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Fahey  Tom 《Family practice》2003,20(1):100
This book is offered as an "alternative primer in basic statisticsand epidemiology and their practical use." With this objectivein mind, I can say that this book achieves its  相似文献   

Patients tell all kinds of stories about their lives, oftenemotionally charged, sometimes funny, but always enriching.This is grist to the doctor’s mill, that makes personalmedicine so rewarding to practise. It is important for patientsto know that their stories have been heard and understood. Thevery  相似文献   

EARs, PUNs and DENs are some of the new watchwords for GPs inthe UK as they face mandatory re-appraisal on an annual basis.Repeated appraisals which are satisfactory will ensure continuedrevalidation to continue in practice. The authors of this  相似文献   

Today’s primary care managers are faced with an increasingwork load and frequent organizational changes. This excellentbook will prove most helpful as it clearly and simply explainsmany  相似文献   

This unpromising title covers an interesting book about counsellingin primary care. The author is an experienced counsellor whoworks in a general practice and is schooled in the techniquedeveloped by Carl Rogers and here described as the person-centredapproach (PCA)—the discipline in which at least  相似文献   

In 1990, the WHO estimated that unsafe sex accounted for 2%of worldwide adult mortality and 3.5% of morbidity. The seeminglyinexorable advance of most sexually transmitted infections sincethen means that these proportions are now likely to be underestimates.The UK tops  相似文献   

Cheng  Jose 《Family practice》2002,19(5):571
In the developed countries with unprecedented prosperity, obesityhas become a major scourge to health. The prevalence rate ofobesity has increased rapidly in recent  相似文献   

Complexity is topical. I’ve always known general practiceis complex, but I’ve tried to understand it by lookingfor ‘those underlying simple rules’. This book persuasivelyargues that the rules are not necessarily simple. A complexsystem cannot necessarily be understood by taking it apart andexamining the  相似文献   

A quick glance at the subtitle might suggest that this bookwas another attempt to provide quick practical answers to allthose difficult decisions that we face as health service professionals.If so, readers will be disappointed by the end of page 6. I  相似文献   

Heath  Iona 《Family practice》2003,20(1):99
Faced with the diagnosis of an exceptionally rare alveolar rhabdomyosarcomain the ethmoid sinus and a very poor prognosis, Rachel Clarkset out to write down her thoughts about her cancer and itstreatment, and the effects of both on her friends, her  相似文献   

Busy practitioners and other health professionals may feel thatthey do not have time to grapple with the Internet, with itsenormous wealth of dubious information. However, patients donot all take this view. A recent study from Denmark,1 while  相似文献   

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