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A method for the automatic resolution of coreference between medical concepts in clinical records.

Materials and methods

A multiple pass sieve approach utilizing support vector machines (SVMs) at each pass was used to resolve coreference. Information such as lexical similarity, recency of a concept mention, synonymy based on Wikipedia redirects, and local lexical context were used to inform the method. Results were evaluated using an unweighted average of MUC, CEAF, and B3 coreference evaluation metrics. The datasets used in these research experiments were made available through the 2011 i2b2/VA Shared Task on Coreference.


The method achieved an average F score of 0.821 on the ODIE dataset, with a precision of 0.802 and a recall of 0.845. These results compare favorably to the best-performing system with a reported F score of 0.827 on the dataset and the median system F score of 0.800 among the eight teams that participated in the 2011 i2b2/VA Shared Task on Coreference. On the i2b2 dataset, the method achieved an average F score of 0.906, with a precision of 0.895 and a recall of 0.918 compared to the best F score of 0.915 and the median of 0.859 among the 16 participating teams.


Post hoc analysis revealed significant performance degradation on pathology reports. The pathology reports were characterized by complex synonymy and very few patient mentions.


The use of several simple lexical matching methods had the most impact on achieving competitive performance on the task of coreference resolution. Moreover, the ability to detect patients in electronic medical records helped to improve coreference resolution more than other linguistic analysis.  相似文献   



A supervised machine learning approach to discover relations between medical problems, treatments, and tests mentioned in electronic medical records.

Materials and methods

A single support vector machine classifier was used to identify relations between concepts and to assign their semantic type. Several resources such as Wikipedia, WordNet, General Inquirer, and a relation similarity metric inform the classifier.


The techniques reported in this paper were evaluated in the 2010 i2b2 Challenge and obtained the highest F1 score for the relation extraction task. When gold standard data for concepts and assertions were available, F1 was 73.7, precision was 72.0, and recall was 75.3. F1 is defined as 2*Precision*Recall/(Precision+Recall). Alternatively, when concepts and assertions were discovered automatically, F1 was 48.4, precision was 57.6, and recall was 41.7.


Although a rich set of features was developed for the classifiers presented in this paper, little knowledge mining was performed from medical ontologies such as those found in UMLS. Future studies should incorporate features extracted from such knowledge sources, which we expect to further improve the results. Moreover, each relation discovery was treated independently. Joint classification of relations may further improve the quality of results. Also, joint learning of the discovery of concepts, assertions, and relations may also improve the results of automatic relation extraction.


Lexical and contextual features proved to be very important in relation extraction from medical texts. When they are not available to the classifier, the F1 score decreases by 3.7%. In addition, features based on similarity contribute to a decrease of 1.1% when they are not available.  相似文献   

ObjectivesNormalizing mentions of medical concepts to standardized vocabularies is a fundamental component of clinical text analysis. Ambiguity—words or phrases that may refer to different concepts—has been extensively researched as part of information extraction from biomedical literature, but less is known about the types and frequency of ambiguity in clinical text. This study characterizes the distribution and distinct types of ambiguity exhibited by benchmark clinical concept normalization datasets, in order to identify directions for advancing medical concept normalization research.Materials and MethodsWe identified ambiguous strings in datasets derived from the 2 available clinical corpora for concept normalization and categorized the distinct types of ambiguity they exhibited. We then compared observed string ambiguity in the datasets with potential ambiguity in the Unified Medical Language System (UMLS) to assess how representative available datasets are of ambiguity in clinical language.ResultsWe found that <15% of strings were ambiguous within the datasets, while over 50% were ambiguous in the UMLS, indicating only partial coverage of clinical ambiguity. The percentage of strings in common between any pair of datasets ranged from 2% to only 36%; of these, 40% were annotated with different sets of concepts, severely limiting generalization. Finally, we observed 12 distinct types of ambiguity, distributed unequally across the available datasets, reflecting diverse linguistic and medical phenomena.DiscussionExisting datasets are not sufficient to cover the diversity of clinical concept ambiguity, limiting both training and evaluation of normalization methods for clinical text. Additionally, the UMLS offers important semantic information for building and evaluating normalization methods.ConclusionsOur findings identify 3 opportunities for concept normalization research, including a need for ambiguity-specific clinical datasets and leveraging the rich semantics of the UMLS in new methods and evaluation measures for normalization.  相似文献   

人工智能技术在临床医学领域已取得突破性进展,如诊断、影像、疾病分期分级等。电子病历蕴含疾病描述、诊断、检查、治疗等大量临床数据,在医学专家和信息学家的共同参与下,利用人工智能技术挖掘电子病历数据的研究急剧增加。虽然该方法目前存在一些局限性,但与传统人工研究相比其具有更快速、经济、方便等优势,有望更好地服务于人类健康医学事业的发展。本文对利用人工智能技术挖掘电子病历数据的现状,包括相关技术、具体实例、局限性等进行综述。  相似文献   



Concept extraction is a process to identify phrases referring to concepts of interests in unstructured text. It is a critical component in automated text processing. We investigate the performance of machine learning taggers for clinical concept extraction, particularly the portability of taggers across documents from multiple data sources.


We used BioTagger-GM to train machine learning taggers, which we originally developed for the detection of gene/protein names in the biology domain. Trained taggers were evaluated using the annotated clinical documents made available in the 2010 i2b2/VA Challenge workshop, consisting of documents from four data sources.


As expected, performance of a tagger trained on one data source degraded when evaluated on another source, but the degradation of the performance varied depending on data sources. A tagger trained on multiple data sources was robust, and it achieved an F score as high as 0.890 on one data source. The results also suggest that performance of machine learning taggers is likely to improve if more annotated documents are available for training.


Our study shows how the performance of machine learning taggers is degraded when they are ported across clinical documents from different sources. The portability of taggers can be enhanced by training on datasets from multiple sources. The study also shows that BioTagger-GM can be easily extended to detect clinical concept mentions with good performance.  相似文献   



To develop a computerized clinical decision support system (CDSS) for cervical cancer screening that can interpret free-text Papanicolaou (Pap) reports.

Materials and Methods

The CDSS was constituted by two rulebases: the free-text rulebase for interpreting Pap reports and a guideline rulebase. The free-text rulebase was developed by analyzing a corpus of 49 293 Pap reports. The guideline rulebase was constructed using national cervical cancer screening guidelines. The CDSS accesses the electronic medical record (EMR) system to generate patient-specific recommendations. For evaluation, the screening recommendations made by the CDSS for 74 patients were reviewed by a physician.

Results and Discussion

Evaluation revealed that the CDSS outputs the optimal screening recommendations for 73 out of 74 test patients and it identified two cases for gynecology referral that were missed by the physician. The CDSS aided the physician to amend recommendations in six cases. The failure case was because human papillomavirus (HPV) testing was sometimes performed separately from the Pap test and these results were reported by a laboratory system that was not queried by the CDSS. Subsequently, the CDSS was upgraded to look up the HPV results missed earlier and it generated the optimal recommendations for all 74 test cases.


Single institution and single expert study.


An accurate CDSS system could be constructed for cervical cancer screening given the standardized reporting of Pap tests and the availability of explicit guidelines. Overall, the study demonstrates that free text in the EMR can be effectively utilized through natural language processing to develop clinical decision support tools.  相似文献   

目的:电子病历数据中的主诉、现病史、既往史、鉴别诊断、影像诊断、手术记录等主体内主要采用中文自然语言文字描述,是临床医生实际诊疗细节的具体体现,包含了诊疗细节的大量、丰富信息。本研究目的在于建立一种从中进行有效信息提取并组织成可分析利用的形式,供目前医学数据处理、医学研究之用。方法:基于医院的真实电子病历数据,设计定制化的基于规则学习及信息抽取方法,采用三个步骤实现中文信息的抽取:(1)抽样标注,随机抽取600份电子病历的病史信息(包括现病史、既往史、个人史、家族史等),采用本研究开发的标注平台,对其中需要抽取的信息(以糖尿病史为实例)进行标注;(2)根据标注结果,进行抽取模版归纳,并将抽取模版进行重写,生成可以直接用于抽取的Perl语言正则表达式抽取规则,并利用这些规则进行实际信息抽取;(3)对抽取结果进行人工验证与自动化验证相结合的方法,对方法的有效性进行验证。结果:所设计方法已在国家医疗数据中心平台上实现,并针对糖尿病病史抽取在医院进行了单个科室的现场验证,2015年1 436份糖尿病患者病历的病史抽取结果为召回率87.6%、准确率99.5%、F分数(F-Score)0.93;全体糖尿病患者10%抽样病历共1 223份的抽取结果为召回率89.2%、准确率99.2%、F-Score 0.94,效果较好。结论:主要采用自然语言处理与基于规则的信息抽取相结合的方法,设计并实现了从非结构化的中文电子病历文本数据中抽取定制化信息的算法,与已有工作比对效果较好。  相似文献   

Xu Y  Liu J  Wu J  Wang Y  Tu Z  Sun JT  Tsujii J  Chang EI 《J Am Med Inform Assoc》2012,19(5):897-905


To create a highly accurate coreference system in discharge summaries for the 2011 i2b2 challenge. The coreference categories include Person, Problem, Treatment, and Test.


An integrated coreference resolution system was developed by exploiting Person attributes, contextual semantic clues, and world knowledge. It includes three subsystems: Person coreference system based on three Person attributes, Problem/Treatment/Test system based on numerous contextual semantic extractors and world knowledge, and Pronoun system based on a multi-class support vector machine classifier. The three Person attributes are patient, relative and hospital personnel. Contextual semantic extractors include anatomy, position, medication, indicator, temporal, spatial, section, modifier, equipment, operation, and assertion. The world knowledge is extracted from external resources such as Wikipedia.


Micro-averaged precision, recall and F-measure in MUC, BCubed and CEAF were used to evaluate results.


The system achieved an overall micro-averaged precision, recall and F-measure of 0.906, 0.925, and 0.915, respectively, on test data (from four hospitals) released by the challenge organizers. It achieved a precision, recall and F-measure of 0.905, 0.920 and 0.913, respectively, on test data without Pittsburgh data. We ranked the first out of 20 competing teams. Among the four sub-tasks on Person, Problem, Treatment, and Test, the highest F-measure was seen for Person coreference.


This system achieved encouraging results. The Person system can determine whether personal pronouns and proper names are coreferent or not. The Problem/Treatment/Test system benefits from both world knowledge in evaluating the similarity of two mentions and contextual semantic extractors in identifying semantic clues. The Pronoun system can automatically detect whether a Pronoun mention is coreferent to that of the other four types. This study demonstrates that it is feasible to accomplish the coreference task in discharge summaries.  相似文献   

ObjectiveSubstance use screening in adolescence is unstandardized and often documented in clinical notes, rather than in structured electronic health records (EHRs). The objective of this study was to integrate logic rules with state-of-the-art natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning technologies to detect substance use information from both structured and unstructured EHR data.Materials and MethodsPediatric patients (10-20 years of age) with any encounter between July 1, 2012, and October 31, 2017, were included (n = 3890 patients; 19 478 encounters). EHR data were extracted at each encounter, manually reviewed for substance use (alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, opiate, any use), and coded as lifetime use, current use, or family use. Logic rules mapped structured EHR indicators to screening results. A knowledge-based NLP system and a deep learning model detected substance use information from unstructured clinical narratives. System performance was evaluated using positive predictive value, sensitivity, negative predictive value, specificity, and area under the receiver-operating characteristic curve (AUC).ResultsThe dataset included 17 235 structured indicators and 27 141 clinical narratives. Manual review of clinical narratives captured 94.0% of positive screening results, while structured EHR data captured 22.0%. Logic rules detected screening results from structured data with 1.0 and 0.99 for sensitivity and specificity, respectively. The knowledge-based system detected substance use information from clinical narratives with 0.86, 0.79, and 0.88 for AUC, sensitivity, and specificity, respectively. The deep learning model further improved detection capacity, achieving 0.88, 0.81, and 0.85 for AUC, sensitivity, and specificity, respectively. Finally, integrating predictions from structured and unstructured data achieved high detection capacity across all cases (0.96, 0.85, and 0.87 for AUC, sensitivity, and specificity, respectively).ConclusionsIt is feasible to detect substance use screening and results among pediatric patients using logic rules, NLP, and machine learning technologies.  相似文献   



There is increasing interest in using electronic health records (EHRs) to identify subjects for genomic association studies, due in part to the availability of large amounts of clinical data and the expected cost efficiencies of subject identification. We describe the construction and validation of an EHR-based algorithm to identify subjects with age-related cataracts.

Materials and methods

We used a multi-modal strategy consisting of structured database querying, natural language processing on free-text documents, and optical character recognition on scanned clinical images to identify cataract subjects and related cataract attributes. Extensive validation on 3657 subjects compared the multi-modal results to manual chart review. The algorithm was also implemented at participating electronic MEdical Records and GEnomics (eMERGE) institutions.


An EHR-based cataract phenotyping algorithm was successfully developed and validated, resulting in positive predictive values (PPVs) >95%. The multi-modal approach increased the identification of cataract subject attributes by a factor of three compared to single-mode approaches while maintaining high PPV. Components of the cataract algorithm were successfully deployed at three other institutions with similar accuracy.


A multi-modal strategy incorporating optical character recognition and natural language processing may increase the number of cases identified while maintaining similar PPVs. Such algorithms, however, require that the needed information be embedded within clinical documents.


We have demonstrated that algorithms to identify and characterize cataracts can be developed utilizing data collected via the EHR. These algorithms provide a high level of accuracy even when implemented across multiple EHRs and institutional boundaries.  相似文献   

ObjectiveSocial determinants of health (SDoH) are nonclinical dispositions that impact patient health risks and clinical outcomes. Leveraging SDoH in clinical decision-making can potentially improve diagnosis, treatment planning, and patient outcomes. Despite increased interest in capturing SDoH in electronic health records (EHRs), such information is typically locked in unstructured clinical notes. Natural language processing (NLP) is the key technology to extract SDoH information from clinical text and expand its utility in patient care and research. This article presents a systematic review of the state-of-the-art NLP approaches and tools that focus on identifying and extracting SDoH data from unstructured clinical text in EHRs.Materials and MethodsA broad literature search was conducted in February 2021 using 3 scholarly databases (ACL Anthology, PubMed, and Scopus) following Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines. A total of 6402 publications were initially identified, and after applying the study inclusion criteria, 82 publications were selected for the final review.ResultsSmoking status (n = 27), substance use (n = 21), homelessness (n = 20), and alcohol use (n = 15) are the most frequently studied SDoH categories. Homelessness (n = 7) and other less-studied SDoH (eg, education, financial problems, social isolation and support, family problems) are mostly identified using rule-based approaches. In contrast, machine learning approaches are popular for identifying smoking status (n = 13), substance use (n = 9), and alcohol use (n = 9).ConclusionNLP offers significant potential to extract SDoH data from narrative clinical notes, which in turn can aid in the development of screening tools, risk prediction models, and clinical decision support systems.  相似文献   



Despite at least 40 years of promising empirical performance, very few clinical natural language processing (NLP) or information extraction systems currently contribute to medical science or care. The authors address this gap by reducing the need for custom software and rules development with a graphical user interface-driven, highly generalizable approach to concept-level retrieval.

Materials and methods

A ‘learn by example’ approach combines features derived from open-source NLP pipelines with open-source machine learning classifiers to automatically and iteratively evaluate top-performing configurations. The Fourth i2b2/VA Shared Task Challenge''s concept extraction task provided the data sets and metrics used to evaluate performance.


Top F-measure scores for each of the tasks were medical problems (0.83), treatments (0.82), and tests (0.83). Recall lagged precision in all experiments. Precision was near or above 0.90 in all tasks.


With no customization for the tasks and less than 5 min of end-user time to configure and launch each experiment, the average F-measure was 0.83, one point behind the mean F-measure of the 22 entrants in the competition. Strong precision scores indicate the potential of applying the approach for more specific clinical information extraction tasks. There was not one best configuration, supporting an iterative approach to model creation.


Acceptable levels of performance can be achieved using fully automated and generalizable approaches to concept-level information extraction. The described implementation and related documentation is available for download.  相似文献   

ObjectiveWe introduce Medical evidence Dependency (MD)–informed attention, a novel neuro-symbolic model for understanding free-text clinical trial publications with generalizability and interpretability.Materials and MethodsWe trained one head in the multi-head self-attention model to attend to the Medical evidence Ddependency (MD) and to pass linguistic and domain knowledge on to later layers (MD informed). This MD-informed attention model was integrated into BioBERT and tested on 2 public machine reading comprehension benchmarks for clinical trial publications: Evidence Inference 2.0 and PubMedQA. We also curated a small set of recently published articles reporting randomized controlled trials on COVID-19 (coronavirus disease 2019) following the Evidence Inference 2.0 guidelines to evaluate the model’s robustness to unseen data. ResultsThe integration of MD-informed attention head improves BioBERT substantially in both benchmark tasks—as large as an increase of +30% in the F1 score—and achieves the new state-of-the-art performance on the Evidence Inference 2.0. It achieves 84% and 82% in overall accuracy and F1 score, respectively, on the unseen COVID-19 data.Conclusions MD-informed attention empowers neural reading comprehension models with interpretability and generalizability via reusable domain knowledge. Its compositionality can benefit any transformer-based architecture for machine reading comprehension of free-text medical evidence.  相似文献   

ObjectiveAccurate extraction of breast cancer patients’ phenotypes is important for clinical decision support and clinical research. This study developed and evaluated cancer domain pretrained CancerBERT models for extracting breast cancer phenotypes from clinical texts. We also investigated the effect of customized cancer-related vocabulary on the performance of CancerBERT models.Materials and MethodsA cancer-related corpus of breast cancer patients was extracted from the electronic health records of a local hospital. We annotated named entities in 200 pathology reports and 50 clinical notes for 8 cancer phenotypes for fine-tuning and evaluation. We kept pretraining the BlueBERT model on the cancer corpus with expanded vocabularies (using both term frequency-based and manually reviewed methods) to obtain CancerBERT models. The CancerBERT models were evaluated and compared with other baseline models on the cancer phenotype extraction task.ResultsAll CancerBERT models outperformed all other models on the cancer phenotyping NER task. Both CancerBERT models with customized vocabularies outperformed the CancerBERT with the original BERT vocabulary. The CancerBERT model with manually reviewed customized vocabulary achieved the best performance with macro F1 scores equal to 0.876 (95% CI, 0.873–0.879) and 0.904 (95% CI, 0.902–0.906) for exact match and lenient match, respectively.ConclusionsThe CancerBERT models were developed to extract the cancer phenotypes in clinical notes and pathology reports. The results validated that using customized vocabulary may further improve the performances of domain specific BERT models in clinical NLP tasks. The CancerBERT models developed in the study would further help clinical decision support.  相似文献   



To describe a system for determining the assertion status of medical problems mentioned in clinical reports, which was entered in the 2010 i2b2/VA community evaluation ‘Challenges in natural language processing for clinical data’ for the task of classifying assertions associated with problem concepts extracted from patient records.

Materials and methods

A combination of machine learning (conditional random field and maximum entropy) and rule-based (pattern matching) techniques was used to detect negation, speculation, and hypothetical and conditional information, as well as information associated with persons other than the patient.


The best submission obtained an overall micro-averaged F-score of 0.9343.


Using semantic attributes of concepts and information about document structure as features for statistical classification of assertions is a good way to leverage rule-based and statistical techniques. In this task, the choice of features may be more important than the choice of classifier algorithm.  相似文献   

Tourism as well as international business travel creates health risks for individuals and populations both in host societies and home countries. One strategy to reduce health-related risks to travelers is to provide travelers and relevant caregivers timely, ongoing access to their own health information. Many websites offer health advice for travelers. For example, the WHO and US Department of State offer up-to-date health information about countries relevant to travel. However, little has been done to assure travelers that their medical information is available at the right place and time when the need might arise. Applications of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) utilizing mobile phones for health management are promising tools both for the delivery of healthcare services and the promotion of personal health. This paper describes the project developed by international informaticians under the umbrella of the International Medical Informatics Association. A template capable of becoming an international standard is proposed. This application is available free to anyone who is interested. Furthermore, its source code is made open.  相似文献   



To compare the use of structured reporting software and the standard electronic medical records (EMR) in the management of patients with bladder cancer. The use of a human factors laboratory to study management of disease using simulated clinical scenarios was also assessed.


eCancerCareBladder and the EMR were used to retrieve data and produce clinical reports. Twelve participants (four attending staff, four fellows, and four residents) used either eCancerCareBladder or the EMR in two clinical scenarios simulating cystoscopy surveillance visits for bladder cancer follow-up.


Time to retrieve and quality of review of the patient history; time to produce and completeness of a cystoscopy report. Finally, participants provided a global assessment of their computer literacy, familiarity with the two systems, and system preference.


eCancerCareBladder was faster for data retrieval (scenario 1: 146 s vs 245 s, p=0.019; scenario 2: 306 vs 415 s, NS), but non-significantly slower to generate a clinical report. The quality of the report was better in the eCancerCareBladder system (scenario 1: p<0.001; scenario 2: p=0.11). User satisfaction was higher with the eCancerCareBladder system, and 11/12 participants preferred to use this system.


The small sample size affected the power of our study to detect differences.


Use of a specific data management tool does not appear to significantly reduce user time, but the results suggest improvement in the level of care and documentation and preference by users. Also, the use of simulated scenarios in a laboratory setting appears to be a valid method for comparing the usability of clinical software.  相似文献   

Serious medication errors occur commonly in the period after hospital discharge. Medication reconciliation in the postdischarge ambulatory setting may be one way to reduce the frequency of these errors. The authors describe the design and implementation of a novel tool built into an ambulatory electronic medical record (EMR) to facilitate postdischarge medication reconciliation. The tool compares the preadmission medication list within the ambulatory EMR to the hospital discharge medication list, highlights all changes, and allows the EMR medication list to be easily updated. As might be expected for a novel tool intended for use in a minority of visits, use of the tool was low at first: 20% of applicable patient visits within 30 days of discharge. Clinician outreach, education, and a pop-up reminder succeeded in increasing use to 41% of applicable visits. Review of feedback identified several usability issues that will inform subsequent versions of the tool and provide generalizable lessons for how best to design medication reconciliation tools for this setting.  相似文献   

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