sustained electrical burns. The causes of injury in the remaining 571 cases (89.5 per cent) were hot liquids in 379 (66.4 per cent of the non-electrical burns), flame in 190 (33.3 per cent) and contact burns in two (0.3 per cent). Of the scalds, 296 (78.1 per cent of the scalds), 52 (13.7 per cent), 22 (5.8 per cent) and nine (2.4 per cent) were caused by hot water, milk, meal and oil respectively. Of the flame burns, 21 (11.1 per cent) were due to LPG explosions.

Of the 471 adult patients (over 16 years), 159 (33.8 per cent) were injured by electricity. The causes of non-electrical burn injuries were: hot liquid in 25, flame in 274, chemical agents in four, contact in four, and other causes in four. Although our centre is located in Central Anatolia, 41.8 per cent of all patients were referred from the other six regions of Turkey. Of the 1109 inpatients, 645 (58.2 per cent) were injured in Central Anatolia, 279 (25.2 per cent) in the Black Sea Region, 55 (5.0 per cent) in the Mediterranean Region, 18 (1.6 per cent) in the Marmara Region, 34 (3.1 per cent) in the Aegean Region, 52 (4.7 per cent) in Southeastern Anatolia and 26 (2.3 per cent) in Eastern Anatolia. Approximately two-thirds of the patients (419) required one or more surgical interventions, including debridement and grafting, as well as amputation. The most important early complications were acute renal failure (148 patients −13.3 per cent), sepsis (660 patients −59.5 per cent) and gastrointestinal haemorrhage (seven patients −0.6 per cent). The overall mortality rate was 34.4 per cent. The epidemiological pattern of the burns showed that emergency measures should be taken to prevent scalding accidents to children throughout the country, and for electrical burns in adults, particularly those living in the Black Sea Region. In establishing, implementing and directing prevention programmes, regional differences should be taken into consideration.  相似文献   

A cream containing malic, benzoic and salicylic acid esters (Aserbine) was evaluated as a topical dressing for dermal burns. Children with thermal injuries covering less than 20 per cent of the body surface area (BSA) were treated with Aserbine (53 patients), Daromide (31 patients) or silver sulphadiazine (SSD) (16 patients). In these groups, hot liquids were the cause of injury in 92 per cent, 100 per cent and 80 per cent of patients respectively. There were no significant differences in the numbers of patients with clinical evidence of infection. Aserbine did not inhibit the growth of staphylococci or Ps. aeruginosa, partly inhibited beta-haemolytic streptococci and Proteus sp., and completely inhibited the growth of E. coli. The rate of wound healing did not differ significantly between the groups. No toxic effects of Aserbine were observed, apart from transient discomfort on application. Aserbine is a safe, inexpensive topical agent suitable for thermal burns which are not heavily contaminated.  相似文献   

This survey analyses data from 17 French burn units with respect to age, severity of injury and survival of patients admitted to hospital during 1985. Of the 2398 patients treated, more than half were between 15 and 50 years old. About 90 per cent of the patients had burns covering less than 50 per cent of the body surface area. The overall mortality rate was 11.8 per cent. The LD50 for the 2398 patients was a burned surface area of approximately 60 per cent of the total body surface area. The LD50 for patients less than 30 years old was a burn covering just over 80 per cent of the total body surface. The survival rate as a function of the Baux index was also analysed.  相似文献   

Hyperthyroidism was induced in two burn patients (one a 34-year-old male, with burns covering 80 per cent BSA and the other a 22-year-old female with a 45 per cent BSA burn) by topical treatment with povidone-iodine. Both patients had no history of thyroid disease and their post-burn examination revealed normal thyroid glands. In both patients 1 per cent povidone-iodine was applied onto granulation tissue and a marked increase in circulating thyroid hormones occurred. After topical treatment with povidone-iodine was discontinued circulating thyroid hormones returned to normal values within weeks. In the second patient povidone-iodine treatment had to be repeated again resulting in hyperthyroidism which was also readily reversible.  相似文献   

In a controlled trial, burns of 28 patients dressed with a cream (SNC) containing 0·5 per cent silver nitrate and 0·2 per cent chlorhexidine gluconate, the control series, acquired Pseudomonas aeruginosa less often (9 of 270 swab samplings, 3·3 per cent) than did a comparable series of burns in 33 patients dressed with a cream (CeN) containing 1·74 per cent cerium nitrate (58 of 370 swab samplings, 16 per cent). No bacterial growth or very scanty growth (in liquid medium only) was found in 122 of 270 (45 per cent) swabs from burns in the SNC cream series and in 62 of 370 (17 per cent) swabs from burns in the CeN cream series.  相似文献   

The problems and prevention of burns in developing countries   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Burns are rapidly assuming greater importance as a cause of ill health in the developing nations. The major factors include gross ignorance of fire prevention, the quick spread of slums and the persistence of old traditional customs and beliefs. One hundred and forty-one new cases of burns were treated at the University of Calabar Teaching Hospital (UCTH) in a 2-year period from January 1984 to December 1985. A large proportion of the patients (91, or 64.5 per cent) were minor burns, while 40 (28.4 per cent) were serious burns, and 10 patients (7.1 per cent) suffered major burns. Thirteen patients (9.2 per cent) left hospital against medical advice or absconded without completing their treatment. There were six deaths (4.3 per cent), most of the deaths occurred in the major burns group. Lack of drugs and intravenous fluids, delay in bringing the patients to hospital, ignorance, superstition and old cultural and traditional beliefs contributed to the morbidity and mortality. Most of the burn injuries were caused by domestic accidents and were therefore preventable.  相似文献   

During the 6 years between 1980 and 1985, 39 nursing home patients were admitted to the Ilvidovre Burns Unit in Copenhagen with accidental burns. These patients accounted for 20 per cent of all burn patients above the age of 69 years admitted during this period. The median age of the patients was 80 years. Two-thirds of them suffered from burns of less than 15 per cent of their total body surface area. The mortality rate was 64 per cent. All patients were burned in single-person accidents, most often while sitting alone in their own living room, and smoking materials were involved in 85 per cent of the injuries. Senility, hemiplegia and other neurological diseases with tremor or paresis were frequently present in the victims.

Several preventive measures are proposed, including smoking under supervision, use of flame-resistant aprons of adequate size. Flame-resistant materials in chairs, etc.. and installation of smoke detectors in rooms where patients smoke. A possible relation between the marked incidence of these accidents during weekends or holidays, at a time when staff numbers are reduced in the nursing homes, is discussed.  相似文献   

Chemical burns: our 10-year experience.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A review of 173 patients with chemical burns admitted to our burn unit was carried out during the years 1976-85. Most burns were work related (83 per cent). The majority of patients were men aged 21-50 years (mean age = 29.6 years). The mean total body surface area involved was 3.6 per cent (range = 1-30 per cent). The mean length of stay in hospital was 6.3 days (range = 1-52 days). The extremities were involved in 68 per cent of the patients. The more common aetiological agents were bromine and its compounds (36 per cent), then acids (21 per cent), alkalis and organic substances (14.5 per cent each). The severest burns were caused by the inorganic substances. Delayed admission was most characteristic of the bromine and alkali burns. Complications included local infection (19 cases), systemic infection (two cases), inhalation injury (two cases), tissue necrosis (one case) and corneal erosion (one case). There were no deaths. Increased awareness of the hazardous potential of chemicals should help reduce the incidence of chemical burns.  相似文献   

An analysis of burn mortality: a report from a Spanish regional burn centre   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper reports an analysis of the mortality rates and related factors in our Burn Centre, based on 710 patients treated between 1985 and 1988. The average age of the patients was 23.8 years and the average burn size was 14 per cent of the body surface area. Burning injury affected mainly men (66 per cent), and their mortality rate was higher than that of women. The overall mortality rate was 6.6 per cent, the average age of the fatally injured patients being 54 years. We confirm that mortality in burned patients is closely related to: age (51 per cent of the patients were over 60 years of age); burn size (68 per cent of the patients had burns covering more than 30 per cent TBS); burn depth (57.4 per cent had full skin thickness burns); inhalation injury (present in 66 per cent of the fatally injured); and associated risk factors. The main cause of the burning injury was flames, chiefly from domestic accidents. The average survival time for the fatally injured patients was 10 days. Finally, our expected mortality followed a linear regression model, the LA50 for patients with only full skin thickness burns was 50 per cent.  相似文献   

An analysis of the epidemiological factors relating to domestic flammable agents has shown that 17.7 per cent of admissions over a 5-year period were involved in domestic flammable injuries; 87.7 per cent of the patients were male, with 38.9 per cent being young males between 12 and 19 years old. Petrol and diesel accounted for 56.8 per cent of the burns and the average body surface area burned was 17.7 per cent. Most commonly the face, hands and limbs were burned, and the average length of stay was 18.25 days, 69.2 per cent of the burns were due to human error and were thus potentially preventable, 21.2 per cent had predisposing conditions with 8.9 per cent being due to alcohol. It was considered that the strategies to prevent these burns injuries should be aimed particularly at young males.  相似文献   

Burns due to cooking oils--an increasing hazard   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
From July 1967 to June 1981, the proportion of all burns patients admitted to the Royal Brisbane Hospital Burns Unit, who were burnt by hot cooking oil or fat, rose 5.1 per cent during the first five years of the study, to 11.3 per cent during the last four years, probably due mainly to the rising popularity of cooking food in hot oil, but also probably due partly to the changing patterns of how cooking oil is used. Sixty-two of the 112 patients sustaining hot cooking oil or fat burns over the 14-year period, were males (55 per cent), and 50 were females (45 per cent). Patients of all ages were involved, but there was a notable increase in the proportion of 30-39 year-olds and a notable decrease in the proportion of those aged 60 years and older. The vast majority of these burns occurred in the domestic situation, and this majority increased over the 14 years, may be explained by changes in the of industrial cooking. The notable increase in the ratio of deep partial/full thickness burns in the series, over the fourteen years, may be explained by changes in the relative amounts of cooking done with different types of fats and oils, which have differing physico-chemical properties, although the proportion of patients receiving skin grafts did not alter much with time, reflecting the increasing tendency to graft burns. Ninety-six per cent of the patients in the series sustained burns of less than 20 per cent of their body surface area, and the proportion suffering burns of 1 per cent or less in area has risen markedly. No deaths directly resulted, and predisposing factors to burn injury were remarkably absent. The majority of patients sustained burns to their hands, reflecting the situation in which most of these burns occur, that is, spilling a carried vessel of ignited cooking oil. Prevention by greater consumer education is recommended.  相似文献   

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