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【摘要】 目的 总结腹腔镜经腹腹膜前腹股沟疝修补术在广东基层医院应用的经验和体会。方法〓回顾分析2011年1月至2013年6月间腹股沟疝患者共385例,根据已完成手术分分腹腔镜组(n=178)和开放组(n=207),腹腔镜组行腹腔镜经腹腹膜前腹股沟疝修补术,开放组行Lichtenstein修补术。对比两组患者手术时间、平均住院时间、住院费用、正常活动平均恢复时间以及术后并发症等指标。结果〓腹腔镜组平均住院费用高,但恢复正常活动时间短、住院时间短、术后疼痛少以及术后阴囊水肿发生少;腔镜组有5例患者中转开放手术,平均手术时间腔镜组略长于开放组。结论〓腹腔镜腹股沟疝修补术后患者较开放组恢复快、痛苦少,但需要全麻且费用较高,基层医院可选择性实施。  相似文献   

目的:对比分析免钉合双网片交叠腹腔镜全腹膜外疝修补术(totally extraperitoneal,TEP)与Lichtenstein修补术治疗腹股沟疝的临床应用价值。方法:为80例腹股沟疝患者分别行免钉合双网片交叠腹腔镜TEP(TEP组)与Lichtenstein修补术(对照组),每组40例。收集两组患者围手术期资料并进行对比。结果:TEP组手术时间长,住院费用高,术后住院时间短,术后镇痛例数少(P0.05),两组术后并发症发生率、复发率差异无统计学意义(P0.05)。结论:免钉合双网片交叠TEP安全、有效、可行,尽管手术时间长、住院费用高,但术后疼痛轻、康复快、住院时间短,符合现代人对生活质量的要求。对于有丰富腹腔镜腹股沟疝修补经验的外科医生,免钉合双网片交叠TEP可作为临床治疗腹股沟疝的实用手术方法。  相似文献   

目的 对比分析腹腔镜经腹膜前腹股沟疝修补术(TAPP)和腹腔镜完全腹膜外腹股沟疝修补术(TEP)治疗腹股沟疝的临床效果。方法 2019年1月~2020年12月我科行腹腔镜下腹股沟疝无张力修补手术的单侧腹股沟疝病人136例,按手术方式的不同分为TAPP组(70例)及TEP组(66例)。比较两组病人的手术时间、手术出血量、住院时间、住院费用、术后24小时疼痛评分(VSA)、术后首次排气时间、术后并发症发生率、术后半年复发情况。结果 TEP组术后首次排气时间、住院费用明显短于或少于TAPP组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。两组病人手术时间、手术出血量、住院时间、术后24小时疼痛评分(VSA)、术后并发症发生率及术后半年复发情况比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论 TAPP与TEP均是治疗腹股沟疝的安全有效术式,均能达到理想的手术效果,但TEP的手术费用更低,术后恢复快,临床可根据术者及病人的实际情况选择合适的手术方式。  相似文献   

目的:探讨经腹腔腹膜前(TAPP)与完全腹膜外(TEP)腹腔镜腹股沟疝修补术的临床效果。方法:将73例腹股沟疝患者,随机分为TAPP组和TEP组治疗。对比两组的手术时间、住院时间、住院费用及并发症发生率。结果:两组手术均成功。两组的下床时间、住院时间、住院费用、并发症发生率等差异并无统计学意义,手术时间有统计学差异。结论:TAPP与TEP均是安全有效的腹股沟疝修补方法,其中TEP设计较合理,可作为首选手术方法。  相似文献   

目的 探讨腹股沟疝完全腹膜外腔镜术(total extraperitoneal hernia repair,TEP)和疝环充填式无张力疝修补手术(mesh-Plug)方法的优缺点.方法 2007年12月至2009年12月间,89例腹股沟疝患者行腹腔镜疝修补术(TEP组),80例行疝环充填式修补术(Plug组),就其手术时间、住院时间和恢复工作时间以及各种并发症进行比较.随访时间6~24个月.结果 TEP组住院时间短,恢复工作时间较Plug组快,术后疼痛较轻(P<0.05),慢性疼痛出现较少.单侧手术时,TEP组比Plug组手术时间长(P<0.001),但在双侧手术时两组差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).Plug组住院费用较TEP组低(P<0.001).复发TEP组1例(1.1%),Plug组1例(1.3%),两者复发率差异无统计学意义.结论 腹腔镜疝修补术是一种安全而有效的微创疝修补手术,较疝环充填式无张力疝修补术后疼痛更轻,恢复时间短,术后并发症和复发率两者并无差别,且对双侧疝修补更具有优势.  相似文献   

目的研究腹腔镜下完全腹膜外疝修补术治疗老年单侧腹股沟疝的临床效果。方法研究对象为北京大学深圳医院2015年10月到2017年7月单侧腹股沟疝患者120例,根据手术治疗方法不同随机分为对照组与观察组各60例。对照组采用局麻下开放式腹股沟疝无张力修补术(OTFHULA);观察组采用腹腔镜下完全腹膜外腹股沟疝无张力修补术(TEP)。比较不同手术方式患者手术时间、术中出血量、总住院费用、术后恢复正常活动时间、术后第1天疼痛数字评分(NRS)、术后近期并发症发生率、术后远期并发症发生率。结果手术时间、术中出血量、总住院费用观察组大于对照组(P均0.001);术后恢复正常活动时间、术后第1天疼痛数字评分观察组小于对照组(P0.05)。术后近期并发症发生率、术后远期并发症发生率与对照组差异无统计学意义。结论对于老年单侧腹股沟疝患者,OPFHULA组和TEP组治疗均有各自优缺点,临床可根据患者的实际情况及术者对术式的熟练程度合理选择手术方式。  相似文献   

目的:探讨腹腔镜腹股沟疝修补术的疗效。方法:采用通用3D补片行腹腔镜腹股沟疝修补术68例,其中经腹腔腹膜前腹腔镜腹股沟疝修补术(TAPP)33例,完全腹膜外腹腔镜腹股沟疝修补术(TEP)35例,随访时间8~24个月(中位时间16个月),对所有病例的手术时间、术中出血量、最高体温(术后1~5 d)、术后早期疼痛、并发症和复发情况进行观察。结果:68例手术全部顺利完成,术中出血量、术后最高体温、术后早期疼痛、并发症两组间差异无统计学意义(均P>0.05),TAPP组手术时间高于TEP 组(P<0.05),随访期内均无复发。结论:腹腔镜腹股沟疝修补术安全可行,根据病人情况选择不同术式,可取得良好效果。  相似文献   

目的:比较局麻无张力疝修补Lichtenstein手术和腹腔镜全腹膜外疝修补术(total extrapentioneal repair, TEP)的优缺点。方法:回顾252例成人腹股沟疝分别进行TEP56例和局麻Lichtenstein196例的临床资料。术后1周和半年进行临床评估。结果:术后3d内应用止痛药频率、恢复正常活动时间、术后半年内手术区域慢性疼痛等方面,TEP组均优于Lichtenstein组,两组有显著性差异(P<0.05);并发症、复发率,TEP组与Lichtenstein组两者无显著性差异(P>0.05);手术时间、初次下床活动时间、术后住院时间、住院费用等方面Lichtenstein组优于TEP组,两者差异有显著性(P<0.05)。结论:TEP具有伤口小、疼痛轻、恢复快的优点,但费用高。局麻Lichtenstein手术操作简单、费用低、适应证广,适合老年病人。  相似文献   

目的对两种腹腔镜下腹股沟疝修补术与开放式无张力疝修补术的疗效进行对比分析。方法将新疆生产建设兵团医院2010年4月至2014年4月收住并行手术治疗的腹股沟疝167例患者的临床资料进行回顾性分析,其中开放式无张力腹股沟疝修补术64例;经腹腹膜前腹股沟疝修补术(TAPP)58例完全腹膜外腹股沟疝修补术(TEP)45例,比较3组手术时间、术后恢复正常活动的时间、术后疼痛程度、术后并发症及住院费用等。结果腹腔镜组的手术时间、住院费用高于开腹组,差异有统计学意义(P0.05),住院天数、疼痛程度、术后恢复正常活动的时间、出血量、并发症的发生率明显低于开放组,差异有统计学意义(P0.05),腹腔镜下两种手术方式之间各指标无统计学差异(P0.05)。结论三种手术方式对治疗腹股沟疝都是安全、可靠的,对不同的患者,应该根据患者的病情、经济状况及医院条件等进行个体化治疗。  相似文献   

目的 比较传统前入路和开放式TEP无张力修补复发性腹股沟疝方法的手术疗效.方法 采用随机双盲对照方法,对165例腹股沟疝分别沿用传统前入路和开放式TEP术式行无张力修补方法,比较两组患者手术耗时、住院天数、平均恢复正常活动时间、治疗费用以及近/远期并发症和术后不适等指标,以评价开放式TEP术式修补腹股沟疝的疗效. 结果前入路组随访时间平均为(20.52±1.54)月,开放TEP组(21.63±1.76)月,完成随访率为98.79%.前入路3例1年后复发(3.66%),开放TEP组1例术后1年半后复发(1.22%),手术耗时、尿潴留率、平均住院天数、治疗费用、恢复正常活动时间和疝复发率均无显著性差异(P>0.05);术后腹股沟区疼痛、血清肿、阴囊水肿、切口感染、神经感觉异常和缺血性睾丸炎等近远期并发症开放TEP组明显少于前入路组,两组间差异有统计学意义(P<0.05). 结论开放TEP修补腹股沟疝可明显减少各种并发症和术后不适的发生率,疗效肯定,值得临床推广应用.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Laparoscopic herniorrhaphy has emerged as a recognized operative method for inguinal hernia repair. This study compared the short-term results of two tension-free methods of repair: totally extraperitoneal (TEP) laparoscopic patch repair and the open Lichtenstein mesh technique. METHODS: A total of 1513 men from 11 hospitals who presented with a primary unilateral inguinal hernia were randomized to one of the two methods. Operating time, short-term complications, reoperations, postoperative pain, consumption of analgesics, sick leave and time to resumption of normal physical activities were recorded. RESULTS: Some 1371 of the 1513 men underwent surgery, 665 in the TEP group and 706 in the Lichtenstein group. The median duration of operation was 55 min for both procedures and 91.0 percent of the patients in both groups were discharged on the day of operation. Patients in the TEP group experienced less postoperative pain (P<0.001), consumed fewer analgesics (P<0.001), had a shorter period of sick leave (7 versus 12 days; P<0.001) and a shorter time to resumption of normal physical activity (20 versus 31 days; P<0.001). CONCLUSION: The TEP technique took no longer to perform, and was associated with less postoperative pain, a shorter period of sick leave and a faster recovery, compared with open Lichtenstein hernia repair.  相似文献   

Whereas open Lichtenstein inguinal herniorrhaphy is generally accepted as a safe, well-understood method with a high success rate, the laparoscopic repair of a inguinal hernia is a fairly recent technique. Although the laparoscopic approach to a hernia repair procedure is associated with less pain and faster recovery than open repair, many surgeons are not familiar with this technique owing to technical demands and a long learning curve. This study compares the results and complications between open tension-free mesh (Lichtenstein) repair and laparoscopic total extraperitoneal (TEP) repair. The study cohort was comprised of 345 consecutive patients who underwent an inguinal herniorraphy procedure. An open hernia repair was performed on one group of patients (n = 233), whereas TEP repair was performed on the other (n = 112), and then the comparison of intra- and postoperative complications and results obtained from both techniques was done. The mean hospital stay was similar in both groups. The average operative time in the TEP group was 58.6 +/- 18.1 minutes, and the average operative time in the open group was 58.2 +/- 17.8 minutes. There was no difference in postoperative complication rates between the two groups, except for urinary retention, which patients who underwent TEP repair were more likely to get. The following major complications were recorded: 2 cases of urinary bladder perforation-1 during TEP repair and the other during Lichtenstein repair, but both with good postoperative outcome-and 1 case of pneumothorax, which occurred during the TEP procedure. Despite the fact that TEP is a demanding procedure, it may be performed efficiently with an acceptable operating time and a low complication rate.  相似文献   

目的探讨腹腔镜完全腹膜外疝修补术(TEP)与Lichtenstein术治疗腹股沟疝的临床疗效及并发症影响。 方法回顾性分析2018年6月1日至2021年6月1日中国人民解放军联勤保障部队第967医院普外科收治的126例腹股沟疝患者临床资料。74例患者接受TEP手术,为TEP组;52例接受Lichtenstein术,为开放组;对比2组手术相关指标、术后1周并发症(阴囊水肿、切口感染、尿潴留、暂时性神经感觉异常)发生率及术后不同时间腹股沟区视觉模拟评分(VAS)。 结果TEP组手术时间、住院费用明显高于开放组,术中出血量、住院时间,术后1周并发症(阴囊水肿、切口感染、尿潴留、暂时性神经感觉异常)发生率明显低于开放组,差异有统计学意义(P均<0.05)。术后24 h及1、3个月腹股沟区VAS评分明显低于开放组,差异有统计学意义(P均<0.05);但术后6个月VAS评分与开放组相比差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。 结论TEP手术具有创伤小、疼痛轻、恢复快、住院时间短、并发症发生率低的特点,治疗效果明显优于Lichtenstein术,但其费用高、手术用时长,临床应用中应根据患者自身情况及手术医师所掌握的手术技能选择合适的手术方式。  相似文献   

Although tension-free techniques of hernia repair using synthetic meshes have yielded encouraging results, the best method of inguinal hernia repair is still unclear. The aim of this study was to compare the responses of inflammatory mediators and postoperative pain relief following laparoscopic total extraperitoneal (TEP) hernioplasty, open tension-free mesh hernioplasty (Lichtenstein), posterior preperitoneal mesh hernioplasty (Nyhus procedure), and Bassini procedure. Patients with primary inguinal hernia were randomized in the operating room to undergo one of these repair techniques. Group I comprised 24 patients treated by Lichtenstein procedure; Group II comprised 21 patients treated by Nyhus procedure; Group III comprised 19 patients treated by Bassini procedure; and Group IV comprised 20 patients treated by laparoscopic TEP mesh hernioplasty. Postoperative pain levels following hernia repair were compared by measuring the use of patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) during the 24 hours after surgery. Serum samples withdrawn before surgery and 48 hours after surgery were assayed for C-reactive protein (CRP) content. Patient characteristics, operating time, and operative and early complications were noted. Serum CRP levels rose markedly following Nyhus (184.5 +/- 41.6 mg/L), Lichtenstein (138.4 +/- 72.5 mg/L), and Bassini repair (137.2 +/- 55.9 mg/L) compared with that of patients who underwent TEP mesh hernioplasty (55.5 +/- 41.2 mg/L). There were also significant differences in the postoperative need for analgesics via PCA among patients undergoing Nyhus (382.9 +/- 189.1 mg), Bassini (303.2 +/- 173.7 mg), and Lichtenstein (253.9 +/- 129.3) procedures compared with 196.6 +/- 148.8 mg for the TEP mesh hernioplasty group. Patients in the Lichtenstein group also had significantly less need of analgesics than those in the Nyhus and Bassini groups. In conclusion, TEP mesh hernioplasty is less traumatic and yields less postoperative pain than the Nyhus, Lichtenstein, and Bassini procedures.  相似文献   

目的比较完全腹膜外疝修补术(TEP)与李金斯坦修补术(Lichtenstein)治疗成人腹股沟疝的临床效果。方法回顾性分析2012年1月至2013年10月,华润武钢总医院收治成人腹股沟疝220例手术治疗的临床资料,其中102例行TEP(观察组),118例行开放式Lichtenstein修补术(对照组),对比二组手术时间,术后住院时间,并发症发生率,术后疼痛评分,住院费用及复发情况。结果观察组较对照组住院时间明显缩短(t=7.622,P=0.005),术后疼痛症状极轻,但住院费用相对较高,二组术后并发症无统计学差异(x^2=1.529,P=0.144);术后随访6—18个月,对照组未出现复发,观察组复发1例。结论TEP修补术治疗腹股沟疝具有手术时间短、住院时间短,且安全性高,复发率低,值得临床推广。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This study was designed to compare the results of the Modified Darn Repair through Lichtenstein procedure in inguinal hernias. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study involved 322 patients with inguinal hernia, operated in General Surgery Departments of Gulhane Military Medical Academy and Sirnak Military Hospital between 1998 and 2004. The durations of operation time, hospitalization, and time to return to daily activities and postoperative complication and recurrence rates were evaluated. Lichtenstein procedure was applied on 170 patients (Group 1), and modified darn repair was applied on 152 patients (Group 2). RESULTS: The average follow-up period was 56 months. For the Lichtenstein procedure, the average duration of operation was 56 min; the average time to return to routine activities was 20 days. The number of patients with postoperative complications was 20 (11.7%), and the number of patients with recurrence was 1 (0.6%). For modified darn repair, the average duration of operation was 48 min; the time to return to daily activities was 20 days. The number of patients with postoperative complication was three (1.9%), and no recurrences were noted. The hospitalization time of the groups was similar. DISCUSSION: Modified darn repair is a reliable method for inguinal hernia repair with short hospitalization time, low rate of postoperative complications, and recurrence.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: This study was designed to compare an open tension-free technique (Lichtenstein repair) with a laparoscopic totally extraperitoneal hernia repair (TEP). METHODS: One hundred sixty-eight men aged 30 to 65 years with primary or recurrent inguinal hernia were randomized to TEP or open mesh technique in the manner of Lichtenstein. Follow-up was after 1 and 6 weeks, and 1 year. RESULTS: Eighty-one patients were randomized to TEP, and 87 to open repair. For 1 patient in each group, the operation was converted to a different type of repair. No difference was seen in overall complications between the 2 groups. However, 1 patient in the TEP group underwent operation for small bowel obstruction after surgery. A higher frequency of postoperative hematomas was seen in the open group (P <.05). Patients in the TEP group consumed less analgesic after surgery (P <.001), returned to work earlier (P <.01), and had a shorter time to full recovery (P <.01). Two recurrences occurred in the TEP group 1 year after surgery. CONCLUSION: The TEP technique was associated with less postoperative pain, a shorter time to full recovery, and an earlier return to work compared with the open tension-free repair. No difference was seen in overall complications. However, 2 recurrences did occur after 1 year in the TEP group.  相似文献   

For this study, 66 patients with a preoperative diagnosis of unilateral primary inguinal hernia were randomized to undergo laparoscopic totally extra peritoneal (TEP), laparoscopic transabdominal (TAPP), or open inguinal hernia repair with polypropylene mesh (Lichtenstein type). Both the operative team caring for the patient postoperatively and the patient were blinded to the operative approach by placement of a large dressing covering the abdomen, which was not removed until postoperative day 3. The patients recorded their pain level on a visual analog pain scale daily. Medication usage also was recorded. All patients were seen at 7-day intervals until they returned to work. The patients were interviewed during their postoperative visits by an investigator blinded to the operative approach and questioned regarding their ability to return to work and their pain levels. The average number of lost work days in all the groups was 12, and there was no significant difference between the three groups (p = 0.074). The average operating time for the TAPP procedure was 59 min, less than the time required to complete either the TEP or the Lichtenstein approach, which had equivalent operative times (p = 0.027). The material cost was significantly lower for the Lichtenstein repair ($1,200 less) than for either of the laparoscopic approaches, a saving primarily related to consumable operating room supplies. The TEP repair costs were minimally higher than those for the TAPP repair ($125 more). No significant differences were noted in the postoperative pain scales, and the use of postoperative oral analgesics was equivalent. The higher operative costs noted for the laparoscopic hernia repairs were not offset by a shortened convalescence. Postoperative pain appears to be equivalent regardless of the operative approach chosen and is easily managed with oral analgesics. Presented at the 2003 Society of the American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons (SAGES) Annual Meeting March 12–15, Los Angeles, CA  相似文献   

目的:比较腹腔镜经腹腔腹膜前修补(transabdominal preperitoneal prosthetic TAPP)或腹腔镜完全腹膜外修补(to-tal extraperitoneal prosthetic,TEP)和开放Lichtenstein修补术治疗腹股沟疝的疗效与成本。方法:检索1990年1月至2004年12月31日PUDMED、EMBSE、MEDALINE、中国学术期刊网全文数据库收录的公开发表与研究目的相关的手术临床随机对照(RCTs)的研究文献,提取数据,满足条件者对数据进行合并分析,Meta分析软件用Revman4.2。评价指标包括:手术时间、围手术期总并发症、复发率和治疗费用。结果:有12个RCTs,1 763例患者纳入分析,腹腔镜组870例,其中TAPP 605例,TEP265例;开放Lichtenstein修补893例,Meta分析显示,腹腔镜手术比开放Lichtenstein手术的手术时间长。围手术期总并发症发生率相当。随访2-36个月,复发率相当。4项研究表明,腹腔镜组的手术费用较高。结论:目前证据提示,综合成本与疗效评价,原发的单侧腹股沟疝患者推荐采用Lichtenstein术式,复发双侧的腹股沟疝或有特殊要求的患者,腹腔镜手术可能是较好的选择。  相似文献   

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