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In the present study, the effect of particle size (PS) on phenolic acid content and proximate composition (moisture, ash, protein, total fat, crude fiber and total carbohydrates) of whole-wheat flour (WWF) was determined. Five different particle size fractions <1.18 to>0.43, <0.43 to>0.30, <0.30 to>0.15, < 0.15 to>0.08 mm, and < 0.08 mm (ASTM recommended), of three commercial wheat varieties (Benazir, TJ-83, Imdad) were used for the present study. Total phenolic acid was determined using HPLC-DAD detections after base hydrolysis of the samples. Proximate composition of each particle size fraction of all three wheat flours were determined by recommended AOAC methods. In all wheat varieties, maximum quantities of total phenolic acids (162.12–554.16 mg/100 g) were obtained from <1.18 to>0.43 mm PS fractions. The maximum moisture content (8.12–8.98 g/100 g) was observed in the two lower PS (<0.15 mm) fractions while ash and protein were highest in the largest PS (<1.18 to>0.43) i.e. 2.10–2.77 mg/100 g and 10.9–11.8 mg/100 g respectively. The total fat (0.24-0.53 mg/100 g) and crude fiber (0.40-0.59 mg/100 g) were highest in <0.43 to>0.30 PS fraction of all wheat varieties. The average carbohydrates (g/100 g) and energy (kilojoules) were ranged from 77.4-79.9, 1502.0-–1518.8 for Imdad; 79.7-84.3, 1518.8-–1527.2 for Benazir; and 78.4-81.1, 1506.2-–1518.8 for TJ-83 wheat varieties. Pearson correlation showed negative correlation between particle size and carbohydrate and energy content and positive correlation with phenolic acids content. This study concludes that particle size has direct influence on the distribution of phenolic acids, carbohydrate, protein, crude fiber, ash, crude fat and moisture in the three wheat varieties.  相似文献   

Toxic elements profiling of teas is vital in terms of both quality control as well as a means to generate a comprehensive database for human-health-risk assessment. Accordingly, in the present study, a rapid method using direct nebulization of tea particles for inductively coupled plasma (ICP) ionization and subsequent detection of toxic elements by mass spectrometry (MS) was developed. Dried and well grounded tea particles were stably dispersed in 0.5% polyethylene-imine and the particle slurries were analyzed by ICP-MS using aqueous standard calibration. Monitoring the nebulization, transportation, and ionization behaviors of particles of different sizes revealed that particles with a mean size of 1 μm provide values comparable with those of aqueous standards containing equivalent concentrations of the analyte. The excellent recoveries of the method (90–105%) were verified by analyzing two tea certified reference materials, and the detection limits ranged from 0.03 (for Tm) to 1.2 (for Cr) μg kg−1. Then, we performed screening analysis of five toxic elements (As, Cd, Cr, Hg, and Pb) and 16 rare-earth elements in 20 Pu’er teas, and the results revealed that the contents of all the toxic elements and heavy rare earth oxides were low level, where those of the light rare-earth oxides were high. Furthermore, the total rare-earth oxides content of 30% of the Pu’er teas exceeded the Chinese National limit.  相似文献   

中国菰米的营养成分及其蛋白质特性的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了开发利用我国具有悠久历史的菰米资源,了解中国菰米的营养价值。我们从中国华东地区的骆马湖、宝应湖、洪泽湖、微山湖和东太湖采收野生菰米,同时取微山湖附近的大米作对照,进行了一般营养成分、无机盐、微量元素和氨基酸以及蛋白功效比值(PER)的分析测定。结果显示中国菰米有较高的营养素含量。以每100克样品计,含蛋白质13.2g、VB、0.59mg、VB20.11mg、VE0.29mg和锌1.60mg、铁  相似文献   

采用局部通风为主、屋顶全面通风为辅的方式对某铁路车辆检修焊接车间进行烟尘危害治理。分别在治理前后,对车间的电焊烟尘、砂轮磨尘、其他粉尘进行时间加权平均浓度、短时间接触浓度的检测。治理前各粉尘浓度均不同程度超标,治理后全部达标,且所有岗位治理前后粉尘浓度差异均有统计学意义(P0.05)。工业物联网技术的利用在烟尘危害控制自动化、远程化、可视化上有所提高。  相似文献   

目的了解粤北铁路沿线站(区)从业人员膳食营养与营养相关疾病现况并为对其实施营养干预打基础。方法采用分层整群随机抽样的方法对粤北铁路沿线站(区)进行膳食调查和职工问卷调查等研究。结果在沿线铁路食堂就餐的职工每日食物摄入量中,水果类、奶及奶制品类、鱼虾类、大豆类及坚果等食品摄入量都明显不足,仅分别为Og、0卧36.12g和11.1lg,热量、蛋白质、硫胺素、核黄素、钙、钾、镁、锌、硒等营养素摄入量都有不同程度的不足,而脂肪、钠等摄入量过多,早餐热能仅占18.41%,低于标准(30%),供热比例脂肪高于标准而碳水化合物低于标准,不同工种职工消化疾病、高血压、冠心病、糖尿病、脂肪肝患病率均存在着差异(均为P〈O.Ol或P〈O.05),不同性别冠心病、糖尿病、脂肪肝患病率没有统计学差异(均为P〉O.05),而消化疾病、高血压则男性高于女性(P〈o.01)。结论铁路沿线职工膳食营养与营养相关疾病现况甚忧,宜结合实际尽早实施营养干预。  相似文献   

目的探讨开江县家、野鼠的种群组成及数量变化情况,给鼠害防制提供科学依据。方法采用夹夜法,对野外和室内鼠密度和种群进行调查。结果野外鼠密度高峰在1989—1990年和1992—1993年,达18.85%-26.57%,一般稳定在4.21%~14.88%之间;室内鼠密度高峰为1986年,达9.47%,其余年份在1.96%-7.26%之间,均较野外密度低。野外优势种为黑线姬鼠(51.59%)、四川短尾鼩(27.36%)和褐家鼠(18.68%),室内优势种为褐家鼠(64.32%)、小家鼠(26.58%)、四川短尾鼩(7.99%),但各年度优势种存在交替更换现象。结论野外鼠密度和种群变动受密度制约因素和非密度制约因素的影响,室内密度和种群变动与常年开展灭鼠工作有关。  相似文献   

河南省居民10年间(1982~1992)膳食结构研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
为了了解我省城乡居民10年来膳食结构的变化,指导人民合理膳食,我们于1982、1992年开展了两次居民膳食营养调查。调查方法为称重记帐法,调查员集中培训,并经预调查合格后上岗工作。结果显示全省居民膳食结构与1982年相比发生了较大变化:(1)谷类、豆类摄入量有所减少,薯类明显减少,其余均有大幅度提高。乳类增加800%,水产256%、蛋类220%、植物油118%、水果108%、肉类97%;与我国提出的2000年食物消费目标比较,薯类达目标127%、谷类115%、植物油11.2%、蔬菜81%、乳类59%、肉类53%、水果36%、水产23%、豆类21%;(2)城乡居民膳食仍存在较大差异;(3)1992年全省居民营养素摄入达中国营养学会提出的推荐供给量(RDA)的百分比为:热能93%,硫胺素、尼克酸、抗坏血酸、铁、硒大于85%,锌75%,核黄素57%,钙49%,视黄醇当量48%。从热能食物来源、热能营养素来源、蛋白质食物来源三方面分析:市民的膳食较合理,应注意摄入更多豆类、薯类及水产;少摄入油类,尤其动物油。农民的膳食质和量较差,特别是蛋白质。根据上述结果和河南省实际情况,应鼓励大豆种植和家禽畜养殖;进行大众教育,?  相似文献   

珠海口岸鼠形动物体外寄生虫种类分布调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的调查珠海口岸地区鼠体表寄生虫蚤、革螨、恙螨、蜱、吸虱的种群组成。方法笼日法捕鼠、采集鼠体表寄生虫。结果珠海口岸地区共采获鼠体表寄生蚤、革螨、恙螨、蜱、吸虱共622 匹,计5目9科11属13种,其中革螨3科4属6种、恙螨1科1属(未定种)、蚤2科2属2种、蜱 2科3属3种、吸虱1科1属1种。结论不同鼠体外寄生虫的主要种群有所不同;本次调查为珠海口岸地区鼠类携带寄生虫的区系及种类组成研究提供了依据。  相似文献   

微量元素与左归饮组方的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:对微量元素与左归饮组方关系进行研究。方法:以中医药基本理论为指导,应用因子分析方法,研究微量元素与左归饮组方原则及药物功效间的关系。结果:因子分析所得方中药物的组合及作用大小排序与中医方解基本一致。结论:中医组方原则及药物功效与微量元素密切相关。  相似文献   

中国中小学生皮褶厚度与体成分研究   总被引:23,自引:2,他引:23  
目的:分析中国中小学生皮褶厚度和体成分发育规律和特点。方法:抽样测量13省市82921名7 ̄18岁学生肱三头肌和肩胛下皮褶厚度(两处皮褶厚度),利用长岭和Brozek公式估测体成分。结果:男生肱三头肌皮褶厚度和11岁达高峰(10.9mm),其后增速减缓,18岁达10.8mm。女生两处皮褶厚度分别自7岁起的8.9mm和6.0mm持续上升到18岁时的17.0mm和16.5mm,尤其青春后期增幅显。男  相似文献   

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