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了解南京市高校学生食品安全防范知识行为现状,为促进大学生食品安全行为的形成提供依据.方法 随机整群抽取南京某高校881名在校大学生,采用匿名问卷调查方法,对食品安全防范知识、食品购买和消费行为进行调查,并检验认知与行为之间的协调性.结果 认为街头食品不安全的学生中,仍有相当比例经常在外购买食品(57.1%)或用餐(92.0%);男生在摊点购买食品、小餐馆用餐的比例明显高于女生,在小摊处用餐的比例明显低于女生,差异均有统计学意义(P值均<0.05).认为油炸食品不安全的学生中,有相当部分的学生经常购买油条(17.7%)、薯片(29.1%)和方便面(42.7%),男生高于女生,差异均有统计学意义(P值均<0.05).男生用餐考虑安全的比例(70.0%)高于女生(62.0%),差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).认为食品久存不安全的学生中,一次性大量购买食品的比例也较高(60.9%),且57.1%的学生放置食品3d以上.结论 大学生食品安全防范知识行为不能很好地协调,会出现与认知相反的行为.  相似文献   

Abstract  This paper provides an analysis of nursing as a knowledgeable discipline. We examined ways in which knowledge operates in the practice of home care nursing and explored how knowledge might be fruitfully understood within the ambiguous spaces and competing temporalities characterizing contemporary healthcare services. Two popular metaphors of knowledge in nursing practice were identified and critically examined; evidence-based practice and the nurse as an intuitive worker . Pointing to faults in these conceptualizations, we suggest a different way of conceptualizing the relationship between knowledge and practice, namely practice as being activated by contextualized knowledge. This conceptualization is captured in an understanding of the intelligent creation of context by the nurse for nursing practice to be ethical and effective.  相似文献   

In 2000 the American Institute of Medicine, adviser to the federal government on policy matters relating to the health of the public, published the report To Err is Human: Building a Safer Health System, which was to become a call to arms for improving patient safety across the Western world. By re-conceiving healthcare as a system, it was argued that it was possible to transform the current culture of blame, which made individuals take defensive precautions against being assigned responsibility for error - notably by not reporting adverse events, into a culture of safety. The IOM report draws on several prominent social scientists in accomplishing this re-conceptualisation. But the analyses of these authors are not immediately relevant for health policy. It requires knowledge translation to make them so. This paper analyses the process of translation. The discussion is especially pertinent due to a certain looping effect between social science research and policy concerns. The case here presented is thus doubly illustrative: exemplifying first how social science is translated into health policy and secondly how the transformation required for this to function is taken as an analytical improvement that can in turn be redeployed in social research.  相似文献   

In this study, 342 grade 4-6 elementary school students in Gyeonggi-do were recruited to determine their readiness to change food safety behavior and to compare their food safety knowledge and practices by the stages of change. The subjects were divided into three stages of change; the percentage of stage 1 (precontemplation) was 10.1%, the percentage of stage 2 (contemplation and preparation) was 62.4%, and that of stage 3 (action and maintenance) was 27.5%. Food safety knowledge scores in stage 3 (4.55) or stage 2 (4.50) children were significantly higher than those in stage 1 children (4.17) (P < 0.05). The two food safety behavior items "hand washing practice" and "avoidance of harmful food" were significantly different among the three groups (P < 0.05). Stages of change were significantly and positively correlated with food safety knowledge and practice. Age was significantly and negatively correlated with the total food safety behavior score (r = -0.142, P < 0.05). The most influential factor on the stage of change was a mother''s instruction about food safety (P < 0.01).  相似文献   

理论知识与实践知识是互相依存的关系,但护理学工作者以往在检索理论知识或实践知识时,由于受到检索途径等条件的制约,得到的结果往往是孤立的,即理论知识与实践知识相互脱节。为了有效解决这一问题,通过对网络上护理学资源的合理组织,在此基础上构建映射分析器进行知识链接,可以将护理学理论知识与对应的实践知识有机联系在一起,为用户提供一个立体、全面的知识检索途径。  相似文献   

Knowledge translation has been widely taken up as an innovative process to facilitate the uptake of research‐derived knowledge into health care services. Drawing on a recent research project, we engage in a philosophic examination of how knowledge translation might serve as vehicle for the transfer of critically oriented knowledge regarding social justice, health inequities, and cultural safety into clinical practice. Through an explication of what might be considered disparate traditions (those of critical inquiry and knowledge translation), we identify compatibilities and discrepancies both within the critical tradition, and between critical inquiry and knowledge translation. The ontological and epistemological origins of the knowledge to be translated carry implications for the synthesis and translation phases of knowledge translation. In our case, the studies we synthesized were informed by various critical perspectives and hence we needed to reconcile differences that exist within the critical tradition. A review of the history of critical inquiry served to articulate the nature of these differences while identifying common purposes around which to strategically coalesce. Other challenges arise when knowledge translation and critical inquiry are brought together. Critique is one of the hallmark methods of critical inquiry and, yet, the engagement required for knowledge translation between researchers and health care administrators, practitioners, and other stakeholders makes an antagonistic stance of critique problematic. While knowledge translation offers expanded views of evidence and the complex processes of knowledge exchange, we have been alerted to the continual pull toward epistemologies and methods reminiscent of the positivist paradigm by their instrumental views of knowledge and assumptions of objectivity and political neutrality. These types of tensions have been productive for us as a research team in prompting a critical reconceptualization of knowledge translation.  相似文献   

护理实践教学理念与构建   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的:提出护理实践教育的理念,探求适合我国护理实践教学的模式,构建护理实践教学的理论框架.护理实践教育理念:以学生为主体,传授知识与发展能力并重,加强素质教育.教学以"整体人的健康"为中心,创建教学模式,拓展教学内容,加强人文学科的教学,强化法律知识的学习,同时重视能力培养,对不同教育层次的学生实行分层次教学,因时、因地采用不同的教学方法,另外丰富教学方法,培养学生创造性思维和运用护理程序独立解决问题的能力.强化岗前教育,专业思想、专业知识教育,法律教育,人性化护理与护理礼仪等.重视师资队伍建设,强调教师资质,注重教师的知识、能力、情感与态度;规范教师培训,构建科学教学评价体系,并建立高校的护理实践教学管理体系.  相似文献   

Critical care nutrition guidelines have been developed to help busy practitioners decide how to feed their critically ill patients. However, despite the publication of guidelines and efforts to disseminate and implement them, there are large gaps between what the recommendations say and what is happening at the bedside. Consequently, the nutrition therapy received by many patients remains suboptimal. Knowledge translation is a term increasingly used in healthcare to describe the process of moving evidence learned from clinical research and summarized in clinical practice guidelines to incorporation into clinical and policy decision making. In this article, knowledge about the implementation of critical care nutrition guidelines is applied to Graham et al's knowledge-to-action model to illuminate the issues pertinent to knowledge translation in critical care nutrition. This model has 2 components: knowledge creation and action. The action component consists of 8 phases of the action cycle that represent activities needed to move knowledge into practice and are derived from planned-action theory. Components of this model are illustrated via empirically derived research, commentaries, and published studies from the field of critical care nutrition. It is hoped that this article and related articles in this issue of JPEN will help critical care nutrition practitioners to better understand the often complex and convoluted road of translating knowledge into practice so that as a community we are no longer "lost" but have direction that can bring about positive changes in nutrition practice.  相似文献   

Reflective practice is one of the most popular theories of professional knowledge in the last 20 years and has been widely adopted by nursing, health, and social care professions. The term was coined by Donald Schön in his influential books The Reflective Practitioner, and Educating the Reflective Practitioner, and has garnered the unprecedented attention of theorists and practitioners of professional education and practice. Reflective practice has been integrated into professional preparatory programmes, continuing education programmes, and by the regulatory bodies of a wide range of health and social care professions. Yet, despite its popularity and widespread adoption, a problem frequently raised in the literature concerns the lack of conceptual clarity surrounding the term reflective practice. This paper seeks to respond to this problem by offering an analysis of the epistemology of reflective practice as revealed through a critical examination of philosophical influences within the theory. The aim is to discern philosophical underpinnings of reflective practice in order to advance increasingly coherent interpretations, and to consider the implications for conceptions of professional knowledge in professional life. The paper briefly examines major philosophical underpinnings in reflective practice to explicate central themes that inform the epistemological assumptions of the theory. The study draws on the work of Donald Schön, and on texts from four philosophers: John Dewey, Nelson Goodman, Michael Polanyi, and Gilbert Ryle. Five central epistemological themes in reflective practice are illuminated: (1) a broad critique of technical rationality; (2) professional practice knowledge as artistry; (3) constructivist assumptions in the theory; (4) the significance of tacit knowledge for professional practice knowledge; and (5) overcoming mind body dualism to recognize the knowledge revealed in intelligent action. The paper reveals that the theory of reflective practice is concerned with deep epistemological questions of significance to conceptions of knowledge in health and social care professions.  相似文献   

  目的  了解重庆市高职院校护生患者安全知信行现状及其影响因素,为高职院校今后开展患者安全教育提供参考依据。  方法  于2018年11月 — 2019年4月采用整群抽样方法在重庆市抽取3所高职院校共846名2019年应届毕业护生进行问卷调查。  结果  重庆市高职院校护生患者安全知信行调查问卷总分为(103.87 ± 9.12)分,其中安全知识得分为(30.65 ± 2.75)分,安全态度得分为(38.46 ± 4.36)分,安全行为得分为(34.76 ± 4.18)分;多元线性逐步回归分析结果显示,参加实习和参加过患者安全培训课程重庆市高职院校护生的患者安全知信行均较好。  结论  重庆市高职院校护生的患者安全知信行均处于中等水平,是否实习和是否参加过患者安全培训课程是其患者安全知信行的主要影响因素。  相似文献   

护生临床实习中潜在的护理安全问题及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
临床实习是护生在校学习的最关键的一年,也是职业生涯的开始,由于学校、医院、护生等方面的因素,导致护生在临床实习过程中存在多种护理安全隐患。文章通过对存在隐患的相关因素进行分析和阐述,并提出建议性对策,以减少或避免由护生引发的不安全问题。  相似文献   

This study explored tacit knowledge based on an expert nurse's practice who cares for stroke patients by using the hermeneutic phenomenological approach. The participant (‘Ms. A’) was a nursing researcher and college faculty member involved in the education of advanced practice nurses; her specialty was stroke rehabilitation nursing. She was asked to describe the meaning and value she gained from her memorable nursing experiences. Four interviews—approximately 1 h each—were conducted, and the associated data were interpreted together with the participant based on the method of interpretive circulation. Notably, the analysis was ended when a fusion of horizons was recognized. The participant recalled her nursing experiences based on six model cases. During the analysis, the following five elements were extracted: [belief in the ability of vulnerable people to survive]; [being together]; [respect for human dignity]; [preparedness to respond to and bear suffering together]; and [theoretical knowledge base approaches true understanding of patient experience]. Further, the nursing model—the Roy Adaptation Model—utilized by Ms. A in the process of recognizing humans as whole beings was deeply interpreted and implemented as a guideline for her implicit advanced practice. Moreover, her deep understanding and utilization of theoretical knowledge base also built the foundation for her implicit advanced practice. In conclusion, Ms. A's tacit knowledge and the elements support the process of tacit knowledge acquisition. Her narratives, hermeneutic attitude as an interpreter, and learning attitude throughout interaction with others will strongly help her knowledge development. We intend to continue the study with multiple participants and explore the structure of tacit knowledge possessed by advanced practitioners. Future endeavours will include the development of a tacit knowledge learning strategy.  相似文献   

目的:调查农村居民营养知识、态度及行为现状,为提出切实可行的营养教育方案提供科学依据。方法:抽取某地农村387名18~60岁农民,进行面对面问卷调查,并对结果进行统计分析。结果:调查对象《中国居民膳食宝塔》知晓率为17.0%,对蔬菜水果、脂肪、肥肉、乳制品、豆制品营养价值的知晓率较高,对主食、多品种摄入食物等知识知晓率较低。农村居民的学习营养知识及应用态度较为积极,营养行为整体较差,各品种食物食用频次较低。结论:农村居民营养知识水平整体较低,对营养知识态度较为积极,营养行为较不合理。应针对农村居民特点制订营养教育方案,纠正农村居民膳食品种偏少、食用频次偏低的状况。  相似文献   

目的;探讨应用ABC时间管理方法在护生临床实习带教中的效果。方法;选择在昆明医学院第一附属医院实习的2003级5年制本科护生112人,随机分为实验组和对照组,实验组56人、对照组56人。对照组采用常规方法带教,实验组采用常规带教加上ABC时间管理方法,在实习结束前进行出科理论、操作和护理文件书写考核。结果:实验组的理论、操作考核成绩和护理文件书写质量得分均高于对照组,差异有统计学意义。结论;ABC时间管理方法在护生临床实习带教中应用,有利于护生获得理论知识与临床实践的统一.取得较好的实习效果和质量。  相似文献   

北京市某大专院校学生营养知识、态度及饮食行为调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的了解大专院校学生营养知识、态度与饮食行为现况及其关系,为培养健康饮食行为和营养健康教育提供科学依据。方法采用整群抽样的方法,对北京市某大专院校745名学生进行营养知识-态度-行为的问卷调查。结果学生营养知识知晓率为66.7%,女生知晓率高于男生,营养素相关知识比较欠缺;2/3的学生对营养知识感兴趣;40.4%的学生不吃或很少吃早餐,分别有27.4%经常吃熏烤食物、经常(或每天)吃零食;女生比男生具有更为正确和健康的营养态度和饮食行为。结论大专院校学生营养知识不足,存在不利于健康的营养态度及饮食行为,需要通过营养健康教育,提高营养认知水平,培养良好的饮食行为。  相似文献   

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