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Objective. To compare the accuracy for diagnosing rotator cuff tears of oblique coronal images supplemented with standard oblique sagittal images versus thinner-section angled oblique sagittal images. Design and patients. The study included 75 consecutive patients who had a shoulder MR scan followed by arthroscopy. MR images included oblique coronal, oblique sagittal (4 mm thick, 1 mm interslice gap), and angled oblique sagittal (3 mm/0.2 mm) images perpendicular to the lateral cuff. A musculoskeletal staff radiologist and fellow separately evaluated the cuff for tears on the oblique coronal images supplemented with either the oblique sagittal or the angled sagittal images. Results. For distinguishing a cuff tear from no tear, the staff radiologist had an accuracy of 0.76 (95% confidence interval: 0.67, 0.85) with the standard sagittal set, and 0.88 (0.80, 0.95) with the angled set (P=0.04). There was a nonsignificant improvement in accuracy for the fellow, calculated as 0.73 (0.63, 0.83) on the standard sagittal set and 0.76 (0.67, 0.85) on the angled set. Both readers also improved their diagnostic accuracy for partial-thickness tears with the angled set, although the improvement was statistically significant only for the staff radiologist. Conclusion. There is a slight improvement in accuracy for diagnosing rotator cuff tears, particularly partial-thickness tears, for the more experienced radiologist using thinner-section angled oblique sagittal images. These images may be useful as a supplemental sequence in patients where it is important to identify partial-thickness tears accurately. Received: 7 August 2000 Revision requested: 13 October 2000 Revision received: 27 November 2000 Accepted: 12 December 2000  相似文献   

目的:运用高分辨率MRI探索肱骨外上髁炎除伸肌总腱(CET)损伤外是否还合并其他改变,以及两者间是否存在一定的相关性.方法:23例肱骨外上髁炎患者的MRI图像由两位放射诊断医师进行分析评价,其评价内容包括CET损伤程度及合并的其他损伤,两位评价结果不一致时,经协商达成一致意见.将CET损伤程度和合并的其他损伤行Spearman等级相关分析,P<0.05认为有显著相关.结果:23例患者共24个患病肘关节,24个肘关节肌腱均有不同程度的损伤(轻度损伤10个,中度7个,重度7个).其他并发症主要包括:桡侧尺副韧带(LUCL)损伤22个,伸肌损伤7个,骨质损伤6个,关节腔积液6个.CET和LUCL的损伤程度呈正相关(r=0.877,P<0.01).结论:除CET损伤外,肱骨外上髁炎还合并其他改变,其中LUCL损伤最常见,并且与CET损伤呈正相关.  相似文献   

We describe a case of thickening and longitudinal increased signal within the Achilles tendon in a patient denying any recent or previous history of Achilles tendon injury. The MR appearance, while simulating tendinosis or rupture, was compatible with incomplete incorporation of the soleus tendon into the gastrocnemius tendon. This constitutes a normal anatomical variant, not previously described in the radiologic literature, and should not be confused with increased signal and thickening due to disease of the Achilles tendon.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the treatment response in lateral epicondylitis (tennis elbow) by MRI. Magnetic resonance imaging was obtained in 30 patients with clinical symptoms of lateral epicondylitis of the elbow using T1-, T2- and T2-weighted fat-saturated (FS) sequences. The patients were randomised to either i.m. corticosteroid injection (n=16) or immobilisation in a wrist splint (n=14). Magnetic resonance imaging of the elbow was performed on a 1.5-T MR system at baseline and after 6 weeks. The extensor carpi radialis (ECRB) tendon, the radial collateral ligament, lateral humerus epicondyle at tendon insertion site, joint fluid and signal intensity changes within brachio-radialis and anconeus muscles were evaluated on the MR units workstation before and after 6 weeks of treatment. The MRI was performed once in 22 healthy controls for comparison and all images evaluated by an investigator blinded to the clinical status of the subjects. The MR images showed thickening with separation of the ECRB tendon from the radial collateral ligament and abnormal signal change in 25 of the 30 patients on the T1-weighted sequences at inclusion. The signal intensity of the ECRB tendon was increased in 24 of the 30 patients with lateral epicondylitis of the elbow on the T2-weighted FS sequences. In the patients there were no associations between pathologically signal intensity within the ECRB tendon on T1- and T2-weighted sequences and the degree of self-reported pain (Dumbells test) at inclusion. In general, the MRI changes persisted in the patients at follow-up after 6 weeks despite clinical remission. The increased signal intensity within the extensor tendon is indicative of lateral epicondylitis humeri. The changes in signal intensity and morphology of ECRB tendon seem to be chronic and may persist despite clinical improvement.  相似文献   

Magnetic resonance (MR) imaging provides useful information in the evaluation of peripheral nerves. Recent advances in MR imaging allow for detailed depiction of the soft tissue structures of the elbow joint. Three major nerves are present about the elbow. Six cadaveric elbows were imaged to depict the normal anatomy of these nerves and to determine the best plane and position of the elbow for optimal visualization of each nerve. Axial images of the elbow in full extension with the forearm in supination allow identification of all major nerves. Axial images with the elbow in full flexion allow accurate assessment of the cubital tunnel and the ulner nerve. Axial images of the elbow in full extension with the forearm in pronation are helpful for assessment of the median and radial nerves in the forearm.  相似文献   

 The purpose of this study was to describe the magnetic resonance (MR) appearance of a newly recognized complication of osteochondromas. Two patients presented with pain and swelling over known osteochondromas. Plain radiographic studies were unrevealing. MR examinations were obtained to characterize the exostoses further and evaluate areas of palpable fullness. Increased signal was present in the muscles on T2-weighted images, which correlated with physical findings and was believed to represent muscle injury due to the osteochondroma. Pain and fullness may result from a number of osteochondroma-related complications, the most worrisome of which is malignant degeneration. Muscular impingement and injury should be considered in the differential diagnosis of pain and swelling in the region of an exostosis. MR imaging allows distinction of this entity, which may be radiographically occult and confused clinically with fracture, bursitis, or malignant degeneration.  相似文献   

Objective To compare the MR imaging findings of 13 patients with clinically diagnosed medial epicondylitis with the MR imaging findings of 26 patients of similar age with no clinical evidence of medial epicondylitis.Design and patients The study group consisted of 13 patients with clinically diagnosed medial epicondylitis. The control group consisted of 26 patients of similar age with no clinical evidence of medial epicondylitis. The medical records and MR imaging findings of these patients were retrospectively reviewed by two fellowship-trained musculoskeletal radiologists.Results Eleven of the 13 patients in the study group had thickening and increased signal intensity of the common flexor tendon on both T1-weighted and T2-weighted images. The remaining two patients in the study group had soft tissue edema around a normal-appearing common flexor tendon. Twenty-one of the 26 patients in the control group had a normal-appearing common flexor tendon on MR imaging. Three patients in the control group had a thickened common flexor tendon which was of intermediate signal intensity on T1-weighted images but of uniform low signal intensity on T2-weighted images. Two patients in the control group had a thickened common flexor tendon which was of intermediate signal intensity on both T1-weighted and T2-weighted images. None of the patients in the control group had soft tissue edema around the common flexor tendon.Conclusion MR imaging findings of patients with clinically diagnosed medial epicondylitis included thickening and increased T1 and T2 signal intensity of the common flexor tendon and soft tissue edema around the common flexor tendon. The presence of intermediate to high T2 signal intensity or high T2 signal intensity within the common flexor tendon and the presence of paratendinous soft tissue edema were the most specific findings of medial epicondylitis on MR imaging.  相似文献   

MR imaging of the knee in marathon runners before and after competition   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Objective. To evaluate the findings in MRI-studies of the knee in recreational long-distance runners after competition and to assess the reversibility of the findings. Design and patients. Eight recreational long-distance runners underwent MRI studies of the knee before, immediately after and 6–8 weeks after taking part in the Vienna City Marathon. The studies were evaluated regarding alterations of pre-existing lesions and new pathological findings. Results. In six runners without major pre-existing alterations no negative effects were experienced. In one runner with pre-existing grade III alterations of the menisci, signs of progressive osteoarthritis were experienced 2 months after the competition. In all other cases increased meniscal signal alterations and minor signal changes in the bone marrow after the race were transitory. Conclusion. In healthy individuals no negative long-term-effects were experienced. Pre-existing high-grade lesions of the menisci might be a predisposing risk for osteoarthritis, triggered by the stress of long-distance running. Received: 17 February 2000 Revision requested: 13 June 2000 Revision received: 21 August 2000 Accepted: 9 September 2000  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate MR imaging findings of the common extensor tendon in patients with lateral epicondylitis and asymptomatic volunteers studied on a 0.2-T dedicated system. In 23 patients (age range 29–58 years, mean age 47 years) with clinical symptoms of lateral epicondylitis MR imaging was performed using T1-, T2- and contrast-enhanced T1-weighted spin-echo sequences. In addition, the elbows of seven healthy volunteers (age range 22–29 years, mean age 25 years) and the symptom-free contralateral elbow of 11 of the 23 patients (age range 29–58 years, mean age 47 years) were studied as controls. Five patients were surgically treated after the MR examination and the results of histopathology were correlated with MR findings. Of the patients, 95.6 % showed intratendinous signal intensity changes on T1-weighted images on the symptomatic side. In 69.6 % signal alterations were observed on T2-weighted sequences and in 56.5 % an intratendinous contrast enhancement was present. Histopathology showed fibrovascular proliferation and fatty degeneration in patients with distinct signal intensity changes and contrast enhancement. Patients with only minor signal intensity changes on T1- and T2-weighted sequences and no contrast enhancement demonstrated fibrosclerotic degeneration and intratendinous cartilage formation in histopathology. The contralateral elbow showed signal intensity changes in 6 of 11 (54.5 %) cases on T1-weighted images and in 3 of 11 (27.3 %) on T2-weighted images. In the group of healthy volunteers minor signal intensity changes of the common extensor tendon could be seen in only 1 case. In patients with lateral epicondylitis of the elbow the type and extent of pathologic changes within the common extensor tendon can be evaluated using a dedicated low-field MR system. On the basis of MR imaging findings a more specified therapy planning among the variety of treatment modalities can be achieved. Received: 10 April 1998; Revision received: 13 October 1998; Accepted: 25 November 1998  相似文献   

The purpose of this review is to provide illustrative examples of diseases of the foot and ankle when imaged with a low-field MR imaging system. A retrospective review of 268 foot and ankle examinations, performed in our institution within the past 3 years with a 0.2-T (Artoscan Esaote, Genoa, Italy) dedicated extremity MR system was done. Additionally, illustrative comparison with conventional radiography and high-field MR imaging is presented in patients in whom these examinations were also performed. Although motion artifact limited the value of a few studies, in the majority of examinations low-field MR imaging provided diagnostic image quality for the full spectrum of disorders affecting the foot and ankle and seemed to be a feasible alternative to high-field MR imaging in establishing an accurate diagnosis. Received: 23 November 1998; Revision received: 8 February 1999; Accepted: 4 June 1999  相似文献   

Tendon involvement in rheumatoid arthritis of the wrist: MRI findings   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Objective. To evaluate the distribution and extent of wrist tendon alterations in patients with active rheumatoid arthritis (RA) using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Design and patients. Forty-three clinically active RA patients with an illness duration of less than 4 years and no clinical evidence of tendons tears were enrolled in the study. There were 10 men and 33 women, with an average age of 52 years (range 33– 63 years). MRI of both wrists, with one exception, was performed at 1.0 T using T1- and T2-weighted sequences (slice thickness 3 mm). Twelve healthy subjects (8 women, 4 men; mean age 31 years) were also evaluated as a control group. Two radiologists reviewed each of four schematic anatomical regions (volar, dorsal, ulnar, radial) for the degree of tendon and tendon sheath alterations using two progressive scales. Results. In the control group all tendons had homogeneous low signal intensity on all sequences. A small amount of fluid was found in six subjects but the diameter was always less than 1 mm. In the patient group minimal fluid (<2 mm) was found in 35 (41%) wrists, grade 2 fluid (<2>5 mm) in 26 (31%) and grade 3 fluid (>5 mm) in 24 (28%). Fifty-nine (69%) of the grade 1 changes were in the volar compartment but grade 2 involvement was evenly distributed. Grade 3 changes were most common in the dorsal compartment and combined grade 2 and 3 in the dorsal and ulnar compartments were 32 (38%) and 25 (30%) compared with 16 (18%) and 17 (20%) respectively in the volar and radial compartments. The tendons were normal (grade 0) in 47 (46%) wrists. A maximum tendon signal change (grade 1) was demonstrated in 28 wrists (32%). When associated with other individual tendons grades this grade was demonstrated in the dorsal compartment in 30 (35%) wrists, in the volar compartment in 12 (14%), in the radial compartment in 17 (20%) and in the ulnar compartment in 26 (30%). A partial tear (grade 2) was detected in 7 (8%) wrists, all involving the dorsal and ulnar compartments; five underwent surgical repair and one proved to have a complete rupture of extensor digitorum. Three (3%) had a grade 3 complete tendon tear: all of these were in extensor tendons. Surgical repair was successful in one case but two ruptured again within 3 months. Conclusions. Low grades of peritendinous effusion were more common in the volar compartment whereas moderate and high degrees of tendon sheath fluid collection and/or pannus and signs of tendonitis were more frequent in the dorsal and ulnar tendon sheaths. Received: 20 January 2000 Revision requested: 24 February 2000 Revision received: 25 October 2000 Accepted: 19 December 2000  相似文献   

We present a case of subcutaneous granuloma annulare evaluated with MR imaging. The mass was poorly defined and showed thickened interconnecting strands with low signal intensity on T1- and T2-weighted MR images. When a poorly defined subcutaneous mass with low signal intensity on both T1- and T2-weighted MR images is observed in an otherwise healthy child, subcutaneous granuloma annulare should receive serious consideration. Subcutaneous granuloma annulare should be added to the list of tumors with short T2.  相似文献   

Objective. To investigate the septum-like structures in predominantly lipomatous tumors, by correlating fat-suppressed MR images with histopathologic findings. Design and patients. The MR findings of three cases of well-differentiated liposarcoma (atypical lipoma), one case of lipoma-like component of dedifferentiated liposarcoma, and nine cases of lipoma were analyzed. T1-, T2-, and fat-suppressed T1-weighted images after Gd-DTPA administration were obtained. Surgical specimens from five patients (four with liposarcoma and one with lipoma) were also scanned with a MR unit, and compared with the pathologic findings. Results and conclusions. Enhancement features of lipoma and liposarcoma were well visualized on fat-suppressed T1-weighted images after Gd-DTPA administration. The septum-like structures of liposarcoma are thick and enhanced considerably, while septa of lipoma are thin and enhanced only slightly. Pathologically, the septum-like structures of liposarcoma contained muscle fibers and the septa of lipoma represented fibrous capsule. Identification of well-enhanced septa in a predominantly lipomatous tumor helps to differentiate malignant tumors from lipomas. As the septum-like structures of liposarcoma contain a skeletal muscle component the tumor might need more extensive surgical procedures including resection of adjacent muscles.  相似文献   

An 18-year-old woman presented with left elbow joint pain. Radiographs and computed tomographic scan showed a well-defined osteolytic lesion of the left ulna associated with a honeycomb appearance on the radiographs. Magnetic resonance images showed intermediate signal intensity on T1-weighted images and mixed intermediate and high signal intensities on T2-weighted images. Only the periphery of the lesion enhanced with intravenously injected gadolinium-diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid. The lesion was curetted to avoid pathologic fracture, and a histologic diagnosis of cavernous hemangioma of bone was made. Hemangioma involving the ulna is rare, but should be included in the differential diagnosis of a radiographic osteolytic lesion with a honeycomb appearance. Received: 17 September 1999 Revision requested: 31 October 1999 Revision received: 10 December 1999 Accepted: 13 December 1999  相似文献   

Spinal osteoblastoma: CT and MR imaging with pathological correlation   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Objectives. To illustrate the CT and MRI features of spinal osteoblastomas and correlate the imaging with histological findings. Design. In a retrospective review the CT and MRI features of spinal osteoblastomas with respect to mineralisation, signal intensity (SI), adjacent reactive changes, enhancement following gadolinium-DTPA (5 cases) and adjacent soft tissue masses were compared and correlated with the histological findings including the degree of osteoid formation and matrix mineralisation, vascularity and surrounding reactive changes in bone and soft tissue. Patients. Eleven patients (7 males and 4 females; age range 8–43 years, mean age 19.5 years) with 12 osteoblastomas (1 patient suffered a recurrence) were studied. Results. All lesions showed classical features on CT with varying degrees of matrix mineralisation, whereas MRI identified mineralisation in only eight of 12 cases. MRI showed low signal intensity of the lesion on both T1- and T2-weighted sequences in several cases in the absence of heavy mineralisation. In these cases, histological examination revealed diffuse osteoid production by the tumour. All patients given gadolinium showed enhancement within the tumour on MRI. Reactive bone marrow changes were identified on MRI in 10 cases, and in five of these the changes were at multiple levels. An adjacent soft tissue mass was demonstrated in five cases, but extraosseous tumour was present histologically in only two of these. Conclusions. The MRI appearances of spinal osteoblastomas are varied and show no characteristic features. MRI may also overestimate the extent of the lesion due to extensive reactive changes and adjacent soft tissue masses. CT should continue to be the investigation of choice for the characterisation and local staging of suspected spinal osteoblastomas.  相似文献   

MR imaging of the heart: functional imaging   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To date, most applications of cardiovascular MRI relate to the evaluation of major vessels rather than the heart itself. However, MRI plays a major role in the evaluation of specific types of cardiovascular pathology, namely intracardiac and paracardiac masses, pericardial disease, and congenital heart disease. In addition, because the visualization of cardiovascular anatomy with MR is non-invasive and permits three-dimensional analysis but also allows functional assessment of the cardiac pump, it is clear that MRI will have a growing and significant impact over the next years. We review some of the technical aspect of cardiac MRI and describe the current and potential clinical and investigative applications of this new methodology.  相似文献   

Objective. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the appearance of ”cubital bursitis” on ultrasonography and CT and MR imaging. ”Cubital bursitis” is a rare pathological condition involving a large swelling of the bicipito-radial or interosseous bursae located at the insertion of the distal biceps tendon on the radial tuberosity. Design and patients. We report on five patients with ”cubital bursitis” resulting from their work or sporting activities. All patients underwent an ultrasound and MR examination. CT scans were performed on two patients before and after contrast enhancement. Results. Ultrasound studies showed a fusiform anechoic or hypoechoic lesion. CT images showed the lesions but there were some difficulties in determining the exact extent of the bursae. MR imaging showed the enlarged bursae and their fluid content. Four patients each underwent a surgical procedure. Conclusion. Ultrasound and CT were effective in the evaluation of ”cubital bursitis”, but with some diagnostic difficulties. MR imaging is probably the method of choice for determining both the development of the bursae and their fluid content.  相似文献   

Objective. To investigate the use of MR imaging in the characterization of denervated muscle of the shoulder correlated with electrophysiologic studies. Design and patients. We studied with MR imaging five patients who presented with shoulder weakness and pain and who underwent electrophysiologic studies. On MR imaging the distribution of muscle edema and fatty infiltration was recorded, as was the presence of masses impinging on a regional nerve. Results. Acute/subacute denervation was best seen on T2-weighted fast spin-echo images with fat saturation, showing increased SI related to neurogenic edema. Chronic denervation was best seen on T1-weighted spin-echo images, demonstrating loss of muscle bulk and diffuse areas of increased signal intensity within the muscle. Three patients showed MR imaging and electrophysiologic findings of Parsonage Turner syndrome. One patient demonstrated an arteriovenous malformation within the spinoglenoid notch, impinging on the suprascapular nerve with associated atrophy of the infraspinatus muscle. The fifth patient demonstrated fatty atrophy of the teres minor muscle caused by compression by a cyst of the axillary nerve and electrophysiologic findings of an incomplete axillary nerve block. Conclusion. MR imaging is useful in detecting and characterizing denervation atrophy and neurogenic edema in shoulder muscles. MR imaging can provide additional information to electrophysiologic studies by estimating the age (acute/chronic) and identifying morphologic causes for shoulder pain and atrophy. Received: 5 May 1999 Revision requested: 22 July 1999 Revision received: 28 July 1999 Accepted: 29 July 1999  相似文献   

Objective. To evaluate the conventional X-ray and MR imaging features of malignant fibrous histiocytoma (MFH) of bone. Design. MRI examinations and conventional radiographs were reviewed in 39 patients with biopsy-proven MFH. Imaging characteristics were analyzed and the differential diagnoses assessed in a masked fashion by two experienced radiologists. Results. Typical X-ray features included aggressive, destructive tumor growth centrally located in the metaphysis of long bones. Periosteal reactions and expansive growth were rarely seen. On MR images extraosseous tumor spread was frequently noted. On T2-weighted images and contrast-enhanced T1-weighted images most of the tumors displayed an inhomogeneous, nodular signal pattern with peripheral Gd-DTPA enhancement. Conclusions. Although several MR imaging criteria were typical for MFH none of them was specific. X-ray diagnosis of MFH may also prove difficult, with the main differential diagnosis being metastasis in the older and osteosarcoma in the younger population.  相似文献   

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