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Excessive tissue scarring, or fibrosis, is a critical contributor to end stage renal disease, but current clinical tests are not sufficient for assessing renal fibrosis. Quantitative magnetization transfer (qMT) MRI provides indirect information about the macromolecular composition of tissues. We evaluated measurements of the pool size ratio (PSR, the ratio of immobilized macromolecular to free water protons) obtained by qMT as a biomarker of tubulointerstitial fibrosis in a well‐established murine model with progressive renal disease. MR images were acquired from 16‐week‐old fibrotic hHB‐EGFTg/Tg mice and normal wild‐type (WT) mice (N = 12) at 7 T. QMT parameters were derived using a two‐pool five‐parameter fitting model. A normal range of PSR values in the cortex and outer stripe of outer medulla (CR + OSOM) was determined by averaging across voxels within WT kidneys (mean ± 2SD). Regions in diseased mice whose PSR values exceeded the normal range above a threshold value (tPSR) were identified and measured. The spatial distribution of fibrosis was confirmed using picrosirius red stains. Compared with normal WT mice, scattered clusters of high PSR regions were observed in the OSOM of hHB‐EGFTg/Tg mouse kidneys. Moderate increases in mean PSR (mPSR) of CR + OSOM regions were observed across fibrotic kidneys. The abnormally high PSR regions (% area) detected by the tPSR were significantly increased in hHB‐EGFTg/Tg mice, and were highly correlated with regions of fibrosis detected by histological fibrosis indices measured from picrosirius red staining. Renal tubulointerstitial fibrosis in OSOM can thus be assessed by qMT MRI using an appropriate analysis of PSR. This technique may be used as an imaging biomarker for chronic kidney diseases.  相似文献   

Macromolecular degeneration and biochemical changes in tissue can be quantified using rotating frame relaxometry in MRI. It has been shown in several studies that the rotating frame longitudinal relaxation rate constant (R1ρ) and the rotating frame transverse relaxation rate constant (R2ρ) are sensitive biomarkers of phenomena at the cellular level. In this comprehensive review, existing MRI methods for probing the biophysical mechanisms that affect the rotating frame relaxation rates of the tissue (i.e. R1ρ and R2ρ) are presented. Long acquisition times and high radiofrequency (RF) energy deposition into tissue during the process of spin‐locking in rotating frame relaxometry are the major barriers to the establishment of these relaxation contrasts at high magnetic fields. Therefore, clinical applications of R1ρ and R2ρ MRI using on‐ or off‐resonance RF excitation methods remain challenging. Accordingly, this review describes the theoretical and experimental approaches to the design of hard RF pulse cluster‐ and adiabatic RF pulse‐based excitation schemes for accurate and precise measurements of R1ρ and R2ρ. The merits and drawbacks of different MRI acquisition strategies for quantitative relaxation rate measurement in the rotating frame regime are reviewed. In addition, this review summarizes current clinical applications of rotating frame MRI sequences. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study used quantitative MRI to study normal appearing white matter (NAWM) in patients with clinically isolated syndromes suggestive of multiple sclerosis and relapsing–remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS). This was done at ultrahigh field (7 T) for greater spatial resolution and sensitivity. 17 CIS patients, 11 RRMS patients, and 20 age‐matched healthy controls were recruited. They were scanned using a 3D inversion recovery turbo field echo sequence to measure the longitudinal relaxation time (T1). A 3D magnetization transfer prepared turbo field echo (MT‐TFE) sequence was also acquired, first without a presaturation pulse and then with the MT presaturation pulse applied at ?1.05 kHz and +1.05 kHz off resonance from water to produce two magnetization transfer ratio maps (MTR(?) and MTR(+)). Histogram analysis was performed on the signal from the voxels in the NAWM mask. The upper quartile cut‐off of the T1 histogram was significantly higher in RRMS patients than in controls (p < 0.05), but there was no difference in CIS. In contrast, MTR was significantly different between CIS or RRMS patients and controls (p < 0.05) for most histogram measures considered. The difference between MTR(+) and MTR(?) signals showed that NOE contributions dominated the changes found. There was a weak negative correlation (r = ?0.46, p < 0.05) between the mode of T1 distributions and healthy controls' age; this was not significant for MTR(+) (r = ?0.34, p > 0.05) or MTR(?) (r = 0.13, p > 0.05). There was no significant correlation between the median of T1, MTR(?), or MTR(+) and the age of healthy controls. Furthermore, no significant correlation was observed between EDSS or disease duration and T1, MTR(?), or MTR(+) for either CIS or RRMS patients. In conclusion, MTR was found to be more sensitive to early changes in MS disease than T1. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Glioblastoma is an aggressive and fast-growing brain tumor with poor prognosis. Predicting the expected survival of patients with glioblastoma is a key task for efficient treatment and surgery planning. Survival predictions could be enhanced by means of a radiomic system. However, these systems demand high numbers of multicontrast images, the acquisitions of which are time consuming, giving rise to patient discomfort and low healthcare system efficiency. Synthetic MRI could favor deployment of radiomic systems in the clinic by allowing practitioners not only to reduce acquisition time, but also to retrospectively complete databases or to replace artifacted images. In this work we analyze the replacement of an actually acquired MR weighted image by a synthesized version to predict survival of glioblastoma patients with a radiomic system. Each synthesized version was realistically generated from two acquired images with a deep learning synthetic MRI approach based on a convolutional neural network. Specifically, two weighted images were considered for the replacement one at a time, a T2w and a FLAIR, which were synthesized from the pairs T1w and FLAIR, and T1w and T2w, respectively. Furthermore, a radiomic system for survival prediction, which can classify patients into two groups (survival >480 days and 480 days), was built. Results show that the radiomic system fed with the synthesized image achieves similar performance compared with using the acquired one, and better performance than a model that does not include this image. Hence, our results confirm that synthetic MRI does add to glioblastoma survival prediction within a radiomics-based approach.  相似文献   

Quantitative mapping of MR tissue parameters such as the spin-lattice relaxation time (T1), the spin-spin relaxation time (T2), and the spin-lattice relaxation in the rotating frame (T), referred to as MR relaxometry in general, has demonstrated improved assessment in a wide range of clinical applications. Compared with conventional contrast-weighted (eg T1-, T2-, or T-weighted) MRI, MR relaxometry provides increased sensitivity to pathologies and delivers important information that can be more specific to tissue composition and microenvironment. The rise of deep learning in the past several years has been revolutionizing many aspects of MRI research, including image reconstruction, image analysis, and disease diagnosis and prognosis. Although deep learning has also shown great potential for MR relaxometry and quantitative MRI in general, this research direction has been much less explored to date. The goal of this paper is to discuss the applications of deep learning for rapid MR relaxometry and to review emerging deep-learning-based techniques that can be applied to improve MR relaxometry in terms of imaging speed, image quality, and quantification robustness. The paper is comprised of an introduction and four more sections. Section 2 describes a summary of the imaging models of quantitative MR relaxometry. In Section 3, we review existing “classical” methods for accelerating MR relaxometry, including state-of-the-art spatiotemporal acceleration techniques, model-based reconstruction methods, and efficient parameter generation approaches. Section 4 then presents how deep learning can be used to improve MR relaxometry and how it is linked to conventional techniques. The final section concludes the review by discussing the promise and existing challenges of deep learning for rapid MR relaxometry and potential solutions to address these challenges.  相似文献   

Muscle diseases commonly have clinical presentations of inflammation, fat infiltration, fibrosis, and atrophy. However, the results of existing laboratory tests and clinical presentations are not well correlated. Advanced quantitative MRI techniques may allow the assessment of myo‐pathological changes in a sensitive and objective manner. To progress towards this goal, an array of quantitative MRI protocols was implemented for human thigh muscles; their reproducibility was assessed; and the statistical relationships among parameters were determined. These quantitative methods included fat/water imaging, multiple spin‐echo T2 imaging (with and without fat signal suppression, FS), selective inversion recovery for T1 and quantitative magnetization transfer (qMT) imaging (with and without FS), and diffusion tensor imaging. Data were acquired at 3.0 T from nine healthy subjects. To assess the repeatability of each method, the subjects were re‐imaged an average of 35 days later. Pre‐testing lifestyle restrictions were applied to standardize physiological conditions across scans. Strong between‐day intra‐class correlations were observed in all quantitative indices except for the macromolecular‐to‐free water pool size ratio (PSR) with FS, a metric derived from qMT data. Two‐way analysis of variance revealed no significant between‐day differences in the mean values for any parameter estimate. The repeatability was further assessed with Bland–Altman plots, and low repeatability coefficients were obtained for all parameters. Among‐muscle differences in the quantitative MRI indices and inter‐class correlations among the parameters were identified. There were inverse relationships between fractional anisotropy (FA) and the second eigenvalue, the third eigenvalue, and the standard deviation of the first eigenvector. The FA was positively related to the PSR, while the other diffusion indices were inversely related to the PSR. These findings support the use of these T1, T2, fat/water, and DTI protocols for characterizing skeletal muscle using MRI. Moreover, the data support the existence of a common biophysical mechanism, water content, as a source of variation in these parameters. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

T2 relaxation time is a quantitative MRI in vivo surrogate of cerebral tissue damage in multiple sclerosis (MS) patients. Cortical T2 prolongation is a known feature in later disease stages, but has not been demonstrated in the cortical normal appearing gray matter (NAGM) in early MS. This study centers on the quantitative evaluation of the tissue parameter T2 in cortical NAGM in a collective of early MS and clinically isolated syndrome (CIS) patients, hypothesizing that T2 prolongation is already present at early disease stages and variable over space, in line with global and focal inflammatory processes in MS. Additionally, magnetization transfer ratio (MTR) mapping was performed for further characterization of the expected cortical T2 alteration. Quantitative T2 and MTR maps were acquired from 12 patients with CIS and early MS, and 12 matched healthy controls. The lesion‐free part of the cortical volume was identified, and the mean T2 and MTR values and their standard deviations within the cortical volume were determined. For evaluation of spatial specificity, cortical lobar subregions were tested separately for differences of mean T2 and T2 standard deviation. We detected significantly prolonged T2 in cortical NAGM in patients. T2 prolongation was found across the whole cerebral cortex and in all individual lobar subregions. Significantly higher standard deviations across the respective region of interest were found for the whole cerebral cortex and all subregions, suggesting the occurrence of spatially inhomogeneous cortical damage in all regions studied. A trend was observed for MTR reduction and increased MTR variability across the whole cortex in the MS group, suggesting demyelination. In conclusion, our results suggest that cortical damage in early MS is evidenced by spatially inhomogeneous T2 prolongation which goes beyond demyelination. Iron deposition, which is known to decrease T2, seems less prominent. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Spinal cord injuries (SCIs) are a leading cause of disability and can severely impact the quality of life. However, to date, the processes of spontaneous repair of damaged spinal cord remain incompletely understood, partly due to a lack of appropriate longitudinal tracking methods. Noninvasive, multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) provides potential biomarkers for the comprehensive evaluation of spontaneous repair after SCI. In this study in rats, a clinically relevant contusion injury was introduced at the lumbar level that impairs both hindlimb motor and sensory functions. Quantitative MRI measurements were acquired at baseline and serially post‐SCI for up to 2 wk. The progressions of injury and spontaneous recovery in both white and gray matter were tracked longitudinally using pool‐size ratio (PSR) measurements derived from quantitative magnetization transfer (qMT) methods, measurements of water diffusion parameters using diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) and intrasegment functional connectivity derived from resting state functional MRI. Changes in these quantitative imaging measurements were correlated with behavioral readouts. We found (a) a progressive decrease in PSR values within 2 wk post‐SCI, indicating a progressive demyelination at the center of the injury that was validated with histological staining, (b) PSR correlated closely with fractional anisotropy and transverse relaxation of free water, but did not show significant correlations with behavioral recovery, and (c) preliminary evidence that SCI induced a decrease in functional connectivity between dorsal horns below the injury site at 24 h. Findings from this study not only confirm the value of qMT and DTI methods for assessing the myelination state of injured spinal cord but indicate that they may also have further implications on whether therapies targeted towards remyelination may be appropriate. Additionally, a better understanding of changes after SCI provides valuable information to guide and assess interventions.  相似文献   

Myopathies often display a common set of complex pathologies that include muscle weakness, inflammation, compromised membrane integrity, fat deposition, and fibrosis. Multi‐parametric, quantitative, non‐invasive imaging approaches may be able to resolve these individual pathological components. The goal of this study was to use multi‐parametric MRI to investigate inflammation as an isolated pathological feature. Proton relaxation, diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), quantitative magnetization transfer (qMT‐MRI), and dynamic contrast enhanced (DCE‐MRI) parameters were calculated from data acquired in a single imaging session conducted 6–8 hours following the injection of λ‐carrageenan, a local inflammatory agent. T2 increased in the inflamed muscle and transitioned to bi‐exponential behavior. In diffusion measurements, all three eigenvalues and the apparent diffusion coefficient increased, but λ3 had the largest relative change. Analysis of the qMT data revealed that the T1 of the free pool and the observed T1 both increased in the inflamed tissue, while the ratio of exchanging spins in the solid pool to those in the free water pool (the pool size ratio) significantly decreased. DCE‐MRI data also supported observations of an increase in extracellular volume. These findings enriched the understanding of the relation between multiple quantitative MRI parameters and an isolated inflammatory pathology, and may potentially be employed for other single or complex myopathy models. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Myelin imaging in the central nervous system is essential for monitoring pathologies involving white matter alterations. Various quantitative MRI protocols relying on the modeling of the interactions of water protons with myelinated tissues have shown sensitivities in case of myelin disruption. Some extracted model parameters are more sensitive to demyelination, such as the bound pool fraction (f) in quantitative magnetization transfer imaging (qMTI), the radial diffusivity in diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), and the myelin water fraction (MWF) in myelin water imaging (MWI). A 3D ultrashort echo time (UTE) sequence within an appropriate water suppression condition (Diff‐UTE) is also considered for the direct visualization of the myelin semi‐solid matrix (Diff‐UTE normalized signal; rSPF). In this paper, we aimed at assessing the sensitivities and correlations of the parameters mentioned above to an immuno‐histological study of the myelin basic protein (MBP) in a murine model of demyelination at 7 T. We demonstrated a high sensitivity of the MRI metrics to demyelination, and strong Spearman correlations in the corpus callosum between histology, macromolecular proton fraction (ρ>0.87) and Diff‐UTE signal (ρ>0.76), but moderate ones with radial diffusivity and MWF (|ρ|<0.70).  相似文献   

A novel MRI contrast is proposed which enables the selective detection of endogenous bulk mobile proteins in vivo. Such a non‐invasive imaging technique may be of particular interest for many diseases associated with pathological alterations of protein expression, such as cancer and neurodegenerative disorders. Specificity to mobile proteins was achieved by the selective measurement of intramolecular spin diffusion and the removal of semi‐solid macromolecular signal components by a correction procedure. For this purpose, the approach of chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST) was extended to a radiofrequency (RF) irradiation scheme at two different frequency offsets (dualCEST). Using protein model solutions, it was demonstrated that the dualCEST technique allows the calculation of an image contrast which is exclusively sensitive to changes in concentration, molecular size and the folding state of mobile proteins. With respect to application in humans, dualCEST overcomes the selectivity limitations at relatively low magnetic field strengths, and thus enables examinations on clinical MR scanners. The feasibility of dualCEST examinations in humans was verified by a proof‐of‐principle examination of a brain tumor patient at 3 T. With its specificity for the mobile fraction of the proteome, its comparable sensitivity to conventional water proton MRI and its applicability to clinical MR scanners, this technique represents a further step towards the non‐invasive imaging of proteomic changes in humans.  相似文献   

Quantitative assessment of desmoplasia in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) may be critical for staging or prediction of response to therapy. We performed quantitative magnetization transfer (qMT) MRI measurements in 18 mouse xenograft tumors generated from three PDAC cell lines. The qMT parameter bound proton fraction (BPF) was found to be significantly higher in tumors grown using the BxPC‐3 cell line (5.31 ± 0.87, mean ± standard deviation) compared with the BPF measured for tumors grown from Panc‐1 (3.65 ± 0.60) and Capan‐1 (1.50 ± 0.58) cell lines (P < 0.05 for each comparison). Histologic measurements demonstrated a similar trend; BxPC‐3 tumors had significantly higher fibrosis levels (percentage of fibrotic tissue area, 6.21 ± 2.10) compared with Panc‐1 (2.88 ± 1.13) and Capan‐1 (1.69 ± 1.01) tumors. BPF was well correlated with quantitative fibrosis levels (r = 0.77, P < 0.01). Our results indicate that qMT measurements offer the potential to noninvasively quantify fibrosis levels in PDAC mouse xenograft models and thus serve as a valuable in vivo biomarker of desmoplasia in PDAC. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Ferumoxytol‐enhanced MRI holds potential for the non‐invasive assessment of vascular architecture using estimates of cerebral blood volume (CBV). Ferumoxytol specifically enables steady‐state imaging with extended acquisition times, for substantial improvements in resolution and contrast‐to‐noise ratio. With such data, quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM) can be used to obtain images of local tissue magnetic susceptibility and hence estimate the increase in blood susceptibility after administration of a contrast agent, which in turn can be correlated to tissue CBV. Here, we explore the use of QSM for CBV estimation and compare it with R2* (1/T2*)‐based results. Institutional review board approval was obtained, and all subjects provided written informed consent. For this prospective study, MR images were acquired on a 3.0 T scanner in 19 healthy subjects using a multiple‐echo T2*‐weighted sequence. Scanning was performed before and after the administration of two doses of ferumoxytol (1 mg FE/kg and 4 mg FE/kg). Different QSM approaches were tested on numerical phantom simulations. Results showed that the accuracy of magnetic susceptibility measurements improved with increasing image resolution and decreasing vascular density. In vivo changes in magnetic susceptibility were measured after the administration of ferumoxytol utilizing QSM, and significantly higher QSM‐based CBV was measured in gray matter compared with white matter. QSM‐ and R2*‐based CBV estimates correlated well, with similar average values, but a larger variance was found in QSM‐based estimates.  相似文献   

The in vivo evaluation of soft biomaterial implant remodeling routinely requires the surgical removal of the implant for subsequent histological assessment of tissue ingrowth and scaffold remodeling. This approach is very resource intensive, often destructive, and imposes practical limitations on how effectively these materials can be evaluated. MRI has the potential to non‐invasively monitor the remodeling of implanted collagen scaffolds in real time. This study investigated the development of a model system to characterize the cellular infiltration, void area fraction, and angiogenesis in collagen scaffold implants using T2 relaxation time and apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) maps along with conventional histological techniques. Initial correlations found statistically significant relationships between the MRI and histological parameters for various regions of the implanted sponges: T2 versus cell density (r ≈ ?0.83); T2 versus void area fraction (r ≈ +0.78); T2 versus blood vessel density (r ≈ +0.95); ADC versus cell density (r ≈ ?0.77); and ADC versus void area fraction (r ≈ +0.84). This suggests that MRI is sensitive to specific remodeling parameters and has the potential to serve as a non‐invasive tool to monitor the remodeling of implanted collagen scaffolds, and to ultimately assess the ability of these scaffolds to regenerate the functional properties of damaged tissues such as tendons, ligaments, skin or skeletal muscle.  相似文献   

Peripheral nerves are a composite tissue consisting of neurovascular elements packaged within a well‐organized extracellular matrix. Their composition, size, and anatomy render nerves a challenging medical imaging target. In contrast to morphological MRI, which represents the predominant approach to nerve imaging, quantitative MRI sequences can provide information regarding tissue composition. Here, we applied standard clinical Carr‐Purcell‐Meiboom‐Gill (CPMG) and experimental three‐dimensional (3D) ultrashort echo time (UTE) Cones sequences for quantitative nerve imaging including T2 measurement with single‐component analysis, T2* measurement with single‐component and bi‐component analyses, and magnetization transfer ratio (MTR) analysis. We demonstrated the feasibility and the high quality of single‐component T2*, bi‐component T2*, and MTR approaches to analyze nerves imaged with clinically deployed 3D UTE Cones pulse sequences. For 24 single fascicles from eight nerves, we measured a mean single‐component T2* of 22.6 ±8.9 ms, and a short T2* component (STC) with a mean T2* of 1.7 ±1.0 ms and a mean fraction of (6.74 ±4.31)% in bi‐component analysis. For eight whole nerves, we measured a mean single‐component T2* of 16.7 ±2.2 ms, and an STC with a mean T2* of 3.0 ±1.0 ms and a mean fraction of (15.56 ±7.07)% in bi‐component analysis. For nine fascicles from three healthy nerves, we measured a mean MTR of (25.2 ±1.9)% for single fascicles and a mean MTR of (23.6 ±0.9)% for whole nerves. No statistically significant correlation was observed between any MRI parameter and routine histological outcomes, perhaps due to the small sample size and lack of apparent sample pathology. Overall, we have successfully demonstrated the feasibility of measuring quantitative MR outcomes ex vivo, which might reflect features of nerve structure and macromolecular content. These methods should be validated comprehensively on a larger and more diverse set of nerve samples, towards the interpretation of in vivo outcomes. These approaches have new and broad implications for the management of nerve disease, injury, and repair.  相似文献   

This study investigates T2* quantification in carotid plaques before and after the administration of ultrasmall superparamagnetic iron oxide particles (USPIOs) in a cohort of patients receiving statin therapy. Phantom studies were performed using gels with varying concentrations of USPIOs. In the phantom study, 12 gels were prepared with a range of freely distributed concentrations of USPIO nanoparticles (0–0.05 mg/mL). Relative signal intensity measurements were obtained from a T2*‐weighted sequence as well as quantitative T2* (qT2*) measurements. In the patient study, 40 patients with >40% carotid stenosis were randomised to low‐ and high‐dose statin therapy (10 and 80 mg of atorvastatin). Pre‐ and post‐ (36 h) USPIO‐enhanced MRI were performed at baseline, and at 6 and 12 weeks. A linear mixed‐effects model was applied to account for the inherent correlation of multiple‐plaque measurements from the same patient and to assess dose–response differences to statin therapy. In the phantom study, the T2*‐weighted sequence demonstrated an initial increase (T1 effect), followed by a decrease (T2* effect), in relative signal intensity with increasing concentrations of USPIO. The qT2* values decreased exponentially with increasing concentrations of USPIO. In the patient study, there was a highly significant difference in post‐USPIO T2* measurements in plaques between the low‐ and high‐dose statin groups. This was observed for both the difference in qT2* measurements (post‐USPIO minus pre‐USPIO) (p < 0.001) and for qT2* post‐USPIO only (p < 0.001). The post‐USPIO qT2* values were as follows: baseline: low dose, 13.6 ± 5.5 ms; high dose, 12.9 ± 6.2 ms; 6 weeks: low dose, 13.3 ± 6.7 ms; high dose, 14.3 ± 7.7 ms; 12 weeks: low dose, 14.0 ± 7.6 ms; high dose, 18.3 ± 11.2 ms. It can be concluded that qT2* measurements provide an alternative method of quantifying USPIO uptake. These results also demonstrate that changes in USPIO uptake can be measured using post‐USPIO imaging only. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Mammalian cellular iron is stored inside the multisubunit protein ferritin, normally taking the structure of a ferrihydrite-like mineral core. It has been suggested that biogenic magnetite, which has been detected in the brain and may be related to neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases, could initially form in ferritin. Indeed, as ferritin is present in the brain, the ferrihydrite core could be a precursor for biogenic magnetite formation--particularly in cases where the normal functioning of the ferritin protein is disrupted. In this work, NMR relaxometry was used to detect magnetite inside samples of ferritin extracted from normal and Alzheimer-diseased brains. The method was first calibrated with different fractions of horse spleen ferritin and synthetic magnetite particles. The relaxometry results suggest that the proportion of iron contained in brain ferritin in the form of well-crystallized magnetite instead of ferrihydrite must be <1%, which is much less than that reported for 'magnetite-like' phase in recent transmission electron microscopy studies of similar samples. Consequently, the magnetization of this 'magnetite-like' phase must be very low compared with that of magnetite.  相似文献   

An in vitro MR-assay for superparamagnetic iron oxide (SPIO) particle cell labelling assessment via three-dimensional quantitative T(2) (*) MR microscopy was proposed. On high-resolution images, and due to the high susceptibility difference between the particles and the surrounding medium, SPIO internalized in cells induces signal loss which may be counted and measured on T(2) (*) maps. The increase in both labelled cell percentage and the average perturbation volume with an added amount of iron in the incubation medium proved that intracellular iron uptake is dependent upon the initial concentration of incubation iron. It also proved that the observed increases in total cellular iron uptake measured by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy are due to both an increase in the iron mass per cell and also an increase in labelled cell concentration. MR results were compared with Prussian blue staining histology. The sensitivity of the MR methodology was then used to distinguish labelling differences for two different types of particle coating.The MRI-assay we proposed is a compulsory tool to optimize labelling efficiency in order to improve in vivo cell detection. Key parameters for detection, such as the percentage of cell labelling, the effect on the image for a given amount of internalized iron and labelling distribution among a cell population, are easily obtained. The comparison of different contrast agents for labelling one cell type, the assessment of one type of contrast agent for labelling different cell types and/or the evaluation of labelling strategies, are possible without having recourse to classical methods, and provide improved accuracy, since the principle is based on intracellular relaxivity.  相似文献   

The in vivo monitoring of cell survival and migration will be essential to the translation of cell-based therapies from the laboratory to clinical studies. The pre-labeling of cells with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) contrast agents renders them visible in vivo for serial cellular imaging. However, little is known about the impact of the presence of these metal particles inside transplanted cells. The use of the bimodal contrast agent GRID made it possible to demonstrate by means of fluorescent microscopy and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) that, after 16 h of incubation (without the use of a transfection agent), neural stem cells (NSCs) were saturated and no longer incorporated particles. With this maximal uptake, no significant effect on cell viability was observed. However, a significant decrease in proliferation was evident in cells that underwent 24 h of labeling. A significant increase in reactive oxygen species was observed for all GRID labeling, with a very significant increase with 24 h of labeling. GRID labeling did not affect cell motility in comparison with PKH26-labeled NSCs in a glioma-based migration assay and also allowed differentiation into all major cell types of the brain. GRID-labeled cells induced a signal change of 47% on T(2) measurements and allows a detection of cell clusters of approximately 220 cells/microl. Further in vivo testing will be required to ensure that cell labeling with gadolinium-based MRI contrast agents does not impair their ability to repair.  相似文献   

Recently, we have developed a new electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) protocol in order to estimate tissue oxygen consumption in vivo. Because it is crucial to probe the heterogeneity of response in tumors, the aim of this study was to apply our protocol, together with (19)F MRI relaxometry, to the mapping of the oxygen consumption in tumors. The protocol includes the continuous measurement of tumor po(2) during the following respiratory challenge: (i) basal values during air breathing; (ii) increasing po(2) values during carbogen breathing until saturation of tissue with oxygen; (iii) switching back to air breathing. We have demonstrated previously using EPR oximetry that the kinetics of return to the basal value after oxygen saturation are mainly governed by tissue oxygen consumption. This challenge was applied in hyperthyroid mice (generated by chronic treatment with L-thyroxine) and control mice, as hyperthyroidism is known to dramatically affect the oxygen consumption rate of tumor cells. Our recently developed snapshot inversion recovery MRI fluorocarbon oximetry technique allowed the po(2) return kinetics to be measured with a high temporal resolution. The kinetic constants (i.e. oxygen consumption rates) were higher for tumors from hyperthyroid mice than from control mice, data that are consistent with our previous EPR study. The corresponding histograms of the (19)F MRI data showed that the kinetic constants displayed a shift to the right for the hyperthyroid group, indicating a higher oxygen consumption in these tumors. The color maps showed a large heterogeneity in terms of oxygen consumption rate within a tumor. In conclusion, (19)F MRI relaxometry allows the noninvasive mapping of the oxygen consumption in tumors. The ability to assess the heterogeneity of tumor response is critical in order to identify potential tumor regions that might be resistant to treatment and therefore produce a poor response to therapy.  相似文献   

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