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Skin-grafted subcutaneous adipose turnover flaps can be very useful in providing cover of exposed joints especially in critically ill patients. An exposed wrist joint due to a full-thickness electrical burn was successfully covered with a large turnover pure subcutaneous flap harvested from the forearm. Stable cover and good function with minimal donor site morbidity was achieved (22 months follow-up). The planning and the anatomical bases of this useful flap are discussed.C. Tremolada  相似文献   

Expanded temporal hair-bearing scalp as a pedicled flap was used to reconstruct the upper lip with a moustache and also the ipsilateral eyebrow, on a patient with an old chemical burn of the face. It is a relatively simple method of providing cover of the upper lip and eyebrow with a good density of hair and a natural hair flow. The results were satisfactory and the donor site morbidity was minimal.  相似文献   

目的 在动物模型上探索岛状筋膜瓣诱导预制扩张皮瓣的存活和血供建立时限 ,为临床应用提供理论依据。方法 在大白鼠的侧胸腹形成以侧胸血管为蒂的岛状筋膜瓣 (1.5cm× 2 .0cm) ,经皮下转移至背部 ,其下埋置扩张器 ,扩张完毕后 ,形成以筋膜瓣血管蒂为载体的预构扩张皮瓣 ,观察皮瓣的成活 ,并行微血管照影 ,了解且扩展可促进微血管的再生微血管构建情况。结果 岛状筋膜瓣的血管与皮肤血管网在 3周后即建立了良好的吻合 ,预构皮瓣建立了丰富的血供 ,且扩展可促进微血管的再生 ,预构皮瓣的长宽可比筋膜瓣大 2 .5~ 4.0倍。结论 皮肤扩张的同时应用岛状筋膜瓣预构的轴型皮瓣能建立起丰富的血管网 ,以筋膜瓣血管为蒂移植安全 ,较传统扩张或随意皮瓣应用更灵活 ,可将岛状或游离皮瓣作远位移植 ,且皮瓣更薄  相似文献   

Successful reconstruction of extensive anterior chest wall defect following major electrical burn represents a very challenging surgery. Herein we report the first case using pedicled full‐thickness abdominal flap combined with skin grafting to treat this injury with severe infection and exposure of pericardium and ribs in a Chinese patient. Following the performance of chest debridement to remove necrotic and infected tissues and the injection of broad‐spectrum antibiotics to reduce infection, a pedicled full‐thickness abdominal flap was used to cover the exposed pericardium and ribs, and skin grafting from the right leg of the patient was done to cover the exposed vital tissues. The patient was followed up for a total of 3·5 years, and satisfactory cosmetic and functional outcomes were obtained without complications. This report provides an effective method for the surgeons who encounter similar cases where reconstruction of extensive anterior chest wall is required.  相似文献   

目的在传统额部皮瓣的基础上,探索以减少传统的方法继发额部瘢痕的鼻部分缺损的修复方法。方法手术分两期进行。Ⅰ期将100~150ml的软组织扩张器置入鼻缺损同侧额部皮下的颞浅血管额支的深面。Ⅱ期将扩张后的皮肤,根据鼻缺损的形状和大小,切取以颞浅血管额支为蒂的额部皮瓣修复鼻缺损。供区创面直接缝合在额颞部的发际缘。结果自2003年7月至2006年11月,采用此皮瓣修复鼻一侧的全层缺损的患者7例,手术全部成功。术后随访患者3~6个月,鼻形态较好,供区无明显的继发瘢痕。结论扩张额部颞浅血管蒂额部皮瓣是修复鼻部分缺损的一种较理想的皮瓣,此手术方法可有效地改善传统的方法继发的额部瘢痕。  相似文献   



Many surgeons have to face the challenge of the sophisticated management of catastrophic high-voltage injuries to upper extremities. These patients present with both vast soft tissue defects and varied segmental main artery defects with compromised circulation of the distal limb. This study is a first attempt to analyze the outcome of the flow-through anterolateral thigh flap for reconstruction in acute electrical burns of the severely traumatized upper extremity.

Method and patient

From March 2001 to February 2012, five men were enrolled in the study. All in this series suffered from high voltage current (higher than 1000 V) electrical burn and had the presence of wide segmental soft tissue defects, exposure of underlying vital structures and segmental artery injury with compromised circulation. Flow-through anterolateral thigh flaps were used for limb salvage.


Follow up for all patients was present from 6 months to 7 years. The mean age was 37.8 years old. The mean timing of free flap transfer was 5.8 days after injury. The mean flap sizes were 31.6 cm × 16.5 cm. The mean artery defect was 14.2 cm in length. Venous thrombosis occurred 1 day post-operatively in one patient. No donor site morbidity was noted. In the postoperative period, no infection, no hematoma, nor deaths were noted. Successful limb salvage rate was 80% in this series.


In electrical injuries of the severely damaged upper extremity, flow through anterolateral thigh flaps provide for reconstruction of both the vessels and soft tissue simultaneously. Although the risk of flap failure is higher than with other etiologies of burn, the data shows that the above reconstruction technique is useful for upper extremity salvage.  相似文献   



Massive scars of face and neck cause severe esthetic and functional problems in patients. To achieve better outcomes, in this study, we demonstrate the use of the expanded lateral thoracic pedicle flap, which provides a large and thin flap that matches the face and neck area in color and texture with minimal donor site morbidities.


Firstly, a tissue expander was embedded in the lateral thoracic region. After water inflation, the expanded lateral thoracic flap was elevated as a pedicle flap and was then transferred to replace scar tissue of the head and neck. Doppler ultrasound examinations were employed pre-operatively to identify the path of the nutrient arteries of the flap. A surgical delay procedure was performed two weeks prior to flap transfer.


Ten patients were treated with this method. For 9 patients, the outcomes were satisfactory and were not characterized by obvious flap contraction after 3–17 months of follow-up. The final patient sustained flap necrosis in the distal one-third of the flap. The donor sites were primarily closed in 80% of the cases.


The expanded lateral thoracic pedicle flap proved to be a reliable method with satisfactory outcomes for skin reconstruction of the face and neck.  相似文献   

目的探讨脐旁皮瓣修复腕与前臂部电烧伤的临床效果。方法1997年~2002年应用脐旁皮瓣修复腕与前臂部电烧伤18例,皮肤软组织缺损10cm×8cm~15cm×12cm。结果18例皮瓣全部成活,外形满意,为后期手腕功能重建创造了良好的条件。结论应用脐旁皮瓣修复手腕与前臂部电烧伤创面方法简便、风险小、成功率高,是良好的组织修复材料。  相似文献   

目的综合应用血管移植和组织扩张技术,将任意型皮瓣转化为可以带蒂移转或游离移植的轴型皮瓣,用于缺损的修复或器官再造。方法将颞浅动、静脉筋膜岛状瓣移转至颈部,其下埋置扩张器,进行皮肤扩张后,以颞浅动、静脉为蒂,形成岛状预制皮瓣。结果自1996年以来,为8例面、颈部严重烧伤的患者形成颈部扩张预制皮瓣,带蒂移转,无血运障碍等并发症发生,获得满意效果。结论在局部无可资利用的轴型皮瓣,不能满足缺损修复与器官再造的需要时,以颞浅动、静脉为携带血管的扩张预制皮瓣技术是一种值得考虑的、效果可靠的手术方法。  相似文献   

为探讨前额岛状皮瓣快速扩张法行鼻再造术的可行性及手术方法和注意事项。手术分两期完成。Ⅰ期手术为额部扩张器埋置。均采用100ml圆柱形扩张器,术中适量注水,术后快速扩张,注水量最大155ml,最少120ml,平均约140ml。Ⅱ期鼻成形术于Ⅰ期术后7~14天进行。临床上成功地运用了15例,均取得了满意的效果,术后随访扩张皮瓣无明显回缩。前额岛状皮瓣快速扩张法行鼻再造术效果满意,扩张时间缩短至10天左右  相似文献   

扩张的交腿皮瓣修复足背皮肤缺损   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的探讨虚用皮肤软组织扩张术与交腿皮瓣相结合,修复足背皮肤缺损骨外露的临床效果。方法共已采用扩张的交腿皮瓣修复对侧足背皮肤缺损骨外露10例。结果本方法对供皮瓣区及受皮瓣区均能得到良好的修复,供区不需移植皮片,修复后遗留的体表痕迹少,皮瓣较薄外形佳。结论虚用扩张的交腿皮瓣为足背皮肤缺损骨外露提供一种简单易行、损伤小、皮瓣供受区外形均佳的修复方法。  相似文献   

目的 探讨耳后扩张皮瓣破溃时耳廓再造的处理方法.方法 将破溃耳后扩张皮瓣分为4度,对Ⅰ、Ⅱ度破溃患者,急诊行耳廓再造、自体肋软骨支架移植术.对Ⅲ度破溃患者,先行局部及全身治疗,待局部红肿消退后行耳廓再造术.对Ⅳ度破溃患者,先行耳后扩张皮瓣舒平术,待3个月以后再行耳廓再造术.结果 本组67例,Ⅰ、Ⅱ度破溃者43例,Ⅲ度17例,Ⅳ度7例.应用自体肋软骨耳廓支架移植耳廓再造43例;应用medpor耳廓支架移植耳廓再造者17例;先行耳后扩张皮瓣舒平、然后行自体肋软骨耳廓支架移植耳廓再造术的有7例.所有患者均一期痊愈出院.出现并发症4例,约占7%,但是均经过及时有效的处理,未影响最终术后效果,总体效果满意.结论 对于外耳再造时耳后扩张皮瓣破溃进行合适的分度和采用相应的处理方法,可获得良好的效果.  相似文献   

Postburn neck contracture and hypertrophic scarring can cause functional limitation and aesthetic disfigurement. Reconstruction of severe deformities and scar of neck following healing from burns confronts the surgeon with some of the most challenging problems in reconstructive surgery. Through knowledge of available reconstructive technique accurate diagnosis of tissue deficiency and secondary distortion, imaginative planning and definitive, careful execution of ones surgical plan are the bare minimum items for achieving improvement in a burned deformed neck. The aim of this article is to assess the role of expanded occipito-cervico-pectoral (o-c-p) flap for reconstruction in a series of four patients with severe burn scar of neck and involvement of shoulder back but intact anterior aspect of chest. This is an alternative method of reconstruction burn scar of neck area.  相似文献   

A 20-year-old male who sustained a severe avulsion injury of his left scalp and face together with a cranial bone fracture on his right temple six years previously, presented with extensive alopecia over the left temporal scalp. There was also a depression in the right temple with complex scarring caused by previous operations. A simultaneous complete reconstruction of the scalp defect and the depression was obtained by expansion of the left temporoparietal scalp, followed by free-flap transfer of the expanded tissue and augmentation with a free scapular flap. The end result was very satisfactory.  相似文献   

以颞浅动、静脉为携带血管的扩张预制皮瓣的临床应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的综合应用血管移植和组织扩张技术,将任意型皮瓣转化为可以带蒂移转或游离移植的轴型皮瓣,用于缺损的修复或器官再造。方法将颞浅动、静脉筋膜岛状瓣移转至颈部,其下埋置扩张器,进行皮肤扩张后,以颞浅动、静脉为蒂,形成岛状预制皮瓣。结果自1996年以来,为8例面、颈部严重烧伤的患者形成颈部扩张预制皮瓣,带蒂移转,无血运障碍等并发症发生,获得满意效果。结论在局部无可资利用的轴型皮瓣,不能满足缺损修复与器官再造的需要时,以颞浅动、静脉为携带血管的扩张预制皮瓣技术是一种值得考虑的、效果可靠的手术方法。  相似文献   

持续扩张后任意皮瓣的活力及回缩的动态观察   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的 观察持续扩张后皮瓣的活力及近期修复效果。方法 用小家猪和恒压灌注仪制作持续扩张动物模型 ,A组动物用 180ml扩张器 ,B组动物用 2 10ml扩张器。完成扩张后 3d制作扩张区皮瓣和正常区任意皮瓣 (对照组 )。结果 A组和B组皮瓣的存活长度比正常任意皮瓣分别增加 92 60 %和 91 96% ,A、B两组差别不明显 (P >0 0 5 )。术后早期扩张后皮瓣有明显回缩 ,术后两个月皮瓣的宽度恢复到正常任意皮瓣水平 (P >0 0 5 )。结论 持续快速扩张后皮瓣的存活能力和修复效果可靠 ,可在临床使用。利用大容量扩张器不能进一步增加皮瓣的存活能力。  相似文献   

小隐静脉动脉化为血供的复合瓣重建腕部电烧伤手功能   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 腕部电烧伤的手功能重建 ,多需进行长段的肌腱、神经移植。但局部组织移植受床条件差的问题需克服。方法 我们设计了包含小隐静脉、腓肠神经和小腿筋膜的复合组织瓣 ,在静脉动脉化修复患肢血管 ,带血供移植神经的同时 ,利用筋膜瓣重建组织移植受床 ,并在此筋膜瓣上进行长段肌腱移植。结果 本组共 6例 ,5例成功 ,1例失败。随访 5~ 18个月感觉恢复分别达S2 ~S3,屈指活动 ,距掌横纹距分别达 1 5~ 5 2cm。结论 该术式术后肌腱粘连较轻 ,缩短了电击伤手功能重建的治疗周期 ,提高了疗效。  相似文献   

The dependence of the domestic washing machine on electricity makes it a potential source of an electric shock that can therefore lead to a burn. The aim of this report is to present a typical case of a washing machine burn and analyse their frequency and circumstances. Using a database, patients who had sustained a burn from a washing machine in a 2.8 year period were identified and the case notes obtained for review. Washing machine burns accounted for 12% of all electrical burns and 22% of all electrical domestic burns. All patients were males who had been attempting to repair a faulty machine. Six of the ten patients required surgical treatment. Despite numerous safety features, washing machines are a common cause of electrical burn, and methods of prevention of such injury need to be addressed.  相似文献   



Dynamic and static complex scar contractures after burn commonly cause tendon adhesion, deep adipose tissue stiffness and further limitation of major joints motion. Skin autografting or locoregional flaps are not adequate reconstructive options, because of the easy recurrence and limitation of donor sites. Therefore, free perforator flaps are playing increasing role in reconstruction of complex scar contractures.

Patients and methods

The free medial thigh perforator (MTP) flap is an addition to the reconstructive armamentarium and is particularly useful since the medial thigh is commonly spared in burn injury. Between December 2001 and October 2005, eight patients with severe post-burn scar contractures received free MTP flaps treatment in the Linkou Burn Center. The free MTP flap harvest was modified to enhance its reliability and versatility. Flap sizes ranged from 5 × 15 cm to 8 × 24 cm. The follow-up period was from 12 to 26 months. Flap harvest is rapid, averaging 37.8 min.


The significantly improved range of motion of the contracture joints approximated to normal activity at 6–22-month follow-up (< 0.05). No free major MTP flap complication was noted, except for mild marginal necrosis in one case.


The free MTP flap with new modified harvest is a good choice for dynamic an static complex scar contractures of major joints, due to short harvesting time and few variations of the pedicle. However, thick skin paddle was considered in secondary hand reconstruction.  相似文献   

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