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Wozniak MA Faragher EB Todd JA Koram KA Riley EM Itzhaki RF 《Journal of medical genetics》2003,40(5):348-351
Outcome of infection varies greatly among people, and in the case of three very different viruses, it is determined by apolipoprotein E (APOE) genotype. APOE might affect outcome of malaria infection also, since apoE protein and the protozoon (like the viruses) share cell entry mediators (heparan sulphate proteoglycans and/or specific apoE receptors). APOE polymorphisms give rise to protein variants that differ in binding strength to these mediators; thus, the extent of competition between apoE and protozoon for cell entry, and hence magnitude of protozoan damage, might depend on apoE isoform. Genotypes of infants infected with malaria were examined. It was found that APOE epsilon 2 homozygotes became infected at an earlier age than those carrying the other genotypes, the difference being statistically significant. Parasite densities, all of which were low, did not differ significantly. This effect, although based on small numbers, suggests that APOE epsilon 2 may be a risk factor for early infection. 相似文献
Elmståhl S Ekström H Galvard H Johnell O Gerhardsson de Verdier M Norjavaara E 《The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology》2003,111(1):91-96
BACKGROUND: During the last decades, there has been increased concern about the association between oral corticosteroid (OC) therapy and osteoporosis. OBJECTIVE: The question currently discussed is whether inhaled corticosteroids (ICs) in recommended doses have any clinically relevant effects on bone mineral density (BMD). METHODS: We compared BMD in postmenopausal women exposed to corticosteroids only in inhaled form (IC group, n = 106) with that in women not exposed to corticosteroids (unexposed group, n = 674). BMD was also studied in 49 women exposed to OCs, intra-articular injections, or both in addition to ICs (OC group). The women were recruited from a population-based prospective cohort study. METHODS: We used a dietary survey, bone density measurement of the forearm, and a health questionnaire including an interview about past and present medication use. RESULTS: Mean BMD did not significantly differ between the IC group (0.434 g/cm2) and the unexposed group (0.429 g/cm2). The mean duration and dose of ICs was 8.2 +/- 5.03 years and 853 microg daily. Within the IC group, BMD stratified for cumulative dose of IC, duration, or current dose greater than or less than 1000 microg did not differ. BMD in the OC group was lower than that in the IC group (0.408 vs 0.434 g/cm2). CONCLUSION: No difference in BMD was noted between the IC group and unexposed control subjects, nor was any dose-response relationship observed between IC therapy and BMD. 相似文献
Dr Julie A. Pasco Margaret J. Henry Geoffrey C. Nicholson Hans G. Schneider Mark A. Kotowicz 《Annals of human biology》2013,40(6):738-745
Background: There is evidence to suggest that β-blockers used in the management of cardiovascular disease may also modulate bone metabolism and reduce bone fragility.Aim: The study aimed to determine the association between β-blocker use, serum markers of bone turnover and bone loss in early postmenopausal women.Subjects and methods: In this observational study, we evaluated β-blocker exposure in association with serum levels of C-telopeptide and bone-specific alkaline phosphatase, and rates of bone loss. β-blocker use, concomitant therapy and lifestyle were documented for 197 women (50–59 years), 175 of whom had changes in whole body bone mineral density monitored over a 2–year period.Results: Twenty-four β-blocker users were identified at baseline. After controlling for concomitant use of hormone therapy, C-telopeptide levels were 6.7% lower among β-blocker users (p?=?0.02). No association was detected between bone-specific alkaline phosphatase and β-blocker use. Analysis of 15 β-blocker users and 152 non-users identified 2 years post-baseline showed that levels of C-telopeptide but not bone-specific alkaline phosphatase were predictors of adjusted rates of bone loss (p?=?0.008 and p>0.05, respectively). Adjusted rates of bone loss were??0.001?±?0.026?g?cm?2 over 2 years for the users and??0.004?±?0.025?g?cm?2 over 2 years for non-users, but this difference was not significant.Conclusion: β-blockers might suppress bone resorption with relative preservation of bone formation. A study with greater power is required to determine whether β-blocker use is associated with lower rates of bone loss.Résumé. Arrière plan: Il semble que les β-bloquants employés pour le traitement des maladies cardiaques, puissant aussi moduler le métabolisme osseux et réduire la fragilité de l'os.But: Cette étude a pour objet de déterminer l'association de l'usage des β-bloquants avec les marqueurs sériques du remplacement osseux et la perte osseuse juste après la ménopause.Sujets et méthodes:.On a évalué l'exposition aux β-bloquants en association avec les niveaux sériques de C-telopeptide et l'alcaline phosphatase osseuse spécifique ainsi qu'avec les taux de perte osseuse. L'utilisation de β-bloquants, la thérapie concomitante et le mode de vie ont été enregistrés pour 197 femmes âgée de 50 à 59 ans, parmi lesquelles 175 ont subi un contrôle suivi des changements de leur densité minérale osseuse totale sur une période de deux ans.Résultats: 34 utilisateurs de β-bloquants ont été identifiés comme base de référence. Après contrôle de l'emploi concomitant d'une thérapie hormonale, les niveaux de C-telopeptides sont de 6,7% plus bas chez les utlilisateurs de β-bloquants (p?=?0,02). On ne trouve pas d'association entre l'alcaline-phosphatase et l'utilisation de β-bloquants. L'analyse de 15 utilisateurs de β-bloquants et de 152 non utilisateurs identifiés deux ans après la base de référence, montre que les niveaux de C-telopeptides mais non pas l'alcaline phosphatase, sont prédicateurs des taux ajustés de perte osseuse (respectivement p?=?0,008 et p?=?0,05)). Les taux ajustés de perte osseuse sur 2 ans sont de??0,001?±?0,026 g/cm?2 pour les utilisateurs et??0,004?±?0,025?g/cm?2 pour les non utilisateurs, mais cette différence n'est pas significative.Conclusion: Les β-bloquants pourraient supprimer la résorption osseuse par une préservation relative de la formation de l'os. Une étude de plus vaste envergure est nécessaire afin de déterminer si les β-bloquants sont associés à des taux plus faibles de perte osseuse.Zusammenfassung. Hintergrund: Es gibt deutliche Hinweise darauf, dass die Einnahme von β-Blockern bei der Behandlung kardiovaskulärer Erkrankungen auch den Knochenstoffwechsel beeinflussen und zu erhöhter Knochenbrüchigkeit führen können.Ziel: Die Studie zielte auf die Bestimmung der Beziehung zwischen Einnahme von β-Blockern, Serummarkern des Knochenumsatzes und Knochenverlusts bei Frauen kurz nach der Menopause.Probanden und Methoden: In dieser Beobachtungsstudie beurteilten wir den Zustand unter Einnahme β-Blockern in Verbindung mit Serumspiegeln von C-Telopeptiden und knochenspezifischer alkalischer Phosphatase, und Knochenabbauraten. Die Einnahme von β-Blockern, Begleittherapie und Lebensumstände wurden bei 197 Frauen (50–59 Jahre) dokumentiert, von denen 175 Veränderungen der Ganzkörperknochendichte über einen Beobachtungszeitraum von 2 Jahren aufwiesen.Ergebnisse: Zu Beginn wurden 24 Patienten identifiziert, die β-Blocker einnahmen. Nach rechnerischem Ausschluss von Effekten, die sich durch begleitende Hormonbehandlung ergeben könnten, zeigten Patienten, die β-Blocker einnahmen, um 6,7% niedrigere C-Telopeptidspiegel (p?=?0,02). Es fand sich keine Beziehung zwischen knochenspezifischer alkalischer Phosphatase und der Einnahme von β-Blockern. Die Analyse von 15 Patienten, die β-Blocker einnahmen, und 152 Personen, die dies über einen Zeitraum von 2 Jahren nach Studienbeginn nicht taten, zeigte, dass C-Telopeptidspiegel, nicht aber die knochenspezifische alkalische Phosphatase ein Kriterium war, um korrigierte Knochenabbauraten vorherzusagen (p?=?0,008, bzw. p?>?0,05). Korrigierte Knochen-abbauraten waren –0,001?±?0,026?g?cm?2 über 2 Jahre für Patienten, die β-Blocker einnahmen, und –0,004?±?0,025?g?cm?2 über 2 Jahre für solche, die keine β-Blocker einnahmen, aber diese Differenz war nicht signifikant.Zusammenfassung: β-Blocker können die Knochenresorption supprimieren, wobei die Knochenformation im Prinzip beibehalten wird. Eine Untersuchung mit größerer power ist notwendig, um zu klären, ob die Einnahme von β-Blockern mit erniedrigten Knochenabbauraten vergesellschaftet ist.Resumen. Antecedentes: Existen evidencias que sugieren que los ß-bloqueantes usados en el tratamiento de la enfermedad cardiovascular también pueden modular el metabolismo óseo y reducir la fragilidad de los huesos.Objetivos: El estudio trata de determinar la asociación entre el uso de ß-bloqueantes, los marcadores séricos de remodelado y la pérdida ósea, en mujeres postmenopaúsicas tempranas.Sujetos y métodos: En este estudio de observación, evaluamos la exposición a ß-bloqueantes en asociación con los niveles séricos del telopéptido C y de la fosfatasa alcalina óseo-específica, y las tasas de pérdida ósea. La utilización de ß-bloqueantes, la terapia concomitante y el estilo de vida se documentaron en 197 mujeres (de 50 a 59 años), 175 de las cuales habían tenido cambios en la densidad mineral ósea de todo el cuerpo monitorizados durante un periodo de 2 años.Resultados: Inicialmente se identificaron veinticuatro usuarias de ß-bloqueantes. Tras controlar el uso conjunto de la terapia hormonal, los niveles del telopéptido C fueron un 6,7% menores entre las usuarias de ß-bloqueantes (p?=?0,2). No se detectó ninguna asociación entre la fosfatasa alcalina óseo-específica y el uso de ß-bloqueantes. El análisis de 15 usuarias de ß-bloqueantes y de 152 no usuarias, identificadas durante 2 años después del inicio, mostró que los niveles del telopéptido C, pero no los de la fosfatasa alcalina óseo-específica, eran predictores de las tasas ajustadas de pérdida ósea (p?=?0,008 y p?>?0,05, respectivamente). Las tasas ajustadas de pérdida ósea fueron de –0,001?±?0,026?g?cm?2 tras 2 años en las usuarias y de –0,004?±?0,025?g?cm?2 tras 2 años en las no usuarias, aunque esta diferencia no fue significativa.Conclusión: Los β-bloqueantes podrían suprimir la resorción del hueso con una relativa preservación de la formación ósea. Se requiere un estudio con mayor potencia para determinar si el uso de ß-bloqueantes está asociado con tasas más bajas de pérdida ósea. 相似文献
Sood S Hanson ED Delmonico MJ Kostek MC Hand BD Roth SM Hurley BF 《European journal of applied physiology》2012,112(2):743-753
The CA-repeat polymorphism in the insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF1) gene promoter region has been associated with strength and circulating IGF-I protein levels. The purpose of the study was
to determine if the IGF1 CA-repeat polymorphism influences muscle power at baseline and in response to ST in older adults. Knee extensor peak power
(PP) was measured at 50, 60, and 70% of 1-RM strength before and after 10 weeks of unilateral knee extensor ST in older adults,
aged 50–85 years, to determine the changes in absolute and relative PP with ST. Subjects (N = 114) were genotyped for the IGF1 CA-repeat polymorphism and grouped as homozygous for the 192 allele, heterozygous, or non-carriers of the 192 allele. The
192 homozygotes had significantly lower baseline PP at 50, 60, and 70% of 1-RM strength than the non-carriers when age, sex,
and baseline fat-free mass were covaried (all P < 0.05). This same relationship was observed when the highest PP within these ranges was compared (e.g., 317.6 ± 13.5 for
192 homozygotes and 380.2 ± 16.3 for non-carriers of the 192 allele, P < 0.05). Both absolute and relative PP increased significantly with ST in all genotype groups as expected, but there were
no significant relationships among IGF1 genotypes and any of the PP changes. Despite a significant relationship between IGF1 genotype and knee extensor peak power at baseline, IGF1 genotype does not appear to influence changes in knee extensor peak power with ST. 相似文献
Isoflavones and postmenopausal bone health: a viable alternative to estrogen therapy? 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
OBJECTIVE: The rapidly growing postmenopausal population in the United States, and this population's high incidence and prevalence of osteoporosis and related morbidity and mortality herald an enormous public health burden for the coming decades. Estrogen replacement has been the mainstay of therapy for the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis in this estrogen-deficient population. However, long-term compliance with estrogen therapy generally is poor, and there are numerous concerns regarding its safety. The phytoestrogens are nonsteroidal plant-derived compounds that exhibit estrogenic activity at several sites. The isoflavones are one class of phytoestrogens derived largely from soy-based products. International popularity for menopausal therapy regimens containing isoflavones is growing rapidly. In this article, we review the existing data on isoflavones and postmenopausal bone health. DESIGN: A review of interventional trials examining isoflavones and bone in animals and humans. RESULTS: The data point to a reduction in bone resorption resulting from isoflavone/ipriflavone intake. CONCLUSIONS: The data on naturally occurring isoflavones are very limited but suggest that including them in the diet results in reduction in bone resorption caused by estrogen deficiency. The extensive data on ipriflavone, a synthetic isoflavone derivative, suggest that it is a useful and safe alternative to estrogen therapy in treating existing low bone mass or osteoporosis in postmenopausal women. Further studies are warranted to examine the utility of ipriflavone as a preventive agent, as well as the clinical efficacy of the naturally occurring isoflavones. 相似文献
OBJECTIVE: We tested whether low SES was associated with reduced central serotonergic responsivity in a community sample of adult men and women and the extent to which standardized measures of aggression and impulsivity mediate the association. METHODS: A total of 270 adults who were enrolled in a clinical trial on the neurobehavioral effects of lipid lowering were given a neuropharmacologic challenge (plasma prolactin response to orally administered fenfluramine) to measure serotonergic responsivity. Measures of family income and educational attainment were standardized and summed to derive an overall index of SES. Scores from the Brown-Goodwin Life History of Aggression interview, the Barratt Impulsiveness Scale, and the Angry Hostility subscale from the NEO Personality Inventory were also standardized and summed to form an aggression/impulsivity score. RESULTS: Low SES was correlated with low prolactin responses to the fenfluramine challenge in the full sample (r = .15) as well as in whites, men, and women evaluated separately. Although the standardized SES score was correlated inversely with aggression/impulsivity measure (r = -.19, p < .01), the association between SES and prolactin responses remained significant when statistical adjustments were made for age, gender, body mass index, and aggression/impulsivity scores. CONCLUSIONS: Blunted serotonergic responsivity is associated with low social class as measured by annual family income and educational attainment. 相似文献
The epsilon 4 allele of apolipoprotein E is a risk factor for Alzheimer's disease, but also a modulator of its clinical picture. In this paper, recent research in neuroimaging of aging and Alzheimer's disease in relation to apolipoprotein E is reviewed, emphasizing the advances but also the controversies. Further, the possible clinicopathological implications of these findings are discussed. 相似文献
Atherosclerosis and osteoporosis appear to be epidemiologically correlated. Most (but not all) animal and clinical studies suggest that osteoprotegerin (OPG) may represent a possible molecular link between bone loss and vascular calcification. The aim of this study was to investigate the association of OPG with bone mineral density (BMD) and vascular plaques, in order to contribute to a better understanding of the link between atherosclerosis and osteoporosis.The study population consisted of 100 consecutive postmenopausal women referred for routine osteoporosis screening. BMD was evaluated by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry.Presence of carotid or femoral plaques was examined by ultrasonography. OPG was measured by enzyme immunoassay.Seventy-two subjects had low bone mass and were categorized as osteopenic (32) or osteoporotic (40). Fifty-two subjects had one or more atherosclerotic plaques at carotid or femoral level. Both lumbar spine and femoral BMD were associated with the number of plaques (r = −0.5370; p < 0.0001, and r = −0.4423; p = 0.0012, respectively), however only spine BMD remained significantly associated with the number of plaques after adjustment. OPG serum values showed a significant association with age (r2 = 0.057; p = 0.042). The association between OPG and the number of plaques was significant only in patients with concomitant involvement of carotid and femoral districts (r2 = 0.758; p < 0.0001). 相似文献
P. Pennisi E. Russo A. Gaudio R. Veca F. D’Amico R.A. Mangiafico M. Laspina G. Tringali S.S. Signorelli C.E. Fiore 《Maturitas》2010
Atherosclerosis and osteoporosis appear to be epidemiologically correlated. Most (but not all) animal and clinical studies suggest that osteoprotegerin (OPG) may represent a possible molecular link between bone loss and vascular calcification. The aim of this study was to investigate the association of OPG with bone mineral density (BMD) and vascular plaques, in order to contribute to a better understanding of the link between atherosclerosis and osteoporosis. 相似文献
Austin John Jeffery Michael N. Pham Todd K. Shackelford Bernhard Fink 《American journal of human biology》2016,28(3):318-329
A given man's phenotype embodies cues of his ancestral ability to effectively defend himself and his kin from harm, to survive adverse conditions, and to acquire status and mating opportunities. In this review, we explore the hypothesis that a man's phenotype also embodies cues to fertility or the probability that an ejaculate will fertilize ova. Female mate choice depends on the ability to discern the quality of a male reproductive partner through his phenotype, and male fertility may be among the traits that females have evolved to detect. A female who selects as mates males that deliver higher quality ejaculates will, on average, be more fecund than her competitors. Data on several non‐human species demonstrate correlations between ejaculate quality and secondary sexual characteristics that inform female mate choice, suggesting that females may select mates in part on the basis of fertility. While the non‐human literature on this topic has advanced, the human literature remains limited in scope and there is no clear consensus on appropriate methodologies or theoretical positions. We provide a comprehensive review and meta‐analysis of this literature, and conclude by proposing solutions to the many issues that impede progress in the field. In the process, we hope to encourage interest and insight from investigators in other areas of human mating and reproductive biology. Am. J. Hum. Biol. 28:318–329, 2016. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. 相似文献
OBJECTIVE: To assess whether osteoporosis education, with and without bone mineral density (BMD) testing, increases the initiation of lifestyle changes and pharmaceutical treatment to prevent osteoporosis. DESIGN: A total of 508 women, aged 54-65, from a large managed care organization who were not on osteoporosis prevention therapy participated in an intervention study. Participants were randomly assigned to either an education class on osteoporosis (n = 301) or education plus BMD (n = 207). A control group of 187 women receiving no intervention were also surveyed to serve as comparison. Group differences and differences based on BMD test result were compared 6 months after education regarding self-reported changes in health behaviors using chi2 tests and logistic regression analyses. RESULTS: Of the 508 intervention participants, 455 (90%) responded to the follow-up survey. Initiation of hormone replacement therapy was reported by 9%, with 5% reporting starting alendronate. More than half reported changes in diet, exercise, or calcium intake. Forty-three percent increased their vitamin D intake. There were no significant group differences in behavior except with regard to pharmaceutical therapy; subjects with education plus BMD were three times more likely than those receiving education only to report starting hormone replacement therapy (p = 0.004). Low BMD scores were associated with increasing vitamin D intake (p = 0.03) and starting medication (p = 0.001). Women in the intervention groups were significantly more likely to report modifying their diet (p < 0.001), calcium (p < 0.01), and vitamin D intake (p < 0.0001) than women in the control group, not exposed to education. CONCLUSION: Education regarding osteoporosis prevention seems to encourage women to make lifestyle changes. The inclusion of BMD testing enhances the likelihood that women will consider pharmaceutical therapy. 相似文献
The skeletal and the immune system are not two independent systems, rather, there are multifaceted and complex interactions between the different cell types of both systems and there are several shared cytokines. As a part of the innate immunity, the complement system was found to be an important link between bone and immunity. Complement proteins appear to be involved in bone development and homeostasis, and specifically influence osteoblast and osteoclast activity. This review describes the complex mutual regulation of the two systems, and indicates some of the negative side effects as a result of inappropriate or excessive complement activation. 相似文献