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BALB/c and Swiss mice were infected with lactate dehydrogenase-elevating virus (LDV) or immunized with glutaraldehyde-inactivated or ether-extracted virus and their plasma was monitored for anti-LDV IgG and IgM levels by ELISA and indirect fluorescent antibody staining, for neutralizing antibodies, for sensitized antibody-virus complexes, for immune complexes, and for total plasma IgG and IgM. In infected mice, anti-LDV IgM was transiently formed during the first 2 weeks post infection (p.i.) but only at a low level. Anti-LDV IgG was produced in a biphasic manner with an initial peak at about 10 days p.i. and a secondary rise reaching a maximum level 30-80 days p.i. which was retained throughout the persistent phase of infection. The concomitant appearance of comparable levels of low molecular weight immune complexes suggests that most anti-LDV IgG was complexed with LDV proteins. Also, as early as 10 days p.i., infectious antibody-LDV complexes developed, which were neutralizable by rabbit anti-mouse IgG, whereas antibodies that neutralize the infectivity of exogenously added LDV appeared only 1-2 months p.i. Throughout infection, most of the anti-LDV IgG was directed to VP-3, the envelope glycoprotein of LDV, which was found to exist in at least 10 distinct forms ranging in molecular weight from 24 to 42 kDa. Anti-LDV IgG levels as high as those observed in infected mice developed in mice immunized with inactivated LDV. Antibodies to glutaraldehyde-inactivated LDV were also mainly directed to VP-3, but exhibited no neutralizing activity. The polyclonal B cell activation associated with a persistent LDV infection and the formation of immune complexes were not observed in mice immunized with inactivated virus.  相似文献   

Summary Neutralization of the infectivity of [3H]uridine-labeled lactate dehydrogenase-elevating virus (LDV) by polyclonal mouse or rabbit antibodies to the envelope glycoprotein of LDV, VP-3, or by neutralizing monoclonal antibodies (mAb) that recognize a different epitope on VP-3 than the polyclonal antibodies correlated with an increase in the sedimentation rate of LDV from 230 S to 270 S. Incubation of LDV with normal mouse plasma or nonneutralizing mAbs to LDV VP-3 had no effect on its sedimentation rate. Similarly, incubation of a neutralization escape variant of LDV with the mAb used in its selection had no effect on its sedimentation rate, whereas neutralization of this variant by polyclonal mouse or rabbit anti-VP 3 antibodies increased the sedimentation rate. Neutralization of LDV infectivity was only observed at high antibody/virion ratios and often was followed by loss of the viral RNA. The results suggest that neutralization of LDV infectivity results from binding of multiple antibody molecules that recognize specific epitopes on the viral envelope glycoprotein and ultimately leads to disintegration of the virions.  相似文献   

VP12 and VP150 are two minor envelope proteins of white spot syndrome virus (WSSV). In our previous studies, VP12 was found to co-migrate with 53-kDa form of VP150 on two-dimensional Blue Native/SDS–PAGE, suggesting that there is an interaction between them. In this study, we confirmed the interaction by co-immunoprecipitation assay and demonstrated that the binding region with VP12 is located between residues 207 and 803 of VP150. Further studies found that VP12 can be attached to WSSV capsids by interacting with capsid protein VP51. These findings suggest that VP12 may function as a linker protein participating in the linkage between VP12/VP150 complex and viral nucleocapsid.  相似文献   

In order to assess whether the spleen is the major site of replication of lactate dehydrogenase-elevating virus (LDV) in mice during the acute phase of infection, LDV replication in the spleen was measured by electron microscopy and fluorescent antibody staining of tissue sections and northern hybridization of total spleen RNA with an LDV-specific cDNA probe, and the effect of splenectomy on LDV replication was determined. LDV RNA and antigens and infected cells, presumably macrophages, were present in the spleen in high concentrations 18-25 h post infection, but then rapidly disappeared to undetectable levels during the next 1-2 days. Thus, LDV clearly replicates in the spleen during the initial phase of infection, but LDV replication in the spleen is transient due to the cytocidal nature of LDV replication and destruction of all permissive macrophages in the spleen. Furthermore, spleen macrophages do not seem to represent the major source of LDV released into the circulation, since LDV viremia as well as anti-LDV antibody production were the same in splenectomized and control animals for at least 28 days postinfection.  相似文献   

Chen Z  Li K  Plagemann PG 《Virology》2000,266(1):88-98
Common strains of lactate dehydrogenase-elevating virus (LDV, an arterivirus), such as LDV-P and LDV-vx, are highly resistant to antibody neutralization and invariably establish a viremic, persistent, yet asymptomatic, infection in mice. Other LDV strains, LDV-C and LDV-v, have been identified that, in contrast, are highly susceptible to antibody neutralization and are incapable of a high viremic persistent infection, but at the same time have gained the ability to cause paralytic disease in immunosuppressed C58 and AKR mice. Our present results further indicate that these phenotypic differences represent linked properties that correlate with the number of N-glycosylation sites associated with the single neutralization epitope on the short ectodomain of the primary envelope glycoprotein, VP-3P. The VP-3P ectodomains of LDV-P/vx possess three N-glycosylation sites, whereas those of LDV-C/v lack the two N-terminal sites. We have now isolated four independent neutralization escape variants of neuropathogenic LDV-C and LDV-v on the basis of their ability to establish a high viremic persistent infection in mice. The VP-3P ectodomains of all four variants had specifically regained two N-glycosylation sites concomitant with decreased immunogenicity of the neutralization eptitope and decreased sensitivity to antibody neutralization as well as loss of neuropathogenicity.  相似文献   

Maximum plasma titers (10(9)-10(10) ID50/ml) of lactate dehydrogenase-elevating virus (LDV) in mice are observed one day after infection, but then decrease 4-5 log during the next 5 weeks to attain a persistent steady-state level for the remainder of the life of the animal. The decrease in plasma LDV level during the first 5 weeks after infection and long-term viremia were not affected by lethal X-irradiation of the mice, daily injections of cyclosporin A or depletion of the mice of T cells by treatment with anti-CD4, anti-CD8, or anti-Thy1.2 monoclonal antibodies, although these treatments inhibited the formation of anti-LDV antibodies. LDV viremia was also the same in nu/nu and nu/+ Swiss mice, though the former did not mount an anti-LDV immune response, while the latter did. The appearance of anti-LDV neutralizing antibodies in infected mice 1-2 months after infection or the injection of infected mice with high doses of anti-LDV neutralizing monoclonal antibodies also did not affect the level of LDV viremia. Repeated treatments of infected mice with either cyclophosphamide or dexamethasone caused 1-2 log increases in plasma LDV titers. Although cyclophosphamide treatment prevented the formation of anti-LDV antibodies, dexamethasone caused an increase in plasma LDV levels without affecting anti-LDV antibody formation. We conclude that an anti-LDV immune response does not play a significant role in controlling LDV replication in mice. The data support the view that within 1 day after infection of a mouse, all LDV-permissive macrophages, which appear to be the only cells supporting LDV replication in the mouse, are destroyed as a result of a cytocidal infection by LDV. Subsequently, LDV replication is limited by the rate of generation of new permissive macrophages. The steady-state viremia attained about 5 weeks after infection reflects a balance between LDV replication in permissive macrophages as they arise and LDV inactivation and clearance.  相似文献   

At present there is incomplete knowledge concerning the relationship of route of infection to minimum infectious dose (MID) for viruses of humans or other animals. The present work has used lactate dehydrogenase-elevating virus (LDV) as a mouse model for this relationship. The data establish a relative mucosal barrier to LDV transmission, which is more effective at oral, ocular and vaginal sites, than at the rectal site of inoculation.  相似文献   

VP33, also termed VP281, VP37 or VP36B, is a minor envelope protein of white spot syndrome virus (WSSV). Because of its low abundance and lack of a transmembrane domain, we hypothesized that VP33 is likely to be attached to the viral envelope by interaction with other envelope proteins. In this study, we employed far-western blotting and pull-down assays to demonstrate that VP33 interacts with itself, as well as with VP24, which is one of the four major viral envelope proteins. Moreover, a gel-filtration analysis was performed to show that this self-interaction led to the formation of stable VP33 tetramers. These results implied that VP33 tetramers were anchored to the viral envelope through interaction with VP24, suggesting that VP33 may participate in the formation of the WSSV envelope.  相似文献   

White spot syndrome virus (WSSV) is a large DNA virus infecting shrimp and other crustaceans. The virus particles contain at least five major virion proteins, of which three (VP26, VP24, and VP15) are present in the rod-shaped nucleocapsid and two (VP28 and VP19) reside in the envelope. The mode of entry and systemic infection of WSSV in the black tiger shrimp, Penaeus monodon, and the role of these proteins in these processes are not known. A specific polyclonal antibody was generated against the major envelope protein VP28 using a baculovirus expression vector system. The VP28 antiserum was able to neutralize WSSV infection of P. monodon in a concentration-dependent manner upon intramuscular injection. This result suggests that VP28 is located on the surface of the virus particle and is likely to play a key role in the initial steps of the systemic WSSV infection in shrimp.  相似文献   

Summary The binding sites of a panel of monoclonal antibodies cross-reacting with the structural protein VP3 of the two serotypes of the infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV) could be mapped to four segments of the VP3 gene. Two of these antigenic domains also carry epitopes which are specific for one serotype only. Formation of the common or type-specific epitopes is in agreement with homologous or mismatching amino acid sequences yielding hydrophilic segments on the VP3 polypeptide. These antigenic patterns obtained by immunoblotting could be verified by a competitive ELISA.  相似文献   

Mice persistently infected with lactate dehydrogenase-elevating virus (LDV) develop circulating IgG-containing hydrophobic immune complexes, with a molecular mass of 150 to 300 kd, which bind to the surfaces of high-capacity enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) plates. LDV infection also stimulates polyclonal B-cell activation and autoimmunity. For this study, interferon-gamma gene knockout (GKO) mice were utilized to study circulating immune complexes and other parameters of LDV infection. The kinetics of LDV viremia, formation of plasma IgG anti-LDV antibodies, and LDV replication in the spleen and liver were essentially normal in GKO mice. Polyclonal activation of B cells, as reflected by increased total plasma IgG concentration during LDV infection, was found to be intact in GKO mice, although at a lower magnitude than in control mice. The plasma concentration of IgG-containing hydrophobic immune complexes was reduced about 75% in LDV-infected GKO mice relative to normal LDV-infected controls. Allogeneic tissue responses were also found to be reduced in LDV-infected GKO mice relative to those in normal LDV-infected controls. These results dissociate specific anti-LDV immunity from formation of hydrophobic immune complexes, show that the IgG anti-LDV response as well as LDV replication in the spleen and liver are insensitive to physiological levels of interferon (IFN)-gamma, and suggest that IgG-containing immune complexes stimulated by LDV infection are a marker for autoimmunity.  相似文献   

Arikawa  J.  Yao  J. -S.  Yoshimatsu  K.  Takashima  I.  Hashimoto  N. 《Archives of virology》1992,126(1-4):271-281
Summary To investigate the role of Hantaan virus envelope glycoprotein in infection, a panel of monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) was examined in vitro with several serological tests and in vivo by passive transfer experiments in mice. An antigenic site, specific for the inhibition of infected cell focus was detected with the focus inhibition neutralization test (FINT), in addition to the neutralization related antigenic sites, which were revealed by the ordinary focus reduction neutralization test (FRNT). Suckling mice were given the MAbs by passive transfer followed by lethal Hantaan virus challenge. All neutralizing MAbs detected by either FRNT or FINT protected all mice from lethal infection, confirming the importance of the antigenic sites as a protective antigen. Mice given non-neutralizing MAbs by passive transfer, however, began to die earlier than the control group; mean time to death (18.2±2.1 to 21.5±2.8 days) being significantly shorter than that of the control group (25.8±1.8, p<0.01, Mann-Whitney,U probability test). Virus titers in brains of mice which died early, were about 10 times higher than those of control mice. These results indicated the early death phenomenon of mice which was mediated by the antivirus antibody.  相似文献   

D X Liu  S C Inglis 《Virology》1991,185(2):911-917
A highly purified radiolabeled preparation of the coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) was analyzed, by immunoprecipitation with monospecific antisera, for the presence of a series of small virus proteins recently identified as the products of IBV mRNAs 3 and 5. One of these, 3c, a 12.4K protein encoded by the third open reading frame of the tricistronic mRNA3 was clearly detectable and was found to cofractionate with virion envelope proteins on detergent disruption of virus particles. These results, together with the hydrophobic nature of 3c and its previously demonstrated association with the membranes of infected cells, suggest strongly that 3c represents a new virion envelope protein, which may have counterparts in other coronaviruses.  相似文献   

Concentrations of IgM and IgG isotypes were determined by capture ELISA in plasma of Swiss, BALB/c and C58/M mice. Plasma IgG isotype concentrations, especially of IgM, IgG1 and IgG2a, varied considerably between mouse strains, batches of mice of the same strain and individual mice and as a function of age. Infection of the mice with LDV, which is known to replicate primarily in a subpopulation of macrophages, consistently resulted in a rapid elevation of plasma IgG2a (or of IgG2b in some Swiss nu/+ mice), but no plasma IgG increases were observed in mice immunized with inactivated LDV. Plasma IgG2a elevation after LDV infection was greatly delayed and reduced by depletion of the mice of CD4+, but not of CD8+, T cells by administration of protein-G-purified anti-CD4 or anti-CD8 mAbs, and completely inhibited by repeated treatment of the mice with cyclophosphamide. Treatment with anti-CD4 mAbs, or cyclophosphamide also greatly reduced the production of anti-LDV antibodies, while not significantly affecting the replication of LDV in these mice. Nude Swiss mice also failed to produce anti-LDV antibodies, though supporting normal LDV replication. Plasma IgM, IgG1, IgG2a and IgG2b levels increased in LDV-infected nu/nu mice, but similar changes were observed in uninfected mice. The results indicate that the LDV-induced polyclonal activation of B cells requires productive LDV infection of mice and is, at least partly, dependent on functioning CD4+ cells. They suggest that productive infection of the LDV-permissive subpopulation of macrophages leads to the activation of CD4+ T lymphocytes of subset 1 and their Spleen cells from 5-day LDV-infected BALB/c mice incorporated [3H]thymidine 2-3 times more rapidly in vitro than spleen cells from companion uninfected mice, whereas their responses to concanavalin A and lipopolysaccharide were reduced 60-70%.  相似文献   

Human B lymphocytes transformed by infection with the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) express a new membrane protein of 63 kDa (latent membrane protein, LMP) encoded by the virus. The function of this protein in the virus-cell interaction is not known. In this work we have identified in EBV- human and mouse cell molecules which cross-react with LMP. Two types of reagents were employed: (a) antibodies against LMP-derived synthetic peptides, affinity purified from antisera against a fusion protein containing the carboxy half of the LMP molecule and (b) antisera prepared by immunizing rabbits directly with the peptide conjugates. Cross-reactions were determined by radioimmunoblotting experiments. At least six molecules (Mr = 110, 85, 63, 53, 45 and 23 kDa), present in a variety of human cells (peripheral blood lymphocytes, B cell lines and epithelial cell lines) were found to cross-react with the LMP-derived peptides. Cross-reacting proteins were also identified in normal mouse tissues. The specificity of the cross-reacting antibodies was confirmed by inhibition experiments with the corresponding peptide. Furthermore, antibodies eluted from individual bands were shown to bind to the same band when reacted with new blots of the same extracts. Our data suggest that normal cells contain a family of highly conserved proteins cross-reacting with the LMP molecule. If, indeed, these proteins share common functions, their study may lead the way to unraveling the function of LMP.  相似文献   

Detection of antibodies to nonstructural proteins (NSP) of foot-and-mouth disease virus is the preferred diagnostic method to differentiate infected from vaccinated animals. In India, an endemic region practising preventive biannual vaccination, 3AB3 indirect ELISA (r3AB3 I-ELISA) has been employed as the primary screening test for serosurveillance. However, because of the variability observed in the immune response to the NSPs, the likelihood of detecting or confirming an infected animal is increased if an antibody profile against multiple NSPs is considered for diagnosis. In this study, all three copies of NSP 3B were expressed in a prokaryotic system to develop an indirect ELISA (r3B I-ELISA). At the decided cutoff of 40 percent positivity, the diagnostic sensitivity and specificity of the r3B I-ELISA were estimated to be 92.1 % (95 % CI: 89.0–94.5) and 98.1 % (95 % CI: 96.9–98.8), respectively, as compared to 97.04 % and 95.04 % for r3AB3 I-ELISA. Although r3B I-ELISA displayed lower sensitivity compared to the screening assay, which could possibly be attributed to additional relevant B-cell epitopes in the carboxy-terminal half of the 3A protein, the former achieved considerably higher specificity on repeatedly vaccinated animals. NSP antibodies could be detected from 10 to as late as 998 days postinfection in experimental calves. Substantial agreement in the test results (90.6 %) was found between the two ELISAs. The r3B I-ELISA, when used in conjunction with the r3AB3 I-ELISA as an integrated system, can potentially augment the efficiency and confidence of detection of infected herds against the backdrop of intensive vaccination.  相似文献   

Nineteen monoclonal antibodies were produced to the 17D strain of yellow fever virus (17D YF). Virus-specific structural and nonstructural proteins were identified for 17D YF and for the parent wild Asibi YF by radioimmunoprecipitation and sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Fourteen of the monoclonal antibodies were directed against the envelope glycoprotein, E, and five against the nonstructural protein gp 48. The E protein of 17D YF was resolved as a double complex whereas the E protein of Asibi YF appeared as a single band of slightly lower molecular weight. The only IgM anti-E antibody obtained precipitated and neutralized 17D YF specifically with no activity against Asibi YF. This antibody also distinguished clearly by neutralization (N) between the 17D-204 derived vaccine strain to which the animal had been immunized and 17D YF strains of different origin. All 13 IgG anti-E monoclonal antibodies had hemagglutination-inhibition (HI) activity to 17D YF and all but one neutralized Asibi YF; however, only 3 of the 13 neutralized 17D YF. Four anti-E antibodies cross-reacted with other flaviviruses by HI or HI and N. Three of the five anti-gp 48 antibodies had complement-fixation (CF) titers against 17D YF and Asibi YF but none had N or HI activity.  相似文献   

We recently developed a highly effective immunization procedure for the generation of monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) directed against the porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (E. Weiland, M. Wieczorek-Krohmer, D. Kohl, K. K. Conzelmann, and F. Weiland, Vet. Microbiol. 66:171-186, 1999). The same method was used to produce a panel of 16 MAbs specific for the equine arteritis virus (EAV). Ten MAbs were directed against the EAV nucleocapsid (N) protein, and five MAbs recognized the major viral envelope glycoprotein (G(L)). Two of the EAV G(L)-specific MAbs and one antibody of unknown specificity neutralized virus infectivity. A comparison of the reactivities of the MAbs with 1 U.S. and 22 newly obtained European field isolates of EAV demonstrated that all N-specific MAbs, the three nonneutralizing anti-G(L) MAbs, and the weakest neutralizing MAb (MAb E7/d15-c9) recognized conserved epitopes. In contrast, the two MAbs with the highest neutralization titers bound to 17 of 23 (MAb E6/A3) and 10 of 23 (MAb E7/d15-c1) of the field isolates. Ten of the virus isolates reacted with only one of these two MAbs, indicating that they recognized different epitopes. The G(L)-specific MAbs and the strongly neutralizing MAb of unknown specificity (MAb E6/A3) were used for the selection of neutralization-resistant (NR) virus variants. The observation that the E6/A3-specific NR virus variants were neutralized by MAb E7/d15-c1 and that MAb E6/A3 blocked the infectivity of the E7/d15-c1-specific NR escape mutant confirmed that these antibodies reacted with distinct antigenic sites. Immunoelectron microscopy revealed for the first time that the antigenic determinants recognized by the anti-G(L) MAbs were localized on the virion surface. Surprisingly, although the immunofluorescence signal obtained with the neutralizing antibodies was relatively weak, they mediated binding of about three times as much gold granules to the viral envelope than the nonneutralizing anti-G(L) MAbs.  相似文献   

Human antisera positive for HIV were evaluated on HTLV-IIIB producing cells by two different immunoelectron microscopic (IEM) techniques. In preembedding immunoferritin IEM a heavy label was observed with early budding HIV. Under the same conditions cell released 'mature' particles were almost negative, which could be explained by the direct observation that most of the surface glycoprotein knobs are lost spontaneously during virus maturation. Using freshly infected cultures after agarose embedding, immunogold labelling of ultrathin cryosections allowed us to detect and differentiate internal core as well as virus envelope antigens. A good qualitative correlation between neutralization titers and IEM labelling intensity was observed. This type of immunocryoultramicrotomy appears to be useful for the detection of antigens in and on the virion. It might turn out valuable for the characterization of the env gp120 epitopes of HIV.  相似文献   

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