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急性弛缓性麻痹病例现场流行病学监测与质量评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
急性弛缓性麻痹(AFP)病例报告和流行病学调查,是现场流行病学监测的主要内容,是评价AFP病例监测敏感性和特异性的基础和前提。据此,对山西省1993~1999年AFP病例监测的质量进行了评估。山西省AFP病例报告发病率从1995年起已>1/10万,1999年为1.51/10万;现场监测的5项指标,从1996年起都达到了规定的要求,1999年都>96.0%。最后1例病毒学确诊的脊髓灰质炎(脊灰)病例发生于1992年4月。1993~1999年697例AFP病例,临床诊断以非脊灰肠道病毒感染最多,占43.33%;其次为格林-巴利综合征,占27.12%。表明山西省AFP病例监测的质量是好的。  相似文献   

Nutritional epidemiological studies have frequently reported associations between higher (poly)phenol intake and a decrease in the risk or incidence of noncommunicable diseases. However, the assessment methods that have been used to quantify the intakes of these compounds in large-population samples are highly variable. This systematic review aims to characterize the methods used to assess dietary (poly)phenol intake in observational studies, report the validation status of the methods, and give recommendations on method selection and data reporting. Three databases were searched for publications that have used dietary assessment methods to measure (poly)phenol intake and 549 eligible full texts were identified. Food-frequency questionnaires were found to be the most commonly used tool to assess dietary (poly)phenol intake (73%). Published data from peer-reviewed journals were the major source of (poly)phenol content data (25%). An increasing number of studies used open-access databases such as Phenol-Explorer and USDA databases on flavonoid content since their inception, which accounted for 11% and 23% of the data sources, respectively. Only 16% of the studies reported a method that had been validated for measuring the target (poly)phenols. For future research we recommend: 1) selecting a validated dietary assessment tool according to the target compounds and target period of measurement; 2) applying and combining comprehensive (poly)phenol content databases such as USDA and Phenol-Explorer; 3) detailing the methods used to assess (poly)phenol intake, including dietary assessment method, (poly)phenol content data source; 4) follow the Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology—Nutritional Epidemiology (STROBE-nut) framework; and 5) complementing dietary intake assessment based on questionnaires with measurement of (poly)phenols in biofluids using appropriate and validated analytical methods.  相似文献   

A total of 270 serum samples collected in Chiang Mai province were examined for antibodies against leptospira using the microscopic agglutination test (MAT). Four of 40 serum specimens from patients who visited the hospital with the common cold, were positive with a titre of 20. Twelve (10.4%) of the 115 samples in the Doi Saket district showed a positive reaction. Only 2 of 115 sera of school children in Chiang Mai city had antibodies. Specific serovars detected were Leptospira hebdomadis (5), L. australis (3), L. icterohaemorrhagiae (2), L. bataviae (2), and one each of L. canicola, L. javanica and L. pyrogenes. One case of mixed infection with L. hebdomadis and L. javanica, and L. autumnalis and L. australis were observed.  相似文献   

采用环境流行病学、环境毒理学、环境化学和临床医学等多学科方法。首次开展电渗析饮用水的卫生流行病学评价。结果表明,饮用电渗析水与居民恶性肿瘤的发生无直接关系,对居民的肝脏功能和胃肠功能,及儿童甲状腺肿大率、氟斑牙患病率、龋患率和溶菌酶水平也无影响。但饮用电渗析水居民的高血压患病率明显高于非电渗析水居民。  相似文献   

甲型H1N1流感流行病学研究进展   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
甲型H1N1流感的预防控制经历了外堵策略(containment strategy),已经转入内防阶段(mitigation phase).新的甲型H1N1流感病毒毒株引发的流感大流行还在全球蔓延,防控工作充满着新的挑战.本文对甲型H1N1流感流行病学相关文献进行综述,旨在为我国各地对该病的预防控制提供帮助.  相似文献   

目的分析湖北省1998~2007年麻疹流行状况,为加速控制和消除麻疹提供科学依据。方法对湖北省1998~2007年法定传染病疫情报告资料和麻疹监测资料进行流行病学分析。结果湖北省1998~2007年共报告麻疹29000例,发病率波动在2.17/10万-8.20/10万之间,年均发病率为4.93/10万。近10年来麻疹疫情报告资料显示,每年3~6月为发病高峰,病例数占全年总数的62.89%。男女比为1:0.69。发病以小年龄组为主,15岁以下儿童发病居多,占发病总数的81.81%。全省各市(州、林区)均有麻疹病例报告,发病主要集中在武汉市、黄石市、黄冈市、荆州市、荆门市、恩施州。近4年麻疹监测系统报告的11458例个案中,有麻疹疫苗免疫史的仅占16.29%,其中麻疹疫苗免疫1次者占11.66%,免疫2次者占4.63%,无免疫史的占39.54%,免疫史不详占44.18%。1999~2007年全省共报告83起麻疹暴发疫情,均经过实验室确认。结论湖北省麻疹发病率已大幅下降。  相似文献   

国际带工梅毒流行病学调查及危险因素分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
〔目的〕通过对辽宁省中韩航线国际带工的梅毒流行病学调查,掌握辽宁省中韩航线带工梅毒的发病现状、分布特点及相关因素,为制定相应防治对策与措施,防止性病的传播、流行提供科学依据。〔方法〕对往返中韩航线的278名国际带工进行梅毒的临床、实验室检查,对数据资料采用SPSS10.0统计软件进行统计学分析。〔结果〕国际带工梅毒的感染率明显高于正常人群,为9.4%;国际带工的带工史(OR=1.220,95%CI=1.013~1.468)、文化程度(OR=2.608,95%CI=1.043~6.521)和年龄(OR=0.215,95%CI=0.072~0.642)等因素与其感染梅毒密切相关,是感染梅毒的危险因素。〔结论〕国际带工是性传播疾病的高危人群;从事带工职业年限是感染性病的危险因素;对国际带工实施有效的干预措施,是防止性病、艾滋病传播的重要手段。  相似文献   

李凤  卫晓丽  陈志军 《职业与健康》2005,21(11):1668-1669
目的描述并分析西安市2003年4-6月SARS流行特点。方法采用全国统一的SARS流行病学调查表收集资料。结果西安市2003年4-6月共发生11例SARS病例,其中9例为输入性病例,确诊病例未发生1例死亡;确定疑似病例累积71例,其中7例转为确诊病例,截止到6月8日,其余64个疑似病例全部排除。在SAILS流行期间共调查1代和2代接触者2530例。结论通过早期发现、早期治疗和早期隔离,西安市未发生大的SARS流行,为非SAILS疫区。  相似文献   

目的了解湖北省腮腺炎的流行特征,为预防控制腮腺炎提供科学依据。方法对湖北省2006~2008年腮腺炎疫情资料进行描述性分析。结果2006~2008年共报告腮腺炎32175例,年发病率分别为19.28/10万、15.22/10万、21.80/10万。0~14岁组占87.28%;春夏季发病占58.45%。结论湖北省2006年及2008年腮腺炎发病率较高。  相似文献   

慈溪市2004-2005年狂犬病流行病学分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
[目的]研究狂犬病的流行病学特征并探讨流行因素,以便采取科学防制措施,遏制全市狂犬病疫情上升趋势。[方法]收集疫情、个案调查表、调查报告等资料进行分析。[结果]2004—2005年全市共发生狂犬病25例,分布于观海卫、逍林等12个镇(街道),其中观海卫镇发病数最高(6例),占全市病例总数的24.0%。病人以0~9岁儿童及30~39岁青壮年农民居多,其中男性17例,女性8例。有犬伤史者23例中,局部伤口未处理的占多数(79.2%),未注射狂犬病疫苗20例(90.0%),注射过疫苗的3例,均未全程注射,也未联合使用人抗狂犬病免疫球蛋白。[结论]要加强狂犬病防制工作,严格执行养犬规定,加强宣传教育,规范犬伤门诊和疫苗供应。  相似文献   

狂犬病是由狂犬病毒引起的中枢神经系统感染的一种自然疫源性疾病,一旦感染发病,死亡率为100%[1].为了解老河口市狂犬病的流行特点,有效预防控制狂犬病提供科学依据,现对老河口市2005-2009年狂犬病疫情资料和流行病学个案调查资料进行分析,结果报告如下.  相似文献   

Trichinellosis is a zoonotic infection and has a worldwide distribution. In Italy numerous sporadic cases and outbreaks of human trichinellosis have been reported. The authors report an epidemiological survey of trichinellosis in Apulia and Basilicata, two regions of southern Italy, where two outbreaks of human trichinellosi (about one hundred cases) have recently occurred, due to ingestion of wild boar meat (sausages). Serological and/or parasitological research was carried out in the trichinellosis patients, in uninfected people (control group), and in wild and synantropic animals. The incidence of infection found in various animal species (sylvatic trichinellosis) in these two regions is high and can represent a serious health risk.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To study the 'compression of morbidity' theory in the Hong Kong SAR by analysing the age and gender-specific hospitalization rates and the expected length of stay per patient for the period 1996-2000. 'Compression of morbidity' refers to the hypothesis that medical progress will reduce the duration of morbidity during life more significantly than increasing morbidity by extending life. DESIGN: This is a retrospective study based on hospital admissions data from the Hospital Authority of Hong Kong which covers 93% of the patient population. SETTING: Age and gender-specific hospitalization rates, expected length of stay and hospitalization needs for each specific age group in Hong Kong from 1996 to 2000, are estimated. MAIN RESULTS: There is no empirical support for compression theory; and there is no significant change in the hospital admission rates for the period 1996-2000. The total number of patient days is expected to increase by 80% because of the ageing effect alone. It is projected that the geriatric service will account for more than 60% of the hospital patient days utilization in 2029. The elderly dependency ratio will increase and the social burden for the next generation will be increased, as the working populations size continues to decrease due to low fertility in the Hong Kong SAR. CONCLUSION: The health care burden on the government is large and increasing. It is therefore essential to make plans to deal with the ageing population, which is predicted to be at its highest in 2020. The rising effect of public expectations on hospital services exerts further pressure on demand.  相似文献   

手足口病(Hand-foot-mouth Disease,HFMD)是由人肠道病毒引起的一种儿童常见传染病,是我国法定报告管理的丙类传染病[1].其病原体主要为COXA16与EV71,大多数由COXA16引发[2].大多数患者症状轻微,以发热和手、足、口腔等部位的皮疹或疱疹为主要症状.  相似文献   

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