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The purpose of this study was to determine whether grain handlers underwent work-related changes in their pulmonary function and, if so, to examine the dose-effect relationships with dust exposure. The pulmonary function of grain handlers was measured at the beginning and end of work shifts over a period of one week, during which their exposure to dust was measured daily. The results showed changes indicative of a within-day obstructive change, in addition to a small restrictive defect occurring over the course of a week. Civic outside labourers who were examined as a control group showed a similar within-week obstructive change without any associated restriction of lung volume. The data on the grain handlers were also used to examine the dose-effect relationships of dust exposure, both on baseline pulmonary function and on within-day changes in these measurements. The baseline flow rates of workers who did not wear a mask were found to vary inversely with their average exposure to respirable dust. In addition, the flow rates underwent a within-day decrease that varied directly with their corresponding exposure to respirable dust and was unrelated to mask wearing. The median of the slopes for this relationship indicated that 50% of the subjects had a decrease of at least 923 ml/s in the value of their Vmax50%VC for each 1 mg/m3 increase in the concentration of respirable dust. Non-respirable dust did not have a measurable effect either on the baseline or the within-day changes in pulmonary function. The acute changes were unaffected by age, duration of employment, or extent of smoking.  相似文献   

  目的  探讨某市木质家具制造企业木粉尘危害现状及其对工人肺功能的影响。
  方法  选择某市职业健康监管平台中3家木质家具制造企业产生木粉尘的岗位及其生产工人作为研究对象,测定粉尘接触岗位中木粉尘的浓度。调查所有工人的基本情况,并用SinBo肺通气功能仪测定其肺通气功能。
  结果  共检测56个接尘岗位,其中21个岗位(占37.50%)的木粉尘浓度超标。56个接尘岗位木粉尘的平均浓度为(1.76 ± 0.32)mg/m3,其中锣机、车床、开料岗位的木粉尘浓度较高。本次研究共调查接触木粉尘工人411名,肺通气功能正常370名(占90.02%),有肺通气功能障碍41名(占9.98%)。logistic回归分析结果显示:接尘浓度、工龄每增加一个等级,工人肺通气功能障碍发生风险分别增加3.52、3.42倍(P < 0.05)。吸烟、年龄对工人肺通气功能也有重要影响。
  结论  某市木质家具制造企业木粉尘浓度较高,对工人肺通气功能造成了影响。应加强生产工艺的改革和对木粉尘危害的工程控制,加强对接触较高浓度木粉尘、工龄较长工人的职业健康检查,预防肺部疾病的发生。

This study surveyed wood dust exposure levels and pulmonary hazards among wood mill workers. Dust concentrations as measured by six-stage cascade impactors were high in work areas of grinding and screening. Total dust concentrations for these dusty activities ranged from 4.4 to 22.4 mg/m3, and the respirable proportions were between 2.4% and 50.2%. The dust level in the sawing work was 2.9 mg/m3. Although symptoms of cough and phlegm were higher in smoking workers than in nonsmoking workers, the prevalence of respiratory symptoms in the exposed workers was not significantly higher than in the controls. However, the incidence of symptoms such as chronic phlegm and chronic bronchitis in the nonsmoking high-exposure workers was significantly higher than in nonsmoking controls. The mean values of MMF, PEFR, and FEF25% were significantly lower in the exposed workers than in controls for both smokers and nonsmokers. The pulmonary function deficits, with the exception of FEV1.0/FVC, also showed a significant trend with increasing levels of wood dusts exposure classified by job titles for both smokers and nonsmokers. After adjustment for age, sex, height, and smoking status, all parameters of pulmonary function were significantly lower in exposed workers than in controls and showed a declining trend with increasing exposure levels classified by job titles. These results indicate that high level of wood dust exposure in the wood mill industries may lead to pulmonary hazards. Engineering control and industrial hygiene are mandatory for dusty activities. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

接触木尘工人与脱尘工人肺功能的配对研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为深入研究木尘对接尘工人肺功能的影响,我们按照配对设计原则,对某厂木型车间接触木尘工人与脱离木尘作业工人分别进行了肺通气功能的配对比较分析。结果表明,无论是接尘组工人,还是离尘组工人,其FVC、FEV1、MMF、V50与V25等肺功能各项指标的实测值,均较对照组明显降低,且多具有显著的统计学意义。累计接尘量与肺功能各指标实测值/预计值百分比间存在着一定的剂量-反应关系,即随着累计接尘量增加肺功能损害加重。多因素分析显示:累计接尘量是致接尘工人肺功能下降的主要因素。提示接尘工人、脱离木尘作业工人肺通气功能的损害与木尘有关。  相似文献   

Ventilatory function in workers exposed to tea and wood dust.   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Changes in ventilatory capacity during the work shift were studied in workers exposed to tea dust in tea-packing plants, wood dust in two furniture factories, and virtually no dust in an inoperational power station. The FEV1 and FVC in workers exposed to dust were found to decline during the work shift by a small but significant volume. The MMFR, Vmax 50% and Vmax 75% were to variable to display any trend. No dose-response relationship could be discerned between the fall in workers' ventilatory capacity and the concentrations of airborne dust or microbes to which they were exposed. Bronchodilators could reverse the fall in FEV1.  相似文献   

Few studies have assessed respiratory symptoms and dust exposure levels in small-scale wood industry workers in Africa. We interviewed 546 workers exposed to wood dust and 565 control subjects using a respiratory health questionnaire. Inhalable dust measurements were collected for 106 workers. The dust exposure was high, and job title-based geometric mean exposure levels ranged from 2.9 to 22.8 mg/m3. Prevalence of respiratory symptoms in the previous 12 months was significantly higher in the exposed group compared with the nonexposed office workers. Allergy and sensitivity symptoms were reported regularly in the exposed group with Odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) varying from 2.4 (95% CI = 1.8-3.1) for low- and 2.7 (1.8-4.0) for high-exposure groups compared with controls. We conclude that working in the small-scale wood industry in Tanzania is associated with an increased prevalence of respiratory symptoms.  相似文献   

The association between exposure to dust and pulmonary function was studied by longitudinal and cross sectional analyses in a group of United States underground coal miners beginning work in or after 1970. Quantitative estimates of exposure to respirable coal mine dust were derived from air samples taken periodically over the entire study period. The cohort included 977 miners examined both in round 2 (R2) (1972-5) and round 4 (R4) (1985-8) of the National Study of Coal Workers' Pneumoconiosis. Multiple linear regression models were developed for both cross sectional (pulmonary function at R2 and R4) and longitudinal (change in pulmonary function between R2 and R4) analyses with exposure partitioned into pre-R2 and post-R2 periods and controlled for covariates including smoking history. The results indicate a rapid initial (at R2) loss of FVC and FEV1 in association with cumulative exposure of the order of 30 ml per mg/m3-years. Between R2 and R4 (about 13 years) no additional loss of function related to dust exposure was detected although the percentage of predicted FVC and FEV1 did decline over the period. After some 15 years since first exposure (at R4), a statistically significant association of cumulative exposure with FEV1 of about -5.9 ml per mg/m3-years was found. These results indicate a significant non-linear effect of exposure to dust on pulmonary function at dust concentrations present after regulations took effect. The initial responses in both the FVC and FEV1 are consistent with inflammation of the small airways in response to exposure to dust.  相似文献   

Y Baba  S Iwao  Y Kodama 《Journal of UOEH》1985,7(3):257-263
An epidemiologic study on 176 dust workers from various facilities was initiated in 1978. Their mean age was 48.3 years and mean duration of employment was 21.6 years. No workers complained of chronic cough and phlegm. Their chest X-rays were found to belong to Category I of the diagnostic criteria for pneumoconiosis in Japan. Pulmonary function test was performed on these workers, however, 54 workers discontinued taking part in the study by the end of 1979, and 49 workers had discontinued by 1981. A total of 73 workers had a five-year follow-up survey of pulmonary function. Forced expiratory volume in one second divided by forced vital capacity (FEV1.0/FVC) and forced expiratory flow rate at 25% of FVC divided by height (V25/H) were mainly compared by smoking habit, work years, type of job, size of company, and the time when they discontinued their jobs. Predicted percentage values of lung function were used for the adjustment of the influence of workers' ages. Decrement of FEV1.0/FVC and V25/H in the five-year follow-up group were larger than the screening level. The mean values of those functional parameters in the early discontinued group were lower than late discontinued and active working groups. The active working group was considered to be a physically healthy workers' population.  相似文献   

Respiratory manifestations among 41 workers exposed to amorphous silica dust were compared with a control group comprising 90 workers of equivalent socioeconomic state in the same plant. Flow volumes were determined, blood gas concentrations were measured at rest and during exercise, chest radiographs were obtained, and data about respiratory symptoms were collected by questionnaire. A dust exposure index was calculated for each exposed worker. It was not possible to differentiate between the two groups from the questionnaire, blood gas analysis, or chest radiographs. On the other hand, the tests of respiratory function showed a significant decrease in forced expiratory flow (FEF25-75, FEF50, and FEF75) in the exposed group compared with the controls, although no correlation was found between the exposure index and pulmonary function. It appears that smoking and exposure to amorphous silica synergise to induce small airway disease.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES—To investigate the relation between levels of cumulative exposure to wood dust and respiratory symptoms and the occurrence of bronchial hyperresponsiveness among beech and oak workers.
METHODS—114 Male woodworkers from five furniture factories and 13 male unexposed controls were examined. The unexposed control group was supplemented by 200 male historical controls. Statistical analyses were performed excluding and including the historical controls. Dust concentration was measured by personal sampling methods. Cumulative exposure to dust was calculated for each woodworker by multiplying the duration of the work by the intensity of exposure (years.mg/m3). Bronchial hyperresponsiveness was assessed by the methacholine bronchial challenge test. Subjects were labelled methacholine bronchial challenge positive if forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1) fell by 20%. The linear dose-response slope was calculated as the last dose divided by the total dose given.
RESULTS—443 Dust samples were collected. The median cumulative exposure to dust was 110 years.mg/m3 with lower and upper quartiles at 70 and 160 years.mg/m3 Overall, no declines in FEV1 and forced vital capacity (FVC) were found with increasing exposures. A dose-response relation was found between intensity of exposure on the one hand, and sore throat, increased prevalence of positive methacholine bronchial challenge tests, and steeper dose-response slope, on the other.
CONCLUSION—Exposure to oak and beech dust may lead to the development of sore throat and bronchial hyperresponsiveness.

Keywords: bronchial hyperresponsiveness; wood dust; beech; oak  相似文献   

目的 探讨陶瓷粉尘作业工人肺功能损伤的特征。 方法 采用美能(日本) AS507型肺功能仪,测定某陶瓷厂"无尘肺"的967名接尘工人(接尘组)和197名非接尘健康工人(对照组)的肺通气功能。 结果 陶瓷粉尘总尘浓度为0.10~2.95 mg/m3,总尘浓度超标率为14.29%,呼吸性粉尘浓度超标率为3.57%;粉尘中游离SiO2含量为21.3%~43.0%。接尘组VC、FVC、FEV 1、FEV 1%、FEF 25%和FEF 50%的数值均低于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05或P<0.01)。接尘组肺通气功能损伤和小气道损伤的发生率均高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。接尘的吸烟者VC、FEV1和FEV1%数值与非吸烟者相比,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。接尘工人肺通气功能损伤发生率为7.45%(72/967),其中轻度损伤者占98.61%(71/72),限制性肺通气功能损伤占97.22%(70/72)。 结论 陶瓷粉尘可引起接尘工人肺功能的损伤,其损伤程度以轻度为多,损伤类型以限制型损伤为主。肺功能损伤主要与粉尘、接尘工龄、工种和吸烟等因素有关。  相似文献   

Levels of exposure to wood dust.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Surveys of exposure to inhalable dust have been carried out in two woodworking machine shops and five other woodworking shops where both manual and machine tool work is carried out. The Occupational Exposure Limits for wood dust were found to be frequently exceeded in some workshops. It is possible that the fraction of dust projected from woodworking machines towards the operator may have contributed both to measured dust concentrations and to exposure. Dust exposure may be reduced by careful attention to enclosure and ventilation, possibly using total enclosure at some machines. Emission of dust from portable orbital type sanding machines was considerably reduced by the use of low-volume high-velocity type extraction. It is suggested that suppliers of woodworking machines should provide data on dust emission to assist the user to manage better the introduction of new machines.  相似文献   

Su YM  Su JR  Sheu JY  Loh CH  Liou SH 《Industrial health》2003,41(2):109-115
One hundred and sixty-nine and 175 cotton textile workers (CTWs) were enrolled in the first (1991) and second (1996) surveys to investigate the prevalence of byssinosis. The synergistic effect of smoking on cotton dust exposure was also evaluated. Although the difference in prevalence of abnormal pulmonary function between the first (38.5%) and second study (38.9%) was not statistically significant, smokers had significantly higher frequency than nonsmokers in both surveys. A significant trend existed between the cotton dust levels and the frequency of abnormal lung function. The significant trend was also noted in both smokers and nonsmokers. The frequency of respiratory symptoms and the prevalence of severe byssinosis in the second survey (14.9% and 12.6%, respectively) were significantly lower than that in the first survey (39.7% and 21.9%, respectively). The reduction of symptoms was due to remodeling of this old cotton mill. The prevalences of respiratory symptoms and byssinosis in smokers being significantly higher than in nonsmokers only found in the first survey, but not found in the second survey. These results indicate that smoking potentiates the effect of cotton dust exposure on respiratory symptoms and byssinosis. The second study reveals high prevalence of byssinosis still existed in Taiwanese cotton mill, although the prevalence was declining. Smoking was found to show an additive effect on cotton dust exposure. Anti-smoking campaign, occupational health program to reduce the dust exposure, and periodical medical examination are measures to prevent from byssinosis.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Medical surveillance of wood-dust exposed workers has been compulsory in Italy since 1956. The Law 66 of 25/2/2000, as a consequence of the EU Directive regarding occupational carcinogenic and mutagenic agents, has recently enforced preventive measures for wood dust exposure. OBJECTIVES: The Local Health Unit RM-F, Civitavecchia, has developed a Workplace Vigilance Plan, specifically aimed at the enhancement of preventive measures against carcinogens. The Plan includes the "audit" of the Occupational Health physicians responsible for workers' surveillance. METHODS: Physicians are invited to revise the quality of their work and to consider the inclusion of specific occupational health measures in the health plan, such as rhinoscopic examination. RESULTS: In many cases, this action leads to the revision of the Security Document, the improvement of programs and protocols, and the enhancement of training activities. In a few cases, medical surveillance allowed diagnosis of wood dust-related occupational diseases, such as nasal polyposis and adenocarcinoma of paranasal sinuses. CONCLUSIONS: Audit in occupational medicine is a feasible and efficient tool to improve quality of health care.  相似文献   

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