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肢体缺血性疾病腔内治疗的现代策略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的探讨应用介入腔内治疗方法为首选,结合传统手术技术治疗肢体缺血性疾病的有效性。方法自2006年1月至2008年3月北京世纪坛医院血管外科应用介入腔内治疗方法为首选,结合传统手术技术治疗肢体缺血性疾病70例。其中年龄最大83岁,最小58岁,平均73岁。男女比例为4∶1。70例中80%有间歇性跛行,跛行最近距离20m, 30%有静息痛,10%足溃疡及坏死。全部病例入院后进行了肢体血管超声、MRA、血管造影检查和踝肱指数(ABI)测定,其中63例(90%)有两个部位以上的动脉狭窄或闭塞病变,56例(80%)累及膝关节以下。治疗前ABI 平均为0.58。全部70例病人进行了腔内治疗同时辅助传统的手术技术。结果腔内手术成功率92%,90%病人得到不同程度的改善,其中疗效达到优秀为39例(56%)、良好为28例(40%)、一般为3例(4%)无不良和死亡病例。手术并发症发生率为7%,治疗后ABI平均为090,平均增长了032。1年通畅率为86%,再狭窄率为6%,二次处理1年通畅率为90%。结论介入腔内治疗方法做为首选,结合传统手术技术能有效的治疗肢体缺血性疾病,同时具有创伤小、恢复快、并发症少、反复应用的优点,值得推荐。  相似文献   

目的 观察应用动脉供血区域理念实施腔内治疗重建严重肢体缺血(critical limb ischemia,CLI)患者下肢血运的疗效.方法 回顾性分析2006年6月至2012年5月收治的612例单纯膝下动脉病变(below-the-knee,BTK)导致CLI的患者相关临床资料,其中286例(357条肢体)依据动脉供血区域理念直接重建滋养动脉血运(直接组);326例(455条肢体)通过重建非滋养动脉间接改善病损区血运(间接组).比较分析直接组与间接组的以下终点参数:术后3个月内创面愈合率、免截肢生存率、免大型截肢率以及CLI复发率.结果 平均随访(24±18)个月,直接组较间接组的术后3个月内创面愈合率高(82.4%比66.4%,X2=26.16,P<0.05);第4年的免截肢生存率分别为48%±5%及37%±6%(t=3.44,P<0.05);第4年的免大型截肢率分别为73%±4%及58%±3%(t=4.61,P<0.05);CLI复发率为42%±5%及45%±6%(t=-0.64,P>0.05).结论 应用动脉供血区域理念经腔内重建CLI患者的下肢血运,可有效提高术后3个月内创面愈合率、4年的免截肢生存率及免大型截肢率.  相似文献   

下肢动脉闭塞症的临床症状可分为间歇性跛行和重症肢体缺血(critical limb ischemia,CLI)两大症候群,尤以后者对患者的肢体乃至生命威胁巨大。所谓CLI,其严格定义为:①肢体静息痛持续发作2周以上,且需应用止痛剂,踝部动脉收缩压≤50mmHg,或趾动脉收缩压≤30mmHg;或②溃疡形成、坏疽且踝部动脉收缩压≤50mmHg,或趾动脉收缩压≤30mmHg。简言之,  相似文献   

经皮腔内血管成形术血运重建治疗糖尿病严重肢体缺血   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
目的探讨膝下动脉经皮腔内血管成形术治疗糖尿病患者严重肢体缺血(CLI)的疗效。方法2006年10月2007年10月对21例糖尿病严重肢体缺血患者采用DEEP球囊行膝下动脉成形术。结果对69条病变血管进行球囊扩张,支架植入12枚,PTA成功率82.61%(57/69),其中2例术后行高位截肢,其余有效。结论经皮腔内血管成形术血运重建可作为治疗糖尿病严重肢体缺血患者的首选治疗方法。  相似文献   

目的 观察小球囊扩张远端血管对膝下缺血性病变导致的下肢远端严重肢体缺血(critical limb ischemia,CLI)的疗效。方法 2005年10月~2006年4月对28例膝下动脉狭窄或闭塞使用小口径球囊(直径≤3 mm)进行介入治疗。结果 成功对85条病变血管进行球囊扩张,无严重并发症。20例有效,6例显效,有效率92.8%(26/28),2例无效,其中1例术后2个月病情恶化行膝下截肢。术后3个月总有效率78.6%(22/28),踝/肱指数(ABI)由术前0.27±0.24升高为术后3 d 0.65±0.38(t=10.559,P=0.000);术后3个月未发现治疗血管再狭窄〉50%。结论 小口径球囊经皮腔内血管成形术治疗膝下血管病变导致的下肢远端严重缺血近期疗效确切,远期疗效尚待观察。  相似文献   

慢性肢体威胁性缺血(CLTI)与死亡率、截肢事件的发生以及生活质量受损密切相关。该全球血管指南(GVG)着重于CLTI的定义、评估和管理,以此来改进循证的护理方法和强调关键性研究的亟需。CLTI相比严重肢体缺血一词更为可取,因为后者意味着灌注受损取决于单一阈值,而不是连续数值。CLTI是一种周围动脉疾病(PAD)伴静息...  相似文献   

下肢动脉闭塞性疾病腔内治疗进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
下肢动脉闭塞性疾病又称周围动脉疾病(peripheral arterial disease,PAD),常见原因包括动脉硬化闭塞症(arteriosclerotic obliterans,ASO)、血栓闭塞性脉管炎、多发性大动脉炎、急性动脉栓塞等,其中尤以ASO最为常见。PAD是一种严重危害人民身体健康,高致残率、高死亡率的凶险疾病,尤其是表现为静息痛、溃疡、坏疽的重症肢体缺血(criti-cal limb ischemia,CLI)。PAD的治疗目标就是要尽可能恢复闭塞动脉的血流,以达到缓解症状、挽救肢体的目的。  相似文献   

目的 评价腔内血管成形术(PTA)治疗膝下动脉闭塞性疾病的疗效及通畅情况.方法 对47例(54肢)膝下动脉缺血患者进行膝下动脉缺血PTA,将其治疗前后踝眩指数(ABI)、治疗后临床疗效及动脉通畅率等进行统计学分析.结果 全组术前ABI平均值为O.34±O.04;术后14天为O.86±O.03.本组无围手术期死亡,术后并发症发生率为7.7%,其动脉累积通畅率1年、2年一期通畅率分别为88.5%及65.2%;二期通畅率分别为96.2%及83.3%;救肢率为100%.结论 PTA作为膝下动脉缺血的治疗方法是可行、安全、有效的,推荐PTA作为首选的治疗方法,其长期通畅性有待进一步观察.  相似文献   

目的总结肠系膜上动脉缺血的血管腔内治疗治疗效果。方法 2015年5月~2016年6月,共7例患者术前采用CT血管成像检查诊断肠系膜动脉缺血,均优先采用血管腔内治疗的方式。结果一例患者因症状重,接诊时间超过24小时,腔内治疗后需要行部分小肠切除术;另有一例患者因溶栓过程出现腹膜后血肿,在保守治疗2月后,血肿明显缩小,肠系膜上动脉闭塞后侧支循环代偿,无需切除肠管;其余患者均由血管腔内治疗救治成功(71.42%),临床症状明显缓解,无患者死亡。结论及时应用血管腔内技术治疗肠系膜上动脉缺血能使患者在生存率及致残率上获益。  相似文献   

下肢慢性动脉缺血疾病的腔内血管外科治疗   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
下肢慢性动脉缺血性疾病主要为下肢动脉硬化闭塞症所致 ,其次为多发性大动脉炎及血栓闭塞性脉管炎。 1964年 ,Dotter首次成功经腔内血管成形术 (PTA)治疗下肢慢性动脉缺血症。随着影像技术 ,材料工程学之迅速发展 ,血管腔内外科技术 (即可称微创治疗 )在治疗下肢动脉缺血症方面  相似文献   

目的:评价肝素涂层人工血管在腔内治疗失败的严重下肢缺血(CLI)患者行下肢动脉旁路移植术中的疗效。方法:回顾性分析2017年10月至2019年4月北京医院血管外科收治的腔内治疗失败的CLI患者行下肢动脉旁路移植术治疗的临床资料,根据患者临床症状、病变特点,选择个性化治疗方案,包括支架取出术、动脉内膜剥脱和成形术、人工血管或人工血管复合自体静脉旁路移植术等多种手术方式完成下肢动脉血运重建。分析围术期并发症、症状缓解和溃疡伤口愈合情况、桥血管通畅率及保肢率。结果:入组患者共27例,其中16例静息痛患者术后疼痛均有效缓解,11例有足部溃疡和组织坏死者中,9例完全愈合,2例术后半年溃疡面缩小。术后并发症6例,术后30 d无死亡病例。所有患者获得随访,随访时间为(13.0±8.9)个月(范围:2~35个月)。通过Kaplan-Meier曲线计算,术后6、12及24个月一期通畅率分别为83.3%、73.7%及49.1%;二期通畅率分别为91.8%、82.1%及70.8%;保肢率分别为91.8%、86.9%及76.6%。其中15例股-腘动脉旁路移植术术后1、2年一期通畅率分别为86.7%、49.5%;二期通畅率分别为93.3%、81.7%;保肢率分别为93.3%、81.7%。8例股-小腿动脉旁路移植术术后1、2年一期通畅率分别为45.0%、45.0%;二期通畅率分别为58.3%、58.3%;保肢率分别为58.3%、58.3%。结论:肝素涂层人工血管动脉旁路移植术为腔内治疗失败的下肢动脉复杂病变提供了一种安全有效的治疗方式,能够有效缓解症状及提高保肢率。  相似文献   

《Journal of vascular surgery》2020,71(6):2083-2088
ObjectiveMultivessel tibial revascularization for critical limb ischemia (CLI) remains controversial. The purpose of this study was to evaluate single vs multiple tibial vessel interventions in patients with multivessel tibial disease. We hypothesized that there would be no difference in amputation-free survival between the groups.MethodsUsing the Vascular Quality Initiative registry, we reviewed patients undergoing lower extremity endovascular interventions involving the tibial arteries. Patients with CLI were included only if at least two tibial vessels were diseased and adequate perioperative data and clinical follow-up were available for review. The primary outcome was amputation-free survival.ResultsThere were 10,849 CLI patients with multivessel tibial disease evaluated from 2002 to 2017; 761 limbs had adequate data and follow-up available for review. Mean follow-up was 337 ± 62 days. Of these, 473 (62.1%) underwent successful single-vessel tibial intervention (group SV), whereas 288 (37.9%) underwent successful multivessel (two or more) intervention (group MV). Patients in group MV were younger (69.1 vs 73.2 years; P < .001), with higher tobacco use (29.5% vs 18.2%; P < .001). Group SV more commonly had concurrent femoral or popliteal inflow interventions (83.7% vs 78.1%; P = .05). Multivessel runoff on completion was significantly greater for group MV (99.9% vs 39.9%; P < .001). No differences were observed between group SV and group MV for major amputation (9.0% and 7.6%; P = .6), with similar amputation-free survival at 1 year (90.6% vs 92.9%; P = .372). In a multivariate Cox model, loss of patency was the only significant predictor of major amputation (hazard ratio, 5.36 [2.7-10.6]; P = .01). A subgroup analysis of 355 (46.6%) patients with tissue loss data showed that tissue loss before intervention was not predictive of future major amputation.ConclusionsIn the Vascular Quality Initiative registry, patients with CLI and occlusive disease involving multiple tibial vessels did not appear to have a limb salvage benefit from multiple tibial revascularization compared with single tibial revascularization.  相似文献   

Vacuum‐assisted closure (VAC) therapy is a new emerging non‐invasive system in wound care, which speeds up wound healing by causing vacuum, improving tissue perfusion and suctioning the exudates, and facilitating the removal of bacteria from the wound. The application of sub‐atmospheric pressure on the lesions seems to alter the cytoskeleton of the cells on the wound bed, triggering a cascade of intracellular signals that increase the rate of cell division and subsequent formation of granulation tissue. The aim of this study is to analyse the results of VAC therapy used as an adjuvant therapy for the treatment of foot wounds in patients affected by critical limb ischaemia (CLI) (Rutherford 6 class) after distal surgical revascularisation, to promote and accelerate the healing of ulcers. Twenty‐nine patients (20 males, 9 females; mean age 68·4) affected by CLI of Rutherford 6 class, after surgical revascularisation of the lower limb, underwent VAC therapy in order to speed up wound healing. Complete wound healing was achieved in 19 patients (65·51%), in an average period of 45·4 ± 25·6 days. VAC therapy is a valid aid, after surgical revascularisation, to achieve rapid healing of foot lesions in patients with CLI.  相似文献   



The peroneal artery is a well-established target for bypass in patients with critical limb ischemia (CLI). The objective of this study was to evaluate the outcomes of peroneal artery revascularization in terms of wound healing and limb salvage in patients with CLI.


Patients presenting between 2006 and 2013 with CLI (Rutherford 4-6) and isolated peroneal runoff were included in the study. They were divided into patients who underwent bypass to the peroneal artery and those who underwent endovascular peroneal artery intervention. Demographics, comorbidities, and follow-up data were recorded. Wounds were classified by Wound, Ischemia, foot Infection (WIfI) score. The primary outcome was wound healing; secondary outcomes included mortality, major amputation, and patency.


There were 200 limbs with peroneal bypass and 138 limbs with endovascular peroneal intervention included, with mean follow-up of 24.0 ± 26.3 and 14.5 ± 19.1 months, respectively (P = .0001). The two groups were comparable in comorbidities, with the exception of the endovascular group's having more patients with cardiac and renal disease and diabetes mellitus but fewer patients with smoking history. Based on WIfI criteria, ischemia scores were worse in bypass patients, but wound and foot infection scores were worse in endovascular patients. Perioperatively, bypass patients had higher rates of myocardial infarction (4.5% vs 0%; P = .012) and incisional complications (13.0% vs 4.4%; P = .008). At 12 months, the bypass group compared with the endovascular group had better primary patency (47.9% vs 23.4%; P = .002) and primary assisted patency (63.6% vs 42.2%; P = .003) and a trend toward better secondary patency (74.2% vs 63.5%; P = .11). There were no differences in the rate of wound healing (52.6% vs 37.7% at 1 year; P = .09) or freedom from major amputation (81.5% vs 74.7% at 1 year; P = .37). In a multivariate analysis, neuropathy was associated with improved wound healing, whereas WIfI wound score, cancer, chronic renal insufficiency, and smoking were associated with decreased wound healing. Treatment modality was not a significant predictor (P = .15).


Endovascular peroneal artery intervention results in poorer primary and primary assisted patency rates than surgical bypass to the peroneal artery but provides similar wound healing and limb salvage rates with a lower rate of complications. In appropriately selected patients, endovascular intervention to treat the peroneal artery is a low-risk intervention that may be sufficient to heal ischemic foot wounds.  相似文献   

目的 探讨导管溶栓在慢性下肢缺血腔内成形治疗时的可行性、疗效及安全性.方法 回顾性分析2009年2月~2011年2月在广州市中医院接受治疗的11例慢性下肢缺血(TASC Ⅱ D级)患者的临床资料.采用尿激酶(UK)溶栓,然后再行血管腔内治疗,对治疗后临床疗效及动脉通畅率进行统计分析.结果 9例患者(81.8%)血管成形技术获得成功,无并发症发生;2例(18.2%)未溶栓成功.8例患者获得随访,随访率为88.9%,平均随访时间14.5个月.术后1年一期通畅率、辅助一期通畅率和二期通畅率分别为80%、88%及92%,2年为67%、84%及88%.结论 对慢性下肢缺血TASC Ⅱ D级病变进行血管腔内成形时的溶栓是可行、安全且有效的.  相似文献   

目的评价糖尿病对血管重建(腔内及手术)治疗慢性重症下肢缺血的影响。方法回顾性分析3年间北京朝阳医院因慢性重症下肢缺血行下肢血管重建治疗的121例患者(130条肢体)的临床资料。其中,糖尿病组(DM组)55例(60条肢体),行动脉转流手术27条肢体,单纯经皮动脉球囊扩张(PTA)9条肢体,PTA+支架20条肢体,转流手术+腔内治疗杂交手术4条肢体;非糖尿病组(NDM组)66例(70条肢体),行动脉转流手术28条肢体,单纯PTA 10条肢体,PTA+支架24条肢体,转流手术+腔内治疗杂交8条肢体。随访3~36个月,比较两组患者的围手术期病死率、术后1年生存率及保肢率。结果围手术期病死率DM组为9.1%,NDM组为6.1%,两组差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);术后1年生存率DM组为88.1%,NDM组为93.1%,两组差异亦无统计学意义(P>0.05);术后1年保肢率DM组为81.6%,NDM组为83.4%,两组差异亦无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论对于因慢性重症下肢缺血行下肢血管重建的患者,糖尿病并不增加其围手术期病死率,也不降低其远期生存率及保肢率。笔者认为,对于糖尿病慢性重症下肢缺血患者应积极进行血管重建...  相似文献   

《Journal of vascular surgery》2020,71(6):2065-2072.e2
ObjectiveTo aid physicians in the process of shared decision-making, many predictive models for critical limb ischemia (CLI) have been constructed. However, none of these models is in widespread use. Predicting survival outcomes for a specific individual may be used to guide treatment selection. The aim of this study was to construct a 6-month survival-predicting model representative of elderly patients with CLI undergoing surgical or endovascular treatment.MethodsAn observational cohort study including all patients with CLI aged ≥65 years who underwent surgical or endovascular treatment of CLI between January 2013 and June 2018 was conducted. The model to predict survival at 6 months was based on a multivariable Cox proportional hazards regression model and a penalized likelihood method. The performance of the model was judged by means of the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve.ResultsIn total, 449 patients were included in the study population. The median age was 76 years (range, 65-97 years), and 52.8% of the population was male. Surgical treatment was performed in 303 patients (67.5%), and 146 underwent endovascular treatment (32.5%). The estimated 30-day survival was 92.7% (standard error [SE], 1.2%); 6-month survival, 80% (SE, 1.9%); and 12-month survival, 71% (SE, 2.1%). Variables with the strongest association with 6-month mortality were age, living in a nursing home, physical impairment, and American Society of Anesthesiologists class. The area under the receiver operating characteristic curve of the 6-month mortality model was 0.81 (95% confidence interval, 0.76-0.85; P < .001).ConclusionsA prediction model constructed for 6-month mortality of elderly patients undergoing surgical or endovascular treatment of CLI showed that age, living in a nursing home, physical impairment, and American Society of Anesthesiologists class have the highest association with an increase in mortality. These factors may be used to identify patients at risk for mortality in shared decision-making.  相似文献   

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