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目的 总结髁突切除术口内入路的两种术式及初步临床效果.方法 采用口内入路髁突切除术共治疗35例患者,年龄22~57岁,其中21例为髁突骨瘤,14例为半侧颌骨肥大畸形伴发的髁突良性肥大.32例经口内下颌升支垂直截骨入路,3例经口内喙突切除人路.结果 35例患者术后咬合关系及咬合功能、开口度、面部对称性恢复良好,颞下颌关节紊乱症状减轻或消失.术后随访6~36个月,32例口内下颌升支垂直截骨人路髁突切除术及关节重建的患者因游离移植的骨段发生了不同程度吸收,1例面部不对称畸形复发.3例口内喙突切除人路的患者术后功能恢复快,髁突塑形改建未见不对称畸形复发.结论 髁突切除术的两种口内入路方法均可恢复患者的功能及外形,但术者需有较好的手术操作技巧并严格掌握适应证.  相似文献   

目的:探讨应用定量截骨锯行口腔入路髁突骨软骨瘤切除人工颞下颌关节置换术。方法:采用口内下颌骨矢状截骨手术入路,用定量截骨锯下颌骨升支后缘垂直截骨,将升支后缘骨块和髁突及骨软骨瘤游离取出,体外直视下病变髁突及骨软骨瘤切除后,人工颞下颌关节与升支后缘骨块固定,再从口腔原切口回植,颞下颌关节重建。5例5侧采用本方法治疗,配合术中术后调[牙合]或矫治器矫治,调整咬合关系。结果:术后6月、12月、24月复查,全部患者开口范围25mm~35mm,平均30.3nm,1例有早接触,下切牙中线过矫正1mm。另1例张口约25mm,轻度受限。3名患者6月复查主诉张口时人工关节侧有异常声响,无疼痛。12月复查时,异常响声基本消失,无主诉关节疼痛与弹响症状。全部患者无面神经、耳大神经损伤,无涎瘘,面颈皮肤无手术疤痕。结论:髁突骨软骨瘤造成面下1/3歪斜畸形,口腔入路具有无外部疤痕优势,且不会损伤面神经。定量截骨锯定量准确,截骨速度较快。  相似文献   

目的为偏[牙合]畸形的原因提供一个新的诊断思路。方法报道1例髁状突骨软骨瘤病例,并回顾相关文献。结果1例50岁男性髁状突软骨瘤患者,术前CT检查明确病变部位及大小,全麻下切除病变骨并进行颞下颌关节重建,术后进行颌间牵引,咬合关系恢复良好。结论对状突骨软骨瘤,为避免复发及恶变,须作肿物切除术,如肿物与髁突粘连,须作髁突切除术及颞下颌关节重建,恢复患者的咬合关系。  相似文献   

目的:研究在髁突骨软骨瘤患者病变髁突切除后,联合采用下颌升支后缘切开上移术和面部轮廓整形术同期治疗其继发颌骨畸形的手术效果,并探讨其临床应用价值。方法选择8例髁突骨软骨瘤的患者,全部采用病变髁突切除+下颌升支后缘切开上移术重建髁突+下颌轮廓整形手术,并辅助术后正畸或颌间结扎,同期治疗患者的髁突疾病及面部不对称问题。结果所有患者对术后效果都比较满意,患者面型不对称畸形、咬合及关节功能异常均得到很大改善,且随访期间髁突骨软骨瘤未见复发。结论髁突骨软骨瘤的病变髁突切除术后同期采用下颌升支后缘切开上移术+下颌轮廓整形手术的联合使用不仅可以摘除肿瘤,还可以有效的改善患者的面容,取得良好的治疗效果。  相似文献   

目的 探讨计算机导航技术在口内喙突切除入路髁突切除术中的应用.方法 在计算机导航技术辅助下,采用口内喙突切除入路共完成8例患者的髁突病变切除手术治疗,患者年龄16 ~56岁,男性2例,女性6例,其中3例为髁突骨瘤,5例为半侧颌骨肥大畸形伴发的髁突良性肥大.6例同期进行上颌LeFoa Ⅰ型截骨术、5例双侧下颌升支矢状劈开截骨术、1例健侧下颌升支矢状劈开截骨术、4例颏成形术及6例下颌骨体或下颌角修整术,以恢复面部的对称性.结果 经术后CT验证,所有患者均按术前设计方案成功完成了髁突病变切除术,术后咬合关系、面部对称性恢复良好,颞下颌关节疼痛及弹响症状减轻或消失.开口度术前平均38 mm,术后1个月恢复为41 mm.患者随访3 ~12个月,疗效稳定.结论 计算机导航技术可精确辅助完成口内入路的髁突切除术,手术创伤小,能较好地保存颞下颌关节的结构及功能.  相似文献   

下颌支后缘垂直切开上移重建髁突治疗骨软骨瘤   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:评价下颌支后缘垂直骨切开术用于治疗髁突骨软骨瘤的临床效果.方法:对我院2004-2009年间9例应用髁突切除术及带蒂下颌支后缘上移重建髁突治疗髁突骨软骨瘤的患者进行随访,并通过影像学、咬合关系及颞下颌关节功能进行综合评估.结果:经过至少8个月的随访,所有患者髁突重建后的咬合关系、面形及关节功能均恢复良好.影像学检...  相似文献   

软骨瘤是发生于骨表面的疣状突起,一般多位于长骨,发生在髁突的软骨瘤临床上较少见,其一般表现为耳前区疼痛,张口受限,局部弹响等,通常易误诊为颞下颌关节紊乱病。而临床上表现类似颞下颌关节脱位的髁突软骨瘤罕见。云南大理学院附属医院口腔外科2004年12月遇到1例疑似颞下颌关节陈旧性脱位的髁突软骨瘤,现报道如下。  相似文献   

目的 评价数字化设计在矫治伴有面部不对称的髁突骨软骨瘤患者中的疗效。方法 选取2018年至2021年因髁突骨软骨瘤行手术治疗的患者7例。所有患者均采用数字化设计,术前确定手术方案,术中切除患侧髁突骨软骨瘤,同期行正颌手术矫治颌骨畸形,术后1周行CT检查。选择上颌中切牙近中接触点(UI)、下颌中切牙近中接触点(LI)、上颌第一磨牙近中颊尖(U6-R、U6-L)以及下颌第一磨牙的近中颊尖(L6-R、L6-L)作为标志点,选择眶耳平面(FHP)、面中平面(与FHP垂直并通过鼻根点的矢状面)和冠状面(与FHP垂直且通过蝶鞍点)作为参考平面。在Mimics 21.0中测量比较术前设计与术后1周内复查颅颌模型中测量标志点至参考平面距离,并计算两模型间线性差异。测量咬合平面和下颌平面与眶耳平面和面中平面所成角度差异。结果 所有患者均按照术前计划完成髁突骨软骨瘤切除术及正颌手术,切除骨软骨瘤的同时矫治了面部不对称。数字化设计模型与术后1周重建模型间线性差异与角度差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),两者间线性测量指标差异均小于2 mm,角度测量指标差异小于4°。结论 数字化设计有助于髁突骨软骨瘤患者...  相似文献   

目的:探讨颞下颌关节肿瘤及瘤样病变致颜面部畸形有效的手术治疗方案,以及术后美容及对术后咬合功能的影响。方法总结82例颞下颌关节肿瘤及瘤样病变,其中良性肿瘤54例(骨瘤17例,骨软骨瘤8例,关节滑膜软骨瘤病21例,成釉细胞瘤3例,软骨瘤和骨巨细胞瘤各2例,软骨母细胞瘤1例);瘤样病变25例(髁状突增生或肥大23例,髁状突囊性变2例);恶性肿瘤3例。61例以面部畸形而就诊。所有患者均采用手术方法治疗,21例关节滑膜软骨瘤病行滑膜软骨瘤病变摘除术;以面部畸形而就诊的61例病例手术方式包括:①单纯施行肿瘤或瘤样病变切除34例;②肿瘤切除加即刻肋骨肋软骨移植9例;③患侧下颌升支垂直截骨、体外切除髁状突肿瘤后升支再植入3例;④髁状突下升支后缘“L”形截骨术3例;⑤双侧下颌升支垂直截骨术4例;⑥双侧下颌升支矢状劈开术3例;⑦双侧下颌升支矢状劈开加上颌骨Le FortⅠ型截骨术摆正平面术3例;⑧部分或半侧下颌骨切除2例。术后随访6个月~10年。结果以面部畸形而就诊的61例病例,58例良性肿瘤和瘤样病变病例均无复发;53例患者术后面容恢复基本对称,咬合关系正常,开口度正常,咬合功能得到恢复。但是,单纯行髁状突切除患者中,2例手术后咬合不稳定而出现一系列症状,3例面容改善不理想。3例恶性肿瘤,2例情况稳定,1例死亡。结论单纯切除颞下颌关节肿瘤与瘤样病变是主要的手术方式,但少量病例手术治疗效果不理想,应根据具体情况采用多手段相结合的治疗方法,以恢复正常的面形、咬合关系和颞下颌关节功能。  相似文献   

髁突肥大继发牙颌面畸形,是由于髁突非肿瘤性过度增生而导致面部不对称畸形、咬合紊乱、颞下颌关节功能障碍等症状的一种疾病。该病病因仍不明确,目前以正颌外科、关节外科、颌骨轮廓整形术以及术前、术后正畸治疗作为主要治疗方式,根据髁突增生的活跃程度、颌骨畸形的严重程度以及患者意愿,制定个性化治疗方案以期矫治颌骨畸形、改善咬合关系、重建良好的关节功能。本文将从髁突肥大继发牙颌面畸形的病因、临床表现、影像学特点、治疗目标及手术方式选择结合笔者经验对该病的诊治作一系统论述。  相似文献   

Mandibular condylar osteochondroma (OC) can result in morphological and functional disturbances, including facial asymmetry and temporomandibular joint (TMJ) dysfunction. The aim of this study was to explore the feasibility of endoscope-assisted tumour resection and conservative condylectomy via an intraoral approach. Seven patients with condylar OC were enrolled in this study. Endoscope-assisted tumour resection and conservative condylectomy were achieved intraorally, and no conventional extraoral incision was needed. Direct vision of the magnified and illuminated operative field was realized with the assistance of an endoscope. No facial nerve injury or salivary fistula occurred in any patient. Stable occlusion was realized through postoperative orthodontic treatment. The patients showed no signs of tumour recurrence or TMJ ankylosis during follow-up (range 18–43 months). Endoscope-assisted condylar OC resection and conservative condylectomy via intraoral approach offers great advantages with no significant complications compared with conventional extraoral incisions. The endoscope provides us with a valuable treatment option for this potentially complicated procedure  相似文献   

Mandibular condylar hyperplasia is a rare disorder, characterized by unilateral mandibular overgrowth with overeruption of the dentition on the affected side. Although the etiology is unclear, multiple surgical techniques have been described to correct the associated mandibular bone, occlusal, and soft tissue deformities. Often a condylectomy, to arrest mandibular growth, is combined with various orthognathic procedures to restore occlusion and facial harmony. Here we report our technique of isolated high condylectomy with simultaneous intraoral placement of maxillary and mandibular miniplates. Each plate has an intraoral extension that allows our orthodontists to develop vertical force vectors to intrude the maxillary and mandibular molar segments. Using this combined surgical and orthodontic technique, we were able to postoperatively control the occlusal cant, restore the dental midline, improve facial aesthetics, and resolve the patient's contralateral temporomandibular joint dysfunction without concomitant orthognathic surgery. As a result of our findings, we are currently using, and would recommend, this technique for patients requiring surgical-orthodontic intervention for other conditions.  相似文献   



The purpose of this study was to eliminate orthodontic treatment in mild to moderate cases of condylar hyperplasia in its early stages by condylectomy.

Patients and methods

A total of five patients (two females and three males) aged between 17 and 40 years were treated with unilateral condylectomy of the involved side without orthodontic treatment. All patients underwent standardized clinical and radiological examination at initial consultation, before surgery, immediately after surgery, and follow-up. Objective and subjective evaluation of temporomandibular joint (TMJ) included maximal incisal opening, lateral excursions, correction of facial asymmetry, occlusal harmony, TMJ pain, and jaw function. Results were recorded at 5-year follow-up.


In all our cases, we achieved good mouth opening and near to normal occlusion. Good facial aesthetics was obtained after 3 months postoperative follow-up without secondary orthodontic treatment.


Thus, we conclude that treatment of mild to moderate cases of unilateral condylar hyperplasia during the inactive phase can be treated with condylectomy without orthodontic treatment, and it significantly improves long-term surgical outcomes.  相似文献   

Gap arthroplasty and costochondral rib bone graft are commonly performed by oral and maxillofacial surgeons to reconstruct the temporomandibular joint with ankylosis. However, unpredictable and unsatisfactory results such as re-ankylosis, growth disturbance, and facial asymmetry often occur. Even if the costochondral graft is successful, donor-site morbidity is inevitable. More recently, surgeons have become interested in distraction osteogenesis as a means of temporomandibular joint reconstruction. This case series presents the results of intraoral mandibular distraction osteogenesis and gap arthroplasty in two patients with facial asymmetry and unilateral temporomandibular joint bony ankylosis. Both patients had experienced failed gap arthroplasty and costochondral graft for the reconstruction of the temporomandibular joint. Distraction osteogenesis with gap arthroplasty proved successful in these two patients with follow-up of longer than 2 years.  相似文献   

In the present paper we report the case of a 14-year-old girl suffering from condylar hyperplasia and enlargement of ipsilateral jaw body, stressing the importance of bone SPECT in the clinical management of this temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder. Condylar hyperplasia is an uncommon idiopathic monolateral disorder of jaw growth consistent with exuberant or persistent activity of the condyle nucleus finally involving sociopsychological aspects due to facial dysmorphism. Besides facial asymmetry our patient showed prognathism, malocclusion, worsening otalgia and headache. Conventional X-rays examinations and multislice spiral CT gave us important morphostructural information also thanks to 3D volume-rendered and virtual reconstructions, while bone SPECT by detecting an intense well focused (99m)Tc-MDP uptake allowed to achieve uninvasively the final diagnosis of primary condyle hyperplasia. In spite of the full imaging characterization of TMJ disorders, consensus on best timing and therapeutic approaches on condylar hyperplasia is yet to be reached. In the present case patient was first treated orthodontically, planning a "high" condylectomy intervention after at least 6 months.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The aim of the present study was to present a conservative condylectomy technique (condylectomy performed below the condylar head but high in the condylar neck) and articular disc repositioning as the surgical treatment approach for management of osteochondroma of the head of the mandibular condyle. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Six patients (4 females and 2 males) with an average age of 22.3 years (range, 13 to 32 years) and with an osteochondroma of the mandibular condyle were treated with conservative condylectomy. The remaining condylar neck stump was recontoured, and the articular disc was repositioned and stabilized over the "new" condyle. Any indicated orthognathic surgical procedures were then performed to optimize occlusion, function, and aesthetics. Clinical and radiographic evaluation was performed before surgery (T1), immediately after surgery (T2), and at the longest follow-up (T3). RESULTS: Average follow-up for the patients was 51 months (range, 22 to 108 months). No recurrence of the tumor was encountered in any of the cases. Subjective and objective evaluations of postsurgical temporomandibular joint function and range of mandibular motion were normal. Associated maxillary and/or mandibular orthognathic procedures were found to be stable in the long term. CONCLUSION: Conservative condylectomy with recontouring of the residual condylar neck to function as a condyle and repositioning of the articular disc is a viable option for treatment of osteochondromas of the mandibular condyle. The use of this method of treatment permits effective removal of the tumor and eliminates the need for autogenous grafts or total joint prostheses for temporomandibular joint reconstruction.  相似文献   

目的:研究快速原型技术对复杂下颌骨缺损重建术后患者髁突位置和颞下颌关节功能的影响。方法:对下颌骨良性肿瘤切除同时需保留髁突的复杂缺损重建术患者50例,其中20例用快速原型技术指导下颌骨重建(快速原型组),30例用传统方法进行下颌骨重建(对照组)。所有患者手术前、后均行下颌骨及颞下颌关节三维螺旋CT扫描,测量髁突的三维空间位置,并用Fricton颞下颌关节功能量表进行术后颞下颌关节功能检查,计算颞下颌关节功能障碍指数(DI)、肌压痛指数(PI)及颞下颌关节紊乱指数(CMI)。采用SPSS11.5软件包,用配对t检验分析组内手术前、后差异,Mann-Whitney非参数检验分析组间差异。结果:所有肿瘤术后无复发,移植骨成活,关系良好。快速原型组外形对称,下颌运动功能正常,髁突位置正常。对照组6例面型不对称,8例CT显示患侧髁突有较明显的移位。快速原型组手术前、后的髁突前距离,内距离,上、下距离及长轴夹角数值无统计学差异。对照组手术前、后前距离有统计学差异(P〈0.05),上、下距离及长轴夹角有显著性统计学差异(P〈0.01),内距离无统计学差异(P〉0.05)。快速原型组及对照组组间术前髁突位置无统计学差异(P〉0.05),而术后前距离及上、下距离有统计学差异(P〈0.05),长轴夹角有显著性统计学差异(P〈0.01),内距离无统计学差异(P〉0.05)。快速原型组及对照组间术后颞下颌关节各项功能指数中,DI及CMI差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05),PI差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。结论:快速原型技术能通过保持髁突三维空间位置,改善术后颞下颌关节功能,提高下颌骨重建效果。  相似文献   

颞下颌关节疾病的外科手术治疗   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的 :颞下颌关节疾病的治疗包括保守治疗和外科手术治疗 ,本研究目的是探讨颞下颌关节疾病外科手术治疗的适应证以及手术方法。方法 :对 1988年至 2 0 0 0年共收治的 76 5例颞下颌关节疾病患者进行回顾性研究。其中颞下颌关节紊乱病患者共 4 18例 ,颞下颌关节外伤 15 9例 ,颞下颌关节强直 131例 ,髁状突肥大 38例 ,颞下颌关节肿瘤 18例 ,颞下颌关节感染 1例 ,其中 6 37例进行了外科手术治疗。结果 :颞下颌关节紊乱病患中 2 18例行颞下颌关节内窥镜术 ,2 1例行颞下颌关节盘复位术 ,91例行颞下颌关节盘修补术 ,11例行陈旧性关节脱位开放复位术 ;131例行颞下颌关节成形术 ;10 9例行髁状突骨折开放复位术 ;38例行髁状突截骨术和正颌手术 ;18例行颞下颌关节肿瘤切除术。结论 :颞下颌关节紊乱病、损伤、关节强直、肿瘤、畸形以及其他关节疾病的手术适应证范围在不断地扩大 ,颞下颌关节外科的手术方法也在不断地改良。颞下颌关节外科手术治疗正向着微创和恢复关节功能的方向发展  相似文献   

Condylar reconstruction by oblique sliding vertical-ramus osteotomy.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
INTRODUCTION: The posterior border of the mandibular ramus can be used as a pedicled graft for reconstruction of the condyle. This article describes a technique that is better in certain situations than the use of other autogenous grafts or alloplastic materials. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Three adult patients, two with osteochondroma and one with hyperplasia were treated by condylectomy and simultaneous reconstruction with the pedicled posterior mandibular border. A meticulous oblique osteotomy and reinsertion of the lateral pterygoid muscle was performed. RESULTS: In all three cases an immediate mouth opening with stable occlusion was achieved. The interincisal opening was more than 40 mm after 3 weeks, with a deviation no greater than 4mm towards the affected side. All excursive movements were present in all directions, and correction of the facial asymmetry was achieved. There was no T.M.J. pain and all patients expressed satisfaction during the follow-up of 56 months (average). An adequate remodelling of the neocondyle without resorption as well as a stable occlusion was observed in every case. CONCLUSION: Reconstruction of the condyle by sliding vertical-oblique ramus osteotomy provides, in cases of condylar tumours, excellent functional and cosmetic results.  相似文献   

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