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目的用三维模拟的方法为学生提供翼腭窝解剖的直观展示,加强学生对该解剖部位的理解,以期取得更好的教学效果。方法应用Dicom数据进行翼腭窝三维建模。三维重建软件横断面窗口上翼腭窝及与之相通的骨孔位置创建sphere对象。轻度移动横断面窗口中各解剖位置上的sphere,在三维视窗中可以同时观察到各解剖位置上的sphere的移动情况。结果可将翼腭窝各切面直观地展示给学生,并同时结合三维展示,学生易于理解翼腭窝的解剖结构。结论应用三维模拟技术在翼腭窝解剖教学中可取得更好的教学效果。  相似文献   

Craniopharyngiomas that originate in the nasopharynx and sphenoid bone (known as infrasellar craniopharyngiomas) are rare and comprise only 5% of all craniopharyngiomas. The involvement of the maxillary sinus has been reported only twice. We present a very rare case that involved the maxillary sinus.  相似文献   

Applied anatomy of the internal maxillary artery   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The pterygopalatine fossa: an anatomic report   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The pterygopalatine fossa (PPF) is a small anatomic region of particular interest in cranial base surgery. Infectious diseases and malignancy may spread through the PPF to contiguous areas as a result of the low resistance offered by the numerous foramina and fissures that surrounds the fossa. We present an anatomic report on the PPF. Twelve sides of six fixed cadaveric heads were dissected through a LeFort I maxillary osteotomy with transantral exposure of the neurovascular content of the PPF. Arterial vascular patterns of the maxillary artery were observed. The pterygopalatine fossa is a deeply located small anatomic region with a rich neurovascular content. The third portion of the maxillary artery in the PPF may demonstrate a variable vascular morphology. A correct understanding and knowledge of the anatomic structures lodged into the PPF, as well as their relationships and functions, remain crucial to minimizing postsurgical morbidity and intraoperative complications.  相似文献   

The anatomy of the pterygopalatine fossa pertinent to the technique of maxillary nerve block at the foramen rotundum was investigated and the ability of inexperienced surgeons to apply the required angles of the injection needle to the sagittal plane in a clinical environment. In 85 dried human skulls the volume, length, width and depth of 159 intact pterygopalatine fossae were measured. The frequency of reaching the sphenopalatine foramen using a 20 G spinal needle advanced from the frontozygomatic angle through the pterygomaxillary fissure was determined. 49 oral surgery postgraduates aligned the injection needle with angles of 60° and 80° to the sagittal plane of a volunteer's head. The dimensions of the pterygopalatine fossa were inconsistent; volume (0.1–1 cm3), width (1–9 mm) and depth (6–22 mm) showed the greatest variations. An enlarged sphenoidal process and a narrow pterygomaxillary fissure (<2 mm) were found in 15% and 8%, respectively. The sphenopalatine foramen was reached successfully in 75%. Postgraduates in oral surgery were highly accurate in the assessment of the 60° and 80° angles to the sagittal plane. A previously described technique of blocking the maxillary nerve at the foramen rotundum was adjusted and recommendations given to overcome anatomical obstacles.  相似文献   

A study was undertaken to determine vascular changes and the timing of these changes after craniofacial dysjunction surgery. Ten adult male Macaca cynomulgus monkeys were studied with techniques using angiograms and vascular vinyl cast preparations before and after unilateral Le Fort III osteotomy. After surgical disruption of the maxillary artery, the flow of blood was initially maintained by anastomotic branches of the ipsilateral internal carotid artery. Stepwise reconstruction of the disrupted maxillary artery took place via numerous collateral vessels that bridged the site of disruption; continuity of the artery was nearly normal by five weeks.  相似文献   

目的 探讨在侵犯翼腭窝、颞下窝肿瘤中选择内镜手术入路,为根据肿瘤性质和侵犯程度选择手术入路提供依据。方法 回顾分析第四军医大学西京医院2010年1月—2014年8月收治的50例侵犯翼腭窝或颞下窝并行内镜切除手术的肿瘤患者的临床资料,所有患者术前均行CT和MRI检查,根据肿瘤侵犯的方式和性质制定手术方案,选择手术入路。术后常规随访及影像学检查。重点评估不同入路的显露范围,安全手术的可能性,肿物全切率,以及术中、术后并发症。结果 经内镜手术治疗侵犯翼腭窝、颞下窝肿瘤50例,其中恶性肿瘤11例,包括腺样囊性癌5例,恶性成釉细胞瘤2例,软骨肉瘤2例,神经纤维肉瘤1例,恶性神经鞘膜瘤1例;良性肿瘤31例,鼻咽纤维血管瘤24例,神经鞘瘤5例,脊索瘤2例;囊肿8例,其中牙源性囊肿5例,表皮样或皮样囊肿3例。根据肿物侵犯范围,采用3种内镜下手术入路。内镜下经鼻腔入路27例,其中经中鼻道20例,经泪前隐窝7例;内镜下经柯-陆上颌窦入路9例;内镜下经鼻联合经柯-陆上颌窦入路14例。所有手术均能彻底切除肿物。随访时间6~55个月,平均34.3个月,3例失访,3例恶性肿瘤出现复发和远处转移。良性肿瘤和囊肿均无复发。结论 翼腭窝、颞下窝肿瘤在临床上并不少见,根据肿物的生物学特点、侵犯方式和范围选择恰当的手术入路,可以切除病变,降低并发症,减少手术创伤。  相似文献   

目的 研究翼腭管的解剖及其与周围结构的关系 ,为临床LeFortI型截骨手术提供指导。方法 对 30具国人头颅标本进行测量分析。结果 在LeFortI型截骨水平 ,上颌窦内侧壁从犁状孔边缘至翼腭管的平均距离是 35 2 5mm。颧牙槽嵴至翼腭管 2 5 41mm ,翼腭管至中线 16 6 8mm ,犁状孔边缘至中线的距离是 13 87mm ,骨性鼻中隔长度是 46 2 7mm。犁状孔边缘至翼腭管连线与矢状面的夹角为 6°14′。结论 本结果对LeFortI型截骨时上颌后区的解剖提供了数据 ,为避免损伤腭降动脉提供安全的指导  相似文献   

The location and condition of the pulpal tissues under remaining dentin must be considered when a crown is used for restoration of a maxillary molar prepared to the furcations. This problem is examined by identification of basic landmarks. The study also discusses the furcal plane and the root trunk and relates the discussion to a three-part dissection of a crown preparation of a maxillary molar.  相似文献   

Velopharyngeal anatomy and maxillary advancement.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study was undertaken to evaluate the radiographic changes in the static velopharyngeal mechanism following total maxillary advancement. Records of 21 patients treated for maxillary retrusion were evaluated. Two groups were present: 13 non-cleft patients and 8 cleft-lip patients. The findings demonstrate an anatomical change in the velopharyngeal mechanism following total maxillary advancement. A similar change occurred in both groups; however, the magnitude is differed. The angle of the soft palate to hard palate increased with surgery (2 degrees per mm. advancement noncleft and 1 degree per mm. cleft). An increase in soft palate length was also seen (.5mm. per mm. advancement non-cleft and .4 mm. per mm. cleft). A pharyngeal need ratio prediction method was established (pharyngeal depth/soft palate length). A ratio of .68--.84 in this study was observed. A ratio greater than one was found to indicate probable velopharyngeal incompetence.  相似文献   

翼腭窝是位于眶尖后下方、颞下窝内侧的一个狭小骨性间隙,窝内有丰富的血管、重要的神经等结构通过,众多起源于口鼻腔、眶内、颅中窝、颞下窝和鼻旁窦的病变均可累及此窝。本文总结了近年来翼腭窝的解剖学及其相关临床诊疗技术的研究进展。  相似文献   

An adenoid cystic carcinoma, arising in the pterygopalatine fossa and presenting with a visual deficit as the initial symptom in a 44-year-old woman, is reported. Magnetic resonance imaging was valuable in diagnosing the primary site and extension of the tumor.  相似文献   

Until recently clinical decision-making relied on intuition, unsystematic experiences and pathophysiological rationale. Developments in the understanding of the nature of clinical trials, systematic reviews and techniques to evaluate diagnostic technology over the past 30 years made the evidence-based clinical practice possible. During this period of evolution it became apparent that not all evidence is equal. Studies that use weak designs tend to estimate a greater treatment effect, whereas strong designs yield a more conservative treatment effect. A good number of orthodontic problems lend themselves to investigations of controlled clinical trials. Reports of early treatment effectiveness of malocclusions contained in this issue demonstrate the point.  相似文献   

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