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PURPOSE: The phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase signaling pathway is frequently activated in cancer. Emerging evidence supports the p85alpha regulatory subunit gene, PIK3R1, as a novel oncogene. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: We examined the association of a functional missense polymorphism (Met326Ile) of PIK3R1 with colon cancer risk in a population-based case-control study of 421 incident cases and 483 controls. RESULTS: In our base unconditional logistic regression model controlling for age, gender, and race, we observed a 47% increase in risk among those carrying one or two copies of the 326Ile variant (P = 0.01). Further adjustment for family history of colorectal cancer, body mass index, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, smoking, alcohol consumption, and physical activity strengthened the association [odds ratio (OR), 1.73; 95% confidence interval (CI), 1.24-2.42, P = 0.001]. The association was more pronounced among those older than 64 years (OR, 2.10; 95% CI, 1.19-3.70, P = 0.01). Evaluation of the genotypes assuming an additive mode of inheritance showed a significant trend for gene-dose response, where compared with Met/Met, the OR estimates for Ile/Met and Ile/Ile were 1.68 (95% CI, 1.19-2.37) and 2.27 (95% CI, 0.98-5.29), respectively (P for trend = 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: This study is the first to describe a significant association between a germ line functional variant in PIK3R1 and cancer, providing new evidence supporting a role for PIK3R1 in the development of colon cancer.  相似文献   

The human phosphatidylinositol (PI) 3-kinase p85 alpha subunit gene and its homologue p85 beta were assigned to human chromosomes by analysis of their segregation in a panel of somatic cell hybrids using human-specific polymerase chain reaction primers. The p85 alpha locus was only present in hybrids retaining the human chromosome 5q. The presence of the p85 beta locus coincided with the presence of chromosome 19. The precise chromosomal sublocalization of these two genes was then determined by in situ hybridization. We confirmed the localization of the p85 alpha gene at 5q12-q13, as recently described (Cannizzaro, L.A., Skolnik, E.Y., Margolis, B., Croce, C.M., Schlesinger, J. & Huebner, K. (1991). Cancer Res., 51, 3818-3820) and positioned the p85 beta locus at 19q13.2-q13.4.  相似文献   

Bénistant C  Chapuis H  Roche S 《Oncogene》2000,19(44):5083-5090
We have previously shown an important function of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K)alpha(p85alpha-p110alpha) and PI3Kbeta (p85-alpha-p110beta) for DNA synthesis induced by various mitogens in non transformed fibroblasts and we now report a specific role of these enzymes in human colon cancer cell growth. Using antibodies specific to p110alpha and to p110beta catalytic subunits, increase in PI3Kalpha and PI3Kbeta activities was detected in 15/19 human tumour biopsies relative to adjacent normal mucosa of human colon and bladder. Increase in such activities was also observed in adenocarcinoma cell lines CaCo2, CO115, HCT 116, LS 174T and WiDr relative to non-transformed fibroblasts. Maximal PI3Kalpha activity was observed for LS 174T and PI3Kbeta activity for WiDr cells. This was partly correlated with an increase in p110alpha and p110beta protein levels both in some primary tumours and established cell lines, suggesting that PI3K overexpression is involved in enzymatic deregulation. Functional consequence of such activation was assessed by a microinjection approach. An injection of neutralizing antibody specific to p110beta in WiDr, HCT116 and CO 115 cells inhibited de novo DNA synthesis, whereas antibodies specific to p110gamma had no effect. Neutralizing antibodies specific to p110alpha induced apoptosis, a response that was reverted by treating cells with the caspase inhibitor z-VAD-fmk. However anti-p110beta and anti-p110gamma antibodies did not affect cell survival. We concluded that PI3Kalpha and PI3Kbeta play important roles in human colon cancer cell growth with a specific function for PI3Kbeta in de novo DNA synthesis and an involvement of PI3Kalpha in cell survival.  相似文献   

Senft J  Helfer B  Frisch SM 《Cancer research》2007,67(24):11505-11509
Cell migration plays an important role in tumor cell invasion and metastasis. Previously, we reported that caspase-8 contributes to cell migration and adhesion, a novel nonapoptotic function of an established apoptotic factor. Herein, we report that pro-caspase-8 is capable of restoring cell migration/adhesion to caspase-8-null cells, establishing the first biological function of a pro-caspase. The catalytic activity of caspase-8 was not required for cell motility. Stimulation of motility with epidermal growth factor induced the phosphorylation of caspase-8 on tyrosine-380 and the interaction of caspase-8 with the p85 alpha subunit of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase. Tyrosine-380 was required for the restoration of cell motility and cell adhesion in caspase-8-null cells, demonstrating the importance of the caspase-8-p85 interaction for these nonapoptotic functions. These results suggest that caspase-8 phosphorylation converts it from a proapoptotic factor to a cell motility factor that, through tyrosine-380, interacts with p85, an established cell migration component.  相似文献   

Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3-K) is a heterodimer of a regulatory subunit, p85, and a catalytic subunit, p110. A number of previous reports showed that PI3-K functions in diverse cellular phenomena such as cell proliferation, glucose catabolism, cell adhesion, and vesicle transport. It is also well known that a survival signal from the receptor tyrosine kinases utilizes Akt via PI3-K to protect cells from apoptosis. To examine the role of PI3-K in cellular sensitivity to genotoxic stresses such as cisplatin and ultraviolet (UV), we introduced deletion type p85 (Dp85) into two human glioblastoma cell lines (T98G and A172) and one melanoma cell line (G361). The Deltap85 works in a dominant-negative fashion on PI3-K activity by disrupting its p85 / p110 interaction. In all three transfected cell lines, the overexpression of Deltap85 rendered the cells markedly more sensitive to these DNA-damaging stresses than the cells transfected with the vector alone. Apoptosis was vigorously induced in cells overexpressing Dp85 following the treatment. The present results imply that PI3-K plays a critical role in determining cellular sensitivity to genotoxic stresses in human cancer cells, and that disruption of the p85 / p110 interaction of PI3-K may be a potential molecular target for developing a novel strategy for cancer treatment.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Neutral endopeptidase 24.11 (NEP) is a cell-surface peptidase that inactivates a variety of neuropeptide substrates. In addition to catalytic activity, NEP can exert biological effects through protein-protein interactions. We previously reported that NEP directly associated with tyrosine-phosphorylated Lyn kinase, and with the p85 subunit of the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3 kinase) resulting in an NEP-Lyn-PI3 kinase protein complex. MATERIALS AND METHODS: In this report, we investigated the association of NEP with cytoplasmic proteins using ProteinChip Array, surface enhanced laser desorption/ionization (SELDI) technology combined with time-of-flight mass spectrometry, as well as immunoprecipitation and Western blottings. RESULTS: Using immunocapture on the ProteinChip surface, we identified a 122 kDa protein which associates with NEP derived from LNCaP cell lysates which had the identical molecular weight as the beta-subunit of p110 subunit of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase. The identity of the p110 beta was confirmed by Western blot analysis of NEP and p110 beta immunoprecipitates using monoclonal antibodies specific for NEP and p110 beta. CONCLUSION: These data confirm the association of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (consisting of the p85 adaptor and p110 beta-subunit) with NEP. Furthermore, this work demonstrates the ability of mass spectrometry to identify proteins interacting with NEP and potentially other cell-surface peptidases.  相似文献   

Cytokine-dependent activation of distinct signaling pathways is a common scheme thought to be required for the subsequent programmation into cell proliferation and survival. The PI 3-kinase/Akt, Ras/MAP kinase, Ras/NFIL3 and JAK/STAT pathways have been shown to participate in cytokine mediated suppression of apoptosis in various cell types. However the relative importance of these signaling pathways seems to depend on the cellular context. In several cases, individual inhibition of each pathway is not sufficient to completely abrogate cytokine mediated cell survival suggesting that cooperation between these pathways is required. Here we showed that individual inhibition of STAT5, PI 3-kinase or MEK activities did not or weakly affected the IL-3 dependent survival of the bone marrow derived Ba/F3 cell line. However, the simultaneous inhibition of STAT5 and PI 3-kinase activities but not that of STAT5 and MEK reduced the IL-3 dependent survival of Ba/F3. Analysis of the expression of the Bcl-2 members indicated that phosphorylation of Bad and Bcl-x expression which are respectively regulated by the PI 3-kinase/Akt pathway and STAT5 probably explain this cooperation. Furthermore, we showed by co-immunoprecipitation studies and pull down experiments with fusion proteins encoding the GST-SH2 domains of p85 that STAT5 in its phosphorylated form interacts with the p85 subunit of the PI 3-kinase. These results indicate that the activations of STAT5 and the PI 3-kinase by IL-3 in Ba/F3 cells are tightly connected and cooperate to mediate IL-3-dependent suppression of apoptosis by modulating Bad phosphorylation and Bcl-x expression.  相似文献   

Wang GH  Luo XL  Sun L  Deng Y  Li XL  Tao DD  Hu JB  Gong JP 《癌症》2008,27(10):1034-1038
背景与目的:p55γ是磷脂酰肌醇3激酶(phosphoinositide 3-kinase,P13K)的调节亚单位之一,在调节P13K活性上具有重要的作用.本研究旨在观察P13K的一个调节亚基p55γ-N末端24个氨基酸抑制结肠癌细胞增殖的作用.方法:构建含有P13K-p55γ-N末端24个氨基酸的腺病毒载体Ad-N24p55-GFP及对照病毒Ad-GFP,以其感染结肠癌HT29细胞.流式细胞仪检测细胞周期进程,应用BrdU掺入法检测其对细胞DNA合成的影响,通过建立体内肿瘤裸鼠移植瘤模型进一步证实Ad-N24p55-GFP的抗肿瘤作用.结果:对照腺病毒Ad-GFP感染的细胞中Go/G1期细胞为65.11%,S期和G2/M期细胞数分别为17.37%和17.51%;而带有插入目的基因的腺病毒Ad-N24p55-GFP感染后的细胞Co/G1期细胞增至73.39%,S期和C2/M期细胞减少至15.08%和11.13%.BrdU掺入法结果显示BrdU阳性的细胞数由24.82%降至9.27%(P<0.05).HT29细胞裸鼠移植瘤模型局部应用Ad-N24p55-GFP后肿瘤生长显著减慢,其瘤重明显低于空白对照组和腺病毒对照组[(0.32±0.08)g vs.(0.67±0.30)g,(0.72±0.28)g,P<0.05].结论:过表达P13K-p553γ-N末端24个氨基酸可有效阻滞HT29细胞周期进程,抑制细胞DNA合成;并可有效抑制结肠癌裸鼠移植瘤模型的肿瘤生长.  相似文献   

Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) is necessary for thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH)-induced cell cycle progression. To determine the molecular mechanism linking PI3K to TSH, we have identified a serine residue in p85alpha(PI3K) phosphorylated by protein kinase A (PKA) in vitro and in vivo. Expression of an alanine mutant (p85A) abolished cyclic AMP/TSH-induced cell cycle progression and was lethal in thyroid cells (FRTL-5). The aspartic version of the p85alpha(PI3K) (p85D) inhibited apoptosis following TSH withdrawal. The p85alpha(PI3K) wild type not the p85A bound PKA regulatory subunit RIIbeta in cells stimulated with cAMP or TSH. The binding of the aspartic version of p85alpha(PI3K) to RIIbeta was independent of cAMP or TSH stimulation. Similarly, binding of PI3K to p21Ras and activation of AKT, a downstream PI3K target, were severely impaired in cells expressing the p85A mutant. Finally, we found that the catalytic activity of PI3K was stimulated by TSH in cells expressing the wild-type p85alpha(PI3K) but not in cells expressing p85A. This latter mutant did not affect the epidermal growth factor-stimulated PI3K activity. We suggest that (1) TSH-cAMP-induced PKA phosphorylates p85alpha(PI3K) at serine 83, (2) phosphorylated p85alpha(PI3K) binds RIIbeta-PKA and targets PKAII to the membrane, and (3) PI3K activity and p21Ras binding to PI3K increase and activate PI3K downstream targets. This pathway is essential for the transmission of TSH-cAMP growth signals.  相似文献   

目的:研究磷脂酰肌醇3激酶(PI3K)特异性抑制剂与化疗联合对人结肠癌HT-29细胞生长的抑制作用。方法:将对数生长期的HT-29细胞分为4组培养:空白对照组(培养液)、单药组(LY294002)、两药联合组(L-OHP+5-FU)和三药联合组(LY294002+L-OHP+5-FU)。LY294002、5-FU和L-OHP浓度分别为20、80和20μg/mL。收集培养8h的细胞,流式细胞仪检测凋亡率和细胞周期。收集培养24、48和72h的细胞,MTT法测定细胞增殖抑制率。免疫细胞化学SP法检测PI3K表达,倒置生物显微镜下观察和照像。结果:与对照组相比,三药联合组、两药联合组和单药组的细胞生长速度明显减慢,不同药物处理后细胞生长曲线呈现不同趋势。三药联合组PI3K蛋白表达率为(19.13±4.37)%,低于单药组(69.42±8.64)%和两药联合组(38.26±6.71)%,P<0.05。三药联合组细胞凋亡率为(27.50±2.53)%,高于两药联合组(9.93±3.58)%和单药组(5.77±2.21)%,P<0.01。结论:PI3K抑制剂和化疗药物L-OHP、5-FU联合使用对结肠癌细胞的抑制作用强于单独使用LY294002或化疗药物。  相似文献   

Phosphatidylinositol 3'-kinases (PI3ks) are a family of lipid kinases that play a crucial role in a wide range of important cellular processes associated with malignant behavior including cell growth, migration, and survival. We have used single-strand conformational polymorphism/heteroduplex analysis to demonstrate the presence of somatic mutations in the gene for the p85alpha regulatory subunit of PI3k (PIK3R1) in primary human colon and ovarian tumors and cancer cell lines. All of the mutations lead to deletions in the inter-SH2 region of the molecule proximal to the serine608 autoregulatory site. Expression of a mutant protein with a 23 amino acid deletion leads to constitutive activation of PI3k providing the first direct evidence that p85alpha is a new oncogene involved in human tumorigenesis.  相似文献   

PR-39, which is an endogenous antimicrobial peptide, can bind to Src homology 3 domains of the NADPH complex protein p47(phox) and the signaling adapter protein p130(Cas). Recently, we have reported that PR-39 gene transduction altered invasive activity and actin structure of human hepatocellular carcinoma cells, suggesting that this peptide affects cellular signaling due to its proline-rich motif. In order to clarify the mechanism of the PR-39 functions, we transfected the PR-39 gene into mouse NIH3T3 cells which had already been transformed with human activated k-ras gene. The PR-39 gene transfectant showed a reorganization of actin structure and suppression of cell proliferation both in vitro and in vivo. Decreases of MAP (mitogen-activated protein) kinase activity, cyclin D1 expression and JNK activity were observed in the PR-39 gene transfectant. Co-immunoprecipitation analysis revealed that PR-39 binds to PI3-kinase p85alpha, which is a regulatory subunit of PI3-kinase and one of the effectors by which ras induces cytoskeletal changes and stimulates mitogenesis. The PI3-kinase activity of the PR-39 gene transfectant was decreased compared with that of the ras transformant. These results suggest that PR-39 alters actin structure and cell proliferation rate by binding to PI3-kinase p85alpha and suppressing the PI3-kinase activity.  相似文献   

Phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) type IA is a heterodimer of a catalytic subunit, p110, and a regulatory subunit, p85. Here we show that p85 contains a GTPase-responsive domain and an inhibitory domain, which together form a molecular switch that regulates PI3K. H-Ras and Rac1 activate PI3K by targeting the GTPase-responsive domain. The stimulatory effect of these molecules, however, is blocked by the inhibitory domain, which functions by binding to tyrosine-phosphorylated molecules and is neutralized by tyrosine phosphorylation. The complementary effects of tyrosine kinases and small GTPases on the p85 molecular switch result in synergy between these two classes of molecules toward the activation of the PI3K/Akt pathway.  相似文献   

Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3-K) induces mitogenesis, cell growth, and cell transformation. Amplification of the gene encoding the P110alpha subunit likely is an important event in ovarian cancer progression, and PI3-K inhibitors are possible therapeutic agents for this disease. We evaluated effects of LY294002, a potent inhibitor of PI3-K, on growth of ovarian carcinoma in vivo and in vitro, and on ascites formation in vivo. Athymic mice were inoculated i.p. with the ovarian cancer cell line OVCAR-3. Seven days after inoculation, mice were treated with or without LY294002 (100 mg/kg of body weight) for 3 weeks. Body weight and abdominal circumference were measured twice weekly. At the end of the experiment, mice were sacrificed, ascites volume was measured, and tumors were excised. Mean tumor burden in the LY294002-treated group was reduced by approximately 65% versus controls. Virtually no ascites developed in the treatment group; mean volume of ascites in controls was 3.3 +/- 0.38 ml. OVCAR-3 cells also were cultured in vitro without and with LY294002 (1, 5, and 10 microM) for 24 h. The number of cells in 1, 5, and 10 microM LY294002-treated wells was reduced by 27, 56, and 75%, respectively, versus controls. In vivo and in vitro morphological studies demonstrated that LY294002 induced marked nuclear pyknosis and diminished cytoplasmic volume in the tumor cells, confirmed as apoptosis. Thus, LY294002 significantly inhibits growth and ascites formation of ovarian carcinoma in vivo and markedly inhibits ovarian cancer cell proliferation in vitro, suggesting an important role of PI3-K inhibitors as a potentially useful treatment for women with ovarian carcinoma.  相似文献   

Recent studies have demonstrated that introduction of hTERT in combination with SV40 large T antigen (LT), small t antigen (st), and H-rasV12 suffices to transform many primary human cells. In human mammary epithelial cells (HMECs) expressing elevated c-Myc, activated H-Ras is dispensable for anchorage-independent growth. Using this system, we show that st activates the PI3K pathway and that constitutive PI3K signaling substitutes for st in transformation. Moreover, using constitutively active versions of Akt1 and Rac1, we show that these downstream pathways of PI3K synergize to achieve anchorage-independent growth. At lower levels of c-myc expression, activated PI3K also replaces st to complement H-rasV12 and LT and confers both soft agar growth and tumorigenicity. However, elevated c-myc expression cannot replace H-rasV12 for tumorigenesis. These observations begin to define the pathways perturbed during the transformation of HMECs.  相似文献   

A new human myeloma cell line, OPM-6, was established from the peripheral blood of a patient with advanced IgG-kappa plasma cell leukemia. Cytogenetic and phenotypic analysis confirmed that the cells were derived from the patient's leukemic cells. Insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) acts as an autocrine growth factor in these cells. In addition, OPM-6 cells were particularly sensitive to dexamethasone (DEX), when endogenous IGF-1 was blocked. Under these conditions, >95% of the DEX-treated cells died within 36 h. Therefore, OPM-6 represents a potentially powerful tool for the analysis of the molecular mechanisms of DEX-induced apoptosis, because it is possible to easily analyze the direct effects of DEX using this system. Using this culture system of OPM-6, we demonstrated that the treatment with DEX plus a monoclonal antibody to the human IGF-1 receptor (alphaIGF-1R) leads to the down-regulation of the gene expression of Bcl-xL, an antiapoptotic gene, and the activation of CPP32 during this apoptotic process. IFN-alpha as well as IL-6 prevented DEX plus alphaIGF-1R-induced apoptosis, and this prevention was blocked by the mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase inhibitor, PD098059, or the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase inhibitor, wortmannin. Therefore, both IL-6 and IFN-alpha blocked DEX plus alphaIGF-1R-induced apoptosis through activation of the mitogen-activated protein kinase and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase pathways.  相似文献   

Cyclic adenosine 3'5' monophosphate (cAMP) and protein kinase A (PKA) cooperate with phosphatidylinositol 3' kinase (PI3K) signals in the control of growth and survival. To determine the molecular mechanism(s) involved, we identified and mutagenized a specific serine (residue 83) in p85alpha(PI3K), which is phosphorylated in vivo and in vitro by PKA. Expression of p85alpha(PI3K) mutants (alanine or aspartic substitutions) significantly altered the biological responses of the cells to cAMP. cAMP protection from anoikis was reduced in cells expressing the alanine version p85alpha(PI3K). These cells did not arrest in G1 in the presence of cAMP, whereas cells expressing the aspartic mutant p85D accumulated in G1 even in the absence of cAMP. S phase was still efficiently inhibited by cAMP in cells expressing both mutants. The binding of PI3K to Ras p21 was greatly reduced in cells expressing p85A in the presence or absence of cAMP. Conversely, expression of the aspartic mutant stimulated robustly the binding of PI3K to p21 Ras in the presence of cAMP. Mutation in the Ser 83 inhibited cAMP, but not PDGF stimulation of PI3K. Conversely, the p85D aspartic mutant amplified cAMP stimulation of PI3K activity. Phosphorylation of Ser 83 by cAMP-PKA in p85alpha(PI3K) was also necessary for estrogen signaling as expression of p85A or p85D mutants inhibited or amplified, respectively, the binding of estrogen receptor to p85alpha and AKT phosphorylation induced by estrogens. The data presented indicate that: (1) phosphorylation of Ser 83 in p85alpha(PI3K) is critical for cAMP-PKA induced G1 arrest and survival in mouse 3T3 fibroblasts; (2) this site is necessary for amplification of estrogen signals by cAMP-PKA and related receptors. Finally, these data suggest a general mechanism of PI3K regulation by cAMP, operating in various cell types and under different conditions.  相似文献   

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