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医务人员手带菌状况调查与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 调查不同情况下医务人员手部带菌状况,并研究相应对策。方法 随机抽查本院168名工作中的临床医护人员,调查洗手前后手部带菌状况,并对菌株进行分离鉴定和耐药性分析。结果 洗手前手细菌总数平均41.064cfu/cm^2,洗手后手合格率84.8%。医生手细菌总数洗手前后均较护士多。“无菌操作”组手卫生状况较好。手部检出细菌主要是葡萄球菌、枯草芽孢杆菌和非发酵革兰氏阴性杆菌,医务人员手耐药菌携带率高。结论 医务人员手卫生状况不容乐观,应加强医务人员手卫生培训与监督,提高医务人员手卫生合格率。  相似文献   

郑金娥 《医学信息》2010,23(2):398-399
目的 了解医务人员手的污染情况,加强手部卫生的管理,降低医源性感染。方法 我院感染科于2007年6月至2008年6月,用无菌棉签浸湿灭菌生理盐水涂抹医务人员的双手,随机采样做细菌培养102人次。结果 手的微生物污染情况相当严重。合格率68.6%,许多样本远远超过了临界值.细菌总数达100cfu/cm^2、90cfu/cm^2等。结论 医务人员手的污染是引起医院交叉感染的重要因素,必须重视医务人员的洗手卫生.对控制医院感染具有重要意义。  相似文献   

目的 探讨PDCA在手术室医务人员手卫生管理中得应用效果,提高手卫生的依从性.方法应用计划-实施-检查-处理的循环管理模式收集资料,提出问题,分析原因,制定整改措施,组织培训,检查考核,对手术室内医务人员手卫生进行持续质量改进,观察应用前后的效果.结果 实施PDCA管理后,手术室医务人员洗手率,合格率和对手卫生的依从性均有提高(P<0.01).结论 实施PDCA循环管理可对手卫生进行持续质量改进,有效提高医务人员手卫生状况.  相似文献   

近来 ,我们对我馆临床医务人员如何利用医院图书馆(主要是业务部分 )的情况 ,作了为期一周的调查。在调查中 ,我们采取了问卷的形式 ,列举了“年龄、学历、职务、是否经常利用图书馆及主要阅读哪些书刊资料、是否需要馆员帮助”等七个项目 ,一周内总发出 3 70份答卷 ,其中有效答卷有 3 5 2份 ,占问卷总数的 95 .1% ,3 5岁以下的答卷者 196名 ,占 5 6% ;3 5 -5 0岁的答卷者有 95人 ,占 2 7% ;5 0岁以下的答卷者有 61人 ,占 17%。我们对调查问卷经过分析之后 ,基本上对医院临床医务人员利用图书馆的情况有了一个了解。具体分析如下 :1 哪些人…  相似文献   

分析了医院图书馆医务人员的信息素质和教育的现状,探讨了培养医务人员信息素养的内容和途径。  相似文献   

目的探讨甘肃省基层医务人员的心理健康状况。方法采用症状自评量表(SCL-90)对甘肃省262名基层医务人员进行测试。结果甘肃省基层医务人员SCL-90评分较一般人群高;阳性因子分≥2的检出率最高为强迫症状,≥3检出率最高为抑郁症状;中专及以下学历的医务人员躯体化表现较专科及以上学历的医务人员严重;不同级别医院的医务人员心理健康状况不存在差异。结论甘肃省基层医务人员存在不同程度的心理问题,需引起关注。  相似文献   

老年病房医务人员心理状况及有关因素   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
在精神病医院老年病房中,许多老年病人具有认知功能障碍、躯体严重疾病或伤残。医务人员要治疗、护理和照料这些病人,就会承受~定的应激,部分医务人员还会出现心理障碍。本研究对老年病房与临床病房的医务人员进行心理状况对照调查。分析和评价有关因素,以便较深入了解这些问题。1资料和方法1.l样本来源:上海市精神卫生中心分部各一个男女老年病房的医务人员53入。对照组为各~个男女临床病房的医务人员37人,共计90人。1.2调查工具和方法:卫.2‘1调查各病房认知功能障碍、躯体严重疾病或伤残的病人例数。1.2.2大体健康问卷(G…  相似文献   

韩磊 《医学信息》2010,23(4):832-834
论述了信息能力的概念和内涵,阐明提高医务人员信息能力的重要性,指出医院图书馆应以自身的物质条件和人才资源,采取形式多样的服务示教形式来提高医务人员的信息能力.  相似文献   

做好医务人员服务工作,是衡量医院图书馆工作优劣的主要依据之一,本文从服务方式,医疗、教学和科研服务方法,健全电脑网络化服务体系,提高图书馆员素质,阐述了如何才能做好医务人员服务工作.  相似文献   

为了改变卫生人员和医学生的知识结构,自觉执行卫生法,培养适应新时代有道德、有文化、守纪律、高素质的卫生人员,必须要加强学习卫生法学教育。文章阐述了卫生法的概念,及其教育的意义,卫生法学在医疗实践中的作用;同时提出了图书馆如何配合医院开展卫生法学教育的措施,扩大藏书内容,开办法律讲座学习班,做好法律知识宣传工作,坚持以医教研为中心,深化服务质量。  相似文献   

Studies on sleep after exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields have shown mixed results. We investigated the effects of double‐blind radiofrequency exposure to 1,930–1,990 MHz, UMTS 3G signalling standard, time‐averaged 10 g specific absorption rate of 1.6 W kg?1 on self‐evaluated sleepiness and objective electroencephalogram architecture during sleep. Eighteen subjects aged 18–19 years underwent 3.0 hr of controlled exposure on two consecutive days 19:45–23:00 hours (including 15‐min break); active or sham prior to sleep, followed by full‐night 7.5 hr polysomnographic recordings in a sleep laboratory. In a cross‐over design, the procedure was repeated a week later with the second condition. The results for sleep electroencephalogram architecture showed no change after radiofrequency exposure in sleep stages compared with sham, but power spectrum analyses showed a reduction of activity within the slow spindle range (11.0–12.75 Hz). No differences were found for self‐evaluated health symptoms, performance on the Stroop colour word test during exposure or for sleep quality. These results confirm previous findings that radiofrequency post‐exposure in the evening has very little influence on electroencephalogram architecture but possible on spindle range activity.  相似文献   

目的:了解综合医院医务人员自杀意念流行现状和相关因素。方法:本研究采用多阶段分层整群抽样,在山东省调查3426名医务人员,使用自杀意念筛查问题调查了终生和一年自杀意念,采用领悟社会支持量表(PSSS)和Kessler 10量表分别测量社会支持情况和心理痛苦状况。结果:自杀意念终生发生率为9.1%,自杀意念一年发生率为7.0%。博士学历(OR=5.21、6.31,均P<0.001),躯体疾病(OR=1.74、1.66,均P<0.01)和较重的心理痛苦(OR=1.10、1.11,均P<0.001)是终生自杀意念和一年自杀意念的危险因素;男性(OR=0.57、0.55,均P<0.001)、自评执业环境一般(OR=0.72、0.61,均P<0.05)、高社会支持水平(OR=0.98、0.98,均P<0.001)是终生自杀意念和一年自杀意念的保护因素。结论:男性、博士学历、有躯体疾病、自评执业环境一般、心理痛苦状况较重、社会支持水平较低的医务人员更易产生自杀意念。  相似文献   


Background and Aims:

To observe the effects of mobile phone use in the vicinity of medical devices used in a critical care setting.

Subjects and Methods:

Electromagnetic interference (EMI) was tested by using two types of mobile phones – GSM and CDMA. Mobile phones were placed at a distance of one foot from three medical devices – syringe pump, mechanical ventilator, and the bedside monitor – in switch off, standby, and talking modes of the phone. Medical devices were observed for any interference caused by the electromagnetic radiations (EMR) from the mobile phones.


Out of the three medical devices that were tested, EMI occurred while using the mobile phone in the vicinity of the syringe pump, in the ‘talk mode.’ The mean variation observed in the calculated and delivered volume of the syringe pump was 2.66 ml. Mechanical ventilator did not show any specific adverse effects with mobile phone use in the one-foot vicinity. No other adverse effects or unexplained malfunctions or shutdown of the syringe pump, mechanical ventilator, or the bedside monitor was noted during the study period of 36 hours.


EMI from mobile phones have an adverse effect on the medical devices used in critical care setup. They should be used at least one foot away from the diameter of the syringe pump.  相似文献   

手机给人们的生活带来极大的便利,但其电磁辐射可能对人体具有潜在威胁。到目前为止,手机辐射导致的生物学效应仍没有明确的结论。从流行病学和实验研究两个方面综述了有关手机辐射的最新研究进展。  相似文献   

目的探讨手术室医疗器械严格质量管理对医院感染的防控效果。方法随机抽取2018年1月至6月新疆医科大学第一附属医院手术室300份医疗器械包作为对照组。随机抽取2018年7月至12月新疆医科大学第一附属医院手术室300份医疗器械包作为观察组。自2018年7月开始对观察组手术室医疗器械进行严格质量管理;对照组实施常规管理。比较两组医疗器械管理质量及手术室医院感染发生率。结果观察组清洗、消毒、灭菌、包装及发放的合格率均明显高于对照组(98.2%vs 95.6%;97.8%vs 94.7%;99.1%vs 96.2%;99.5%vs 98.5%),差异有统计学意义(P均<0.05)。观察组消毒灭菌器械丢失率明显低于对照组(0.1%vs 0.7%),差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。观察组手术室医院感染发生率明显低于对照组(0.6%vs 7.3%),差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论手术室医疗器械严格质量管理能提高医疗器械的管理质量,降低手术室医院感染发生率。  相似文献   

目的目前医护行业面向患者护理的传统手写录入存在速度慢、效率低、错误率高,无法全程跟踪医嘱执行状态等问题,因此有必要开发一款移动医疗护理信息系统来优化护理流程,提高医护工作效率。方法针对临床的实际需求,基于MVC框架的Spring MVC流程,采用JS和HTML技术开发Web前端界面,通过Eclipse开发安卓应用程序,Web Service服务与HIS进行数据交换,进而实现移动医疗护理信息系统。结果本文实现以PDA端为临床数据录入来源,以PC端浏览器为界面展示平台的信息系统,在北京某医院进行实际临床应用和总结验证,成功地将工作地点由护士工作站桌面推广到移动应用。结论临床应用表明,本系统优化了医护工作流程,实现了管理的精细化,应用到医疗护理行业中是可行的,具有广泛的适用性和参考价值。  相似文献   



The stepped-care approach, where people with early symptoms of depression are stepped up from low-intensity interventions to higher-level interventions as needed, has the potential to assist many people with mild depressive symptoms. Self-monitoring techniques assist people to understand their mental health symptoms by increasing their emotional self-awareness (ESA) and can be easily distributed on mobile phones at low cost. Increasing ESA is an important first step in psychotherapy and has the potential to intervene before mild depressive symptoms progress to major depressive disorder. In this secondary analysis we examined a mobile phone self-monitoring tool used by young people experiencing mild or more depressive symptoms to investigate the relationships between self-monitoring, ESA, and depression.


We tested two main hypotheses: (1) people who monitored their mood, stress, and coping strategies would have increased ESA from pretest to 6-week follow-up compared with an attention comparison group, and (2) an increase in ESA would predict a decrease in depressive symptoms.


We recruited patients aged 14 to 24 years from rural and metropolitan general practices. Eligible participants were identified as having mild or more mental health concerns by their general practitioner. Participants were randomly assigned to either the intervention group (where mood, stress, and daily activities were monitored) or the attention comparison group (where only daily activities were monitored), and both groups self-monitored for 2 to 4 weeks. Randomization was carried out electronically via random seed generation, by an in-house computer programmer; therefore, general practitioners, participants, and researchers were blinded to group allocation at randomization. Participants completed pretest, posttest, and 6-week follow-up measures of the Depression Anxiety Stress Scale and the ESA Scale. We estimated a parallel process latent growth curve model (LGCM) using Mplus to test the indirect effect of the intervention on depressive symptoms via the mediator ESA, and calculated 95% bias-corrected bootstrapping confidence intervals (CIs).


Of the 163 participants assessed for eligibility, 118 were randomly assigned and 114 were included in analyses (68 in the intervention group and 46 in the comparison group). A parallel process LGCM estimated the indirect effect of the intervention on depressive symptoms via ESA and was shown to be statistically significant based on the 95% bias-corrected bootstrapping CIs not containing zero (–6.366 to –0.029). The proportion of the maximum possible indirect effect estimated was κ2 =.54 (95% CI .426–.640).


This study supported the hypothesis that self-monitoring increases ESA, which in turn decreases depressive symptoms for young people with mild or more depressive symptoms. Mobile phone self-monitoring programs are ideally suited to first-step intervention programs for depression in the stepped-care approach, particularly when ESA is targeted as a mediating factor.

Trial Registration

ClinicalTrials.gov NCT00794222; http://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT00794222 (Archived by WebCite at http://www.webcitation.org/65lldW34k)  相似文献   

在医院图书馆中开展医学继续教育   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘映 《医学信息》2004,17(4):239-240
阐述了医院图书馆开展医学继续教育(CME)的必要性,介绍了医院图书馆进行CME的3种方式,并提出医院图书馆应关注的问题。  相似文献   



Mobile phone conversation decreases the ability to concentrate and impairs the attention necessary to perform complex activities, such as driving a car. Does the ringing sound of a mobile phone affect the driver''s ability to perform complex sensory-motor activities? We compared a subject''s reaction time while performing a test either with a mobile phone ringing or without.

Material and methods

The examination was performed on a PC-based reaction time self-constructed system Reactor. The study group consisted of 42 healthy students. The protocol included instruction, control without phone and a proper session with subject''s mobile phone ringing. The terms of the study were standardised.


There were significant differences (p < 0.001) in reaction time in control (597 ms), mobile (633 ms) and instruction session (673 ms). The differences in female subpopulation were also significant (p < 0.01). Women revealed the longest reaction time in instruction session (707 ms), were significantly quicker in mobile (657 ms, p < 0.01) and in control session (612 ms, p < 0.001). In men, the significant difference was recorded only between instruction (622 ms) and control session (573 ms, p < 0.01). The other differences were not significant (p > 0.08). Men proofed to complete significantly quicker than women in instruction (p < 0.01) and in mobile session (p < 0.05). Differences amongst the genders in control session was not significant (p > 0.05).


The results obtained proofed the ringing of a phone exerts a significant influence on complex reaction time and quality of performed task.  相似文献   

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