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BackgroundThe authors conducted a study to examine factors associated with general dentists' provision of care for pregnant women and the extent to which they provide comprehensive dental care.MethodsThe authors mailed an 86-item questionnaire to 1,000 practicing general dentists in North Carolina. Survey domains included provider knowledge about pregnancy and dental health, dental treatment practices, barriers to providing care, outcome expectancy, and personal and practice demographics. The primary dependent variables the authors analyzed were whether dentists provided any treatment to pregnant women and, among those who did, the extent to which they provided comprehensive services. The authors performed multivariate regression analyses to determine factors associated with dentists' provision of care to pregnant women (P < .05).ResultsA total of 513 surveys were returned (a response rate of 51.3 percent), of which 495 surveys had complete responses. The authors included the completed surveys in their analyses. The mean age of the respondents was 46 years. The results of multivariate analysis showed that respondents who perceived a lack of demand for services among pregnant women and provided preconception counseling were less likely to provide any treatment for pregnant patients than were those who perceived a demand for services and who did not provide preconception counseling, respectively. Dentists who were male, had a low knowledge score, provided preconception counseling and treated largely white populations of patients were less likely than female dentists, those who had moderate or high knowledge scores, and those who treated a population of minority patients to provide comprehensive care for pregnant women.ConclusionsMost general dentists in private practice provide care for pregnant women, but the authors found notable gaps in dental provider knowledge and comprehensive dental services available for pregnant women.Clinical ImplicationsAlthough many general dentists provide some dental care to pregnant women, more should be done to ensure that this care is comprehensive.  相似文献   

Abstract: This paper reports the development of an international dental hygiene educational programme between Japan and Canada, and the evaluation of its outcomes. In 2004, a unique collaborative programme with Canadian dental hygiene schools was introduced as part of a 3‐year dental hygiene curriculum. This international programme mainly consists of three parts: a spring (full Japanese faculty and student exchange to Canada), fall (select Japanese faculty and student exchange to Canada for focused professional development) and summer (select Canadian student exchange to Japan) component. The spring component provides an opportunity for all Japanese students to visit the Canadian dental hygiene schools at the end of their second year. Students and faculty members share information about their programmes and culture through instructional presentations, chair‐side hands‐on clinical simulations, and table clinic presentations. For the fall component, selected Japanese students and faculty re‐visit the Canadian school for more extensive learning and exchange with Canadian students. Workshops are held for faculty on educational and research topics. For the summer component, selected second year Canadian students visit Japan. The Japanese students’ basic knowledge of Canada and Canadian dental hygiene showed statistically significant improvement (P < 0.001) as assessed by pre‐ and post‐tests. Other programme evaluations including faculty and students’ surveys have so far identified positive outcomes in learning and research. The programme has offered opportunities for faculty professional development and joint research projects. In conclusion, the findings reported here demonstrate that incorporation of the international collaborative programme can be a significant addition to dental hygiene education.  相似文献   

We studied oral hygiene instruction given to 109 patients in 19 Washington State dental practices to investigate the extent to which therapists targeted their efforts toward patients with high disease risk. Patients were examined prior to instruction and prophylaxes. Therapists' instructions were tape-recorded and their content analyzed: therapists' expectations were scored. There were no statistically significant associations between patients' initial plaque levels and the process/content of the oral hygiene instructions delivered. On average, therapists spent 9.4 minutes of each prophylaxis session discussing oral hygiene. Therapists were judged more genuine with those patients for whom they had higher expectations of compliance, i.e., those with less plaque and low disease risk. We conclude that dental practitioners were not employing effective risk assessment strategies in selection of patients most in need of intensive instructional efforts.  相似文献   

Abstract:  This paper reports the incorporation of the Dental Hygiene Human Needs Conceptual Model (DHHN) and the Oral Health-Related Quality of Life Model (OHRQL) into a dental hygiene curriculum in Japan. A simulated patient practice was offered to 67 dental hygiene students. In the practice activity, all students were introduced to the use of an OHRQL assessment tool. A DHHN assessment tool was utilized additionally only by the experimental student group. The statistical analysis of the post-practice survey showed that the OHRQL instrument was more helpful in assessment and problem identification than the DHHN instrument. By contrast, text-based analysis of dental hygiene diagnostic statements showed that the experimental group identified more domains of patients' human needs deficits than the control group. This suggested the possibility that the DHHN model helped them to see patients from broader perspectives. However, it was difficult for students to design care plans attending to the domains of the models. Also, in considerations to the cultural issues, the validity and equivalence of the Japanese versions of both models should be further investigated. Within the limitation of the present study, the results suggested that incorporation of the combination of the DHHN and OHRQL models can be useful in a dental hygiene curriculum, as each tool helps students expand the perspective from which they view client. Further improvements in learning strategies should facilitate the effective utilization of these models.  相似文献   

Examination of 2,138 subjects, aged 15-65+ years, was carried out by calibrated examiners using mirrors and fibre optic illumination. Each subject was scored by the Periodontal Status Index, PSI (WHO Oral Health Surveys), Periodontal Index, PI (Russell) and the Oral Hygiene Index, OHI (Greene & Vermillion). For the PSI, PI and OHI all scores were age-dependent with the exception of soft deposits in PSI and OHI, which were age-independent. The advantages of the PSI system were considered to be the ease of scoring and the opportunity to assess treatment requirements, in terms of time, at the public health service level. Disadvantages were lack of quantitation, difficulties of diagnosis of intense gingivitis, and localized and general conditions. The PI and OHI systems provided a more objective, quantitative and sensitive basis of scoring than the PSI. Statistical tests showed the respective indices are associated and measuring the same kind of criteria. Examiner calibration and consistency were similar for both scoring systems.  相似文献   

Background: The aim of this randomized clinical trial (RCT) was to investigate whether 6‐month continuous use of different manual toothbrushes (TBs) influences plaque removal and the degree of gingival inflammation compared to short utilization periods of 4 weeks each. Methods: In total, 96 participants were randomly allocated into two groups: continuous use during 6 months (non‐renewal group) or a change in TB every 4 weeks during 6 months (renewal group). Each group was subdivided into four subgroups (groups A to H; n = 12 each) according to the head size (normal or short) and bristle hardness (medium or soft) of the TB used. The modified Quigley–Hein plaque index (QHI), papilla bleeding index (PBI), and gingival index (GI) were recorded at baseline and 2, 8, 12, 16, and 24 weeks after baseline. After 24 weeks, each participant received a new TB, and at week 26, the final QHI, PBI, and GI were determined. The statistical evaluation consisted of analysis of covariance (P <0.05). Results: With time, QHI, PBI, and GI were significantly different between the renewal and the non‐renewal groups (QHI: P = 0.02; PBI: P = 0.04; GI: P <0.01), independent of subgroup. In the renewal group, QHI showed a significant decrease between baseline and each follow‐up visit (P <0.01). In the non‐renewal group, there was a significant decrease compared to baseline up to and including week 16 (P <0.01). PBI in the renewal group showed no significant differences between baseline and each follow‐up visit (P >0.05). In the non‐renewal group, only the normal head/soft subgroup exhibited a significant increase at week 24 (P = 0.02). The GI in the renewal group showed no difference between baseline and all follow‐up visits, whereas in the non‐renewal group, there was a significant decrease up to and including week 12 (P <0.05). Conclusions: Six‐month continuous use reduced the effectiveness of the TB with respect to plaque removal, and gingival inflammation appeared to increase.  相似文献   

Objective: Language barriers have been well documented as a contributing factor to disparities in the receipt of medical services, especially for Hispanic children. However, there is a paucity of information on the effect of language barriers on children's dental service utilization. We examined the association of primary language spoken at home with the receipt of preventive and routine dental care for children in the United States. Methods: We analyzed data from the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (2002‐2004), which contains data on 21,049 children weighted to represent 75.8 million children nationally. Results: Among children aged 1‐18 years, 13 percent spoke a language other than English at home. Whites, females, children between the ages of 7 and 12 years, and those whose parents spoke English at home had the highest marginal rates of preventive and routine dental visits. However, the large marginal effect of language, even among Hispanics, was not significant after adjusting for other covariates. Parental education and having a primary provider were the strongest predictors of preventive and routine dental visits. Conclusion: Children that did not speak English at home were less likely to receive preventive or routine dental care. However, after adjusting for other socio‐economic factors, our study suggests that language barriers may not play as pronounced a role in the receipt of dental care as that documented for medical services.  相似文献   

Background: Although several plaque indices exist, they rarely assess in detail the plaque adjacent to the gingival margin, an area most important for periodontal health. This study aims to develop a new marginal plaque index (MPI) and to assess its validity and treatment sensitivity compared to the internationally accepted Turesky modification of the Quigley and Hein Index (TQHI). Methods: Data from two studies with n = 64 and n = 67 participants, respectively, are reported here. Convergence of MPI with TQHI and concurrent and predictive validity with papillary bleeding index were assessed, as was treatment sensitivity to a treatment of proximal hygiene (study 1) or toothbrushing (study 2), respectively. Results: Convergent validity with TQHI is very good. Concurrent and predictive validity parameters of the MPI are similar to the TQHI. The treatment sensitivity of MPI exceeds TQHI by far. This results in a reduction by >70% of the sample size needed to discover significant treatment effects. As expected, the largest treatment sensitivity was observed for proximal MPI measures in study 1, whereas study 2 showed largest effects for cervical measures. Conclusions: MPI appears to be a valid plaque‐scoring system that assesses plaque at the gingival margin. It responds with high sensitivity to treatments aimed at plaque reduction at the gingival margin. Its treatment sensitivity and capacity to differentiate between proximal and cervical plaque make it a promising tool for periodontal research.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that dental utilization by older people is lower than for the general population. This study hypothesizes that an elder's tendency toward participating in preventive health activities may be an important factor in explaining the likelihood of accessing the dentist. Subjects included 1,911 older individuals who enrolled in the UCLA Medicare Screening and Health Promotion Trial. All were interviewed about their utilization of preventive health services and participation in preventive behaviors. A recent dental visit was positively associated with all sociodemographic variables examined except age and sex. It was also related to health status questions and utilization of the preventive health services and health behaviors studied. Logistic regression analysis showed that both summary preventive health behavior and preventive service utilization variables were important factors in explaining a recent dental visit (model chi-square/221.4, P=.001) along with income, not having a removable prosthesis, and perceiving the need for dental care. This study showed that dental utilization is related to older people's participation in other preventive activities. When in contact with older people, health care professionals should consider current oral and general preventive health status and encourage appropriate referral for preventive activities.  相似文献   

Several studies have shown that oral health problems impact the quality of life of older adults. However, few data are available to describe the oral health status, barriers to care, and patterns of care for adults and older populations living in rural areas. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the perceived need for treatment of oral health problems by adult residents in a rural county in Iowa.
The oral health component was part of a larger longitudinal health study of the residents. The sample was stratified into three groups by residence, that is, farm households, rural non-farm households and town households. The sample was subsequently post-stratified by gender and age group into young elderly, 65–74 years old, and old elderly, 75 years and older.
Dentition status varied according to age and was related to the perception of treatment needs. Edentulous persons had fewer perceived treatment needs and utilized a dentist less frequently. Place of residence, education, and marital status were not associated with the subjects' perceived problems with eating and chewing. However, persons with difficulty chewing were more likely to have some missing upper teeth, have a perceived need to have denture work, and have smoked for a number of years. The results suggest that this rural population is retaining more teeth and consequently may need and may seek dental services more often than previous more edentulous cohorts.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the long-term effect of two dental delivery systems established during the Rural Dental Health Program (RDHP) in 1975. At that time 725 children in grades K-2 were assigned randomly to an enriched dental health education program or regular health education program and to a SCHOOL- or COMMUNITY-based dental delivery system. Seven years after funding for RDHP ended, children originally assigned to the COMMUNITY group utilized more professional services and showed a higher level of dental knowledge than children assigned to the SCHOOL group. In addition, COMMUNITY-based children had, on average, twice as many sealed teeth. While the follow-up study did not reveal any statistically significant difference in the clinical oral health indices (DMFS, gingival index, calculus index, plaque index, periodontal probing depth, and orthodontic treatment priority index) the COMMUNITY-based children's higher level of professional dental service utilization, greater number of sealed teeth, and increased dental knowledge should lead to a higher level of oral health in the long run.  相似文献   



The aim of this study was to explore the oral hygiene practices and oral health status of Italian postpartum women.


A self‐administered questionnaire assessed socio‐demographic information, oral hygiene habits and frequency of dental visits. All women received a thorough oral examination within five days after delivery. Logistic regression models were used to estimate odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals for exposures of interest and the presence of ‘severe’ periodontitis.


Seven hundred and fifty women participated in the study; 99.1% brushed their teeth everyday and 59.9% visited the dentist annually. The mean frequency of sites with bleeding on probing was 16.1% and the median clinical attachment level was 2.1 mm. The mean caries experience score (DMFT) was 8. Severe periodontal disease was present in 21.9% of individuals. Patients who reported visiting a dentist only when in pain and women with three dental caries or more were significantly more likely to have periodontitis (OR: 1.6; 95% CI: 1.1–2.2; p < 0.05 and OR: 2.3; 95% CI: 1.5–3.5; p < 0.01, respectively).


Given the possible association between maternal and infant oral health, and between periodontal infection and general health, antenatal care providers should collaborate with dentists to encourage all pregnant women to comply with the oral health professionals' recommendations regarding appropriate dental brushing techniques and the importance of dental visits.  相似文献   

Background: Recently, a positive association has been reported between hypertension and periodontitis. The authors hypothesized that oral hygiene promotion activities could have an effect on hypertension prevention or the degree of hypertension control. Therefore, this study examines the relationship between oral hygiene behaviors and hypertension using data from a nationally representative survey, the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES). Methods: Using data from the KNHANES (2008 to 2010), 19,560 adults with complete data sets were included. The authors analyzed the relationship of the prevalence and control rate of hypertension and numerous variables, including oral hygiene behavior. Results: As the frequency of toothbrushing increased, the prevalence of hypertension decreased in multivariate analysis after adjusting for various factors, including the presence of periodontitis. In a subgroup analysis, this relationship was also observed in individuals without periodontitis. In particular, systolic blood pressure levels progressively decreased as the frequency of toothbrushing and the number of secondary oral products used increased. The adjusted odds ratio of hypertension prevalence was 1.195 (95% confidence interval 1.033 to 1.383) for individuals who brushed their teeth hardly ever or once daily compared with those who brushed after every meal. Conclusions: Individuals with poor oral hygiene behavior are more likely to have a higher prevalence of hypertension, even before periodontitis is shown. Oral hygiene behavior may be considered an independent risk indicator for hypertension, and maintaining good oral hygiene may help to prevent and control hypertension.  相似文献   

Background: The benefit of full‐mouth disinfection (FDIS) over traditional scaling and root planing (SRP), with or without adjunctive metronidazole, when treating chronic destructive periodontitis remains equivocal, as does the long‐term association between clinical and microbiologic outcomes after such strategies. The aim of this study is to examine the relationship between clinical and microbiologic outcomes of four different treatment strategies for chronic destructive periodontitis among patients who maintain excellent oral hygiene and low gingival bleeding scores. Methods: One hundred eighty‐four patients with periodontitis and capable of maintaining a high standard of oral hygiene were randomly allocated to one of four treatment groups: 1) FDIS + metronidazole; 2) FDIS + placebo; 3) SRP + metronidazole; and 4) SRP + placebo. Recordings of plaque, bleeding on probing, probing depth (PD), and clinical attachment level were carried out in four sites per tooth at baseline, 3 and 12 months after treatment. Before treatment, pooled subgingival samples were obtained from the five deepest pockets, which were sampled again 3 and 12 months after treatment. Microbiologic assessments of eight putative periodontal pathogens were performed using the checkerboard DNA‐DNA hybridization method. Results: Levels of bacterial species were already relatively low at baseline. The only microbial factor statistically significantly associated with the clinical outcomes of treatment after 12 months was the association between reductions of Tannerella forsythia and being free from PD ≥5 mm. Conclusion: In this clinical trial, the only microbial factor associated with the clinical outcomes after 12 months was a statistically significant association between the reductions of T. forsythia and being free from PD ≥5 mm.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: China's health care system is bifurcated in nature between rural and urban areas. In addition, there is a huge gap in socioeconomic status between rural and urban residents. The purpose of the study was to examine the factors related to dental visits among elders in rural and urban areas of Shanghai, China. METHODS: Using a stratified random sampling method, a cross-sectional, face-to-face survey was conducted among elders aged 60 years and above in Shanghai during 2003-04. A total of 1,044 older respondents were included in the sample. RESULTS: There was a significant urban and rural difference in dental visit rates over the 12-month period of the study. Results from the logistic regression analysis suggested that residing in urban areas was a significant positive factor related to dental visits. In addition, being younger, being able to pay out-of-pocket medical expenses, having had regular medical checkups, having a higher number of limitations because of chronic conditions, and being more concerned about eating a healthy diet were associated with increased odds of dental visits. CONCLUSIONS: Results suggest that urban-rural differences, as reflected in the socioeconomic status gap, disparity in medical insurance coverage, and access to dental care, have a significant impact on the use of dental services by Chinese elders. Individual sociodemographic characteristics, health status, and health attitude are important explanatory variables.  相似文献   

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