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In three monkeys trained to finely grade grip force in a visuomotor step-tracking task, the effect of the context on neuronal force correlates was quantitatively assessed. Three trial types, which differed in force range, number, and direction of the force steps, were presented pseudo-randomly and cued with the color of the cursor serving as feedback of the exerted force. Quantitative analyses were made on 85 neurons with similar discharge patterns in the three trial types and significant linear positive (54 cells) or negative (31 cells) correlation coefficients between firing rate and force. An analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) showed that the population slopes for 2-step were steeper than for 3-step trials. Another ANCOVA at the population level, computed on the differences in firing rate and force between force steps, persistently disclosed a significant effect of trial type. For the first two force steps, the differences in firing rate were significantly larger in the 2-step than in the 3-step increase trials. Further analyses revealed that neither the force range nor the number of steps was a unique factor. A small group of neurons was tested in an additional trial series with a uniform cue for all three trials, leading to either a loss of context-dependency or to unexpected changes in firing rate. This demonstrates that the cue color was an important instruction for task performance and neuronal activity. The most important findings are that the context-dependent changes were occurring ”on-line”, and that neurons displaying context-dependency were found in all three lateral premotor cortex hand regions and in the primary motor cortex. Finger muscle activity did not show any context dependency. The context-dependent effect leads to a normalization of the cortical activity. The advantage of normalization is discussed and mechanisms for the gain regulation are proposed. Received: 10 November 1998 / Accepted: 13 March 1999  相似文献   

Behavioral experiments were conducted to examine the role of the cholinergic receptor-agonist muscarine or its antagonist homatropine on the mating behavior of sexually experienced male rats. Male copulatory behavior was recorded after intrathecally administered saline, muscarine (7.5 μg), or homatropine (25 μg). Changes in copulatory behavior were assessed by the following parameters: intromission latency, intromission frequency, intercopulatory interval, ejaculation latency, and postejaculatory interval. Intromission frequency, intercopulatory interval, and ejaculation latency were decreased significantly by muscarine. Intrathecal homatropine decreased the number of copulating animals (five out of 13). In the five animals that were able to ejaculate after homatropine, intromission latency, intercopulatory interval, and ejaculation latency increased significantly. The effects of both drugs on locomotion were also tested. Muscarine induced no significant changes in locomotion compared with saline. A significant increase in locomotion was found after homatropine treatment. These results suggest that acetylcholine, acting at spinal-cord muscarinic receptors, may be involved in ejaculation. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

We investigated whether human attentional processes influence the size of the motor evoked potentials (MEP) facilitation and the duration of the cortical silent period (CSP) elicited by high-frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS). In healthy subjects we assessed the effects of 5 Hz-rTMS, delivered in trains of 10 stimuli at suprathreshold intensity over the hand motor area, on the MEP size and CSP duration in different attention-demanding conditions: “relaxed,” “target hand,” and “non-target hand” condition. We also investigated the inhibitory effects of 1 Hz-rTMS conditioning to the premotor cortex on the 5 Hz-rTMS induced MEP facilitation. F-waves evoked by ulnar nerve stimulation were also recorded. rTMS trains elicited a larger MEP size facilitation when the subjects looked at the target hand whereas the increase in CSP duration during rTMS remained unchanged during the three attention-demanding conditions. The conditioning inhibitory stimulation delivered to the premotor cortex decreased the MEP facilitation during the “target hand” condition, leaving the MEP facilitation during the other conditions unchanged. None of the attentional conditions elicited changes in the F wave. In healthy subjects attentional processes influence the size of the MEP facilitation elicited by high-frequency rTMS and do so through premotor-to-motor connections.  相似文献   

Sleep bruxism is assumed to be triggered by a dysfunctional subcortical and cortical network. This study investigates sensorimotor cortical activation in patients with sleep bruxism during clenching and chewing. Nine polysomnographically diagnosed patients and nine healthy control subjects underwent magnetoencephalography (MEG). During clenching and chewing, patients with bruxism revealed significantly larger event-related desynchronization in the somatomotor area (Brodmann area 4) than healthy subjects. Group differences in the muscle activity were ruled out by electromyography (EMG) assessments during MEG. This result might be regarded as a consequence of increased sensorimotor cortical representation of the tongue and chewing musculature due to an enhanced parafunctional muscle activity in bruxers potentially triggered by occlusal factors. Alternatively, a secondary activation of cortical structures during sleep bruxism in the context of an activated network of subcortical and cortical structures might lead to increased cortical representation of the chewing musculature via use dependent plasticity.  相似文献   

Summary The present experiment focused on the characteristics of sequential speech movements. Subjects generated two successive lip and jaw closing movements associated with the two p's in sapapple. By selectively manipulating the lower lip perturbation it was possible to discern the role of somatic sensory interactions with the presumed sequential movement programming. Lower lip perturbation duration was manipulated to yield two different load conditions. In the Load On (LN) condition, the perturbation remained on for both closing movements. In the Load On/Off (LNF) condition, the perturbation was removed at variable times prior to the second closing movement. Analyses focused on comparing the EMG and resulting kinematic changes for the second p closure across the two load conditions relative to the normal control (no load) condition. The second p closure was differentially affected by the load conditions resulting in changes in the upper and lower lip compensations. Upper lip changes reflected consistent load duration differences; however, the magnitude of the lower lip EMG and kinematic adjustments did not mirror those of the upper lip. In contrast to the differential upper lip/ lower lip changes observed for the magnitude adjustments, timing adjustments were similar for both upper lip and lower lip suggesting a separation between the specification of magnitude and timing of speech movements. Differential load effects were also observed for the timing of the second closing movements. For the LN condition, the onset of muscle activity and subsequent movement occurred earlier (re: control); for the LNF condition, load removal delayed the onset of muscle activity and the subsequent movement (re: control). Further, the opening movement preceding the second closing movement was modified for both load conditions suggesting that all movements in the sequence, not just closing movements, can be modified. The present results suggest that the programming of speech movement sequences is a dynamic process involving scaling and timing of motor commands relying on various degrees of sensory interaction. The apparent separation in the magnitude and timing specification of the movement sequences suggests the parallel influences of different neural systems. The consequence of this control scheme is that specification of movement parameters for sequential motor acts is a flexible real-time sensorimotor process interacting with less-flexible well-established central motor relations. Further, motor programs for speech may reflect certain generalized movement actions (e.g., oral opening, oral closing) rather than individual words, syllables, or other linguistic categories programmed on a movement-to-movement basis.  相似文献   

Natural actions can be described as chains of simple elements, whereas individual motion elements are readily concatenated to generate countless movement sequences. Sequence-specific neurons have been described extensively, suggesting that the motor system may implement temporally complex motions by using such neurons to recruit lower-level movement neurons modularly. Here, we set out to investigate whether activity of movement-related neurons is independent of the sequential context of the motion. Two monkeys were trained to perform linear arm movements either individually or as components of double-segment motions. However, comparison of neuronal activity between these conditions is delicate because subtle kinematic variations generally occur within different contexts. We therefore used extensive procedures to identify the contribution of variations in motor execution to differences in neuronal activity. Yet, even after application of these procedures we find that neuronal activity in the motor cortex (PMd and M1) associated with a given motion segment differs between the two contexts. These differences appear during preparation and become even more prominent during motion execution. Interestingly, despite context-related differences on the single-neuron level, the population as a whole still allows a reliable readout of movement direction regardless of the sequential context. Thus the direction of a movement and the sequential context in which it is embedded may be simultaneously and reliably encoded by neurons in the motor cortex.  相似文献   

Rats with unilateral ablations of the sensorimotor cortex and others with control operations were tested for their ability to touch and remove adhesive tape applied to both forelimbs. Half of each group was administered a calcium channel antagonist (nimodipine) for two weeks following the lesions and the other half received vehicle. The rats with lesions showed a bias to remove the ipsilateral stimulus first and exhibited contralateral deficits relative to control animals. Nimodipine was shown to reduce the contralateral stimulus removal time when the animals began testing two weeks after surgery, but not when testing began 1 day after surgery and overlapped the period of drug administration. Lesion effects also appeared on tests for neurologic impairment and activity, but nimodipine did not reduce these deficits. These findings indicate that nimodipine has the potential to reduce some deficits after sensorimotor cortical lesions, but that the effects of this drug may be task specific.  相似文献   

We investigated changes in the activation and functional coupling of bilateral primary sensorimotor (SM1) and supplementary motor (SMA) areas with different movement rates in eight normal volunteers. An auditory-cued repetitive right-thumb movement was performed at rates of 0.5, 0.75, 1, 2, 3, and 4 Hz. As a control condition, subjects listened to pacing tones with no movements. Electroencephalogram (EEG) was recorded from 28 scalp electrodes and electromyogram was obtained from the hand muscles. The event-related changes in EEG band-power (ERpow: activation of each area) and correlation (ERcor: functional coupling between each pair of cortical areas) were computed every 32 ms. Modulations of ERpow and ERcor were inspected in alpha (8-12 Hz) and beta (16-20 Hz) bands. Motor cortical activation and coupling was greater for faster movements. With increasing movement rate, the timing relationship between movement and tone switched from synchronization (for 0.5-1 Hz) to syncopation (for 3-4 Hz). The results suggested that for slow repetitive movements (0.5-1 Hz), each individual movement is separately controlled, and EEG activation and coupling of the motor cortical areas were immediately followed by transient deactivation and decoupling, having clear temporal modulation locked to each movement. In contrast, for fast repetitive movements (3-4 Hz), it appears that the rhythm is controlled and the motor cortices showed sustained EEG activation and continuous coupling.  相似文献   

The activity of neurons in the motor nuclei of the thalamus that project to the cortical motor areas (the primary motor cortex, the ventral and dorsal premotor cortex, and the supplementary motor area) was investigated in monkeys that were performing a task in which wrist extension and flexion movements were instructed by visuospatial cues before the onset of movement. Movement was triggered by a visual, auditory, or somatosensory stimulus. Thalamocortical neurons were identified by a spike collision, and exhibited 2 distinct types of task-related activity: 1) a sustained change in activity during the instructed preparation period in response to the instruction cues (set-related activity); and 2) phasic changes in activity during the reaction and movement time periods (movement-related activity). A number of set- and moment-related neurons exhibited direction selectivity. Most movement-related neurons were similarly active, irrespective of the different sensory modalities of the cue for movement. These properties of neuronal activity were similar, regardless of their target cortical motor areas. There were no significant differences in the antidromic latencies of neurons that projected to the primary and nonprimary motor areas. These results suggest that the thalamocortical neurons play an important role in the preparation for, and initiation and execution of, the movements, but are less important than neurons of the nonprimary cortical motor areas in modality-selective sensorimotor transformation. It is likely that such transformations take place within the nonprimary cortical motor areas, but not through thalamocortical information channels.  相似文献   

To study the functional role of synchronized neuronal activity in the human motor system, we simultaneously recorded cortical activity by high-resolution electroencephalography (EEG) and electromyographic (EMG) activity of the activated muscle during a phasic voluntary movement in seven healthy subjects. Here, we present evidence for dynamic beta-range (16-28 Hz) synchronization between cortical activity and muscle activity, starting after termination of the movement. In the same time range, increased tonic activity in the activated muscle was found. During the movement execution a low-frequency (2-14 Hz) synchronization was found. Using a novel analysis, phase-reference analysis, we were able to extract the EMG-coherent EEG maps for both, low- and high-frequency beta range synchronization. The electrical source reconstruction of the EMG-coherent EEG maps was performed with respect to the individual brain morphology from magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) using a distributed source model (cortical current density analysis) and a realistic head model. The generators of the beta-range synchronization were not only located in the primary motor area, but also in premotor areas. The generators of the low-frequency synchronization were also located in the primary motor and in premotor areas, but with additional participation of the medial premotor area. These findings suggest that the dynamic beta-range synchronization between multiple cortical areas and activated muscles reflects the transition of the collective motor network into a new equilibrium state, possibly related to higher demands on attention, while the low-frequency synchronization is related to the movement execution.  相似文献   

Summary The medial surface of the rostral part of frontal agranular cortex, largely corresponding to the supplementary motor area, was rapidly and reversibly cooled while a monkey was performing a trained motor task requiring a premovement selection process of determining sensory signals as movement triggering or non-triggering. During cooling, the motor task was poorly performed with grossly altered reaction times and variable amount of force, along with erroneous responses. Neuronal activity in the precentral motor cortex in response to sensory signals was also found to be altered.  相似文献   

Local field potentials (LFPs) recorded from primary motor cortex (MI) have been shown to be tuned to the direction of visually guided reaching movements, but MI LFPs have not been shown to be tuned to the direction of an upcoming movement during the delay period that precedes movement in an instructed-delay reaching task. Also, LFPs in dorsal premotor cortex (PMd) have not been investigated in this context. We therefore recorded LFPs from MI and PMd of monkeys (Macaca mulatta) and investigated whether these LFPs were tuned to the direction of the upcoming movement during the delay period. In three frequency bands we identified LFP activity that was phase-locked to the onset of the instruction stimulus that specified the direction of the upcoming reach. The amplitude of this activity was often tuned to target direction with tuning widths that varied across different electrodes and frequency bands. Single-trial decoding of LFPs demonstrated that prediction of target direction from this activity was possible well before the actual movement is initiated. Decoding performance was significantly better in the slowest-frequency band compared with that in the other two higher-frequency bands. Although these results demonstrate that task-related information is available in the local field potentials, correlations among these signals recorded from a densely packed array of electrodes suggests that adequate decoding performance for neural prosthesis applications may be limited as the number of simultaneous electrode recordings is increased.  相似文献   

This work aimed to study whether the sensorimotor cerebral cortex spreads down its rhythmic patterns of activity to the dorsal column nuclei. Extracellular and intracellular recordings were obtained from the cuneate nucleus of chloralose-anesthetized cats. From a total of 140 neurons tested (106 cuneolemniscal), 72 showed spontaneous rhythmic activity within the slow (<1 Hz), δ (1–4 Hz), spindle (5–15 Hz) and higher frequencies, with seven cells having the δ rhythm coupled to slow oscillations. The spindle activity recorded in the cuneate was tightly coupled to the thalamo-cortico-thalamic spindle rhythmicity. Bilateral or contralateral removal of the frontoparietal cortex abolished the cuneate slow and spindle oscillations. Oscillatory paroxysmal activity generated by fast electrical stimulation (50–100 Hz/1–2 s) of the sensorimotor cortex induced burst firing synchronized with the paroxysmal cortical “spike” on all the non-lemniscal neurons, and inhibitory responses also coincident with the cortical paroxysmal “spike” in the majority (71%) of the cuneolemniscal cells. The remaining lemniscal-projecting neurons showed bursting activity (11%) or sequences of excitation–inhibition (18%) also time-locked to the cortical paroxysmal “spike”. Additionally, the cerebral cortex induced coherent oscillatory activity between thalamic ventroposterolateral and cuneate neurons. Electrolytic lesion of the pyramidal tract abolished the cortically induced effects on the contralateral cuneate nucleus, as well as on the ipsilateral medial lemniscus.The results demonstrate that the sensorimotor cortex imposes its rhythmic patterns on the cuneate nucleus through the pyramidal tract, and that the corticocuneate network can generate normal and abnormal patterns of synchronized activity, such as δ waves, spindles and spike-and-wave complexes. The cuneate neurons, however, are able to generate oscillatory activity above 1 Hz in the absence of cortical input, which implies that the cerebral cortex probably imposes its rhythmicity on the cuneate by matching the intrinsic preferred oscillatory frequency of cuneate neurons.  相似文献   

Marino J  Canedo A  Aguilar J 《Neuroscience》2000,95(3):657-673
This work aimed to study whether the sensorimotor cerebral cortex spreads down its rhythmic patterns of activity to the dorsal column nuclei. Extracellular and intracellular recordings were obtained from the cuneate nucleus of chloralose-anesthetized cats. From a total of 140 neurons tested (106 cuneolemniscal), 72 showed spontaneous rhythmic activity within the slow (< 1 Hz), delta (1-4 Hz), spindle (5-15 Hz) and higher frequencies, with seven cells having the delta rhythm coupled to slow oscillations. The spindle activity recorded in the cuneate was tightly coupled to the thalamo-cortico-thalamic spindle rhythmicity. Bilateral or contralateral removal of the frontoparietal cortex abolished the cuneate slow and spindle oscillations. Oscillatory paroxysmal activity generated by fast electrical stimulation (50-100 Hz/1-2 s) of the sensorimotor cortex induced burst firing synchronized with the paroxysmal cortical "spike" on all the non-lemniscal neurons, and inhibitory responses also coincident with the cortical paroxysmal "spike" in the majority (71%) of the cuneolemniscal cells. The remaining lemniscal-projecting neurons showed bursting activity (11%) or sequences of excitation-inhibition (18%) also time-locked to the cortical paroxysmal "spike". Additionally, the cerebral cortex induced coherent oscillatory activity between thalamic ventroposterolateral and cuneate neurons. Electrolytic lesion of the pyramidal tract abolished the cortically induced effects on the contralateral cuneate nucleus, as well as on the ipsilateral medial lemniscus. The results demonstrate that the sensorimotor cortex imposes its rhythmic patterns on the cuneate nucleus through the pyramidal tract, and that the corticocuneate network can generate normal and abnormal patterns of synchronized activity, such as delta waves, spindles and spike-and-wave complexes. The cuneate neurons, however, are able to generate oscillatory activity above 1 Hz in the absence of cortical input, which implies that the cerebral cortex probably imposes its rhythmicity on the cuneate by matching the intrinsic preferred oscillatory frequency of cuneate neurons.  相似文献   

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