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ObjectiveThis study aimed to investigate the efficacy of resective surgery in children with focal lesional epilepsy by evaluating the predictive value of pre- and postsurgical factors in terms of seizure freedom.MethodsThis study included 61 children aged between 2 and 18 years who were admitted to the pediatric video-EEG unit for presurgical workup. Each patient was evaluated with a detailed history, video-EEG, neuroimaging, and postsurgical outcomes according to Engel classification to predict postsurgical seizure freedom. All the possible factors including history, etiology, presurgical evaluation, surgical procedures, and postsurgical results were analyzed for their predictive value for postoperative seizure freedom.ResultsOf the 61 patients, 75% were diagnosed as having temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE), and 25% were diagnosed with extra-TLE. Two years after the surgery, 78.6% were seizure-free, of which 89% had TLE, and 50% had extra-TLE (p < 0.05). Patients were more likely to have a favorable outcome for seizure freedom if they had rare seizure frequency, focal EEG findings, and focal seizures; had a temporal epileptogenic zone; or had TLE and hippocampal sclerosis. On the other hand, patients were more likely to have unfavorable results for seizure freedom if they had younger age of seizure onset, frequent seizures before the surgery, a frontal or multilobar epileptogenic zone, secondarily generalized seizures, extra-TLE with frontal lobe surgery, or focal cortical dysplasia.SignificanceResective surgery is one of the most effective treatment methods in children with intractable epilepsy. A history of young age of seizure onset, frequent seizures before surgery, secondarily generalized seizures, a multilobar epileptogenic zone, frontal lobe surgery, and focal cortical dysplasia (FCD) are the most important predictive factors indicating that a patient would continue having seizures after surgery. On the other hand, focal seizure semiologies, temporal lobe localization, and hippocampal sclerosis indicate that a patient would have better results in terms of seizure freedom.  相似文献   

Sudden unexplained death in epilepsy is rare in children, and few studies report risk factors. We reviewed our experience with 17 cases of sudden unexplained death in epilepsy to determine risk factors in children. The charts of all patients with onset of epilepsy at less than age 18 years who suffered sudden unexplained death in epilepsy between August 1992 and April 2004 at our epilepsy center were retrospectively reviewed. Deaths were classified as possible, probable, or definite sudden unexplained death in epilepsy. There were seven cases of definite, nine cases of probable, and one case of possible sudden unexplained death in epilepsy. Generalized tonic-clonic seizures and prone position during sleep were found to be major risk factors. Sudden unexplained death in epilepsy in children and adolescents is associated with convulsive seizures, and aggressive treatment of nocturnal generalized tonic-clonic seizures might help lower the occurrence.  相似文献   

The comorbidity of headache and epilepsy is often seen in neurological practice. The objective of this study was to assess the prevalence, types of, and risk factors for headache in juvenile myoclonic epilepsy (JME). We assessed a total of 200 patients and 100 healthy controls in our study. Headache was classified in participants using a self-administered questionnaire. Demographical, clinical features and headache characteristics were recorded. Seizure and headache temporal profiles were noted. Headache was present in 111 (56%) patients and 50 (50%) healthy participants. From these patients, 47 (42.3%) JME patients had migraine [30 (27%) migraine without aura (MO), 17 (15.3%) migraine with aura (MA)], 52 (46.8%) had tension type headache (TTH), 4 (3.6%) had both migraine and TTH, and 8 (7.2%) had other non-primary headaches. In the healthy control group, migraine was detected in 16 (32%) subjects, TTH in 33 (66%), both migraine and TTH in 1 (2%) subject. A positive migraine family history and symptom relief with sleep were more frequent in JME patients (p?=?0.01). Headache was classified as inter-ictal in 82 (79.6%) patients and peri-ictal in 21 (20.4%) patients. In conclusion, the present study revealed that headache frequency was not significantly different between JME patients and healthy controls (p?>?0.05). However, migraine frequency was higher in JME patients than healthy controls. Some migraine and TTH characteristics were different in between groups. We suggest that our results support both genetic relationship and shared underlying hypothetical pathopysiological mechanisms between JME and headache, especially migraine.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The goal of this study was to compare self-induction (SI) patterns in photosensitive epilepsy (PSE) and hot water epilepsy (HWE). METHODS: Among 7609 consecutive patients, 129 were diagnosed as having PSE, and 34, HWE. RESULTS: Thirteen patients with PSE (10 females, 3 males, age at onset: 8.6; 3 with mental retardation) and 9 patients with HWE (all males, age at onset: 13.1) reported experiencing SI. During the seizures, a pleasurable feeling was described by all patients with HWE, but only by 3 patients with PSE. Patients with PSE induced their seizures by going very close to the TV screen or by waving their hands and blinking in front of the light sources. In the patients with HWE, seizures were precipitated by increasing the temperature of the water poured over the head or body. CONCLUSIONS: Our results indicate that SI is more frequent in HWE, although this behavior was attributed mostly to PSE in previous studies.  相似文献   

For the treatment of patients with chronic refractory epilepsies, information about the long-term efficacy and safety profile of any new antiepileptic drug is crucial. Topiramate has been proven to be effective in patients with refractory chronic partial epilepsies in short-term controlled clinical trials, but the long-term retention, long-term efficacy, and long-term side-effect profile have not been sufficiently investigated. We analyzed all patients who had been treated with topiramate in the Epilepsy Centre Kempenhaeghe from the introduction of the drug in the spring of 1993 up to a final assessment point in mid-2002. In total, 470 patients were identified. The data show that the clinical dose achieved was about 200mg/day, reached after approximately 6 months of treatment. Further dose escalation in the survivors was slow, with a mean dose of about 300 mg/day after 24 months of treatment. Mean titration dose is 25mg/week, but titration strategy is mostly individual and responds to patient complaints. With respect to seizure frequency, 10-15% of the patients were seizure-free at the 6-month evaluation; 4 patients achieved a 2-year remission. Retention rate was 53% after 1 year, 45% after 2 years, 38% after 3 years, and 30% after 4 years. At 4 years, almost 70% of the patients had discontinued topiramate. The main reason was adverse events, which accounted for about 65% of the discontinuations. Behavioral side effects were dominant, with mental slowing (27.6%), dysphasia (16.0%), and mood problems (agitation: 11.9%) being the most frequently reported side effects. In about 10% of the patients side effects led to discontinuation despite the obvious favorable effects on seizure frequency. Comparisons between the patients who discontinued topiramate treatment and those who continued topiramate showed that discontinuation was associated with comedication (vigabatrin and lamotrigine). Our conclusion is that TPM is associated with a high incidence of side effects in clinical practice, affecting long-term retention. Meaningful prognostic factors that may help us in clinical decision making, i.e., to prevent the side effects or to help us identify those at risk, have not been found.  相似文献   

Lamotrigine (LTG, Lamictal), one of the newer antiepileptic drugs, was admitted to the Dutch market in 1996. It was first used as adjunctive therapy and later as a monotherapy in partial and generalized epilepsy. All patients who started on LTG in 1996 or 1997 in the Epilepsy Centre Kempenhaeghe (n=314) were enrolled in this study and followed for 48 months. The data indicate that the retention rates for LTG after 1, 2, 3, and 4 years are respectively 74.4, 69.3, 63.1, and 55.6%. Patients with normal cognitive function were more likely to continue than patients with mental retardation. The main reason for discontinuing LTG therapy was lack of efficacy (19.1%). Four patients (1.4%) were seizure-free for the total follow-up period of 48 months. The most frequently reported negative side effects were dizziness and headache, both in patients who continued and in those who discontinued therapy. A large percentage of patients also reported positive side effects like "feeling/being more active" and "feeling more clear/more responsive." For the whole patient group, the plasma level of LTG was measured 277 times. Plasma levels of LTG were influenced by the patients' comedications. Plasma levels of LTG in groups taking LTG in monotherapy, LTG plus an inducer, and LTG plus valproate were 8.7, 4.8, and 8.7 mg/L, respectively. The correlation between measured plasma level and dose confirm the manufacturer's dose recommendations. The manufacturer recommends half the dosage of lamotrigine monotherapy when the patient also uses valproate. When the patient uses an inducer, the dosage of LTG must be two times the dose used in monotherapy.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: For the treatment of patients with chronic refractory epilepsies, development of new antiepileptic drugs is crucial. Three regulatory trials have demonstrated that add-on levetiracetam is efficacious in patients with localization-related epilepsy. However, results from these highly controlled short-term clinical trials cannot simply be extrapolated to everyday clinical practice. Therefore, more information is needed about the long-term profile of a new antiepileptic drug in clinical practice. METHOD: We analyzed all patients who had been treated with levetiracetam in the Epilepsy Centre Kempenhaeghe from the introduction of the drug in early 2001 up to a final assessment point, at the end of 2003, using a medical information system. RESULTS: In total, 301 patients were included. One hundred thirty-eight patients (45.8%) discontinued LEV treatment during the 24-month follow-up period. Reasons for discontinuation were lack of efficacy in 15.9% of patients, adverse events in 6.0% of patients, and a combination of lack of efficacy and adverse events in 16.3% of patients. By Kaplan-Meier survival analysis, the continuation rate was 65.6% after 1 year and 45.8% after 2 years. About 15% of patients in this highly refractory group had a 3-month remission, whereas 10% of patients became seizure-free for longer periods. The most frequently reported side effects at the time of discontinuation were mood disorders, tiredness, and sleepiness. Variables predicting (dis)continuation of levetiracetam treatment could not be identified. CONCLUSION: Levetiracetam is a new antiepileptic drug that appears to be a useful add-on treatment in patients with refractory epilepsy. Its side effect profile is mild, with mood disorders being the most dominant adverse event.  相似文献   

PurposeTo estimate the rate of long-term lacosamide retention among a real-world group of patients at a tertiary epilepsy center in Ireland.MethodsOne-hundred adults first prescribed lacosamide for epilepsy between January 2010 and August 2014 at Cork University Hospital were randomly selected for a retrospective analysis of medical records covering two years of subsequent epilepsy clinic follow-up to ascertain whether lacosamide was continued or withdrawn.ResultsOf 100 patients, (51 males, mean age 40.8 years, 94 with drug-resistant epilepsy, 76 with focal epilepsy, 25 with intellectual disabilities, 34 with mental health disorders, and 42 with medical comorbidities), lacosamide was prescribed as an adjunct in 85. Lacosamide retention at 12 and 24 months was 76% and 71%, respectively. Twenty-five patients stopped lacosamide due to ineffective seizure control. Adverse-effects were responsible for lacosamide discontinuation in three patients and one patient stopped lacosamide pre-pregnancy.ConclusionThe relatively high retention rate at two years suggests that lacosamide is generally well tolerated among people with a range of different epilepsy subtypes, intellectual disabilities, medical comorbidities, and mental health disorders, and can aid seizure control in adult patients with a range of difficult-to-treat epilepsies.  相似文献   

Epilepsy surgery is proven as a cost-effective treatment in developed countries, especially in adults with drug resistant epilepsy (DRE). This study is aimed to demonstrate the cost-effectiveness of epilepsy surgery in children and adolescents with DRE at three years compared with those who were eligible for surgery but received medical treatment. This study was conducted from January 2014 to December 2018. Clinical data were obtained from a retrospective chart review. Direct medical costs, including epilepsy surgery, inpatient and outpatient treatment were retrieved from the finance department. Direct non-medical costs were collected from the family interview. The effectiveness was determined by percent seizure reduction and quality of life assessed by EQ-5D scores. Decision tree analysis using TreeAge Pro® 2018 was deployed to determine the cost-effectiveness. Seventeen patients had epilepsy surgery and 19 were in the medical group. Seizure freedom was noted in 52% and 16% in the surgical and medical groups, respectively. Incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) was 743,040 THB (22,793 USD) per 1 QALY and 3302 THB (101 USD) per 1% seizure reduction. The study did not demonstrate cost-effectiveness of epilepsy surgery in the short term compared with Thailand’s threshold (160,000 THB (4908 USD) per 1 QALY). Epilepsy surgery may be cost-effective if evaluated beyond three years.  相似文献   

We evaluated our clinical experience with zonisamide, a broad-spectrum antiepileptic drug, in a group of children with predominantly medically refractory epilepsy. A retrospective chart review was conducted on patients at our tertiary referral center following Institutional Review Board approval. Observers documented reports of seizure frequency, and seizure types were identified either clinically or by prior video-electroencephalography monitoring. We identified 68 patients (age range 1.9-18.1 years [median 6.9 years]; male to female ratio 1.3:1) treated with zonisamide for 0.7 to 28.9 months; at the last visit, 22% and 78% were on monotherapy and adjunctive therapy, respectively. The median duration of treatment and maintenance dose at the end of the follow-up were 11.2 months and 8.0 mg/kg/day, respectively. Seizure types included generalized (primary generalized tonic-clonic, myoclonic, tonic, atonic, absence) and partial (simple, complex, and secondarily generalized tonic-clonic seizures); 10 (15%) patients had both partial and generalized seizures. Sixteen (25.8%) patients were seizure free, although five of them were already in remission prior to starting zonisamide. Thirteen (21.0%) patients had a > 50% seizure reduction, 10 (16.1%) patients had a < 50% seizure reduction, 14 (22.6%) had no improvement in baseline seizures, and 9 (14.5%) reported having increased seizures. The latter were mostly associated with dosage alterations in concomitant antiepileptic drugs. Common side effects were central nervous system related, including behavioral or psychiatric (23.5%), cognitive dysfunction (12.0%), and sedation (10.3%). Eleven (16.2%) patients ultimately discontinued zonisamide, but only five were strictly due to side effects. Zonisamide is clinically effective against multiple seizure types in a significant proportion of children with epilepsy across a broad age range. Drug discontinuation as a result of side effects is uncommon.  相似文献   

Objectives:To evaluate the efficacy of valproic acid (VPA) in a cohort of children below 2 years of age. We also aim to review the characteristics of such patients and the role and safety of VPA for this age group.Methods:A retrospective chart review conducted at King Abdulaziz University Hospital, Jeddah, Kingdome of Saudi Arabia, for children below 2 years of age diagnosed with epilepsy and treated with valproic acid from January 2016 to January 2020.Results:The cohort for this study includes 50 children below the age of 2 years (25 males, 25 females). Aged 3 months to 23 months at commencing valproic acid. The mean age of seizure onset was 9 months and the mean age of starting valproic acid was 16 months. Thirty-two patients (64%) had more than 50% seizure improvement after valproic acid. Eleven patients (22%) were seizure-free. No statistical significance abnormalities in blood count indices and ammonia were seen during the treatment period. Two patients had dose-related lethargy that improved after decreasing their dosage. Asymptomatic mild elevation in glutamate dehydrogenase was noticed in 18% of patients.Conclusion:Using valproic acid in infants and children below the age of 2 years can be considered as a safe and effective treatment option for epilepsy in this age group.

Epilepsy is a major neurological disorder that occurs across different age groups. Children below the age of 2 years are an important subcategory. They are more prone to have seizures compared to older children.1 Moreover, uncontrolled seizures in early life can result in poor outcomes on cognition, motor and language development.2 Seizure-freedom in children below 2 years ranges between 49–57% compared to >60% in older children.3,4 A myriad group of etiologies can result in seizures in this vulnerable age group including: electrolytes disturbances, asphyxia, inborn errors of metabolism, structural brain etiologies, infection and genetic etiologies. Brain ion channels, neurotransmitters and cellular maturation is unique in this age group making them at higher risk for seizures. Response to antiseizure medications (ASMs) also is different in this category of patients.5 Safety and options of ASMs is also another challenge.Multiple electroclinical epilepsy syndromes occur in this category like West syndrome, Dravet syndrome and myoclonic epilepsy which can be challenging to treat. Most available ASMs has not been studied in this age group. Valproic acid (VPA) has been available as a treatment for more than 50 years. It is classified as broad spectrum ASM. It is one of old generation ASM with few side effects reported.6 Its use below the age of 2 years is limited by its potential hepatotoxicity especially when used as polytherapy or in high dosage. Other factors like POLG mutation and mitochondrial disease could increase the chance for hepatic insult.7The incidence of hepatotoxicity in children in general is higher than adults, 1:5000 compared to 1:40000, respectively. Multiple proposed mechanisms have been implicated like reduction of intracellular CoA, defects of oxidative phosphorylation and inhibition of gluconeogenesis.8,9The aim of this study is to evaluate the efficacy and safety of valproic acid (VPA) in this age group and to review the clinical characteristics of this cohort. Few studies in literature evaluated VPA usage below the age of 2 years.7,9  相似文献   

Gross DW  Hamm J  Ashworth NL  Quigley D 《Neurology》2004,62(11):2095-2097
The authors sought to determine the prevalence of marijuana use in patients with epilepsy by performing a telephone survey in a tertiary care epilepsy center. Twenty-one percent of subjects had used marijuana in the past year with the majority of active users reporting beneficial effects on seizures. Twenty-four percent of all subjects believed marijuana was an effective therapy for epilepsy. Despite limited evidence of efficacy, many patients with epilepsy believe marijuana is an effective therapy for epilepsy and are actively using it.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to find out the profile of intractable epilepsy (IE) in a tertiary referral centre. 100 patients (males 67; females 33) with IE attending the epilepsy clinic were evaluated. Detailed history, examination, investigations like EEG and CT scan and details regarding pharmacotherapy were analysed. The age of the patients ranged from 5 to 70 yrs (mean=23.2 yrs). Mean duration of seizures was 11.44 years. Commonest seizure type was partial seizures (74%). Amongst patients with generalised seizures (26%), 14% had multiple seizure types. The seizure frequency was 12.39 +/- 21.57 (mean +/- SD) per month. Fifty seven patients were in the symptomatic group with CNS infections being the leading cause (19%) of epilepsy. Fifty patients had one or more abnormal predictors of IE. There was no difference in the severity of epilepsy in patients with no abnormal feature when compared with patients having abnormal features. EEG was abnormal in 69% cases with background abnormality in 20% and focal abnormality in 36% cases. CT scan was abnormal in 41% cases with commonest abnormality being neurocysticercosis (11%) followed by gliosis (9%) and chronic infarct (9%). Sixty patients were receiving a combination of two drugs, 32 patients 3 drugs and 8 patients were on 4 drugs. There was no difference in seizure control in patients who were on 2 drugs or more than 2 drugs. Partial seizures were the commonest seizure type leading to IE; CNS infection being the leading aetiological factor. The presence or absence of predictors of intractability does not predict severity of epilepsy. Addition of third primary drug to existing combination only increases adverse effects without better control of seizures.  相似文献   

Despite the high incidence of epilepsy in very young children, the availability of approved antiepileptic drugs for this population is limited. This study assessed the efficacy and tolerability of levetiracetam in children younger than 2 years of age with various types of epilepsy. A single-center, retrospective chart review of 28 patients ranging in age from 2 weeks to 22 months treated with levetiracetam over a 2.5-year period was conducted. The mean dosage of levetiracetam was 39 mg/kg per day, and the mean duration of treatment was 6.3 months. The majority of patients (54%) were also taking 1 or 2 other antiepileptic drugs. A reduction in seizure frequency was found in 54%, with 14% achieving seizure freedom. Eight patients showed no response to levetiracetam treatment. Efficacy was highest among patients with generalized epilepsy. Adverse effects occurred in 2 patients and were behavioral in nature. Levetiracetam treatment was safe and effective in this group of very young patients with various types of epilepsy.  相似文献   

Our video-EEG monitoring (VEEG) unit is part of a typical metropolitan tertiary care center that services a diverse patient population. We aimed to determine if the specific clinical reason for inpatient VEEG was actually resolved. Our method was to retrospectively determine the stated goal of inpatient VEEG and to analyze the outcome of one hundred consecutive adult patients admitted for VEEG. The reason for admission fit into one of four categories: 1) to characterize paroxysmal events as either epileptic or nonepileptic, 2) to localize epileptic foci, 3) to characterize the epilepsy syndrome, and 4) to attempt safe antiepileptic drug adjustment. We found that VEEG was successful in accomplishing the goal of admission in 77% of cases. The remaining 23% failed primarily due to lack of typical events during monitoring. Furthermore, of the overall study cohort, VEEG outcomes altered medical management in 53% and surgery was pursued in 5%.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was the presentation of our preliminary experiences and the data concerning the efficacy and safety of tiagabine in patients below the 12-th year of life. 4 cases of drug--resistant epilepsy--with partial complex attacks in 3 and simple in 1 (frontal epilepsy from supplementary motor area) with multiple seizures in the day were the subject of the study. Tiagabine add-one therapy to CBZ or to VPA was used. Initial period--the dose titration lasted 4 weeks. The stable dosis period amounted to 5 months. The effective dosis of tiagabine was 1 mg/kg/day. In 1 case the seizures completely disappeared and in 3 the frequency decreased to 2-4 times in comparison to frequency per day before the treatment. There were not any side-effects reported which would be the cause of the drug discontinuation. IN CONCLUSION: Tiagabine appeared to be an effective and safe drug in resistant epilepsy in children below 12 years of age.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: There are only few studies on the costs of epilepsy in Germany. Therefore, we performed a pilot study to estimate the direct and indirect costs of refractory epilepsy in a German epilepsy center. METHODS: A "prevalence-based," cross-sectional convenience sample of adults with active epilepsy attending the outpatient clinic of our tertiary epilepsy center was evaluated. Seizure-free patients and patients presenting with their first seizure were excluded. Direct and indirect costs were prospectively recorded over a three-month period using questionnaires and a patient diary. Cost driving factors were identified. RESULTS: One hundred one patients were included (40.7+/-15.2 years; disease duration: 18.1+/-15.3 years; 6 patients had focal epilepsy with simple partial seizures only, 28 with complex partial seizures, 43 with secondarily generalized tonic-clonic seizures; 20 had idiopathic generalized epilepsy with generalized tonic-clonic seizures). The total costs of epilepsy per patient were in average euro 2610+/-4200 over the three-month period. Direct cost contributed 39% to the total costs. Costs of anticonvulsant medication were the main contributor to the direct costs while indirect costs were caused mainly by losses due to early retirement. Cost driving factors included higher seizure frequency, longer disease duration, ictal falls, and situationally inappropriate complex behavior during or after the seizure. CONCLUSIONS: Indirect costs were higher than direct costs in adult patients with active epilepsy attending a German epilepsy center. Medication contributed the most to the direct costs and early retirement was the main factor for the indirect costs. The costs of poorly controlled epilepsy in this German study were above average of the European costs of epilepsy.  相似文献   

Diagnosis of rapidly progressive dementia (RPD) poses a complex medical challenge that requires an exhaustive evaluation. Although prion diseases, in particular Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD), are often suspected, many other nonprion diseases may present as RPD. Our aim was to review the causes of RPD in our center to better understand the underlying conditions. We reviewed clinical, neuroimaging, and cerebrospinal fluid data from patients with RPD admitted to our hospital from 1994 to 2009. Forty-nine patients (mean age at onset 72.4 y) with RPD were admitted to our center during the study period. The mean interval between the onset of symptoms and admission was 4.6 months. The final clinical diagnoses were as follows: nonprion neurodegenerative diseases (36.8%), CJD (30.6%), vascular dementia (8.2%), toxic-metabolic conditions (8.2%), and other disorders (16.2%). Among cases with informed death (n = 19), the average survival time was 8.6 ± 9.5 months. Survival was shorter among patients with prion disease (n = 10) than in those with other diagnoses (n = 9, P = 0.004). In conclusion, nonprion neurodegenerative diseases are the most common cause of RPD in our center. Our results suggest that although CJD is often suspected as a cause of RPD, its frequency depends on the referral differences across specialized centers.  相似文献   

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