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Despite the critical role of educators as gatekeepers for school mental health services, they receive limited training to support student mental health. We report findings from a trial of an online mental health role‐play simulation for elementary school teachers on changes in attitudes and self‐reported helping behaviors for students experiencing psychological distress.


We randomly assigned 18,896 elementary school teachers to wait‐list control or intervention conditions in which they received the 45‐ to 90‐minute online role‐play simulation. We administered a version of the validated Gatekeeper Behavior Scale at baseline and postintervention, which measures attitudinal dimensions shown to predict teacher helping behavior change. Self‐reported helping behaviors were collected at baseline and 3‐month follow‐up. Outcomes were compared between the intervention follow‐up and control group baseline measures.


The intervention group posttraining scores were significantly higher (p < .001) than the control group for all the preparedness, likelihood, and self‐efficacy Gatekeeper Behavior subscales. All 5 helping behaviors were significantly higher among the intervention group at follow‐up compared to the control group at baseline.


We found that a brief online role‐play simulation was an effective strategy for improving teacher attitudes and behaviors needed to perform a positive mental health gatekeeper role in schools.



Barriers to health care service utilization contribute to the spread of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) among teens. School‐based STI screening programs reach adolescents outside of the clinic‐based health care model and schools with school‐based health centers (SBHCs) may expedite treatment because of their proximity to the population. This study examined whether students who tested positive for STIs in a school‐based screening program had differing times to treatment based on treatment location.


All positive cases of chlamydia and gonorrhea from the 2012‐2013 school year in a Chicago Department of Public Health (CDPH) and Chicago Public Schools school‐based STI screening program were reviewed. Median time to treatment was compared for those treated at an SBHC versus those treated elsewhere (CDPH STI clinic, community health center, private physician).


Overall, 540 students had positive results. The median age was 17 years, 427 had chlamydia (79.1%), 59 had gonorrhea (10.9%), and 54 had dual infections (10.0%); 144 were tested in a school with a SBHC on site (26.7%). Of the 483 students who received treatment (89.4%), those treated at a SBHC had a faster time to treatment compared to CDPH STI clinics (median 17 days versus 28 days, respectively, p < .001).


For students testing positive in the Chicago school‐based STI program, time to treatment is accelerated in locations with SBHCs.



Obesity is a complex health problem affecting more than one‐third of school‐aged youth. The increasing obesity rates in Kansas and Missouri has been particularly concerning, with efforts being made to improve student health through the implementation of school wellness policies (SWPs). The primary purpose of this study was to conduct a rigorous assessment of SWPs in the bi‐state region.


SWPs were collected from 46 school districts. The Wellness School Assessment Tool (WellSAT) was used to assess comprehensiveness and strength. Additionally, focus group discussions and an online survey were conducted with school personnel to identify barriers and supports needed.


Assessment of the SWPs indicated that most school districts failed to provide strong and specific language. Due to these deficiencies, districts reported lack of enforcement of policies. Several barriers to implementing the policies were reported by school personnel; supports needed for effective implementation were identified.


To promote a healthful school environment, significant improvements are warranted in the strength and comprehensiveness of the SWPs. The focus group discussions provided insight as to where we need to bridge the gap between the current state of policies and the desired beneficial practices to support a healthy school environment.



Currently, no intervention concerning transition of health care responsibilities from parents to teens exists for adolescents in the general population. The purpose of this intervention was to evaluate teacher satisfaction and student knowledge gain of a health unit developed for adolescents on becoming their own health care advocates.


Throughout the 2014–2015 school year, 13 health and career technical education teachers in 11 Delaware high schools taught the unit to 948 students in 2 90‐minute classes in 35 classrooms. Assessments included teacher reflections and student pre‐ and posttests to measure knowledge transfer and gain and gather feedback.


Teacher and student feedback indicated the materials were appropriate and useful in teaching students to navigate the health care system. Student knowledge increased from pretest (64%) to posttest (82%), (p < .001). The educational background of the teacher did not influence this outcome. Students reported they will know what to do better at their next doctor's appointment because of this unit and indicated support for peers to learn this information.


The unit resulted in content knowledge increase for students. It was consistently effective throughout all schools regardless of social and demographic characteristics, teacher type, or experience teaching the unit.



The Healthy, Huger‐Free Kids Act (HHFKA) presents challenges for foodservice directors (FSDs) in sourcing and preparing foods that meet nutrition standards. Concurrently, community health coalition members (CHCs) are engaging schools through community and school nutrition initiatives. We hypothesized significant differences in perceptions between FSDs and CHCs related to implementation of HHFKA such that FSDs would perceive greater foodservice challenges, while CHCs would be more supportive of community nutrition initiatives.


A perceptions survey was administered by email to 528 FSDs and 334 CHCs during summer 2016. Experience, education level, urban/rural differences, school demographics, and involvement between FSDs and CHCs were compared.


Overall, 132 FSDs and 80 CHCs responded (29.5% FSDs, 24.7% CHCs). Overall perception of HHFKA foodservice challenge ranged between neutral (eg, neither challenging nor unchallenging) to somewhat challenging, and did not differ between groups. CHCs were significantly more supportive of community nutrition initiatives, while FSDs responded neutrally.


FSDs awareness of CHCs desire for collaboration may increase FSDs support for broader school nutrition initiatives such as school gardens, farm to school, and student/community engagement. There is great potential for integrating student and community health programs through partnerships.



Asthma has no known cure, and though manageable, it disrupts the everyday lives of over 6 million US children. Because children spend more than half of their waking hours in school, students must be able to carry and administer their inhaler at school to manage their asthma.


This policy paper is a comprehensive review of all 50 states and the District of Columbia's laws and policies for the self‐carry and administration of quick‐relief asthma inhalers among children in prekindergarten through 12th grade.


All states permit students to carry and administer their inhalers at school, although each state differs in their development and implementation of policies for asthma self‐management at school. This review examines how states regulate self‐carry policies by looking at policy development, regulated school systems, relevant stakeholders, required medical records, and school liability.


Each state's laws have nuances that create gray areas, increasing the potential of misinterpreted or incorrectly implemented policies for asthma self‐management at school. As a result, children may not have immediate access to their inhaler for symptom management or in an emergency. State policymakers should reform current laws to remove barriers for students to carry and use inhalers at school.



Schools can reduce student access to competitive foods and influence healthy food choices by improving the school nutrition environment. This study describes changes in competitive nutrition environments in 100 K‐8 schools participating in the Philadelphia Campaign for Healthier Schools.


Interviews with school staff were used to elicit information about policies, practices, and guidelines to restrict/limit competitive foods in schools, before and 1 year into the campaign. To increase the validity of responses, respondents provided documentation for reported policies and guidelines. Baseline interviews were conducted between April and June 2011 and follow‐up interviews were conducted between April and June 2012.


At follow‐up, significantly more schools reported having policies and/or guidelines in place to regulate food as a reward in the classroom, food served at parties and celebrations, outside foods allowed in school, and the availability of sodas and sugar‐sweetened beverages. There were no measurable effects on food available in school stores, fundraisers, or afterschool programs. Availability of concrete documentation of policies was limited, but when provided, it corroborated the interview responses.


In the context of a comprehensive school wellness policy, school wellness councils were associated with increases in school‐level policies and practices that improved the competitive nutrition environment.



Physical activity (PA) is one of the most important health behaviors that may be modified by each individual. To foster PA in adolescents, a school‐based intervention was evaluated.


A cluster‐randomized controlled trial with preassessment in 2014 and follow‐up assessment in 2015 included 29 schools with 1020 students (47.6% girls, mean age = 13.69 years). Intervention students received pedometers and monitored their steps for 12 weeks. Classes with the most steps were awarded. Primary outcomes included moderate‐to‐vigorous PA, out‐of‐school sports activities, active transport assessed through questionnaires, as well as cardiorespiratory fitness measured using the 20‐m shuttle‐run test and anthropometric data (weight, height, body fat, and waist circumference) assessed by study staff.


Significant interaction terms between group and time were found for all 3 indicators of PA; intervention students showed a higher increase of PA than control students. The same pattern was shown for cardiorespiratory fitness, but the effect missed significance. A more favorable development for the intervention students was shown for body fat and waist‐to‐height ratio, while there was no effect on body mass index percentile.


An easy way to administer school‐based PA program may enhance students' leisure‐time PA even 1 year after the intervention has ended.



Schools are particularly vulnerable to pests, but integrated pest management (IPM) can address pest problems. This study describes IPM policies and practices and the extent to which they are associated with school characteristics.


We analyzed data from the 2014 School Health Policies and Practices Study, a nationally representative survey of schools in the United States (N = 568, response rate = 69%). Pairwise comparisons assessed differences in pest prevention strategies by school characteristics.


Nationwide, 55.3% of schools conducted campus‐wide inspections for pests at least monthly; 35.6% of schools notified staff, students, and families prior to each application of pesticides; and 56.1% of schools required custodial or maintenance staff to receive training on pest management practices that limit the use of pesticides. During the 12 months before the study, 46.5% of schools almost always or always used spot treatments and baiting rather than widespread applications of pesticides, and 36.8% of schools almost always or always marked indoor and outdoor areas that had been treated with pesticides. No clear pattern emerged for school characteristics associated with IPM policies and practices.


The variation in implementation of IPM‐related policies and practices suggest opportunities for targeted education among school staff about IPM principles.



Teen Prevention Education Program (PEP) is a school‐wide, peer‐led comprehensive sexuality education program currently implemented in more than 50 schools across 2 states. Many teen pregnancy prevention researchers and practitioners view peer‐led programs as a promising approach for reducing teen pregnancy and associated sexual risk behaviors. However, prior research on the effectiveness of these programs indicates mixed results.


We randomly assigned schools to implement Teen PEP immediately (intervention group) or on a delayed schedule (comparison group) and used propensity score matching to improve the comparability of the study groups. We surveyed students at baseline and about 6 months after the program ended.


Teen PEP did not significantly impact rates of sexual activity or unprotected sex; however, the program led to improvements in exposure to information about sexual health topics and knowledge of preventing pregnancy and transmission of sexually transmitted infections.


Teen PEP succeeded in accomplishing some of its most proximal goals, increasing students' access to information and knowledge. However, we found little evidence that the program affects sexual risk‐taking within 6 months of its conclusion. Future research will examine the program's longer‐term impacts on sexual risk behaviors.



Nutritious and attractive school meals can improve health equality and public health. Current official guidelines and recommendations on food and nutrient composition of school meals in 3 Nordic countries; Sweden, Finland, and Iceland, are described and compared with actual practice, ie, availability of foods and nutrients in served reference meals in 3 selected areas in each country.


A country comparison was made between official guidelines, and actual practice was studied in participating schools. Reference portions of school meals (N = 170) provided in 24 compulsory schools were photographed and weighed. Food and nutrient availability were compared with official guidelines in each country.


Emphasis of recommendations on whole‐grain bread in Sweden, whole grains in Finland, and fish in Iceland were reflected in food availability. The energy content of the meals provided was lower than guidelines and there was a large variation in energy content between days.


The guidelines regarding food availability were quite well followed, but the large variation in energy and nutrient content of provided school meals between days indicates a need for standardization.



Existing literature indicates a relationship between stress and emotional eating in adults, yet limited research has examined the impact of school‐related stress on emotional eating in adolescents. This study investigated the influence of academic factors on emotional eating among minority adolescents.


A survey was implemented among a sample of minority adolescents (N = 666) to investigate the relationship between emotional eating and 3 academic factors: academic self‐esteem, grade point average (GPA), and academic worries. Forced‐entry multiple linear regressions were used to test for relationships.


Findings indicate that GPA, academic self‐esteem, and academic worries were related to emotional eating scores in adolescents. There were no significant differences in academic factors between emotional eaters and nonemotional eaters.


Additional research is needed to further elucidate the complex interaction between emotional eating behavior and academics.



Although adolescents generally get less than the recommended 9 hours of sleep per night, research and effort to delay school start times have generally focused on high schools. This study assesses the relation between school start times and sleep in middle school students while accounting for potentially confounding demographic variables.


Seventh and eighth grade students attending 8 late starting schools (~8:00 am , n = 630) and 3 early starting schools (~7:23 am , n = 343) from a diverse suburban school district completed online surveys about their sleep behaviors. Doubly robust inverse probability of treatment weighted regression estimates of the effects of later school start time on student bedtimes, sleep duration, and daytime sleepiness were generated.


Attending a school starting 37 minutes later was associated with an average of 17 additional minutes of sleep per weeknight, despite an average bedtime 15 minutes later. Students attending late starting schools were less sleepy than their counterparts in early starting schools, and more likely to be wide awake.


Later school start times were significantly associated with improved sleep outcomes for early adolescents, providing support for the movement to delay school start times for middle schools.



Public health concerns regarding childhood obesity and sedentary behavior make investigations of children's physical activity (PA) promotion crucial. School recess, a highly discretional time, plays a central role in shaping children's activity preferences.


Participants included 40 children (30 girls, 10 boys) from fourth and fifth grades, categorized as low active during recess (<26% moderate‐to‐vigorous PA [MVPA]). PA was measured via accelerometer (Actigraph wGT3X+) and activity choice gauged through a self‐report measure over a 3‐day period. To assess attitudes and perceptions of recess, individual interviews were conducted. Accelerometer data were analyzed into minutes and percentage of MVPA; interviews were transcribed verbatim and analyzed utilizing open and axial coding.


Participants were active for 18% of recess, choosing activities that were primarily individual‐based. Interview data showed low active children attribute recess enjoyment to social interaction and time away from schoolwork as well as an intention to avoid other children who were unkind and/or caused social conflict.


This study supports the importance of gaining a child's perspective of their own behavior, particularly those children classified as less active. Findings add a unique contribution to school health research through an innovative, child‐centered approach to explore perceptions of PA.



Health education (HE) courses in schools are vital paths for improving teenagers' health literacy. HE and physical education (PE) teachers lead HE courses, and their teaching intentions and competency influence the effectiveness of the courses and the ability to promote students' health literacy. This study attempted to understand HE and PE teachers' health literacy teaching intentions and professional competency and to investigate their relationships.


This study adopted a cross‐sectional design. A questionnaire survey was administered to 906 middle school HE and PE teachers in Taiwan by mail, and 545 provided valid data with consent.


Participants had a favorable health literacy (47.78/50), positive health literacy teaching beliefs and attitudes, and acceptable efficacy. They intended to implement health literacy instruction within the subsequent year. Teaching beliefs, attitudes, and efficacy were all positively correlated with intentions (all p < .001). Demographic variables, health literacy, and teaching beliefs, attitudes, and efficacy explained 33.5% of the variance of teaching intentions.


Teaching beliefs, attitudes, and efficacy were crucial predictors of health literacy teaching intentions. To improve students' health literacy, educational authorities and schools should pay attention to HE and PE teachers' intentions and vital factors, thereby enhancing teachers' willingness to perform health literacy instruction.



Previous research has identified individual and school‐level characteristics that are associated with sexual risk‐taking, but the impact of school‐level mechanisms on sexual risk‐taking is not well understood. We examine the aggregated effects that early sex at the school level have on risky sexual behaviors.


We use 3 waves of data from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health. An individual's first sexual intercourse before age 15 was recorded along with various risky sexual behaviors at debut. Two variables at respondent's later stage of life were also included: having sex in exchange for drugs or money, and contraction of sexually transmitted disease (STD). Longitudinal analysis was conducted using a joint parameter model that tested unobserved school effects on individual behaviors simultaneously.


An increase in early sexual initiation at the school level was associated with higher probability of sexual debut, along with increased involvement in sexual risk‐taking controlling for student family background.


School behavioral mechanisms are directly related to sexual health behaviors among youth. Our findings have implications for school‐based interventions, education programs, and the role of parents.



Our objective was to examine the association between school wellness committees and implementation of nutrition wellness policies and children's weight status and obesity‐related dietary outcomes.


A cross‐sectional study was conducted of 4790 children aged 4‐15 years recruited from 130 communities in the Healthy Communities Study. Multilevel statistical models assessed associations between school wellness policies and anthropometric (body mass index z‐score [BMIz]) and nutrition measures, adjusting for child and community‐level covariates.


Children had lower BMI z‐scores (?0.11, 95% confidence interval [CI]: ?0.19, ?0.03) and ate breakfast more frequently (0.14 days/week, 95% CI: 0.02‐0.25) if attending a school with a wellness committee that met once or more in the past year compared to attending a school with a wellness committee that did not meet/did not exist. Children had lower added sugar (p < .0001), lower energy‐dense foods (p = .0004), lower sugar intake from sugar‐sweetened beverages (p = .0002), and lower dairy consumption (p = .001) if attending a school with similar or stronger implementation of the nutrition components of the school wellness policies compared to other schools in the district.


A more active wellness committee was associated with lower BMI z‐scores in US schoolchildren. Active school engagement in wellness policy implementation appears to play a positive role in efforts to reduce childhood obesity.



Weight discrimination has been associated with poor academic performance and decreased school attendance. Little is known about weight discrimination and students' feelings of belonging to their school. This study examined the association between weight discrimination and school connectedness among adolescents. Teacher support was examined as a protective factor.


Middle school students (N = 639; 57% white; Mean age = 12.16 years) completed a health behaviors survey. Weight discrimination from peers and/or good friends was dichotomized into never versus experienced weight discrimination. The mean of 5 school connectedness items assessed level of school connectedness. Teacher support was measured by taking the mean of 4 teacher support items. Hierarchical linear regression was used to examine the association between weight discrimination and school connectedness. Teacher support was tested as a moderator.


Weight discrimination was associated with lower levels of school connectedness (p < .05). Teacher support was associated with higher levels of school connectedness (p < .001) but did not moderate the association between weight discrimination and school connectedness.


The association between weight discrimination and low levels of school connectedness is important as students spend most of their time at school and should benefit from the positive effects of feeling connected to school.



Although previous research indicates an association between school connectedness and adolescents' sleep quality, its causal direction has not been determined. This study used a 2‐wave cross‐lagged panel analysis to explore the likely causal direction between these 2 constructs.


Participants were 888 Chinese adolescents (43.80% boys; Mage = 15.55) who provided self‐report data on school connectedness and sleep quality as well as demographic variables at the beginning and the end of a school year.


After controlling for sex and age, we found that sleep problems at the beginning of the school year were a significant and negative predictor of school connectedness at the end of the school year (b2 = ?.26, SE = .13, β2 = ?.10, p < .05), but school connectedness at the beginning of the school year did not predict sleep problems at the end of the school year (b1 = .05, SE = .03, β1 = .09, p > .05). Separate analyses by sex showed that the above pattern of results was mainly driven by the boys.


Our findings demonstrated that sleep problems could be a risk factor for adolescent boys' school connectedness.

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