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好心情,是相当宝贵的."天的心情好了,天就晴朗了;水的心情好了,水就流淌了;花的心情好了,花就开放了;鸟的心情好了,鸟就飞翔了.打开心灵的天窗,让阳光漫步;  相似文献   

做了妈妈以后,你为孩子做了什么,为自己做了什么?你发现自己的生活在哪些方面发生了翻天覆地的变化了吗?你注意到这些变化了吗?通过你的这些信息,我们就可以帮你了解自己是什么类型的妈妈了,快点进入我们的测试环节吧!  相似文献   

公立医院在经济活动中出现了一些偏差,不但影响了医院的形象,也损害了患者的合法权益。文章介绍了公立医院经济活动偏差的现状,分析了产生的原因,并提出了解决办法。  相似文献   

郭海婴 《长寿》2011,(12):1
秋天走了,带走了丰收和秋高气爽,但也送走了悲凉。冬天来了,带来了寒冷和枯萎,但也带来了银装素裹。人的一生,就像各个季节一样,有美好的,也有灰暗  相似文献   

乾隆是清代一位多才多艺的皇帝,在一年的春天,有一天春雷阵阵,下起开春后的第一场雨。乾隆帝忽来雅兴,率领诸大臣去御花园赏雨。雨下的越来越大,不大功夫竟将亭子外的小草淹没。乾隆见景生情,触动灵感,随口拈一谜语曰:"大了小了,小了大了,大了没有了。"请各位大臣来猜。等了很久,  相似文献   

我是一个高血压、高脂血症患者,大夫说再不注意血糖也要升高了,那就真成了名副其实的“三高”患者了。遵照医嘱.我首先改变了饮食结构.加强了锻炼。除去吃药调理外,主要是“管住了嘴,迈开了腿”。经过了一段时间的实践,我的血压正常了,血脂也有所下降,精神状态也比以前强多了,头也不晕了.四肢也不痛了,腿脚也不沉了。  相似文献   

俗话说,一勤天下无难事。但随着社会工作、生活节奏的加快,压力无处不在,好像"勤劳"的人越来越少了,做个勤劳的人也越来越难了。比如,很多人计划多,实施少;想的多,做的少,因为懒惰不断对自己"失望"。再比如,点外卖的人多了,做饭的人少了;举着手机看视频的人多了,读书的人少了;定制服务的人多了,打扫房间的人少了;打车的人多了,走路的人少了……  相似文献   

高海鹰 《中国保健》2005,13(24):18-19
论述了医院传统人力资源管理中存在的问题,针对这些问题医院在聘用人员的管理中采用了灵活、新颖的"人力资源租赁服务"的管理模式,这种用工管理模式畅通了人员进出渠道,保障了医院人力资源的需求;用工程序简化,产生了管理效益和社会效益;还促进了医院原有职工思想观念的转变,增强了岗位竞争竟识.  相似文献   

中老年人学摄影系列已经写了五期了。在这五期中,我们和大家分享了摄影艺术的简要历史,回顾了摄影设备的组成与发展,介绍了手机摄影的软硬件知识,讨论了摄影美学,分析了摄影画面构图的技巧。今天这一期我们将与大家分享可能是各位用到最多.最关心的内容一像摄影的一些技巧。  相似文献   

昨晚给母亲打电话,听母亲说,我的一个远房奶奶快不行了。问母亲怎么回事,母亲说"人老了,骨头就脆了,下雨滑倒把腰摔骨折了。治了大半年了也不见好,一直躺在床上,现在天越来越热,身上的褥疮发了炎,昨天我过去看了看,病情越来越严重。"很多人,特别是偏远的农村,人们只知道人老了骨头脆了,却不知道骨头脆了是骨质  相似文献   

深圳市一般妇女生殖道感染状况及其影响因素分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
周立晓  张云珍 《中国妇幼保健》2005,20(13):1644-1647
目的:了解深圳市妇女生殖道感染(RTI)流行情况,分析其中全市一般人群(一般人群)与罗湖区受检人群(罗湖区人群)RTI流行情况及其影响因素,寻求普通人群RTI的防治办法。方法:通过问卷调查生物学特征及其他相关情况;妇科检查阴道、宫颈情况,取相应分泌物及抽取静脉血分别进行相关病原体实验室检查;用SPSS10.0软件进行统计描述和判断。结果:①深圳市一般人群RTI感染率(25.5%)与我国其他地区研究结果一致,而罗湖区人群RTI感染率(17.6%)则明显低于全市水平;②宫颈感染的危险因素为年龄≤25岁、未婚、近3个月有新性伴及没有使用避孕套,阴道感染中滴虫感染的危险因素为年龄≤25岁、初次性生活年龄<18岁、未婚,高中以上文化程度者患细菌性阴道病和念珠菌性阴道炎的可能性较小;③罗湖区人群对部分RTI症状的认知程度明显高于一般人群。结论:加强对RTI、AIDS防治的健康教育工作,在各个不同层面开展多种形式的RTI、AIDS防治知识教育是提高一般人群对RTI、AIDS认识,减少疾病发生和传播的重要因素;积极开展生殖健康普查、普治工作,尽早发现无症状RTI病人并进行规范治疗,是阻断疾病发展、传播,减少并发症发生和HIV感染机会的重要环节。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Most outcome studies of occupational injuries and illnesses have tended to focus on direct economic costs and duration of work disability. Rarely have the broader social consequences of work-related disorders or their impacts on injured workers' families, coworkers, and community been investigated. This paper examines a wide range of social consequences including workers' psychological and behavioral responses, vocational function, and family and community relationships. METHODS: Literature review and development of conceptual framework. RESULTS: Complex and multifactorial relationships are described whereby occupational injuries and illnesses produce a variety of social consequences involving filing and administration of workers' compensation insurance claims, medical care experiences, domestic function and activities of daily living, psychological and behavioral responses, stress, vocational function, rehabilitation and return to work, and equity and social justice. CONCLUSION: A research agenda is proposed for guiding future investigations in this field.  相似文献   

Lack of automated and integrated data collection and management, and poor linkage of clinical, epidemiological and laboratory data during an outbreak can inhibit effective and timely outbreak investigation and response. This paper describes an innovative web-based technology, referred to as Web Data, developed for the rapid set-up and provision of interactive and adaptive data management during outbreak situations. We also describe the benefits and limitations of the Web Data technology identified through a questionnaire that was developed to evaluate the use of Web Data implementation and application during the 2009 H1N1 pandemic by Winnipeg Regional Health Authority and Provincial Laboratory for Public Health of Alberta. Some of the main benefits include: improved and secure data access, increased efficiency and reduced error, enhanced electronic collection and transfer of data, rapid creation and modification of the database, conversion of specimen-level to case-level data, and user-defined data extraction and query capabilities. Areas requiring improvement include: better understanding of privacy policies, increased capability for data sharing and linkages between jurisdictions to alleviate data entry duplication.  相似文献   

AMS 量表和ADAM问卷是目前筛查或诊断迟发性性腺功能减退症(LOH)时应用最广 泛、权威性最高的评价工具,重点阐述国内外关于AMS 量表和ADAM 问卷验证研究的现状和热点,研究 者从多种角度、利用多种方法对不同语言版本筛查量表的适用性和有效性进行了验证研究。多数研究结 论认为,AMS 量表和ADAM 问卷是良好的LOH筛查工具,具有普遍的适用性和较高的有效性。指出目前 筛查量表验证研究存在的问题和不足。  相似文献   

Occupational Health Services in Manufacturing Industries in Nigeria   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The provision of adequate health care facilities to cater forthe health of workers is an important consideration in the managementof manufacturing industries, since productivity is dependenton the health status of the workers. There are very few studiesevaluating the health care provision in Nigerian industries.This study elucidates such health care services in Edo and DeltaStates of Nigeria. One hundred and thirty-five (56%) of the241 registered manufacturing industries in Edo and Delta Statesof Nigeria were randomly selected and investigated. The responserate was 91.1% and the result showed that the medical staffcomprised 2.5% of the total workforce, with the large scaleindustries contributing the highest proportion of these. Fourpoint five per cent of the medical staff had formal trainingin occupational health and 15.6% of them visited the factoryshop floor. The doctor:staff ratio in the medium and large scaleindustries were 1:819 and 1:618 respectively. It was found thatall the industries used the health care facilities providedby the government, there were no clinics in all the small scaleindustries and group practice was not used by any of the industriesstudied. Pre-employment medical examinations were carried outin each of the groups of industries (100%, 39.4% and 5%) respectively,as were periodic medical examinations during employment, althoughto a lesser extent (100%, 13.2%, 0%) for the large, medium andsmall scale industries respectively. These finding suggest theavailability of a reasonable standard of health care provisionfor large scale industries and somewhat less availability formedium and small scale industries. Health education of boththe employers of labour, and the employees and the enforcementof existing laws are needed to improve the existing standardof occupational health services.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Rapid technological change and increased international competition have changed working life and work organizations. These changes may not be considered when researching employee work ability and well-being. AIM: This study investigates the impact of organizational practices, work demands and individual factors on work ability, organizational commitment and mental well-being of employees in the metal industry and retail trade. METHOD: A follow-up study was conducted to examine these connections among 1389 employees (mean age 42 years at baseline) in 91 organizations. The first survey was conducted in 1998 and was repeated in 2000. RESULTS: Changes in organizational practices and the demands of work were strongly associated with changes in employee well-being. Work ability, organizational commitment and the mental well-being of employees were increased most if the opportunities for development and influence and the promotion of employee well-being were increased and if the supervisory support and organization of work were improved. Well-being also improved with less uncertainty at work and with decreasing mental and physical work demands. In addition physical exercise and affluence also had favourable effects. CONCLUSIONS: The results confirm that several features of organizational practices are strongly associated with employees' well-being. Organizational development is an important method of improving employees' work ability, commitment and well-being.  相似文献   

目的:探讨无痛人工流产术安全、有效、比较理想的药物配伍。方法:选择2003年1月—2010年1月在门诊实施人工流产术的816例患者作为研究对象,随机分为4组,分别采用4种不同药物配伍方法施行手术,回顾比较分析无痛人工流产手术效果并进行评价。其中A组(121例)应用氯胺酮50 mg+双氯酚酸钠栓50 mg,B组(247例)应用异丙酚[平均(121.7±21.2) mg] +双氯酚酸钠栓50 mg,C组(127例)应用异丙酚[平均(122.3±20.2) mg]+芬太尼0.05 mg,D组(321例)应用异丙酚[平均(115.9±19.8) mg]+氟比洛芬酯50 mg。结果:①B、C和D组患者术中的肢体反应及术后的不良反应明显低于A组(P<0.01)。②C组和D组术中的镇痛效果明显优于B组(P<0.01)。③D组的苏醒时间及定向恢复时间少于C组(P<0.05)。④D组异丙酚用量少于B和C组(P<0.05)。结论:氟比洛芬酯与异丙酚配伍行无痛人工流产是目前最安全且临床最有效的药物配伍方案之一,在临床上具有良好的推广价值。  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Warnings are an important component of pharmaceutical risk mitigation efforts, yet very little research attention has been directed toward adolescent interpretation of such warnings. This study examined adolescents' interpretations of and preferences for warning symbols and statements related to pharmaceuticals with teratogenic properties. METHODS: A total of 200 adolescents interpreted one of four warning symbols and four warning statements. Responses were coded using an established three-tier coding system. Symbol preferences were elicited. Interpretation accuracy and symbol preferences were analyzed by symbol and statement. RESULTS: The symbol in use on medication labels at the time of the study elicited nearly goal levels of interpretation accuracy; however it exceeded allowable levels of critical confusion. An alternative symbol elicited more fully correct responses than the existing symbol and was preferred to the existing symbol by a margin of 2 to 1. Yet another symbol was most preferred despite eliciting fewer correct interpretations. The impact of warning statements on overall warning interpretation varied by statement and statement-symbol combinations. At least one statement appeared to lessen the overall message of caution, and few adolescents expressed an awareness of risk if one "may become pregnant" until explicitly informed of this risk. CONCLUSIONS: Comprehension of medical warning symbols and statements among adolescents is an important public health issue. Those involved in adolescent health education and research have considerable theoretical and practical tools for approaching the development and evaluation of such warning messages. Understanding how warnings are interpreted can lead to more effective communication efforts and reduce risk.  相似文献   

As a part of a research project on Dignity and Older Europeans (Fifth Framework (Quality of Life) Programme3) I explore in this paper a set of notions of human dignity. The general concept of dignity is introduced and characterized as a position on a value scale and it is further specified through its relations to the notions of right, respect and self-respect. I present four kinds of dignity and spell out their differences: the dignity of merit, the dignity of moral or existential stature, the dignity of identity and the universal human dignity (Menschenwürde). Menschenwürde pertains to all human beings to the same extent and cannot be lost as long as the persons exist. The dignity of merit depends on social rank and position. There are many species of this kind of dignity and it is very unevenly distributed among human beings. The dignity of merit exists in degrees and it can come and go. The dignity of moral stature is the result of the moral deeds of the subject; likewise it can be reduced or lost through his or her immoral deeds. This kind of dignity is tied to the idea of a dignified character and of dignity as a virtue. The dignity of moral stature is a dignity of degree and it is also unevenly distributed. The dignity of identity is tied to the integrity of the subject's body and mind, and in many instances, although not always, also dependent on the subject's self-image. This dignity can come and go as a result of the deeds of fellow human beings and also as a result of changes in the subject's body and mind.  相似文献   

目的探讨茶多酚(teapolyphenols,TP)对D-半乳糖诱导致大鼠肾脏损害的保护作用及其作用机制。方法D-半乳糖(150mg/kgbw)连续腹腔注射(ip)8w,诱导大鼠糖基化肾脏损伤,并于第3w开始灌胃给予茶多酚高、中、低(150,75,37.5mg/kgbw)剂量处理6w,阳性对照药物给与维生素E(250mg/kgbw)和氨基胍(150mg/kgbw)。测定大鼠血糖,糖化血红蛋白,血清果糖胺;测定血红细胞醛糖还原酶活性和晚期糖基化终末产物(AGEs)含量;测定肾脏组织中AGEs、MDA含量,SOD和GSH-Px活性;测定尿蛋白含量,血尿素氮和血肌酐含量;流式细胞仪检测肾脏细胞凋亡情况。结果D-半乳糖处理8w后,模型大鼠2h血糖和血红细胞醛糖还原酶活性明显升高,糖化产物形成增多;肾组织中AGEs和MDA含量明显升高,SOD及GSH-Px活性下降,尿蛋白、血尿素氮和血肌酐量明显增加,肾细胞凋亡率明显增加。茶多酚处理6w后,高、中剂量可以明显抑制D-半乳糖引起的全身和肾脏糖基化反应,降低肾组织中AGEs和MDA含量,并提高肾脏组织抗氧化能力,降低尿蛋白、血尿素氮和血肌酐含量及肾细胞的凋亡率。结论茶多酚通过抑制糖基化反应和提高肾脏组织抗氧化能力,对D-半乳糖诱导的肾脏损伤具有保护作用。  相似文献   

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