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目的 探讨医生焦虑与职业紧张的关系,降低医生焦虑程度,提高其生命质量.方法 采用横断面调查方法,于2011年11-12月随机抽取辽宁省某市4所综合医院的540名医生进行问卷调查.应用焦虑自评量表(SAS)测量焦虑,工作内容问卷(JCQ)及付出-回报失衡问卷(ERI)测量职业紧张,多元回归分析,探讨医生焦虑与职业紧张的关系.结果 该市医生焦虑总分为46.35±10.69.按照多元线性回归标准化系数的顺序,调整年龄、性别、婚姻状况、职务及每周工作时间后,回报(β=-0.201)、外在付出(f =0.169)、心理要求(β=0.143)、同事支持(β=0.115)及技术自主(β=-0.098)与医生焦虑密切相关.结论 医生职业紧张对焦虑有预测作用.应降低职业紧张,保护和增进医生的身心健康,提高医疗服务质量.  相似文献   

目的  探讨职业紧张和血脂异常的交互作用与高血压患病的关系。方法  (1) 采用随机整群抽样方法,最终纳入克拉玛依8所油田分公司的2 149名油田工人作为研究对象,发放付出-回报失衡(effort-return imbalance, ERI)量表并收集体检指标,最终纳入研究对象。(2)通过logistic回归分析模型和Delta法分析职业紧张和血脂异常交互作用与高血压患病的关系。结果  高血压患病率为27.3%,职业紧张和血脂异常组的高血压患病率均较高(均P < 0.05);校正混杂因素后,职业紧张(OR=1.243, 95% CI: 1.027~1.505, P=0.025)和血脂异常(OR=2.089, 95% CI: 1.712~2.548, P<0.001)是高血压的危险因素,两者与高血压存在相加[交互作用超额相对危险度(relative excess risk of interaction,RERI)=5.556, 交互作用归因比(attributable proportion of interaction,API)=0.649, 交互作用指数(synergy index,S)=3.774]和正的相乘交互作用(OR=2.327, 95% CI: 1.755~3.085, P<0.001);职业紧张和血脂异常同时存在罹患高血压的风险是两者均不存在者的8.6倍(95% CI: 6.443~11.371)。结论  职业紧张、血脂异常及其交互作用均与高血压的患病风险增加有关。  相似文献   

目的探讨商务楼职员职业紧张与健康结局的关系,以期为在对楼宇职员健康促进过程中采取针对性措施提供科学依据。方法抽取上海市静安区11个商务楼,对1 033名职员进行问卷调查,问卷内容包括职员一般情况、工作要求和自主性(JDC)量表、一般心理状况(GHQ)量表和流调中心用抑郁(CES-D)量表,对职员的职业紧张,心理和生理健康状况进行调查,资料采用等级相关和非条件logistic回归方法进行统计分析。结果内部一致性分析结果显示,JDC量表、GHQ量表和CES-D量表在该次调查中有较高的信度;调查对象高职业紧张现患率为32.33%,等级相关结果显示职业紧张与GHQ、CES-D的spearman等级相关系数分别为0.18和0.24,统计检验差异有统计学意义(P0.01)。logistic回归分析结果显示,高职业紧张所致职员的心理问题风险和抑郁倾向风险分别是低职业紧张的4.6倍(OR=4.46,95%CI=2.36~8.46)和3.38倍(OR=3.38,95%CI=2.36~4.85);logistic回归分析结果,还显示,职业紧张是高血压和冠心病的危险因素,其中工作积极型所致高血压的风险是低紧张人群的2.51倍(OR=2.51,95%CI=1.02~6.18),工作积极型所致冠心病的风险是低职业紧张人群的11.28倍之多(OR=11.28,95%CI=1.27~100.37)。结论高职业紧张不仅是导致商务楼宇职员高心理问题风险和抑郁倾向风险重要因素,也是导到高血压和冠心病的危险因素,对楼宇职员进行职业健康促进要考虑职业紧张这一隐形的危险因素,应当在个体层面和组织机构层面采取相应措施,降低职业紧张水平,从而达到提高职员身心健康的目的。  相似文献   

职业性紧张普遍存在于我国各类型企业工作场所中,是影响企业发展不可忽视的重要因素,本文分析了人类工效学干预措施对降低企业员工职业性紧张的重要性,并就如何应用人类工效学改善企业员工职业性紧张方面作了一些有益探讨。  相似文献   

通过文献检索,对近10年来国内护士职业紧张研究文献进行归纳、分析和总结。护士职业紧张研究方法以现场调查为主,常用量表是职业紧张目录问卷(OSI—R),个体特征和环境特征是影响护士职业紧张的主要因素,职业紧张对护士机体的损害及缓解职业紧张措施的有效性研究欠缺。国内护士职业紧张水平高于全国专业技术人员,创建健康促进医院是降低护士职业紧张的强有力措施。  相似文献   

目的了解重症监护病房(ICU)护士的职业压力、应对方式及职业倦怠现状,明确职业压力、应对方式与职业倦怠的相关性,为减轻ICU护士职业倦怠提供科学依据。方法 2013年10月对唐山市工人医院13个ICU 204名护士,采用护士工作压力源、简易应对方式、职业倦怠量表进行问卷调查。结果护士工作压力总分为(2.36±0.42)分,其中工作量及时间分配是其护士最主要工作压力源(2.95±0.67)分。ICU护士积极应对方式为(1.78±0.46)分,与全国常模无差异;消极应对方式为(1.16±0.54)分,低于全国常模;ICU护士情感枯竭为(26.60±10.23)分,个人成就感为(26.20±9.78)分,去人格化维度为(6.99±5.31)分。相关性分析显示,ICU护士职业压力、消极应对与情感枯竭、去人格化呈正相关,积极应对与个人成就感呈正相关(P〈0.05)。结论 ICU护士职业压力愈大,情感枯竭、去人格化程度愈重,积极应对方式可提高护士的个人成就感,消极应对方式易使情感枯竭、去人格化程度增高。  相似文献   

目的了解铜陵市铸造技术工人职业紧张状况,分析其影响因素。方法采用整群抽样的方法抽取某国营企业和私营铸造企业员工进行问卷调查,采取自行设计的一般人口学问卷和职业紧张目录问卷(OSI-R)对985名员工进行问卷调查,并将铸造业工人(651人)的职业紧张情况与后勤和管理人员(对照组,255人)及西南地区技术工人常模进行比较分析。结果工人组职业任务问卷(ORQ)和紧张反应问卷PSQ得分分别为(153.73±23.48)和(89.26±21.09)分,高于对照组(144.21±23.15)和(83.69±16.74)分,低于技术工人常模。工人组应对资源问卷(PRQ)得分为(121.58±19.14)分,低于对照组(129.96±19.17)的得分,高于技术工人常模(P〈0.01)。工人组与对照组人员比较,职业任务重,紧张反应强,同时个体应对资源能力较弱,与技术常模比较职业任务、紧张反应有所改善。单因素分析表明,影响铸造工人职业任务和紧张反应的个体因素有性别、年龄、文化程度、家庭人均收入、有无疾病、是否发生过工伤、是否吸烟和饮酒、睡眠状况等;多元逐步回归分析表明,个体紧张反应主要影响因素为职业任务、工作环境、自我保健、学历、任务冲突以及社会支持、理处事和休闲娱乐。结论铸造工人有较高的职业紧张水平,同时应对能力较差,建议企业应从减轻职业任务、改善工作环境、加强健康教育,丰富职工业余文化生活方面入手,有效缓解工人职业紧张,提高应对能力。  相似文献   

目的 探讨导致男性警察代谢综合征(metabolic syndrome,MS)患病的职业紧张因素.方法 采用随机整群抽样的方法,从某市公安局现管辖的分局中抽取4个分局,以该4个分局的全体男性警察作为调查对象,共纳入1490名.采用统一设计的健康调查问卷和职业紧张量表进行流行病学调查,同时进行体格检查和生化指标检测,应用χ2检验和logistic回归模型进行分析.结果 1490名研究对象中,实际完成问卷1483名,合格问卷1480份,其中MS患者有237例,患病率为16.0%(237/1480).高度、中度及缺乏职业紧张者MS组分别有8、39和23例,非MS组有14、114和131例,高度与中度缺乏职业紧张者MS患病风险分别为缺乏职业紧张者的4.82倍(95%CI:1.50~15.41)和3.33倍(95%CI:1.62~6.79).任务过重、任务不适和责任感MS组得分分别为(38.76±6.83)、(25.74±7.22)、(25.76±6.27)分;非MS组得分分别为(37.55±6.85)、(24.50±6.58)、(25.05±5.95)分.多因素logistic回归分析显示,任务过重、任务不适和责任感可能为MS患病的职业紧张危险因素,OR(95%CI)值分别为1.06(1.02~1.10)、1.04(1.02~1.07)、1.03(1.01~1.06).结论 任务过重、任务不适和责任感为导致男性警察MS患病的职业紧张危险因素.
Objective To explore the occupational stress factors associated with the prevalence of metabolic syndrome(MS) among male policemen.Methods Using cluster sampling method,we selected four Public Security Bureau within the jurisdiction of the station now in somesity.All the male police were included as research objects,and finally 1490 persons were selected,health and occupational stress inventory-revised (OSI-R) questionnaire were used for epidemiological surveys,and anthropometric examination and chemical indicators were also measured at the same time.The analysis methods were chi-square test and unconditional logistical regression.Results Among the 1490 of research objects,1483 completed the questionnaire,and 1480 of the eligible questionnaires were available.237 cases were MS,and the prevalence rate was 16.0%(237/1480).The number of cases who were high,moderate and lack of occupational stress in MS group were 8,39 and 23,that in non-MS were 14,114 and 131,respectively.The odds of occupational stress with the highest and medium among policemen than who were lack were 4.82 (95%CI:1.50-15.41) and 3.33(95%CI:1.62-6.79); the average score of role ambiguity,role insufficiency and responsibility in the group of MS were (38.76±6.83),(25.74±7.22),(25.76±6.27);and that in non-MS were (37.55±6.85),(24.50±6.58),(25.05±5.95).The logistical regression analysis showed that : the likely three occupational risk stress factors which influencing the prevalence of MS were role ambiguity,role insufficiency and responsibility,and the OR(95%CI) were 1.06 (1.02-1.10),1.04 (1.02-1.07) and 1.03 (1.01-1.06),respectively.Conclusion Role ambiguity,role insufficiency and responsibility were the occupational risk stress factors associated with the prevalence of MS among male policemen.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine perceived stress of entry-level master's occupational therapy (OT) students enrolled at a Texas university. A total of 29 students including nine men and 20 women participated in the study. Questionnaires and interviews were used for data collection. The participants were interviewed during the end of the first and second year of the entry-level master's programme in OT. Questionnaires, given at the same time, contained demographic data, open-end questions and force choice questions rated on a Likert scale. The results indicated that the majority of students (66.4%) rated their current level of stress as above average or the highest in their lives. The students expressed feelings of being overwhelmed, confused regarding course expectations and wanted more hands-on experience. When responding to how they managed stress, more than half of the students in the study took an active approach by utilizing exercise. Limitations of the study include using a non-standardized questionnaire, a small number of participants, and that the participants did not represent diversity and were for the most part Hispanic. It is recommended that future research address the cultural and generational issues that may affect perceptions of stress and how students cope with stress.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The purpose of this study is to analyze what aspects of occupational stress predict depression among Korean workers, and determine which components of occupational stress or job characteristics is more strongly associated with depression. METHODS: In this cross-sectional study, a total of 8,522 workers (21-65 years of age) from a nationwide sample were recruited. A self-administered questionnaire was used to assess socio-demographics, job characteristics, depressive symptoms measured by the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale, and occupational stress assessed by the Korean occupational stress scale (KOSS). RESULTS: Multivariate analyses show that inadequate social support (OR = 1.58, 95% CI = 1.52, 1.66) and discomfort in occupational climate (OR = 1.25, 95% CI = 1.18, 1.32) were more important risk factors for depression than organizational injustice, job demand and job control. Compared to the 'business activities' industries, 'recreational, cultural and sporting activities' (OR = 3.45, 95% CI = 1.80, 6.58), 'hotel and restaurants' (OR = 3.34, 95% CI = 1.92, 5.80), 'real estate and renting and leasing' (OR = 2.24, 95% CI = 1.13, 4.44), 'wholesale and retail' (OR = 1.85, 95% CI = 1.28, 2.67), 'transportation' (OR = 1.85, 95% CI = 1.11, 3.07), and 'financial institute and insurance' (OR = 1.60, 95% CI = 1.04, 2.48) industries had significantly greater risk of depression after controlling for gender, age, marital status, duration of employment and all subscale of KOSS. CONCLUSION: The finding that inadequate social support and discomfort in occupational climate is a better predictor of depressive symptoms than organizational injustice in Korea, indicates that the newly developed KOSS has cultural relevance for assessing occupational stress in Korea. Future studies need to understand factors such as "emotional labor" within certain industries where increased risk for depression is observed.  相似文献   

Relationship between quality of life and occupational stress among teachers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
X. Yang 《Public health》2009,123(11):750-755

We examined the distribution of physical activity among different occupations in Japan. A questionnaire was sent to full-time employees at nine companies in Japan between 1996 and 1998, with an average response rate of 85.2%. Data from 20,654 respondents (17,637 male and 3017 female) were analyzed. We classified the occupations into eight groups according to the International Standard Classification of Occupations (1988). Daily energy expenditure, weekly physical activity, and monthly leisure-time physical activity (LTPA) were measured using a physical activity questionnaire and some additional questions. In males, LTPA was significantly different among occupations, with clerks having greater physical activity than managers and blue-collar workers (P<0.001). The pattern was similar even after adjusting for education, age, and working hours. In females, the difference among occupations was not clear. The distribution of LTPA among occupations exhibits a "barrel-shape" in Japan. It was higher for intermediate class occupations such as clerks, which was in agreement with a lower coronary heart disease mortality observed in intermediate class occupations among Japanese male employees.  相似文献   

石油工人职业紧张与心理健康的关系   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
目的 研究不同职业紧张水平石油工人的心理健康状态。方法 抽取 12 2个不同工种石油作业工人 12 30人 ,填写职业紧张调查问卷 (OSQ)和症状自评量表 (SCL 90 )。结果 石油工人心理健康状态随职业紧张水平的增加而下降。高、中紧张强度组躯体化症状 (分别为 1.87± 0 .80、1.72± 0 .70 )、忧郁 (分别为 1.74± 0 .76、1.6 2± 0 .6 7)、恐怖 (分别为 1.48± 0 .6 5、1.39± 0 .5 5 )、偏执(分别为 1.6 0± 0 .6 2、1.5 5± 0 .5 7)、强迫症状 (分别为 1.88± 0 .81、1.79± 0 .6 8)等的得分均明显高于低紧张强度组 (分别为 1.5 5± 0 .6 1、1.43± 0 .5 4、1.2 8± 0 .46、1.35± 0 .47、1.5 9± 0 .5 9) ,差异有显著性 (P <0 .0 5 )。高、中紧张强度组情绪状态的得分亦明显高于低紧张强度组 ,差异有显著性 (P <0 .0 5 )。低工龄组工人的心理健康、情绪状态的变化明显低于高工龄组的工人 ,差异有显著性 (P <0 .0 1)。结论 职业紧张可影响工人的心理健康状态。  相似文献   

目的了解重庆高校教师职业压力与心理健康状况,为研究高校教师心理健康的维护策略提供实证基础。方法采用分层随机抽样的方法对4所高校的152名专职教师进行问卷调查。结果高校教师普遍存在中等程度职业压力,有中度及严重职业压力者占全部受试的70.0%。不同学历层次的教师在职业发展、工作负荷方面感受到的职业压力呈显著差异(P0.01),硕士学历教师在这两方面的压力高于其他组;不同职称的教师在职业发展、工作负荷、工作保障这三个维度上感受到的压力有显著不同(P0.01),工作负荷方面副教授组高于其他职称组,另两个方面讲师组高于其他职称组。高校教师健康状况较差,从精神症状自评量表(SCL-90)检测结果看,重庆市高校教师的8个症状因子均明显高于全国常模(P0.01),且心理症状阳性检出率为60.5%,存在中度及以上心理卫生问题的教师比率高于国内其他地区省市的检出结果。结论重庆高校教师的职业压力主要来自学校管理及制度、工作负荷及职业发展三个方面,其根本的压力来自各高校对教师科研工作量及科研质量的要求。只有从源头上优化评价体系,才能缓解高校教师职业压力,维护他们的心理健康。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This study was conducted to investigate the relationship between perceived work-related stress and preclinical atherosclerosis. METHODS: A total of 100 managers and 50 office workers aged 35-65 participated in a questionnaire study. Individual, family and work-related stress risk factors and coping were evaluated in all the studied individuals. Serum levels of biochemical (total cholesterol, LDL, HDL, TG, glucose) and serological risk factors of atherosclerosis (anticardiolipin, anti-beta(2) GPI, anti-oxLDL, anti-HSP and anti-hsCRP antibodies) were evaluated. A computer analysis of B-mode ultrasound images was used to assess carotid artery intima-media thickness (IMT) and atherosclerotic plaque in carotid arteries. Statistical analysis was conducted with SPSS v. 11.5. RESULTS: The studied individuals showed average ranges of both the global stress level and of coping results. In 71% no changes were found in the ultrasound image and in 29% of individuals (43) the presence of plaque was shown. The mean value of the IMT measure was 0.0618 +/- 0.013 mm. IMT and plaque correlated negatively with the level of global work-related stress (r = -0.26; P < 0.01; and r = -0.28; P < 0.01; respectively). No correlation was found either between work-related stress and coping, or between coping and IMT (P > 0.05), or between work-related stress and healthy lifestyle (no smoking, no excessive use of alcohol, high physical activity), or between healthy lifestyle and IMT (P > 0.05). Positive correlation between IMT and LDL and smoking did not result from higher stress reaction in the studied individuals. CONCLUSIONS: The explanation of the negative correlation between perceived work-related stress and preclinical atherosclerosis was not confirmed either by the subjects under high stress undertaking healthy protective activities or by their escaping into unhealthy behaviour. The most probable interpretation of the results is that in individuals with a low level of perceived work-related stress, somatization of stress takes place.  相似文献   

采用职业紧张调查表(OSI)进行问卷调查。结果显示商场管理人员的紧张水平高于营业员,紧张反应较营业员严重;管理人员紧张反应与紧张水平的强预测因素与营业员有所差异。说明管理人员的紧张水平、紧张反应及其影响因素与营业员不同。  相似文献   

目的:获得长春市职业女性职业紧张现状的资料,为进一步制定有效的干预措施提供可靠的依据。方法:采用职业紧张量表(OSI-R)对长春市经典型整群抽样获取得510名职业女性职业紧张状况进行调查评价。结果:长春市79.80%的职业女性面临着较重及很重的职业任务,而个体紧张反应程度较高及过高的占41.96%,缺乏应对资源及明显缺乏应对资源的为44.12%。职业任务问卷和个体紧张问卷相关系数为0.357(P<0.01),职业女性紧张反应问卷和应对方式问卷相关系数为-0.307(P<0.01)。结论:长春市职业女性职业紧张水平较高,亟需采取相应的措施缓解压力。职业紧张的干预主要针对职业任务的减轻和应对资源的加强。  相似文献   

目的了解北京市某区涉苯企业劳动者职业卫生服务(occupational health service,OHS)享受情况,探讨OHS过程中存在的问题,为促进辖区OHS发展提供建议。方法采用问卷调查方法,对涉苯企业劳动者OHS调查数据进行χ2检验。结果劳动者劳动合同签订率为96.3%;劳动者合同告知率为66.1%,随年龄、工龄增加而下降(P0.01);劳动者工伤保险缴纳率为81.3%,外地户籍工低于本地户籍工,并随文化程度、工龄降低而下降(P0.01);劳动者上岗前职业卫生培训率为87.5%,随文化程度增高而升高(P0.01);劳动者在岗定期职业卫生培训率为79.1%,随文化程度增高而升高,随工龄增加而下降(P0.01);上岗前职业健康检查率为28.5%。结论劳动者OHS享受情况整体水平不高,受年龄、工龄、文化程度影响;OHS过程中存在不公平性;应督促用人单位落实职业病防治的主体责任,提高劳动者OHS水平。  相似文献   

目的调查某钢铁集团自备矿山工人职业紧张现况,分析影响矿山工人职业紧张的可能因素。方法采取分层整群抽样的方法调查759名矿山工人,利用基本情况调查表和职业紧张问卷(OSI-R)对当班工人进行调查和测评。结果中度、高度职业紧张者占34.9%,中度、高度紧张反应者占80.1%,中、高度应对资源缺乏者占24.4%,职业任务得分(179.9±23.6)、紧张反应得分(98.4±15.3)均高于西南常模,差异有统计学意义(P0.05);个体应对资源得分(122.8±18.5)低于西南常模,差异有统计学意义(P0.01)。单、多因素分析发现,职业紧张受工作强度、接触噪声、性别、有无职务、体质指数、家庭人口数、体育锻炼等因素影响。结论该集团工人职业紧张明显,作业环境噪声、工作强度等是矿山工人职业紧张的影响因素。  相似文献   

摘要:目的 了解企业职工对职业卫生服务的认知状况,并分析影响职工职业卫生服务认知的因素。方法 采用系统抽样选择湖北省黄石市3家企业的90名职工为调查对象,并以问卷调查了解职工对职业卫生服务的认知情况;采用EpiData 3.1建立数据库,运用SPSS18.0软件对数据资料进行描述,并以χ2检验作统计分析。结果 约75%的职工知晓工作中所接触的职业性危害因素,只有50%的职工知晓职业性危害因素的检测浓度,且仅有33.0%的职工在工作企业接受过职业卫生相关知识培训;月收入、户籍状况和企业及工会对职工进行职业卫生服务的宣传力度是影响职工职业卫生服务认知率的主要因素;随着月收入的增加,职工对应签订劳动合同、缴纳保险金及进行职业健康监护的知晓率也随之增高。结论 企业应当定期对职工进行职业性危害因素浓度监测和作业人员的职业健康检查,发现问题、及时整改;同时应针对不同层次的企业职工开展多元化的职业卫生健康宣传和教育工作,加强企业的监管力度,以保障职工对职业有害因素的知情权,提高工人职业卫生服务认知总体水平。  相似文献   

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