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Thyroid-associated ophthalmopathy (TAO) is most likely to be a T cell-mediated disease, in which cytokines released in the extraocular muscles activate fibroblasts, increasing glycosaminoglycan production. The nature of the orbital antigen recognized by the infiltrating T cells is unclear, although it is possible that there is cross-reactivity between this and a thyroid autoantigen to explain the close association with thyroid autoimmunity. We have tested the ability of human and porcine eye muscle antigen preparations to stimulate proliferation of circulating T cells from healthy subjects and patients with TAO or Graves' disease without clinical TAO. Occasional responses were seen, particularly after depletion of CD8+ T cells, and two out of 10 TAO patients responded to eye muscle proteins of 25-50 kD after fractionation of antigens on gels and subsequent elution. There was no disease-specific response of T cells to R1, R14, D1 and 1D3, recombinant proteins identified from screening an eye muscle cDNA library with sera from patients with autoimmune thyroid disease. We have also found that interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) production by T cells from TAO patients was not stimulated by eye muscle membrane antigens or by 1D3. These results suggest that the frequency of circulating T cells responding to eye muscle antigens in TAO is low, and that several candidate orbital antigens, including the 64-kD protein 1D3, are unlikely to be important T cell autoantigens in this condition.  相似文献   

The immunological basis for the ophthalmopathy associated with Graves’ hyperthyroidism is both poorly understood and controversial. The mechanism for its link with thyroid autoimmunity is unknown but likely to be due to autoimmunity against some thyroid and orbital tissue-shared antigen, such as the thyroid-stimulating hormone receptor, which is expressed on the orbital pre-adipocyte and extraocular muscle cell, or the putative ‘eye muscle cell membrane antigen’. Chronic upper-eyelid retraction, which sometimes occurs as a dominant feature of ophthalmopathy or as an isolated abnormality, is a common and related orbital disorder. Recent evidence that antibodies targeting the calcium-binding protein calsequestrin are specific and sensitive markers of eye muscle and upper-eyelid muscle damage has highlighted the need for diagnostic antibody tests in ophthalmopathy. In the context of this confusion, this review will address the nature of the autoimmune reactions in thyroid-associated ophthalmopathy, focusing on the eye muscle.  相似文献   

Thyroid-associated ophthalmopathy (TAO) is a common yet poorly understood component of Graves' disease involving inflammation, congestion and soft tissue remodelling of the orbit. Unlike most autoimmune disorders, TAO has variable severity but follows a predictable course and is usually self-limited. The objective of this study was to investigate the phenotypic profile of peripheral blood mononuclear cells in euthyroid patients with TAO. The study was a prospective, consecutive analysis of the peripheral blood mononuclear cell phenotype in patients with TAO and normal controls. We demonstrate that the fraction of T cells expressing CD69, CD25 or CXCR4 is significantly greater in patients with TAO compared to control donors. In addition, the fraction of CD19(+) CD25(+) B cells is significantly greater. We did not find differences between the two groups of subjects in monocytes expressing these markers. There is a phenotypic shift in peripheral blood lymphocytes associated with TAO that appears durable and persists beyond the hyperthyroid phase of Graves' disease. These changes may support the immune reaction provoking orbital disease development.  相似文献   

TAO is an autoimmune condition characterized by mononuclear cell infiltration of the extraocular muscles (EOM) and/or the orbital fat/connective tissue with associated deposition of glycosaminoglycans (GAG) in the interstitial spaces. In this study, the presence and distribution of the vascular adhesion molecules intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1), endothelial-leucocyte adhesion molecule-1 (ELAM-1), vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1) and the leucocyte integrins CD11a/CD18, CD11b/CD18, CD11c/CD18 were investigated. Nineteen EOM biopsies were collected from 17 patients with early (n = 6) and late (n = 13) TAO as well as from 12 non-TAO control patients. Consecutive cryostat sections of these biopsies were immunostained with MoAbs to the above-mentioned molecules and haematoxylin and eosin. Primary antibody binding was visualized using an avidin-biotin system. In early untreated TAO specimens, the interstitial and perimysial connective tissue surrounding EOM fibres and numerous mononuclear cells stained strongly for ICAM-1. In contrast, the vascular endothelial cells (ulex lectin-positive) stained strongly for ELAM-1 (E-selectin), VCAM-1 as well as ICAM-1. In late disease, the same distribution of immunoreactivity for ICAM-1, ELAM-1 and VCAM-1 was observed, but with significantly lower staining. The leucocyte integrins (CD11a, CD11b, CD11c) were again expressed at significantly higher levels in early TAO specimens compared with late TAO specimens and were minimal or absent in the EOM biopsies harvested from control patients. In conclusion, increased expression of adhesion molecules studied correlated with early active disease and was reduced in later stages.  相似文献   

Fibroblast heterogeneity has been recognized for decades, but the basis for multiple phenotypes among these cells has been investigated only recently. More than 15 years ago, Bucalla and his colleagues described for the first time a population of fibroblast‐like cells among circulating mononuclear blood cells. Subsequently these mesenchymal cells, termed fibrocytes, have been characterized and found to participate in normal and pathological tissue remodelling. In this review, I have attempted to present the evidence generated thus far suggesting that fibrocytes are participants in autoimmune diseases where tissues are injured and undergo remodelling. Aspects of their phenotype suggest that they are well suited to help orchestrate immune responses through mononuclear cell recruitment and their ability to produce inflammatory mediators and extracellular matrix molecules. These attributes also raise the possibility that they might be useful targets against which therapeutic agents might be aimed.  相似文献   

Thyroid-associated ophthalmopathy (TAO), an autoimmune disease, occurs in approximately 50 % of patients with Graves’ hyperthyroidism. Thyroid-stimulating hormone receptor (TSHR) that is expressed in orbital fibroblasts is the autoimmune target in the development of TAO. In addition to thyroid-stimulating immunoglobulin (TSI), insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-1 is also involved in the development of TAO. IGF-1 has been reported to potentiate the effects of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) and TSI on TSHR signaling. In the current study, we investigated the effects of IGF-1 on the cell surface expression of the functional TSHR and its possible mechanism of action in human orbital fibroblasts. Our results show that orbital fibroblasts from the TAO patients expressed higher levels of IGF-1 receptor (IGF-R), compared to control subjects. Treatment with IGF-1 enhanced the expression of surface TSHR in orbital fibroblasts from TAO patients, but not from control subjects. In addition, treatment with IGF-1 increased the level of TSHR at both the protein and mRNA levels. Furthermore, pre-treatment with IGF-1 potentiated TSH-induced cAMP production, compared to cells that were treated with only TSH. Our results also show that pre-treatment with cycloheximide, an inhibitor of mRNA translation, partially, but not completely, inhibited the expression of TSHR on the cell surfaces of orbital fibroblasts from TAO patients. These collective results show that IGF-1enhances the cell surface expression of functional TSHR, not only by increasing TSHR expression, but also by inducing TSHR translocation to the plasma membrane in orbital fibroblasts from TAO.  相似文献   

目的:检测ESAT-6多肽刺激后,结核性胸膜炎患者胸液细胞中CD4+T细胞细胞因子产生及多功能CD4+T细胞频率,了解ESAT-6特异性CD4+T细胞在结核局部细胞免疫应答中的作用.方法:分离结核性胸膜炎患者胸液细胞(PFCs),ESAT-6混合多肽刺激后检测CD4+T细胞细胞因子分泌、细胞亚群、多功能性CD4+T细胞频率及细胞因子平均荧光强度.结果:BCG、ESAT-6混合多肽和ESAT-6组蛋白刺激PFCs后,主要是CD4+T细胞分泌Th1细胞因子(IFN-γ、IL-2和TNF-α),而CD8+T细胞几乎不产生细胞因子.进一步分析ESAT-6混合多肽刺激PFCs后Th1细胞的亚群组成,依据细胞因子分泌的类型及数量,该特异性Th1细胞可以分为7个不同亚群,且各亚群所占比例不同,其中多功能性T细胞亚群(同时分泌IFN-γ、IL-2和TNF-α)比例较高.细胞因子荧光强度分析表明,依据细胞因子分泌类型的增加,单个细胞水平上不同Th1亚群中各细胞因子表达的量也逐渐增加,即3+>2+>1+细胞.结论:ESAT-6混合多肽刺激结核性胸膜炎患者胸液细胞后,主要诱导CD4+T细胞分泌细胞因子,且Th1亚群中包含多功能性CD4+T细胞,该细胞在单细胞水平上分泌细胞因子的类型和数量也显著高于其他亚群.可能在结核局部感染中发挥关键保护性作用.  相似文献   

We investigated surface antigens and spontaneous cytokine production of T cells from bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) and aqueous humor (AH) from pulmonary sarcoidosis patients for a better understanding of the role of T cells in granuloma formation. The levels of CD3, CD11b, and CD28 antigen expression on freshly isolated T cells in the BALF of patients were significantly lower than those in peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) of either sarcoidosis patients or healthy donors (HD). In contrast, the levels of CD80 (B7/B7-1) and CD86 (B70/B7-2) antigen expression were significantly higher on these T cells and alveolar macrophages in the BALF of patients. Fifty-three T cell clones (TCC) established from the BALF and AH of the three sarcoidosis patients displayed primarily either CD4+ CD11b+ CD28+ or CD4+ CD11b- CD28- phenotypes. Most (61-90%) of these TCC spontaneously produced greater amounts of IL-1 alpha, IL-10, tumour necrosis factor (TNF), and granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) than did TCC from the PBL from sarcoidosis patients or HD (P < 0.05). Interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma), IL-6, and IL-2, but not IL-4, were also produced by 40-48% of these TCC. These results suggest that CD4+ T cells of the affected organs of sarcoidosis patients are activated and involved in the immunopathogenesis of sarcoidosis through production of various cytokines.  相似文献   

Expression of human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-DR molecules andproliferation of epithelium in human endometrium are polarized.We have suggested that the induction of such a polarized micro-environmentis T cell and interferon (IFN)-gamma dependent. The presentstudy was designed to demonstrate the induction of such a micro-environmentaround T cells and around the source of IFN-gamma. Spheroidsreminiscent of endometrial glands were formed by allowing three-dimensionalaggregation of endometrial epithelial cells of a cloned HLA-DRnegative endometrial carcinoma cell line (ECC1) over agarose.Both HLA-DR expression and inhibition of proliferation werefound to be directly dependent on the dose of IFN-gamma thatwas allowed to diffuse in the agarose beneath the spheroids.To show that the interaction of the epithelial cells with activatedT cells also induces HLA-DR molecules in a paracrine fashionin the epithelial cells, ECC1 spheroids were co-cultured withincreasing numbers of allogeneic peripheral blood T cells forvarious time-intervals. T cells bound to the ECC1 cells, andbecame activated as indicated by the expression of interleukin(IL)-2 receptor and HLA-DR molecules. A focal HLA-DR expressionbecame apparent in the ECC1 cells adjacent to the T cells. Asthe number of T cells added to spheroid cultures was increased,a concomitant increase in the number of HLA-DR positive ECC1cells occurred and HLA-DR immunoreactivity was enhanced in eachcell. There was a corresponding decrease in the proliferationof the ECC1 cells in T cell-ECC1 spheroid co-cultures. Basedon these data, we suggest that activation of T cells is associatedwith the induction of HLA-DR expression and inhibition of proliferationin a paracrine fashion in the epithelial cells and may be responsiblefor the creation of a polarized micro-environment in vivo.  相似文献   

The role of T lymphocytes in thyroid-associated ophthalmopathy.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

Activated pulmonary T-helper type 1 lymphocytes are essential for the inflammatory process in sarcoidosis. Both the T cells and their mediators promoting inflammation may constitute possible targets for immunotherapy. A particular T-cell subset, the T-cell receptor AV2S3+ CD4+ T cells, are found at dramatically increased levels in the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid of a subpopulation of sarcoidosis patients with active disease. This particular T-cell subset may be used as a tool to reveal a sarcoidosis-specific antigen. Recent studies of natural killer T cells and T regulatory cells from patients with sarcoidosis have described abnormalities that may be relevant for the inflammatory process in this disease. These findings are exciting news and may be of help for designing new treatment strategies.  相似文献   

We used a mixed leucocyte culture between human T cells and irradiated murine splenocytes which allowed us to distinguish between cytokine production from the responder and stimulator cells by the use of species-specific assays for mRNA up-regulation. Using this model of T cell activation by antigen, we studied the effects of human antigen-presenting cell-derived cytokines IL-1 beta, IL-6 and TNF-alpha on the activation of human T cell subsets. We show in this system that exogenously added IL-1 beta, IL-6 and TNF-alpha induces IL-2 receptor (R) up-regulation and IL-2 production, and proliferation by both CD4+ and CD8+ cells. The addition of IL-1 beta induces IL-6 mRNA, and anti-IL-1 antibodies or an IL-1R antagonist protein completely suppresses IL-6 and TNF-alpha supported proliferation. Similarly, addition of IL-6 or TNF-alpha induces up-regulation of IL-1 beta mRNA. However, anti-IL-6 and anti-IL-6R antibodies only partially block proliferation supported by IL-1 beta. These findings suggest that IL-6 and TNF-alpha will induce IL-2R up-regulation/IL-2 secretion via the induction of IL-1 beta production.  相似文献   

There is now considerable evidence that the pathogenesis of thyroid-associated ophthalmopathy is closely linked to the presence of a shared autoantigen(s) in the thyroid and the eye muscle, against which cytotoxic mechanisms are directed. Although the orbital connective tissue is certainly involved in the orbital inflammatory process, a 64 kDa membrane protein expressed by both the eye muscle and the thyroid and recognized consistently by antibodies in the sera of TAO patients, seems to be the most likely target candidate. While its presence in non ocular skeletal muscle is not as well established, more recent data tend to suggest the existence of a 64 kDa molecule in the three tissues. The availability of a cDNA encoding a 572 amino acid protein corresponding to a MW of 63-64 kDa, which may be the same molecule, will allow us to determine more clearly the structural characteristics of the different molecules proposed as targets. The role of the corresponding autoantibodies in the pathogenesis of the eye disease is far less well defined. Whether they play a role in the induction of the ophthalmopathy or only represent helpful markers remains to be clarified.  相似文献   

In various autoimmune diseases circulating levels of soluble IL-2 receptor (sIL-2R) seem to be related to disease activity. Because reliable parameters of disease activity in Graves' ophthalmopathy are lacking, we measured sIL-2R levels in 47 patients with this disorder. The patients had Graves' disease, but no other immune-mediated diseases, had not yet received specific treatment for their ophthalmopathy and were euthyroid during the entire study period. Twenty-one of the 47 patients (45%) had sIL-2R values above the upper normal limit of 650 U/ml, as established in 20 healthy controls. There were no differences between patients with normal (median 469, range 280-644 U/ml) and elevated (median 946, range 678-1588 U/ml) sIL-2R levels regarding duration or severity of the eye disease (as assessed clinically from the total eye score). However, patients with severely enlarged eye muscles had higher sIL-2R values than patients with less severely enlarged eye muscles on CT scan. Patients with elevated sIL-2R tended to have a higher response rate (71%) to a 3-month course of prednisone, than those with normal levels (46%; P = 0.081). Since a successful outcome of prednisone treatment might be representative for disease activity, the elevated sIL-2R levels seem to reflect active inflammation. Although the practical relevance of this finding in individual patients is limited, it underscores the importance of cell-mediated immune responses in this thyroid-related eye disease.  相似文献   

Studies with the well-characterized, synthetic, random-multichain polypeptide poly(L Tyr, L Glu)-poly(DL Ala)–poly(L Lys) (T,G)-A–L), led to the discovery of determinant-specific genetic control of the immune response, as well as to other immunological phenomena. Moreover, the tetrapeptide TyrTyrGluGlu built on the same backbone (“T-T-G-G)-A–L”) was found to represent its major B cell epitope. We have recently shown that for interaction with major histocompatibility complex class II molecules and stimulation of T cells, (T, G)-A–L requires proteolytic processing and the resulting T cell epitopes are close to the N termini of the branched polymer's side chains. Thus, we were interested to elucidate the major T cell epitope of (T, G)-A–L, by using the ordered polypeptides (T-T-G-G)-A–L and (T-G-T-G)-A–L, in which only the two internal amino acids of the tetrapeptide attached to the side chains are switched. We established T cell lines to these antigens, and found that the ordered analog (T-T-G-G)-A–L, which was defined as the B cell epitope of (T,G)-A–L, did not represent its T cell epitope, whereas (T-G-T-G)-A–L, to which only a minor anti-(T,G)-A–L Ab response was directed, was found to be its major T cell epitope. In addition, there was no cross-reaction between (T-G-T-G)-A–L and (T-T-G-G)-A–L at the T cell level, similar to the lack of cross-reaction of their antibodies. Analysis of the repertoire of the T cell receptors used by these lines revealed that the (T,G)-A–L and the (T-T-G-G)-A–I specific T cell lines were not restricted in their Vα and Vβ TCR usage, whereas the (T-G-T-G)-A–L-specific line was restricted by both Vα and Vβ T cell receptor gene products. This difference might be due to the thymus-independent characteristics previously described for the latter antigen.  相似文献   

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