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施洁 《浙江预防医学》2004,16(10):53-53
围婚期是指从确定婚姻对象到婚后受孕为止的一段时期,包括婚前、新婚、受孕前三个阶段.围婚期妇女的健康状况不仅关系到男女双方的身体健康,而且与未来家庭幸福,保证人类健康繁衍,提高人口素质,促进社会经济发展息息相关.本文对我院婚前医学检查的6553名围婚期女性生殖健康状况进行统计分析.  相似文献   

500对围婚期男女生殖健康知识测试结果分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
韩梅  孙正鸣 《中国妇幼保健》2005,20(13):1661-1662
为了更好地向围婚期人群宣传和普及相关保健知识,提高他们的自我保健意识和能力,从而最终促进他们在婚后能成功地做到计划受孕,顺利度过妊娠、分娩期,保障母婴健康,本文对500对围婚期男女进行了有关性卫生保健、新婚避孕、孕前保健、遗传病的基本等生殖健康知识知晓率的调查。  相似文献   

张碧云  苏红梅 《中国健康教育》2007,23(2):123-124,127
目的探讨广州市已婚职业妇女对生殖健康知识的认知以及对生殖健康教育的需求。方法2004年7-12月对在我院进行妇女病普查的3091例已婚职业妇女进行问卷调查。结果93.7%调查对象认识到育龄妇女容易出现生殖道感染等健康问题,对如何预防生殖道感染的正确知晓率为51.3%,主要的获知途径是书籍/报刊、其次是广播/电视;有88.4%妇女希望进一步获得生殖健康知识,不同年龄、文化程度的妇女的需求率存在统计学差异。文化程度越高,需求越大。而职业、医疗保障形式、是否有妇科疾病史等因素对需求没有影响;调查对象认为获得生殖健康知识的最佳途径是书籍/报刊、卫生知识讲座、医务工作者指导等。结论医疗保健机构应开展多种形式的生殖健康教育,以满足各层次妇女的需求,是促进妇女生殖健康的重要手段。生殖健康教育的重点对象是年龄较大、文化程度较低的育龄妇女。  相似文献   

528名围婚期女青年人工流产原因调查分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
金芳 《中国妇幼保健》2005,20(22):2996-2997
围婚期是指从确定婚配对象到婚后受孕为止的一段时期,包括婚前、新婚、孕前三个阶段。围婚期青年是一群特殊的群体,他们即将步入或刚步入婚姻殿堂,又正处于性活跃期,思想开放,婚前性行为难以避免,与此同时他们缺乏科学有效的避孕指导,常导致意外妊娠的发生而实施人工流产。使身心遭受损害。因而在这三个阶段中婚前期保健显得尤为关键。本文对528名在围婚期实施人工流产的女青年进行了人工流产原因和相关生殖保健知识的调查,目的是为本地区今后更好地开展围婚期生殖健康服务提供科学依据。  相似文献   

利用围婚期保健这一有利时期对欲婚男女双方进行与结婚、生育保健以及预防病残儿出生等生殖健康有关的教育,对提高人类本身的健康水平,进而使人类、社会和家庭获得生存、发展和进步,有着十分重要的意义。在具体实施上应以生殖健康为目标,将生殖健康贯穿于围婚期保健全过程,加强专业人员培训,开展卫生知识咨询,采取人际交流为主,大众传播并举的方法,全方位、高密度地开展以传播生殖健康为主要内容的健康教育。  相似文献   

围婚期妇女生残健康状况及需求调查   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
对兰州市2372例围婚期妇女的健康状况及需求进行了调查,结果发现:围婚期妇女的平均初婚年龄为25.28岁,其中97.81%具有中以上文化程度,77.915从事各种职业劳动,59.19%有婚前性行为,27.17%未婚先孕,首次婚前性行为采取避孕占28.21%,24.07不知道避孕,11.82%存在侥幸心理而未采取任何避孕措施;46.54%不了解男性生殖器官,15.50%不了解女性生殖器官,11.82%以上对性传播疾病的知识了解不全面甚至错误,对生殖健康服务需依疹为性知识74.37%,母乳喂养知识55.14%,避孕知识46.04%,孕产妇营养知识32.04%,优生优育知识30.86%,性传播疾病的知识23.44%,疾病防治知识22.09%,75.21%要求开设咨询门疹,其次要求提共有关生殖健康知识的书刊和录像宣教的咨询服务,提示:应进一步加强围婚期妇女生殖健康服务。  相似文献   

2790例围婚期女性生殖健康状况初探   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
吴秀华 《中国妇幼保健》2000,15(10):629-630
对围婚期女性的生殖健康状况进行分析。结果显示 :在 2 790例围婚期女性接受婚前医学检查中 ,未婚妊娠导致人工流产者占总人数的 5 2 .4% ,其中年龄 <2 3岁者占 81.3% ;初中以下文化程度者占 90 .4%。有 16 8例患不同程度的生殖系统疾病 ,其中生殖道感染者占 86 .3%。提出围婚期女性是进行性教育 (包括进行预防性病知识的教育 )的重点人群 ,应大力开展围婚期疾病防治的健康教育 ,加强性病知识宣传的针对性 ,依法规范婚前医学检查中对性病人群的管理  相似文献   

目的 了解乌鲁木齐市流动育龄妇女对生殖健康知识的需求和就医情况.方法 采用整群分层的方法,于2010年4月-2013年3月,对乌鲁木齐市6区1县流动人口较集中的社区共106 568例18~50岁的流动育龄妇女进行生殖健康服务的问卷调查.结果 按生殖健康知识的需求程度,居前三位的为妇女常见病防治(61.82%)、性生理知识(61.50%)及生殖道感染/性传播疾病防护知识(60.70%);调查对象希望获得知识的途径依次是医务人员的健康检查(80.34%)、医院咨询门诊(74.94%).调查对象在生殖健康方面如果“觉得不适”会就诊的比例为85.33%.结论 各医疗保健机构应积极为流动育龄妇女开展内容丰富的妇女生殖健康知识教育和服务.  相似文献   

宫颈疾病防治知识的健康教育效果评价及需求调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:了解妇女对宫颈炎和宫颈癌知识的认知、需求情况及健康教育提高宫颈疾病防治知识正确认知的效果。方法:对参加该院妇女病普查的578例妇女,在进行健康教育前后自行填写调查问卷。结果:健康教育前后,研究对象对慢性宫颈炎症状的正确认知率由40.1%提高到72.3%,差异有显著性(χ2=121.6,P<0.001),并且对宫颈炎危险因素、宫颈炎治疗方法、宫颈癌发病因素等的正确认知率亦明显提高,均有统计学意义。调查对象认为开展宫颈疾病防治健康教育的最好3种形式是门诊医生介绍、广播电视、书籍杂志。结论:提高目标人群对宫颈疾病的正确认知对于慢性宫颈炎和宫颈癌的预防和治疗非常重要。健康促进是漫长复杂的过程,各级医疗卫生部门,尤其是妇幼保健机构应开展多种形式的生殖健康教育,加强宫颈疾病的优质便民服务,以满足广大妇女的生殖健康需求,是提高妇女生殖健康的重要手段。  相似文献   

昆明市农村围婚期女性生殖健康状况研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的了解昆明市农村围婚期女性生殖健康相关知识、行为、态度现状及生殖道感染的患病情况,探讨主要影响因素,为制订有效干预措施,改善农村妇女生殖健康状况提供客观依据。方法采用整群抽样的方法,以2002年7月-2003年12月间在昆明市7个县(区)妇幼保健院进行婚前医学检查的3119例农村户口育龄妇女为样本,进行问卷调查和婚前医学检查。结果被调查者生殖健康知识缺乏,自我保健能力较差,平均初婚年龄为22.1岁,初中以下文化程度占78.00%;69.68%有婚前性行为,婚前人流率为30.90%;生殖道感染患病率为13.02%;生殖道感染的患病与民族、文化程度、居住地区、家庭经济收入、对生殖健康知识的了解、健康行为以及有无性行为等因素有显著关系。结论应改善农村围婚期妇女接受教育程序,加强生殖健康教育,提高生殖健康水平。  相似文献   

人工流产与生殖健康及健康教育   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
人工流产是避孕失败后终止妊娠的有效措施[1] 。生殖健康是在生命所有阶段的生殖功能和过程中的身体、心理和社会适应的完好状态 ,而不只是无疾病或功能失调[2 ] 。健康教育是指通过一系列系统的、有组织、有计划的教育活动 ,促使人们自觉采纳有益于健康的行为和生活方式 ,消除或减轻影响健康的危险因素 ,预防疾病、促进健康、提高生活质量[3 ] 。我们知道 ,人工流产对妇女的生殖健康均有不同程度的影响。实施健康教育 ,可以消除或减轻这种影响。本文将从 3个方面论述三者之间的关系及影响过程。人工流产的现状人工流产 (简称人流 )虽说已被…  相似文献   

We describe a unique program, the Kansas Legislative Health Academy, that brings together state legislators from across the political spectrum to build their capacity in advancing policies that can improve the health of Kansans.To that end, the academy helps legislators develop new skills to deliberate the ethics of health policy, use systems thinking to understand the long- and short-term effects of policy action and inaction, and engage in acts of civic leadership. The academy also seeks to foster an environment of respectful open dialogue and to build new cross-chamber and cross-party relationships.Among the most important outcomes cited by program participants is the value of sustained, personal interaction and problem solving with individuals holding differing political views.Health policy often elicits controversy. Recent examples include the uproar over recommendations for mammography screening for women 40 to 49 years old and human papillomavirus vaccination for adolescent girls and boys. Perhaps the most dramatic controversy relates to the passage of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Pub L No. 111-148); despite being signed into law in 2010 and found substantially constitutional by the US Supreme Court in 2012 (Medicaid expansion was made optional for states), this legislation remains subject to vigorous dissent. Such controversies, although no doubt a function of interest-driven politics, also reflect deep differences in ethical values.Ethical values and premises underpin all public policy.1,2 Ideas about individual liberty, personal responsibility, solidarity, justice, and the role of the government are just a few of the moral constructs that often clash in the making of policy. Policy analysis often ignores these dimensions of policy-making, although that is beginning to change.3–5Here we describe a project based in part on the premise that training policymakers to recognize and talk openly about the ethical values entailed in health policy might improve its content and process. This project, the Kansas Legislative Health Academy (hereafter Health Academy), brought together state legislators from across the political spectrum to build their capacity to respond to complex health policy challenges in Kansas. To that end, the curriculum sought to help legislators develop new skills in 3 areas: health policy ethics, systems thinking, and civic leadership. The Health Academy also sought to foster an environment of open, respectful dialogue and to build new cross-chamber and cross-party relationships.To our knowledge, the Health Academy is a unique program. Many educational programs exist for legislators to focus on leadership development or specific health policy issues, but none we are aware of are specifically designed to cover a broad range of health policy issues while also addressing underlying barriers to effective policy-making within legislative bodies. In what follows, we describe the Health Academy’s origins, structure, substance, and lessons learned.  相似文献   

Integrating mental health and public health chronic disease programs requires partnerships at all government levels. Four examples illustrate this approach: 1) a federal partnership to implement mental health and mental illness modules in the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System; 2) a state partnership to improve diabetes health outcomes for people with mental illness; 3) a community-level example of a partnership with local aging and disability agencies to modify a home health service to reduce depression and improve quality of life among isolated, chronically ill seniors; and 4) a second community-level example of a partnership to promote depression screening and management and secure coverage in primary care settings. Integration of mental health and chronic disease public health programs is a challenging but essential and achievable task in protecting Americans'' health.  相似文献   

Obesity is associated with chronic diseases that may negatively affect individuals’ health and the sustainability of the health care system. Despite increasing emphasis on obesity as a major health care issue, little progress has been made in its treatment or prevention. Individual approaches to obesity treatment, largely composed of weight-loss dieting, have not proven effective. Little direct evidence supports the notion of reforms to the “obesogenic environment.” Both these individualistic and environmental approaches to obesity have important limitations and ethical implications. The low levels of success associated with these approaches may necessitate a new non–weight-centric public health strategy. Evidence is accumulating that a weight-neutral, nutrition- and physical activity–based, Health at Every Size (HAES) approach may be a promising chronic disease-prevention strategy.Obesity is defined as having a body mass index (BMI; defined as weight in kilograms divided by the square of height in meters) in excess of 30. Obesity is associated with numerous chronic health conditions, including diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, and certain cancers.1 The directionality of such associations is largely unknown, confounding may be present, and causality has only definitely been assigned to obesity with respect to osteoarthritis and ovarian cancer.2 Despite these limitations, to counter the health effects of obesity-associated conditions, individuals frequently are encouraged to lose weight to improve individual and population health. However, diet-induced weight loss stimulates somatic and psychological ‘homeostatic pressures’ that induce weight regain.3 These mechanisms include hormonal alterations, reduced satiety and energy expenditure, and increased hunger.3,4 These adaptations stimulate weight regain in more than 90% of weight losers.5,6 In acknowledgment of the limited effectiveness of individual approaches to weight loss, increasing emphasis has been placed on environmental reforms. However, when weight loss is the key motivator of such changes, they are hindered by a limited evidence base and ethical difficulties. These concerns suggest public health would benefit from a shift in focus from weight loss to disease prevention for individuals of all ages and sizes, with a focus on health rather than weight-loss outcomes, and environmental reforms devoted to enhancing livability, accessibility, and equity. Evidence is accumulating that a weight-neutral, nutrition- and physical activity–based, Health at Every Size (HAES) approach may be a promising chronic-disease prevention, and overall well-being, strategy.  相似文献   

This study examined the impact of a health promoting television program series on health knowledge and the key factors of the health belief model (HBM) that have led people to engage in healthy behavior (exercising, losing weight, changing eating habits, and not smoking/quitting smoking). Using data from a posttest comparison field study with 151 viewers and 146 nonviewers in Poland, we found that hierarchical regression analysis showed stronger support for the HBM factors of efficacy, susceptibility, seriousness, and salience in their contribution toward health behavior among television viewers compared with nonviewers. Cues to action variables (including television viewing) and health knowledge boosted efficacy among viewers. Without the advantage of receiving health information from the television series, nonviewers relied on their basic disease fears on one hand, and interest in good health on the other to take steps toward becoming healthier. A health promoting television series can increase health knowledge and enhance health beliefs, which in turn contribute to healthy behaviors.  相似文献   

《Women & health》2013,53(5):19-21
A new series of techniques has recently been developed, by which a pregnant woman can find out whether or not she carries a child with a neural tube defect. A fairly simple screening technique has now been put into effect in Nassau County, New York, by which 10 to 20 thousand pregnant women will be routinely tested in the next two years. As it is likely that this particular form of antenatal diagnosis will become more universally administered in this country, the matter of neural tube defects (NTD) is reviewed here.  相似文献   

《Women & health》2013,53(3):30-31
No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

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