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The objective of this article is to explore recent and proposed future developments in maternity service provision in Ireland in the context of health policy reform. Ireland is experiencing an unprecedented demand for maternity services with in excess of 75,000 births in 2009, the highest since the 1970s when Ireland experienced a ‘baby boom’. A further 10% rise is projected for 2010. This demographic change has placed increased demands on an already over-stretched maternity service. Despite more than a decade of economic success the health service has remained in constant crisis with many commentators arguing it has worsened rather than improved since the reform process was instigated in 2001 [1].Reform of maternity services has begun and this article presents two case studies to demonstrate the regional variations in maternity provision in a country which has a national health service and a national Maternity and Infant Care Scheme. It shows what developments have occurred and what direction maternity services are likely to go in the next decade. The two regions under scrutiny are the North East Health Services Executive (NEHSE) and the Greater Dublin Area (GDA). The former illustrates important developments which have occurred in the NEHSE as a result of the Maternity Services Task Force (2002–2010) and argues that there are important learning outcomes not only for the GDA which is the subject of the latter case study but also for the development of maternity services nationally.  相似文献   

Although Northern Ireland has high levels of mental health problems, there has been a relative lack of systematic research on mental health services that can provide an evidence base for legal, policy, and service developments. This article aims to provide a review of the central issues relating to mental health service provision in Northern Ireland, and to gather the perceptions of different stakeholders of these services. The study utilised in‐depth qualitative interviews, focus groups, and an online survey to collect data from respondents throughout the region. This method involved the completion of semistructured interviews with significant mental health commissioners and senior managers, and with service‐users and their key workers. Focus groups sessions were also completed with mental health professionals, service‐users, and carers. Data collection occurred between December 2014 and June 2015. Thematic analysis was used to identify key issues. The findings identified that considerable progress had been made not only in the development of mental health services in the last decade, but also highlighted the significant limitations in current services. Most notably, strengths in provision included the transition from long‐stay hospital care to community‐based services and person‐centred approaches. The researchers identified the need to improve funding, address problems with fragmentation, and gaps in service provision. Based on these findings, the authors consider the implications for practice and policy relating to the human and organisational aspects of service development. In particular, services should be developed focusing on a recovery ethos and on person‐centred and relationship‐based approaches. The needs of carers should additionally be considered and programmes developed to tackle stigma.  相似文献   

The practice of quality assurance is a vital aspect of clinical laboratory work. Much effort has been rightly put in to setting up and running external quality assurance programmes, internal quality assurance and control, gaining accreditation with Clinical Pathology Accreditation (UK) Ltd (CPA) and undertaking clinical audit. The contribution that biomedical scientists can make at all levels to quality assurance is very important, because a good pathology service depends on teamwork. The attitude of each individual member of staff can therefore affect the quality the of a laboratory's output.  相似文献   

Medical errors cause significant patient injuries, including deaths. Innovations designed to improve quality and reduce risk are numerous, as are the barriers that prevent innovation implementation. The purpose of this research was to analyze the relationships, if any, between the independent variables of hospital bed size and organizational structure, and the dependent variable barriers to three innovations: implementing a surgical safety checklist, preventing catheter-associated urinary tract infections, and adopting patient- and family-centered care. The findings strengthen and expand existing research and serve as the foundation for understanding barriers to implementation of three healthcare innovations. Future research should focus on organizational culture instead of innovation-specific barriers and should incorporate other independent variables, such as organizational profitability.  相似文献   

Primary care psychology services (PCPS) represent an important resource in meeting the various health needs of our communities. This study evaluated the PCPS in a two‐county area within the Republic of Ireland. The objectives were to (i) examine the viewpoints of the service for both psychologists and stakeholders (healthcare professionals only) and (ii) examine the enactment of the stepped care model of service provision. Separate surveys were sent to primary care psychologists (n = 8), general practitioners (GPs; n = 69) and other stakeholders in the two counties. GPs and stakeholders were required to rate the current PCPS. The GP survey specifically examined referrals to the PCPS and service configuration, while the stakeholder survey also requested suggestions for future service provision. Psychologists were required to provide information regarding their workload, time spent on certain tasks and productivity ideas. Referral numbers, waiting lists and waiting times were also obtained. All 8 psychologists, 23 GPs (33% response rate) and 37 stakeholders (unknown response rate) responded. GPs and stakeholders reported access to the PCPS as a primary concern, with waiting times of up to 80 weeks in some areas. Service provision to children and adults was uneven between counties. A stepped care model of service provision was not observed. Access can be improved by further implementation of a stepped care service, developing a high‐throughput service for adults (based on a stepped care model), and employing a single waiting list for each county to ensure equal access.  相似文献   

The analysis used the 2013 Survey of Income and Living Conditions to examine the extent and causes of unmet need for healthcare services in Ireland. The analysis found that almost four per cent of participants reported an unmet need for medical care. Overall, lower income groups, those with poorer health status and those without free primary care and/or private insurance were more likely to report an unmet healthcare need. The impact of income on the likelihood of reporting an unmet need was particularly strong for those without free primary care and/or private insurance, suggesting a role for the health system in eradicating income based inequalities in unmet need. Factors associated with the healthcare system – cost and waiting lists – accounted for the majority of unmet needs. Those with largely free public healthcare entitlement were more likely than all other eligibility categories to report that their unmet need was due to waiting lists (rather than cost). While not possible to explicitly examine in this analysis, it is probable that unmet need due to cost is picking up on the relatively high out-of-pocket payments for primary care for those who must pay for GP visits; while unmet need due to waiting is identifying the relatively long waiting times within the acute hospital sector for those within the public system.  相似文献   

In 1999, the Canadian Perinatal Surveillance System of Health Canada decided to undertake a national survey of Canadian women's experiences of their pregnancy, birth and postpartum care. The challenges encountered in selecting a representative sampling frame and developing a sound methodology for conducting a survey of Canadian women at six months after birth are addressed. We considered the advantages and disadvantages of six different sampling options. A sample based on the Census emerged as the optimal approach for providing the most reliable and representative sample.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To examine the characteristics of alcohol and other drug (AOD) specialist treatment agencies, their workforce and workforce development issues. METHODS: A national survey of AOD specialist treatment agency managers was conducted using the Clients of Treatment Service Agencies (COTSA) database as the sampling framework. Agency managers across Australia were surveyed by phone or electronically between April and October 2002. Qualitative and quantitative data were collected. Two hundred and thirty-four managers participated, representing 318 agencies, and a response rate of 65%. More than 50% of managers from each State and Territory participated in the study. RESULTS: The study found a high prevalence of alcohol-related problems. Managers estimated 45% of clients nominated alcohol as their primary problematic drug and that 53% of poly-drug clients identified alcohol-related problems. Managers reported increasingly complex client needs such as co-occurring substance and mental health issues. A harm minimisation treatment approach was supported by more than three-quarters of AOD agencies. The majority of the AOD workforce were trained professionals and consisted of nurses (26%), general AOD workers (19%) and psychologists (9%). Approximately half the sample had been in their current managerial role for less than five years. Key workforce development issues identified were education and training, funding, and staff recruitment and retention. CONCLUSION: More information is required on the key characteristics of the AOD workforce and their workforce development needs. Such information can contribute to policies and strategies that develop the capacity of the AOD sector to manage and treat the increasingly complex needs of clients.  相似文献   

Objective : To examine the characteristics of alcohol and other drug (AOD) specialist treatment agencies, their workforce and workforce development issues.
Methods : A national survey of AOD specialist treatment agency managers was conducted using the Clients of Treatment Service Agencies (COTSA) database as the sampling framework. Agency managers across Australia were surveyed by phone or electronically between April and October 2002. Qualitative and quantitative data were collected. Two hundred and thirty-four managers participated, representing 318 agencies, and a response rate of 65%. More than 50% of managers from each State and Territory participated in the study.
Results : The study found a high prevalence of alcohol-related problems. Managers estimated 45% of clients nominated alcohol as their primary problematic drug and that 53% of poly-drug clients identified alcohol-related problems. Managers reported increasingly complex client needs such as co-occurring substance and mental health issues. A harm minimisation treatment approach was supported by more than three-quarters of AOD agencies. The majority of the AOD workforce were trained professionals and consisted of nurses (26%), general AOD workers (19%) and psychologists (9%). Approximately half the sample had been in their current managerial role for less than five years. Key workforce development issues identified were education and training, funding, and staff recruitment and retention.
Conclusion : More information is required on the key characteristics of the AOD workforce and their workforce development needs. Such information can contribute to policies and strategies that develop the capacity of the AOD sector to manage and treat the increasingly complex needs of clients.  相似文献   

Healthcare systems in developed countries are facing the challenge of dealing with changing social structures as a result of rapidly aging populations. This study examines the relationship among the geographical distribution of healthcare resources, healthcare service provision, and interregional patient flow in Japan. A cross-sectional study was performed using data from healthcare-related public surveys conducted in 2008, together with social, economic, and environmental variables. The geographical units of analysis were 348 Secondary Healthcare Service Areas, which provide and manage most healthcare services in Japan. The equity of the distribution of physicians among hospitals and clinics was evaluated using the Lorenz curve and the Gini coefficient. Multiple regression analysis was used to examine the relationships between the inpatient flow ratio and selected variables. Next, the 348 Secondary Healthcare Service Areas were divided into tertiles according to the inpatient flow ratio, and differences among these variables were examined using Bonferroni's correction for multiple comparisons. The Gini coefficient for physician distribution among hospitals was 0.209 and was 0.165 among clinics. Multiple regression analysis showed that hospital physician density, the elderly ratio, and hospital bed density were all correlated with the inpatient flow ratio (β = 0.396, −0.576, 0.425, respectively; R2 = 0.622, all ps < 0.001). Healthcare resources were significantly more scarce in the lowest tertile (outflow group) than in other groups in both hospitals and clinics. The provision of healthcare services was also imbalanced among tertiles. Our results imply that there is a need for reconstituting the geographical distribution of healthcare resources in Japan. Further research and healthcare-related databases are also needed to facilitate the creation of a more balanced geographical distribution and of a more effective healthcare system in Japan.  相似文献   

As part of a project to examine health care ethics consultation in Canada, we surveyed individuals who were considered by themselves or others to play a significant role in health care ethics consultation. Since one goal of the project was to examine the education and abilities necessary for consultants, we sought to determine the qualifications and skills currently possessed by persons considered to be ethics consultants. For the purposes of the questionnaire, 'health care ethics consultation' was defined broadly to include consultation on ethical issues in clinical care or in clinical research, ethics consultation to Clinical Ethics Committees, Research Ethics Committees, and policy formulation committees in health care institutions; 'clinical ethics work' was defined more broadly still to include, in addition to the above, ethics education, administration, research and writing on bioethics other than the above, and public speaking. Three hundred and fifty questionnaires were sent to individuals and institutions across Canada that were thought to have some involvement in health care ethics consultation. Two hundred and fifty-three questionnaires were returned for a response rate of 72%. This report presents initial findings of the study and attempts to provide a comprehensive overview of the current state of ethics consultation within Canada. The survey examines demographics, educational background, time spent on ethics, institutional affiliations, approaches to the role of consultation, research related issues, and attitudes toward certification. Of the 253 questionnaires returned, 162 were completed by individuals who indicated that they provided some kind of ethics consultation. Of these, 43 indicated that they spent 30% or more of their time in clinical ethics work. These individuals are quite heterogeneous in background, training and activities, and while the great majority of them are based in an academic setting (university or teaching hospital), many act as resources to community hospitals, long-term care facilities and other organizations. Finally, the survey found that respondents' views on the advisability of certification for those offering ethics consultation were split evenly between those in favour of and those against certification. This report serves, then, as a reference point for studying the roles, responsibilities, training and accreditation of ethics consultants in health care.  相似文献   

We conducted a national survey of hospitals in the Republic of Ireland to assess their use of telemedicine. Information was sought from 187 hospitals and replies were received from 157, a response rate of 84%. Activity was identified in a total of 40 hospitals (25% of the respondents). The main disciplines using telemedicine were radiology, pathology, neurosurgery, oncology and paediatrics, and the main applications were teleradiology (25 hospitals), videoconferencing (16) and telepathology (5). Dublin, the capital city, was found to act as a centre for telemedicine activity for the whole country. A number of regional networks had developed in the east, but the pattern of development in the west was very different where there were mainly isolated links. One fully operational national network was found but this was only used for consultation in one discipline (neurosurgery). It appears that the development of telemedicine in the Republic of Ireland has been unplanned. A national telemedicine strategy might lead to an integrated national network in the future, which could help to provide more equitable access to health care.  相似文献   

Using nationally representative sample survey data collected in 1986, this study evaluates the training and service programs for menstrual regulation (MR), and estimates the number of MR procedures performed during 1986, in Bangladesh. The results show that most of the MR providers, who received either formal or informal training, were physicians and family welfare visitors (paramedics) employed by the government. They were trained in various aspects of MR performance, including contraindications and complications associated with MR, the techniques of MR performance and follow-up procedures, and maintenance and sterilization of MR equipment. Averages of 20.5 and 13.0 MR procedures were performed by formally and informally trained physicians, respectively, in the three-month period preceding the date of interview. The corresponding average numbers for formally and informally trained family welfare visitors were 11.6 and 9.1, respectively. A total of 241,442 MR cases were estimated to have been performed between August 1985 and July 1986.  相似文献   

Ireland is still struggling to end the inequitable two-tiered health system and introduce universal healthcare (UHC). Public opinion can influence health policy choice and implementation. However, the public are rarely asked for their views. This study describes the demographic and attitudinal factors that influence the support of the public for the introduction of UHC. It provides data on a nationally representative survey sample of n = 972. There are high levels of support for the introduction of UHC (n = 846 87.0%). Logistic regression analyses indicated that demographic factors, such as, the location of respondent, whether the respondent was in receipt of Government supported healthcare, a purchaser of private health insurance or neither; plus attitudinal factors, such as, opinions on the Government prioritising healthcare, healthcare being free at the point of access, taxes being increased to provide care free at the point of access and how well informed participants felt about UHC were associated with agreeing with the introduction of UHC in Ireland. This paper is timely for policy leaders both in Ireland and internationally as countries with UHC, such as the United Kingdom, are facing difficulties maintaining health services in the public realm.  相似文献   

The number of private healthcare facilities has rapidly increased since the progressive open market policies, which began in the 1980s; however, little is known about the development of private emergency departments (EDs). This cross-sectional study was part of the National Control Information System (NCIS) project, which collects data annually from hospitals across China. Emergency services data were extracted and included location, infrastructure, human resources, beds, and number of patients; 4529 hospitals across 31 provinces in mainland China were eventually included, consisting of 988 private and 3541 public EDs. Evidence shows that most private EDs are located in central China, where local economies are relatively developed. Most private EDs (91.6%) are found in secondary hospitals but have significantly fewer beds and smaller workforces compared with public EDs. An imbalance of emergency medical resources was observed across China, and this disparity becomes even more profound in rural hospitals. These findings may initiate collaborative, public-private partnerships in emergency health services provision and suggest there is a need to offer tax breaks to incentivize investors, but further research is required. We may also need to rethink health insurance policies, which could enable more equitable access to private emergency care. Future planning and health policies must be based upon the strongest available evidence, if we are to address imbalanced health services distribution and growing demand.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Nutrition interventions improve morbidity, mortality and length of stay in the critically ill. Dietitians play a central role in facilitating these interventions. However, data regarding the current level and adequacy of dietetic service provision to critical care in the UK is lacking. This study aimed to clarify current service trends in Northern England for critical care, in relation to dietetic funding, grading and activity characteristics and comparisons with nationally recognized standards of care. METHODS: A work profile questionnaire was sent to 53 dietitians in Northern England. Data was collected on funding, activity patterns, organization of nutrition support, pay banding/grade and arrangements for cover during absence. RESULTS: The response rate was 66% (35/53). Thirty-three hospitals were represented. No critical care centre funding or actual activity achieved national guidance for funded dietetic full-time equivalents (FTE). Total sample deficit for funding against recommendations was 32.9 FTE. Staff pay bands/grades were inconsistent. Routine patient review occurred on a daily basis by 31% dietitians and 23% were members of a nutrition support team. Cover during absence was limited or provided by a dietitian at a lower staff grade in 67% of centres. CONCLUSIONS: Serious deficiencies exist in dietetic services to critical care in the sample studied. Further work is now required to identify inter-regional and national trends and to define appropriate dietetic job profiles for critical care.  相似文献   

Most people with acute gastroenteritis do not seek medical care and are therefore not captured by routine surveillance. For this reason, population-based studies are needed to measure the burden of illness. A study of acute gastroenteritis in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland surveyed 9,903 people by telephone over the 12-month period from December 2000 to November 2001. The rate of acute gastroenteritis was 0.60 episodes per person per year. A general practitioner was consulted by 29.2% of those reporting illness, and 2.0% submitted a stool sample. The use of antibiotics was reported by 7.4% of ill respondents and 14.8% took anti-diarrhoeals. Taking days off work due to illness, was reported by 17.4% of respondents. Acute gastroenteritis causes a large amount of illness in the community. There are established and effective measures to prevent this condition and the challenge is to find new ways of promoting these precautions.  相似文献   



Poor contraception adherence contributes to unintended pregnancy. Intrauterine contraception (IUC) is user-independent thus adherence is not an issue, yet few US women use IUC. We compared family physicians (FPs) who do and do not insert IUC in order to ascertain determinants of inserting IUC.

Study design

We surveyed 3500 US FPs. The primary outcome variable was whether a physician inserts IUC in their current clinical practice. We also sought to describe their clinical practice with IUC insertions.


FPs who insert IUC had better knowledge about IUC (adjusted OR 1.85, 95% CI 1.32–2.60), more comfort discussing IUC (adjusted OR 2.35, 95% CI 1.30–4.27), and were more likely to believe their patients are receptive to discussing IUC (adjusted OR 2.96, 95% CI 2.03–4.32). The more IUC inserted during residency, the more likely to insert currently (adjusted OR 1.44, 95% CI 1.12–1.84). Only 24% of respondents inserted IUC in the prior 12 months.


US FPs have training and knowledge gaps, as well as attitudes, that result in missed opportunities to discuss and provide IUC for all eligible patients.  相似文献   

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