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We are interested in the postnatal development of corticocortical connections in the cat's visual cortex. In this study, we injected the anterograde tracer 3H-proline into visual cortical area 17 of kittens, aged 4-70 d, and adult cats to visualize the distribution of terminals of the association projections to areas 18, 19, 21a, and the lateral suprasylvian visual cortex. The density of anterograde label was quantified using computerized image analysis. There was dense labeling at topographically appropriate locations in area 18 in animals of all ages. In 4- and 8-d-old kittens, other extrastriate areas (19, 21a and the lateral suprasylvian cortex) contained only sparse label, localized in a few solitary axons; these areas were densely labeled in animals aged 12 d or more. In kittens aged 4-20 d there was considerable, widespread label within fibers located in the white matter, and many of these axons lay underneath regions of extrastriate, and also striate, cortex that were almost certainly not destined to be persistently innervated by cells at the injection site. This pattern of extensive white matter label was not seen in animals older than 20 d. In each extrastriate region, from the earliest age at which we identified dense cortical innervation from area 17, the terminals were distributed in clusters. At first these patches were mainly in infragranular layers, but later, during the second and third postnatal weeks, they began to appear in more superficial laminae. By 70 d, an adult-like distribution of terminals was found in each extrastriate area: most fibers appeared to end in layers II and III in areas 18, 19, and 21a and centered on layer IV in the medial bank of the middle suprasylvian sulcus in adult cats. We suggest that the development of ipsilateral association projections from area 17 to extrastriate cortex is a 2-stage process. First, cells at a particular point in area 17 send immature fibers in a nonspecific fashion through white matter towards a very wide area of extrastriate cortex. Second, corticocortical axons penetrate extrastriate cortex mainly in patches at topographically appropriate regions and grow to their targets in a specific fashion.  相似文献   

Higher-order visual thalamus communicates broadly and bi-directionally with primary and extrastriate cortical areas in various mammals. In primates, the pulvinar is a topographically and functionally organized thalamic nucleus that is largely dedicated to visual processing. Still, a more granular connectivity map is needed to understand the role of thalamocortical loops in visually guided behavior. Similarly, the secondary visual thalamic nucleus in mice (the lateral posterior nucleus, LP) has extensive connections with cortex. To resolve the precise connectivity of these circuits, we first mapped mouse visual cortical areas using intrinsic signal optical imaging and then injected fluorescently tagged retrograde tracers (cholera toxin subunit B) into retinotopically-matched locations in various combinations of seven different visual areas. We find that LP neurons representing matched regions in visual space but projecting to different extrastriate areas are found in different topographically organized zones, with few double-labeled cells (~4–6%). In addition, V1 and extrastriate visual areas received input from the ventrolateral part of the laterodorsal nucleus of the thalamus (LDVL). These observations indicate that the thalamus provides topographically organized circuits to each mouse visual area and raise new questions about the contributions from LP and LDVL to cortical activity.  相似文献   

The mammalian visual system is one of the most well-studied brain systems. Visual information from the retina is relayed to the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus of the thalamus (LGd). The LGd then projects topographically to primary visual cortex (VISp) to mediate visual perception. In this view, the VISp is a critical network hub where visual information must traverse LGd–VISp circuits to reach higher order “extrastriate” visual cortices, which surround the VISp on its medial and lateral borders. However, decades of conflicting reports in a variety of mammals support or refute the existence of extrastriate LGd connections that can bypass the VISp. Here, we provide evidence of bidirectional extrastriate connectivity with the mouse LGd. Using small, discrete coinjections of anterograde and retrograde tracers within the thalamus and cortex, our cross-validated approach identified bidirectional connectivity between LGd and extrastriate visual cortices. We find robust reciprocal connectivity of the medial extrastriate regions with LGd neurons distributed along the “ventral strip” border with the intergeniculate leaflet. In contrast, LGd input to lateral extrastriate regions is sparse, but lateral extrastriate regions return stronger descending projections to localized LGd areas. We show further evidence that axons from lateral extrastriate regions can overlap onto medial extrastriate-projecting LGd neurons in the ventral strip, providing a putative subcortical LGd pathway for communication between medial and lateral extrastriate regions. Overall, our findings support the existence of extrastriate LGd circuits and provide novel understanding of LGd organization in rodent visual system.  相似文献   

The development of somatostatin immunoreactive (SOM-ir) neurons in cat striate and extrastriate cortex was studied to determine whether temporal changes in the morphology, distribution and density of SOM-ir neurons during development would provide clues to the emergence of specific cortical areas. The visual cortical areas examined included areas 17–19 and 7, posteromedial lateral suprasylvian, posterolateral lateral suprasylvian cortex and splenial visual area. We observed that the pattern of SOM-ir neurons in the cortical plate reflects the maturation of the cortical plate. At 1 week of age, SOM-ir neurons were only found in layers V and VI of the developing cortex; by 2 weeks of age, SOM-ir neurons were found in layer IV; and by 3 weeks of age, SOM-ir neurons were located in all layers of the cortex except layer I. SOM-ir neurons in the subplate were much more numerous under lateral cortical areas than under medial areas. This difference decreased over the first 2 postnatal weeks and by the 14th day after birth (P14), the distribution and numbers of SOM-ir neurons in the subplate/white matter had reached the adult pattern. The timing of exuberant SOM expression in the subplate suggests a function in the formation of visual corticocortical connections which begin to develop during the first postnatal week in the kitten.  相似文献   

In this study we report the expression of TrkA receptor within the rat visual cortex during postnatal development and in adulthood, using a specific monoclonal antibody which recognizes the extracellular domain of TrkA receptor. TrkA was not detected by immunohistochemistry at postnatal day 13 (P13), i.e. before eye opening. At P22 TrkA was mostly localised in cortical fibre-like processes. At P39 and P90, TrkA-positive neuronal cell bodies in supragranular and infragranular layers were found. Using double immunohistochemistry, labelled cells were identified as intrinsic cholinergic neurones, and as interneurones expressing calbindin and neuropeptide Y. We conclude that TrkA is expressed in visual cortical neurones during postnatal development and in adulthood and that its pattern of expression is developmentally regulated.  相似文献   

Congenital deafness leads to functional deficits in the auditory cortex for which early cochlear implantation can effectively compensate. Most of these deficits have been demonstrated functionally. Furthermore, the majority of previous studies on deafness have involved the primary auditory cortex; knowledge of higher‐order areas is limited to effects of cross‐modal reorganization. In this study, we compared the cortical cytoarchitecture of four cortical areas in adult hearing and congenitally deaf cats (CDCs): the primary auditory field A1, two secondary auditory fields, namely the dorsal zone and second auditory field (A2); and a reference visual association field (area 7) in the same section stained either using Nissl or SMI‐32 antibodies. The general cytoarchitectonic pattern and the area‐specific characteristics in the auditory cortex remained unchanged in animals with congenital deafness. Whereas area 7 did not differ between the groups investigated, all auditory fields were slightly thinner in CDCs, this being caused by reduced thickness of layers IV–VI. The study documents that, while the cytoarchitectonic patterns are in general independent of sensory experience, reduced layer thickness is observed in both primary and higher‐order auditory fields in layer IV and infragranular layers. The study demonstrates differences in effects of congenital deafness between supragranular and other cortical layers, but similar dystrophic effects in all investigated auditory fields.  相似文献   

The medial division of the medial geniculate (MGM) and the posterior intralaminar nucleus (PIN) are association nuclei of the auditory thalamus. We made tracer injections in these nuclei to evaluate/compare their presynaptic terminal and postsynaptic target features in auditory cortex, amygdala and striatum, at the light and electron microscopic levels. Cortical labeling was concentrated in Layer 1 but in other layers distribution was location-dependent. In cortical areas designated dorsal, primary and ventral (AuD, Au1, AuV) terminals deep to Layer 1 were concentrated in infragranular layers and sparser in the supragranular and middle layers. In ectorhinal cortex (Ect), distributions below Layer 1 changed with concentrations in supragranular and middle layers. In temporal association cortex (TeA) terminal distributions below Layer 1 was intermediate between AuV/1/D and Ect. In amygdala and striatum, terminal concentrations were higher in striatum but not as dense as in cortical Layer 1. Ultrastructurally, presynaptic terminal size was similar in amygdala, striatum or cortex and in all cortical layers. Postsynaptically MGM/PIN terminals everywhere synapsed on spines or small distal dendrites but as a population the postsynaptic structures in cortex were larger than those in the striatum. In addition, primary cortical targets of terminals were larger in primary cortex than in area Ect. Thus, although postsynaptic size may play some role in changes in synaptic influence between areas it appears that terminal size is not a variable used for that purpose. In auditory cortex, cortical subdivision-dependent changes in the terminal distribution between cortical layers may also play a role.  相似文献   

The dorsolateral visual area (DL) is one of a number of visual areas that have been defined by electrophysiological mapping procedures and cortical architecture in the extrastriate cortex of owl monkeys. The projections of DL were determined by the intra-axonal transport of 3H-proline, 3H-acetyl-wheat germ agglutinin, and horseradish peroxidase after cortical injections. The major ipsilateral projection of DL defined a new subdivision of the visual cortex in owl monkeys, the caudal inferior temporal cortex. Single injections in DL sometimes produced label in two separate regions in the caudal inferior temporal cortex, suggesting that functional subdivisions exist in this projection zone. Other targets of DL included the region of the frontal eye fields, the dorsomedial visual area, the dorsointermediate visual area (DI), a region of the cortex rostral to DI which we call the temporoparietal cortex, and possibly the ventral (V) and posterior parietal areas. A major feedback projection of DL was to V-II. Projections from DL to V-II and the dorsomedial visual area were roughly retinotopic. Projections from DL to the contralateral cerebral hemisphere were to DL and the inferior temporal cortex. Overall, the results support the concept that a major relay of visual information proceeds from V-I to V-II to DL and then to the inferior temporal cortex. In addition, similarities in connection patterns of DL in owl monkeys and V4 in macaque monkeys suggest that DL and much or all of V4 are homologous.  相似文献   

Comprised of at least five distinct nuclei, the pulvinar complex of primates includes two large visually driven nuclei; one in the dorsal (lateral) pulvinar and one in the ventral (inferior) pulvinar, that contain similar retinotopic representations of the contralateral visual hemifield. Both nuclei also appear to have similar connections with areas of visual cortex. Here we determined the cortical connections of these two nuclei in galagos, members of the stepsirrhine primate radiation, to see if the nuclei differed in ways that could support differences in function. Injections of different retrograde tracers in each nucleus produced similar patterns of labeled neurons, predominately in layer 6 of V1, V2, V3, MT, regions of temporal cortex, and other visual areas. More complete labeling of neurons with a modified rabies virus identified these neurons as pyramidal cells with apical dendrites extending into superficial cortical layers. Importantly, the distributions of cortical neurons projecting to each of the two nuclei were highly overlapping, but formed separate populations. Sparse populations of double-labeled neurons were found in both V1 and V2 but were very low in number (<0.1%). Finally, the labeled cortical neurons were predominately in layer 6, and layer 5 neurons were labeled only in extrastriate areas. Terminations of pulvinar projections to area 17 was largely in superficial cortical layers, especially layer 1.  相似文献   

The extrageniculate visual pathway, which carries visual information from the retina through the superficial layers of the superior colliculus and the pulvinar, is poorly understood. The pulvinar is thought to modulate information flow between cortical areas, and has been implicated in cognitive tasks like directing visually guided actions. In order to better understand the underlying circuitry, we performed retrograde injections of modified rabies virus in the visual cortex and pulvinar of the Long‐Evans rat. We found a relatively small population of cells projecting to primary visual cortex (V1), compared to a much larger population projecting to higher visual cortex. Reciprocal corticothalamic projections showed a similar result, implying that pulvinar does not play as big a role in directly modulating rodent V1 activity as previously thought.  相似文献   

It is controversial whether mouse extrastriate cortex has a "simple" organization in which lateral primary visual cortex (V1) is adjoined by a single area V2 or has a "complex" organization, in which lateral V1 is adjoined by multiple distinct areas, all of which share the vertical meridian with V1. Resolving this issue is important for understanding the evolution and development of cortical arealization. We have used triple pathway tracing combined with receptive field recordings to map azimuth and elevation in the same brain and have referenced these maps against callosal landmarks. We found that V1 projects to 15 cortical fields. At least nine of these contain maps with complete and orderly representations of the entire visual hemifield and therefore represent distinct areas. One of these, PM, adjoins V1 at the medial border. Five areas, P, LM, AL, RL, and A, adjoin V1 on the lateral border, but only LM shares the vertical meridian representation with V1. This suggests that LM is homologous to V2 and that the lateral extrastriate areas do not represent modules within a single area V2. Thus, mouse visual cortex is "simple" in the sense that lateral V1 is adjoined by a single V2-like area, LM, and "complex" in having a string of areas in lateral extrastriate cortex, which receive direct V1 input. The results suggest that large numbers of areas with topologically equivalent maps of the visual field emerge early in evolution and that homologous areas are inherited in different mammalian lineages.  相似文献   

To determine whether thalamocortical synaptic circuits differ across cortical areas, we examined the ultrastructure of geniculocortical terminals in the tree shrew striate cortex to compare directly the characteristics of these terminals with those of pulvinocortical terminals (examined previously in the temporal cortex of the same species; Chomsung et al. [ 2010 ] Cereb Cortex 20:997–1011). Tree shrews are considered to represent a prototype of early prosimian primates but are unique in that sublaminae of striate cortex layer IV respond preferentially to light onset (IVa) or offset (IVb). We examined geniculocortical inputs to these two sublayers labeled by tracer or virus injections or an antibody against the type 2 vesicular glutamate antibody (vGLUT2). We found that layer IV geniculocortical terminals, as well as their postsynaptic targets, were significantly larger than pulvinocortical terminals and their postsynaptic targets. In addition, we found that 9–10% of geniculocortical terminals in each sublamina contacted GABAergic interneurons, whereas pulvinocortical terminals were not found to contact any interneurons. Moreover, we found that the majority of geniculocortical terminals in both IVa and IVb contained dendritic protrusions, whereas pulvinocortical terminals do not contain these structures. Finally, we found that synaptopodin, a protein uniquely associated with the spine apparatus, and telencephalin (TLCN, or intercellular adhesion molecule type 5), a protein associated with maturation of dendritic spines, are largely excluded from geniculocortical recipient layers of the striate cortex. Together our results suggest major differences in the synaptic organization of thalamocortical pathways in striate and extrastriate areas. J. Comp. Neurol. 524:1292–1306, 2016. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

A T Perkins  T J Teyler 《Brain research》1988,439(1-2):222-229
The in vitro rodent visual cortical slice preparation demonstrates a critical period for long-term potentiation (LTP). Current source density (CSD) analysis reveals peak potentiation of both supra-(layers II-III) and infragranular (layers V) layers of visual cortex during the second postnatal week following stimulation of the subadjacent white matter. By day 30 both the supra- and infragranular CSD sinks show only minimal potentiation. In adults there is no change in supragranular response but infragranular layers reveal 177% potentiation. Therefore, we conclude that rodent visual cortex displays a critical period for maximum plasticity of both supra and infra-granular layers. Supragranular visual cortex plasticity ends by day 30 whereas infragranular layers retain plastic qualities into adulthood.  相似文献   

The visual cortical serotoninergic system was compared in normal and dark-reared cats to determine whether visual experience is necessary for its normal development. In vitro receptor binding of [3H]5-HT indicated an increase in 5-HT1 receptor number in dark-reared cats with no change in affinity. This elevation was specific to the visual cortex and no changes were found in the frontal cortex as a result of dark rearing. Autoradiographic histology revealed that in the normal cat visual cortex, 5-HT1 receptors were present in all cortical layers and were slightly more dense in supragranular and infragranular layers. In dark-reared cats, there was a marked elevation in receptor density in supragranular and infragranular layers and little change within layer IV. Immunohistochemical techniques (anti-5-HT) were used to compare serotoninergic innervation in the visual cortex of normal and dark-reared cats. In normal cat visual cortex, serotonin fibers were most dense in the superficial layers (I-III), least dense in layers IV and VI, and intermediate in layer V. No differences were found between normal and dark-reared cats in the laminar distribution or density of serotoninergic innervation. These results indicate that visual experience is necessary for the normal development of the visual cortical serotonin system. The findings that the effects of dark rearing were specific to the visual cortex and that within the visual cortex these effects were specific to supra- and infragranular layers are consistent with a possible role for serotonin in the prolonged physiological plasticity that occurs in the visual cortex of dark-reared cats.  相似文献   

The afferent connectivity of areas V1 and V2 was investigated using the fluorescent dyes fast blue and diamidino yellow. Simultaneous injection of each dye in retinotopically corresponding regions of these areas gave rise to two afferent populations of labeled neurons in subcortical and cortical structures which project to both areas. These two populations showed a variable degree of overlap in their spatial distribution. Neurons labeled by both dyes (double-labeled neurons) which, therefore, project to both areas, were found in substantial numbers in these overlap zones. When the injections were made in non-retinotopically corresponding regions in the two areas, both populations of labeled cells overlapped extensively in the cortex but not in subcortical structures, suggesting that the laws governing the topography of these two types of connections are different. In the cortex, the labeled neurons extended from the fundus of the lunate sulcus to the fundus of the superior temporal sulcus. A few labeled neurons were also found in the inferior temporal cortex and the parahippocampal gyrus. In all cortical regions, corticocortical neurons projecting to V1 and V2 were found in both supra- and infragranular layers, although double-labeled neurons were more numerous in infragranular layers. With increasing distance from V1 there was an increase in the proportion of neurons labeled in infragranular layers. The comparative strength of input to V1 and V2 was computed and was found to be higher to V2 in all cortical regions except the superior temporal sulcus which projected equally heavily to both areas. The superior temporal sulcus also stood out in that of all cortical regions it contained the highest proportion of double-labeled neurons. Single- and double-labeled neurons were found in a number of subcortical structures including the lateral geniculate nucleus, the inferior and lateral pulvinar, the intralaminar nuclei, the nucleus basalis of Meynert, and the amygdala. The pattern of labeling in the lateral pulvinar was in agreement with the suggestion that this structure has a complex topographical organization containing at least a dual representation of the visual field (Bender, D. B. (1981) J. Neurophysiol. 46: 672-693). In the pulvinar complex, densities of labeled neurons permitted evaluation of the strength of input to V1 and V2, the latter being the strongest. These results demonstrate that areas V1 and V2 share a vast amount of common input from the same cortical and subcortical structures and that a number of neurons project to both areas via branching axons.  相似文献   

Local GABAergic connections are undoubtedly important for the operation of cerebral cortex, including the tuning of receptive field properties of visual cortical neurons. In order to begin to correlate specific configurations of GABAergic networks with particular receptive field properties, we examined the arrangement of GABAergic neurons projecting to foci in compartments of known functional specialization in striate (area V1) and extrastriate (areas V2, V4) cortices of rhesus monkeys. GABAergic cells were detected autoradiographically following microinjections into supragranular, granular, or infragranular layers of 5, 10, or 50 nl of 3H-nipecotic acid, which selectively exploits the GABA reuptake mechanism. These injections produced complex inter- and intralaminar distributions of retrograde perikaryal labeling that was selective for GABA-immunopositive neurons and glia. The pattern of retrograde labeling depended on both the laminar and cytoarchitectonic location of injection sites. In all cases, a high density of labeled neurons was present in the immediate vicinity of injection sites, with the density of labeled neurons decreasing for the most part uniformly with horizontal distance. Injections in supragranular layers produced relatively widespread labeling (up to 1.5-1.7 mm from the center of injections) in upper layers, whereas in granular and infragranular layers, labeling was confined to a radius of 0.25-0.5 mm. Conversely, injections in infragranular layers produced labeling that was widest (up to 1 mm) in lower layers, but more laterally restricted in supragranular layers. Injections in granular layers, on the other hand, produced an even distribution of labeling, 0.6-1.0 mm in diameter, throughout all layers. Comparably placed injections in V1, V2, and V4 resulted in patterns of labeling that were distinguished by features including stepwise increases in the lateral extent of labeling from striate to extrastriate areas, and the circular versus markedly elongated intralaminar distribution of labeled neurons in V1 and V4 versus V2. Further, for superficial injections, labeling was present in all layers in V1 and V2, but did not extent below the top layer V in area V4. These findings offer clear examples of organizational differences in the intrinsic inhibitory connections of visual cortices. The results also demonstrate that the number of GABAergic neurons projecting to any spot in cortex decreases systematically with horizontal distance from the spot, and that radiolabeled cells do not coalesce to form slabs, columns, or clusters. This relatively even distribution of retrogradely labeled cells in the tangential plane is consistent with recent computer simulations (Worgotter and Koch, 1991) that suggest that inhibitory neurons broadly tuned as a population can produce the specific response properties of cortical neurons.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The excitatory glutamatergic synapse is the principal site of communication between cortical pyramidal neurons and their targets, a key locus of action of many drugs, and highly vulnerable to dysfunction and loss in neurodegenerative disease. A detailed knowledge of the structure of these synapses in distinct cortical areas and across species is a prerequisite for understanding the anatomical underpinnings of cortical specialization and, potentially, selective vulnerability in neurological disorders. We used serial electron microscopy to assess the ultrastructural features of excitatory (asymmetric) synapses in the layers 2–3 (L2–3) neuropil of visual (V1) and frontal (FC) cortices of the adult mouse and compared findings to those in the rhesus monkey (V1 and lateral prefrontal cortex [LPFC]). Analyses of multiple ultrastructural variables revealed four organizational features. First, the density of asymmetric synapses does not differ between frontal and visual cortices in either species, but is significantly higher in mouse than in monkey. Second, the structural properties of asymmetric synapses in mouse V1 and FC are nearly identical, by stark contrast to the significant differences seen between monkey V1 and LPFC. Third, while the structural features of postsynaptic entities in mouse and monkey V1 do not differ, the size of presynaptic boutons are significantly larger in monkey V1. Fourth, both presynaptic and postsynaptic entities are significantly smaller in the mouse FC than in the monkey LPFC. The diversity of synaptic ultrastructural features demonstrated here have broad implications for the nature and efficacy of glutamatergic signaling in distinct cortical areas within and across species.  相似文献   

Interareal feedback connections are a fundamental aspect of cortical architecture, yet many aspects of their organization and functional relevance remain poorly understood. Previous studies have investigated the topography of feedback projections from extrastriate cortex to macaque area 17. We have extended this analysis to the ferret. We made restricted injections of cholera toxin B (CTb) into ferret area 17 and mapped the distribution of retrogradely labeled cells in extrastriate cortex. In addition to extensive label spreading within area 17, we found dense cell label in areas 18, 19, and 21 and the suprasylvian cortex and sparser connections from the lateral temporal and posterior parietal cortex. We made extensive physiological assessments of magnification factors in the extrastriate visual cortex and used these measures to convert the spread of labeled cortex in millimeters into a span in degrees of visual field. We also directly measured the visuotopic extents of receptive fields in the regions containing labeled cells in cases in which we made both CTb injections and physiological recordings in the same animals; we then compared the aggregate receptive field (ARF) of the labeled region in each extrastriate area with that of the injection site. In areas 18, 19, and 21, receptive fields of cells in regions containing labeled neurons overlapped those at the injection site but spanned a greater distance in visual space than the ARF of the injection site. The broad visuotopic extent of feedback connections is consistent with the suggestion that they contribute to response modulation by stimuli beyond the classical receptive field.  相似文献   

The human early postnatal brain contains late migratory streams of immature interneurons that are directed to cortex and other focal brain regions. However, such migration is not observed in rodent brain, and whether other small animal models capture this aspect of human brain development is unclear. Here, we investigated whether the gyrencephalic ferret cortex possesses human-equivalent postnatal streams of doublecortin positive (DCX+) young neurons. We mapped DCX+ cells in the brains of ferrets at P20 (analogous to human term gestation), P40, P65, and P90. In addition to the rostral migratory stream, we identified three populations of young neurons with migratory morphology at P20 oriented toward: (a) prefrontal cortex, (b) dorsal posterior sigmoid gyrus, and (c) occipital lobe. These three neuronal collections were all present at P20 and became extinguished by P90 (equivalent to human postnatal age 2 years). DCX+ cells in such collections all expressed GAD67, identifying them as interneurons, and they variously expressed the subtype markers SP8 and secretagogin (SCGN). SCGN+ interneurons appeared in thick sections to be oriented from white matter toward multiple cortical regions, and persistent SCGN-expressing cells were observed in cortex. These findings indicate that ferret is a suitable animal model to study the human-relevant process of late postnatal cortical interneuron integration into multiple regions of cortex.  相似文献   

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