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目的 探讨慢性心力衰竭患者心脏再同步治疗(CRT)后心室电重构和室性心律失常与左心室逆重构的关系.方法 入选因心力衰竭于我院行CRT的患者,随访术后即刻与术后6个月体表心电图与超声心动图,记录术后6个月期间窒性心律失常发作次数.根据术后6个月左心室收缩末容积缩小比例( ΔLVESV)≥15%与否分为有效组与无效组,对比组间QRS时限变化(ΔQRSd)和室性心律失常事件,对左心室逆重构程度与ΔQRSd和室性心律失常事件进行相关性分析,寻找CRT治疗后室性心律失常的预测因素.结果 共入选43例患者,有效组29例,无效组14例,组间基线资料与术后应用药物等差异无统计学意义.全部患者CRT后6个月QRSd无变化(P=0.50),有效组QRSd明显缩短(P<0.01),无效组无变化(P=0.08).组间ΔQRSd差异有统计学意义(P=0.02).全部患者CRT后ΔLVESV与△QRSd呈正相关(r=0.523,P<0.01).CRT 6个月内室性早搏(PVCs)与室性早搏连发(PVCruns)次数分析显示,log(PVCs)与log(PVC runs)在组间差异有统计学意义(P<0.01),log (PVCs)和log.(PVC runs)均与ΔLVESV呈正相关(P<0.01).多元回归分析显示,ΔLVESV是log (PVCs)的独立预测因素(β=2.36,P<0.01),ΔLVESV和男性是log( PVC runs)的独立预测因素(β=2.88,P<0.01;β=-0.74,P=0.03).结论 CRT后左心室逆重构与电重构及室性心律失常发生减少相关.左心室逆重构程度及性别对CRT患者术后室性心律失常事件有预测意义. 相似文献
Daigo Yagishita Morio Shoda Yoshimi Yagishita Koichiro Ejima Nobuhisa Hagiwara 《Heart rhythm》2019,16(3):395-402
目的探讨心脏再同步治疗(CRT)术后左心室导线脱位的方法及注意事项。方法共8例[其中CRT3例,心脏再同步治疗除颤器(CRT—D)5例]在术后4周内发现左心室导线脱位,脱位时间发现在3—24(10±6)d,发现时的临床表现分别为:新出现膈神经刺激3例、心电图发现左心室起搏失夺获2例、心功能恶化3例次及复查X线胸片发现1例。结果8例9人次均成功处理左心室导线脱位,其中6例7人次利用原左心室导线成功复位,2例发现后未及时复位并原左心室导线内保留了PTCA导丝,未能成功拔除。给予重新成功植入新的左心室导线,未出现并发症。结论CRT术后近期左心室导线脱位给予及时处理是安全、可行的,对脱位的左心室导线需评估后依不同情况分别作出相应的处理。 相似文献
目的观察心脏再同步治疗(CRT)起搏器更换时原左心室导线处理的方法及安全性。方法本研究共10例患者,分为以下3组:拔除原导线组、保留原导线植入新导线组和续用原导线组。患者的处理主要根据CRT起搏器更换前的阈值测试和术中心脏静脉造影结果,以及是否存在和原导线相关的并发症。导线的拔除都在心脏静脉实时造影下进行,以防出现心脏静脉撕裂。结果拔除原导线组中有4例患者成功地进行了导线的拔除。保留原导线组中患者均保留了原导线,植入了新的左心室导线。续用原导线组中的患者根据术前的阈值测试续用了原导线。结论对CRT患者原左心室导线的拔除在心脏静脉造影监测下进行是安全、可行的,困难者则可保留原导线。 相似文献
目的 探讨心脏再同步治疗(CRT)术中测定腔内心电图参数,尤其是左心室激动延迟时间是否可以预测心力衰竭患者左心室逆重构发生.方法 2009年1月至2013年1月37例完全性左束支阻滞患者在天津市胸科医院心内科植入CRT,术中测试窦性心律自身传导情况下右心室-左心室导线的激动时间差(△t),测试右心室导线起搏到左心室导线感知时间(RVp-LV)及左心室导线起搏到右心室导线感知时间(LVp-RV).随访观察1年,比较术前、术后心脏结构变化,以左心室舒张末期容积减小15%或射血分数提高5%为标准分为CRT应答组和无应答组.结果 左心室逆重构的发生与术中测试腔内心电图△t、RVp-LV、LVp-RV等参数均无明显关系,△t与术前QRS时限有关,RVp-LV、LVp-RV在左心室舒张末期内径(LVEDD) >75 mm的患者中长于LVEDD≤75 mm的患者(P<0.05).左心室导线植入在左心室基底部、中段、心尖部的患者发生左心室逆重构的比例分别为71.4%、90.4%、12.5%,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),3个部位的△t、RVp-LV、LVp-RV差异无统计学意义.结论 术中测定腔内心电图相关参数不能预测CRT是否应答,左心室导线位置仍是决定CRT疗效的关键因素. 相似文献
Maria Cristina Porciani Alessio Lilli Roberto Macioce Francesco Cappelli Gabriele Demarchi Alessia Pappone Giuseppe Ricciardi Luigi Padeletti 《European heart journal》2006,27(15):1818-1823
AIMS: The majority of tissue Doppler indexes proposed to predict left ventricular (LV) reverse remodelling in cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) reflects LV asynchrony as assessed in ejection phase. We evaluated the predictive value of a new strain-imaging parameter reflecting the total amount of time spent by 12 LV segments in contracting after aortic valve closure. METHODS AND RESULTS: Fifty-nine patients who fulfilled current treatment recommendations were studied before and 6 months after CRT. Time to tissue Doppler systolic peak velocity (Ts) and time exceeding aortic closure (ExcT) in strain curves were measured in 12 LV segments. Ts standard deviation (Ts-SD) and sum of ExcT of overall 12 LV segments (oExcT) were analysed. After 6 months, responders were defined according to > or =15% LV end-systolic volume reduction. Responders (47%) when compared with non-responders (53%) had significantly higher baseline Ts-SD and oExcT values. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis demonstrated that an optimal cutoff value of 760 ms for oExcT yielded 93.5% sensitivity and 82.8% specificity. For Ts-SD at the cutoff of 32 ms, 82% sensitivity and 39% specificity were obtained. Area under ROC was significantly larger for oExcT than for Ts-SD. CONCLUSION: o-ExcT is able to predict LV reverse remodelling after CRT. 相似文献
Soliman OI van Dalen BM Theuns DA ten Cate FJ Nemes A Jordaens LJ Geleijnse ML 《Journal of diabetes and its complications》2009,23(5):365-370
Aim of the StudyThe aim of this study was to evaluate reverse volumetric left ventricular (LV) remodeling after cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) in patients with heart failure (HF) with vs. without diabetes mellitus (DM).MethodsThe study comprised 130 consecutive patients with HF (mean age, 61±12 years) who underwent CRT. Thirty patients (23%) had DM [mean glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c), 7.2±3.4%; 13 (43%) on insulin therapy]. Echocardiography, including tissue Doppler measurements, was performed before CRT and between 3 and 6 months after CRT. Echocardiographic response was defined as a >15% reduction in LV end-systolic volume (ESV).ResultsPatients with DM had more often hypertension (60% vs. 29%, P<.05) and ischemic HF etiology (87% vs. 51%, P<.05), but similar pre-CRT echocardiographic findings. After CRT, patients with DM had equal reductions in QRS duration and lateral-to-septal mechanical delay, but less improvement in LV ESV, mitral annular tissue velocity, the myocardial performance (or Tei) index and the E/E′ ratio (ratio of early transmitral peak filling velocity to early mitral annular peak diastolic velocity, an indicator of LV filling pressure). Patients without reverse volumetric LV remodeling had more often DM [hazard ratio (HR), 1.897; P=.042] and an ischemic HF etiology (HR, 2.308; P=.006). An ischemic HF etiology (HR, 2.119; P=.018) was the only independent predictor of poor reverse volumetric LV remodeling.ConclusionIschemic etiology of HF is an independent predictor of poor echocardiographic response to CRT. Patients with DM and HF have a relatively poor echocardiographic response to CRT most probably due to a high incidence of ischemic etiology of HF. 相似文献
目的 探讨左心室不同部位起搏对心脏再同步治疗(CRT)效果的影响.方法 2008年1月至2011年12月在中南大学湘雅二医院成功植入CRT起搏器/除颤器(CRT-P/D)患者41例.根据逆行心脏静脉多体位造影确定左心室导线起搏部位,按照右前斜位30°心脏长轴造影分为基底部组(n=15)、室中部组(n=26)和心尖部组(n=0);按照左前斜位45°心脏短轴造影分为前壁组(n=9)、前侧壁组(n=10)、侧壁组(n=12)、后侧壁组(n=10)和后壁组(n=0).随访记录并比较各组基线(术前),术后7d,3、6、12、18、24个月时左心室射血分数(LVEF)、左心室舒张末期内径(LVEDD)、QRS时限、心功能(NYHA分级)、6 min步行试验、明尼苏达(Minnesota)心力衰竭生活质量评分、CRT参数变化及并发症情况.结果 ①41例患者无应答率为19.5%(8/41);术后各随访时间点与基线时相比,所有患者LVEF升高、LVEDD下降、QRS时限缩短、心功能改善、6 min步行试验距离增大、明尼苏达心力衰竭生活质量评分下降(P<0.05);②随访3个月后各时间点,非前壁(前侧壁、侧壁或后侧壁)组在LVEF、心功能、6 min步行试验及明尼苏达心力衰竭生活质量评分等指标改善均优于前壁组(P<0.05);LVEDD下降各组间相比差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);前侧壁、侧壁和后侧壁组间相比,上述指标差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);③各随访时间点,基底部与室中部组间相比,LVEF、LVEDD、QRS时限、心功能、6 min步行试验及明尼苏达心力衰竭生活质量评分等指标改善差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);④所有患者术后随访CRT参数变化差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),工作正常,无心力衰竭再入院、导线脱位、膈肌起搏、囊袋感染等不良事件.结论 ①CRT可使慢性心力衰竭患者长期获益;②左心室导线起搏部位前壁者CRT疗效可能较前侧壁、侧壁或后侧壁者? 相似文献
Recent clinical trials have demonstrated that cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) reduces heart failure hospitalizations and mortality in patients with complete left bundle branch block (LBBB), but potentially not those with right bundle branch block or nonspecific LV conduction delay, such as that due to LV hypertrophy (LVH). Furthermore, endocardial mapping and simulation studies have suggested that one-third of patients diagnosed with LBBB by conventional electrocardiographic criteria are misdiagnosed, and these patients likely have a combination of LVH, LV chamber dilatation and delayed initiation of LV activation (incomplete LBBB). Increase in LV size due to hypertrophy/dilatation and slowed intramyocardial conduction velocity prolong QRS duration in patients with LVH, which can frequently go above the QRS duration threshold of 120 ms conventionally used to diagnose LBBB. New strict criteria for diagnosing complete LBBB have been proposed that utilize longer QRS duration thresholds (130 ms in women and 140 ms in men) and require the presence of mid-QRS notching/slurring in at least 2 of the leads I, aVL, V1, V2, V5 or V6. The emergence of CRT has led to an increased need to differentiate complete LBBB from LVH and other types of intraventricular conduction delay, which should be further studied. 相似文献
Martin Stockburger Suzanne Fateh-Moghadam Aischa Nitardy Oezlem Celebi Alice Krebs Dirk Habedank Rainer Dietz 《Europace : European pacing, arrhythmias, and cardiac electrophysiology》2008,10(1):69-74
AIMS: The identification of responders to cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) in patients with left ventricular (LV) dysfunction and left bundle branch block (LBBB) remains difficult. We aimed to define the predictive value of conventional Doppler parameters. METHODS AND RESULTS: In 73 patients (65 +/- 9 years, 51 male, 36 ischaemic, 37 non-ischaemic cardiomyopathy, QRS 167 +/- 31 ms, LVEF 23 +/- 6%) with LBBB, a CRT device was implanted. LV pre-ejection interval (PEI), interventricular mechanical delay (IVMD), LV filling time (FT), and myocardial performance index (MPI) were assessed at baseline and on optimized CRT. Left ventricular end-diastolic diameter (EDD) was obtained at baseline and after 10.6 +/- 6.7 months. end-diastolic diameter diminished from 66.3 +/- 8.1 to 59.9 +/- 9.6 mm (P < 0.001). Initial LVPEI (r = 0.41, P < 0.001), baseline IVMD (r = 0.34, P = 0.003), acute LVPEI shortening (r = 0.33, P = 0.006), and baseline LVEDD (r = 0.32, P = 0.007) correlated with LVEDD reduction. An LVPEI > or =140 ms had a 82% accuracy to predict long-term LVEDD reduction (sensitivity 86%, specificity 67%, positive and negative predictive values 91 and 56%, respectively). Multivariate analysis solely revealed baseline LVPEI as predictor of LVEDD reduction. FT and MPI correlated only with their respective improvements. CONCLUSION: Left ventricular pre-ejection interval and IVMD predict favourable LV remodelling on CRT. The additional application of tissue Doppler parameters may further increase specificity and negative predictive value. 相似文献
Differential change in left ventricular mass and regional wall thickness after cardiac resynchronization therapy for heart failure. 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Qing Zhang Jeffrey Wing-Hong Fung Angelo Auricchio Joseph Yat-Sun Chan Leo C C Kum Li Wen Wu Cheuk-Man Yu 《European heart journal》2006,27(12):1423-1430
AIMS: LV reverse remodelling has been shown to be a favourable response after cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) in many clinical trials. This study investigated whether left ventricular (LV) reverse remodelling after CRT has any structural benefit, which include the improvement of LV mass or regional wall thickness. METHODS AND RESULTS: Fifty patients (66 +/- 11 years) receiving CRT were followed up for at least 3 months. Echocardiography with tissue Doppler imaging was performed serially before and at day 1 and 3 months after CRT. Although LV end-systolic volume (LVESV) was decreased at day 1 after CRT (141 +/- 74 vs. 129 +/- 71 cm(3), P < 0.001), further LV reverse remodelling was observed at 3 months (110 +/- 67 cm(3), P < 0.001 vs. day 1). LV ejection fraction increased at day 1 (26.5 +/- 9.3 vs. 28.5 +/- 9.1%, P < 0.005) and was further improved at 3 months (34.2 +/- 10.5%, P < 0.001 vs. day 1). However, reduction of LV mass (231 +/- 67 vs. 213 +/- 59 g, P < 0.001) and regional wall thickness was only observed at 3 months, but not at day 1. The improvement of LV mass correlated with the change in LVESV (r = 0.66, P < 0.001) and the baseline systolic asynchrony index (Ts-SD) (r = -0.52, P < 0.001). LV mass was only decreased significantly in responders of LV reverse remodelling (245 +/- 66 vs. 207 +/- 61 g, P < 0.001), but increased in non-responders (209 +/- 64 vs. 223 +/- 56 g, P = 0.02). Responders had significant decrease in thickness of all the four walls for -6 to -11% (all P < or =0.02), whereas non-responders had increased thickness in septal and lateral walls for +11% (both P < 0.05). CONCLUSION: The acute reduction in LV volume after CRT is mediated by haemodynamic and geometric benefits without actual changes in LV mass. However, at 3-month follow-up, reduction in LV mass and regional wall thickness was demonstrated, which represents structural reverse remodelling. Such benefit was only observed in volumetric responders but was worsened in non-responders. 相似文献
目的 探究左心室舒张末容积校正的QRS持续时间(QRSd/LVEDV)对心脏同步化治疗的预测作用.方法 2010年1月至2019年1月于解放军总医院选择接受心脏同步化治疗(CRT)的慢性心力衰竭患者79例,在手术前1个月内和术后1年分别进行了心电图和超声心动图检查QRSd和左心室舒张末容积(LVEDV),对上述资料进行... 相似文献
Using multiple buddy wires to facilitate left ventricular lead advancement in cardiac resynchronization therapy 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Yuan-Hung Liu Ling-Ping Lai Jiunn-Lee Lin 《Journal of interventional cardiac electrophysiology》2007,18(3):239-241
Left ventricular lead positioning is always the critical step in cardiac resynchronization therapy because of the complex
anatomy of coronary sinus branches. We describe the case of a 46-year-old man with dilated cardiomyopathy and complete left
bundle branch block presenting with heart failure. The placing of the left ventricular lead into the posterolateral branch
was hampered by an angulated portion at the proximal branch even with the assistance of anchor wire technique and one to two
additional parallel wires’ support. The use of three buddy wires facilitated the advancement of the left ventricular lead. 相似文献
目的 探讨无冠状静脉窦(CS)长鞘(无鞘)技术植入左室导线的可行性及适合人群心脏静脉形态特点。方法 51例拟行心脏再同步化治疗(CRT)的患者,CRT前常规行冠状动脉造影顺行心脏静脉显影。随机分为无鞘组(n=26)和常规组(n=25),前者先采用无鞘技术植入左室导线,失败者(未成功亚组)继改为常规有鞘方法植入;后者通过常规有鞘方法植入左室导线。 观察无鞘组植入左室导线的成功率,比较两组导线植入时间、曝光时间、相关并发症、导线参数,并分析无鞘组成功亚组心脏静脉形态与临床资料。 结果 无鞘组8例成功(成功亚组),另18例未成功(未成功亚组),无鞘组植入成功率30. 8% ;常规组植入成功率96% ,显著高于无鞘组(P〈0. 001)。 但无鞘组成功亚组导线植入时间、曝光时间均显著短于常规组[(24.1±5.1)min vs (45.6±10.1)min,(9.1±2.5)min vs(13.3±2.4)min, P均〈0. 001]。 常规组2例(8% )出现心脏静脉夹层、撕裂,3例(12% )在退出CS长鞘即刻发生导线脱位;无鞘组成功亚组无1例出现上述并发症。 无鞘组未成功亚组手术时间、曝光时间同常规组相比并未延长,围术期并发症也未增加(P均〉0. 05)。 成功亚组管状CS比例显著高于未成功亚组(87. 5% vs 33. 3% ,P〈0.05),同时与未成功组亚组相比,CS、靶血管直径更粗[(15.7±2.7)mm vs (13.3±2.0)mm,(4.0±0.8)mm vs (3.3±0. 5)mm,P均〈0. 05],靶血管与CS近端成角更大[(117.9±12.7)° vs (97.1±10.4)°,P〈0. 01]。 结论 无鞘技术为植入左室导线提供了一种简化、安全、经济的方法,但成功率有限,更适用于管状 CS、靶血管直径粗大、呈钝角走形的患者。 相似文献
目的探讨左室不同起搏部位对心脏再同步化治疗(CRT/D)患者术后短期(1周及6个月)疗效的影响。方法入选成功行CRT/D手术,且相关观察数据完整患者共36例。分析术中左室电极植入情况,左室起搏部位根据左室电极末端左前斜45度时的投影结合其相应心脏静脉的部位确定,分为靠近间隔部组(A组)和游离壁组(B组)。比较两组患者术后1周常规心脏超声变化,随访6个月CRT/D临床应答及并发症情况。结果术后1周,两组的左室射血分数均较术前明显提高;与A组相比,B组对心脏功能的改善更为明显,左房内径、左室收缩末期容积、二尖瓣返流情况仅在B组有所改善。术后随访6个月,35例有应答,B组中1例无应答,两组术后6个月无应答和并发症的发生率均无明显差别。结论 CRT/D治疗慢性心力衰竭在短期内即可使患者获益。左室电极位于游离壁可以更好的改善心脏功能,逆转心室重构。 相似文献
Luca Rossi Alessandro Malagoli Massimo Piepoli Francesco Franchi Vincenzo Malavasi Edoardo Casali Guido Rusticali Giovanni Quinto Villani 《International journal of cardiology》2013