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<正>前列腺炎(prostatitis)是一个复杂的临床综合征,美国国立卫生研究院(NIH)目前将前列腺炎分为4型:Ⅰ型为急性细菌性前列腺炎,Ⅱ型为慢性细菌性前列腺炎,Ⅲ型为慢性前列腺炎/慢性骨盆疼痛综合症,Ⅳ型为无症状的前列腺炎。其中Ⅲ型慢性前列腺炎/慢性骨盆疼痛综合症(chronic prostatitis,CP/chronicpelvic pain syndrome,CPPS)是50岁以下男性最常见的疾病之一,治疗费用昂贵,治疗效果不佳~([1-4])。它的定义是在排除尿路感染的情况下,持续发生慢性盆腔疼痛或出现前列腺炎症的症状体征3~6个月。CP/CPPS的终生患病率约为2. 2%~8. 2%~([5]),其主要临  相似文献   

慢性前列腺炎/慢性骨盆疼痛综合征治疗新进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
慢性前列腺炎(CP)尤其是慢性前列腺炎/慢性骨盆疼痛综合征(CP/CPPS)(Ⅲ型)的发病机制至今尚不完全清楚,人群发病率可达2.5%~16.0%,为50岁以下男性最常见的泌尿外科疾病。20世纪90年代以来,在美国国立卫生研究院慢性前列腺炎协作研究网(NIH-CPCRN)、国际前列腺炎协作网(IPCN)等国际研究机构的协调下,各国研究者对CP的病因、诊断、治疗等诸方面进行了较以往更大规模的深入研究。CPPS是CP中最常见的也是疗效最差的一种类型,本文综述了近几年来CP/CPPS治疗新进展,探讨了其目前治疗所面临的主要问题及可能的原因,并对CP/CPPS治疗的前景予以展望。  相似文献   

慢性前列腺炎/慢性盆腔疼痛综合征(Chronic Pro-statitis/Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome,CP/CPPS)即美国国立卫生研究院(National Institutes of Health,NIH)分类系统中的Ⅲ型前列腺炎,是泌尿男科门诊最常见的疾病之一,该病在世界范围内发病率...  相似文献   

正前列腺炎(prostatitis)是危害男性健康的常见病、疑难病之一,近一半的男性在其一生中的某个时段都会遭遇到前列腺炎症状的影响,严重的影响了患者的生活质量。依据美国国立卫生研究院(NIH)标准,前列腺炎分为Ⅰ~Ⅳ型,其中Ⅲ型即  相似文献   

慢性前列腺炎/慢性盆腔疼痛综合征(CP/CPPS)作为男性常见的泌尿生殖系统疾病,近年来在物理治疗领域取得了显著的进展。物理治疗以其非侵入性、副作用小、有效性明确、患者依从性高等特点,逐渐成为CP/CPPS治疗的重要手段之一。在慢性前列腺炎的物理治疗中,常用的方法主要包括前列腺按摩、生物反馈治疗、磁疗、超声波及冲击波治疗、热疗、针灸治疗以及电生理治疗等。这些方法通过不同的物理效应而最终达到缓解患者的疼痛和其他不适症状的目的。本文将对这些CP/CPPS的物理治疗方法的最新研究进展进行归纳总结,浅析其作用机制及各自优缺点,以供临床治疗时参考,同时也为研究人员提供新的理念与思路。  相似文献   

目的 探讨治疗慢性前列腺炎/慢性骨盆疼痛综合征的有效治疗方法.方法 采用特拉唑嗪,辅助用药为活血化瘀中药组方治疗慢性前列腺炎/慢性骨盆疼痛综合征126例.结果 126例中治愈82例(65%),好转30例(23.8%),无效14例(11.2%),总有效率为88.8%.结论 特拉唑嗪配合中药治疗慢性前列腺炎/慢性骨盆疼痛综合征临床效果显著.  相似文献   

慢性非细菌性前列腺炎/慢性盆腔疼痛综合征发病机制复杂,目前的研究已经从细胞因子、氧自由基、神经-免疫、神经-精神、神经-肌肉等多个水平上探讨了该疾病的各种可能的发病机制以及相互关系。本文综述近年来的一些研究进展。  相似文献   

目的:通过临床试验的方法,探讨生物反馈和电刺激联合治疗慢性前列腺炎/慢性骨盆疼痛综合征(CP/CPPS)的效果。方法:收集湘雅医院门诊诊断为CP/CPPS符合研究标准患者140例。将患者随机分为对照组、生物反馈组、电刺激组和生物反馈加电刺激组;对照组20例,生物反馈组、电刺激组和生物反馈加电刺激组各40例。采用Laborie-Urostym生物反馈电刺激治疗仪,生物反馈组行生物反馈治疗,电刺激组行电刺激治疗,生物反馈加电刺激组行生物反馈电刺激治疗;每周5次,连续2周;对照组不予上述治疗,随诊1个月。治疗前后进行NIH-CPSI评分以及尿流率检查。结果:生物反馈组、电刺激组和生物反馈加电刺激组治疗后NIH-CPSI疼痛与不适评分、NIH-CPSI排尿症状评分、NIH-CPSI生活质量评分、NIH-CPSI总评分、最大尿流率较治疗前均有显著改善(P<0.05);治疗前各组积分及最大尿流率比较无显著差异(P>0.05);治疗后上述参数生物反馈组、电刺激组比较没有显著差异(P>0.05),生物反馈加电刺激组与生物反馈组、电刺激组比较有显著差异(P<0.05)。而对照组治疗前后的以上各组评分及最大尿流率比较无显著差异(P>0.05)。结论:生物反馈和电刺激治疗能明显改善CP/CPPS患者疼痛与不适症状,排尿症状,提高生活质量,以及提高最大尿流率。生物反馈和电刺激联合治疗CP/CPPS有协同作用。  相似文献   

慢性前列腺炎(CP)是困扰50岁以下中青年男性最常见的泌尿系统疾病。据估计约50%的男性在一生中曾经有过前列腺炎的症状。由于其病因复杂,发病机制不明确,目前尚缺乏有效的治疗办法。2005年12月~2006年11月采用单双日随机、对照、单盲的研究方法,应用中医辨证论治、联合α受体阻滞剂、抗生素治疗CP/CPPS疗效满意,报告如下。  相似文献   

目的系统评价α受体阻滞剂治疗慢性前列腺炎/慢性骨盆疼痛综合征的疗效及安全性。方法计算机检索Cochrane图书馆、PUBMED、EMBASE、中国学术文献总库、中国生物医学文献数据库和中文科技期刊数据库。追查所获资料的参考文献,手检相关文献,截止时间均为2013年7月。文献检索无语种限制。处理组为α受体阻滞剂,对照组为安慰剂或其他治疗措施。对纳入的随机对照试验进行质量评价,运用RevMan4.2软件进行meta分析。以NIH-CPSI、IPSS或PSSI评分为疗效观察的主要指标,通过合并值比较治疗组与对照组的疗效及安全性。结果共纳入13个临床随机对照试验包括1145例患者,其中7篇文献质量评分较高。meta分析结果显示,在改善NIH-CPSI、IPSS、PSSI总分及各部评分等方面,α受体阻滞剂效果优于对照组,二者的差异有统计学意义。亚组分析显示患者能从较长疗程治疗中获得更大的收益。结论α受体阻滞剂能轻度改善慢性前列腺炎/慢性骨盆疼痛综合征患者的NIH-CPSI评分。但由于纳入的研究之间普遍存在着不同程度的异质性,且存在发表偏倚的可能性,故应谨慎看待上述结论,需要更多高质量的前瞻性随机对照试验来进一步证实。  相似文献   

Chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CP/CPPS) is a common condition with a heterogeneous origin that responds best to multimodal therapy. The bioflavonoid quercetin has antioxidant and antiinflammatory effects that have proven useful for treating this condition. Using the clinical phenotype system UPOINT, quercetin can be helpful for those with organ-specific complaints (bladder or prostate) and pelvic floor spasm. This article discusses the current understanding of CP/CPPS and how treatment with quercetin can be used alone or as part of multimodal therapy.  相似文献   

Acupuncture for chronic prostatitis/ chronic pelvic pain syndrome   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CP/ CPPS) is prevalent in urological practice and has a significant impact on quality of life. Standard therapies often fail to achieve sustainable amelioration of symptoms. This article attempts to show that neuromodulatory treatment in the form of electroacupuncture can be a minimally invasive and effective treatment for CP/CPPS that is refractory to standard therapies. This neuromodulatory therapy lends support to the hypothesis that the end stage of CP/CPPS may be a neuropathic pain syndrome.  相似文献   

In the 20th century, the term "prostatitis" traditionally referred to inflammation in the prostate, often attributed to infection. Prostatitis in this century usually refers to a chronic pain syndrome for which the presence of inflammation and involvement of the prostate are not always certain. This article discusses chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome and the various factors associated with diagnosis and treatment.  相似文献   

Multimodal therapy for chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Category III chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome is a syndrome rather than a specific disease and the cause can be multifactorial. In clinical practice, monotherapy often has proven ineffective. Multimodal therapy, which sequentially or simultaneously can address infection, inflammation, and neuromuscular spasm appears to have the greatest potential for symptom improvement, especially in patients with longstanding symptoms.  相似文献   

Mechanisms in prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  
PURPOSE: We reviewed the current literature on mechanisms involved in the pathogenesis of prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CPPS). MATERIALS AND METHODS: A literature review for the years 1966 to 2003 was performed using the MEDLINE database of the United States National Library of Medicine. RESULTS: National Institutes of Health categories I and II prostatitis result from identifiable prostatic infections, whereas patients with category IV are asymptomatic. The majority of symptomatic cases are category III or chronic prostatitis (CP)/CPPS. The etiology of CP/CPPS is unknown. The traditional marker of inflammation, namely white blood cells in prostatic fluids, does not correlate with the predominant symptom of pelvic pain. An imbalance toward increased proinflammatory and decreased anti-inflammatory cytokines has been implicated and a few studies have shown some correlation of this with pelvic pain. The imbalance in some men may result from polymorphisms at the cytokine loci. An autoimmune process may be involved and experimental evidence indicates that this can be under hormonal influence. Recent findings include possible defects in the androgen receptor. The prostate may not even be the source of the symptoms. Pelvic pain also correlates with the neurotrophin nerve growth factor implicated in neurogenic inflammation and central sensitization. Finally, psychological stress may produce measurable biochemical changes and influence the other processes. The role of normal prostatic bacterial flora in inciting the inflammatory response has also been reconsidered. CONCLUSIONS: The symptoms of CP/CPPS appear to result from an interplay between psychological factors and dysfunction in the immune, neurological and endocrine systems.  相似文献   

Therapeutic options for chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome continues to pose a treatment challenge for urologists. Most commonly prescribed medications, such as antibiotics, α-blockers, androgen inhibitors, and anti-inflammatory agents, have been shown to help some patients. However, the efficacy and durability of such treatments lack consistency among men suffering from this disorder. The rationale for such treatments is described in this article, along with possible explanations for the apparent shortcomings. Also included is a brief summary of alternative therapies, which are growing in popularity among patients and gaining acceptance in our medical communities.  相似文献   

Chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CP/CPPS), or NIH category III prostatitis, is a common clinical syndrome characterized by genital/pelvic pain and lower urinary tract symptoms in the absence of urinary tract infection. There is also growing recognition of the association of sexual dysfunction with CP/CPPS including erectile dysfunction, ejaculatory pain, and premature ejaculation. In this review, we discuss the association between CP/CPPS and sexual dysfunction, potential mechanisms for sexual dysfunction, and treatment strategies for erectile dysfunction in CP/CPPS.  相似文献   

Controversies in chronic abacterial prostatitis/pelvic pain syndrome   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Chronic abacterial prostatitis (or prostatitis Category III according to the National Institutes of Health terminology) is subject to re-evaluation. Organizations such as the International Continence Society, the International Association for the Study of Pain and the European Association of Urology have been involved in a continuous endeavour to design a more accurate taxonomy system. The term prostate pain syndrome (PPS), as a subcategory of chronic pelvic pain syndromes, has recently been suggested as the most relevant. This condition is common, very bothersome and enigmatic. Symptoms are usually prolonged and, generally speaking, treatment results are unsatisfactory. During the last decade, research has focused on the distress caused by the condition, but although our knowledge has certainly increased there have been no real breakthroughs; controversies and many unanswered questions remain. Examples of pertinent issues are as follows: the criteria that need to be fulfilled for a diagnosis; the significance or lack of significance of leucocytes in expressed prostatic secretion; and the association between erectile dysfunction and PPS. The fundamental question remains: is the prostate really involved in the majority of men with PPS? This article focuses on some of the controversies.  相似文献   

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