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目的评价室性心动过速经导管射频消融治疗的有效性和安全性。方法对12例正常心脏室速进行导管消融,采用起搏标测与激动顺序标测,前者以起搏时与室速QRS波型形态完全相同,后者以激动顺序标测法定位,以记录心动过速时较体表心电图QRS提前≥20ms的最早高频低振幅局部电位处为消融靶点,结果12例患者室速起源部位分别为:右心室2例,左心室10例,疗效100%。所有病人无任何并发症。结论对于发作频繁、症状明显的IVT,射频消融是一种安全、可靠、成功率高的根治方法。  相似文献   

特发性室性心动过速的射频消融   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
室性心动过速 (室速 )是一临床常见的心律失常 ,常产生明显的症状 ,引起严重的血流动力学异常 ,甚至影响患者的寿命。室速治疗通常以药物为主 ,但药物往往不能满意控制室速的发作。射频消融是近年来发展的一种较新的心律失常的治疗方法 ,但由于室速的发生机理复杂 ,发作时血流动力学不稳定 ,以及消融靶点难以确定等原因 ,射频消融一般不作为室速的一线治疗。近来研究发现 ,室速的射频消融效果取决于室速的来源和类型 ,而后者可由室速的电生理特征和基础心脏疾病来初步确定 ,因此临床上可选择合适的病例进行射频消融 ,提供患者最佳的治疗。本…  相似文献   

1 病历例 1,女 ,9岁 ,因活动后心悸、胸闷不适伴面色苍白半个月收入当地医院治疗。体查 :肢体欠温 ,心率 2 0 0次 /min ,脉弱。考虑为阵发性室上性心动过速 ,予以补液 ,抗休克治疗同时静脉推注普罗帕酮等治疗恢复窦性心律 ,血压正常 ,继口服普罗帕酮维持。 10d后上述症状又复出现 ,改用维拉帕米口服无效 ,而转入本院。起病前无感冒、腹泻等病史。既往体健。入院检查 :体温 36 .5℃ ,脉搏 10 6次 /min ,呼吸 2 4次 /min ,血压 10 5 / 6 0mmHg ,发育营养中等 ,无气促 ,无紫绀 ,心率 10 6次 /min ,心音可 ,律齐 ,无杂音。血、尿、粪常规检查…  相似文献   

目的评价射频消融治疗特发性室性心动过速的临床效果。方法收集2003年8月~2005年8月在我院进行射频消融治疗的特发性室性心动过速(IVT)患者29例,缘于右心室IVT采用消融导管起搏标测法,以起搏时与VT发作时12导联QRS波形态与振幅完全相同的起搏部位为消融靶点,并在周围做巩固消融;起源于左心室IVT采用激动顺序标测法或寻找P电位。结果27例即刻成功,2例失败,成功率93.1%,随访1年3例复发,再次手术后成功。结论射频消融治疗特发性室性心动过速疗效肯定,成功率高,复发率低。  相似文献   

1 病历摘要 男,57岁.因间断胸闷、气短11年,加重伴心悸2个月入院.11年前在当地医院诊断为"扩张型心肌病",6个月前出现晕厥2次;2个月来反复出现心悸伴头晕、胸闷、大汗,外院诊为"阵发性室上性心动过速",静脉注射药物(具体不详)后好转.心电图:窦性心律,P-R 220 ms完全性左束支传导阻滞(LBBB).  相似文献   

射频导管消融术(RFCA)已成为治疗室上性心动过速、室性心动过速等心律失常的常规方法,而临床上心肌炎后遗症最多见的是室性期前收缩和短阵室速,患者常有心悸、胸闷等症状而影响生活和工作,且心理负担重。近几年,随着科学技术的发展,RFCA治疗室性心律失常的成功率明显提高。本院1998年7月至2007年1月,应用RFCA对18例药物治疗无效的顽固性室性心律失常患者进行治疗,疗效满意。报告如下。  相似文献   

目的分析特发性右室流出道(RVOT)室性心律失常消融靶点特点,探讨其可能的机制。方法连续选取2013年1月至2014年12月行导管射频消融的RVOT起源室性心律失常(PVCs/VT)患者38例,借助三维标测系统于PVCs/VT时建立右室流出道三维构图,分析有效消融靶点的电生理特点。结果所有心律失常患者进行三维激动/电压标测显示,最早心室激动点/消融靶点均位于RVOT肺动脉瓣附近的电压移行区上(0.5~1.5 m V),即电压移行区与正常电压区的交界处;其中有4例造影及三维图像与CT融合证实于肺动脉瓣上标测消融成功,并在肺动脉瓣上可以记录到大于1.5 m V的电压电位(心肌组织)。结论电压移行区很可能是成功消融特发性RVOT室性心律失常的有效靶点区域;部分于肺动脉瓣上成功消融的室性心律失常,可能与心肌束延伸有关。  相似文献   

特发性室性心动过速/室性早搏可以通过射频消融治疗,通常好发于右心室流出道,其次是左心室流出道,发生于主动脉-二尖瓣交界区域的室性心律失常较少。主动脉-二尖瓣交界区域(aortomitral continuity,AMC)是一个富含纤维组织的区域,可以出现房性心动过速和室性心动过速,Ha6ssaguerre等[1]发现AMC区域的组织与房室交界区的组织一致.  相似文献   

黄水英  何金兰  林婷 《家庭护士》2009,7(14):1236-1237
总结了5例心脏导管射频消融治疗特发性室性心动过速的护理经验.对5例病人术前做好心理护理、手术准备、术中护理配合及术后心电监护,严密观察心率、心律、血压、呼吸及病情变化,并做好穿刺肢体护理.5例病人均1次消融成功,围术期无严重并发症发生,病人康复满意.  相似文献   

导管射频消融治疗右室流出道室性早搏的护理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的探讨导管射频消融治疗右室流出道室性早搏的护理方法。方法对52例右室流出道室性早搏患者,采用射频消融治疗,并给予心理护理和基础护理。结果52例均完成了射频消融治疗。随访2~60个月,根治率92.3%(48/52),有效率98.1%(51/52)。结论合理、细致的护理可消除患者的恐惧心理,提高手术耐受性,且能及早发现和防治并发症,增加手术的安全性。  相似文献   

经导管射频消融治疗右室流出道室性期前收缩   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
目的 评价经导管射频消融治疗单形性右室流出道室性期前收缩的有效性和安全性。方法 采用射频导管消融术对 4 2例症状严重的正常心脏单形性右室流出道室性期前收缩进行治疗 ,男 2 8例 ,女 14例 ,年龄 (42 .2±7.8)岁。将消融电极送至右室流出道区域 ,采用起搏标测和激动顺序标测 ,前者以起搏时与室性期前收缩QRS波形态完全相同为消融靶点 ,后者以室性期前收缩时最早心室激动点为消融靶点。 4 2例室性期前收缩全部起源于右室流出道 ,呈左束支阻滞图形 ,其中 36例起源于右室流出道间隔部 ,6例起源于右室流出道游离壁。以室性期前收缩在放电后 10秒内消失 ,并维持窦性心律 30~ 6 0min为即刻成功标准。结果 消融即刻成功率为 90 .5 % (38/ 4 2 ) ,其中右室流出道间隔部 94 .4 % (34/ 36 ) ,游离壁 6 6 .7% (4/ 6 )。 2 0例患者 2 4小时动态心电图记录消融前后室性期前收缩数分别为 (2 0 80 0± 10 4 0 )次 / 2 4h和 (110± 12 0 )次 / 2 4h(P <0 .0 0 1)。 1例患者消融术中出现室颤经电复律恢复窦性心律 ,其余无任何并发症。随访 4~ 16个月症状缓解率为 89.5 % (34/ 38) ,复发率为 5 .3% (2 / 38) ,均为右室流出道游离壁室性期前收缩。随访期间亦无并发症。结论 经导管射频消融可有效地治疗症状重、药  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo investigate the value of a notched unipolar electrogram (N-uniEGM) in confirming the origin of premature ventricular contractions originating from the ventricular outflow tract (VOT-PVC) during mapping and ablation procedures.MethodsThis retrospective study enrolled consecutive patients with symptomatic idiopathic frequent VOT-PVCs that underwent radiofrequency ablation. The characteristics of the uniEGM of the successful ablation targets were analysed. N-uniEGM was defined as the uniEGM presenting a QS morphology with ≥1 steep notches on the downstroke deflection. All patients were followed-up for 3 months post-ablation.ResultsThe study enrolled 190 patients with a mean ± SD age of 49.0 ± 15.3 years. N-uniEGMs were recorded in 124 of 190 (65.3%) patients. The N-uniEGM distribution area was limited to a mean ± SD of 0.8 ± 0.4 cm2. N-uniEGM showed consistency with the outcomes of activation mapping and pace mapping. Patients with an N-uniEGM had an ablation success rate of 98.4% (122 of 124) and their ablation times were significantly shorter than those without an N-uniEGM (7.6 ± 3.8 s versus 15.8 ± 8.8 s, respectively). The sensitivity and specificity of N-uniEGM in predicting successful ablation of VOT-PVCs were 72.6% and 91.7%, respectively.ConclusionN-uniEGM was a highly specific and moderately sensitive predictor of successful radiofrequency ablation in patients with VOT-PVCs.  相似文献   

Subtle variations in QRS morphology occurs during idiopathic outflow tract ventricular tachycardia (OTVT), but no studies have clarified the prevalence and characteristics of the OTVT with altered QRS morphology following radiofrequency catheter ablation (RFA), which then require an additional RF application at a different portion of the outflow tract to abolish OTVT. Of 202 patients with a monomorphic VT or premature ventricular contraction (PVC) originating from the outflow tract, 6 (3%) showed changes in QRS morphology in the OTVT following RFA, requiring an additional RF application to the outflow tract at a different portion. In all six patients, RFA was applied for the first or second OTVT to a right or left ventricular endocardial site, with the other site being the left sinus of Valsalva. In each patient, OTVT before or after the changes in QRS morphology had characteristic ECG findings originating from a particular portion of the outflow tract. Changes in QRS morphology consistently included an increase or decrease in R wave amplitude in all inferior leads. Detailed continuous observation of QRS morphology in OTVT, especially R wave amplitude in inferior leads, is important for identifying changes of QRS morphology during catheter ablation. Mapping and ablation at a different portion of the outflow tract is then needed for cure.  相似文献   

Idiopathic right ventricular outflow tract tachycardia is readily amenable to radiofrequency catheter ablation. However, treatment modalities for left ventricular outflow tract tachycardia are not well defined. Out of 37 patients with idiopathic outflow tract tachycardia referred for catheter ablation, in 3 patients tachycardia originated from the left ventricular outflow tract. On the surface ECG, all left ventricular tachycardias exhibited an inferior axis with a predominant negative QRS complex in lead I. Heart rate during tachycardia ranged from 115 to 170 beats/min. During electrophysiological testing, 1 patient had inducible tachycardia on orciprenaline challenge, 1 patient had inducible tachycardia at baseline, and 1 patient had incessant tachycardia. In two patients, earliest ventricular activation was recorded from the endocardial left ventricular outflow tract at an anterolateral and an anterior site, respectively. A distinct high frequency spike preceded the QRS onset by 66/78 ms. Application of radiofrequency energy successfully eliminated tachycardia at these sites. In one patient, tachycardia originated from the epicardial left ventricular outflow tract. Mapping of the anterior interventricular vein revealed a fractionated low amplitude signal occurring 46 ms before QRS onset. After failure of catheter ablation from the corresponding endocardial site, successful minimally invasive surgical focal cryoablation of the epicardial target region was performed. During a follow-up period ranging from 7 to 12 months, all patients remained free of tachycardia. In conclusion, ventricular tachycardia arising from the left ventricular outflow tract may require endo- and epicardial mapping. Successful treatment is achieved by radiofrequency catheter ablation or minimally invasive surgical cryoablation.  相似文献   

目的:探讨左心室分支起源的室性期前收缩(premature ventricular contraction,PVC)及左心室分支起源的室性心动过速(ventriculai tachycardia,VT)的心电生理特点及导管射频消融术的疗效。方法选取左心室分支起源的室性心律失常患者36例,其中 PVC 5例,VT 31例,在 Carto-3指导下行导管射频消融术治疗。结果5例PVC 患者射频消融成功率100%,31例 VT 患者中,2例患者术后复发,最终成功34例,成功率94.4%。结论 Carto-3指导下行分支性室性心律失常的射频消融治疗成功率高、并发症少、安全可靠。  相似文献   

目的 探讨右心室流出道(RVOT)起源频发室性期前收缩对RVOT结构的影响.方法 选取2009~2011年行射频消融治疗的频发RVOT起源室性期前收缩患者30例,分析其心电图特征、动态心电图、心脏彩色超声结果及术中精确定位,分析室性期前收缩对RVOT结构的影响.结果 射频消融术前RVOT直径为(31.76±3.33)mm,术后6个月为(30.93±2.68)mm(P<0.01);相关性分析显示:RVOT直径与室性期前收缩负荷呈正相关(r=0.484,P<0.05).RVOT间隔部来源室性期前收缩QRS时限为(157.69±18.33) ms,游离壁来源室性期前收缩QRS时限为(179.23±16.05)ms(P<0.01),QRS时限与来源部位相关(r=0.566,P<0.01).室性期前收缩QRS时限与RVOT直径无相关性(r=0.097,P>0.05).结论 RVOT来源室性期前收缩经射频消融治疗后,RVOT直径有减小的趋势,其与室性期前收缩负荷呈正相关,与室性期前收缩形态无相关性.  相似文献   

目的 评价射频消融治疗右心室流出道室性心动过速(室速)的有效性和安全性.方法 对37例右心室流出道室速患者进行射频消融治疗,观察其疗效及安奎性,并随访观察复发的情况.结果 37例右心室流出道室速经射频消融治疗成功33例,成功率为89.2%,复发2例,无严重的并发症.结论 射频消融治疗右心室流出道室速是一种安全有效的治疗手段.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the safety and efficacy of using a circular multielectrode catheter for mapping and ablation of ventricular tachycardia (VT) or premature ventricular complexes (PVCs) from the right ventricular outflow tract (RVOT). BACKGROUND: Three-dimensional (3D) mapping systems are commonly used for mapping and ablation of RVOT VT and PVCs. Newer catheters that are circular with multiple electrodes, such as the Lasso catheter, are capable of simultaneously recording from multiple points within a circumferential plane. Given the tubular structure of the RVOT, these catheters could be used for mapping tachycardias from the RVOT. METHODS: A retrospective cohort study of patients undergoing radiofrequency (RF) ablation of RVOT VT or PVCs was performed. In group 1 (n = 7), mapping was performed with a single ablation catheter and fluoroscopy. In group 2 (n = 10), 3D mapping using ESI (n = 9) or CARTO (n = 1) was performed. In group 3 (n = 12), mapping was performed with a circular multielectrode catheter (n = 12). All ablations were performed with 4-mm tip catheters using RF energy. RESULTS: Catheter ablation for RVOT VT (n = 15) or PVCs (n = 14) was performed on 29 cases in 26 patients, 9 males. Mean age was 35.9 years. In groups 1, 2, and 3, the mean number of lesions was 17.7 +/- 7.7, 13.6 +/- 7.7, and 18.2 +/- 22.7 and the median number of lesions was 20, 13, and 5, respectively. There were no significant differences in the number of lesions, RF time, fluoroscopy time, procedure time, and acute success rate among the three techniques. There were three complications in group 2 and one in group 3. CONCLUSION: The use of a circular multielectrode catheter is as effective as the other standard available 3D mapping techniques, both in terms of procedural success and procedural characteristics. Additionally, because of the lower cost associated with using the circular multielectrode catheter approach, further evaluation should be performed to determine whether this is the most cost-effective approach to 3D mapping and ablation of RVOT tachycardias.  相似文献   

A 67-year-old man who developed sustained ventricular tachycardia (VT) 4 years after a prosthetic aortic valve replacement, underwent electrophysiologic testing and catheter ablation. The mechanism of the VT was suggested to be triggered activity because the VT could be induced by programmed ventricular stimulation, and burst ventricular pacing demonstrated overdrive suppression without a transient entrainment. Successful catheter ablation using a transseptal approach was achieved underneath the mechanical prosthetic aortic valve on the blind side for that approach. This case demonstrated that catheter mapping and ablation of the entire LV using a transseptal approach might be possible.  相似文献   

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