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面孔表情的ERP研究进展   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
情绪 (emotion)是情感的外部表现 ,是人们适应性的一种表现 ,也构成了一个基本的动机系统。面孔是人类表达、认知情感的重要工具和途径 ,正确的表达和识别面部表情是人类生存的一项重要的技能。人们运用各种手段研究面孔、情绪、大脑及其与其他认知方面的关系 ,本文总结了前人利用事件相关电位 (ERP)技术研究面孔和情绪的方法、结果、影响因素并且对面孔及情绪的ERP研究提出问题并做出了展望。  相似文献   

大学生面孔表情材料的标准化及其评定   总被引:24,自引:3,他引:24  
目的:建立大学生面孔表情材料系统。方法:采集在校大学生的7种情绪面孔图片,首先由4名评分者对情绪面孔进行类别的初次评定,选取评价一致的图片,再由60名评分者对其进行类别和情绪强烈程度的判定。结果:得到一系列具有代表性的7种情绪面孔图片,并且每张图片都有其相应的情绪强烈程度分数。结论:评分者识别7种情绪类型的难易程度存在差异。  相似文献   

精神分裂症患者面孔知觉的功能磁共振成像   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的:探讨未服药的精神分裂症患者和健康对照者面孔知觉的脑区激活的差异。方法:本研究对10名未服药的精神分裂症患者(患者组)和10名年龄、教育程度和性别匹配的健康人(对照组)进行面孔知觉测试,应用功能磁共振成像(fMRI)技术,比较两组脑区激活区域的差异。结果:两组的面孔知觉任务平均反应时差异无显著性(1.32±0.29/1.28±0.18),但患者组的正确率低于对照组(47.9±24.4/71.3±14.9,t=2.62,P<0.05)。与对照组相比,患者组在面孔知觉时双侧梭状回、左丘脑部位激活降低。结论:精神分裂症患者双侧梭状回、左丘脑功能低下,是其面孔知觉功能受损的影像学证据。  相似文献   

认知功能损害是精神分裂患者三大核心症状之一,并且在精神分裂症患者中长期、广泛存在。精神分裂症患者认知损害主要体现在注意、记忆和执行功能等方面。改善精神分裂症患者认知功能与其社会功能恢复和生活质量的提高密切相关。然而精神分裂症患者认知功能的评估难度大、耗时长,且方法不尽相同。为了能更好地认识、评估精神分裂症患者认知功能,本文通过检索国内外文献,综述了评估精神分裂症患者认知功能几种常用方法,为更好地认识、评估精神分裂症患者的认知功能提供参考。  相似文献   

目的探讨精神分裂症患者自我面孔识别能力及其与自我监控水平的关系。方法采用自我面孔识别任务(SFRT)对62例精神分裂症患者进行测试,与54例健康对照者作比较,同时采用Snyder自我监控量表个人反应问卷(SSMS)作评估。结果①SFRT:患者组平均反应时(2189±1138)ms长于对照组(1152±326)ms,P<0.01,正确率(81±16)%低于对照组(88±6)%,且具有显著性(P<0.01);②SSMS:患者组(10.53±3.00)分低于对照组(12.24±4.06)分;③相关分析显示,患者SFRT平均反应时与SSMS总分(r=-0.298,P<0.05)呈负相关,患者SFRT正确率与SSMS总分(r=0.349,P<0.01)呈正相关;患者组与对照组合并资料分析也显示同样的相关结果。结论精神分裂症患者存在自我面孔识别能力的缺损和自我监控能力损害,自我面孔识别与自我监控能力存在相关,提示两者共同的神经生理基础。  相似文献   

目的:探讨有非自杀性自伤(NSSI)行为的大学生情绪面孔知觉的特点。方法:通过渥太华自我伤害问卷(1个月内至少1次)和青少年自我伤害量表(半年内至少1次)确定NSSI行为。最终获得有NSSI行为(NSSI组)和无NSSI行为(对照组)的大学生志愿者各23、24名。采用2(组别:NSSI组,对照组)×4(情绪面孔:愤怒,开心,中性,惊讶)的混合实验设计,探究两组在判断面孔效价(面孔表情为积极还是消极)时的正确率和反应时的差异。结果:与对照组相比,NSSI组对所有情绪面孔效价的判断更快[(757±43)ms vs.(959±41)ms,P<0.01],但两组的正确率差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。两组均判断开心表情效价的反应时最短,而判断惊讶表情效价的反应时最长(均P<0.001)。结论:有非自杀性自伤行为的大学生对情绪面孔效价更为敏感。  相似文献   

目的 探讨精神分裂症患者的情绪认知活动及其与精神症状的相关性.方法 采用中国人面孔情绪测验(CFET)对61例精神分裂症患者进行测试,与57名正常健康者比较,同时作阳性症状量表(SAPS)和阴性症状量表(SANS)评定.结果 分裂症患者CFET6种情绪认知正确数评分均低于对照组,而远隔错误数评分除厌恶情绪外均显著高于对照组.患者CFET评分与诊断分型、住院次数、用药无关,但SAPS和SANS部分症状评分与CFET的正确数评分呈负相关,而与CFET的错误数评分呈正相关.结论 分裂症患者情绪认知损害较为广泛,在病程过程中相对稳定存在,可能与患者广泛脑区网络功能障碍有关.而患者的症状表现与情绪认知缺陷可能存在共同的病理生理基础.  相似文献   

中国面孔表情图片系统的修订   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
目的:扩展本土化的中国面孔表情图片系统以提供情绪研究的取材。方法:采用方便取样。从北京2所高等艺术院校的表演系、导演系选取100名学生,作为面孔表情表演者;从北京2所普通高等院校招募100名学生,作为面孔表情评分者。采集表演者的愤怒,厌恶,恐惧,悲伤,惊讶,高兴和平静7种面孔表情图片,再由评分者对图片进行情绪类别的判定和情绪强烈程度的9点量表评分,扩展各种情绪类型的图片数量。然后,从北京3所普通高校戏剧社社员中选取100名学生,从北京某社区选取老年人、儿童各10名,作为面孔表情表演者;另从北京2所普通高等院校招募100名学生,作为面孔表情评分者。进一步扩展负性图片的数量(如,愤怒,厌恶,恐惧,悲伤),并补充一些其他年龄段的图片。结果:得到具有代表性的7种情绪类型的面孔表情图片共870张,每张图片都有其对应的认同率和情绪强度评分,其中,愤怒74张,厌恶47张,恐惧64张,悲伤95张,惊讶120张,高兴248张,平静222张。结论:本研究初步建立了信度较高的中国人面孔表情图片系统,可作为以后情绪研究的选取材料,本系统有待进一步完善。  相似文献   

精神分裂症的认知行为治疗   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
目的 了解精神分裂症认知行为治疗的治疗内客、方法。方法 查阅中英文文献,对精神分裂症认知行为治疗的治疗内容、方法等内容进行综述。结果 认知行为治疗用于精神分裂症,有其特殊的治疗原则,针对不同精神症状有不同的治疗方法。结论 精神分裂症的认知行为治疗疗效明显,便于学习、运用,有很大的临床推广应用前景。  相似文献   

面孔加工在日常生活和交往中具有重要作用,而人们通过联系先验经验或利用虚幻想象对视觉信息进行加工,进而识别出不同面孔的过程就是脑功能研究中的一种自上而下(top-down)加工方式.研究面孔top-down加工机制对于进一步了解面孔加工机制,揭示面孔加工机制是否具有特异性具有重要意义.本文对近几年来面孔top-down加工相关的功能磁共振研究方法和成果进行归纳和分析,其中包括基于功能磁共振信号强度计算的面孔感兴趣区分析;面孔top-down加工的全脑网络分析以及面孔top-down加工的因果模型分析.最后对该研究领域的发展进行展望.  相似文献   

Introduction. There is currently substantial literature to suggest that patients with schizophrenia are impaired on many face-processing tasks. This study investigated the specific effects of configural changes on face recognition in groups of schizophrenia patients. Methods. In Experiment 1, participants identified facial expressions in upright faces and in faces inverted from their upright orientation. Experiments 2 and 3 examined recognition memory for faces and other non-face objects presented in upright and inverted orientations. Experiment 4 explored recognition of facial identity in composite images where the top half of one face was fused to the bottom half of another face to form a new face configuration. Results. In each experiment, the configural change had the same effect on face recognition for the schizophrenia patients as it did for control participants. Recognising inverted faces was more difficult than recognising upright faces, with a disproportionate effect of inversion on faces relative to other objects. Recognition of facial identity in face-halves was interfered with by the formation of a new face configuration. Conclusion. Collectively, these results suggest that people with schizophrenia rely on configural information to recognise photographs of faces.  相似文献   

Shyness in healthy controls has been related to early event-related potential (ERP) responses to emotional faces. Patients with schizophrenia typically demonstrate increased shyness that is stable and related to reduced social functioning. We indexed early ERP responses to emotional faces in relation to shyness in 40 outpatients with schizophrenia and 39 healthy controls. Patients with low-to-medium shyness showed reductions in P100 amplitude to emotional compared to neutral faces as shyness increased. Patients reporting medium-to-high shyness demonstrated the opposite pattern; P100 amplitude sharply increased as shyness increased, possibly reflecting heightened vigilance. When a restricted range of shyness scores was used to equalize scores between groups, patients showed increased N170 amplitude to emotional faces as shyness increased, whereas controls demonstrated the opposite pattern. The implications of the findings are discussed with respect to informing vulnerability to social functioning impairment and psychosocial stress in this population.  相似文献   


Introduction: Patients with schizophrenia present clinically with difficulties in manipulating contradictory information in the form of loose associations, surface contradictions and delusional beliefs. It is to date unclear whether patients can detect and process information that contradicts their beliefs and prior knowledge and whether this capacity is related to their symptoms and the nature of contradictory stimuli (e.g., personally significant information, emotional information).

Methods: We probed contradiction processing in patients with schizophrenia and healthy controls using sentence verification tasks that involve self-referential judgements (Experiment 1) and general knowledge (Experiment 2), while manipulating the emotional content of the stimuli.

Results: We found no differences between patients and controls either on reaction time (Experiment 1 & 2) or accuracy measures (Experiment 1).

Conclusions: Our results show no general impairment in contradiction processing in schizophrenia. Rather, failures to detect and correct contradictions in symptoms such as formal though disorder or delusions could arise through a complex interplay between executive dysfunctions, stress and the emotional content of the information.  相似文献   

Many studies have claimed that faces are more holistically recognized than other objects. It is unclear, however, whether some faces are more holistically recognized than other faces. This study examined whether typical faces are more holistically recognized than distinctive faces. In order to measure the degree of holistic processing, I used an alignment effect, which is a kind of interference effect on the part processing by the holistic processing. The alignment effect was measured as performance difference between aligned and non-aligned presentation conditions. The size of the alignment effects reflects the degree of the holistic processing. The results showed that the typical and distinctive faces showed an equal size of the alignment effects. These results suggested that the typical faces were not more holistically recognized than the distinctive faces. The implication of this results for face recognition research was discussed.  相似文献   

Patients with schizophrenia perform worse than controls on various face perception tasks. Studies monitoring eye movements have shown reduced scan paths and a lower number of fixations to relevant facial features (eyes, nose, mouth) than to other parts. We examine whether attentional control, through instructions, modulates visual scanning in schizophrenia. Visual scan paths were monitored in 20 patients with schizophrenia and 20 controls. Participants started with a “free viewing” task followed by tasks in which they were asked to determine the gender, identify the facial expression, estimate the age, or decide whether the face was known or unknown. Temporal and spatial characteristics of scan paths were compared for each group and task. Consistent with the literature, patients with schizophrenia showed reduced attention to salient facial features in the passive viewing. However, their scan paths did not differ from that of controls when asked to determine the facial expression, the gender, the age or the familiarity of the face. The results are interpreted in terms of attentional control and cognitive flexibility.  相似文献   

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