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应用原位PCR技术检测阴茎癌组织中人乳头瘤病 …   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究人乳头瘤病毒与阴茎癌的关系,方法:应用原位PCR技术对46例阴茎癌组织中的HPV16和HPV18DNA进行检测。结果:33例阴茎癌中检测到了HPV DNA,其中29例HPV16DNA阳性,6例HPV18DNA阳性,2例HPV16和HPV18DNA均阳性,4例HPV18DNA阳性而HPV16阴性,2例淋巴结转移癌,3例癌旁不典型增生组织和1例癌旁增生组织HPV16DNA阳性。  相似文献   

应用原位PCR和原位杂交技术检测阴茎癌组织中人乳头瘤病毒DNA李西启姜元庆邹积才王剑波刘彦仿董家宝盛文旭一、材料和方法1.材料:收集我院和莱阳卫校1985~1995年手术切除及活检的阴茎癌标本46例。组织经10%福马林固定,石蜡包埋,切片4μm,连续...  相似文献   

用聚合酶链反应检测食管癌组织中人乳头瘤病毒DNA   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
应用聚合酶链反应(PCR)技术对汕头市区68例食管癌的石蜡包埋标本进行人乳头瘤病毒(HPV)DNA序列检测,结果显示,HPVDNA总阳性率为66.18%(45/68),检出型别主要为HPV6、11、16,检出率分别为27.94%、36.76%和27.94%,经统计学处理三型间无显著性差异;HPV-18及未定型别各占8.82%。值得注意的是HPV感染中多重感染占阳性病例的53.33%(24/45)。初步结果表明,汕头市食管癌高发区有较高的HPV感染率,此与食管癌的发生,可能有密切关系。  相似文献   

人喉癌组织中人乳头瘤病毒DNA的检测   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目的为探讨喉癌与人乳头瘤病毒(HPV)感染的关系和HPV在喉癌中基因组型的分布与表达。方法应用聚合酶链反应技术(PCR)制备非放射性探针标记物-地高辛标记HPV共有引物探针,对146例喉不同病变的新鲜组织标本(喉癌68例,喉其它病变48例,正常喉组织30例),进行HPV6,11,16,18,31,33,35,42,58共9型HPVDNA感染的检测;阳性者用多重引物PCR方法分型。结果喉癌HPV感染阳性率45.6%(31/68),喉癌颈转移淋巴结组织阳性率20.0%(3/15),喉癌前病变阳性率11.8%(2/17),声带息肉阳性率6.3%(1/16),15例癌旁及15例癌周正常喉组织均为HPVDNA阴性。HPVDNA型别分布在喉癌中以HPV16、18型为主,喉良性病变中以HPV6、11型为主。结论喉癌发生与HPV感染有关。  相似文献   

应用聚合酶链反应检测食管癌组织中人乳头瘤病毒   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
目的 探讨人乳头瘤病毒(human papillomavirus,HPV)与我国河南地区食管癌发生的相关性.方法 应用HPV L1通用引物GP5+/6+、HPV16E6和HPV18E6型特异性引物多聚酶链反应(Polymerase chain reaction,PCR),检测林州市食管癌组织中HPV存在状况.结果 31例食管癌组织中,29例检测到HPV阳性,阳性率为93.5%;其中19例检测到HPV16 E6基因,阳性率为61.3%,8例为HPV18 E6基因阳性,阳性率为25.8%,5例HPV16E6和18E6基因均阳性,为混合感染.HPV16和18型阳性率为71.0%.结论 我国河南省林州市食管癌组织中有HPV存在,并且HPV感染可能是食管癌发生的重要病因.  相似文献   

目的 探讨宫颈透明细胞癌中高危型HPV感染情况.方法 提取1例37岁宫颈透明细胞癌患者手术切除组织蜡块中的DNA,通过巢式PCR方法检测其中HPV感染情况.结果 该患者肿瘤切除组织高危型HPV18型阳性.结论 利用巢式PCR方法分型检测宫颈透明细胞癌中的高危型HPV型别,其准确性及敏感性均较高.  相似文献   

应用人乳头瘤病毒(HPV)通用引物介导的聚合酶链反应(PCR)技术检测了15例结肠癌石蜡包埋病理组织切片中HPVDNA,其中10例呈阳性扩增(阳性率为66.7%)。12例正常结肠组织经上述PCR检测均呈阴性反应。阳性扩增产物经核酸斑点杂交进行HPV型别分析,HPV16型占4例(40.0%),18型1例(10.0%),16/18型5例(50.0%),未检出其他HPV型别。表明HPV可能对结肠癌的发生具有病原相关性。  相似文献   

不同引物介导的聚合酶链反应检测人乳头瘤病毒DNA   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用3对人乳头瘤病毒(HPV)引物对107例各种宫颈标本进行了聚合酶链反应(PCR)扩增。结果显示,共同引物(GP)扩增,有58.8%(30/51)宫颈鳞癌,100%(14/14)尖锐湿疣、13.6%(3/22)宫颈炎和10%(2/20)正常宫颈出现HPV阳性。型特异性引物SP16/SP18扩增,有37.2%(19/51)宫颈鳞癌25.7%(5/14)尖锐湿疣和5%(1/20)正常宫颈出现HPV16型阳性,5.8%(3/51)宫颈鳞癌为HPV18型阳性。进一步用SP16b引物扩增,没有1例HPV16b亚型被发现。说明宜颈磷癌和尖锐湿疣与HPV感染有关,结合应用共同引物和型特异性引物可作为HPV检测与分型方法。  相似文献   

包皮中人乳头瘤病毒基因的检测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
了解人乳头瘤病毒(HPV)在正常包皮中的感染及感染型别,来分析HPV与阴茎癌的发生关系。采用PCR技术对48例包皮环切患者的包皮组织进行HPV感染相关性研究及分型。20/48例HPV阳性,阳性率为41.7%,其中HPV11、16、18型阳性率分别8.3%(4/48)、12.8%(6/48)、22.9%(11/48),未见HPV6型。包皮垢或包皮炎患者也有HPV11、16、18型感染。正常包皮中有HPVDNA存在且多为高危型,并伴有包皮垢或既往包皮炎等局部理化刺激因子,为HPV感染与阴茎癌的发生有密切关系提供了佐证。  相似文献   

保定地区食管癌患者癌组织中人乳头瘤病毒感染的检测   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的 探讨人乳头瘤病毒(human papillomavirus,HPV)与我国河北省保定地区食管癌发生的相关性.方法 应用HPV LI通用引物GP5+,6+、HPV16 E6和HPV18 E6型特异性引物多聚酶链反应(Polymerase chain reaction,PCR),检测保定地区食管癌组织中HPV存在状况.结果 42例食管癌组织中,37例检测到HPV阳性,阳性率为88.1%;其中19例检测到HPV16 E6基因,阳性率为45.2%,8例为HPV18 E6基因阳性,阳性率为19.0%,5例HPV16 E6和18 E6基因均阳性,为混合感染.结论 我国河北省保定地区食管癌组织中有HPV存在,并且HPV感染可能是食管癌发生的重要影响因子.  相似文献   

Paraffin sections of 11 formalin-fixed trichilemmomas were investigated for the presence of human papillomavirus (HPV) DNA by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with the degenerated consensus primer pairs. PCRs were conducted with different annealing temperatures. When the annealing temperature was reduced from 55°C to 50°C, amplification products of the expected size were obtained for all 11 cases investigated. Determination of the HPV type was performed by cloning and sequencing of the amplification products. The sequence analysis of the eleven cloned amplicons gave the following data: based on sequence comparison with published amino acid sequences, the best homology was found to epidermodysplasia verruciformis (EV)-associated HPVs (supergroup B). In four specimens an HPV type 23 related type was found; five specimens contained HPV sequences which did not match with one of the known HPV types, but had the closest homology to HPV types 15, 17, and 37. Three of the HPV variants which had not been characterised, displayed identical sequences. Two additional HPV amplification fragments displayed 100% homology to HPV-6b. These results demonstrate, for the first time, the presence of HPV DNA in trichilemmomas. The sequence data suggest that HPV variants or types in trichilemmoma are members of the EV-associated HPV supergroup B. J Med Virol 51:119–125, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Many studies have suggested that human papillomavirus (HPV) infection plays an important role in the carcinogenesis of the cervical adenocarcinoma. However, the prevalence of HPV infection in cervical adenocarcinoma and adenosquamous carcinoma varies among the studies. Cervical adenocarcinoma (24 cases) and adenosquamous carcinoma (16 cases), including the underlying non-neoplastic epithelium were examined for HPV-DNA using in situ polymerase chain reaction (PCR), which enabled visualization of the localization on a glass slide. In adenocarcinoma, HPV-DNA was found in 13 cases (54%) and in eight cases in underlying non-neoplastic epithelium, resulting in a total of 21 positive cases (88%). In adenosquamous carcinoma, HPV-DNA was detected in 12 cases (75%) and and the HPV-DNA localization of each component was pure adenocarcinoma, 28.6%; mixed, 54.5%; and pure squamous cell carcinoma, 83.3%. In the underlying non-neoplastic epithelium, HPV-DNA was found more frequently in the squamous epithelium (73.3%) than the cervical glands (6.3%). In conclusion, HPV-DNA was detected in 54% of adenocarcinoma, and the rate was elevated by HPV localization in the underlying non-neoplastic epithelium. HPV infection in the underlying squamous epithelium might be related to the carcinogenesis, even in cervical adenocarcinoma. HPV-DNA localization was different in each component of adenosquamous carcinoma.  相似文献   

Strong evidence has implicated human papillomaviruses (HPV) in the pathogenesis of anogenital cancers and a number of other mucosal and cutaneous lesions. Data concerning the involvement of HPV in esophageal cancers are controversial. Different investigators have detected HPV types (mainly types 16 and 18) in biopsy specimens of esophageal cancers. A study was undertaken to determine whether responses to chemotherapy of advanced squamous cell carcinomas could be correlated with the HPV status. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification was used for the detection of HPV DNA in biopsies of esophageal squamous cell carcinomas treated with either surgical resection alone (n = 42) or chemotherapy followed by surgical resection (n = 21). Different general and consensus PCR primer sets, which allow the detection of most of the known as well as a number of not yet characterized HPV types, were used. HPV DNA was not detected in any of the 61 esophageal squamous cell carcinomas, suggesting that HPV infections are not likely to play a major role in the etiology of this neoplasm. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The association of human papillomavirus (HPV) with urinary bladder carcinogenesis is now a controversial issue. In order to certify the presence of HPV DNA in urinary bladder cancers, the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using five primer sets for detecting various HPV types was used in this study as weli as in sltu hybridizetion (ISH) for HPV 16 and 18 detection. In the PCR study of 93 DNA samples extracted from formalin-fixed and paraffin-ernbedded urinary bladder cancem, no HPV DNA was detected in these tumor samples. The ISH study was also performed on the same tumor samples, but failed to demonstrate any HPV 16-or 18-positive signals in ail except one of the tumor samples. However, the FCR failed to demonstrate HPV 16 DNA even in the bladder cancer positive for HPV 16 DNA by the ISH. This ISH technique was able to demonstrate HPV 16 and 18 DNA in eight of 13 paraffinembedded cervical cancers, in which HPV 16 or 18 DNA had already been detected by the PCR. Our HPV study using PCR and ISH revealed that the HPV status of urinary bladder carcinomas was far different from that of cervical cancers.  相似文献   

We have tested a multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) human papillomavirus (HPV) genotyping assay to fill the need for rapid and low-cost HPV detection in Sub-Saharan Africa. This method allows high throughput genotyping and simultaneous detection of 14 high-risk and two low-risk HPV types, by PCR amplification of HPV DNAs in a single reaction tube. In this study, we describe stepwise experiments to validate the multiplex HPV PCR assay for determination of HPV genotypes from 104 cervical brush samples from Tanzanian women. Assay performance was evaluated by determination of intra-laboratory reproducibility, sensitivity, and specificity. Further performance was assessed by comparison with the widely accepted and validated HPV My09/My11 amplification and hybridization assay. Statistics; the Cohen kappa (κ) and McNemar P values were used to analyze interobserver and intermethod agreement. Overall concordance between the multiplex and line blot hybridization assays was 99% (per sample) with a κ value equal to 0.95; and 96.49% (per detection event) with a κ value of 0.92. Interobserver reproducibility of the assay per sample was 95.76% with κ of 0.91. These results demonstrate that the multiplex HPV PCR assay has high analytical sensitivity and specificity in detecting as many as 16 different HPV genotypes and that its simplicity and low cost makes it well suited for sub-Saharan Africa.  相似文献   

原位PCR技术检测石蜡包埋脑组织中人巨细胞病毒DNA   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
应用原位聚合酶链反应(ISPCR)技术检测了25例尸检畸形胎儿石蜡包埋脑组织中人巨细胞病毒(HCMV)DNA,并与普通PCR及原位杂交(ISH)进行了比较。ISPCR、PCR及ISH检测阳性率分别为44%,36%及20%。与ISH相比较,ISPCR不仅检出阳性率高,而且信号强度增强。研究结果提示,IS-PCR是诊断HCMV感染的快速、敏感、特异的实用方法。  相似文献   

Ninety-six colposcopically directed biopsies from squamous epithelial carcinoma of the uterine cervix and 22 age-matched normal control biopsy specimens were examined by both Southern blot hybridization and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for the presence of different human papillomavirus (HPV) DNA types. Cancer of the uterine cervix, which is the most common malignant disease in Indian women, showed a high frequency (98%) of HPV as compared to those reported from other parts of the world. HPV type 16 was found to be the dominant (64%) type while the frequency of HPV type 18 was very low (3%). On individual typing of HPV, no biopsy was found to contain any other known HPV types under stringent conditions of hybridization except a single case of HPV type 11. Only one case of double infection with HPV types 16 and 18 was recorded. Under low stringency conditions of hybridization with a mixed probe of HPV types 16 and 18, 29 additional biopsies were found to be positive. Southern blot hybridization alone detected HPV DNA in 92% of the cases but none in the controls. By PCR, six (6.25%) more cases and four (18.18%) healthy women were found to be positive for HPVs. Analysis of the physical state of HPV 16 indicated integration in about 70% of carcinoma cases while 30% of them were in episomal form. The findings suggest that infection with HPV is an important etiologic factor for the development of cervical cancer, that a number of such tumours may arise without HPV infection, and that integration of the viral DNA into host genome is not always essential for malignant progression.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) is the most common cause of viral intrauterine infection. Progress in rapid, specific, and dependable detection of HCMV has recently been achieved by the use of DNA hybridization techniques and other molecular methods. We examined 21 placentas after delivery for the presence of HCMV DNA by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). To test the reliability of the PCR for the detection of HCMV DNA in clinical specimens, two simple PCR assays and a real-time quantitative PCR were used. PCR analysis of villous and decidual cells showed that HCMV DNA was present in 16 placentas (76.2%). Transmission of HCMV infection to chorionic villi was confirmed in 11 organs (52.4%), and congenital infections in newborns were detected in 9 cases (42.8%). These results suggest that HCMV genome detection in placentas at later gestational ages is common. Our results demonstrated that detection of HCMV DNA in placental tissues by DNA amplification provides a specific and sensitive method for diagnosis of intrauterine HCMV infection.  相似文献   

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