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[目的]探讨幼儿感觉统合失调与气质的关系并提出干预措施.[方法]从成都市一级幼儿园中用整群抽样的方法随机抽取两个幼儿园,对园内193名儿童进行感觉统合能力和气质的评定.采用carey<3~7岁儿童气质量表>测查儿童气质,<儿童感觉统合评定量表>测试儿童感觉统合能力.[结果]不同气质类型儿童中感觉统合正常和失调构成有统计学差异.在易养型儿童中,感觉统合正常的儿童所占的比例最大.在启动缓慢型儿童和难养型儿童中,有感觉统合失调的儿童比例较大.感觉统合失调儿童在活动水平、趋避性、适应度、情绪本质、坚持度五个维度上与正常儿童差异有统计学意义.不同气质类型儿童在前庭失衡、学习能力发展不足两个能区的差异无统计学意义;在触一觉功能不良、本体感失调两个能区上差异有统计学意义.[结论]幼儿感觉统合失调与气质特点有关,应针对不同的气质特点采取不同的抚养和教育方式,预防感觉统合失调和行为问题的发生.  相似文献   

《Nutrition reviews》1988,46(3):120-121
A prospective study demonstrates the frequency of adverse reactions to food, their transient nature, and the infrequency of their relationship to true hypersensitivity.  相似文献   

目的 通过对51例学习困难的儿童在感觉统合方面进行了强化训练,以研究探索儿童学习困难的有效治疗措施,并对训练结果 进行讨论.方法 依据陈文德<学习困难儿童指导手册·感觉统合积极疗法>对该组儿童制订循序渐进的方案,通过特殊研制的器材,以游戏的形式对儿童进行一系列的行为和脑力活动强化训练[1].结果 训练后51例儿童通过临床综合评估总有效率为情绪稳定90.10%、注意力改善88.23%、学习成绩改善84.31%、运动协调96.07%、主动性增加68.62%.结论 学习困难儿童感觉统合训练治疗有效,寓训于乐、寓教于乐,儿童易接受,且无任何副作用,利于推广应用.  相似文献   

Summary A range of methods has been developed, which can be used both to investigate the course of normal visual development and to assess clinical vision problems in infants. The behavioural 'preferential looking' method has been used to test acuity and contrast sensitivity in infants aged between 1–6 months and shows a rapid improvement in acuity (from 6/180 to 6/60) between I and 3 months. We have made monocular assessments and found, in most infants, similar acuity for each eye but somewhat better binocular acuity. A tracking test is under development for measurements in older infants and we have used an operant procedure with 3-year-olds which shows adult acuity at this age, These results have been extended to the newborn by measuring the amplitude of visual evoked potentials to patterned stimuli, indicating an acuity of approximately 6/180. The infants' refractive state has been studied by means of 'photorefraction'. Many infants under 1 year are astigmatic but this has decreased to adult levels of incidence by 2 years. Infants of 6 months and older accurately accommodate over the adult range; younger infants accommodate appropriately for distances closer than 75 cm. Neural development rather than accommodative error appears to be the principal factor in limiting infants' acuity. A development of this technique may provide an effective means of refractive screening in young infants.  相似文献   

Over thirty years ago it was argued that advertising placed women into subordinate roles and that the male voice was authoritative. Studies using detailed content analysis argued that the use of specific production features, activity level and type, voiceover and aggression revealed gender differences and that these had an impact on the child viewer. This study investigates whether gender polarity still exists in advertising for children of primary school age in the UK. We engage in detailed content analysis of 168 television advertisements recorded between December 2006 and August 2007, focusing on production features, activity levels, voiceover, aggression and language used. In addition we draw on interviews with children and parents to argue that advertisements still not only sell children products but also sell them gender ideology.  相似文献   

目的探讨剥夺睡眠对儿童腰椎穿刺术效果评价及术后疼痛的影响。方法选择18岁颅内感染,需要行腰椎穿刺至少2次以上患儿89侧,采取自身对照方法,人院后第1次腰椎穿刺为对照组,第2次复查腰椎穿刺为剥夺睡眠组。对照组进行腰椎穿刺常规护理;剥夺睡眠组在常规护理基础上,腰穿前1天晚上使患儿迟睡,术晨早起,并在上午思睡期进行穿刺。对两组腰椎穿刺使用镇静剂、检查配合、腰椎穿刺后入睡时间、持续睡眠时间及疼痛评分进行比较。结果①剥夺睡眠后,腰椎穿刺术中使用镇静剂的病人较前减少(χ2=11.392,p<0.05)具有统计学意义。②剥夺睡眠缩短腰椎穿刺后患儿入睡时间,对术后持续睡眠时间无影响。③睡眠剥夺对腰椎穿刺术后疼痛评分无明显影响。结论剥夺睡眠可减少镇静剂的使用,增加患儿依从性,临床上值得推广。  相似文献   

学龄前儿童感觉统合失调与神经心理发育的关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]探讨感觉统合失调与学龄前儿童神经心理发育的关系.[方法]采用儿童感觉统合发展评定量表(家长用表)和多功能心理生理能力测试仪对武汉市中心城区5所幼儿园693名学龄前儿童进行感觉统合功能评定和神经心理测试.[结果]感觉统合失调儿童与正常儿童的神经心理测试指标差异有统计学意义.[结论]感觉统合失调儿童在神经心理发育上有不同程度受损.  相似文献   

对100例有新生儿期疾病(缺血缺氧性脑病、颅内出血、高胆红素血症、硬肿症、低血糖,红细胞增多症等)的幼儿进行语言发育评价,并比较其家庭环境因素对语言发育的影响。以100例新生儿期正常的同龄幼儿做对照。发现语言发育迟缓患者10例。9例在观察组,1例在对照组(P<0.01)。表明新生儿期疾病是引起语言发育迟缓的主要危险因素。父母文化水平对幼儿语言发育也有重要影响。  相似文献   

Summary An observational study was made of 1–2-year-old children, and of mentally handicapped children functioning at a similar level, to determine the extent to which they involved themselves in play with toys and other objects and the extent to which their day was 'empty'. Observations of normal children were made in their homes and in day nurseries; observations of mentally handicapped children were made at home, in day care centres (special schools) and in the schools and wards of subnormality hospitals. In no setting were children interacting with adults for more than 20% of their non-routine time. These findings seem to justify concern over independent play with toys and other objects. The handicapped children in all settings had 'emptier' days than the normal children, this being accounted for by greater amounts of inattentive handling of objects and self-stimulation and lesser amounts of social interaction and attentive play. However, attentive play scores for the handicapped children varied markedly with setting. In appropriate circumstances, there can be as much spontaneous contact with objects in handicapped children as in normal children at a similar development level. Despite current concern over the effects of day care on the development of very young children, normal children in day nurseries did not differ from normal children at home, either in attentive play scores or in the proportion of non-routine time spent interacting with adults.  相似文献   

铁强化儿童食品的效果观察   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
<正> 缺铁性贫血是一种影响小儿健康成长的常见病,主要系由体内缺乏铁质,同时缺乏蛋白质,致使血红蛋白生成不足而引起贫血。小儿贫血一般多在六个月以后发病,以1—3岁最多;轻度贫血儿童体征不易察觉,常得不到及时防治而拖延日久,以致发展成中度贫血。因此,这些儿童应列为防治贫血的工作重点。 在婴幼儿的一般食物中的铁,吸收率高的却很少。而小儿生长发育迅速,需铁量较多,婴儿从母体内带来的铁在出生后3—4个月即耗竭,此后,就靠食物(包括母乳)供给铁。在哺乳期,人乳虽含铁量不高,但其吸收率较高,在生后六个月内,由于还有一定量的储存所  相似文献   

我国婴幼儿出生与喂养状况调查研究   总被引:28,自引:1,他引:27  
目的:系统了解、及时掌握我国城乡婴幼儿营养与健康状况的现状、变化趋势及其影响因素,为国家制订相关政策及发展规划提供准确的信息;提高我国婴幼儿的体质及健康水平。方法:采用多阶段分层整群随机抽样方法。为了保证婴幼儿的调查人数,在样本地区适当补充调查人数。调查步骤由询问调查、医学体检、实验室检测和膳食调查四个部分组成。结果:我国婴儿出生体重和身长平均分别为3309g和50.0cm,城市显著高于农村(P<0.001),婴儿低出生体重和巨大儿出生比例以及早产率分别为3.6%、5.3%和12.3%,城乡差别显著(P<0.001);本次调查4个月内婴儿,基本纯母乳喂养率为71.6%,农村显著高于城市(P<0.001)。出生后4个月以内添加辅食的比例累计达到30.4%、4-6个月为57.2%。结论:我国婴幼儿生长发育状况明显改善,新生儿出生后喂养方式仍存在很多不合理现象,随着爱婴医院的创建与完善,我国母乳喂养率有了一定提高,但与提出的目标还有差距。  相似文献   

姜云丽  王彩  赵勇 《现代预防医学》2008,35(10):1930-1931
[目的]对营口市2003~2007小龄组流感监测结果进行分析.[方法]流感病毒分离采用细胞分离:流感病毒亚型鉴定采用红细胞凝集抑制试验.[结果]2003~2007年4月共采集咽拭标本404份,分离到H1N1、H3N2型和B型流感病毒20株,平均分离率为4.95%,优势流行株为H1N1和H3N2亚型毒株,占总分离数的70%.在性别方面,病例样品阳性分离率男孩(6.47%)高于女孩(3.97%),但差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).[结论]2003~2007年营口市流感疫情相对平静,流感病原学监测结果的分析对于了解营口流感流行特点具有重要意义.  相似文献   

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