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青光眼患者手术后的物理康复治疗   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  

颈椎病的物理治疗   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
物理治疗在颈椎病的治疗中有重要的地位.该文介绍了几种治疗颈椎病的常用、有效的物理治疗方法,包括直线偏振光近红外线疗法、紫外线照射和充氧自体血回输疗法和手法治疗等.并叙述了这些疗法的治疗作用、治疗方法和效果.  相似文献   

功能性失音的康复   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
程美华  李予真 《现代康复》2001,5(6):121-122

中西医结合的物理治疗和作业治疗   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
中国现代的康复治疗正朝着形成一个中西医结合新的康复治疗体系的方向前进,作者在分析了中国传统的和西方现代的物理治疗和作业治疗各自的优势和特点后,列举了中国传统运动疗法,物理因子疗法,针灸、推拿按摩等在康复治疗中应用的方式方法,作用和治疗用途,介绍了一些中西医结合物理治疗和作业治疗的方式和方法,最后,作者介绍了中国近20年来为促进在康复治疗上实行中西医结合所采取的措施和实行的政策。  相似文献   

成人脑外伤患者认知与功能性独立的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正> 尽管在康复医院住院的脑外伤患者常常表现出认知受损和功能性独立的减弱,但受损的认知对功能性独立的影响目前尚不清楚。部分的原因是脑外伤患者主要的认知受损可能在各种功能性独立测量中没有被体现出来,而认知受损的评定也不能真正地做为功能性残疾的指标。本研究的设计旨在帮助判定在康复医院住院的脑外伤患者的认知受  相似文献   

目的 评定音乐电疗法对功能性头痛的治疗效果。方法 抽取音乐电疗法治愈2年后的患者78例。结果 音乐电治疗后头痛完全消失,2年内未复发者46例,明显改善18例,总有效率为82.05%。结论 音乐电治疗 功能性头痛疗效好,不易复发。  相似文献   

黄强  孙家勇 《中国临床康复》2002,6(11):1594-1594
目的:探讨功能性电刺激加早期康复治疗对偏瘫患肢体运动功能的影响。方法:选择106例急性脑卒中患,随机分为功能性电刺激合并早期康复治疗组5 3例和单纯复康治疗组53例。治疗组采用Bobath和运动再学习法,作籽疗法与功能性电刺激相结合的方法进行训练,对照组只施行单纯的康复治疗。结果:治疗组Fugl-Meyer积分治疗前后比较有显提高(P<0.01),对照组Fug-Meyer积分也有一定的提高,但不如治疗组,两组间差异有显性(P<0.01)。且治疗组的继发损害的发生率为0。结论:功能性电刺激+早期的康复治疗,对促进偏瘫患肢体功能的恢复,预防继发损害有重要意义。  相似文献   

癌症治疗的主题为多学科治疗,物理治疗作为其中一种疗法,在未来癌症治疗的发展和实施中扮演重要的角色。本文就癌症康复理论中物理治疗的角色及相关理论作一综述。  相似文献   

功能性痛经的诊断与治疗   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
痛经不是疾病而是一种症状。在月经来潮期间由于盆腔内的器官充血 ,总会使妇女感到有不同程度的不适 ,表现下腹及腰骶部沉重并有下坠感 ,甚至会出现胃肠功能紊乱 ,包括恶心、呕吐、便秘或腹泻等。然而 ,大多数人随着月经干净会自行恢复正常 ,只有其中症状特别严重者 ,以致于影响工作和学习时 ,才因此而就医 ,并被诊断为痛经。虽然痛经在临床诊疗中常见 ,但是由于每个人对疼痛的耐受性有很大差别 ,临床又缺乏确切的测定疼痛方法 ,很难统计其发生率。1 发生痛经原因的研究过去将痛经分为原发性和继发性两种 ,原发多数为功能性 ,继发则多数伴…  相似文献   

物理因子广泛而有效的治疗与康复作用 ,早已为多年的临床实践所证实 ,广大患者也因此而受益。在我们的医学实践中 ,许多物理因子早已成为临床治疗康复的常规。值得注意的是 ,欧美等国的医学工作者近年来在扩大物理因子的临床应用及其作用机理研究方面做了大量工作 ,而我国对物理因子的应用与研究却有减弱的趋势 ,应引起重视。最近在抗击SARS的战斗中 ,党和政府领导号召大家一切为了患者 ,群策群力 ,积极参加攻坚。我们的同行响应号召 ,紧握自己手中武器 ,充分发挥物理医学与康复专业独有的特色 ,使用有效的物理因子参加战斗 ,取得了可喜的…  相似文献   

Patient participation in physical therapy goal setting   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: An important part of treatment planning in physical therapy is effective goal setting. The Guide to Physical Therapist Practice recommends that therapists should identify the patient's goals and objectives during the initial examination in order to maximize outcomes. The purpose of this study was to examine whether therapists seek to involve patients in goal setting and, if so, what methods they use. Therapists' attitudes toward participation and patient satisfaction with the examination were also examined. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: Twenty-two physical therapists audiotaped the initial examination of 73 elderly patients (mean of 76.4 years of age, SD = 7.1, range = 65-94). The audiotaped examinations were then scored using the Participation Method Assessment Instrument (PMAI) to determine the frequency of attempts made by therapists to involve patients in goal setting. Therapists and patients completed surveys following the examinations. RESULTS: Therapists' use of participation methods during examinations ranged from a minimum of 1 to a maximum of 19 out of 21 possible items on the PMAI. The therapists stated that they believed that it is important to include patients in goal-setting activities and that outcomes will be improved if patients participate. Patients also indicated that participation is important to them. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: In most cases, the therapists did not fully take advantage of the potential for patient participation in goal setting. Patient and therapist education is needed regarding methods for patient participation during initial goal-setting activities.  相似文献   

体育疗法简称体疗,我科于2007-05—2010-10对109例前来疗养的慢性老年功能性便秘患者在保证原有非药物性防治的基础上通过加强体育疗法进行治疗,取得满意的效果。现报告如下。1体疗目的根据疗养员身体状况坚持进行适当有效的体育锻炼,以增强腹肌的力量,锻炼肛提肌、骨盆耻骨联合肌及肛门括约肌的收缩能力,并能增强胃肠的蠕动,使其分泌增加,有助于保持大便畅通。通过体育锻炼能令人精神放  相似文献   

《Physical therapy》2000,80(5):499-513
The American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) has developed a clinical research agenda that is designed to support, explain, and enhance physical therapy clinical practice by facilitating research that is useful primarily to clinicians. The Clinical Research Agenda was developed through a series of conferences and extensive editorial and review processes and represents input from a large number of physical therapists. The Clinical Research Agenda represents questions that are believed to be important to clinical practice, the profession, and APTA. The themes of the Clinical Research Agenda were developed in an attempt to span the breadth of patient/client management beyond the particulars of any single question and to signal the full emergence of the physical therapist clinician as a scientific practitioner. Furthermore, the Clinical Research Agenda is intended to serve as a benchmark of the systematic progression of the scientific basis of the profession as a whole. As approved by APTA's Board of Directors, the Clinical Research Agenda will serve as the focal point for the research programs of the Foundation for Physical Therapy, as directed by the Foundation's trustees, and will be shared with other funding agencies and researchers outside of physical therapy as well.  相似文献   

心血管急症最重要的临床特点就是发病急、病情危重、猝不及防,如果判断不准确、抢救不及时,患者即发生猝死.心血管急症患者的早期救治目标尤为关键,就是在有效时间窗内完成最必要的紧急救治,实现所预期的效果.  相似文献   

The purposes of this study were to 1) assess the value of including an expanded business administration unit that would include proprietary practice issues in an entry-level physical therapy curriculum and 2) organize topics by priority that could be included in such a unit. Twenty-seven physical therapists (100%) in private practice in Montana responded to the questionnaire. Ninety-three percent of the respondents stated that such an expansion would be valuable in the entry-level physical therapy curriculum. Topics of greatest priority were 1) Self-analysis of Resources, 2) Reimbursement, and 3) Contracting Services and Referral Sources. Topics of least priority were 1) City and State Tax and Licensure Requirements, 2) Computers and Computer Programs, and 3) Insurance Planning. Further research and development are needed to formulate methods and objectives for such an expansion.  相似文献   

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