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Based on the Integrated Psychological Therapy (IPT) for schizophrenia patients, the Berne group developed three specific cognitive behaviour therapy programmes for treating residential, vocational, and recreational functioning. We added new cognitive-emotional methods to these programmes that were devised especially for schizophrenia patients, taking into consideration the criticism of traditional social skill training methods. In the present multicentre study, these new programmes (experimental group) were compared with a traditional social skills training programme (control group, IPT "Social Skills" subprogramme). Both the therapy and aftercare phase each lasted 12 weeks and the follow-up phase 1 year. Assessment instruments covered psychopathology, cognitive functioning, and social adjustment. Higher ratings of global treatment effects and significant reductions in symptoms were obtained in the experimental group. In view of the favourable results, these newly designed social skill training programmes may replace more conventional therapy approaches in the future.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The number of older patients with chronic schizophrenia is increasing. There is a need for empirically validated psychotherapy interventions for these patients. Cognitive behavioral social skills training teaches cognitive and behavioral coping techniques, social functioning skills, problem solving, and compensatory aids for neurocognitive impairments. The authors compared treatment as usual with the combination of treatment as usual plus cognitive behavioral social skills training. METHOD: The randomized, controlled trial included 76 middle-aged and older outpatients with chronic schizophrenia, who were assigned to either treatment as usual or combined treatment. Cognitive behavioral social skills training was administered over 24 weekly group sessions. Blind raters assessed social functioning, psychotic and depressive symptoms, cognitive insight, and skill mastery. RESULTS: After treatment, the patients receiving combined treatment performed social functioning activities significantly more frequently than the patients in treatment as usual, although general skill at social functioning activities did not differ significantly. Patients receiving cognitive behavioral social skills training achieved significantly greater cognitive insight, indicating more objectivity in reappraising psychotic symptoms, and demonstrated greater skill mastery. The overall group effect was not significant for symptoms, but the greater increase in cognitive insight with combined treatment was significantly correlated with greater reduction in positive symptoms. CONCLUSIONS: With cognitive behavioral social skills training, middle-aged and older outpatients with chronic schizophrenia learned coping skills, evaluated anomalous experiences with more objectivity (achieved greater cognitive insight), and improved social functioning. Additional research is needed to determine whether cognitive insight mediates psychotic symptom change in cognitive behavior therapy for psychosis.  相似文献   

The majority of clinical trials of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) for schizophrenia have used individual therapy to target positive symptoms. Promising results have been found, however, for group CBT interventions and other treatment targets like psychosocial functioning. CBT for functioning in schizophrenia is based on a cognitive model of functional outcome in schizophrenia that incorporates dysfunctional attitudes (eg, social disinterest, defeatist performance beliefs) as mediators between neurocognitive impairment and functional outcome. In this report, 18 clinical trials of CBT for schizophrenia that included measures of psychosocial functioning were reviewed, and two-thirds showed improvements in functioning in CBT. The cognitive model of functional outcome was also tested by examining the relationship between social disinterest attitudes and functional outcome in 79 people with schizophrenia randomized to either group cognitive-behavioral social skills training or a goal-focused supportive contact intervention. Consistent with the cognitive model, lower social disinterest attitudes at baseline and greater reduction in social disinterest during group therapy predicted better functional outcome at end of treatment for both groups. However, the groups did not differ significantly with regard to overall change in social disinterest attitudes during treatment, suggesting that nonspecific social interactions during group therapy can lead to changes in social disinterest, regardless of whether these attitudes are directly targeted by cognitive therapy interventions.  相似文献   

Standardized recovery criteria go beyond symptom remission and put special emphasis on personal and social functioning in residence, work, and leisure. Against this background, evidence-based integrated approaches combining cognitive remediation with social skills therapy show promise for improving functional recovery of schizophrenia patients. Over the past 30 years, research groups in 12 countries have evaluated integrated psychological therapy (IPT) in 36 independent studies. IPT is a group therapy program for schizophrenia patients. It combines neurocognitive and social cognitive interventions with social skills and problem-solving approaches. The aim of the present study was to update and integrate the growing amount of research data on the effectiveness of IPT. We quantitatively reviewed the results of these 36 studies, including 1601 schizophrenia patients, by means of a meta-analytic procedure. Patients undergoing IPT showed significantly greater improvement in all outcome variables (neurocognition, social cognition, psychosocial functioning, and negative symptoms) than those in the control groups (placebo-attention conditions and standard care). IPT patients maintained their mean positive effects during an average follow-up period of 8.1 months. They showed better effects on distal outcome measures when all 5 subprograms were integrated. This analysis summarizes the broad empirical evidence indicating that IPT is an effective rehabilitation approach for schizophrenia patients and is robust across a wide range of sample characteristics as well as treatment conditions. Moreover, the cognitive and social subprograms of IPT may work in a synergistic manner, thereby enhancing the transfer of therapy effects over time and improving functional recovery.  相似文献   

Research evidence suggests that individuals with schizophrenia are prone to self-stigmatization, which reduces their psychosocial treatment adherence. A self-stigma reduction program was developed based on a theoretical framework proposed by our team. The effectiveness of such program to reduce self-stigma, enhance readiness for change, and promote adherent behaviors among individuals with schizophrenia was investigated. This program consisted of 12 group and four individual follow-up sessions. An integrative approach including psychoeductaion, cognitive behavioral therapy, motivational interviewing, social skills training, and goal attainment program was adopted. Sixty-six self-stigmatized individuals with schizophrenia were recruited. They were randomly allocated to the self-stigma reduction program (N = 34; experimental protocol) or the newspaper reading group (N = 32; comparison protocol). Measures on participants' level of self-stigma, readiness for change, insight, general self-efficacy, and treatment adherence were taken for six assessment intervals. The findings suggested that the self-stigma reduction program has potential to reduce self-esteem decrement, promote readiness for changing own problematic behaviors, and enhance psychosocial treatment adherence among the self-stigmatized individuals with schizophrenia during the active interventional stage. However, there was a lack of therapeutic maintenance effects during the 6-month follow-up period. Recommendations for further improving the effectiveness of self-stigma reduction program are suggested.  相似文献   



The present study was undertaken to evaluate the effect of cognitive training in improving trained and untrained cognitive processes in schizophrenia.


A simple pre- and post experimental study with a three month follow-up was conducted to determine the efficacy of cognitive training in speed of processing and executive functions improving cognition in 22 schizophrenia patients.


Significant improvement was found in those cognitive domains specifically targeted in the training protocol, but also to a limited extent on verbal memory and social cognition. There was also evidence of improvements in symptoms and social functioning. The training effects failed to transfer to community functioning skills however. Except for social cognition, these improvements were maintained at 3 month follow-up.


The study highlights the importance of understanding the mechanisms that contribute to the transfer of skills as well as the maintenance of cognitive changes in individuals with schizophrenia.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Most controlled studies comparing second-generation and conventional antipsychotics have focused on the acute treatment of schizophrenia. The authors compared symptom outcomes, side effects, and social adjustment in stable schizophrenia outpatients who received 2 years of maintenance treatment with risperidone or haloperidol. METHOD: This was a 2-year, randomized, double-blind comparison of 6 mg of risperidone versus haloperidol in 63 patients with stabilized DSM-IV schizophrenia. Study patients also received 15 months of standard behavioral skills training or enhanced training with a case manager who promoted patients' use of their skills in the community. RESULTS: The risk of psychotic exacerbations and the risk of leaving the study were similar for both drug treatment groups. However, patients who received both risperidone and the enhanced community-based skills training were more likely to remain in the study than those in the other treatment groups. Patients demonstrated significant improvement in score on the Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale over time with both medications. There were no between-group differences in cluster scores for thought disturbance, hostile-suspiciousness, and withdrawal-retardation. A significant between-group difference favoring risperidone was found for the anxious-depression cluster. Risperidone resulted in significantly greater reductions in tremor and akathisia and greater improvements in most items on the SCL-90-R. CONCLUSIONS: When compared with patients given a low dose of haloperidol, risperidone-treated patients experienced similar improvements in positive and negative symptoms and similar risks of psychotic exacerbations. However, risperidone-treated patients appeared to feel subjectively better, as indicated by less anxiety and depression and fewer extrapyramidal side effects.  相似文献   

社交技能训练对精神分裂症患者社会功能的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:探讨社交技能训练对精神分裂症缓解期患者社会功能的影响。方法:将95例缓解期患者随机分为干预组和对照组。对干预组给予小组社交技能训练,于干预前及干预12个月后采用社会功能缺陷筛选表(SDSS)、家庭负担量表(FBS)进行评定。结果:干预组训练前后的SDSS评分及FBS中家庭日常活动、家庭关系等差异均有显著性(P均〈0.05),对照组在治疗前后差异无显著性。结论:在药物治疗的基础上,系统而规则的社交技能训练能有效地改善患者处理家庭关系和家庭日常活动的能力并促进患者的社会功能恢复。  相似文献   

Psychosocial interventions that target social cognition show promise for enhancing the functional outcomes of people with psychotic disorders. This randomized controlled trial evaluated the efficacy and treatment-outcome specificity of a 24-session Social Cognitive Skills Training (SCST) that targets emotional processing, social perception, attributional bias, and mentalizing (or Theory of Mind). Sixty-eight stable outpatients with primary psychotic disorders were randomly assigned to one of four time- and group format-matched treatment conditions: (1) SCST, (2) computerized neurocognitive remediation, (3) standard illness management skills training, or (4) a Hybrid treatment that combined elements of SCST and neurocognitive remediation. The SCST group demonstrated greater improvements over time than comparison groups in the social cognitive domain of emotional processing, including improvement on measures of facial affect perception and emotion management. There were no differential benefits among treatment conditions on neurocognitive or clinical symptom changes over time. Results indicate that a targeted social cognitive intervention led to improvements in social cognition among outpatients with psychosis. Findings provide guidance for continued efforts to maximize the benefits of social cognitive interventions.  相似文献   

Social cognitive deficits are promising treatment targets for new interventions to improve functional outcome in schizophrenia. A few preliminary studies of inpatients support the feasibility of improving social cognition through psychosocial interventions. This clinical trial evaluated a new 12-session social cognitive skills training program designed to address four aspects of social cognition (affect perception, social perception, attributional style, Theory of Mind) in outpatients with psychosis, a population for whom such interventions will likely be very useful. Thirty-one clinically stabilized outpatients were randomly assigned to a social cognition skills training intervention or a time-matched control condition (illness self-management and relapse prevention skills training), and completed pre- and post-treatment assessments of social cognition, neurocognition, and symptoms. The social cognition group demonstrated a large, significant improvement in facial affect perception, which was not present in the control group. This improvement was independent of changes in basic neurocognitive functioning or symptoms. Results support the efficacy of a social cognitive intervention for community-dwelling outpatients and encourage further development of this treatment approach to achieve broader improvements in social cognition and generalization of treatment gains.  相似文献   

Cognitive-behavioural intervention in deliberate self-harm.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
OBJECTIVE: The objective of the study was to find the efficacy of cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) in the management of deliberate self-harm (DSH) patients. METHOD: The experimental group (n=20) was given 10 sessions of CBT. CBT included cognitive methods, behavioural methods, problem-solving skills training and behavioural counselling to significant others. The control group (n=20) was given routine medical treatment. Post-assessment was done for both groups at the end of 3 months. RESULTS: The analysis of pre-post-assessment revealed that only the experimental group showed significant improvement on all the variables, except on impulsivity. CONCLUSION: CBT was effective in the management of DSH patients.  相似文献   

Patients with first-episode schizophrenia show significant cognitive impairments even at this early phase of their illness. Antipsychotic medication improves clinical symptomatology, but the effectiveness of this treatment on neuropsychological deficits remains unclear. We investigated clinical symptom and neuropsychological performance change in 34 unmedicated first-episode psychotic patients (17 males, 17 females) from the time prior to treatment until 33.6+/-11.3 days after treatment initiation at which time patients demonstrated meaningful recovery from psychosis. Twenty-four matched healthy subjects were also studied. Performance in most neuropsychological functions (language skills, attention, nonverbal learning and reasoning, motor speed) remained stable for the group as a whole. However, reduction in negative symptoms was significantly correlated with performance increases in verbal fluency and attention. Higher negative symptom recovery was associated with improvement of cognitive performance to levels approaching those of healthy subjects, whereas low or no negative symptom improvement was associated with stable or decreased cognitive performance. Reduction in positive symptoms was not associated with change in cognitive abilities. These findings suggest a linkage between early, treatment-induced improvements in negative symptoms and reductions in distinct cognitive deficits.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Korean Americans' access to mental health services may be limited because of differences in their views of mental illness compared with Westerners, unfamiliarity with treatment methods, and cultural associations of social stigma with mental problems. This study used data from an urban outpatient clinic to assess the effects of a ten-week psychoeducational intervention for Korean Americans with chronic mental illness. METHODS: Forty-eight Korean-American adults with a diagnosis of schizophrenia were randomly assigned to either an experimental group that provided a culturally sensitive psychoeducational group program in addition to individual supportive therapy or a control group that offered only individual supportive therapy. The two groups were compared on pre- and posttreatment measures of psychiatric symptoms, attitudes about and understanding of mental illness, and coping skills. The experimental psychoeducational treatment group was expected to show lower symptom severity, greater understanding of mental illness leading to a decreased perception of stigma, and greater coping skills after the intervention than the control group. Comparisons were made with repeated-measures analysis of covariance with the effects of gender and education controlled for. RESULTS: Compared with the control group, the psychoeducational group showed significantly reduced symptom severity and perception of stigma and greater coping skills immediately after treatment. CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest that a culturally sensitive psychoeducational intervention is a useful short-term treatment modality for Korean Americans with a diagnosis of schizophrenia.  相似文献   

Devising new methods to improve neurocognitive impairment through cognitive remediation is an important research goal. We developed an original computer programme termed the Japanese Cognitive Rehabilitation Programme for Schizophrenia (JCORES) that provides cognitive practice across a broad range of abilities. The current study examined for the first time whether a cognitive remediation programme, including both computerised cognitive training using JCORES and group intervention such as enhancing meta-cognition and teaching strategies, is more effective than treatment as usual for improving neurocognitive and social functioning. Sixty-two outpatients with schizophrenia were randomised to either a cognitive remediation group or a control group. Participants engaged in two computerised cognitive training sessions and one group meeting per week for 12 weeks. The average number of total sessions attended (computerised cognitive practice?+?group intervention) was 32.3 (89.7%). The cognitive remediation group showed significantly more improvements in verbal memory, composite score of the Brief Assessment of Cognition in Schizophrenia, Japanese version (BACS-J), and general psychopathology on the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS) than the control group. These findings demonstrate that a cognitive remediation programme is feasible in Japan and is a more effective way to improve neurocognitive functioning and psychiatric symptoms.  相似文献   

In the last decade, several social cognitive remediation programs have been developed for use in schizophrenia. Though existing evidence indicates that such programs can improve social cognition, which is essential for successful social functioning, it remains unclear whether the improvements generalize to social cognitive domains not primarily addressed by the intervention and whether the improved test performance transfers into everyday social functioning. The present study investigated whether, beyond its known effects on facial affect recognition, the Training of Affect Recognition (TAR) has effects on prosodic affect recognition, theory of mind (ToM) performance, social competence in a role-play task, and more general social and occupational functioning. Thirty-eight inpatients with a diagnosis of schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder were randomly assigned to 6 weeks of treatment with the TAR--primarily targeted at facial affect recognition-or Cognitive Remediation Training (CRT)--primarily targeted at neurocognition. Intention-to-treat analyses found significantly larger pre-post improvements with TAR than with CRT in prosodic affect recognition, ToM, and social competence and a trend effect in global social functioning. However, the effects on ToM and social competence were no longer significant in the smaller group of patients who completed treatment according to protocol. Results suggest that TAR effects generalize to other social cognitive domains not primarily addressed. TAR may also enhance social skills and social functioning, although this has to be confirmed. Results are discussed with regard to the need to improve functional outcome in schizophrenia against the background of current evidence from other social cognitive remediation approaches.  相似文献   


Individuals with schizophrenia exhibit cognitive impairments, which are related to impairments in social functions. This study investigated the effects of cognitive remediation on cognitive, social, and daily living impairment. Participants were individuals with schizophrenia between 20 and 60 years old (N?=?44). Participants were randomly assigned to two groups: a cognitive remediation intervention group and a non-intervention control group. The control group was provided with conventional drug therapy and either day care or occupational therapy. The intervention group was provided with the “neuropsychological educational approach to cognitive remediation” developed by Medalia and co-workers. We assessed cognitive functions using the brief assessment of cognition in schizophrenia (BACS), and evaluated social and daily living functions using the global assessment of functioning (GAF) scale. Significant group by time interaction effects indicated that verbal memory, working memory, attention, and executive function showed significantly greater improvement at post-intervention for the intervention group than the control group. Social and daily living function also improved in the intervention group and improvements were maintained one year after intervention. These preliminary findings indicate that the combination of cognitive remediation and psychiatric rehabilitation is effective for facilitating improvements in cognitive function and social and daily living functions in individuals with schizophrenia.  相似文献   

Objective: Arts-based programmes have been shown to be useful for individuals with disturbances in cognitive and behavioural functioning. The current case studies examined the feasibility and effectiveness of a theatre skills training programme to facilitate social skills and participation for adolescents with childhood brain disorder.

Methods: A case study approach was used with two adolescent participants. Focus groups were conducted immediately post-intervention, while a battery of quantitative measures were administered pre- and post-treatment, as well as 8 months post-treatment.

Results: Perceived and documented improvements in social skills and participation were observed from pre- to post-intervention and at follow-up.

Conclusion: Results support the use of an arts-based intervention for youth with brain injuries to facilitate social skills and participation. Findings also highlight the need for more sensitive measures of these skills for youth with childhood brain disorder, who may have impaired awareness of their abilities and/or impairments in memory and language comprehension.  相似文献   

目的探讨计算机游戏训练对慢性精神分裂症患者认知功能和社会功能的影响。方法80例慢性精神分裂症患者随机分为对照组(常规治疗组)和研究组(常规治疗+计算机游戏训练组),各40例,干预6个月。应用阳性与阴性症状评定量表(PANSS)、重复性神经心理状态测验(RBANs)、威斯康星卡片分类测验(WCST)、社会功能缺陷评定量表(SDSS)在干预前后进行评估。结果干预后,研究组的PANSS总分、阴性量表分与对照组比较改善明显,研究组RBANs总分及各项因子分均较对照组改善,差异均有统计学意义(P〈0.05),但研究组WCST各项因子分与对照组相比无明显改善,差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05);研究组的SDSS量表总分及职业和工作、社会性退缩、家庭外的社会活动、对外界的兴趣和关心、责任心和计划性较对照组有改善,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。结论计算机游戏训练能改善慢性精神分裂症患者的阴性症状、认知功能和社会功能,但对执行功能改善不明显。  相似文献   

There is a paucity of interventional approaches that are sensitive to the complex needs of individuals with co-occurring schizophrenia and pathological gambling. Utilizing a single-participant design, this study conducted the first clinical evaluation of a novel and integrated non-pharmacological treatment for a participant with dual-diagnosis schizophrenia and pathological gambling. The participant underwent a 20-week treatment course comprising: (i) an initial phase of second-wave cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), and (ii) a subsequent phase employing a meditation-based recovery model (involving the administering of an intervention known as Meditation Awareness Training). The primary outcome was diagnostic change (based on DSM-IV-TR criteria) for schizophrenia and pathological gambling. Secondary outcomes were: (i) psychiatric symptom severity, (ii) pathological gambling symptom severity, (iii) psychosocial functioning, and (iv) dispositional mindfulness. Findings demonstrated that the participant was successfully treated for both schizophrenia and pathological gambling. Significant improvements were also observed across all other outcome variables and positive outcomes were maintained at 3-month follow-up. An initial phase of CBT to improve social coping skills and environmental mastery, followed by a phase of meditation-based therapy to increase perceptual distance from mental urges and intrusive thoughts, may be a diagnostically-syntonic treatment for co-occurring schizophrenia and pathological gambling.  相似文献   

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