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不明原因消化道出血的放射性核素显像诊断   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前临床应用放射性核素消化道出血显像的方法大致有两种,分别是^99mTc标记的胶体硫显像和^99Tc标记的红细胞显像,后者临床应用较多。  相似文献   

多巴酚丁胺^99m锝—MIBI心肌断层显像对冠心病的诊断价值   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以冠状动脉造影为标准,在39例患者评价了多巴酚丁胺^99m锝-MIBI心肌断层显像对冠心病的诊断价值。结果显示其诊断冠心病的敏感性和特异性分别为92.9%和90.9%;诊断冠状动脉单支、双支、三支病变的敏感性分别为90.9%、87.5%和100%。17例多支病变中15例(敏感性88.2%)被检出有多支血管供血区域心肌受累。研究中无严重副反应。结论:多巴酚丁胺^99m锝-MIBI心肌断层显像作为冠心  相似文献   

目的:评价生长抑素受体显像在发现甲状腺乳头状癌中的作用。方法:本文报道1例以胰岛素瘤来就诊的女性患者,在诊治过程中,对患者行全身生长抑素受体核素显像。并行131I-甲状腺显像示甲状腺右叶冷结节。结果:全身生长抑素受体核素显像发现甲状腺右叶占位。经甲状腺手术,病理证实为甲状腺乳头状癌。结论:生长抑素受体显像可能对发现甲状腺乳头状癌有一定帮助。  相似文献   

核素显像对消化道出血诊断的临床价值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨核素显像对消化道出血诊断的临床价值。 资料与方法 一、临床资料 31例中,男性22例,女性9例。年龄最小4个月,最大52岁,平均年龄为31岁。临床表现为有便血或者黑便,部分患者伴有腹痛、呕吐或者不同程度的贫血,但经胃镜及结肠镜检查未发现出血灶,且经内科保守治疗无效。这31例中,有21例核素显像结果阳性,对21核素显像阳性的患者于检查后5天内进行了手术治疗。  相似文献   

为评价~(99m)Tc-RBC显像检查对消化道出血的诊断价值,我们对41例消化道出血进行检查,部分病例与内镜、动脉造影比较.结果:41例核素显像阳性率为73.2%,其中上消化道出血占52.9%,下消化道出血为87.5%.6例行胃镜检查的核素显像阳性的上消化道出血病例中,核素显像定位诊断符合率为66.7%.在下消化道出血核素显像阳性率明显高于动脉造影与结肠镜检.其中7例行手术病检的病例,定位诊断符合率达85.7%.结果提示,核素显像检查灵敏、可靠、耐受性好,对上消化道出血可作为胃镜的补充;对下消化道出血有更高的定位诊断符合率,可为外科手术提供可靠信息.  相似文献   

核素显像诊断老年人肺癌骨转移作者简介:欧阳学农,男,35岁,主治医师,硕士,从事肿瘤化学治疗、生物治疗、实验诊断欧阳学农陈樟树戴西湖高瞻陈曦(南京军区福州总医院肿瘤研究所,福州350025)肺癌是老年人常见的恶性肿瘤,容易发生骨转移。采用传统的X线检...  相似文献   

正1病例介绍患者,男,52岁,因"解鲜红色血便1 d"入院。患者1 d前无明显诱因下解鲜红色血便1次,量约500 g,伴头晕、大汗淋漓,呕吐1次,呕吐物为胃内容物,无咖啡样物,无腹痛、腹胀等不适。既往有2次类似病史,均住院治疗,经2次胃、结肠镜及1次小肠镜检查未明确病因,均保守治疗后好转出院。查体:生命征正常,神清,急性病容,轻度贫血貌,全腹无压痛、反跳痛,肠鸣音活跃,余查体未见异常。  相似文献   

1984年美国报道了^99mTc-特丁基异晴(TBI)做心肌灌注显像,获得成功^[1],作为新的显像剂应用于临床。许多研究表明^99mTc标记的异晴类化合物中尤以^99mTc-MIBI心肌显像最佳,在临床应用中取得了满意的效果。本文就^99mTc-MIBI静息心肌断层显像、运动负荷心肌断层显像、潘生丁负荷心肌断层显像等方法对冠心病的诊断价值作一评价。  相似文献   

目的 比较9 9 m Tc M I B I双时相法与 M I B I9 9 m Tc O4 - 图像相减法两种显像法对甲状旁腺功能亢进( 甲旁亢) 的诊断价值,同时结合9 9 m Tc M D P 全身骨显像综合判断甲旁亢患者的病情。方法 对18 例甲旁亢患者进行静注9 9 m Tc M I B I740925 M Bq ,分别在第15 分钟、第2 小时作颈前位平面显像;显像结束后立即予床边静注9 9 m Tc O4 - 74111 M Bq ,15 分钟后再作显像。以9 9 m Tc M I B I 延迟显像图减去9 9 m Tc O4 - 显像图,获得 M I B I9 9 m Tc O4 - 相减图。结果 9 9 m Tc M I B I早 期 显 像( 第15 分钟) 检 测甲旁亢病灶的灵敏度为61 .1 % (11/18) 、延迟相(2 小时) 的灵敏度83 .3 % (15/18) 。15 例阳性显像中14 例为腺瘤,1 例为癌;3 例阴性者均为腺体增生。 M I B I9 9 m Tc O4 - 相减法除同样显示15 例9 9 m Tc M I B I 延迟显像的病灶外,也检出1 例增生型甲旁亢病灶。全身骨显像结果,2 例出现“棕色瘤”样病灶,10 例呈多灶性骨放射性异常集聚改变  相似文献   

^99mTc—MIBI心肌显像对急性心肌梗塞后心肌缺血的观察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对18例急性心肌梗塞患者进行治疗前及发病后3周心肌灌注显像,其中8例患者于发病后8小时内行缺血再灌注,结果发现,两组病例首次显像心肌缺损面积差异无显著性,第二次显像,再灌注组心肌缺损面积显著小于无再灌注组,前者缺血心肌改善百分比显著高于后者,所朋再灌注组缺血心肌改善百分比均高于40%,而无再灌注组均低于40%。  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Technetium-99m-labeled red blood cell scans (Tc99m RBC scan) are recommended to confirm gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding. It is controversial whether these scans are sufficient to localize the site of bleeding. This study evaluated the efficacy of RBC scans in confirming and localizing GI bleeding. Our hypothesis was that these scans were effective in localizing GI bleeding if positive within the continuous phase of imaging. METHOD: Tc99m RBC scans were performed on a total of 80 patients over a four-year period to localize GI bleeding (59 male, 21 female; age range 6–88 (mean, 48) years). Films of 75 of the 80 patients were reread by a nuclear medicine physician who was blinded to the original reading and identity and history of the patient. Results of scans were compared with confirmatory studies. RESULTS: A total of 21 patients had positive scans (28 percent). Of these, the site of bleeding in 16 of 21 patients (76 percent) was confirmed by angiography (4/16), endoscopy (10/16), surgery (10/16), or a combination of these. In 14 of the 16 confirmed studies (88 percent), RBC scan correctly localized site of bleeding by our rigid definition. In six patients (4 not confirmed, 2 erroneously localized), scans were positive only at greater than 15 hours. Ten of the 14 correctly localized studies and none of the incorrectly localized studies were positive in the continuous phase of imaging. CONCLUSION: Tc99m RBC scan is effective in localizing GI bleeding when positive within the continuous phase of imaging. In this population supplemental angiography or endoscopy for the purpose of localization would seem unnecessary.Read at the meeting of The American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, May 7 to 12, 1995.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: This study was performed to evaluate whether the time interval from injection of technetium Tc 99m (99mTc)-labeled red blood cells to the time of a radionuclide blush (positive scan) can be used to improve the efficacy in predicting a positive angiogram. METHOD: A retrospective review revealed 160 patients who received99mTc-labeled red blood cell scintigraphy for evaluation of massive lower gastrointestinal hemorrhage between 1989 and 1994. Patients were included who demonstrated signs of shock on admission, had an initial decrease in hematocrit of 6 percent, or required a minimum transfusion of two units of packed red blood cells. Scanning duration was 90 minutes, with imaging every 2 minutes. Time interval from injection to a positive scan was analyzed to determine predictability of a positive angiography. RESULTS: Of 160 patients, 86 demonstrated positive scans, of whom 47 underwent angiography. These 47 patients were divided into two groups according to scan results. Group 1 (n = 33) had immediate appearance of blush; Group 2 (n = 14) had blush after two minutes. In Group 1, 20 of 33 patients had a positive angiogram, yielding a positive predictive value of 60 percent (P = 0.033). Of the 14 patients with negative angiograms (13 from Group 1, and 1 with a negative scan), 6 had radiographic occlusion of the inferior mesenteric artery and 1 had spasm of the right colic artery, with scans that blushed in the respective distributions. Excluding these seven patients yielded a positive predictive value of 75 percent (P = 0.0072) for angiography. In patients with a delayed blush (Group 2), 13 of 14 had negative angiograms, yielding a negative predictive value of 93 percent (92 percent excluding those with nonvisualization of the inferior mesenteric artery). Twenty of 21 (95 percent) positive angiograms occurred in Group 1 patients. Of the 27 patients with negative angiograms, 13 were Group 2 patients. CONCLUSION: Patients with immediate blush on99mTc-labeled red blood cell scintigraphy required urgent angiography. Patients with delayed blush have low angiographic yields. These data suggest that patients with delayed blush or negative scans may be observed and evaluated with colonoscopy.Read at the meeting of The American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, May 7 to 12, 1995.  相似文献   

AIM: To evaluate the eff icacy of a new nuclear imaging Infecton (Tc-99m ciprofloxacin) for the diagnosis of acute cholecystitis. METHODS: Sixteen patients thought to have acute cholecystitis were included in this study. The diagnosis of acute cholecystitis was made based on clinical symptoms and ultrasonographic and pathologic f indings. RESULTS: The 16 patients were composed of 12 acute and 4 chronic cholecystitis patients. Twelve patients with acute cholecystitis were image-positive, including one false-positive. Four patients with chronic cholecystitis were image-negative, of whom three were true-negative. This nuclear imaging had a sensitivity of 91.7%, a specificity of 75%, a positive-predictive value of 91.7%, and a negative-predictive value of 75%. CONCLUSION: Tc-99m ciprofloxacin imaging is easy to perform and applicable for the diagnosis of acute cholecystitis.  相似文献   

目的:了解并比较手工分少白细胞红细胞和悬浮红细胞的治疗效果。方法:将2 582例患者分为输注悬浮红细胞组(1 450例)和输注手工分少白细胞红细胞组(1 132例),输注前测定Hb值,复查患者及献血者ABO和RH(D)血型并作凝聚胺法交叉配血试验,输血后给每例患者进行血液学分析,检查Hb值,然后再进行输血不良反应发生率统计。结果:输注手工分少白细胞红细胞效果好于普通悬浮红细胞,并且输注手工分少白细胞红细胞的输血不良反应发生率明显减少。结论:输注手工分少白细胞红细胞可以使输血后非溶血性输血反应发生率降低。  相似文献   

The percentage of pitted erythrocytes and Howell-Jolly bodies in peripheral blood samples of 51 individuals following posttraumatic splenectomy and 20 patients splenectomized because of various haematological diseases differed significantly from each other (p less than 0.001) and from that of healthy controls (p less than 0.001). The percentage of pitted erythrocytes was significantly higher in pathologically shaped red blood cells (RBCs) (acanthocytes, schizocytes, elliptocytes) than in normal discoid shaped RBCs (p less than 0.001). As the number of pits per RBC showed great individual variations, a scoring system for the evaluation of pitted RBCs is proposed.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Packed red blood cells (pRBCs) contain apoptotic white cells. We studied apoptotic cells in pRBCs after filtration and at various time-points during storage. MATERIALS AND METHODS: To maintain the same subset of cells, seven pRBC units were pooled in a single bag and divided equally into seven aliquots. Two series of five experiments were performed: in the first we utilized the Biofil R01 Max filter, and in the second the Pall BPF4 filter was used. One aliquot was immediately leucodepleted while the others were stored at 4 degrees C and filtered on days 3, 7, 10, 14, 21 and 42 of storage. The postfiltration leucocyte counts and apoptotic evaluations were performed by using the Nageotte chamber and flow cytometry. RESULTS: The absolute number of residual leucocytes was always less than 0.5 x 106 in each experiment. Nageotte chamber counts showed a greater number of white blood cells than flow cytometry during the 42 days of storage. On day 0, the percentage of apoptotic cells in non-leucodepleted pRBCs was 1.1 +/- 0.4 and 1.2 +/- 0.4, while in filtered pRBCs it was high from day 0, at 53.5 +/- 16.3 and 52 +/- 18.5, respectively, with Biofil and Pall filters. On day 10 of storage, apoptotic cells reached a percentage of 42.5 +/- 15.8 and 41.6 +/- 18.6 in non-leucodepleted pRBCs, while in filtered units an average value of approximately 90% was found with both filters. CONCLUSIONS: The percentage of apoptotic cells was higher in leucodepleted than in non-leucodepleted pRBCs. After filtration, the degree of apoptosis was already high on day 0, and reached a mean of approximately 90% by day 10. The difference in residual WBC counts between the Nageotte chamber and flow cytometry could be related to the presence of a high percentage of apoptotic cells in filtered blood components, and to the method used to distinguish viable from apoptotic cells.  相似文献   

BackgroundFor neonates and preterm infants, in whom a transfusion dose is low, the use of red blood cells (RBC) from cord blood appears to be feasible. Standardisation of fractionation and identification and assessment of quality control parameters for such RBC are still lacking.Materials and methodsWe describe the process used to obtain RBC from cord blood for transfusion purposes, including quality controls to evaluate fractionation performance and the effects of storage. The cord RBC, to which SAG-M was added, were sampled on the day of fractionation, and 7 and 14 days (end of storage) later in order to measure the complete blood count, biochemical parameters and residual white blood cells. We also assessed microbial contamination.ResultsData relative to 279 cord blood units were evaluated. The median gestational age at collection was 40 weeks (interquartile range [IQR] 39.1–40.7) and the median volume was 90 mL (IQR 81–103). Units were subjected to automated fractionation with Compomat, and packed RBC were suspended in SAG-M solution. The median volume of the SAG-M-suspended units was 31 mL (IQR 24.0–38.1) and the median haematocrit was 54.2% (IQR 49.4–59.5). The median volume after leukoreduction was 22 mL (IQR 17–28), with the volume decrease being similar in units leukoreduced before (n=75) or after (n=204) storage. The haematocrit of leukoreduced units was higher than that of buffy coat-depleted units. Storage at 2–6 °C for 14 days was accompanied by an increase of potassium levels and percentage of haemolysis. Microbial cultures were positive for 2.9% of the collected units.DiscussionFractionation of whole cord blood can provide RBC concentrates with similar baseline characteristics as units from adults. The transfusion dose and quality of the units appear safe and suitable for clinical use in neonates, with a satisfactory haematocrit and residual white blood cell content, despite a very variable collection volume.  相似文献   

The pathogenesis of reflex sympathetic dystrophy (RSD) is not completely understood. However, an excessive regional inflammation, sensitization of primary somatosensory afferents, and sensitization of spinal neurons are considered to have a role in the pathogenesis of RSD. The underlying pathophysiology relating the clinical picture may help to determine the pharmacotherapeutic approach for an individual patient. Scintigraphy using radiolabelled human polyclonal non-specific immunoglobulin (HIG) has been recognized as a useful tool for the localization of inflammatory disorders. Thirty-six consecutive RSD patients associated with hemiplegia were included in this study. All the patients in this study had three phases bone scan and Tc-99m HIG scintigraphy. On admission, of 36 patients with positive bone scan, 30 had positive Tc-99m HIG scan. All the patients were symptomatic at the time of bone scanning. On the contrary, 24 out of 36 patients subsequently became asymptomatic at an 8-month re-evaluation period. Tc-99m HIG scintigraphy is a non-invasive complementary method for the determination of ongoing inflammatory reactions which also aids the clinicians to predict the response to anti-inflammatory therapy at the very early phase of RSD associated with hemiplegia. This preliminary study may be a source of inspiration for further studies with larger series and longer follow-up .  相似文献   

目的:机器洗涤冰冻红细胞在日常和突发事件中的紧急抢救可行性。方法:选择日常及交通伤患者的大出血中冰冻红细胞输注,观察各种指标。结果:患者在输注冰冻红细胞后各项指标正常,效果明显,无输血反应。结论:冰冻红血细胞可应用于日常和紧急大出血的抢救。  相似文献   

In a six-year period (1977–83), lesions were identified by enteroclysis in 26 patients with melena or recurrent gastrointestinal bleeding undiagnosed by other modalities. These included nine Meckel's diverticula, three metastatic lesions, three primary carcinomas, one lipoma, four leiomyomas, five surgically created blind pouches, one carcinoid, and one idiopathic dilatation of the ileum. Our experience suggests that, when the standard diagnostic procedures used to investigate chronic gastrointestinal blood loss are unrevealing, enteroclysis should be performed. The method is fast, accurate, is done in one sitting, and can be productive in the diagnostically difficult patient.  相似文献   

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