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目的:了解偏执型精神分裂症患者的雄激素和受教育年限与凶杀犯罪的关系. 方法:用放射免疫法测定两组唾液中雄性激素的浓度,及调查受试的受教育年限. 结果:偏执型精神分裂症凶杀与非凶杀两组雄激素水平无显著差异,但凶杀组受教育年限明显少于非凶杀组. 结论: 在偏执型精神分裂症患者中,凶杀犯罪与雄激素无关,与受教育年限有关.  相似文献   

抑郁症和凶杀之间的关系迄今报道甚少。1956年 Rylander 分析瑞典1931至1945年15年中95名凶杀者的资料,发现有14名(16.8%),在凶杀前患抑郁症。其中有女性11人。除1人外,所有抑郁症性凶杀者均系杀害自己的孩子,其犯罪特点为利他性凶杀。其他一些研究者报告,抑郁症病人有时可作出暴力犯罪,1968年 Schipkowensky 调查25名环型精神病凶杀犯,其中四人为躁狂症,二十一人为抑郁症。多数精神病工作者认为,  相似文献   

目的 探索具有凶杀行为的偏执型分裂症患特定的防御方式。方法 采用防御方式问卷,对53例具有凶杀行为的偏执型分裂症患进行测试,并与58例无凶杀行为的偏执型分裂症患作对照研究。结果 试验组不成熟防御方式得分高于对照组(P<0.05),其中被动攻击、投射、潜识显现、抱怨的得分明显高于对照组(P<0.01)。试验组成熟防御方式得分低于对照组,但未达到显性水平,而其中的压抑条目得分明显低于对照组(P<0.05)。在中间型防御方式运用上,两组得分无差异;但其中的回避、伴无能之全能的得分试验组低于对照组(P<0.05)。结论 具有凶杀行为的偏执型分裂症患在保持内心平衡和调节行为以适应环境时多运用不成熟防御方式,而在成熟和中间型防御方式之压抑、回避的使用上是低的。因此,他们的行为是不成熟的,在精神疾病的作用下多出现凶杀行为。  相似文献   

精神分裂症患者凶杀行为的犯罪学特征对照研究   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
为探讨精神分裂症凶杀行为的犯罪学特征,用犯罪学调查表分别对精神分裂症发生凶杀行为者(50例)与正常人发生凶杀行为者(50例)的犯罪学特征进行了调查。结果显示,精神分裂症组与对照组比较,在犯罪动机、犯罪实施、犯罪方式、被害对象及作案后即刻表现的差异均有显著性。精神分裂症患者犯罪动机以报复杀人多见(40/50)。正常人以奸情杀人(23/50)、激情杀人(12/50)多见。精神分裂症患者常公开地实施凶杀行为(45/50),多数无预谋(37/50),白天作案为主(38/50),并在作案前常有先兆(12/50)。精神分裂症凶杀行为的被害对象以同事、邻居及子女为主(35/50),作案后大多数被现场抓获(24/50),很少发生潜逃(6/50),对作案现场不作伪装(48/50)。提示这些差别是考察精神分裂症患者发生凶杀行为时辨认和控制能力的重要依据。  相似文献   

本文对精神分裂症偏执型患者的凶杀行为及其特征进行了分析 ,旨在提出有关的预防措施。现报道于后。1 资料与方法①本文患者均符合中国精神疾病分类方案与诊断标准第二版 ,修订版 (CCMD - 2 -R)中精神分裂症偏执型的诊断标准 ;②住院前曾有凶杀行为 ;③经过司法精神医学鉴定为无责任能力或限定责任能力者。从符合上述条件的病例中随机提取 40例的病史资料和与患者的交谈中逐一找出妄想与凶杀行为的特点以及一些相关因素进行分析与评估。2 结  果2 .1 一般情况 本组患者中男性 32例 ,女性 8例 ,男女性别之比为 4∶1;年龄为 2 0~ …  相似文献   

本文对14例抑郁症鉴定案例进行了分析,发现犯罪属凶杀者11例(78.6%),其中4例系扩大性自杀,其它7例均是由于偏执观念和情绪恶劣所致。本文还对其责任能力以及抑郁症与犯罪行为的关系作了分析与讨论。  相似文献   

抑郁症与凶杀   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
情感性障碍——抑郁症病人肇事颇为罕见.本文报告有凶杀行为的抑郁症(案例组)与无凶杀行为的抑郁症(对照组)各10例,案例组与对照组在发病诱因(生活事件)和某些临床症状方面有显著差异,本文对案例组病例的司法鉴定作了分析.  相似文献   

外来打工者与本地涉案者司法鉴定案例的对照研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的 探讨外来打工者与本地区涉案者司法精神病学鉴定案例的特征及其异同点。方法 对我院鉴定的96例外来打工者与本地区的111例进行对照研究。结果 与对照组比较,研究组的年龄轻、未婚、文化低、农村、农民及无业人员占的比例高;案件类型研究组以盗窃抢劫居首位(40.6%),其次是凶杀伤害(22.9%),与对照组和有关报道不同;鉴定诊断研究组精神发育迟滞少见(5.2%),伪装精神病占的比例较高(8.3%),拘禁性精神障碍占的比例也较高(9.4%)。结论 两组司法精神病学鉴定的特点有所不同,打工者犯罪后诈病多见,应引起司法精神病学界的重视。  相似文献   

有关精神分裂症等精神疾病凶杀的临床和司法精神医学鉴定的文献报告较多。然而,对抑郁症的研究主要集中于自杀而忽视了凶杀行为。笔者认为有必要提醒临床医师及鉴定医师不能忽视这一问题,为此,本文就有关抑郁症凶杀问题作一综述。 抑郁症病人凶杀行为概况 截自目前为止,有关抑郁症与凶杀的报告很少,精神病学专著中的大多数亦未涉及或未详细描述抑郁  相似文献   

精神分裂症患者凶杀行为临床分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目的:探讨精神分裂症患者凶杀行为的犯罪学和临床特点。方法:采用自编犯罪学调查表对215例精神分裂症行凶者进行统计分析。结果:以杀人致死为主,被害对象多为配偶和父母,常发生于3,4,5月份,白天,自己家中。病程在3年以内略多,以偏执型、有被害妄想、未住院治疗者较多。结论:精神分裂症患者凶杀行为后果严重,凶杀对象主要是与患者密切接触者。  相似文献   

目的探讨精神分裂症被鉴定人精神症状与社会危害行为的相关性。方法采用自制的调查表,通过查阅委托单位的鉴定委托送交材料和鉴定意见书的方式对湖南省341名无责任能力精神分裂症被鉴定人实施社会危害行为时存在的主要精神症状如幻觉、妄想、同时存在幻觉和妄想、思维逻辑障碍、行为紊乱等与其社会危害行为包括严重暴力社会危害行为、非严重暴力社会危害行为等信息进行登记,并进行关联性检验。结果①严重暴力社会危害行为组与非严重暴力社会危害行为组间不同精神症状构成比存在差异(χ2=16.259,P=0.003),精神症状与社会危害行为之间有关联(列联系数为0.213)。②精神分裂症被鉴定人实施严重暴力社会危害行为时以妄想症状出现的频数最多128例(45.7%);实施非严重暴力社会危害行为时以思维逻辑障碍出现的频数最多27例(44.3%)。③与严重暴力社会危害行为有关的妄想症状类型以被害妄想为主占106例(82.8%)、幻觉症状类型以命令性幻觉为主占13例(54.2%)、同时存在幻觉、妄想症状的以其它言语性幻听和被害妄想为主占76.6%。结论精神分裂症被鉴定人严重暴力社会危害行为可能主要与妄想有关,其非严重暴力社会危害行为可能主要与思维逻辑障碍有关。其中被害妄想、命令性幻听、同时存在其它言语性幻听和被害妄想的精神症状类型可能与精神分裂症被鉴定人严重暴力社会危害行为有关。  相似文献   

恢复期精神分裂症病人述情障碍的对比分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的 评估恢复期精神分裂症病人的述情障碍 ,并比较其缺陷型和非缺陷型的述情障碍严重程度。方法 采用多伦多述情障碍量表 (Torontoalexithymiascale ,TAS)对 6 6例恢复期精神分裂症病人及 6 2例正常人进行测查。结果 恢复期精神分裂症病人的TAS得分显著高于正常人 (P <0 0 5或P <0 0 1) ,其缺陷型的TAS得分也显著高于非缺陷型 (P均 <0 0 1)。结论 恢复期精神分裂症病人大多存在述情障碍 ,其中缺陷型病人的述情障碍更为严重。严重的述情障碍可能是精神分裂症病情加重或存在原发阴性症状的一个标志。  相似文献   

Homicide by schizophrenic patients in Israel.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Thirty-three schizophrenic inpatients aged 45.3 +/- 13.5 years who had been found not guilty of homicide by reason of insanity were compared with 28 schizophrenic patients matched for age, sex and duration of disease who had not committed any crime. Statistical analysis revealed a high rate in the study group of individual factors associated with aggression, such as alcohol abuse, previous contact with the police, aggressive behavior and threats (P < 0.05). Significantly more of them were also immigrants (P < 0.05). There was no between-group difference in familial factors. These findings support earlier studies indicating that schizophrenic patients with the profile of alcoholism, aggressiveness and foreign country of origin are at high risk of homicidal behavior.  相似文献   

目的 探讨精神病司法鉴定中分裂症患者MMPI结果的特征。方法 在我院2004年~2005年鉴定中的刑事案例中,分成分裂症组34例和未见精神病性症状组30例,并设罪犯对照组和正常人对照组,收集一般资料,完成MMPI,并对数据进行统计学处理。结果 四组的MMPI结果彼此间存在统计学显著性差异。结论 伴有危害行为的分裂症患者的MMPI结果具有特征性。  相似文献   

The authors studied 10 men charged with patricide, including 2 men charged with both patricide and matricide and compared them with 10 schizophrenic patients who did not commit any crime. Eight patients who committed patricide were diagnosed as suffering from schizophrenic illness and 2 patients received a diagnosis of personality-disorder. Seven schizophrenics who committed patricide and both personality-disordered patients had a cruel and unusual relationship with their father. All were single at the time of patricide. The EMBU inventory revealed fathers to be more punitive than mothers and fathers favoured siblings more than the patients. Mothers were more overprotective and tolerant than fathers. Patricide patients' fathers were more punitive and shaming than control patients' fathers, and control patients' fathers were more stimulating and depriving than patricide patients' fathers. Patricide patients' mothers were more overinvolved and tolerant than control patients' mothers. A sense of relief was felt following the patricide rather than remorse. In contrast, the majority of patients in the control group described their father and mother as kind and affectionate. The EMBU inventory did not reveal any significant difference between father and mother.  相似文献   

In Germany, due to an increasing number of "hospital order sentences," the capacities of forensic hospitals are exhausted. In the late 1990s,general psychiatric hospitals admitted a remarkable number of mentally disturbed offenders. In this study,data of 140 patients treated in general psychiatric hospitals in the German lower Rhine region are presented. These patients clearly differ from those treated in forensic hospitals. Approximately 60% of them suffer from schizophrenic psychosis. Only a few reveal a long antisocial background, a severe personality disorder, or a sexual offence as an index crime. Though the staff in the general psychiatric units often complain about the circumstances of patients' admittance to the hospitals, in about half of the cases they do not agree with a transferring of their patients to a forensic hospital. The results of this study are discussed in regard to general questions of organizing forensic psychiatric treatment.  相似文献   

对348例社区精神分裂症患者服药依从性的相关因素进行分析。发现依从性好坏与患者目前病情有显著关系。依从性好的稳定率、缓解率明显高于差的;依从性好的定期规律随诊率明显高于依从性差的。  相似文献   

精神分裂症免疫功能与血清5-羟色胺的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:研究阴性型和阳性型精神分裂症患者免疫功能和神经生化物质改变情况及其变化规律.方法:选择阴性型和阳性型精神分裂症患者各20例以及20名正常对照者,抽取静脉血检测T细胞亚群,主要免疫球蛋白和补体C3、C4水平,和血清5-羟色胺(5-HT)水平.结果:阴性型精神分裂症患者CD 3下降,阳性型CD 3、CD 4则升高;IgG、IgA水平2种类型精神分裂症患者均显著降低;5-HT水平阳性型精神分裂症患者显著升高,阴性型精神分裂症患者显著降低.结论:精神分裂症患者伴随有免疫功能的改变,不同类型的精神分裂症其免疫应答参与机制也有不同.  相似文献   

Schizophrenia research requires both genetical and environmental approaches. Some researchers have studied the environmental aspects of schizophrenia by comparing schizophrenic twins with non-schizophrenic ones in discordant pairs. But few studies have taken notice of the interaction between twins. This article focused on the unique relationship between twins, "inter-twin community", which might be considered one of the most important environmental factors. This study included 14 pairs of twins, 28 people including 17 schizophrenic patients. These inter-twin communities were divided into "close type" and "distant type" according to the closeness between the twins prior to the onset of schizophrenia. The close type, in which there was a high degree of closeness, included 8 pairs of twins, 16 people, 11 of whom were patients. The distant type, in which there was a low degree of closeness, included 5 pairs, 10 people, 5 of whom were patients. An additional sub-class of the close type was the "close-competitive type". This sub-type had a high degree of closeness and a high degree of competition, and included 1 pair, both of whom were patients. Eight out of the 11 patients in the close type (72.7%) had an excellent prognosis. In this type of inter-twin community the relationships gave patients a strong and stable protective environment. In the close-competitive type, the twins supported each other while one twin was having difficulty, but fought with each other when they recovered and eventually one twin relapsed, resulting in an alternating pattern of schizophrenic episodes. The twins were unable to separate from each other and they both had a poor prognosis; thus their relationship both provided the patients with a degree of protection and had a marked harmful effect. In the distant type, 4 of the 5(80%) patients had an poor prognosis. In this type, when one twin became ill, the other twin did not support them, and the relationship provided little protective effect, resulting in poor outcomes. The findings in this study support the idea that the nature of the inter-twin community has a strong influence on the course of schizophrenia in twins. Additionally, since all the female pairs belonged to the close type, and the male pairs tended to be the distant type, there are probable gender differences in the types of inter-twin communities. Finally, in making therapeutic plans for twin schizophrenics, it is very important to consider their relationship in terms of the inter-twin communities.  相似文献   

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