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The centromere is the genetic locus that organizes the proteinaceous kinetochore and is responsible for attachment of the chromosome to the spindle at mitosis and meiosis. In most eukaryotes, the centromere consists of highly repetitive DNA sequences that are occupied by nucleosomes containing the CenH3 histone variant, whereas in budding yeast, a ~120-bp centromere DNA element (CDE) that is sufficient for centromere function is occupied by a single right-handed histone variant CenH3 (Cse4) nucleosome. However, these in vivo observations are inconsistent with in vitro evidence for left-handed octameric CenH3 nucleosomes. To help resolve these inconsistencies, we characterized yeast centromeric chromatin at single base-pair resolution. Intact particles containing both Cse4 and H2A are precisely protected from micrococcal nuclease over the entire CDE of all 16 yeast centromeres in both solubilized chromatin and the insoluble kinetochore. Small DNA-binding proteins protect CDEI and CDEIII and delimit the centromeric nucleosome to the ~80-bp CDEII, only enough for a single DNA wrap. As expected for a tripartite organization of centromeric chromatin, loss of Cbf1 protein, which binds to CDEI, both reduces the size of the centromere-protected region and shifts its location toward CDEIII. Surprisingly, Cse4 overproduction caused genome-wide misincorporation of nonfunctional CenH3-containing nucleosomes that protect ~135 base pairs and are preferentially enriched at sites of high nucleosome turnover. Our detection of two forms of CenH3 nucleosomes in the yeast genome, a singly wrapped particle at the functional centromere and octamer-sized particles on chromosome arms, reconcile seemingly conflicting in vivo and in vitro observations.  相似文献   

During the course of evolution, a massive reduction of the mitochondrial genome content occurred that was associated with transfer of a large number of genes to the nucleus. To further characterize factors that control the mitochondrial gene transfer/retention process, we have investigated the barriers to transfer of yeast COX2, a mitochondrial gene coding for a subunit of cytochrome c oxidase complex. Nuclear-recoded Saccharomyces cerevisiae COX2 fused at the amino terminus to various alternative mitochondrial targeting sequences (MTS) fails to complement the growth defect of a yeast strain with an inactivated mitochondrial COX2 gene, even though it is expressed in cells. Through random mutagenesis of one such hybrid MTS-COX2, we identified a single mutation in the first Cox2 transmembrane domain (W56 → R) that (i) results in the cellular expression of a Cox2 variant with a molecular mass indicative of MTS cleavage, which (ii) supports growth of a cox2 mutant on a nonfermentable carbon source, and that (iii) partially restores cytochrome c oxidase-specific respiration by the mutant mitochondria. COX2W56R can be allotopically expressed with an MTS derived from S. cerevisiae OXA1 or Neurospora crassa SU9, both coding for hydrophobic mitochondrial proteins, but not with an MTS derived from the hydrophilic protein Cox4. In contrast to some other previously transferred genes, allotopic COX2 expression is not enabled or enhanced by a 3′-UTR that localizes mRNA translation to the mitochondria, such as yeast ATP23-UTR. Application of in vitro evolution strategies to other mitochondrial genes might ultimately lead to yeast entirely lacking the mitochondrial genome, but still possessing functional respiratory capacity.  相似文献   

We report here the crystal structure of yeast copper thionein (Cu-MT), determined at 1.44-A resolution. The Cu-MT structure shows the largest known oligonuclear Cu(I) thiolate cluster in biology, consisting of six trigonally and two digonally coordinated Cu(I) ions. This is at variance with the results from previous spectroscopic determinations, which were performed on MT samples containing seven rather than eight metal ions. The protein backbone has a random coil structure with the loops enfolding the copper cluster, which is located in a cleft where it is bound to 10 cysteine residues. The protein structure is somewhat different from that of Ag(7)-MT and similar, but not identical, to that of Cu(7)-MT. Besides the different structure of the metal cluster, the main differences lie in the cysteine topology and in the conformation of some portions of the backbone. The present structure suggests that Cu-MT, in addition to its role as a safe depository for copper ions in the cell, may play an active role in the delivery of copper to metal-free chaperones.  相似文献   

The mutation process ultimately defines the genetic features of all populations and, hence, has a bearing on a wide range of issues involving evolutionary genetics, inheritance, and genetic disorders, including the predisposition to cancer. Nevertheless, formidable technical barriers have constrained our understanding of the rate at which mutations arise and the molecular spectrum of their effects. Here, we report on the use of complete-genome sequencing in the characterization of spontaneously arising mutations in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Our results confirm some findings previously obtained by indirect methods but also yield numerous unexpected findings, in particular a very high rate of point mutation and skewed distribution of base-substitution types in the mitochondrion, a very high rate of segmental duplication and deletion in the nuclear genome, and substantial deviations in the mutational profile among various model organisms.  相似文献   

The monoterpenoid indole alkaloids (MIAs) of Madagascar periwinkle (Catharanthus roseus) continue to be the most important source of natural drugs in chemotherapy treatments for a range of human cancers. These anticancer drugs are derived from the coupling of catharanthine and vindoline to yield powerful dimeric MIAs that prevent cell division. However the precise mechanisms for their assembly within plants remain obscure. Here we report that the complex development-, environment-, organ-, and cell-specific controls involved in expression of MIA pathways are coupled to secretory mechanisms that keep catharanthine and vindoline separated from each other in living plants. Although the entire production of catharanthine and vindoline occurs in young developing leaves, catharanthine accumulates in leaf wax exudates of leaves, whereas vindoline is found within leaf cells. The spatial separation of these two MIAs provides a biological explanation for the low levels of dimeric anticancer drugs found in the plant that result in their high cost of commercial production. The ability of catharanthine to inhibit the growth of fungal zoospores at physiological concentrations found on the leaf surface of Catharanthus leaves, as well as its insect toxicity, provide an additional biological role for its secretion. We anticipate that this discovery will trigger a broad search for plants that secrete alkaloids, the biological mechanisms involved in their secretion to the plant surface, and the ecological roles played by them.  相似文献   

A novel concept in eukaryotic signal transduction is the use of nutrient transporters and closely related proteins as nutrient sensors. The action mechanism of these “transceptors” is unclear. The Pho84 phosphate transceptor in yeast transports phosphate and mediates rapid phosphate activation of the protein kinase A (PKA) pathway during growth induction. We have now identified several phosphate-containing compounds that act as nontransported signaling agonists of Pho84. This indicates that signaling does not require complete transport of the substrate. For the nontransported agonist glycerol-3-phosphate (Gly3P), we show that it is transported by two other carriers, Git1 and Pho91, without triggering signaling. Gly3P is a competitive inhibitor of transport through Pho84, indicating direct interaction with its phosphate-binding site. We also identified phosphonoacetic acid as a competitive inhibitor of transport without agonist function for signaling. This indicates that binding of a compound into the phosphate-binding site of Pho84 is not enough to trigger signaling. Apparently, signaling requires a specific conformational change that may be part of, but does not require, the complete transport cycle. Using Substituted Cysteine Accessibility Method (SCAM) we identified Phe160 in TMD IV and Val392 in TMD VIII as residues exposed with their side chain into the phosphate-binding site of Pho84. Inhibition of both transport and signaling by covalent modification of Pho84F160C or Pho84V392C showed that the same binding site is used for transport of phosphate and for signaling with both phosphate and Gly3P. Our results provide to the best of our knowledge the first insight into the molecular mechanism of a phosphate transceptor.  相似文献   

Saccharomyces cerevisiae has been an important model for studying the molecular mechanisms of aging in eukaryotic cells. However, the laborious and low-throughput methods of current yeast replicative lifespan assays limit their usefulness as a broad genetic screening platform for research on aging. We address this limitation by developing an efficient, high-throughput microfluidic single-cell analysis chip in combination with high-resolution time-lapse microscopy. This innovative design enables, to our knowledge for the first time, the determination of the yeast replicative lifespan in a high-throughput manner. Morphological and phenotypical changes during aging can also be monitored automatically with a much higher throughput than previous microfluidic designs. We demonstrate highly efficient trapping and retention of mother cells, determination of the replicative lifespan, and tracking of yeast cells throughout their entire lifespan. Using the high-resolution and large-scale data generated from the high-throughput yeast aging analysis (HYAA) chips, we investigated particular longevity-related changes in cell morphology and characteristics, including critical cell size, terminal morphology, and protein subcellular localization. In addition, because of the significantly improved retention rate of yeast mother cell, the HYAA-Chip was capable of demonstrating replicative lifespan extension by calorie restriction.Aging and age-associated diseases are becoming the fastest-growing area of epidemiology in most developed countries (14). Identification of molecular mechanisms that lead to the development of interventions to delay the onset of age-associated diseases could have tremendous global impacts on public health (5). The budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae was the first eukaryotic genome to be sequenced, and has been instrumental in discovering molecular pathways involved in all aspects of eukaryotic cells (69). S. cerevisiae is an important model for discovering evolutionarily conserved enzymes that regulate aging, such as Sir2 and Tor1 (10).Yeast replicative lifespan (RLS) is determined by manually separating the daughter cells from a mother cell on a Petri dish with a microscope-mounted glass needle, and counting the number of divisions throughout the life of the cell. Tens or hundreds of cells per strain have to be dissected and counted to determine whether the lifespans of two strains are statistically different (1114). This method has not changed appreciably since the initial discovery of yeast replicative aging in 1959 (15). A well-trained yeast dissector can monitor and handle no more than 300 cells at once, and a typical lifespan experiment usually thus lasts ∼4 wk. Most lifespan experiments include an overnight 4 °C incubation everyday throughout the experiment for practical purposes, adding another factor that can complicate data interpretation. This tedious and low-throughput procedure has substantially hindered progress. Therefore, new strategies are required to take advantage of the power of yeast genetics and apply high-throughput unbiased genetic screen approaches to yeast aging research.Microfluidic devices have been developed to capture yeast cells for high-resolution imaging analysis during vegetative growth (1620). Recently, such devices have been designed that enable the tracking of yeast cells throughout their lifespan, making it possible to record and study cellular phenotypic changes during aging (2123). However, many issues prevent the use of microfluidic devices in a high-throughput manner for lifespan screens. First, although the time required to monitor the entire lifespan of the yeast cell has been dramatically reduced, the throughput is limited to 1–4 channels per device (2123). Second, mother cells were immobilized underneath soft elastomer [polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS)] micropads (21, 22). Although several hundred trapping micropads can be assembled for each microfluidic channel, this trap design suffers from a low retention rate of ∼30% by the end of the lifespan; this seriously limits the number of usable cells in the lifespan calculation to ∼100, which restricts statistical significance of the lifespan analysis. Third, the ability for trapping micropads to retain old cells depends on the larger size of old cells compared with young cells (21, 22). However, old cells often generate large daughter cells that also become trapped by the micropads. Fourth, the micropad design often allows more than one cell to be trapped; multiple cells can be trapped underneath one micropad, whereas no cells are trapped under others. Finally, in one of the designs, cell-surface labeling and chemical modification of the device are required, which has proven to be technically challenging for fabrication and to introduce adverse effects on replicative lifespan (23).Here, we present a microfluidic platform called high-throughput yeast aging analysis chip (HYAA-Chip), which solves all of the described challenges and limitations. This innovative design can trap up to 8,000 individual yeast cells in cup-shaped PDMS structures evenly distributed to 16 discrete channels; captured cells are cultivated and aged as fresh medium continuously flows through, which removes newly budded daughter cells. The HYAA-Chip provides automated whole-lifespan tracking with fine spatiotemporal resolution and large-scale data quantification of single yeast cell aging by combining simple fabricated microfluidics with high-resolution time-lapse microscopy. The HYAA-Chip is label-free, independent of size differences between mother and daughter cells, has up to 96% single-cell trapping efficiency, and up to 92% retention rate for the initially trapped mother cells.  相似文献   

Important insights into aging have been generated with the genetically tractable and short-lived budding yeast. However, it is still impossible today to continuously track cells by high-resolution microscopic imaging (e.g., fluorescent imaging) throughout their entire lifespan. Instead, the field still needs to rely on a 50-y-old laborious and time-consuming method to assess the lifespan of yeast cells and to isolate differentially aged cells for microscopic snapshots via manual dissection of daughter cells from the larger mother cell. Here, we are unique in achieving continuous and high-resolution microscopic imaging of the entire replicative lifespan of single yeast cells. Our microfluidic dissection platform features an optically prealigned single focal plane and an integrated array of soft elastomer-based micropads, used together to allow for trapping of mother cells, removal of daughter cells, monitoring gradual changes in aging, and unprecedented microscopic imaging of the whole aging process. Using the platform, we found remarkable age-associated changes in phenotypes (e.g., that cells can show strikingly differential cell and vacuole morphologies at the moment of their deaths), indicating substantial heterogeneity in cell aging and death. We envision the microfluidic dissection platform to become a major tool in aging research.  相似文献   

Plants produce a variety of toxic compounds, which are often used as anticancer drugs. The self-resistance mechanism to these toxic metabolites in the producing plants, however, remains unclear. The plant-derived anticancer alkaloid camptothecin (CPT) induces cell death by targeting DNA topoisomerase I (Top1), the enzyme that catalyzes changes in DNA topology. We found that CPT-producing plants, including Camptotheca acuminata, Ophiorrhiza pumila, and Ophiorrhiza liukiuensis, have Top1s with point mutations that confer resistance to CPT, suggesting the effect of an endogenous toxic metabolite on the evolution of the target cellular component. Three amino acid substitutions that contribute to CPT resistance were identified: Asn421Lys, Leu530Ile, and Asn722Ser (numbered according to human Top1). The substitution at position 722 is identical to that found in CPT-resistant human cancer cells. The other mutations have not been found to date in CPT-resistant human cancer cells; this predicts the possibility of occurrence of these mutations in CPT-resistant human cancer patients in the future. Furthermore, comparative analysis of Top1s of CPT-producing and nonproducing plants suggested that the former were partially primed for CPT resistance before CPT biosynthesis evolved. Our results demonstrate the molecular mechanism of self-resistance to endogenously produced toxic compounds and the possibility of adaptive coevolution between the CPT production system and its target Top1 in the producing plants.  相似文献   

The ATP synthase of yeast mitochondria is composed of 17 different subunit polypeptides. We have screened a panel of ATP synthase mutants for impaired expression of Atp6p, Atp8p, and Atp9p, the only mitochondrially encoded subunits of ATP synthase. Our results show that translation of Atp6p and Atp8p is activated by F1 ATPase (or assembly intermediates thereof). Mutants lacking the α or β subunits of F1, or the Atp11p and Atp12p chaperones that promote F1 assembly, have normal levels of the bicistronic ATP8/ATP6 mRNAs but fail to synthesize Atp6p and Atp8p. F1 mutants are also unable to express ARG8m when this normally nuclear gene is substituted for ATP6 or ATP8 in mitochondrial DNA. Translational activation by F1 is also supported by the ability of ATP22, an Atp6p-specific translation factor, to restore Atp6p and to a lesser degree Atp8p synthesis in the absence of F1. These results establish a mechanism by which expression of ATP6 and ATP8 is translationally regulated by F1 to achieve a balanced output of two compartmentally separated sets of ATP synthase genes.  相似文献   

Liver transplantation is the definitive therapy for patients with advanced liver disease and its complications. Patients who are transplanted with a diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) are at risk of recurrent cancer, and these patients are monitored on a regular basis for recurrence. In contrast, de novo HCC following liver transplantation is a very rare complication, and recipients without HCC at the time of transplantation are not screened. We describe the clinical features of de novo HCC over a decade after achieving a sustained viral response with treatment of hepatitis C and two decades after liver transplantation. Our case highlights the necessity of screening for HCC in the post-transplant patient with advanced liver disease even after viral clearance.  相似文献   

Transformation of both prokaryotes and eukaryotes with single-stranded oligonucleotides can transfer sequence information from the oligonucleotide to the chromosome. We have studied this process using oligonucleotides that correct a -1 frameshift mutation in the LYS2 gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We demonstrate that transformation by oligonucleotides occurs preferentially on the lagging strand of replication and is strongly inhibited by the mismatch-repair system. These results are consistent with a mechanism in which oligonucleotides anneal to single-stranded regions of DNA at a replication fork and serve as primers for DNA synthesis. Because the mispairs the primers create are efficiently removed by the mismatch-repair system, single-stranded oligonucleotides can be used to probe mismatch-repair function in a chromosomal context. Removal of mispairs created by annealing of the single-stranded oligonucleotides to the chromosomal DNA is as expected, with 7-nt loops being recognized solely by MutS beta and 1-nt loops being recognized by both MutS alpha and MutS beta. We also find evidence for Mlh1-independent repair of 7-nt, but not 1-nt, loops. Unexpectedly, we find a strand asymmetry of mismatch-repair function; transformation is blocked more efficiently by MutS alpha on the lagging strand of replication, whereas MutS beta does not show a significant strand bias. These results suggest an inherent strand-related difference in how the yeast MutS alpha and MutS beta complexes access and/or repair mismatches that arise in the context of DNA replication.  相似文献   

Ribosome stalling on eukaryotic mRNAs triggers cotranslational RNA and protein degradation through conserved mechanisms. For example, mRNAs lacking a stop codon are degraded by the exosome in association with its cofactor, the SKI complex, whereas the corresponding aberrant nascent polypeptides are ubiquitinated by the E3 ligases Ltn1 and Not4 and become proteasome substrates. How translation arrest is linked with polypeptide degradation is still unclear. Genetic screens with SKI and LTN1 mutants allowed us to identify translation-associated element 2 (Tae2) and ribosome quality control 1 (Rqc1), two factors that we found associated, together with Ltn1 and the AAA-ATPase Cdc48, to 60S ribosomal subunits. Translation-associated element 2 (Tae2), Rqc1, and Cdc48 were all required for degradation of polypeptides synthesized from Non-Stop mRNAs (Non-Stop protein decay; NSPD). Both Ltn1 and Rqc1 were essential for the recruitment of Cdc48 to 60S particles. Polysome gradient analyses of mutant strains revealed unique intermediates of this pathway, showing that the polyubiquitination of Non-Stop peptides is a progressive process. We propose that ubiquitination of the nascent peptide starts on the 80S and continues on the 60S, on which Cdc48 is recruited to escort the substrate for proteasomal degradation.  相似文献   

The mitotic spindle checkpoint halts the cell cycle until all chromosomes are attached to the mitotic spindles. Evidence suggests that the checkpoint prevents cell-cycle progression by inhibiting the activity of the APC-Cdc20 complex, but the precise mechanism underlying this inhibition is not yet known. Here, we use mathematical modeling to compare several mechanisms that could account for this inhibition. We describe the interplay between the capacities to strongly inhibit cell-cycle progression before spindle attachment on one hand and to rapidly resume cell-cycle progression once the last kinetochore is attached on the other hand. We find that inhibition that is restricted to the kinetochore region is not sufficient for supporting both requirements when realistic diffusion constants are considered. A mechanism that amplifies the checkpoint signal through autocatalyzed inhibition is also insufficient. In contrast, amplifying the signal through the release of a diffusible inhibitory complex can support reliable checkpoint function. Our results suggest that the design of the spindle checkpoint network is limited by physical constraints imposed by realistic diffusion constants and the relevant spatial and temporal dimensions where computation is performed.  相似文献   

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